Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Went to get a cupping session today. Really drained me. I have huge, puffy, purplish circles alll over. Went to the Y at 5;30am to get my requirements in. Ran 1.5 miles without walking!! Yessss!!! Helped out in class today and it was rewarding. I was, still am, very psyched about going to Instructors Camp, but dont have a ride up. I get off work at 3:30pm and almost everyone will be gone by then. I really have faith that everything will work out. Everything is in place with someone coming over to help Bobbi with the Twins. I'll get there. I'll hitch hike if I have to!!

  813 Hits

Prepping for the weekend

I'm looking forward to Instructor's Camp. There is a buzz in the air. I still have a lot to do, and the day is almost gone. Be safe ... See everyone in Greenville!

  681 Hits

work out

today i had an epic day, first i went to school then i went to tae kwon do class i went to family class and i helped in one class i couldn't go to a bb class because i had a mentor session and i had a Buch of homework to do i had i realy great tim at king tiger today i did great on koroy and my high red belt self defense will i had a great day today. 

  695 Hits

More work....

Today was another busy day. I finished my book for the cycle and have to get my essay done for that. I also had to go to King Tiger Lake Norman for a Sparring class tonight. It was a lot of energy and fun. We got to do a lot of sparring and now I think I'm pretty caught up on those classes. I'll work on my essay and requirements this weekend. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!

  944 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a great day went to school got alot of complements in 2nd block for wearing a dress. then i ha to stay after for Feild day practice. when i got home i had to get working on my spanish project because i just found out it was due tomorrrow. then i had dinner which was pretty good:) then went to sparring class and i got to spare marcus it was weird sparring someone with out a hogal

  1039 Hits


Time to pack for instructor's camp! I'm looking forward to Grandmaster Lee's poomsae session. In the past, it's always been my favorite. Although I loved the pool session last year too. I'm glad we are doing that again. The first few times I went to instructor's camp, we didn't have a pool session. I love the water and in love TKD so it's an awesome combination. Last cycle, I did some of my daily training in my pool at home...it's different and the water resistance helps see if your form is correct.

  921 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, What a day..Started off early. Went to the Y to run, work on sone poomsaes and physical requirements. Seems like no matter how many times I do them it doesn't seem enough because everything goes out the window when push comes to shove. I need to pick up some KTape for Instructors Camp. My mind was willing but my body wouldnt cooperate. After doing collectively 8.5 hours of massage, I was done. Came home, took a shower; helped with the grandbabies. set my alarm for 11pm finished the rest of my physical requirements and came on the computer. Need to check emails. I have close to 5 thousand unopened emaills. Good Night!

  894 Hits

half way done

Well it looks like the cycle is half way done. Cany believe that im already testing for my 3rd dan. I feel proud of myself. Even though I started a week amd a half later than everyone else I was still able to get caught up. I cant wait till the actual testing. I feel prepared.

  1016 Hits


I am really sore from tryouts and my elbow is hurting for no reason. I am good at passing and defending but offence I'm still working on it. if i don't make the team i might tryout for track so i can get rid of my running requirement. anyways we ran 5 miles at tryouts then did scrimmaging. 

  1020 Hits

Short Time

Not much time to journal tonight...Had a busy morning... Did a sesssion with almost 60 kids. I finished up and made it home with just enough time to grab a quick bite and head out to help with the afternoon class then on to the red belt plus class. .. "Wacky Wednesday". I'm experiencing back spasms, I think the leg throws last night did not do much for me... Class was a bit tough. My Mentor came to Belmont tonight to work with me. She rocks! We covered the attack and defend forms with and without the staff along with some other things. I really appreciate that she was able to take time out tonight. As it normally is I get home late on Wed.. Now I need to finish up my requirements and get eveything unloaded and the order processed for what I shot today. It doesnt take long to...

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  769 Hits

Creative Form

In my session with my mentor today I went through my creative form. She said it looked ok...no strange or awkward moves...so now I just need to practice it about a 1000 times in the next few weeks! We also had a good family class tonight and I finished up my requirements while watching Michigan play Purdue. They won with a buzzer beater...very exciting game!

  872 Hits

31st jounal entry

Getting to learn Wang Ho 5 will be quite interesting as you have to do a 360 degree turn usig left leg as the anchor and this is the leg that my ankle that I strained. I will need to find a way to make it work. Other than that a pretty usual Black Belt cycle day.

  997 Hits

great day

today i had i fun time at school i got to play mat-ball today its a combination of kick ball and dogeball and its a great game but the bad part is thats there to many people and when somebody kicks it somebody caches it  i don't get there's is 4 bases you haft to go around twice to get a point JUST 1 POINT WHY NOT 2 well i had a fun time in P.E i guess?!. in math i had tones of homework but i am glade that my teacher said i could just do half because i know everything else and i am in scholars math witch is good today i heard a good quote it came from *Albert Einstein* quote of the day:"imagination is more important then knowledge" -Albert Einstein        

  0 Hits


Good morning!!! I can not believe what a morning it has already been and it is only 5:50 a.m. I got up at 4:30 (nothing new there) and hit the floor running, almost literally. A while back if you had told me that I would wake up at 4:30, do 10 burpees, 10 inclined pull-ups, 20 sit-ups before running, I repeat, RUNNING 1.5 miles, I would have wondered what kind of nut you were. But that is what I did this morning. The best thing of the morning was that I beat my best time. Up to now my best time for this loop has been 24:17 but I set a goal for less than 24 minutes. TODAY I DID MY RUN IN 23:50.88 !!!!!!!! On January 18th when we took the pretest at Master Evins school I could not run the 1.5 miles so I did a walk/run. As a...

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  1081 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Im pooped. I had class earlier today, worked, then BB Class and PMAA Class. I realized that there is still so much I dont know. Had a heart to heart with my Mentor.I think we are on the same page now. Also met with my Mentee. Trying to help her prep for testing. This is the week I chose to be a whiite belt. Now I know why its a white belt. Looking forward to this weekend. Instructors Camp here I come.

  918 Hits

Rescue AOK

I Found a confused puppy running around between cars in rush hour traffic today. I Rescued her from the middle of the road and the chaos she had created and I found where she belonged. Best part was the wagging tail and the kiss she gave me up the side of my cheek. I spoke to some people about donations for our community service project and went to Black Belt class and PMAA class today. At the start of this cycle it seemed like forever. Now I have this feeling of there is not enough time.

  699 Hits

30th journal entry

Pretty good day overall. Staying busy at work. PMAA class today was challenging.

  900 Hits


had a great day at school and got to play team 4 square witch is really awesome, i had a lot of homework today in all my classes this is why i couldn't  go to bb class i am still stuck on a question on my homework  i think i am on question #30 on math  and i got 20 more to go but i still have a lot more work to do then just that i still got science and health i am tierd i wish i could freeze the world  and sleep and then keep doing my homework.   Quote: Life is like a trumpet if you don't put anything in it nothing comes out  

  824 Hits

PMAA class...

PMAA class! I love that stuff! But I need a lot more practice! I think this is the only section I haven't done! Hopefully we will do it at Instructor Camp!

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I had a ve...

I had a very good day today i went to school and was actually awake till i got to 4th block i started to get really tired but i didnt fall asleep. i had to stay after school for feild day practice. id dint do so well on the hang time today because i was so sore from yesterday. after school i saw one of my friends and she told me that she likes being around me when im alone because i act like myself like i actually talk to her. normaly i am really shy when it comes to a group of people i barley know, but when i with someone that i know i talk to them. them i got home and did homework and ate dinner. finally i had gone to PMAA class where we went over class c sticks stuff. and now i am at home about...

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  962 Hits

Tough PMAA Cycle

This double stick section C is kicking my behind! I need to practice it earlier in the day, I think. Going to class after a full day when my brain is ready for a rest may not be the best time for me to try to work on this. I'll keep plugging away and eventually I will get it. Today was a frustrating day at work. I wish I could have come to noon class at Master Evins', it would have been the perfect way to de-stress. But I had a meeting until 11:15 and it takes me 30 min to get there. Plus I needed a full hour at lunch to work on requirements. As soon as cycle is over I can get back to Tues/Thurs noon classes over there again. Ok, gotta finish up my requirements...

  958 Hits

Going to Mint Hill

Today I'm going to Mint Hill so I can make sure I am on track with my sparring classes. I've never been there before so I'm pretty excited about the experience. I am pretty caught up on my other requirements so I'll be able to spend time catching up on running (eewww). I want to just sit down now and watch TV but I still have work to do so.....I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!

  997 Hits

Gotta Love Dr. Bill

I had an appointment to see Dr. Bill at Advanced Health and Pain Relief this morning at 8:30. My left elbow is really bothering me, painful, not just discomfort. He manipulated my left elbow and wrist and checked my left knee & right shoulder. Ironically my knee cap and knee are doing quite well in spite of my running and everything. Nothing like my 1st Dan cycle. However, my left side has been hurting and I was afraid I had pneumonia again like last year before Instructor's camp. I also wondered if I might have a rib out again. Dr. Bill checked it out and said "Good call, you do have a rib out." He manipulated it and now it doesn't hurt to breath and move. I can't help but think my running and everything else will probably benefit from getting that back where it belongs since it affected my breathing...

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  889 Hits


Last night was a great night in our South Charlotte Black Belt class. We worked on poomsae with Master Chin for 1st half then Instructor Hsin gave us a great challenging work out. I met with my most awesome Mentor Amy Tucker. We worked on Staff attack/defend. I needed to refresh myself on it and I always enjoy performing that with a person instead of just by myself. I hope to meet with my mentee, Russ Castilow, tonight. We are behind on meetings because he was out of town one week then out sick the next week. We will need to double up this week but that keeps me from being able to go to North Charlotte for BB class and PMAA because he and I work out after our Wang Ho class that runs to about 7:30. Ugh, I was really wanted to go to NC for more sticks. Well,...

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  863 Hits

why isnt my account letting me in

Ive been up for the past two ours trying to get into my account. But it says it expired!! Ugh help!!

  981 Hits

why isnt my account letting me in

Ive been up for the past two ours trying to get into my account. But it says it expired!! Ugh help!!

  969 Hits

Busy Day

Its been a long day. I am still a little sore from the weekend. What a beautiful day weather wise. I really enjoyed being able to run/walk outside. I wish I had been able to spend more time outside than I did but my day was busy- i had alot to do preparing equipment and sets for work...My Spring schedule Starts this week...My calendar is jam packed through May... I am always grateful for any work I have, I know however for the next two months the challenges of the cycle are about to become even more intense.   I had a Mentee Session today, He did much better. I could tell he had practiced.. He is such a neat kid.  I enjoy working with him.

  767 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, God and the power of prayer is Awesome! I went into work today and my Boss decided to reconsider me taking off this weekend. I think I may be going to Instructor Camp! I wont know definitely until tomorrow. Didn't have much of a productive day today. Playing catch up on sleep. Looking forward to go to the YMCA tomorrow. Decided to try and learn how to sign language for my new skill. It is quite interesting. It made me think how fortunate I am to have my sense of speak and hearing.

  914 Hits

29th journal entry

Pretty common day today. Working on the answers to the test. Sorry not much to say today.

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I need to ...

I need to do more staff forms and Hapkido! #1-12 easy. But #12-32 I'm still working on! I know them but my brain won't put them in a numbered order! My foot still hurts and Instructor Camp is almost here! I came home with a broken wrist last year! I AM NOT GETTING HURT THIS YEAR! I want to finish this Black Belt Cycle without any injuries that require surgery!

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Try outs

Had soccer try outs today. i did pretty good but it was really intense and I'm really tired and sore. there was a fight there and i had to hold the 8th grader back from the puny 7th grader with a big mouth. 3 of my friends were helping but the  kid still got punched in the face so i guess it was all for nothing haha. anyways a stray elbow struck me on my windpipe REALLY HARD so now my voice is a little weird for the time being and it hurts 24/7. I dont know if i will make it but the other people couldnt dribble the ball so i think i have a pretty good chance but then agian if its only me and a cople other guys that are good then our team will be demolished every match. If that happens I'll... idk what i willl do...

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  1123 Hits


i had a great day today i first i went to school it was rough i had a lot of homework today right know this is my 20 min break i still got more to go. today i ran a lot more than any other day we ran more because the girls were listening to wrecking ball they said they still wanted to run because it was every ladies  favorite the only thing i herd from the girls is *I CAME IN LIKE WRECKING BALL* (IT WAS ANNOYING) and then *WHAT DOUSE THE FOX SAY *DING DING DING DING * so we eventually ran the whole entire day. well that was kinda helpful for me because i can get some running in. but i was mad at the same time. Then i went to all my regular classes witch i felt sleepy in every single class i don't know why i...

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  913 Hits

Good Day

I got tons of poomsaes and self defenses in today. I did some poomsaes this morning during a boring section of a conference call, more at noon class, then several in family class. And Instr Lloyd was my ukie before family class...we went through tons of self-defenses. Rick and I did our 10th mentee session today too. I got 2 miles in at noon and then another 2.8 miles this afternoon with my mentee (work mentee, not TKD). Only 2 weeks before the physical and written test...yikes.

  956 Hits

Overall ha...

Overall had a good day, didnt get much sleep last night though. This morning i couldnt find the normal mascara that i use so i had to try other ones i was having girl probs. went to school and had gone to all my blocks, then stayed after school for feild day practice. i am getting better at flexed arm hang. but before i went to practice i had to go talk to one of my friends and standing right in front of her was one of my other friends that i had to ignore the whole day for a specific reason but then she all of a sudden had asked me if i was gong to give her a hug but i was like but im not supposed to talk to you and shes like well i dont care and she actually said to me that she missed me. those...

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  1011 Hits


Good morning! This morning I did my 1.5 run and in spite of my calves feeling like they were on fire, I persevered and ran the whole time!! It took me about, I think 17 seconds longer but I still ran the whole thing. I am so proud of myself for that part of it that I can't get down about the time. I think part of the reason was I had a restless night last night and did not sleep well. I don't believe my body got properly rested. Plus last night at church we had pizza for dinner during Jr. Youth. I work with the Jr. Youth at St. Andrews UMC and I don't think the pizza set well with my tummy, too spicy & greasy. I love working with the Jr. Youth. They are like my children that I work with at South Charlotte, they are my "adopted...

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  918 Hits

Oh Happy D...

Oh Happy Day..Dear Journal, found out a few hours ago that my grandson, Cade, gets to come home tomorrow. Yeaaah!! And just in time. Amazing how God puts everything in place, first the car, then the crib and you know the rest. I know I cant give up. Had a staff meeting at my job today. Asked management if they could please adjust my schedule so i can attend Instructor's Camp for this upcoming weekend and got a negative. Not sure how I'm going to fulfill all my requirements to become a BB but I have faith that Giod will pull me through that journey as well. Phillipians 4:21. I guess I'ma have to thug it out! Lord Please be with me..

  993 Hits


The first words out of my mouth this morning were "oH... ouch"...ouch is a normal first word but not usually until after I put my feet on the floor. This morning it started as I tried to roll over to step out of bed.  The two classes, black belt and sparring back to back do take a toll on my body.  I wonder if that will ever change. During my run/walk today I have cut my time a little bit since the pre-test. Yeah!  To many it may not seem like much, but to me just the fact that I am doing any kind of jog is a real thrill.  It has been eight years now...I was a two pack a day smoker.  The june before my forty first birthday I decided it had been long enough and that not being able to breathe was not the path I cared to travel...

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  805 Hits

knee is getting better

Almost full functiom of my knee. Hurts a bit tho but the pain is bearable.  Got a good workout in today since ny knee didnt let me do much the past week :/ cant wait till class tomorrow! Back to a white belt ;)

  929 Hits

Busy Sunday

Today was a good, busy day. It was sunny outside and I spent most of the morning working on requirements. I went to Lenoir with my Mom to see my cousin get baptized. It was awesome because I was remembering when I got baptized. He was very happy to see us. I'm tired and it's time for bed but I'LL NEVER GIVE UP! !

  963 Hits

28th journal entry

Today was not as good as yesterday. I'm glad that I got a lot of poomsaes done earlier on the day. Not much more that I want to elaborate at this time

  898 Hits


today was the short day for me because i woke up did some running and did requirements , i had the breakfast ever it was really delicious. i went to church (had a great time there)i went to a princess party *yay* (Not Really) well the best part is that they had candy! and my coziness were going especially my little cuzoo she's 8 years old we both had a great time well me and my family were sense 4 o'clock so i was in the party for about 4 hours isn't that long well i think it is. i had an ok day from a scale 1 throw 10 it a (5).    

  816 Hits

Empathy Training Day

Today I completed my empathy training. I went for 12 hours with the use of only one arm. I'll save all the details for my essay, but let's just say it was a frustrating day and I was counting down the time until I had use of both my hands again. I'm so fortunate to be in good health! I also did a lot of (one handed) research and writing of my Korean History essay. I pecked my way to another 3 pages. Today was a physical recovery day. I did a lot of jump rope and sparring rounds and a few poomsaes (remembering what Instructor Auerbach taught us on the last cycle), but spent about 5 hours on my Korean history research.

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This morning I got and went for my run before going to church. I realized today on the way home from church that my loop done twice is actually slightly further than 1.5 miles, almost 1.6 miles and this morning I ran it all again. I have been doing requirements since church and working on Hapkido 1-20. I also plan on working on Stick forms and staff forms.

  1171 Hits

Shitaki Mu...

Shitaki Mushrooms!!!! I can't believe I fell asleep before entering my journal!!! SMH. Yesterday was another balancing act. I got up really early. Instead of going to the YMCA I ran/walk in my neighborhood and did my physical requirements at home. Dragged the entire family to the KIA Dealership in Gastonia. They held my hostage for 3.5 hours (the enitre time I sweating); missed BB Class and managed (by the Grace of God) to barely make Sparring Class. After that I worked 3-8pm. Does anyone know how to Clone a human being? :0) I need 4 of me: One to take over Mother/Nana Role; one for the Massage therapist, one for BibleTalk Leader/Servant; and One for the Tae Kwon Do Student. I know life is all about balance and with that will come inner peace. Am I there yet? Trying to work out a meeting schedule with my Mentor.

  1088 Hits

Didn't do ...

Didn't do much today. Just studied and went out to eat with family. My knee is getting better and I will have full function of it on Monday :) done with my essays and can't wait till the 15th for the written and physical test :) hopefully everyone is doing good!!

  884 Hits

4 days

I have missed a few days of journaling. My days just literally ran together and slipped by too quickly. Before I knew it, each night the time was past midnight and I had missed a journal day. Then told myself, I would do better... tomorrow. Well, now it is four days past tomorrow. All in all, it was a good week. I am still in catch up mode. I am trying so hard to keep up the pace.I trained this week as a white belt. I've made notes through the week and hope to finish up the essay before the weekend ends. I did Black belt classes on Tue, Fri and Sat. this week, a sparring class on Thu and Today and helped in class on Mon, Tue & Wed. I finished the week helping out with Parent's Night Out, Nerf War. We had a great turnout. Black belt class was...

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  713 Hits

saturday school

today i had school which was ok well i had a fun time at school the bad part is that i couldn't go to BB classes and any other classes i went to P.E which i choose the game it was 4 square every body in the whole class was happy that i choose the game we all had a great time at P.E then i thought i was going to lunch but my teacher said that because it was a half day well i was hungry i mean really hungry my stomach growled the whole entire day, i went to all my classes witch were all short especially reading i had a great day at school when i went home i got a package from eBay today it was a yankees shirt it was marino rivera's shirt know i am trying to gat it signed by the player.And i went...

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  685 Hits

saturday school

today i had school which was ok well i had a fun time at school the bad part is that i couldn't go to BB classes and any other classes i went to P.E which i choose the game it was 4 square every body in the whole class was happy that i choose the game we all had a great time at P.E then i thought i was going to lunch but my teacher said that because it was a half day well i was hungry i mean really hungry my stomach growled the whole entire day, i went to all my classes witch were all short especially reading i had a great day at school when i went home i got a package from eBay today it was a yankees shirt it was marino rivera's shirt know i am trying to gat it signed by the player.And i went...

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  677 Hits

27th jornal entry

I had a great day today. I really enjoyed the Saturday Black Belt class and the Sparring Class. I was so worned out and sweaty when everything was said and done. Went and enjoyed a late lunch with my husband and one of my daughters (the other one is in Disney living it up on a school trip). We went and bought some $5 movies at Target. Came home and went for a 2 mile walk with my husband. Watched one of the $5 movie, after it finished have been practicing over and over again Wang Ho 4, as it's new to me and I want to lock it down in my mental file, I feel pretty good about this one. On the other hand I need to get the staff forms more tightly down, and I need to rub off the rust of my short stick.

  879 Hits

Went Black...

Went Black belt class this morning wasnt to bad, we did lots of stuff in lines. then i had sparring class after and boy did i sweat. i probably sweated like 3 pounds. the instructor of that class told my mom that i have improved alot since the last class. then me and my parents went out to lunch at five uys, man i love their burgers and fries. we bought some movies at target for later to watch. when i got home i went for a run. ive been getting better at running since day one.

  986 Hits


Today was a great Black Belt class. We did a lot of kicking. I met with my mentor Amy Tucker before class on Stick form one and Bolo form. I was really glad that we got to go through them during class. I always leave Black Belt class feeling inspired & challenged. We have so many great people that encourage one another. Next week this time I will be at Instructor's camp. Wahoo!!

  867 Hits


I am not feeling well at all. I had to go to TKD. Oh and Instr. Luna, I'll be waiting for Logan. Anyway, jist got to get through today and I'll be all right. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!!

  929 Hits

A full day...

A full day is behind me. Whoo, tough and long. Got my requirements in between my appointments today. Feet are swollen, Legs are tight and back is sore, I've got issues. I'm considering an ice bath tomorrow... I just got the shivers just thinking about it. Might get me to feel better though. I'm still wondering why I can't upload photos on this journal.

  945 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Jpurnal, I had very little time to breathe today and what a waste because today was beautiful. I am overdue for a massage! we have 5 more weeks left. Wow where did the time go. Trying to stay on top of things. Going to need to double up on my clases and travel a little. I pray God makes it clear as to what direction He wants me to go regarding my car. Do I trade in and combine payments for whatever my new payment amount will be, or do I keep this car and continue paying and buy another used vehicle that will accommodate my whole family when going on road trips? Looked at a Dodge Caravan in Gastonia Kia today. But I have not idea what to do. Where is a husband when you need one... lol..They say be careful what you ask for.

  964 Hits

26th jornal entry

Glad this work week is over. My sleep has been shot all week long. The cherry on top of the sundae was the ride home today. I take the Express bus from downtown Charlotte to Huntersville. Today there was some kind of accident around exit 28 on I77, traffic was backed up all the way to exit 18. It took over 1 hour to get to the Park and Ride what normally takes 20 to 30 minutes. The good news is that I finished reading the book that I'm doing one of my essays on, so time did not go to waist.

  1041 Hits

good day

today i had a really good grade on my science test i made a 100 and i went to gym were i ran for 10 min straight my pe teacher said if i run for 10 min straight i would choose the game for the day well we all played dogeball, i had a really great day 

  1299 Hits


So glad today is Friday! It was a long day. Work meetings seemed to drag on, traffic was a bear, even my normal 2 mi run seemed long. Jess made the school softball team! Softball is her favorite team sport, so I'm really happy for her. I look forward to watching her play. Well, I need to get on the rest of my requirements. We did a lot of poomsaes in BB class tonight, but I have a lot to catch up on now!

  1021 Hits


It was rainy to day. My friends were all soaked while i was waiting in my garage for the bus to come :) When i got to school there was music on the intercom for the first time. I think it was because its Friday and the teachers were bored. In 1st block my teacher gave a really easy Extra Credit essay about the Holocaust. It only has to be 1 page so i will for sure be doing that after BB class. 

  1088 Hits


This has been a tough day. It started out great. I got up at 4:40 and went for my run. I am so excited because I ran the entire 1.5 loop again today in essentially the same amount of time as yesterday. Which I think is acceptable since my calves were so sore. It was a breezy 63 degrees. Work has been really crazy today. We were shorthanded and really, really busy so I did not get to take a lunch so there went an opportunity to do some requirements and then I have been on the phone so much that I haven’t been able to drop at my desk for pushups and sit-ups. I will have to make some up later today and/or over the weekend. Last night I worked with Russ, my mentee. He was out of town one week then sick the next so we are behind on...

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  933 Hits

Full day a...

Full day and with another full one ahead. Having my first competition team class tomorrow evening. My lower back still hurts and trying to take it easy on my body today.

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Im in L.A today, I know it seems late and Im a day behind, maybe. But, its 9:00  here and like midnight there. Well I havent done much but get on the plane so wish me luck

  1280 Hits

doesnt hurt as much

My knee wanted to front stances and back stances so badly today in class but was sooo hard to keep it from moving. It was fun taking class as a cripple! Haha but nonetheless I wasnt gonna quit. Hopefully I get this brace off!

  989 Hits

25th journal entry

Today a group from work and I went and volunteered at Second Harvest, sorted food by categories, after working half day on my regular work. I really enjoyed volunteering. Came home and started on my requirements. Did sparring class. Then took Mary Beth to her diving class. While waiting for Mary Beth to finish her diving class at the HFFA I completed my requirements. Came home and headed back out to deliver my other daughter Brittney to school as they have a trip to Disney World, she will be gone for 4 days, the house will be pretty quiet. Just another day in the Jolly residence!

  983 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal. I had an amazing workout in class today, with Master Knight. Lots of kicking. Worked at the Chiropractor's Office today; had an outside client and attended to some family matters. Now i'm Running on empty. And, I get to do it all over again tomorrow. ;0) My Bible Talk Group is meeting tomorrow. We have not met in over 5 weeks. I think my topic will be on Godly Love, which is the same type we should have for one another. I had my cupping session Tuesday to pull out lactic acid, reduce pain and improve the range of motion in my body. I feel much much better. I'm wondering how I can still be sore after so many weeks. Are we done yet!!

  961 Hits

a kid

today this kid was alone and he had no parent or any other person with him so i took him and showed him to my mom she said we would find her mother well we did then i went home and had a salad which was delicious  and i went out for a run which was epic and my friend came over we had so much fun, i really had a great day

  848 Hits

Helping littles ones

I had fun today helping out the little tigers in family class. I also did none stop sit-ups for 30 minutes because i want to get things out of the way 1 by 1. After this its shower time and bed :) I'm tired

  1064 Hits

Family Dinner

Tonight I chose to have a family dinner. It's been forever since just the 4 of us have eaten dinner together. So although I still have leadership credits to earn and classes to take, tonight I chose my family. Tae Kwon Do has won a lot of nights. Tonight, the family wins. The past few weeks, I have rarely been able to hear more than short snippets about the kids' days, so it's been good so far tonight to hear about Ben's day at Discovery Place, Jess' world history test and softball tryouts, etc. I got most of my requirements done at lunchtime. Just a few left to finish tonight, so it's time to get on it.

  987 Hits

Had a long...

Had a long day today, went to school had to wear my JROTC uniform. i look pretty good in it though, but then i had to stay after for feild day practice and o my gosh am i sore. i cant feel my legs and my hands hurt like crazy from doing flexed arm hangtime. then i have to go to sparring class and after that i have to go to diving practice. i am going left and right working out so much.

  999 Hits


I got up at 4:30 this morning & went for my run in believe it or not, 54 degrees (cloudy). There are two surprises in that statement... one was the temperature and the other more significant one was the use of the word run and not the phrase run/walk. That's right BABY!! I ran (without any, not one, walk breaks) my entire 1.5 mile loop!!!! Today was not about speed, which I still slightly beat my time of Monday and Tuesday, however, I wanted to be able to do the whole distance running no matter what time I got. And I DID IT!!!!!! I was a little overdressed. Not complaining about temperature, just stating that I got hot with the long sleeves on. Now on to pushups and situps before shower. Have a great day!!!

  926 Hits

Hump day!!...

Hump day!!! Halfway through the week! Spin falls early in the morning mess me up. My lower back is sore again and I'm trying to stretch it out but pain is all that I feel. No worries, nothing like a little ice on the back to make the pain go away. It's definitely a reoccurring injury but I'll be okay. Just can't kick so high with my right leg. Looking forward to career day at Landsdowne Elementary tomorrow.

  1067 Hits


Btw...doing pushups and squats and kicks with one leg is sooooo hard :o

  983 Hits

I am crippled!!

Aahhh...I hav a sprianed knee which also may be fractured :( but that will not stop me from doing my requirments. This will be an extra painful week. But I have no choice but to push through. These next 5 weeks will be intense!!

  911 Hits


I am just tired. A storm came last night and it was very loud. It took me a little bit of time to go back to sleep. I've been doing a lot of requirements so I don't get behind and my body aches. I saw today that I have gotten all of my requirements in some stuff. Woooo hoooo!!! That made me glad. Even though I am tired....I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

  1127 Hits

I was 1/4 ...

I was 1/4 mile into my run when I stepped on the curb instead of the sidewalk while crossing the street! Of course it was my right foot! I have broken that foot a few too many times! I dont think it is broken! It feels like my arch fell but the arch is still there! I limped all day.Worked on staff forms today. I need a lot more practice on those. And Wang Ho forms too. I mess up in the same spots almost every time! I will get it right eventually.

  1049 Hits

Had a good...

Had a good day been working out pretty much all day except when in school hours and when im asleep. I'm doing twice the amount of training then usual. i am doing on top of the black beltcycle, JROTC field training and then on thursdays i have diving practice. i am like soo sore. already half way done with this cycle yayy

  969 Hits

23rd journal entry

What a night! There was a major thunder storm around 2AM. It felt like it was right over my house. The dogs were all bent out of shape, their hearts were pounding so hard. With all of that said another night that my sleep pattern was out the window. I really need to have a good stretch of good night sleep to recharge my batteries. Overall not a bad day got a lot done. I just don't want to get too low on my reserves and then drag the rest of the way.

  1050 Hits

Thunder Storm

Wow. Last night was a crazy night. We had a big thunderstorm (as I suspect most of Charlotte did). It scared my 87 pound German Shepherd, Hans, and he kept me awake from 1:30 to 3:00 panting, pacing and jumping on the foot of the bed. I finally got to sleep around 3:00 then when the alarm went off at 4:00 it was still storming and I turned over and went back to sleep. That was not a great move. Even though I woke up later than I intended, I was still able to get in most of my planned requirements before, during and after work and church. I found that I really missed not getting my run in this morning. I realized it set the tone for the day which, I am ashamed to say was kind of negative or shall I say, disappointed. Well, I plan on getting up...

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  999 Hits

Full day

Today was a full day. I had to be in the office early in the morning and I had a couple good meetings there, then I went to LKN for noon class. We got in a run, as well as mentor and mentee sessions. Then I worked form home in the afternoon. I got most of my push ups and sit ups as well as a few poomsaes this afternoon while I was thinking about work and doing some planning. Then it was off to teach family class and finish my requirements. My knee seems a bit better today, hopefully it's on the mend.

  966 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, IDK who invented Burpees but they must be one twisted person. They are the least favorite of my physical challenges so i must learn to love them...burpees are my friend..Nnnn..negative. I HATE THEM!! For the most part today was a beautiful day. I cant wait for Spring so I can take my running outside. Another on the list of my least favorite thing to do but I am trying to embrace it. We went to the hospital early this morning to visit Cade. Dr's say he wont be home for another week. Still on feeding tube :0(.. I miss him and I dont even know him.

  979 Hits

Wow, what ...

Wow, what a beautiful day it was. Great weather, just what we needed to thaw out and regain focus from the snow last week. Back teaching classes felt great, but definitely have seen the difference of missing a week of taekwondo that made on the students. My body is beginning to fatigue but I'm pushing through by staying well hydrated and stretching for a solid 45 minutes each night. Finding the time is hard but definitely worth the effort.

  982 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Made it through another day of juggling balloons. Baby Chol had a doctor's appointment to check her jaundice level...not sure if okay because results were sent to her primary care physician. My grandson Kash was sick and had to pick him up from the Babysitters (his Mom was in school). Went Crib shopping for an economical crib (wow..with all the accommodations--mattress, railings, etc., its almost a mortgage payment).. Not sure if okay because results were sent to her primary care physician. Another Dr's visit schedule for Thursdays. Had my PMAA and BB Class tonight. Could barely keep my eyes open. Fulfilled my physical requirements. Now I have to learn to upload documents in dropbox. Lord help me. Til Tomorrow.

  1042 Hits

My feet an...

My feet and calves are sore! 5 rounds of jump rope with 30 seconds to rest in between rounds! I did a mentee and a mentor session today! Inst. Schneider is an awesome mentor! She always grabs me as soon as class is over and makes me do poomsaes or self defenses.

  1101 Hits


Messed up my knee vary badly today :( gonna be wearing a knee brace for a while... ugh..only able to do half my requitments than I usually do :/ oh well

  1029 Hits

23rd journal entry

I had a better sleep last night, but I could of slept a little longer. We had a make up weekday black belt class today (thank you Master Chelley and Master Conrad), due to al the snow days making us fall behind on this requirement.

  851 Hits

23rd journal entry

I had a better sleep last night, but I could of slept a little longer. We had a make up weekday black belt class today (thank you Master Chelley and Master Conrad), due to al the snow days making us fall behind on this requirement.

  850 Hits

Today was ...

Today was overall not a bad day, but very long. Starts out with getting up and going to school, went through the day with all my classes. Then i had to stay after school for field day training for JROTC. I am the best female that can hold the longest hang time but i still need to work on it. i do the most sit-up than any of the girls. Me and my partner Brooke we do a fast three legged race. And then there's horse and rider, I'm not the best at that but my group and i will improve we have a month to go. then i had gone home and ran 2 miles then did my homework, and finally at the end of everything went to class and PMAA class.

  1053 Hits

Make up

Tonight we had a BB make up class, then PMAA class. I had all my push ups, sit ups, burpees, etc done at noon time today along with a few poomsaes. Then tonight I went for a run, went to BB class, had a mentor and mentee session, then PMAA class. I have just a bit of my cold left, but feel nearly normal...just a headache, cough, and runny nose left. My knee still flares up, but it doesn't hurt too bad. The swelling is more of an uncomfortable feeling. Basketball for the kids is finally over! On to spring sports. Jess is trying out for the softball team this week. So that changes the schedule around a bit...keeps me on my toes!

  896 Hits

My Report

I did a report on Charlotte E. Ray today at school. It went great. But when I got home, I ran 2 miles, 80 push ups and sit ups, 150 kicks, studied, jump rope, and meditation. Pretty sure I am getting better on pull ups, not to mention doing 10 today. Even through hard and painful times, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

  894 Hits


today i went to school and I had a weird my teacher said that i was going to have school on Saturday which made me sad because i cant go to black belt class this Saturday what a *bumer* i cant go to any class on saturday well i will have homework on saturday thats what all my teachers said i went to my science class and i found out that i had a needle inside my skin in my elbow i went to there nurse and she pulled it out it was a real needle not a blister! so when i went to gyms the teacher said i could not run i felt sad but i could play the game which made me happy and made my day i had a wonderful day

  706 Hits


Wow. I have done it again. Two days in a row. Today I got up at 4:30 and went for my MOSTLY run/little walk in the 32 degrees dark. Not only did I go... wait for it.... I beat yesterday's time!!!! My running distance increased significantly and focused breathing was better. Thank you to all my friends/mentors that ran with me. Master Rome Chin Beightol, Master Terrance Evins, Master Jason Honeycutt, Amy Giles Tucker, Master James Thamm, Pam Goley Russ, Master Robert Shin, Emily Monday Brinkley, Maria Sharpe Jordan, Alex Kendall, Kate Aberman and Joyce Mathers Sarvis. Your voices all were there encouraging today and yesterday. Reminding me that I could rest after I got home, that I could make that hill, to relax and enjoy the run and that I could do this. Thanks guys/gals. I hope you enjoyed your run with me :-)Also, I had several people over the...

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  918 Hits

White Belt day one

It felt good to get back to class today.  I started my white belt challenge week.  Some of the higher belt students immediately recognized what I was doing and made some jokes about the new kid in class... some of the lower belts looks at me bewildered and asked why I was wearing a white belt.  I explained.  Lining up in the back of the room I realize how bad my eye sight and hearing are.  I may have to wear my glasses during class this week.  Being a bochodan at a Black Belt class is similar.  I have a hard time seeing and hearing there too.  I worked on the single stick poomsae tonight. I really should know this, I do not understand why I have such a difficult time remembering this form. Something about having a stick in my hand, my brain is not catching on.... Another task I need...

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  796 Hits

Dear Journ...

Dear Journal, Is it me or does it seem like the days are running into each other (e.g., my days and nights and weekdays and weekends)? I am really greatlful forthe ability to wake up and start over. Worked til 6pm; helped out in 6:45pm class; finally met with my Mentee and went over sparring combinations. Yeaaah.... It felt good. I really enjoy helping others. It helps me not focus so much on self.

  987 Hits

I wanted t...

I wanted to do more on my White Belt Challenge since most of it was snow days so I did Kwon Sool 50 times! It took me about 35 minutes. I still start with my right hand every once in a while. As an Instructor I have done it mirroring more than I have the correct way. Same with Chagi Sool. I step with my right foot all the time.

  1099 Hits


Today was cool. It wasnt too cold outside and I was inside cozy all day. The only bad part is that we had to go to school on PRESIDENTS DAY. WE should never have school on presidents day, we must honor are presidents, not sitting around learning about volcanos.

  1156 Hits

A Whole Lotta Work and Snow

The past week has been VERY busy. I somehow got behind on my requirements and had a lot of stuff to make up. While I was snowed in, my Mom had me doing a BUNCH of requirements. I have been doing pull-ups, sit ups, push ups, poomsaes, self-defenses, and on and on and on.....man have I been tired. But, I know it's because she wants me to do well. Today I was really frustrated because I have also been working on a project for school while I've been on cycle and I was just ready to give up. My Mom asked me if I was a quitter and it really made me feel bad. I said "'NOPE" I'm not, and I finished my project. I am kind of not happy because I have to do a presentation on Thursday night for school and will miss Black Belt class but...school comes fIrst....

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  936 Hits

Had an aws...

Had an awsome day today went to school and saw my friends that i havent seen since last tuesday. went home went for a 2 mile run i scared my dad, he didnt know where i was because i was out on a run and i didnt tell anyone. got home and i had told him that i wrote on the board saying that i was on a run but he didnt see it. then i went to take my classes at lake norman went home and took a shower, and now i am going to go to bed

  962 Hits

22nd journal entry

Had very little sleep last night I thought that I was going to drag all day today, but after being at the dojang and getting things going I actually got quite a bit done. I'm going to bed earlier today I don't think that I can keep up the rest of the week at the same level if I don't catch up with my sleep.

  996 Hits

Holiday Monday

Today was a normal workday for me, but both kids were off school, so it didn't feel like a normal work day. I ran for the first time in several days due to being sick and the weather. About 3/4 mile in my knee started to hurt. It swelled up just enough to be annoying later in the day. I got both a mentoring session in and got a mentee session in..thank goodness. I'm behind in sessions with my mentor. I'll try to get caught up on those this week. I got to family class early and got some requirements in beforehand, then taught family class and got a lot of requirements in during that class as well. So I just have a few min worth to do before bed! Yeah!

  854 Hits


Good morning. I am very proud so of myself. I got up at 4:30 this morning to work on requirements, specifically running. I got new running shoes Saturday. I did not do many requirements yesterday. Yesterday afternoon I had two meetings, one of which was very disturbing and left me in a bad place emotionally. I am not saying it will be completely over in 5 months but it will be a lot better when I will not need to deal with this individual anymore. I wish I could say that I went for a run right after that but I had another meeting back at church and had to attend to that. That said, I did get up this morning and go for my 1.5 mile run/walk in 37 degree weather. I am very pleased with my run this morning. I am getting better at listening to my body and...

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  953 Hits

Went hard ...

Went hard today and worked out by myself for about 1.5 hours. Practiced portions of my planned workout for instructor's camp and all of my wang ho forms. Finding the practical uses for the forms is difficult for me to see yet, but I'm going to keep at it until I figure it out.

  899 Hits