Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


And so it begins…. I got up this morning at 4am to do some training before I left for work.  I was able to get my pushups, situps, poomsaes, burpees, self-defense, and kicks done.  (I find that I do better early in the morning, instead of waiting till the end of the day.)  I did two miles during lunch today.  I finished up my sparring rounds, jump rope, and pull-ups after I got home from work, before class. I toke the TKD Plus and BB classes tonight.  I was going to take PMAA, but I forgot my shirt. It looks like we are going to have a very large group of testers this time.  I hope everyone works hard and has a huge sense of accomplishment by the time we get our belts!

  37 Hits

First Day

First day of my audit cycle.  It's a long journey to test for my 4th Dan. Since I spent 9 hrs in the car today, I didn't get to all the daily items. I need to establish a rhythm. 

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Step One, The journey begins

Dear Journal,  I did not know how to start this so I started with "Dear Journal".  This is the first day of the black belt cycle.  I've been preparing for this over the weeks but this is probably the hardest thing I've done. My mom read somewhere that out of all the people that start a white belt only 3% reach there black belt!  They say a journey of 1,000 miles (The black belt cycle) begins with one step (The First Day Of The Cycle) and a good pair of shoes.  This will take more than shoes this will take sweat, a whole lot of it pain in your muscles, and tears because of the pain.  I've gotten a lot of advice from the masters that have gone before me like Master Burkart, Master Thamm, Instructor Jaque, and Instructor Alexander.  Master Thamm said to double up or triple up on the...

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  1018 Hits

First day

Today was the first day of requirements. My body was not prepared for today so I am a little tired. But I will get used to it again sooner or later.

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ballet and my requirerments

i had ballet today so i had barely had enough time to get the rest of my requirerments done.

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Day One

Today was hard. I had fun.  I figured out to work in the computer journal/program. 

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first day of cycle

ive been doing all the physical stuff already so they dont feel any harder yet...still first day haha. last day of eating junk. about to go healthy the next couple weeks

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First Day of Black Belt Cycle

Today was hard, but I knew it was coming.  It takes a lot of dedication, time, and effort.  If you are going to do this, you have to be strong, patient, and dedicated-like me!

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Day 1

I am so excited that the cycle has started!  Since I have done this before and I know what to expect, it doesn't seem as intimidating. 

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Day 1

Its day 1 and this is my first round so I dont really know what to expect but I know I can do it.

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Day One!

Starting the Black Belt cycle and feel good but nervous.

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The cycle has started!  Since this is my second time around, I feel I know what to expect and I'm ready.

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The Journey Continues

Well, today is the first day of the Fall Black Belt cycle and I am excited and nervous. I know it will be tough, but rewarding. I will learn a lot about Tae Kwon Do, myself and the others on the cycle with me. It seems like a long time but I know the time will go quickly therefore effective time management is the key to success.

  1040 Hits


This is my last journal and now I am done with the cycle. After another 10 weeks for me to finish up, didn't quit and still finished it all.

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Last Tuesday of school.  Gonna see my dad on Saturday in Indiana.

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Had a concert at school, glad i had no homework

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Didn't like it when there was no sparring class but I just realized I did all fifteen of those sparring classes by checking it.  So after this journal I have three more left.  That will be it and I'm done. :)

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1 week of school left and then it's summer.  

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Finished my last leadership credit today

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gonna do my last leadership credit tommorow.  I have 3 projects due this week

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Glad Monday was off.  43 journals done.

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Didn't get to go to the King Tiger Tournament.  Darn it.

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I know I'm finishing the requirements,  It may look like it's not updated but I am doing requirements and I'm still logging it down.  All I need is 1 leadership credit and 2 sparring classes and journals.  That's all.  Did all the pullups, leadership credit 2, mentor and mentee sessions even though it's not updated.  Thank you, just wanted to let you know.

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Did leadership credit.  Had science Eogs today. :(

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Did Leadership credit today.  I'm going to King Tiger Tournament to finish my sparring class credits.  

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I have about ten journals left and four leadership credits.

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Fast week went by and a Saturday came.  Can't beleive there is no sparring class.  I needed to do one.

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Too late for the credit today.

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leadership credit donev today and yesterday.  5 more left.

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Made a card and getting two great things for my Mom.  

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Glad it is Friday.  Probably not going to the tournament because Lots of Mother's Day Planned out so I'll just go to the remaining two sparring classes  

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2 sparring classes left. I'll probably do the aau tournament to finish those two sparring classes out of the way.

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Did leadership credit and did last mentee meeting.

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Did leadership credit and mentee meeting.  Awesome day

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Finished all my pullups and leadership credit 2.  10 more leadership credit 1,   2 mentee meetings,  1 mentor meeting,  and 2 more sparring classes and I'm finally done.

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Relaxing Sunday.  Too muddy to go outside so I relaxed today inside.

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Had a great sparring class.  Getting ready to eat lunch now.

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Just finished homework.  It was pretty hard but I managed to finish at 10:39

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Leadership credit 1 and 2 and did mentee meeting.

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Today got my leadership 1 and two credits done.

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today my grandparents flew back to LA.  Had a good time with them.  My face is really better now and I can do leadership credits this week.

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Truly Finished

Three Sparring Classes in one week along with finishing all of my other requirements prior to testing, I can finally say that my cycle is truly & completely finished. Yeah man!

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So, we had color belt testing at the LKN Dojang yesterday and today. It was fun helping them. I was able to work in a sparring class today as well. This leaves me one more sparring class and my cycle will be truly complete.

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Same thing again today, the swelling is going down but can't take class still. 

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Typically Good Tuesday

I had another typically good Tuesday of classes and workouts. Most importantly I did another Sparring Class, leaving me two more which I will complete Thursday & Saturday.

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I can't do take any classes right now since the kick in the face I got in sparring class.  It is really swelled up and it is hard to talk and eat since of some damage inside my mouth.  Hopefully it will heal by the end of the week.

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Good Weekend - Fun Retreat

We had a very nice Black Belt Retreat at the White Water Center highlighted by the Canyon Spur High Ropes Adventure. Instructor Dege & I conquered the challenge with relative ease. The BB Moment came on our way home when we earned a group Random Act of Kindness assisting a lady when she forgot to replace her gas cap. I am already looking forward to my next official cycle in 2015.

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Today I did five laps around the school track.  I have my friends running with me too.  Great time.

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I feel disappointed in my success with my split. By "success" I mean "still a good 5 inches from the ground".  I just wish I had started stretching earlier in preparation for this goal so I could have had something constructive to show for it on testing day. I didn't even really fully stretch out for the afternoon testing, I felt too tired to do it. I'm going to keep working at it, though, especially since it will only get harder as I get older- it's now or never!

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Post test soreness

I can't believe that I am still sore from testing!!!! I'm slowly starting to be fully stretched out again, but my shoulder, knee, ankle, and hip continue to bother me. The cut on my hand is healing nicely though and I don't think there will be a scar, so that's good!:)

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I came off the bus late today because bus driver wasn't feeling well and blablablablablablablablabla.  For that I missed My Leadership credit today and mentee meeting.  What a bummer

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So, after a few days of chilling after a awesome weekend I eased back into things today. I went to the mid-day class @ Master Evins' Dojang and then ran a mile and did light workout after shopping & chores. Overall, I had a great weekend. The overnight was terrific and we finished early. Master Evins released us @ 04:30. I came home and drank a Whey Protein Shake, ate a Roasted Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast I had cooked the Thursday night, took a shower and slept off and on for 4.5 hours. I then ate a three egg & cheese omelet and went to our afternoon testing. And that went quicker than I thought also. So, I was able to return home and shower before heading to work @ 17:30. The Scholarship Dinner went great and we finished @ 23:30. After a very good night's sleep I went to church Sunday...

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  1998 Hits


Did leadership credit and mentor meeting today.  Gonna finish all these extra requirements I didn't finish up.

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Had a good time at testing and just recovered from the overnight testing.  Gotta do 32 more journals.

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Had a good time at testing and just recovered from the overnight testing.  Gotta do 32 more journals.

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Feeling really sour from testing..but had a nice sleep! Just trying to do a couple more journal entries  

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Slept right after i came back from the early morning test... Woke up at 9 and had an apple!!

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Never ending practice!

Okay I've practiced everything I know at least once, hopefully it's enough! The self defense is really extensive, though, I'm getting them mixed up. 

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Good Luck on Testing!!

I just want to send some positive energy toward the Black Belts that are testing tonight!  You guys are going to do an awesome job.  Just remember, you know your stuff, now it’s your chance to show everyone how hard you’ve been working.  Be strong and breathe!  J

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Looking forward to tonight

I am so jazzed about our night ahead. I am drinking an amazing amount of water to help prevent dehydration and cramps. We are going to have so much fun. See you all tonight!

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SO TERRIFIED FOR TESTING!!!!! I hope the fear and adrenaline keep me awake! >_<

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Getting hours closer to testing and feeling kindve good. Hope i dont black out during a form on the test. Hope everything goes well.

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Last one

Didn't see it but his is my last journal! I've been at my internship do its been busy, busy! Tomorrow is the test I have practiced and perfected my creative poomsae, even put music to it! Excited, scared, happy, nervous is how I'm feeling right now!

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Another good TKD Wednesday

I had very good afternoon/evening at the LKN Dojang. I am also really jazzed about the overnight this Friday. We get to take a class that allows us to practice & perform everything that we have learned. We get to do every poomsae, self defense, back fall, hopkido, staff, sticks, etc. It is awesome. Well I have to get up at 04:00 tomorrow to teach just like this morning so goodnight people.

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Getting Close

Almost done everything. Im getting pumped for this test. It took a long time to get to this point and I hope to have learned a lot from this experience.

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Good second half of a Tuesday

After a good mornng that included class at the North Charlotte Dojang the afternoon and evening went well also. I prepared dinner for the St. Mark's Mid-Week Service and Dinner series and then went to sparring and PMAA classes @ the LKN Dojang. Now, if I can just figure out something to do this Friday night and Saturday morning.

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A great day so far

Attending the midday class @ the North Charlotte Dojang on Red Stripe Day is always fun. And you are guaranteed to get some requirements knocked out along with an awesome fun workout. Thank you Master Evins!  

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Im almost done choreographing my creative form. Only the last four steps left but trying to make them good. Great cycle and cant wait till friday

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Creative form

I'm so excited that I have my creative form done!  I'm very glad I chose to work with a staff because I love it so much.  I worked it out with a short stick at home, though, so it will take some work adapting it to the staff.  

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As the week of our Black Belt test is finally here, I think about how much I have learned, but I wish I felt more confident with hapkido. It's not even the hapkido really, it's the memory. I know...repetition, repetition, repetition, but time is running out for repetition. I was able to take my last required sparring class today after Black Belt class and finished up one of my last essays today too, so that is a big relief. Just one more to complete! A big THANK YOU to Instructor Randle, Instructor Tucker, Instructor Lloyd and Master Cavazos who have been extremely encouraging this whole cycle! And Camille too! I couldn't have gotten this far without out each of you. At what point do we say that we've practiced and practiced and studied and studied, that we need to trust ourselves to perform our best? Do we ever get to that point? It would be nice to...

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Very Good TKD Saturday

I really like our TKD Saturdays. Got to the dojang early, ran, did pooms and requirements, BB Class & Sparring Class. You have to love it.  

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Scheduling Challenges

The next two weekends are going to be very interesting. Work on Friday the 12th from 08:30 to 19:20; Over-Night Testing from 22:00 to 06:00(4/13); Open Testing from 12:30 to completion; work at Ai until 23:59. Lay Eucharistic Minister Sunday the 14th @ 10:30 service. Then on Friday the 19th I orchestrate a Dinner Reception @ the Art Institute until 17:30; attend Tea Ceremony @ 18:15; Deliver Continental Breakfast to St. Mark's @ 08:00 on the 20th; Black Belt Retreat with some incredibley awesome people.  

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Soon vacation will be over

Last day of snowboarding, we leave for the plane tomorrow. Been working a lot on hapkido and I have a dad to thank for that. Super sore from all the snowboarding and even with a good night sleep I should feel even worse in the morning! 

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BB Training as a way of life

There is no doubt that the concept of Black Belt Training is a great standard whether one is "on" cycle or not. I continue to train even though the requirements are complete (except sparring classes) and I will continue even after testing.

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A Poomsae is....

A Poomsae is a choreographed demonstration of various kicks, blocks, and hand techniques of Tae Kwon Do which the student utilizes with an imaginary opponent.  A Poomsae is a choreographed demonstration of various kicks, blocks and hand techniques of Tae Kwon Do which the student utilizes with an imaginary opponent.

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Another day of snowboarding

Last night got through all of the hapkido, going to go through them all again. Went up on the mountain again, but this time we went on some new trails; which was a lot of fun. This morning woke up with snow everywhere, great for snowboarding. Tomorrow hopefully we will go snowmobiling, busy busy week!

  1367 Hits

Let down

Getting micro-organized for the next two weeks. I have everything planned out for each day and I have a ton of review and a ton of writing. The test feels real and I'm terrified about being too tired on Friday to preform well or being that one person that messes up and makes everyone have to practice a poomsae like 20 times. I don't know, I guess we'll see. Also found out my best friend scheduled something over black belt testing....awesome to have his support when I need it. 

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Wow I had a blast snowboarding today! I actually didn't think I'd ever get the logistics about it, but it turned out to be easier than I thought. Although I was soaking wet from falling, I had a ton of fun and I would defiantly encourage people to try it some time. Maybe tomorrow ill go back and shred some more but I'm just waiting for the soreness to kick in!

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Wonderful Easter Weekend

I could not have asked for a better Easter weekend. For the first time since Jan 1, I had two days off, Friday & Saturday from everything; no work, no studies, no church responsibilities & no TKD. I did work in some push-ups, sit-ups, etc and went for walks/runs with my wife. I got so much done around the house it was awesome. Cleaned my home office, did yard work, cleaned cars, cooked dinner and so much more. I look forward to the next two weeks preparing for our overnight. See you in the dojangs!

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In Utah

Finally got here! We are now settled in to the hotel reserved snowboarding lessons and I am ready to hit the ski lift! I know that I am going to Extremly sore tomorrow, but it will all be worth it and I'm going to have a lot of fun learning the techniques of this extreme sport.

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I'm finally done entering all of my stuff!!!!!!! Most of the requirements I'm in pretty good shape for, though I'm not looking forward to doing 321 reps of self defense before testing:P I suppose that will take care of itself, though, in my preparation for the overnight testing.  Also, 2190 kicks seems like a lot, but I'm confident that I can knock that out in a few days if I have to.  

  5012 Hits

just reflecting

0 0 1 100 570 University of North Carolina at Charlotte 4 1 669 14.0 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} 0 0 1 100 570 University of North Carolina at Charlotte 4 1 669 14.0 Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} As I’m nearing the point in my life where I'll be going off to college soon, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what tae kwon do means to my life.  It has been the only consistently motivating force in my life.  Of course, academics have pushed me to succeed and move on to college and beyond, but...

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  8419 Hits

I can go the distance

Walked the full five mile route through my neighborhood today with my dad.  Took ages, but I love the one-on-one time with him.  We talked a lot about the creative form and the breaking routine; I really appreciate his input, especially with the breaking (he has designed my routines for the past two tests).  Hopefully together we can up with something interesting!!!

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The airport

In an hour or so I am about to board the plane to Utah. Before this my mom and I went on a 2 mile walk with Roxy, before she went to a friends house to stay at. Once we got to the airport we waited for dad to get back from parking the car and I did some hapkido. Can't wait, so excited for snowboarding!!!

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Excited for Snowboarding

I can't wait for snowboarding!!! We leave tomorrow for the airplane at about 5, and I can't wait!!! I was able to do some poomsaes, self defense and some push-up, sit-ups USA well. I weighed myself today just to see how much I had lost over the cycle, and it turns out that I lost 26 pounds! Which isn't surprising but it's still a shock. We recently got new exercise DVDs and equipment so ill be doing those every weekend to stay in shape.

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I can relax

Gosh I still can't tell how good it feels just to come home and relax. I had a softball game tonight that started at 8 o'clock, of course it didn't end till about 9:45 and got home at 10 o'clock and I am just relaxing and curled up with a good book. Once you get past the physical requirements, you realize how much time you really have.

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Happy Birthday Camille!!!

Today was Camille's birthday and we had our tenth mentor/mentee session. We worked on hapkido, hapkido and more hapkido. I have really had fun working with Camille and she has really impressed me with how quickly she picks up new things. Oh to be young again! Before Black Belt class we sang Happy Birthday because she wasn't staying for class. Master Knight taught a really good Black Belt class and challenged us to think outside the box. Thank you sir! I really enjoyed it. Then was PMAA. I wish I could pick things up as fast as Camille!

  1367 Hits


This is my last journal. Today's black belt class led by Master Knight was fun. It was a good workout. I'm very close to getting my requirements done. In fact by tomorrow I'll be done my requirements. I just have one more thing to say. HAVE A HAPPY EASTER!!

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Time for a break (from school)

Today marks the beginning of my spring break. I'm excited for all the time ill have now for tkd, especially for writing essays!

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Do not lose focus

We have a lot of possible distractions before our overnight testing and we cannot let them derail us from our goal. We must train as black belt candidates straight through Spring Breaks, Ski Trips, Easter and everything else. We need to be strong for each other throughout the testing which isn't just April 12 & 13. It is now, the cycle that is the true test. Stay strong and continue to train.  

  1066 Hits

Feels good

I had softball practice tonight until 9:15; and I cannot tell you how good it feels to not have to do last minute push-ups and sit-ups at 10:00 at night. No more last minute, cram time requirements. I can finally relax and enjoy this part of the cycle. 8 more journals after this one and I'll officially be done with all requirements. It defiantly feels good to know I won't have to run or do poomsaes and sit-ups when I go to Utah. 8 more journals an the testing, that's all there is left.

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 I'm now done my leadership credits2s.I even have an extra one. But I still have one Leadership Credits1. I'll get it next week.

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Havent written a journal in quite a while. I am reviewing like crazy these last couple of days. No physical requirements left so no worries :)

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So much writing to do!

Though it's a lot, I'm glad I have spring break to focus on tkd. I want to finish all the writing and then go over all of the things I've ever learned in preparation for the overnight. I don't want to have any surprises that Friday night! 

  1062 Hits

Little by little...

I just have a few more things to complete. I don't know how I will get my one last sparring class in. Everything else should be completed shortly. I have been working on hapkido with my mentor, but still can't remember as many as I need to know. Getting better though.

  258 Hits

I know the Stick curriculum

Went to sticks class tonight, can offically say that I know what I need to know of double stick B. It may not look good and I still have trouble with Paraho Police Abanhiko, but it's getting there!  

  1207 Hits


For the past couple nights I've been thinking about the overnight test. Although I'm not that worried I've still been wondering if Master Evans will be hard on us. But it still depends on if we know our things. We'll just have to wait and see!

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keeping it going

although most of us are finished or very close to being finished with our requirements, we need to keep working for 3 weeks so we are strong for our overnight! proud of all my fellow black belt cycle mates.

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Getting Closer

I'm getting closer to finishing my requirements. In fact I will done my requirements by Friday.

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Did leadership credit and plus class today.  I had a good time at parents night out.  Lot of classes to makeup  

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