Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Did requiremnets today Trying to get caught up on pullups  

  29 Hits

Who Knew?

I have developed a liking for running in the rain. It is a good thing too since it has rained allot this cycle. And the rain has been cold too. At the start of the first few runs on the rainy days I was not too jazzed but had good runs. Today, I just ran and enjoyed it. I did have to talk my way through the 3rd mile, but I believe that was more because of fatigued legs than the rain. The upside is that I should be ready for Saturday no matter the weather.

  77 Hits


If it wasn't raining, I'd be running. also if I didn't have an overprotective dad but its ok I respect that he is trying to protect me because he knows what out there. Starting to put most of them in blues and greens! Which is good, except for journals, I am EXTREMELY behind on those. In the beginning I had thought my last cycles would count but I guess not. I am happy about all the credits we got from instructors camp: 3 Black Belt Classes, 3 Black Belt Weekday, 3 Sparring Classes, 4 Tae Kwon Do Plus Classes, 2 Leadership Credits, 2 Leadership Credits 2, 20 Sparring Rounds.

  1224 Hits

Monday and Tuesday

It was fun doing community service yesterday... I didnt go to school today because if ACT testing for juniors so i got another 3 essays done. finished all my physical stuff too.

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Community Service

Things have been a bit challenging for me since I got home from Inst. Camp.  I went to the office for half a day, I rushed home to work on my crashed network, and then I rushed to get over to the Center for Hope to help with the Community Service Project – serving food to the homeless.  It was humbling to see all the mothers and kids that came for a meal.  When I smelled all that good food cooking,  It occurred to me that I had not eaten since breakfast, but I considered myself lucky because at least I knew that I had something to eat if I found time for it.  This community service project was a project that I feel like made an impact to everyone that helped out – Chef Lloyd, Master Burkart, Inst. Dege, Inst. Tribune, Abby, Nikhil, Dan, Kyra, Anya, and me.  It made...

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  1440 Hits

An In Between Day For Me

There are some good things and some bad things that happened today. I don't really know where to start at this point! For one thing,I didn't get much school work today. Then we went to the community service project this afternoon.It was fun,exept for the fact that I didn't do much there. I also had to leave early for choir.

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comunity sevice

today i had to leave school early to go to the comunity service it was  actually a bit fun i saw a lot of people theat didn't have what some of us had but i was actually a bit surprised that how many people were there    

  963 Hits

Helping Others...

Our Black Belt Cycle Community Service project was to prepare and serve the people at the Salvation Army Center for Hope. I used to drive by Center for Hope almost daily and never took the time to figure out a way to help. Today I was able to come early enough to help prepare the meal that we would serve. That was an experience in itself. I have never helped prepare a meal for so many people. I cut tomatoes, helped prepare salads, cut trays of brownies and put them on individual plates and helped wash dishes. The meal looked and smelled really good, just like a home cooked meal, not like typical cafeteria food. The really rewarding part was serving the people the meal. Most of them seemed to be really appreciative. It is sad to see so many people that do not have a home to go to each day,...

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  2116 Hits

A Successful Day

On this day I did not do a lot of requirements, I did not get to run, and I have not yet done a single poom. Yet it has been a very Successful Taekwondo Day. According to Grandmaster Lee during our last session @ TKD IC on Saturday night successful Taekwondo comprises much more than the physical. Today we lived into the Spirit of being a Taekwondo Black Belt. We prepared food for and served several hundred homeless mothers & children at the Charlotte Salvation Army Center of Hope. In doing so, we extended a warm TKD Smile per Grandmaster Lee. So I feel AWESOME!

  5129 Hits

Ouch ouch!!!

Instructors camp was fantastic this year!! I'm super sore but it was totally worth it!!     On another note, the community service was awesome. I loved going out to help people were unable to feed themselves. I'd love to do this again!

  1068 Hits

Feeling sore!

Feeling sore already! Going to teach then take a class after an hopefully get a mentor and mentee session in today, do some jump rope and pull ups. I want to just congratulate all the black belts that are on cycle or once were; it takes a lot of sweat, pain and guts to run 105 miles, do 10,000 push-ups and sit-ups. Lots of people wouldn't have been able I do most of the stuff that your doing now. So be proud of yourself, even if you are behind, find a way to get back up. There is no quitting in Tae Kwon Do.

  1126 Hits


This past week was AWESOME! Daddy did lots of things with us. Today he cleaned out the car and we went into a car wash. It was fun! Mommy was happy to see the car clean. I wrote some essays today, too.

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Yesterday at 6:30 in the morning I went to Golden Corral for breakfast.  Then went to Red Robin at night.

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Instructors Camp

Instructor’s Camp was packed with useful information!  It’s so much fun to see what kinds of things they have on the agenda.  The parts I liked the best were the training in the pool, the sticks training, and of course Grandmaster Lee’s class.  I love listening to Grandmaster Lee’s stories too.  Thanks to all of the great King Tiger Masters for the stuff they taught us this weekend and for everything they do to make us better throughout the year!  It was great hangin and training with the extended King Tiger family too!

  1028 Hits


today i got to go my big cousin's tournements he had 2, 1 at the beginning and 1 at the end after the first game i went to get some requirements i was able to get a whole lot of the done, because there was a fitness are in the same building I really like going to tournements.

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Havent written a journal in like 3 days. I just keep logging my requirements and forgetting to journal! Almost done with most of my physical reqs.

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Instructors camp was awesome!

He'd the best time at instructors camp! Feeling it a little sore in my legs can't wait to for my whole body to feel like that. Michigan beat Michigan state today! Great effort from both teams, got a lot of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and self defenses during that game. Working on a project for school will do jump rope soon.

  1084 Hits

Back into the swing...

What a weekend at Instructor's Camp! Thanks to all the Masters and other Instructors for sharing their knowledge with us! It was so nice to see and train with so many others in the King Tiger family! Thanks for the ride and the friendship Inst. Randle. Always a pleasure!  I really slacked on physical requirements due to Instructor's Camp, but did get some done. Time to get back into the routine and also need to study for the written test! Less than one week for that.

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terrific weekend

Back from a great weekend at Instructors' Camp. A little sore and tight and NO INJURIES. Believe I will go out for a run to recenter everything.

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I felt good today. The day turned out great,too. Daddy gave us a good breakfast. We gave Girl Scout cookies to the people who ordered them before it rained[By the way,it snowed this morning]. Fianally,Daddy took us to Golden Corral for dinner. It was a great day.

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It was hard staying mute today. Every second,I find myself talking.

  1006 Hits

okay day

got an okay amount done today i tried to do what i could.  yesterday i didn't journal bcause iwas hurt i actually damaged some nerves in my thumb it hurt a lot but i still got through it.pushed thru the pain.

  1228 Hits

Lots to do

i was not able to go to instructors camp this year so i guess ill just be at home doing a bunch of requirements and writing essays. I just have a few essays left and then need to start the written test

  1217 Hits

And we "March" on!

Getting ready to finish up @ work, stop at the house for my bags & then pick up Rick Luna @ the LKN Dojang to head to IC. I have done some requirements, but need to do some more while grabbing my bags. Looking forward to seeing everyone from the extended King Tiger Family! Wahoo!

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Let's Go!

Uniforms – check, weapons – check, snacks – check, water – check, Ready to get on the road!  I was able to do my daily pushups, situps and kicks.  The other things will have to wait.

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Plenty Busy, Trucking Along & Loving it!

Today was a tumultuous day with 13 hours of teaching that included two Open House events; work for the Church, BB Cycle Requirements & American Culinary Federation Business. Whew. I love it. Looking forward to IC Weekend.  

  295 Hits

Another long day...

Long day today. Got up and did several poomsaes and some pushups and sit-ups before work. Didn't get out of work until well after 6, so didn't get home in time to take Tae Kwon Do Plus tonight, so went to the dojang and worked on staff forms before Black Belt class. Took PMAA class and learned something totally new to me. Waiting for laundry to finish so I can go to bed. Eyes are really tired and requirements aren't complete for today, but sleep is more pressing at the moment. Looking forward to Instructor's Camp!

  40 Hits


Today We got home at nine not because of the black belt class, but my Mother lost the house keys but we found them. It took a while but it was found.

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Now that I stay up until 1 o'clock in the morning,I haven't gotten much sleep. As the days go by,I get more tired.

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Train, Train, Train....

All daily requirements have been completed and now it’s time to get ready for Instructor’s Camp!  Tomorrow will be an especially long day because I’ll get up at 4am to do requirements, then work for about four hours, drive to Greenville, and then train, train, train…..

  1102 Hits

Getting behind

Getting behind is the worst thing. I written most of my essays but I'm getting behind on my requirements. Jump rope, pull ups, journals, running, self defense and burpees. Self defense will be ok, but journals and jump rope I am just wau far behind on.

  1714 Hits

Another good Wednesday!

I love Wednesdays. Because I go to work early, I get done early which allows me to get to the Dojang early and get lots of things done. Another big thank you goes out to Masters Chelley & Conrad Hartle & Instructors Scott & Lori Schneider. They are awesome.

  696 Hits


I wrote a journal twice yesterday and it wouldn't save, so decided it wasn't meant to be. I really enjoyed Black Belt class on Tuesday and had a good mentor session on Tuesday as well. I was looking forward to working with my mentee today, but she's not feeling well, so that will have to wait. I hope you feel better Camille! I slept in this morning and did no requirements before work. I felt guilty for not getting up and probably didn't get any quality sleep either, but myself self discipline was not getting me out of bed. Work was busy, but I did go to lunch with a friend that I don't get to see very often, so it was nice and I got a salad that I was looking forward to, so that was nice too. Traffic didn't cooperate, so I was a little late to help with class,...

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  9748 Hits


today and yesterday i got very little done yesterday forgot to journal sorry I had a lot of homework to do so i had to try and squeeze in as much requirements as i could when i had the chance im getting stuff done little by little bye

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Good day

Had a fun time today. I reviewed staff 2 and 3 and finally remembered 1st dan self defense... need to get 2nd dan now. getting closer and closer to finishiNg my requirements!

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Today i ran on the track on P.E for the run today.

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I'm slowly cathing up on my requirements. Mommy said no to being mute today. I'LL ask her on Friday.

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Just one more day till Instructor’s Camp – I’m looking forward to it.  And then on Monday, we have our community service project.  It seems like the clock has started moving faster…I hope I can keep up.

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Man Plans and God Laughs

Empathy Training 2013 Man Plans & God Laughs; that is what my mother has always said. Boy is she right.   I woke up this morning and pulled the three pieces of tape from my nightstand that I had placed there the night before. I used them to tape my left hand into a fist to start what I thought was a well planned day. I was three days out from a very good Empathy Class with Instructor Auerbach, the lessons fresh in mind. I had spent the day before mentally picturing how I was going to handle each situation. I realized I had to rise early to get a head start and to have my wife assist me with tying my running shoes before she left for work. I had thought about leaving them tied, but thought that wouldn’t be in the spirit of the lesson.   After taping my...

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  11959 Hits


Just did my requirements today and going through school again. 

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Preparing For A Mute Day

Tommorow I am going to be mute for my empathy training. I just can't wait for tommorow.

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I did requirements this morning before work, then some more this afternoon, and then off to Black Belt class.  I had to use the treadmill for my mile since it was pouring down rain, but that’s okay.  Whatever it takes to get it done!  J

  80 Hits

Excited for Instructors camp!

Are you excited for Instructors camp? I am! I'm hoping that lots of credits will come out of it, but last time I went I had a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again! In the blue on four items...grrr. I'll have to work harder on those. 

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Best laid plans...

Today was really busy, but not necessarily with what I had planned. Ended up bringing home work, so didn't get as much time to work on requirements as I would have liked. Need to remember that sleep is important too. Too many late nights is not a good thing.

  947 Hits

Long day

Went to dream team Tried to catch up on sparring rounds Stayed up very late so the day was very long Good night

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An Average Day

So far it has been an average day.Then I just remembered I didn't write my white belt essay.I'll do it tommorow.

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Took Wang Ho and Dream Team today

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good on most requirements today

I am having a very good day and did my usual resquirements in the house. I am psyching myself for my empathy day tomorrow. Should be interesting.

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Today was a busy day.We left for church at 8 o'clock in the morning and came back at 12.Everybody took a nap.After nap I some reqiurements,but not much.Then we left for most of the evening.

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Beautiful day...

Had several things I wanted to accomplish today and only some of them actually got done. I did make progress on a few essays, but not quite finished with those yet. I did my empathy training today, so several requirements were more challenging than usual. Thanks to Inst. Auerbach's class yesterday, poomsaes were not too bad. I must admit to not even trying one armed pushups or pull-ups. I did a pretty good job tying my shoes with one hand, but since I was going out for a walk, I asked Matthew to redo them for me. I thought I would have time for some meditation, but the day ran away from me. My knee was bothering me from running yesterday, so my miles were walking today, but what a beautiful day it was. Such a pleasure! 

  1052 Hits


Got some stuff done today. Ran and I was really tired. Really I would say it was a tired Sunday.

  38 Hits

Awesome weekend => Two Week Push Ahead

What a great weekend! Terrific BB Class yesterday w/Inst Auerbach, Health Fair was fun, good comraderie with fellow black belts, good mentoring session with Masters Conrad & Chelley Hartle today; and 2 miles in very chilly rain yesterday morning to 2 miles in beautiful sunny weather after church today. that would not have happened if I wasn't on cycle. Gotta love it!

  149 Hits

Beautiful Sunday!

What a difference a day can make in North Carolina!  Yesterday was rainy and dreary and today is absolutely beautiful.  I just finished putting in a couple of miles and it was sunny and breezy.  I’ve almost gotten all of my daily requirements done and it’s relatively early.  My requirements have gotten routine during this cycle and it hasn’t been as tough to get them done.  Other cycles seemed chaotic and it was difficult to fit everything in.  I hope I can maintain the routine through the next cycle.  J  I think my totals are high enough that I won’t have to worry about falling behind during Instructor’s Training and that’s been the goal.

  925 Hits


Did all requiremints today and went shopping.  :(

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Today was a great morning... I got everything done for the most part and in good numbers. I am close to being done with a lot of things but I have to push myself. I need to attend more PMAA classes starting next week.

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Today's a good day

Had a great run this morning with mom and Ben to Dunkin Doughnuts. Ankle is staring to give me a lot of grief; I should probably wet it more often. Well have to go the Michigan basketball game is almost on, GO BLUE!!!

  3020 Hits

A lot...

What a day! I got up a little earlier than I usually do on Saturday and got some requirements done before helping with Little Tigers. We have a new student who seems very excited to be in class. I hope that continues. It is very refreshing from the ones who need to be encouraged to come on the mat and participate. We had a good class and the kids seemed to be a little more focused today. Inst. Randle worked and I worked on staff forms instead of going for our usual between classes walk since it was raining. Then Inst. Tucker came and mentored me on hapkido. I need a lot of work on that. Thank you ma'am for your patience! For Black Belt class, Mr. Auerbach worked with us on empathy training. I was able to tie my belt much better this time than the last time he taught empathy training....

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  13515 Hits

Awesome day

Had an amazing time at the health fair! Learned a lot about what I'm eating and how I should watch what I'm eating. Also took the Zumba and women's self defense class. Great black belt class today! Although I have already done my empathy training this was a great experience that I I hope to try again. 

  74 Hits

An Insightful Day!

WOW…what an insightful day!  My day started with some daily requirements, then off to teach Little Tigers class.  After that I worked with Inst. Dege on staff forms.  Then came black belt class.  Inst. Auerbach taught an empathy class.  We taped up our hand so that we couldn’t use it and then he taught us how he does Oh Chang.  He’s adapted it to compensate for only one hand.  It was really difficult to think about the foot work and the different hand movements.  He said that when he learns a poomsae, he has to watch us do the poomsae the way that we do it, and then he translates it to fit his abilities.  He said it was like learning a foreign language.  There were several times when I got frustrated because I didn’t get the moves right.  It gave me insight to what he has to do every time...

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  4347 Hits


After Back Belt class was the health fair.There weren't many people,but it was fun anyway.I learned many things from Mr. Loyd.

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After Back Belt class was the health fair.There weren't many people,but it was fun anyway.I learned many things from Mr. Loyd.

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Finally Friday

Finally i get a chance to go to black belt class this weekend. Although i got many things done and i am altogether done with pull ups now. I have a few more of jump rope and sparring rounds left now

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Today was a good day,except for ONE thing.My ankle hurts because IT'S ON FLOOR[It's a long story so do not ask].I can't do some of my requirements.

  32 Hits


Today was a good day,except for ONE thing.My ankle hurts because IT'S ON FLOOR[It's a long story so do not ask].I can't do some of my requirements.

  33 Hits

Day goes by fast

Didn't do a whole lot today, got in a weekday black belt class, some poomsaes, self defenses, and push-ups and sit-ups. Wanted to do more but ended up running out of time in the long run. I'm very excited for the Health Fair tomorrow! I'll be taking lots of notes from everyone. I've always ate pretty healthy but it's time to start eating right and not just trying but actually doing.

  1068 Hits

national take your dog for a walk day

On a day that was quite raw for running I took our dog, Sammi for nice long walk to get in my mile. Plan on running 3 miles before BB Class tomorrow if anyone wants to join. Probably start aroung 09:30 @ a 10 minute per mile pace.

  831 Hits

A Nap Kind of Day!

I’ve finished my daily requirements, which is a good thing because I’ll be helping with testing tonight.  It’s raining again and I wish I could go take a nap!  But there’s always something that needs to be done and I cannot shirk my responsibilities.  J  Tomorrow is the health fair at King Tiger North and I’m looking forward to it.  I wonder if I can squeeze in a massage while I’m there….

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As a Whole, a very good day

Today was very long with teaching and a Vestry meeting in the evening. I worked in some requirements throughout the day, but not much more. Like Ms. Dege, I need to be active this weekend. I am looking forward to the Health Fair.

  852 Hits


Today was another busy day at work. Need to complete several things and move on. I need to get up just a little earlier, but most days it is hard to get out of bed. I do feel better when I have time to get even a few minutes of meditation in the morning. Hope to get a few more essays done this weekend and some running too.

  1086 Hits


I found a great way to get requirements done faster.By simply listening to your favorite music.Music gives me energy,espesicially fast music.I don't about you,but I now want to stay up until 2 o'clock in the morning.

  1431 Hits


today i got to goto the school gym and run around a couple times I  also got to do some jump roping rounds and i got some pushups and situps done too so i got some stuff done at school. 

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really exited about finishing cycle

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I took the seminar on Saturday and just took today's Black Belt Class.

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Another day

Well basketball season is over for me, we ended up ranking third. Tennis and softball will start up soon but now I have a little extra time for classes and requirements. I have finally learned staff forms 1-4, which I am very pleased about. Also touched up on my Wang Ho forms a bit. 

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I helped with testing tonight.  I really enjoy watching the kids that I teach get out there and show their stuff.  J  There are those that have so much confidence and you can tell they’ve worked hard to learn their stuff.  And then there are those that are afraid, but they dig deep and find the courage to go out on the mat anyway.  It makes me feel so humble.  Everyone did a great job testing!

  124 Hits

A Good Afternoon & Evening @ the LKN Dojang

I was able to accomplish a lot of requirements between the Junior/Senior Tiger Testing Sessions. The testings went pretty well. Sure wish I was a limber as many of the kids. They are so fun to watch, so nervouse yet so full of energy.

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Mommy JUST found out that I needed to take Dream Team classes.But they are on Monday and Wednesday evenings.And I also have other activities on Monday and Wednesday.Mommy doesn't think I will finish my classes.I don't think so either.

  1015 Hits

Good day!

Had a very busy day at work today. Got some things done before work, went to help with Jr tigers and then worked with my mentee. It amazes me how quickly a lot of kids pick up on things so fast. I need to go over everything several times before I can even practice on my own or remember well enough to make notes to help me practice on my own. It's very nice to have the videos to be able to check when I am second guessing myself. Did many requirements to try to catch up from yesterday. Worked on my new skill some tonight too.

  54 Hits

good times

today in class there were some really funny things happening i got my stuff done ,i enjoyed it a lot and i got all my requirements done early and homework so im am able to go to sleep today i had a good time

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It seems like today has been a really long day…if I’d been at home, I bet I would have been able to get lots done.  J  I’ve been tired all day and I’ve had a headache most of the day – maybe I need more water.  The note we received with credits for Master Cann’s sparring seminar made me happy though!  Thanks Master Evins for the credits!

  1460 Hits

Big game today!

Today is the first day of my basketball tournament. We are playing a team that we have beat once and lost once, and I'm very excited to play them again. I believe that being on cycle has made me a stronger and fitter person. I'm going to play my all today and hopefully not spraining or breaking anything. So pumped, it's game time!

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Since I am way behind,I'm staying up until midnight doing requirements.

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Feeling a little better today

I am feeling a little better today.  I got through my classes and some requirements. My muscles get so fatigued so easily, its a huge same.  The simplist things make my legs worn out.  I want my old body back.  LOL

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Extra motivation...

I find myself needing a little extra motivation. I should probably get busy on my motivating a beginning student essay and maybe find something I can use for myself. I still have several essays to write, books to read, requirements to get done, times to drop and time keeps going by. You may delay, but time will not, said wise Benjamin Franklin. At times it seems as though the stars are not lining up in my favor. That has to change at some point, right?

  887 Hits


Today I got help with Wang Ho 2.  Thank you Inst. Dege. I got some good advice about my stances. I got some push ups and sit ups done in BB class.

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Have tons of homework. This stuff is killing me, i dont even know how im managing. After coming home from drivers ed I had to jump straight into some jump ropes and and get some sparring rounds in with my "shadow." Did the normal pushups and situps for today and did a couple extra poom saes though.

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did 2 more

I was reviewing my numbers and noticed that my self defense total was six hundred sixty-six. I quickly did one more each of white & high-white SD.

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Using Time while I have it

I am always telling my Culinary Students to use time when they have it. I am having to follow my own words these days with a very busy schedule. Today I attended the mid-day class at the North Charlotte Dojang. I stayed after where it is much better to work out than in our family room. I then came home and went for a run which was much better than I thought it was going to be on such a dreary day. I will continue reading Deuteronomy this evening when I get home from teaching Concepts & Theories.

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Rainy Day Equals Treadmill

Well, a rainy day means a day on the treadmill – I accomplished several of my daily requirements early this morning, still have miles and pull-ups to do.  I wanted to get most everything done early since I’ll be in Black Belt class tonight. Have you guys noticed that we have videos on the website now?  Thanks Master Evins, Master Burkart, and Inst. Uczen!    

  1227 Hits

Tough stretch ahead

I was able to utilize the time between teaching sessions well to do requirements. Totally miss going to the Dojang on a Monday and knocking off leadership, mentoring and sparring rounds though. I could not pass on the 10 hours of week of additional income however.

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Still Recovering

I am still sore and tired from Master Cann's class.  I am continuing to rest and recover.

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no school

today there was no school I got some stuff done especially jump rope i had a lot of time to get requirements done today

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Good Day...

Today was a good day for training.  I started my work day this morning at 5:30am (after I finished my pushups, situps, burpees, self defense, and poomsaes).  Since I started early, I finished early, which gave me more time to train.  I love to see the numbers left go down!

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I was blind today. It was really annoying. I was still able to get my requirements done with my parents help. I didn't like being blind.

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A good day...

I did most of my requirements before 2 today and worked on two of my essays too. It was cold outside and not conducive to many miles, but I went for a quick walk and then went to the YMCA and ran/walked on the treadmill and the track later in the afternoon. I don't like the treadmill. I still don't know how I'm going to get down to the 24 minutes. Not feeling too confident about the upcoming physical test yet. I expect I will be feeling the effects of yesterday's sparring more tomorrow than today. Still need to get some meditation in before I go to bed tonight.

  69 Hits

Peaceful Sunday

Was a great day.. Went by soo fast! Well tomorrow there is no school so thats good. Illvbe able to do plenty of pushups and situps tomorrow

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Well, the snow is almost gone, but it was nice to at least see some before winter is over.  J  I went out to get a couple of miles in and it was COLD, especially when the wind blew.  I’ve done all of my daily requirements and even a few extra.  I was slow getting started but I accomplished what I set out to do.  I still have some time to work on my essays!

  36 Hits

Good day.

started the day in church & had a good run and some requirements today. not a usual Sunday but good none the less. hoping everyone has a great week.

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Getting stuff done

Watched the Michigan basketball game today, great win over Penn State! A trick my mom taught me is that if Michigan makes it, then do sit-ups. I they miss do push-ups. If the other team makes it, do push-ups. If the other team misses do sit-ups. And during commercials do whatever our behind on. I ended up doing 150 push-ups, 175 sit-ups and 16 self defenses. Pretty good for just 2 hours.  

  991 Hits

Ouchie >_

Unfortunately, no Sunday training with Master Cann; my knee hurts too much for fighting today but ill get some miles in walking and some sit-ups if my knee can bend that far. At least it's not my ankle this time:P

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