Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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a good monday

today i woke up really tired again, but still got out of bed with motivation to start my day. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast. then i packed up and went to the bus, i was afraid it was going to rain and it literally started raining as soon as i stepped on the bus!! i slept on the bus, it was easy with the rain on the roof. in first block, we went over what makes up culture, the definition, how culture effects us and shapes who we are. in second block we went over what it takes to be healthy, we had to write an essay on it, i chose topics like physical workout, eating right, keeping healthy on medication for sickness, maintaining personal relationships with people for mental and emotional health, doing good in school, and having free time to do fun activities to relief stress. in third block we learned about DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, its all very complicated and boring and id rather not go into detail, it was a long block. in forth block we went over the African slave trade, why it happened, how it effected Europe, Africa, and America, i think it had its pros but overall it was really bad and the slaves were treated horribly!!! that wasnt a very bright note to end the school day on. i went home and did push ups, sit ups, pull ups, kicks, and burpees. im getting close to finishing my requirements and im still on track for the most part. my forms are still easy, i dont make many mistakes anymore, its the self defense that i need a bit of work on before i test because we wont be doing it in traditional fashion, we will do it in sparring stance for the most part. i went to class and was ready to learn. we started off doing warm ups and stretches like usual, then went into forms according to each belt rank in class. i did good on forms, but again when we went over self defense i learned new things i need to be aware of during testing, i think i can do it though. the rest of class we spent on self defense and i learned alot about red and high red. i went home and continued my workout, doing sparring rounds and jump rope. i was sweaty by the end of it, and the jump rope kept getting stuck between my toes, so i showered. i got out of the shower and grabbed my JROTC hat, it needs to be ironed because i have to wear it tomorrow. i need to study for a test tomorrow in history, i have to wear my JROTC uniform tomorrow as well, then after school i have police explorers again!!! i cant wait for tomorrow :)

Rainy Monday
Oct 7