
Nick Coconato

Member since: Friday, 26 July 2013
Last Visit: Friday, 25 October 2013
Nick Coconato
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

hard workout

today i woke up just like any other day, but i hit my head on my bedroom door :p. i got dressed, ate waffles, bacon, rice crispies, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast (not much variation in my breakfast on most days), then went to the bus in the COLD morning. i was freezing because my jacket dosent cover my legs and i was wearing shorts because i had gym today. i got to school and went inside in the WARM, thank you insulation and air conditioning. in first block we had to bring in an object that we thought was "beautiful", i brought in a megalodon tooth that i found underwater when scuba diving off the coast of florida last year. i can tell you that no one had an object as interesting as mine!! they all brought in pictures of family, food, clothes, or baseballs. in second block...

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  51 Hits

flawless uniform

today i woke up a little bit late, i needed to wear my JROTC uniform today to school so i set my alarm clock 10 minutes early but ended up waking up at the same time. i got dressed properly and had waffles, rice crispies, bacon, milk, and a protein shake. i went out to the bus, it was unusually chilly today so i was glad i was wearing a jacket. i slept on the bus because i was tired from monday. in first block we had a substitute, we spent the whole time reading an informational magazine on the government and new scientific developments, we took notes on what interests us and summaries of the articles. in second block we were evaluated on our uniforms outside, i was wearing a tie and it was windy so that aggravated me!!! but i got a perfect uniform inspection, then we spent the...

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  1555 Hits

a good monday

today i woke up really tired again, but still got out of bed with motivation to start my day. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast. then i packed up and went to the bus, i was afraid it was going to rain and it literally started raining as soon as i stepped on the bus!! i slept on the bus, it was easy with the rain on the roof. in first block, we went over what makes up culture, the definition, how culture effects us and shapes who we are. in second block we went over what it takes to be healthy, we had to write an essay on it, i chose topics like physical workout, eating right, keeping healthy on medication for sickness, maintaining personal relationships with people for mental and emotional health, doing good in school, and having free time...

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  1677 Hits

long workout

today i woke up planning to get up 10 minutes early but ended getting up at normal time, figures. i got dressed and had bacon, cereal, waffles, milk, and a protein shake, then went out to the bus and got there early enough to be freezing cold by the time it arrived... my day wasnt going well so far. i slept on the bus and was out like a ROCK, i was the last one off the bus and barely woke up in time. in first block we had to go to the auditorium to do picture day which wasnt a big deal but took up half the class. the other half the class we had a test on the book we were reading, "kaffir boy", and the rest of the test was african countries location and literary devices. in second block we warmed up on the track but didnt do...

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  1590 Hits

football routes

today i woke up like any other day but i was unusually awake so i got a head start. i got dressed, had pancakes, bacon, kix cereal, milk, and a protein shake. i got packed up and was at the bus 10 minutes early. i slept on the bus and enjoyed my free time by listening to new songs on my phone. in first block we read all the rest of "kaffir boy" except the last chapter, we will read that tomorrow. in second block we got changed out and did static and dynamic warm ups at the track, then we ran 3 laps which is roughly .8 miles on any track thats not the inner track. then we went to the practice field and we worked on football wide receiver routes and how to catch, how to cover a receiver, i always caught the ball and never let a catch...

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  1365 Hits


today i woke up really super early, like 3:40, and spent the next hour in restless sleep constantly waking up. i was not happy to start my day, but i got dressed and went downstairs. i had waffles, rice crispies, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast and my stomach didnt feel to good so i was almost late for the bus but got on. i slept on the bus and when i woke up my stomach still hurt. in first block we went to the media center and did an activity where we were given stacks of books and chose 3, we had to read the first two pages and inside cover/back to find out about it, then choose which one was our favorite and why. then we all checked out books and spent the rest of the time reading. my stomach felt better probably because i was sitting...

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  1115 Hits


yesterday i didnt get a chance to write, i was moving furniture for my moms friend with my family. it was really difficult but we got it done. i had my friend sleep over last night. we spent the night playing video games. we woke up and played video games till his mom came and got him. then i spent the day doing requirements and chores, i got laundry done then worked out for a couple hours. then i went to my friends house and we played more video games there, then i went home and took a shower, now i just need to do some homework then go to bed to get ready for monday...:p. hopefully it will be a good monday!

  987 Hits

last PMAA

i woke up and got a head start so i could relax for a bit before i had to leave. i got dressed and had pancakes, bacon, milk, rice crispies, and a protein shake for breakfast, got packed up, then just watched tv until it was time to go but i forgot what i watched. i slept on the bus and went to first block but our teacher wasnt there, she showed up 10 minutes late and didnt tell us why but we didnt question her. in first block we read more about "kaffir boy", we are close to finishing and will probably finish tuesday, its a really long book and it took all class to go over 13 chapters. in second block me and 8 other guys spent the class in the back room trying on uniforms, we all got our pants and shirt but not anything else because they...

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  932 Hits

marching and laughing

today i woke up motivated to get a head start on my day because i knew i was going to be tired by the end of it. i got dressed, ate frosted mini wheats, waffles, bacon, milk, and a protein shake, i dont really change what i eat every day. i got packed up and went out to the bus, it was cold today so it was a long sleeves day. i slept on the bus like usual. in first block we worked some on kaffir boy but only got a little done because we worked on our water project most of the time, im already done so i just played on my phone and used it as free time. second block i was measured for my uniform finally and then we learned about the holocaust, how the nazis operated and thought, what i gathered is they were horrible people and...

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  896 Hits


today i woke up with what i like to call a "weekend hangover" where you are thrown off by getting 2 days in the weekend to get up and go to sleep when you want, it was bad and i hate getting up on mondays, but i did. i got dressed knowing it was going to be cold outside, then i had waffles, cheerios, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast, then packed up my stuff and went out the door. i slept on the bus and i dont even remember the ride to school. in first block we took a quiz on "kaffir boy", which i did well on i think, then spent the rest of class reading, we are really far into it now, halfway at least. second block we got dressed then went straight to volleyball on the tennis courts, we are playing in a tournament so...

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  898 Hits

panther game

today i woke up at my friends house, last night we just played basketball outside until it was dark, then played alot of video games on his xbox, then we went to walmart with his dad to get food, then we watched a movie on netflix and fell asleep. when i woke up his mom had breakfast ready, which was awesome, then we played video games until it was time for me to be picked up. i went home, got changed, grabbed breakfast, then we left to go to Charlotte to park our car at the nascar hall of fame so we could walk to the stadium. i am both a Giants and a Panthers fan so i didnt really care who won but since it was a home game i was wearing panther attire. we got food and went to our seats, great seats, upper section of stadium, behind the...

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  1025 Hits

home alone

yesterday my parents left me alone at the house to go to myrtle beach, so i have the weekend to myself. i woke up early because i was getting picked up to do community service at the Bain Daze festival at Fairview park. i got ready, got dressed, ate some cereal for breakfast, then grabbed my stuff and went to help out. i spent most of the time carrying things, setting up tents, the stage, the big tent, tables, chairs, and other things like coolers and bags of food. then i helped blowing up the inflatable soccer and basketball stations. the rest of the time i just worked at those letting kids play at each of them. i did see the KTMH demo team preform and they did good, my friends had only good things to say about them. once i was done i went home and mowed my neighbors lawn,...

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  852 Hits

Push ups and Sit ups

today i woke up just like any other day, tired. i got dressed, had bacon, pancakes, cheerios, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast, then ran out the door because i again was almost late for the bus but i got on it. i slept on the bus, but the bus driver kept switching the lights on and off but leaving the light on so it was hard to sleep. in first block we did an activity where we pretended one side of the rooms were solid color "cats" then the other were striped "cats", in the story we striped cats thought we were better so we didnt associate with the solid color cats, when the cats drew on stripes and joined us in being striped, we wanted to be different so we covered our stripes, this process continued. we did this until we couldnt tell who was striped or not...

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  1674 Hits
  1 Comment


today i woke up but had a slow start to my day so i had to rush at the last minute to get out the door. i got dressed, ate pancakes, bacon, a protein shake, and milk. then i got packed up and rushed out the door because i thought i was late, it turns out i ended up getting there right when my bus is supposed to come but the bus was 15 minutes late so i was standing alone in the cold for an extra 15 minutes and rushed for nothing. the rest of my day went better, in first block we took a vocab test on the words we have been studying and im almost sure i got it perfect, then we read more of "Kaffir Boy", there were some disturbing parts, i wont go into detail but i can assure you that you would not want to...

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  1550 Hits


today i woke up purposely later because i knew i didn't have to work out in the morning because i had gym today. i got out of bed and got dressed and almost forgot to get a second shirt to change into after gym. i went downstairs and i had a breakfast of waffles, bacon, frosted mini wheats, a protein shake, and milk, then i got packed up, ran to the bus, and caught it just in time because we had a new bus driver today who i knew would come early but forgot about it until the last minute, i found out many people missed the bus today because of this. in first block we spent most of the time messing around as a reward for being way farther ahead of her other classes in reading the book, we are on page 50 and the farthest any of the others...

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  848 Hits

biology test

today i woke up better than usual feeling rested and ready to start my day, so i decided to work out. i did half my push ups and sit ups, and all of my kicks. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, a protein shake, milk, and bacon, a good start to my monday. i packed up and got to the bus really early and as always slept on the bus. in first block we did the normal warm up and spent the rest of class reading"Kaffir boy", i read chapter after chapter of gruesome and horrible stories about gang violence, starvation, digging through trash, sickness, and many other bad things that made my mood sadder. in second block we finished the movie about world war 2 pilots and the battle of Britain, then we went to a different classroom and he showed us a flight simulator where we can fly...

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  806 Hits


i have been really busy the last few days so this is my first journal in 3 days. on friday at school i started off the day doing the normal routine but skipped workout again because i had done alot thursday. i got on the bus, there were only 3 other people on the bus because im the first stop. all of a sudden my bus driver pulled to the side of the road and called my friend Dylan up there, she told him she felt like passing out, so he called an ambulance and helped keep her calm. i told the other 2 people on the bus to go to the back and keep an eye out the window for an ambulance, it was my job to keep tabs on where the ambulance was. i also called a few people that were waiting at the next stops telling them to...

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  47 Hits

friday tomorrow... and gym

i woke up late today so i had to rush to get dressed, eat cheerios, a protein shake, milk, and a banana, then grab my stuff and rush out the door. i slept on the bus and woke up occasionally to fix my bookbag. in first block we went over literary devices but other than that didnt do much, just played with our phones and talked. in second block we learned about the situation in syria, world war 2, and the revolutionary war, how they are similar and different, the battles and details. third block we reviewed what we learned yesterday about enzymes, insulin, and glucose because he forgot we already learned it and no one told him. in forth block we went over how Rome was divided up in half and how the huns and germanic tribes invaded causing trouble. also other ways Rome fell, then we reviewed for the...

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  865 Hits


today i woke up late again and didnt have time for a morning workout. i got dressed and had bacon, eggs, a banana, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast, then packed up my stuff and got to the bus early. i slept on the bus even though i got a half hour extra sleep. in first block we read more of "Kaffir boy", its a very violent and sad book but we have to learn about these things to try to prevent them from happening in the future. in second block we got a free day because the other gym classes had other things to do and we had many choices but me and some other guys and a few girls played football. there were 3 teams of 5 or 6 because some people left or came back, i was a captain and my team was pretty good once one...

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  909 Hits

first police explorers meeting

today i woke up to my alarm and woke up again another 15 minutes later on a late schedule, so i set my alarm for 5 o clock and decided to get some more sleep and skip morning workout. i got dressed and went downstairs, my breakfast was a banana, pancakes, a protein shake, and orange juice. i got packed up and ran to the bus thinking i was late but i was actually 5 minutes early. i slept on the bus and woke up to my bookbag falling out of the seat halfway through the trip so i just played on my phone. in first block we learned about a book called "Kaffir boy" which is a very good book and gives alot of insight on the effect apartheid has on South Africa, how the people live, and the story of a young boy and his journey to escape. in...

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  902 Hits


today i woke up and as always had a little trouble getting out of bed but i went downstairs and did half my push ups and sit ups, and all of my kicks. i got dressed for gym, ate a breakfast of cheerios, a banana, bacon, orange juice, and a protein shake, then got packed up and headed out to the bus just in time. i slept on the bus and was very late waking up, we were already unloading. i went to first block where we learned about Africa, what movies and media portray it as and what it actually is, it has big cities and tall buildings. in second block we did stretching then were divided up in teams to play softball on the field, i got a homerun and got 4 outs during the 3 innings we played. in third block we learned about what makes up cells...

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  892 Hits

last of the weekend

today i woke up from my friends birthday party and got picked up 10 minutes after i woke up so i really didnt have time to say goodbye. i went home and went for a 2.5 mile walk/jog with my parents around the neighborhood.i had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and i really needed it since i didnt eat last night. i went home and did some requirements that i didnt get finished yesterday, i took a shower, and did some laundry to get it done early. i went on to do my homework reading about Macedonia and Alexander the great, how he conquered many places with his battle tactics. my parents had headed off to the panther game already so i decided to go out and sell raffle tickets, i sold 17 today bringing up my total amount to around 250$, thats good and i have reached the minimum...

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  913 Hits

birthday party

today i woke up at 7 which was a great load of help to me, i am no longer exhausted now that i got 9 hours of sleep. i ate my breakfast and did my laundry, then just sat around and watched tv until it was about 10:00, then we left to go to the blackbelt class at master Evans. i stretched during the time we were waiting for class to start. once class started we did a normal warm up then we did some requirements and wang ho forms, then master Knight took the bo cho dans to the back and we worked on the forms again but more closely this time, focusing on every detail, we also worked on hurricane kicks. we went back to the normal do jang and worked on hapkido. after class was over, i went over to my neighbors house to mow her lawn. i...

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  1124 Hits

friday is over

today i woke up ready to get the day over, i did 5 pull ups and 80 kicks immediately and i felt awake afterwards. i got dressed, ate a bowl of cheerios, pancakes, a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake. i grabbed my lunch and went out to the bus, which i slept peacefully on again. in first block we did more of reading the book about how to be a better person. the rest of class we just sat around and talked since its friday. second block we did more physical training in jrotc starting with push ups and sit ups, then moved on to suicides and sprints, i counted all of this towards requirements. third block we went over 8 common compounds and what elements are needed to be found in something to be considered organic or living. during lunch i sat with my friends and didnt...

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  112 Hits

a scary exhaustion

today i woke up not knowing i would get as much done as i did today. i woke up to the impossible task of getting out of bed, but as always i managed to find the strength to do so. i did pull ups then got dressed for a workout, i did 80 pushups and sit ups, then 120 kicks. after i got dressed for school in workout clothes because i had gym today. i had a good breakfast of cheerios, a banana, orange juice, and a protein shake. i packed up and arrived at the bus early so naturally i just stood there tired. i slept on the bus better than i ever had, not waking up once from the time i sat down to the time she opened the doors to get off. in first block we did an activity where a confusing story was given to us worded...

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  878 Hits

september 4th

i woke up really tired, more tired than any other day but i woke up fast because i drank a glass of water, i was dehydrated. i did some of my requirements but not as much as i usually do because i did extra push ups and sit ups yesterday. i got dressed, ate a bowl of cheerios, a slice of pizza, a banana, a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake, then i packed up and ran out the door because i was really slow because i was tired, but i did make the bus which i slept on. in first block we did an activity where we read a book about listening skills and how to understand someones situation and problem fully before you offer advice and support, then we practiced it on different situations. second block we went over the pre history of world war 2 and...

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  1047 Hits

august 3rd

today was a great day, my sleep schedule was a little bit off because of the weekend but i got up alright, i did my requirements, the push ups, sit ups, and kicks, then got dressed. my breakfast consisted of a banana, bacon, cheerios, orange juice, and a protein shake which woke me up. i got packed up and went to the bus stop with only minutes to spare before it came. first block was really good because we did an activity, you are the cruise ship captain and the boat starts to sink, there are 14 people including you and only 8 can fit in the lifeboat to go to the nearby island (not in swimming distance) and you get to choose based on the information given on each person who gets to go. second block was gym and we did a physical assessment, i got the best in pushups...

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  777 Hits


today i woke up really early and went to matthews alive to help out with managing the marathon and selling raffle tickets, this was for community service hours for school. we sold alot of tickets and the marathon went well but trying to keep traffic down and have people running across the streets was stressful. when i got home i helped my mom clean everything, i went to the store with her to help her get some juniper she wants to plant in our yard, i also washed the car and in return she let me drive it around the neighborhood. i went home and started doing my requirements, starting with my forms and self defense the only thing i really need to work on is my stances transferring from color belt poomsaes to wang ho poomsaes. i got my requirements done and now i need to eat, shower, and do...

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  962 Hits

keeping up

today i woke up and went home, had a good breakfast consisting of fruit, rice, soup, and chicken. i went over to my neighbors house, shes out of town and i am mowing her lawn for her. i was out there mowing for an hour and a half in the hot sun and i was really hot once i was done. i came home and took a break, but as soon as it was over i immediately started working out, trying to get all of my requirements done early to save time. i was real tired when i was done but i still had to do laundry and homework. my homework was about the ancient dynasties and rulers of china and the culture of the time period. by the time i was done with all of this it was 4 o clock. i decided to go to my friends house, we spent...

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  943 Hits

friday is over

friday is finally done!!! i woke up this morning very tired as usual and did my morning routine, do workout, eat breakfast (rice crispies, fruit, orange juice, milk, bacon), pack for school. i did not sleep on the bus because i had to study for a quiz in first block which i think i did alright on. in first block after the quiz we just sat around and talked since we had nothing else to do. in second block i had jrotc and we went outside for PT (physical training) and i did really good, better than most everyone else. i was very tired once it was done but i counted what we did towards my requirements. in third block we went over the characteristics of what makes something alive again, we finished the project we were working on that took so long yesterday. at lunch i sat with my friends...

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  1099 Hits

in school requirements

today was a good day for many reasons, i may have woken up tired, but i got all my workout done, got packed up for school, ate, and got dressed all with time to spare before the bus. i naturally slept on the bus but i had trouble going to sleep because the bus driver drove with the lights on. when i got to school we went over current events happening around the world and did more on stereotypes, finishing the work we did yesterday. in second block i had gym which i remembered to dress out for. we went to the track and did push ups, sit ups, and running which i counted as part of my requirements (hence the title). i was all tired after that was done, but my day wasnt over, it wasnt even half over. i went to third block and we talked about what 8...

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  840 Hits

long day

today took a long time to get over with, but it is the middle of the week and it gets easier from here. i woke up exhausted and it was very very hard to get out of bed this morning. once i finally did get out of bed i ran a mile and did my morning workout which by the end of it i was finally awake. i got all my things together and went off to school. i slept on the bus to catch up on sleep and i arrived at school early. i went to first block and that was the longest hour and a half of my life because all we did was sit there and talk about things that are uninteresting and irrelevant. second block was very fun because we talked about all of world war 1. third block we talked about how a seed grows and...

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  29 Hits


today i am completely drained of energy, i woke up again at 4:15 and worked out, did some kicks, push ups, burpees, forms, self defense, jump rope, sparring rounds, and pull ups. then i made myself some eggs and bacon with a class of milk and a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake. i slept on the bus to school and most of my day was just going over any questions anyone had about the class or the school, going over peoples names, and doing games. i was assigned homework but not that much and i already finished it. i slept on the way home too. then i ran a bit and did my homework, involving world issues and immigration, adoption, and the discovery of farming in the 9000 BC area. i went to class at mint hill and we spent the first 10 minutes stretching and the next...

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  787 Hits

first day of high school

today i woke up promptly at 4:15 and spent 10 minutes in the bathroom brushing my teeth, getting dressed, waking up, and i did 10 pull ups. i immediately went downstairs and ran outside in pitch black, i ran 1.2 miles. i caught my breath and went downstairs in my basement, at this point it was 4:40. i did half my pushups, sit ups, kicks, forms, self defense, jumprope, sparring rounds, and burpees. i was completely drained of energy. before i fell asleep i went upstairs and changed into better clothes. then i went downstairs and had a bowl of rice crispies and a protein shake to keep me awake. i packed up my bag and was out the door at 5:55 because my bus comes at 6:15 and there is no way i was going to be late. i got on the bus and sat next to my friend Kennedy....

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  997 Hits

last day of summer

today was a very short day, i woke up feeling sick with stomach cramps so that was a clear sign that this day wasnt going to go well. after i ate something, drank some ginger ale (ginger naturally settles a stomach), and took a nap i felt better and went back to school shopping with my mom to fill up my bookbag with things i need like pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, ect... and im very happy with how much my bookbag weighs. last year my bag weighed 35 pounds from textbooks and 5 subject notebooks and that was without my lunch in it, this year it weighs 15 pounds with my lunchbag in it and packed up. that will make things easier. im about to go to sleep, i have to wake up at 4 in the morning if i want to workout before i leave for school. hopefully tomorrow i...

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  55 Hits

passed pretest

today i woke up motivated and prepared, i made sure i ate a breakfast with alot of protein and drank orange juice to make sure i was fully awake. i got all my things together and i went to master evans, on the way there i studied the color belt book curriculum to make sure i could pass my pretest. when i got there i put my stuff up and we jumped right into the pretest starting with the physical part, i got the fastest mile time and i surpassed or met all the physical goals. then we went on to forms which i did great at getting a 4 on il, sa, and oh jang and got a 3.5 on pal jong so i dont need to go back and retest. then we ran out of time and had to start class but as soon as warm ups were done...

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  5141 Hits

school soon

i had a pretty on track day, i woke up and ran 2 miles then mowed my neighbors lawn. i then went home and worked out and got all my requirements done, i also worked on all my forms, sparring combinations, self defense, and weapons. i think i am prepared but i do need to study more, there is alot of information i need to know to pass and its difficult to remember it all, especially with all my other requirements and school starting monday. im going back to school shopping sunday, really excited about that. hopefully the pretest tomorrow will go well. 

  987 Hits

bake sale

today i spent the morning relaxing and working out, not doing much because i knew i was helping out with the open house and testing at mint hill later today. i got alot of stuff together for a bake sale that i made my self and we sold it to help raise money for levine childrens hospital. then during the open house i helped with the dunk tank and took a few turns on the seat. i took a break and went inside to do the rest of my requirements. testing started and me and a few others helped out with a testing with 37 in attendance. i sparred and it really hurt my feet because i didnt have shin guards. i need to study more in order to be in good shape for the pre test this saturday. 

  853 Hits


today was a busy day, i woke up and ran my 2 miles and immediatley went home and started baking cookies and brownies for a bake sale im going to be doing at the king tiger mint hill open house, i will also be in the dunk tank for a time....:/. i hope the sales go well tomorrow so i can raise my 250$ fast and get done early, but hopefully i will raise more. after everything was baked and we organized them in bags and put prices on everything, i worked out, long and hard so i got it all done at once. i had to go to my school open house today, i met all of my teachers who seem nice but i dont know anyone in my classes yet. i went home and studied and i think im making progress but i will need to be very prepared...

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  885 Hits

leadership credits

I woke up today, motivated to get everything i needed to get done fast and soon. i went to the park and ran two miles in 12:48 (new record) and went home and did all my required physical training. then i went to class to help out and earn leadership credits, and i got a some of that out of the way. I was there from 10 to 12 and after that i was EXHAUSTED. i went home and ate lunch, took a shower, and took a nap. when i woke up i did some chores and decided to get some work done on my essays, now im close to finished. after that, i went upstairs to my room to study the color belt curriculum and realized that i knew most of the lower belt information by heart but needed alot of work on my higher belt curriculum, especially the paragraph...

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  32 Hits


today i made alot of progress, not only did i workout and got everything for my daily requirements done, but i finished another essay too. i also got the book i need to read for another essay and i can start to read it and get it done soon. this week i plan to help out and get credits but i also plan to enjoy my last week of summer, so i now have 6 days left. i read a quote today to put in my role model essay and found it true and interesting, it was "A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not." this is a great quote and thought i should share it. but hopefully i will get alot more things done tomorrow and finally take some stress off my shoulders. 

  60 Hits

new week

today i had to catch up on the workout i missed yesterday. i had not done much workout yesterday but i had a head start so it took less time than usual. i really need to get my essays done before school starts, im soon going to get my recommendation letters, and the book im going to read for the essay is on its way. i have earned alot of credits for classes and i am trying to get as many as possible before school starts in a week and a half. i hope its easier to be on the cycle and to be in school than i think its going to be. 

  1007 Hits

On track

Today was a good day. I woke up and mowed a lawn and got 20$, then I ran and worked out but I really focused on mug forms, my stances and hand positions need work. I am going to help out with testing and the open house next week, trying to raise money for levine children's hospital. I looked over my book with the requirements and so far I am on track with everything, so in excited!!!!

  1007 Hits


today i woke up really late, around 10 o clock, after i got dressed and ate i went for my run and felt really energized so i immediately went into my workout and got all of it done within an hour and a half, including forms. i find that pull ups are still difficult and that is my weakest link at the moment. i went to a regular class and got a mentor session in, then i went to a sparring class and got more of my workout done. i went home and quickly got my weapons ready for the PMAA class at Master Evans school, i thought we were going to be late since it was 7:50 when we left, it takes a half hour to get there and i thought the class started at 8:15 instead of 8:25. i need a new schedule. now i am home and have...

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  878 Hits

All work day

Today was a very long day, I woke up early and babysat 2 kids till 1:30, after I worked out I went to class to help out and I did a mentor session. I came home and when I worked out again I did a sparring round and I pulled a muscle in my leg, now I'm on the couch icing it off and I think it's going to be better soon. I just hope it heals soon and well.

  1083 Hits

pulled through

today i woke up same as yesterday, not feeling to well...or awake. i did however have a motivation to get things done, i went home and ate breakfast, then i went to my high school and helped out with arranging school letters for community service hours. this was a slow and boring process but i did meet new people and help out. after, i went home and worked out. i made very careful i went over all my forms and self defense correctly. my workout, especially my sit ups and pull ups, were very difficult today. after i was done, i relaxed for a bit and went to the 4:45-5:45 class and got a mentee session in (which i am very happy i got in). now im at home, i have to eat dinner, shower, and read. hopefully tomorrow i will clear up from this feeling of sickness soon. 

  1150 Hits

the crash

today i finally hit my crash, i had a terrible time waking up and i woke up sick, i felt horrible and exhausted. i finally got my workout done and went to class, earned leadership credits, but today was a difficult day. i hope tomorrow will be way easier. i have learned today that i may have to learn some new self defense for the cycle, this could be good or bad. i need to keep myself on track and stay with my schedule. 

  1231 Hits

the crash

today i finally hit my crash, i had a terrible time waking up and i woke up sick, i felt horrible and exhausted. i finally got my workout done and went to class, earned leadership credits, but today was a difficult day. i hope tomorrow will be way easier. i have learned today that i may have to learn some new self defense for the cycle, this could be good or bad. i need to keep myself on track and stay with my schedule. 

  1034 Hits

white water raft center

today i went to the white water raft center with my friends for a birthday party and it was not only fun, but physically demanding. we woke up and had a good breakfast, then left and got our tickets. the first thing we did was the high ropes corse, the 3 hardest ones they had. the first one was intermediate, the second one was difficult, but the third one was borderline insane. we were really tired at the end of that so we decided to go kayaking, we found a sandbar in the river and swam for a bit. after that was over, we had lunch and went to where we were going to be briefed for our raft reservations safety class. there were alot of rules and things to remember but we got our safety equipment on and were assigned a raft guide. we went down alot of rapids from...

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  979 Hits

black belt camp 3

today was the last black belt camp and i had loads of fun and learned alot :). first, all the students and parents got to sit down and ask master Evans questions about the cycle, we learned alot there too. in the first half, we went over all the color belt curriculum and got alot of tips and corrections done. in the second half, i learned staff attack/defense which i have wanted to learn for a while, we also went over basic form number 1 with the staff. after that was done and we were home, i worked out, got a haircut, and took a shower. now i am on my way to my friends birthday party where tomorrow we go to the white water raft center, hope its fun :)

  913 Hits

rain :P

today was a good day, i made 20$ mowing a lawn, went to class to help out and to get credits, and went to black belt class and worked on my forms to make them better. during the class, it started to rain and thunder, so when i went home, obviously i got wet. today was a good day though, tomorrow is the meeting and another black belt camp. hopefully i can get everything done tomorrow since im going to my friends house after everything is done.

  937 Hits

rain :P

today was a good day, i made 20$ mowing a lawn, went to class to help out and to get credits, and went to black belt class and worked on my forms to make them better. during the class, it started to rain and thunder, so when i went home, obviously i got wet. today was a good day though, tomorrow is the meeting and another black belt camp. hopefully i can get everything done tomorrow since im going to my friends house after everything is done.

  107 Hits

short day

today was a really short day, but it was fun. I woke up and did all my workouts and chores, then I went to class. it was one of my instructors last day before he went off to collage and it was sad saying goodbye to him, but he did promise to visit. the workout was easier and I have everything up on track. I am soon going to my friends house to sleep over, it was a good day :)

  1309 Hits