Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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white water raft center

today i went to the white water raft center with my friends for a birthday party and it was not only fun, but physically demanding. we woke up and had a good breakfast, then left and got our tickets. the first thing we did was the high ropes corse, the 3 hardest ones they had. the first one was intermediate, the second one was difficult, but the third one was borderline insane. we were really tired at the end of that so we decided to go kayaking, we found a sandbar in the river and swam for a bit. after that was over, we had lunch and went to where we were going to be briefed for our raft reservations safety class. there were alot of rules and things to remember but we got our safety equipment on and were assigned a raft guide. we went down alot of rapids from class 2-4 (on a 1-5 scale) and then we went home. i was so tired after that so i took a nap, we did around 3 miles of walking and countless more physical exercise. then i went out to dinner with my family and we went to go see the new movie "elysium". then i got home and did my chores and now its off to bed. tomorrow is going to be difficult, im already sore from today and tomorrow i dont have any time to relax. i really need to get started on finishing my essays, raising the money for kicks for kids, and on top of that, i still have to prepare for my regular school to go shopping and meet my teachers. i hope its easier than i think its going to be. 

Lion King
bubble rap