Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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today i woke up really super early, like 3:40, and spent the next hour in restless sleep constantly waking up. i was not happy to start my day, but i got dressed and went downstairs. i had waffles, rice crispies, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast and my stomach didnt feel to good so i was almost late for the bus but got on. i slept on the bus and when i woke up my stomach still hurt. in first block we went to the media center and did an activity where we were given stacks of books and chose 3, we had to read the first two pages and inside cover/back to find out about it, then choose which one was our favorite and why. then we all checked out books and spent the rest of the time reading. my stomach felt better probably because i was sitting down alot. in second block we had a fire drill so that took up a bit of time and the rest of class at least for me was spent trying on clothes for my uniform, but i now have a full uniform and have to wear it on wednesday. in third block we took notes on photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation, we also received a past test that we took, i got the best grade in the class, a 91. in forth block we finished up our movie on Martin Luther during the Renaissance, then we took a test on the Renaissance unit, i think i did well but i finished early and i had a half hour of doing nothing. i went home studying for my test i have in my freshman seminar class wednesday. i got home and did a whole bunch of requirements, push ups, sit ups, running, kicks, and burpees. i got ready for my first class where we spent the time doing kicks, then went on to blocks and sparring type drills, then ended class with terminology and knowledge. i need to study my lower belt curriculum a bit more but i could answer most of the questions that were asked. i went home and i finished my workout with sparring rounds, jumprope, push ups, and sit ups. i took a shower then got right into homework, we had a big sheet filled with questions in biology and it took me about a half hour with many already answered! the rest of the homework i had in history was easier, it was create a list of reasons why companies and governments should explore space, should it be part of our taxes? and would you go in space? that was easy, of corse i would go to space!!!!! now i need to brush my teeth and go to bed, i have gym tomorrow, and i also need to create a cadence for police explorers to lead marches with. 

journals and homework. My favorite classes
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