Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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a scary exhaustion

today i woke up not knowing i would get as much done as i did today. i woke up to the impossible task of getting out of bed, but as always i managed to find the strength to do so. i did pull ups then got dressed for a workout, i did 80 pushups and sit ups, then 120 kicks. after i got dressed for school in workout clothes because i had gym today. i had a good breakfast of cheerios, a banana, orange juice, and a protein shake. i packed up and arrived at the bus early so naturally i just stood there tired. i slept on the bus better than i ever had, not waking up once from the time i sat down to the time she opened the doors to get off. in first block we did an activity where a confusing story was given to us worded strange with details you think are vague or unimportant, then she gave us a sheet asking us questions about the story saying true, false, or unknown. this activity really made us think about every detail and i enjoyed it. second block we did normal static and dynamic stretching, a short workout where i worked in some running (i was tied for first out of 120 or so people), push ups, and sit ups. then we worked on softball skills since we cant do baseball since we have girls in our class. me and my partner Josh were very good at throwing and catching, only throwing a few inaccurate throws or slow throws, most of them straight like a pitch, and catching id say 90% of them. in third block we did a foldable about pH levels and what they mean, how they can be useful to keep safe, and what common things have which levels, we also moved our seeds in the plastic bags to pots. in forth block we started unit 2 which focused on Greece, particularly Athens and Sparta, we had to learn about Greece first, why their geography made it hard to live in comparison to Egypt and Mesopotamia, then we divided the class in half and half focused on Athens, half on Sparta, i was Sparta. we had to learn facts about the city then convince the other side why ours was better than theirs, Sparta won. i was still tired on the way home so i listened to music and fell asleep. when i got home i mowed half of our lawn and immediately jumped into my uniform and got ready for a normal class, then a sparring class afterwards at KTMH. the first class was pretty normal, we focused on requirements, mostly physical, then we did all of our self defense twice so that helped alot. in between classes we did a TKD plus class which also counted, then i changed into my sparring gear and was ready for sparring class. we started off with stretches, then we did team drills, these were scary. i had a great team, we won the first 2, then we traded one person for a lower belt and a slower kicker and lost all of the rest, last place. we had to do alot of pushups and on top of that, i had to go last and try my hardest to pick up the slack and go as fast as i could, halfway through the 25 pushups after the last drill i started to feel dizzy, tired, and pain all at once...this was not right. i had trouble breathing and it was very scary, i was so exhausted that it took me another 2 minutes just to do 12 push ups. i ended up feeling better after a short break but that had never happened before. we ended class doing kicking and conditioning drills, then 3 rounds of sparring. i had a mentee session and we focused on jump rope, staff, and stick. i am now very tired and need to shower, do laundry, do homework, organize my schedule for the next few days, then go to sleep. tomorrow is friday. hopefully i wont have as hard of a time as i did today. 

Spelling Hop Scotch