Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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biology test

today i woke up better than usual feeling rested and ready to start my day, so i decided to work out. i did half my push ups and sit ups, and all of my kicks. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, a protein shake, milk, and bacon, a good start to my monday. i packed up and got to the bus really early and as always slept on the bus. in first block we did the normal warm up and spent the rest of class reading"Kaffir boy", i read chapter after chapter of gruesome and horrible stories about gang violence, starvation, digging through trash, sickness, and many other bad things that made my mood sadder. in second block we finished the movie about world war 2 pilots and the battle of Britain, then we went to a different classroom and he showed us a flight simulator where we can fly different planes and even battle against each other in old style WW2 planes, i cant wait!!! in third block we spent all class doing a biology test which was pretty easy but it was the type of test where its you know it or you dont so i didnt get everything but i think i did good. in forth block we looked into the Byzantine empire, how they built the city, the aqueduct system there, the walls they built to defend against the Huns and other invaders, and their cruel dictators. i went home and did some requirements, mostly running and had a snack of chicken before i went to the 3:50 class to help out. we started off class doing kwon sool and gradually worked our way to do kicks and eventually sparring-like drills like one and one. i took the class after and i led warm ups, then we did some requirements and did kicking drills. we put on chest protectors and practiced sparring combinations on each other to help us remember and condition the other person. i went home and showered, then did homework (which took little to no effort consisting of me just looking up and printing out articles on the computer for many projects that are upcoming). i just need to do laundry and go to bed and get ready for tomorrow. hopefully tomorrow will go well like today. 
