Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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first police explorers meeting

today i woke up to my alarm and woke up again another 15 minutes later on a late schedule, so i set my alarm for 5 o clock and decided to get some more sleep and skip morning workout. i got dressed and went downstairs, my breakfast was a banana, pancakes, a protein shake, and orange juice. i got packed up and ran to the bus thinking i was late but i was actually 5 minutes early. i slept on the bus and woke up to my bookbag falling out of the seat halfway through the trip so i just played on my phone. in first block we learned about a book called "Kaffir boy" which is a very good book and gives alot of insight on the effect apartheid has on South Africa, how the people live, and the story of a young boy and his journey to escape. in second block we continued to watch a movie on world war 2 aircraft battle and the tactics that led the allies to win. in third block we did a lab, given unknown substances we had to do a series of tests on each one to find out if it was a lipid (fat, wax, or oil), protein, carbohydrate (simple or complex sugar), or none, this lab was long and had many instances where we had nothing to do as the water was heating up. in forth block we learned more about Rome and how the Caesar family contributed to it, first Julius, then Augustus. we went into detail on how their government worked and how Julius used it to change it into a dictatorship and he was the dictator!! i played on my phone on the way home and tried to study for the quiz we have in biology tomorrow (wish me luck :D ). i got home and did a mix of working out, chores, and homework all in a jumbled schedule that eventually worked out. i got everything i needed to get done including a shower before i went to my first police explorer meeting. the meeting started off with him explaining who he is and interesting details about the program and himself such as its the best one in Mecklenburg and hes been on the force 14 years. then we filled out some forms and went over some things we will be doing this year such as marching, self defense, domestic situation handling, traffic handling, combat situations and training, and when and where we will do things outside of the police station for community service hours such as the haunted trail. then we went outside and he showed us ready stance, at ease stance, how to march, and some basic calls he will do. he also showed us how to do our push ups (which are punishment) and yelled humorous things in our faces trying to make us break attention stance by smiling, laughing, moving, or looking at him. then we were dismissed and i went home. i just need to brush my teeth and jump into bed to get ready for tomorrow (wish me luck on my quiz :) ). 

Day 38