Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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in school requirements

today was a good day for many reasons, i may have woken up tired, but i got all my workout done, got packed up for school, ate, and got dressed all with time to spare before the bus. i naturally slept on the bus but i had trouble going to sleep because the bus driver drove with the lights on. when i got to school we went over current events happening around the world and did more on stereotypes, finishing the work we did yesterday. in second block i had gym which i remembered to dress out for. we went to the track and did push ups, sit ups, and running which i counted as part of my requirements (hence the title). i was all tired after that was done, but my day wasnt over, it wasnt even half over. i went to third block and we talked about what 8 characteristics a living organism must have to be considered a living organism but we wasted alot of time because we had to cut things out and tape things in to our notebook. at lunch i found some friends to sit with, a girl in my first and fourth block named Bailey and her eleventh grade friend, who seemed nice but i share no classes with. i talked to them as we ate, they didnt eat much but my pbj was good. in forth block we talked about early egypt and how the egyptians were, their religion and culture mainly. it was very interesting how they worshiped the natural features of the land like the river, the soil, and the sun. i slept on the bus ride home because all of this work tired me out. as soon as i got home i immediately did all of my homework and did more of my requirements, mostly running, forms, and self defense (i focused on red belt and made a mental note that red belt self defense is hop step and high red is not). once it was time for class i grabbed my sparring gear and went to class, but i went to the class before sparring to get even more of my requirements in. that class got alot more forms and self defense along with push ups, sit ups, and burpees. the sparring class was good, i felt in my comfort zone with everyone i sparred and out of the 5 or 6 sparring rounds we did, i only got hit maybe twice. i was drained of energy when i got done and said goodbye. i am home now and i need to put up my sparring gear and shower, then relax until bed. TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!! :D

no mentee session today