Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I had to double my normal requirements as I will be at a concert on Wednesday. The concert will be worth doing all the extra requirements this weekend because Adam Levine is singing live! In sparring class it was tough as I haven't had sparring in a while. I had a hard time dealing with the pain as they kicked me, and it was hard for me to kick my partner when they were kicking me. I will sleep good tonight!

  957 Hits


i had fun today helping out with the little tigers. i thought it was unusual that they actually listened when ever we told them to something. that made it a lot easier to teach class.

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Good day for requirements

 Today had no homework!So I had a great day for requirements. Every Hour I would do a little bit of everything so I would have a lot of everything. So I ended up doubling up on everything! And I got in 3.88 miles. I also got in to watch some tv before this week starts with no electronics. But today was a great day

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Greek fest #2

Ah I'm really tired but yo had an awesome day! I went to black belt class and sparring lads which was pretty good. To got a shower and relaxed with one of my friends until we met up with my other friends at the Greek festival. We hung out there and then I went with one of my friends to sleepover! Super fun!

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Okay Day

Well well well. Day 38 we meet again. I am very happy that I went to sparring class today. I got 10 sparring rounds in! That was very tiring. I am done with back belt classes but will continue to go. I worked on finding the answers to the written test after sparring class. It's amazing how long it took to find something written about King Sejong.  I hope that everyone is feeling okay and ready to go for tomorrow.

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Today was a good day I got a lot done. Today I went to a Saturday class and a sparring class. Also I went to the driving rang and did some golfing. Although I was tired after all of this I got a good bit of requirements done today which was nice.

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Productive Saturday...

I got up this morning and did pushups, situps, burpees, poomsaes, and self defense.  Then I went to King Tiger to teach Little Tigers.  We had a lot of kids in class today and they worked really hard!  Afterwards, Instructor Dege and I got in a couple of miles.  Thank you ma’am! We had a really good BB class today.  We worked on poomsaes, stick forms, and Hapkido.  Master Chelley Hartle did a great job making sure to give us pointers on some of the details that we need to refine.  Master Conrad Hartle was very helpful with the Hapkido.  Thank you Masters Hartles! After I got home, I had to do errands and laundry.  Then it was time for more requirements.  Overall, it was a productive day!  J Thank you Master Evins for the extra credit for attending class on 8/31!  I really appreciate all of the opportunities we’ve had...

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  903 Hits

Jayson Day 38

Today first I helped out with little tigers class.  I learned about a stripe that only they get.  It's called a teamwork stripe.  Then, I had fun going to black belt and sparring class.  That might just be the most I've sweated ever!

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Busy Day

Started off the morning with class in Mint Hill then to North Charlotte where I met with my mentor, Inst. Tucker, did black belt class then stayed for sparring class.  Rushed home to get my husband then go run errands, got back to the house to knock out a bunch of domestics and still working on the ribs for tailgate tomorrow.  Yes I am tired!!!  My biggest mistake today was not drinking enough water - -my bad.  Got dehydrated then a nice cramp in my hamstring which will not go away.  Ouch!!!  Master Burkart, Chelley & Kim your classes were great today and I really enjoyed them.  Not every student pick's up quick, nor learns in the same way, you all have that nack in being able to get thru to everyone in a fun energetic way.  Requirements were not where I wanted them to be today but all is good. ...

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  76 Hits


Today I woke up tired from my high schools' football game. Then i went to black belt and sparring class, we did alot of kicking and hapkido. I went home and watched television. 

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Sept. 7

Today day I got up school time early so I could help at Mint Hill's testing at 8 am. I got a lot of my requirements done while I was there. I ran a mile before helping at testing. I got to get in a leadership credit at testing  because I led warm-ups. I'm getting pretty comfortable leading warm-ups. Before the cycle I was afraid to lead warm-ups. So I have improved a lot. Then after testing I went home for hour and did some requirements. Then I headed back out to go to Master Evins Black Belt Class. During black belt class we did some forms, self-defenses, and hapkito. I finally remember all 10 hapkito defenses. It just took doing them all a few more times. Also during class I got in a lot of my requirements. I almost finished all of my daily requirements! Then after class my mom...

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  105 Hits

birthday party

today i woke up at 7 which was a great load of help to me, i am no longer exhausted now that i got 9 hours of sleep. i ate my breakfast and did my laundry, then just sat around and watched tv until it was about 10:00, then we left to go to the blackbelt class at master Evans. i stretched during the time we were waiting for class to start. once class started we did a normal warm up then we did some requirements and wang ho forms, then master Knight took the bo cho dans to the back and we worked on the forms again but more closely this time, focusing on every detail, we also worked on hurricane kicks. we went back to the normal do jang and worked on hapkido. after class was over, i went over to my neighbors house to mow her lawn. i...

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  1056 Hits


It's the weekend, so I don't have to walk in the morning for two days. I also have time to make up for all the stuff I haven't done lately. I hope I get some more greens this weekend. I took sparring and black belt classes today, and we worked on poomsaes, hapkido, and kicks.

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im at home playing with megan and my cat

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Had a great time at North Charlotte today. We reviewed a few things that I had forgotten from last cycle. It was different without Master Evins but Master Hartle did a great job teaching. Im pretty nervous about no electronics black belt challenge for all of next week. Hopefully I can go Monday through Friday without using the computer, watching television, or texting... What I am excited for is the extra credit at the end though. Its good to set a goal to be able to push yourself.  

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Sept 6

Today is going to be a good day.  Keep doing the requirements. 

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Jayson day 37

Today I went to the black belt class at lakeNorman for the first time.  I found it o be fun and really helpful.  The class was much smaller so master Hartle was able to help us all individually.  I might start going there on Fridays if I can't make Thursdays classes, depending on my homework.   I wasn't happy to hear about the "no electronics" challenge for next week, but my mom was thrilled!

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Greek Food

Today was good, I got pretty caught up on my homework and got some time to relax too. I also wrote my book essay, I just have to type it now. The Greek festival tonight was fun, we mainly got dinner and treats, tomorrow is the day I go with my friends to really have fun. I'll have to be careful not to eat too many goodies. Haha :)

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happy friday everyone! ive been super busy this week. ive missed a lot this week. i couldnt make it to any classes due to cross country. wednesday i had a meet and thursday we did hill combos. which is where you run up and down a hill that feels like 70 degree angle, for an hour and a half. i went home and fell asleep instantly. i have to catch up this week but i know i can do it. not too far behind!

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Its finnaly the weekend and now I dont have to wake uo at six to do requirements. I can finally relax. But I still got home work and essays so I cant really relax. Man!

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i love fridays. i don't like friday school test. my mom did not make me take the friday class. i thought that was unusual. my mom wanted me to take every class i could. then i looked at my log and i noticed that i had done all my week day and saturday blackbelt classes. 

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Today was LONG!

 It was so long today. I had a quiz in Social Studies, a Math Quiz, a Science Quiz and had to study for our Language Arts quiz. Plus being in Honors classes is way more difficult, but as long I have my academic and my Black belt things done Im good. By the way I just got some CHICKEN WINGS FOR THE GOOD WORK I HAVE BEEN DOING IN SCHOOL, HURRAY!!..........

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Happy Friday

What a great day! Helped with the little tigers this afternoon then did black belt class in Mint Hill -----that rocked, awesome class.  Now if I can just remember everything.  Trying to hit requirements hard and would love to see all green on the tracking but being realistic.  I will get caught up!  Looking forward to the weekend and get the hims all set for tailgate and Panthers opener then I can stay home and focus on domestics and requirements.  The carport is my dojang and yes the neighbors know I am nuts.  People drive and walk by and wow do I get some strange looks.  All is good and just keep doing the best I can do.

  813 Hits

Catch up day

Yesterday was a lot of travel...3 hrs in a car and another 2.5 on an airplane. I got a lot of meditation in yesterday. I focused on breathing in for 7 seconds and out for 11.  I also got feedback in a mid-year appraisal from my manager and contemplated his observations and recommendations.  The first requirements I got in yesterday were at the airport waiting for boarding. I found a space big enough and ignored the stares. I had on dress clothes but took off my shoes, so I'm sure I was an unusual sight. Today I had to be in the office early but started on my requirements around 2:30pm while at the DMV.  There was no way I was going to sit there and wait in a chair when I had requirements to knock out!  I just finished around 9pm and I feel good about what I completed. I...

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  145 Hits

Day ??

today is Friday, it feels really good to finally have the week done. I have been reading all of your journal entry's and they are really good they are very descriptive and well written. I am going to include in this journal entry my WHOLE day from start to finish. So I woke up at 5:15 to go take a shower but I was really tired so it was really hard to even stand up. So when I was done with my shower I went to get my breakfast I ate my cereal and a glass of orange juice then went to get some stuff done for one of my friends. After all of us were done we got in our new car to go to school. Since my dad is a car guy and gets good cars cheep. When I get to school I go to my locker and put in the...

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  57 Hits

It's Friday!!!

I want to tell everyone on this cycle that you are doing awesome! I think that because of everyone encouraging one another, it has helped us to get through this together. I also want to thank Master Cavazos for being my mentor. I really appreciate that he comes to Belmont during the week so I can get a mentor meeting. I am also thankful that he wrote my recommendation letter and I didn't even ask him to. I have learned so much from him and I really enjoy our sessions. I found another quote today. "The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it" - Anonymous  

  1081 Hits

friday is over

today i woke up ready to get the day over, i did 5 pull ups and 80 kicks immediately and i felt awake afterwards. i got dressed, ate a bowl of cheerios, pancakes, a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake. i grabbed my lunch and went out to the bus, which i slept peacefully on again. in first block we did more of reading the book about how to be a better person. the rest of class we just sat around and talked since its friday. second block we did more physical training in jrotc starting with push ups and sit ups, then moved on to suicides and sprints, i counted all of this towards requirements. third block we went over 8 common compounds and what elements are needed to be found in something to be considered organic or living. during lunch i sat with my friends and didnt...

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  112 Hits

Sept. 6

Today I helped at Mint Hill's 5:45 family class. It was really fun but I got is sore throat from talking so much. Then I took black belt class and we went over staff attack and defend and hand attack and defend. I think I'm getting it pretty good I just have to keep practicing.

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Long week

Well, the week started off like this: First there was no school because of labor day. Then we had school on tuesday, after that we had soccer game and got crushed by holy trinity 6-1, then we had another great school day and had a soccer game.  We got crushed 10-0 by providnece day. Then we had practice to correct the mistakes that we made the first two games. Now today we had to do fitness because we let 16 goals go in from the last two games. But it was a great week for requirements. And now I am here typing this journal. Bye and see ya tommorow.

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ramdom acts

today my mom said i had to work on my random acts of kindnesses so i did i did them when ewe went out 

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Well…..it’s Friday!  I always look forward to Fridays because I have grand plans of getting some extra rest.  It never works out that way, but it’s nice to dream about it!  J I got up early this morning, did requirements, got ready for work and began my day.  I only have to work half a day on Fridays.  When I got home I thought about taking a nap, but I baked cookies instead. I delivered my cookies, ate dinner, did some more requirements, and then I decided I was done for the day!  

  130 Hits

4 hours again

Today I spent 4 hours in tae kwon do classes again! I first came into the dojang then did my requirements. Then I helped out in class. Then after that I did more requirements. Then I had black belt class and after that I did my home work!

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Today I took three whole classes and now that I'm done today I am really, really tired.  In the PMA class we worked on a bunch of knife drills and techniques and I got the hang of it pretty quick.

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Rosh Ha Shana 2

I got to sleep in an hour later, then I went to rosh ha shana services. I also had a really nice lunch with my family at a cafeteria (which is a family tradition). I took a nap, but I paid for it when I didn't finish my requirements. I also have to make up the school work I missed. But now, it is time for a shower.

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Today I slept through my alarm.  I couldn't get as much running done.  I did a mile instead of 1.5.  I did some poomsaes at the bus stop though.  I'm not doing as many requirements because school has started back.  It doesn't feel as overwhelming to do 150 situps in the morning instead of 250.  I like this!  I'm very tired.  I still have to get used to the new schedule.

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Sparring Class

Today I had a sparring class at Mint Hill. Master Justin taught it, and we did drills, relays, and sparring rounds. I need to work out a schedule so that I can do ALL of my requirements and everything else. Today went pretty well. I didn't get many requirements done, but this weekend I can catch up. I need to do some more pushups tomorrow, as well as kicks.

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Jayson day 36

Today I had so much homework due tomorrow, couldn't go to black belt lass tonite.  My mom is going to take me to the Lake Norman school tomorrow for black belt class there instead.  I already have projects due and homework is really getting to be a lot, so I have to make sure to use time wisely.  I am also starting to notice my push ups getting easier.  This training is starting to pay off!

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I need to go on!

I really need to go on this website way more, it's bad to fall behind in journal enteries. Im pretty sure Ive only been on this website a little bit of times and it's hard to copy every single thing from your handbook on to here. I hope I pass

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i really really need to work on stick form one. i messed up during it in class about fifteen times. i figured out ont thing to night. really hard work could go to serious waste. it happened to me tonight.

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day ?

This journal is being written late at night so it wont be that good. today I had a spparing class and relized haw much stronger I have become and relized the harder you work the better you get also the harder you work the more sore you get.  

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It's green stripe week at S. Charlotte so kicking kicking and some more kicking.  Great class tonight and we took some time to do deep stretching.  Master Moon was my partner.  Oh boy gumby I am- - -ma'am I do not stretch that way - - -I may need to be put back together.  All is good and will be ready for a weekend of classes and requirements. Also doing my white belt this week so have the little kids convenienced I got demoted.  The look on their face was priceless but I was nice and then explained it was part of our training.  

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different black belt class

Saturday black belt class is really fun but challenging. I also like sparring class because we get to do fun things different days. Weekday black belt classes are fun when we get to do black belt things. Dream team class is really cool because it taught me how to use sticks and do cool things.

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Spelling Hop Scotch

Today to help my little brother with his spelling words, I made up a spelling hop scotch game.  I give him a word, we see how many letters are in the word.  We take the little stone, we toss it to the number of letters there are in the word.  Then he spells it as he hops to the number, grab the stone and spell it all of the way back. 

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a scary exhaustion

today i woke up not knowing i would get as much done as i did today. i woke up to the impossible task of getting out of bed, but as always i managed to find the strength to do so. i did pull ups then got dressed for a workout, i did 80 pushups and sit ups, then 120 kicks. after i got dressed for school in workout clothes because i had gym today. i had a good breakfast of cheerios, a banana, orange juice, and a protein shake. i packed up and arrived at the bus early so naturally i just stood there tired. i slept on the bus better than i ever had, not waking up once from the time i sat down to the time she opened the doors to get off. in first block we did an activity where a confusing story was given to us worded...

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  817 Hits


I’ve completed my daily requirements and I’ll be going to BB class and PMAA class tonight.  That always makes for a really long day, but I’m afraid I might miss something if I don’t go.  I’ve attended all of my required classes, but my motto is “you can never practice too much”, so I keep going.  J Maybe we’ll work on the hapkido after 1-10.  I really need to learn that well!  And hopefully in PMAA class we’ll work on what I actually have to know for testing…I enjoy doing drills, but I don’t learn new things really quick so I need lots of time to practice!

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Im setting a good pace with my physical requirements, now its just planning out which classes I can take that benefit me on the BB cycle. Tonight's plan is to go to South Charlotte and get in 3 classes. Hopefully that will help me boost up my leadership classes and I can get ahead. I still need to attend as many PMAA and TKD Plus classes as I can, in order to stay on track. 

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Rosh Ha Shana

Today was pretty normal as far as school and requirements. I worked on my psych project and had a fiddle lesson where I learned two new songs. The abnormal thing about today was that it is Rosh Ha Shana, the jewish new year. I had to go to services and spend my time there rather than being super productive, but it's kind of nice. Well, L'Shana Tova, Happy new year!

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Jayson day 35

Today after school I had homework.   I kind of rushed thru it because I had to go to dream team class.  That was kind of fun because we worked on rolls.  Then I had a mentor session with master Mitchell.  That was good.  We worked on Wang ho 2.  

  1018 Hits

mixed up

i don't know what happened witth the website yesterday but i am pretty worried. 1 of my friends predicted that one day a website will default and after an asteriod would hit the earth and end all life. now i think i was being pranked. i don't like those prank people.

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Journal for Sept 3

Today school was fun. Except we have lots of homework. After school we had a soccer game. We had to play Holy Trinity. They were the state conference champions from last year. I think every body came into the game intimidated because last year they got beat 10-0. But we still did horrible and got beat 6-1. But thats fine, we learned from our mistakes and should be able to stop them the next game. After homework I had to do requirements. It was good except I didnt have enough time to do running but I can make that up.

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First Day of Cross-Country

I did my running requirement while I was practicing in my first cross-country practice at school. I also did 30 push-ups and was able to hold a low plank position for 30 seconds. I also learned different stretches and techniques for warm up before running. 

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Lots of New Stuff in My Brain!

This week I’ve been a white belt.  Tonight I took the colored belt class and most of the people didn’t know me in that class so I was able to really act like a white belt.  Now I can write my essay!  J I’ve begun getting everything all mixed up in my head.  It seems like I’ve learned so much new stuff.  Now I need to get organized and focused so that it’s catalogued in my mind correctly.  I’ll have to find the best method for keeping it all straight.

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School's In!

Today I started school. I got up at 5 and I got my running out of the way. I also got a few situps and pushups done before I had to get ready for school. I went to class after school. I got to work on knife self defense, poomsaes, and hapkido. I am so tired!!!! I could fall asleep while typing this up! Well tomorrow is a new day and I am so excited! It was day 35 for me and that means... The Half-way Point!!!!!!! Yay! 5 am is when I'm getting up. The first things that I see are socks, running shoes, and the treadmill.

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Another Day

Got to meet with my mentor today and yippie!!!! Always great and leave feeling positive with new knowledge.  Helped with the advanced tigers then took sparring class.  Even better Inst. Hsin did not kill the old lady.  It may not have have been pretty but I did everything the kids did and did not fall to far behind.  The kids were great and very patience with me.  Not only am I older than most of the parents but could be a grand parent to some of them.  Look forward to more classes with them.  Inst. Hsin has a way of teaching sparring that I can understand.  I am not quick and probably never will be but I can still learn skills that would be to my advantage.  Enough requirements for the day my body says no more till tomorrow.  

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Day 34

The black belt cycle is going good.  I went to my classes today and got my credits.  I have noticed that when you are focusing on the big things like the 10,000 push ups it is hard to remember the little things like journal entries.  I started wondering why I even had to write journal entries.  So my mom asked me what I learned from writing them.  I said that thinking about these entries has made me work my brain harder than its ever worked.  Then I knew I had my answer.  The physical requirements make me work my body harder than its ever worked and these journal entries make me work my brain harder than its ever worked.  I answered my own question.  The black belt cycle works the whole body, even my brain. 

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We are doing this recycling program in the 5th grade.  We go around to each classroom and collect their recycling bins and put the items into different can.  It is really fun and I'm sure everyone will agree it's fun.  What makes it exciting for me because I get to help for one month.  On Friday my teacher is going to be out and she's asked me to be in charge of the whole program.  

  961 Hits

cross country meet 2

had my second xc meet today! i ran a 23:52 which was slower than my first but this course had three huge hills. well two but i had to go up one twice. they were huge. cant stress that enough. had to take it easy on requirements and stuff today. still got most in

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todays' journal

Today I went to class at Belmont and helped out for the advanced class. I taught blue belt poomse to some new blue belts.

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september 4th

Today I had a hard but good day today. I knocked out more requirements today then I did in a while. I also had golf practice till 7:00 so I had to do a lot this morning.

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I do not like running very much. Running with someone beside is a lot better for me because I can talk to them or they can talk to me. Nataysya, Miranda and I run together and Nataysya doesn't let me walk but that is how I get better.

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Day 35

Today i had to go to school at 7:00.I was vary tired when i went to school.

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yesterdays journal

yesterday i had black belt class and we worked on attack and defense form and hopkido i worked on 1-12 i had allot of fun

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Today I am finally starting to feel a little better! I have been sick for almost a week and it has really made requirements and fitting in classes hard. Im really going to have to push myself once Im feeling better, because being behind is the worst! Right now Im just doing the minimum requirements that I have to do, and then resting. Right now its school, requirements, bed. And then I do it all over again... Tomorrow Im hoping on going to North Charlotte to knock out as many classes that I can.

  50 Hits

september 4th

i woke up really tired, more tired than any other day but i woke up fast because i drank a glass of water, i was dehydrated. i did some of my requirements but not as much as i usually do because i did extra push ups and sit ups yesterday. i got dressed, ate a bowl of cheerios, a slice of pizza, a banana, a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake, then i packed up and ran out the door because i was really slow because i was tired, but i did make the bus which i slept on. in first block we did an activity where we read a book about listening skills and how to understand someones situation and problem fully before you offer advice and support, then we practiced it on different situations. second block we went over the pre history of world war 2 and...

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  976 Hits

Sept. 4

I didn't sleep at all last night so I was really tired today. I was pretty much sleep doing my requirements. I don't have class today because its my day off. I am going to catch up on sleep so I'm not tired tomorrow.

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Labor Day Weekend

This past weekend I went on my 1st Camp Tekoa weekend with my church. It is a family weekend that takes place every Labor Day. I decided to go in spite of being on the Black Belt cycle because honestly, I needed the time away from Charlotte and the spiritual renewal that I thought may come with the trip. I did not get most of my requirements in, only hikiing/running and some poom saes. We stayed so busy doing the zip line, swimming, paddle boating, worshipping and fellowshiping that there wasn't much time left for anything else. I am glad that I took the time to go and will work hard to make up the requirements I missed. It has been a rough year in my personal life and needed the time. I did spend some time teaching front kicks, horse back riding stance and some other things to the 8...

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  938 Hits

Work won yesterday

In my daily struggles ton balance it all, work won.  I'm traveling so I have no kid duties or house chores, and yet between work, TKD, and time for myself, work was the winner by far.  Since I came to meet 2 very important men from Saudi Arabia for all day meetings, I suppose that's appropriate. I did get some requirements in after work before out team dinner. And then a few after returning from dinner, but I fell short big time yesterday.

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I am super tired. I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night since I was feeling bad. I also am still getting up at 5 to do requirements before school. But reflecting back, the set up I have now is easier than last year. School was good and I don't have too much homework, and work was fine too. I won't be going to school thursday since it is Rosh Ha Shana, so that gives me extra time for today's homework. Yay

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public service announcement

today in school my class had fun. we made public service announcements. mine was *it can wait. texting and walking is no good. someone could get seriously hurt if you bump into them or you trip and fall. be smart. don't text and walk.*

  1011 Hits

Hump Day!

Hump Day! Today we got that hump over the week. Two more days to go. Today was a great school day! I got my quizzes back and got all good grades. Then after school I had a soccer game. It was worse than yesterday though. We lost 10-0. Good thing we have practice tommorow because we need it bad. After the game I had dream team, It was very fun. Master Mitchell taught the class. WE worked on rolls and jump roles, I got to do dive rolls.

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I was tired because I had a long day at school with exercises to still to do. I spent 4 hours in Tae Kwon do. First I helped out in class, then I had a mentor meeting, then I helped out in another class, and after that I did a black belt class. When I got home I laid in bed until I realized I still had 50 push ups and 50 sit ups still to do. So basically it was a tiring day.

  52 Hits

The Forgotten Journal Entry

I added this yesterday but it never showed up so here we go again: Today I did not get as much done as I would have liked. I should have made better use of my time after I got home from my friend's house. It was my last day of summer today. I will see the moon at 5 am tomorrow! 

  883 Hits

Mentee munch

TOday I went to Cookout with my mentee.  It was so fun, I loved doing that with him.  I can't wait to do something like that with Gabriel again.  It just phenomenal.  We got a shake, we ate, and talked with each other about life, not TKD.  My goal is to get his push-ups, sit-ups, burpies, forms and self-defenses up to peek performance. 

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Yesterday I went to school, it was hard going back since we had a three day weekend. Jacob made the golf team so we celebrated by ordering itialian. It was a good day.

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leadership day

today i had to go to leadership class for my requirements i also did my requirements before school  

  944 Hits

august 3rd

today was a great day, my sleep schedule was a little bit off because of the weekend but i got up alright, i did my requirements, the push ups, sit ups, and kicks, then got dressed. my breakfast consisted of a banana, bacon, cheerios, orange juice, and a protein shake which woke me up. i got packed up and went to the bus stop with only minutes to spare before it came. first block was really good because we did an activity, you are the cruise ship captain and the boat starts to sink, there are 14 people including you and only 8 can fit in the lifeboat to go to the nearby island (not in swimming distance) and you get to choose based on the information given on each person who gets to go. second block was gym and we did a physical assessment, i got the best in pushups...

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  718 Hits

Sept 3

Today I had class, met with my mentee and my mentor.  My requirements list is getting shorter.

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Sept 3

Had a good day.  Met with Eli my Mentee and Master Richie, my mentor.  Eli will be ready for the Oct belt test  

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Monday... (Not, But It Felt Like It!)

Work today – yay!  (Not really). I went to visit Dr. Bill today so he could adjust my knees and my wrist.  My wrist was really hurting, (probably from pushups, burpees, and sticks/knife).  Anyway, I got my accupuncture and I’m good for another 5000 miles, I hope.  J I went to BB class and we worked on the Grandmaster Jung Attack and Defend form.  Afterwards, I took PMAA and we worked on a knife “drill”. Now it’s time to take a shower and jump in the bed.  Four o’clock in the morning comes really fast!

  1291 Hits


Kicking kicking and more kicking!!!  Great class with Inst. Hsin & Master Moon last night.  Also got to meet with my mentee Luke yesterday.  What an awesome kid, I am very lucky.  His smiles never end and it's such a pleasure to work with him, very special little boy.  Other than that finding the balance with time on playing catch up with requirements, happy with progress though.  Stuggling with the pull-ups and still need the bungie assistance- -oh well.    Doing the white belt challenge this week so that will be one more essay complete next week. Other than that all is good.

  1025 Hits

Labor Day

Labor Day was not a fun holiday today. I did a project due for school and had to do a lot of requirements. I am caught up with most of my requirements. I need to really focus on sparring rounds and self-defense. Tomorrow I will ask my mentor to help me with basic form 3 and self defense special 1. 

  656 Hits

Getting More Greens

I'm starting to get more greens, which is really helpful, because it encourages me to get some more greens and be consistent. I'm getting better at pull ups, which is becoming one of my strong points. I definitely need to do more poomsaes, because I probably won't be able to finish if I don't. Also, I forgot to change my belt rank from bochodan to first dan. I didn't realize it until I took the time to read over my profile. Anyways, I need to do more pushups, because I have way more sit ups. 

  991 Hits


Today I had to double up on some of my requirements because I didn't do so good yesterday.   It wasn't worth taking a day off!  I had a bunch of homework this weekend too.  The homework is due Friday, but I have TKD class tues, wed, and Thursdaynight, so my mom made me finish mostly all of it this weekend. I had very little free time.  

  1237 Hits


I was glad it was a holiday! I got to spend time with my dad hunting for doves.  It was my first time.   We only got two doves and I got a zillion bug bites.  We will need to put on bug spray next time.  Yesterday we spend the day with some family friends who drove down from Greensboro.  Saturday my dad took me to the range to do skeet shooting to practice for the dove hunting.  It was great to spend time with my family and take a break from the requirements.  I needed it!

  1046 Hits

Travel day...again

This morning I got the remainder of my house chores done and went for a run.  Then I ran errands and finished laundry. I had to leave home by 2:45pm for another business trip. I'm traveling with a colleague and we arrived in Hartford this evening. We stopped for dinner so now it's nearly 10pm and I just got to my hotel room.  I will put an hour or so in on requirements, but we have an early start leaving here at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and a big day ahead of us.  So I'll sacrifice some requirements for sleep today.  But I've built a small cushion in most areas just for this purpose...

  926 Hits


took a trip down to florida for labor day! forgot my laptop so now im behind on jounals:( but it was great! i hate all fast food tho...10 hour car ride made me so stiff. it felt good to get out and do some tkd!

  883 Hits

No School

Today was Labor day and that means no school! Today I got back from vacation and was able to get in a bunch of requirements. Later today I was able to get a run in with my dad. Today we also got to do my draft pick for my fantasy football team. I think my team is going to be legit this year. Today is good hopfully tommorow will be to.

  56 Hits


My break was very nice, I hope it helped my ankle! I got to hang out with my friend in the mountains and prop up my foot and read a book. I am refreshed and ready to get a move on whatever I have to do. Granted I still would like to sleep in... But anyways, can't wait to see my other friends again!

  879 Hits

nice day today

First thing today I did some requirements. Today was a packed day though I went golfing in the morning after that I went on the boat and skied and fished a little.

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Today was labor day and me and my family went out on the boat. I tried to ski but I couldn't get up. I got little requirements done.

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my vacation

My vacation was going to the mountains for a while so I didn't get any of the stuff done. I had to do all of my stuff today in a rush because we got home a little late. I am also rushing in a journal at the last minute.

  819 Hits


today i wrote my essay about being a white belt for a week. it took me all day to finish it. i also went running along a new route. i accomplished my gaol and did 8 pullups in a row. tommorrow i will try to do even more.

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Day 32

I have kind of lost track on my days as you might tell. I have also run out of journal ideas. But this will be from the deepest corner of my brain all of you are doing really good on you requirements and should keep going the way you are and keep doing good in class.

  47 Hits


today i woke up really early and went to matthews alive to help out with managing the marathon and selling raffle tickets, this was for community service hours for school. we sold alot of tickets and the marathon went well but trying to keep traffic down and have people running across the streets was stressful. when i got home i helped my mom clean everything, i went to the store with her to help her get some juniper she wants to plant in our yard, i also washed the car and in return she let me drive it around the neighborhood. i went home and started doing my requirements, starting with my forms and self defense the only thing i really need to work on is my stances transferring from color belt poomsaes to wang ho poomsaes. i got my requirements done and now i need to eat, shower, and do...

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  897 Hits

day 33

Today i did my requirements swam in the pool also had time with my family.

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Labor Day

It was so nice today sleeping till 9:30am, taking my time completing my requirements, and working on my last big essay.  And I really enjoyed not having anywhere that I had to be today! I finished my ten page essay on prewar Korea!  My plan is to be a white belt this week and then I can do that essay too. I worked some on my creative poomsae, but I still have a lot of work to do.  L I’ve enjoyed the long weekend, but it’s back to getting up at 4am and going to bed late tomorrow. Kelsey had asked if we are half way yet.  The BB book goes through Day 70, so I would say that the half way point is at the end of Day 35.

  58 Hits

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! Today I got to sleep in. Yay! Then my mom, brother, and I all went to the grocery store and then went jogging. We got in 1.5 miles. Then we came home and swam for a few hours. After that we watched Pitch Perfect. It was a amazing movie. I love it!!! 

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Regular Day

Today was just a regular day of requirements. I am going to my friend's house and spending the night so I had to finish my requirements in the morning. I feel better today. I am not as sore as yesterday. I feel really good about what I have accomplished so far this cycle. I am almost done with a couple of things and I can't believe it!! I am so excited! 

  1330 Hits


I can't believe its already September! August went by so quickly and its crazy that its starting to become fall. This has been a rough weekend, I have started to get a really bad cold, so Im just trying to keep myself hydrated. Still need to be 100% confident on my self defense, but other than that its all memorization. 

  890 Hits

Happy Labor Day

Wow did I need this extra day off- - -it's a labor intensive day of tae kwon do requirements and keeping the domestic stuff in check so all is organized for the rest of the week- - lunch & dinner almost set for the week.  Working like crazy on requirements however the carport is my spot because it has the only space I need for most of the requirements.  Downside it's HOT outside and I am soaked everytime I come inside, hense more laundry - - that is not a good thing.  So if any of the younger candidates on cycle would like a recommendation if you do not know how to do laundry that would be a great new skill to learn.  If you are going thru as many clothes as I am, I am sure your parents would greatly appreciate your new skill.  Went to see family last night for dinner and found that...

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  861 Hits