Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Losing to my mom....

I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose to my mom in fantasy football.  She was beating me by 20 points last time I checked.  We both have one player left.  I have running back and she has a wide receiver.  I really think I'm going to lose.  My guy would have to get 35 point or something.  He needs a blow out game.

  1315 Hits

sept 30

tday i had school and safty potral at my at school.also,I watched a movie at my house.

  1232 Hits

9-26 failed to save

on thursday 9-26 I went to black belt class and I helped out with class and got a leadership credit 1and 2 and got a class and the mentee mentor things all i really need is running

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today i ran 2 miles before school ugh i felt really tired after requirements and im still tired not really any homework at all so no stress on work i still got to right a couple essays 

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Today, I was focusing on catching up on miles.  I did 7 miles!  And I did extra basic kicks. It was a long tiring process, but I made it.  My legs are sore, but it was worth it!!

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Today I worked on my requirements, kwan essay and studied for the test.  It's nice to see the numbers going down..... and down.  

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Long Day

Today was a pretty long day, but relaxed in a way. I got up late (for me) at 9:30 and then did requirements and went to sunday school. It was cool seeing all the new kids that I get to help teach. I had to leave a little early since I realized that I had to eat before going to the Nature Museum to volunteer. There I worked from 1-5 and I got to help train a new volunteer. Maggie was very nice and funny and I'm looking forward to working with her some more. I also realized I don't get to help out with the Halloween Special Event since that is the day of my test! oh well. I had a very nice dinner with my family and now I am doing homework. I plan to get to bed early tonight!

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class with Mr Auerbach

yesterdays empathy class was amazing and i loved it. We wrapped our hand in tape so we couldnt use it and had to learn blocks and strikes with one hand. We did OH-chong one handed and it was confusing and i really had to slow it down at points to think about what i was doing 

  1031 Hits

Sleepy agian

i was really tired today but i had a good night sleep last night so yeah newtons laws of logic or whatever they are called are wrong. so anyways i took a long 5 hour nap after church and felt even more tired. i think i might be sick or something

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yesterday i didnt get a chance to write, i was moving furniture for my moms friend with my family. it was really difficult but we got it done. i had my friend sleep over last night. we spent the night playing video games. we woke up and played video games till his mom came and got him. then i spent the day doing requirements and chores, i got laundry done then worked out for a couple hours. then i went to my friends house and we played more video games there, then i went home and took a shower, now i just need to do some homework then go to bed to get ready for monday...:p. hopefully it will be a good monday!

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Today I had a lot of homework and I did a lot of requirements.  I was able to go to MaxLife this afternoon  at Mecklenburg Church.  I liked one part of my homework. I created an iMovie for Social Studies class.  It was about how my family learns, leads, and serves. It took a while but at the end it looked really great. 

  1134 Hits


today i did a lot. i did requirments, rode my skateboard, played soccer and did chores. i am so tired but so happy. i am happy because i finished 1 of my essays.

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Relaxing Sunday

Today I relaxed and stayed home all day. I did my requirements all in the morning so I had the whole afternoon free. I got to watch Iron Man 3 with my family and have a relaxing day.

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2 More Essays Completed

Today I did 2 more essays. One on Mom as my hero, and another on empathy because I lost my first one. Luckily I remembered the experience, plus yesterday's emathy class also helped me complete the essay. It's ben a long day of essay writing, but I still got about 2 hours to play with my friend Zoey. We had a great time. I got some people interested in buying cupon books at church today, but nobody actually bought them today. Anyways, after this journal, I'm going to watch some tv and go to bed. Tomorrow, though, I'll have to do a lot.  

  927 Hits

Sad Sunday

I do not know if I have just hit the wall with exhaustion or if I am coming down with something.  Slept in a bit this morning, which is not normal, then hit Costco & HT.  When I got home I curled up on the sofa and lights out.  It was a long nap and I did not feel revived afterwards.  Decided that maybe I need to take a small break so spent some time in the kitchen getting meals ready for the week and such.  After I tried to work on pushups & situps and did ok.  Jumped on the treadmill and was pretty happy there.  The TV was on so I said put the DVR Chicago Fire on which kept me going.  I know I am a very slow runner and my pace is not improving much but at least I have the endurance so that is good.  I am done for the day.  Going to...

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  897 Hits

my day

Today I have been really tired and I don't know why. I thought I wouldn't be tired because I had a really good night sleep last night. I have also been doing my sympathy essay today and I think it is really good. I went shopping so I relaxed a little then for the first time in a long time. I have had a really good day.

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test things

today I worked alot on my test a lot of things weren't on the internet so i had to think i ran 2 miles after that i also did alot of my requirements early 

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today i just finished my empathy training essay. yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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SEPT. 29

This morning I finally was able to sleep in late. I ate a healthy brunch, then went straight to homework. I'm behind on a few classes and run/walk. It would be good to get in a run tonight before a bust day tomorrow. The demo at freedom park was fun, although there were more people on the stage than there were watching us! And I think everyone really enjoyed the BB class afterwards. 

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i got the tape off my hand at 9 pm. my hand was stinging and burning. so i started to do some carpet angels. those made my hand feel much better. i thinking right now it is finally over.

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Empathy empathy put yourself in the place of me! The empathy class was super cool today, I learned a lot. It was kind of hard, but very inspiring as to creative thinking. I got to hang with my friends for 2 hours and then I knocked out the history of the kwans. Not much other than that!

  878 Hits

Can I do it?

16 Journal Enteries (This will be my 17th one) and only a little bit of time to go... What if they don't let me test. I need 12 more sparring classes too! So I will do 4 sparring classes a week. 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Lake Norman and 2 on Fridays and Saturdays at North Charlotte. I hope I can do this

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Today was a long day. First I got in 2.25 miles in. Then I got to help out with little tigers testing. Then I got in a mentor session with Master Knight. I did not have time to go to the demo and do class because My mom and dad had yard work and my mom car had to got the shop. But I did 4x the amount of requirements as I usaualy do, so not a bad day.

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Jayson Day 29

Today was super busy.  First the demo at the park.   That was kind of cool, but it went really fast.  Then, some physical requirements, then the black belt class.  Taking class with one handtied up was crazy, and kind of confusing.   Then homework, then more physicals.   Tired!!!

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One Essay Done

Today I finished one essay and just put it in Dropbox. It's on my new skill, animation drawing. I also got some good progress done on the five original kwans essay. I have a lot of essays to do and not a lot of time to do them. At least I have one done, now. I didn't get that many requirements done today because I was doing essays, SCUBA, and TKD classes, but mom said it was okay since I was going to do a lot of work on my essays. At least I did some requirements at Tae Kwon Do today. I also went to subway for lunch and got a salad. It was really good, healthy, and energizing. SCUBA really made me tired though. Tonight I'm going to watch a movie.

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35 down 15 to go

Hello people today I was not able to go to black belt class because we could not find where it was they saidit was somewhere else besides master Evins and I had already completed  So as the title says I only have 15 more to go YAY!!!!!!! now I have to go so see y'all

  1007 Hits

Sept. 28

Today I helped at KTMH 9:00 class and a got to help people get theit red stripes. While I also got some requirements in. The rest of the day I rested and spent time with my family. Now we are watching Iron Man 2.

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sept 28

today I did my last helping in class.I help in king tiger mint hill

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Today has been a great day.  Demo in freedom park pretty cool then class in south charlotte was incredible.  My hand is still taped up and will remain for the rest of the day.  Mentor session this morning also.  Be back tomorrow as its taking me twice as long to get things accomplished this afternoon and have dinner obligations tonight. This is going to be interesting.

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I went to the demo at Freedom Park and the black belt class after today.  I found the class very interesting because I have never done TKD with one arm before.  

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Empathy Training

It was really, really confusing using only one hand.  There are a lot of different techniques.  There were only four basic blocks with two hands, now there are eight because you have to change it around.  My forms were hard to keep up with, especially the ones with low blocks and inside block.  I really enjoyed learning how to do it.  I can't believe what people go through with one hand everyday.

  956 Hits


today I did the demo in something park it was fun next I went and did class it was fun then i did sparring class that was fun to

  1223 Hits

hard day

today  i went to the demo thing at the park and am using one arm today

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Little Tiger Testing!

My day started with requirements.  Afterwards, I headed to the North Charlotte dojang.  Today was a milestone day for Little Tigers.  Today was the first time we did testing for the Little Tigers since the program began again.   The kids were so excited!  Some of them got to the dojang thirty minutes before testing because they wanted to make sure they weren’t late.  Many of them brought their parents and their grandparents to watch.  The kids got to show their family how hard they’ve been working on following directions, answering yes ma’am, kicking and punching, basic stances, and even counting in Korean.  You could tell that both the kids and the adults were very proud of their accomplishments.  Their instructors were very proud too! J  Thanks to Master Knight, Instructor Dege, and Melvin Harris for helping with testing. I hate that I missed the demo at Freedom Park and Instructor Auerbach’s...

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  1735 Hits

My day

I dont have enough time to write that much so let me just tell you a little bit of my day. I had a test and I got a 104, got a 100 on my quiz, got a 100 on all my homework. I did not have to do that much of my requiremnts because Im done with most of stuff. I just need to stop worrying about the physcial and worry about my journals and classes. Im scared Im not going to pass. If I dont pass will I have to do everything over again or will  my data save?

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when i got home i forgot to do a journal. i had to run down stairs to do it. im about to go to bed big day tomorrow. yahhhhhhhhhhhh

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Today I took the black belt class at lake Norman.  I got help with staff form 2.  One less thing for me to worry about.  The cycle is almost over, and still so much to do.  Tomorrow is the demo at freedom park.

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Awesome Friday

Today went really well. I got green on poomsae, got new shoes, and did a lot of requirements. This Saturday I'm going to try to sell a bunch of coupon books. I'm going to do a lot of requirements this weekend and work on essays. Tomorrow I will finish my last required sparring class, and second to last leadership one credit. I think I'm going to catch up and get ahead soon. 

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I got my HOTA and apes test scores back, 95 for hota and 91 for apes. Considering I thought I failed them, I'm pretty proud. I spent my afternoon doing apes notes and now I'm kinda brain dead. But I had a nice dinner with my family. Food night, see you tomorrow!

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Today I went to the class before black belt class and I got leadership credit.  I was helping a high blue belt with his form and self defense.  It feels good to help somebody with something I know.  Afterwards in the black belt class we got to practice Hapkido 1-20, short stick and bolo.  

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Fantastic Friday

Happy camper!!  Very productive day on requirements.  Has lesson with Master Chin this afternoon, thank you Master Chin you are the best, then black belt class in Mint Hill this evening.  Got to Mint Hill early so was able to attend the 5:45 class and also help in class.  It was the first time I helped at another school and was not quite sure what is acceptable.  I had the white belts so I figured if I started saying drop do situps, pushups, punching, kicking, blocks and squat thrusts in between they would think I was nuts.  Hey is was poomsae week so we did a lot of Kwon Sool, even criss cross apple sauce Kwon Sool.  Even though very repetitive I tried to explain the why of things because that was one of my main things when I learn, please explain to me as it helps make me understand.  Black belt class was...

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  919 Hits

Sept. 27

Today I helped out at KTMH 5:45 class. I got to help high white belts learn their poomsaes. Then I took black belt class and we went over hapkito, sticks, and black belt cycle questions. So we got a lot done. Now I am tired and I am going to go to bed.

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im really behind

Today I had to be home early because I was behind on logging the requirements in on the computer. Master Hartle was very mad at me and we had a little talk about it and it made me cry. I really want to get my black belt so I was sad when he said if I do it one more time I would be off of the black belt cycle.

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sept 27

Today I did my weekday black belt class with Master Burkart.  I worked on Hopkido, Stick form 1, and completed another Leadership 1 credit.  I am tired and ready for bed.   

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soccer game

Today I woke up at 6am like usual and did requirements. I am exited about the weekend because now I can get almost all of my requirements done. I am also exited for the soccer game this tuesday.

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Sparring Class

Today I had sparring class. Master Knight taught the sparring class. There was only 4 people at class. We practiced on getting our opponent intimidated. We also practiced our kicks.  We got a chance to spar and kick each other.  It was fun.  I was able to get in a lot of requirements also. 

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after hours of staring at the board and doing worksheets and test while trying to keep my eyes open its finally Friday! But unfortunately my Saturday sleep in till noon plan cant happen because of the black belt demo. so yeah :( 

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9-26-13 failed to save

On 9-26-13 I went to black belt class and we did a lot of self defense blind I was really carefull not to hit anyone we also did a lot of kicks

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SEPT. 27

Today was a busy, stressful, long day at school. Had to work on a project in almost every class in addition to tests. I have plans to finish up todays requirements tonight after friends and I go to Scarowins. Really excited for tomorrows demo. Also extremely excited that I don't have to drive a hour to get to Saturday BB Class. 

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today i ran 2 miles faster than i usually do my dad said i had to hurry up so i did but i didn't have to i really think he just wants me to be like him

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I'm feeling better today. I ran well for one. I also got some of my APES notes done, which is a start. However, I slept through both my alarms this morning. I hope I don't keep up the habit because it's hard to make the requirements up in the afternoon. I must go to sleep now! ahh!

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Today I helped with Wang ho class. I helped the white belts with their hwa rang poomsae.  I wanted to see what they would do if I TKD them through the moves.  It was interesting. In the end they knew the poomsae pretty well.   Also had a mentor session with Master Mitchell. We went over hopkido thru # 4.  Still have a ways to go.  

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class was cool today. i liked how the we practiced our curriculumn in a form of activities instead of straight out doing it.  

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SEPT. 26

Had project after project today. Teachers are really loading us up with homework and tests as well. Im really looking forward to this weekend with the demo in Freedom Park and this Saturdays class. Hopefully we will help motivate everyone that is doing the run/walk and also raise money for Levine Children's Hospital. 

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Today when I went to black belt class it was interesting to have master Shin teach class especially when we did the self defense with our eyes closed.  I like it when there are different people teaching because they each have their own styles of teaching

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Coupon Books

Today I sold 4 coupon books, and have some people interested in buying them. I took a sparring class at Mint Hill, and we didn't do drills, but we did the other stuff that we usually do. I'm going to compete in the AAU, so these sparring classes will help a lot. I managed to get a good amount of requirements done, but I still need to do a lot more. I need to do some sparring rounds done, but all in all I'm doing pretty well. Last week I was in the green for all my physical requirements! Most people are close to finishing, so I really need to try to get lots more done. I need to do more poomsaes tomorrow as well as self defense. I also need to do jump rope rounds. 

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Pretty uneventful day.  Hit requirements hard and had class at South Charlotte tonight.  Worked on many different areas in class as some of the students will be testing next Friday.  Looking forward the weekend and just going to keep plugging away.

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Almost done

I am so glad that I am almost done with all my requirements! I only got 500 kicks left and 3,000 pushups and sit ups and 100 more bur-pees. Today I slept in by accident and didn't get all my goals for today done in the morning man. ;-l

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Today we played Holy Trinity for my schools soccer team.  We tied 4-4.  I made one goal.  After the game I had a mentee session with my mentee Gregory.  After that I went to help out with the Jr. Tiger class.  I was not able to get in any requirements because I had homework.  I have a half day tomorrow so I will get in triple my requirements and attend sparring class. 

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Home run!

today we played mat ball again and the score was 3-5. we were losing and for once it played out like all the sports movies do. i was one of the last kickers and the bases were full. i kicked the first  home run in our class! in the end we won 8-5

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king tiger

today i went to mint hill to master berkart school. it was a lot of sweet but was really fun. yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Last journal!

I'll probably still journal, but at least the monkey is off my back and my required number of journal entries are done. One more thing to cross of the list. My toe continues to challenge me. I've learned to keep my weight off the right side of my foot so that walking is not a problem. Jumping or running I still very painful. And I still can't put a shoe on. I'm glad I can still wear sandals!

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at home

at home my dad helps me with sparring and my mom started to help me with my test so I am really happy with my parents. I love them and they do everything with me and now there doing it to help me.

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Today I woke up at 4:30AM to get in a esay and my workout I think it was a good Idea because I was fully awake when I was done and got in a quick shower and was on my way.The cycle is drawing to a close and we all are finishing our stuff and are hurring to get in all our jurnal entreyes so good job every body.

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I've gotten so much better at leading. I don't like when kids don't listen to me. It tells me that I should behave too.  I also don't like it when kids do exactly the opposite of what people are telling them to do.  I'm glad that I've gotten better at listening.  I hope when this is all over, kids will respect me and think of me as an instructor. 

  966 Hits

last PMAA

i woke up and got a head start so i could relax for a bit before i had to leave. i got dressed and had pancakes, bacon, milk, rice crispies, and a protein shake for breakfast, got packed up, then just watched tv until it was time to go but i forgot what i watched. i slept on the bus and went to first block but our teacher wasnt there, she showed up 10 minutes late and didnt tell us why but we didnt question her. in first block we read more about "kaffir boy", we are close to finishing and will probably finish tuesday, its a really long book and it took all class to go over 13 chapters. in second block me and 8 other guys spent the class in the back room trying on uniforms, we all got our pants and shirt but not anything else because they...

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  851 Hits


ALMOST DONE WITH MOST OF MY REQUIREMENTS! I finished alot of my stuff so tomorrow my goal is 500 pushups and situps, and 20 pull-ups if I have enough time to do 20 pull-ups. 

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Today was hard in school. I had two tests, one in HOTA and one in APES. I also overslept my first alarm, by the way. English class was a waste of time, since I'm not caught up in the book. Both my tests were kinda hard, and I wish I had studied some more. I hope BB cycle isn't taking its tole on my grades yet. I am just read to get everything done. And have time for naps. Yep, definitely naps.

  879 Hits


Today I  had an okay day. I didn't get that many requirements done, but I can catch up on that. I haven't had any time to work on my essays, so I've decided to do the writing on the weekends, and do my research during the week. I need to do a lot of kicks, and I'm catching up on poomsaes and self defense. Also, I want to finish meditation, sit ups, jump rope rounds, and journal entries early.  Tomorrow I have a long day, and I need to do even more than I usually do to catch up for today. I really need to get a schedule to help me know when to do what. Tomorrow I'm also going to try to sell a lot of coupon books for my school. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, so I need to at least make a schedule on when to do...

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  41 Hits


Today, I helped with Wang ho class. I got to help a lot of my friends from summer camp, and made some new friends too. It's always interesting to see howpeople react to certain situations, and how the learn.  Had lots of homework too.  Bern up since 6:15 am to do physical requirements.  Tired.  

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Hump day!

Today like usual got up at six did requirements go to school home work tae kwon do bed time. Tomorrow I got a science test so I am studying hard for it. Today finally I did one full pull up!

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Happy Dance!!

Finally it's time for the happy dance, I am in green on tracking in all except one item (mentee) and I could not be happier.  My mentee, Luke -- who is the best, is only at class on Tuesdays because of other obligations.  Hoping that I can scoot away and meet with him a few extra days to get caught up but if I do not it's ok- - he is so worth working with.  I will be there for him on his next test regardless of cycle testing and requirements.  I am very lucky!!  Got to South Charlotte about 4:00 today and hit requirements hard.  My little friend Johnathan was there, all of 3 years old, that helps with my requirements on Mondays & Wednesdays.  He likes to know what I am doing, why I am doing it, what is next, when is the Panda going to find a home and can...

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  446 Hits


I’ve been reading some journal entries that have said the physical requirements are getting easier to do and at first I thought so too….but this week, the pushups, situps, and the burpees have been really, really hard.  And don’t even mention the pull-ups…I’m getting better at doing them with assistance, but I still haven’t mastered doing one without assistance.  L  I’ve just got to keep telling myself that I am getting stronger with every pushup, every situp, every burpee, and every pullup! I really enjoyed the rain today!

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Hump Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Today I didn't have soccer practice so I had a chance to help out with class.  I also got a mentor session and lots of requirements. I finished my homework before 8:30.  I now have some free time before bed time. 

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SEPT. 25

Had a very successful day at South Charlotte. Had the chance to see Instructor Tucker and go over Knife Self Defense with Master Chin. Its so good to have her back! Im finally catching up with all of my requirements after being sick, having injuries and traveling. Im hoping I can get in another leadership credit tomorrow after finishing all of my schoolwork and completing the many projects that have been assigned. 

  981 Hits

The end is in sight

There are a few items I've either finished or I'm close...I can see the finish line. I wish I could say that for more of them. I've sacrificed time with my kids, housework, time with my friends, and time for myself. I look forward to getting some of that back...at least until next cycle.  My family and friends have been very supportive. I'm thankful for that. 

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Today my little brother went on a 3-day field trip to Barrier Island so I can have 3 or 2 1/2 days annoying little brother free!  I got a recommendation letter from one of my teachers yesterday.  I should be getting another one from another teacher real soon.   

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my school

My school gives a lot of homework for fifth grade. The easy thing is I can do my homework at afterschool. I also get to read for 30 minutes.

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Fantasy Football

Tonight I am going to manage my team.  I think I am going to have to take some players out.  This week I am playing my mom.  She's going down!  Right now she is projected to win.  That is why I am going to work on my team.  I am not going to lose to her.

  959 Hits


today i went to leadership class we did a lot of jump and spin kicks for the jump front kicks master Kim told me to demonstrate next we did Tornado kicks i got really dizzy after class master Kim said my jump front kicks were great   

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Cross country meet

Today we raced at Mcalpine. I believe that is located in south Charlotte but im not 100% sure. But anyway i ran a 22:30 5k which is a minute behind my personal record so im getting back down to it. i am still sore from mondays workout of sprinting 4 miles so i couldve shaved some time off possibly. anyway im really happy with my time!

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2 miles morning

in the morning i ran 2 miles ugh wasnt that fun but the morning seems longer when i run i did some of my requirements to it was an ok morning 

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A great tuesday

today was an amazing day. i got everything done today and had two tests today in school and over 100 on both. then i went home and relaxed an hour then got started on requirements. i then went to class at lake norman and got my leg stretched out, if you didnt know, i pulled my hamstring 2 days into the cycle  -_- so i havent been able to do a split or a good stretch kick since. but im not letting it get me down. gotta keep trucking

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No time

I've had a rough day, I have a lot of work I do for both school and and cycle. I just don't have enough time. I also tried out for bluegrass bros which went okay but not real fantastic. I'm ready for bed.

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Flu shot

Today I got to sleep in because I went to get a flu shot.  It affected my push ups and things I had to do with my arms.  My arm really hurts and I'm really tired.  Good night.

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Pretty random day with work and requirements.  I would like to do the happy dance for having all green on tracking but it is not quite there yet - -bummer.  Got to dojang early today and requirements, requirements and requirements - -the mom's think I am nuts - -but it's all good.  Helped in one class, met with my mentee Luke, he is awesome - -all of 6 years old and wide open then stayed for adult class.  Then off to doggy spa (ie. petsmart) where little one was enjoying her time of beauty.  We have a furry little office dog, Ms. Roxy, that I share joint custody.  She is the sweetest little rescue and would not trade her for the world.  Time to go have some Roxy time then will hit it hard tomorrow.

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Jay Ewell

Now I am focusing on my v sit ups more vigorously for the test.  I'm doing leg raisesa long with the sit ups to get prepared, and help with that.  The goal is for it to get easier each day betweenknow and then.  Need to focus on trying to do pull ups too.

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Today I went to class and got a leadership credit. When I got home I was tired but I kept going and did my requirements.

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Today I accidently fell into an ant pile, and I had to go to the office to get some anti-itch medicine. My friend also had to come because she accidentally stepped into an ant pile. Other than that, I had a good day at school, and when I got home, I did homework and requirements. I need to do some more sparring rounds to catch up, but other than that, I'm doing pretty well on requirements, too. I still need to get to work on essays, however, because I still have a lot of them to do. Tomorrow I'll try to get a little bit more on my essays, day by day, until I finish. I have a lot to do, but I'm getting it done.

  953 Hits


Today I did a lot of extra requirements like 250 puch ups and sit ups. Also 50 bur-pees, 36 poom saes and 40 self defense. I also did 6 sparring rounds. In black belt class we worked on being able to take a hit. The front row of instructors and masters tried to fling there belts at us and we tried to slide back to miss it. After that we hit a bamboo stick with a round house kick. I tried kicking it as hard as I could,man that hurt!

  166 Hits


Tonight I didn’t go to class, instead I stayed home and spent some time with my kids looking at old pictures.  It brought back lots of happy memories.  I needed to take a short break to see if I can shake this crude that I’ve picked up.  L  I’m still doing my requirements but I just don’t feel like I’m one hundred percent and I’ve got this annoying cough.  I will persevere!

  163 Hits

Panthers’ Big Win

Last Sunday the Panthers had a huge win against the NY Football Giants.  It was 38-0, I think it was our first shutout in Panther history.  On fantasy football Eli Manning, the Giants’ quarterback, got -.65 fantasy points.  I beat my uncle Aaron. We sacked Eli Manning 5 times in the first quarter and made them fumble the ball several times. 

  2055 Hits

marching and laughing

today i woke up motivated to get a head start on my day because i knew i was going to be tired by the end of it. i got dressed, ate frosted mini wheats, waffles, bacon, milk, and a protein shake, i dont really change what i eat every day. i got packed up and went out to the bus, it was cold today so it was a long sleeves day. i slept on the bus like usual. in first block we worked some on kaffir boy but only got a little done because we worked on our water project most of the time, im already done so i just played on my phone and used it as free time. second block i was measured for my uniform finally and then we learned about the holocaust, how the nazis operated and thought, what i gathered is they were horrible people and...

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  829 Hits


today i went to black belt class when master Mitchell said we were ganna do some conditioning i was like ok but oooow did it hurt the part tat hurt was when we were sliding from the belts being whipped at us i got hit about 10 time only 2 hurt next we kicked the bamboo swords i just forgot the name it might sound like it hurt but not much but on his last kick Michael kicked it as hard as he could he was on the ground it was a fun class 

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Sept. 24

Today I went to the 4:45 class at KTMH. We worked on forms and self-defense so I got  a lot of requirements done. Today was a really good day for me. 

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my essays

Does anyone know when the essays are due? The problem is I have some of the done but not all. I am starting to get worried about this because it is my first time one the cycle and it is kind of difficult to me.

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SEPT. 24

Had an extremely long day today. Feeling really congested and I can hardly breathe. Didn't go to class tonight because I knew I wouldn't make it 15 minutes into class! Went to the doctor to see what was the big problem and they said it was just a bad cold. Hopefully it will pass before Saturday. Im getting really excited for what we are going to do, even though its going to be apparently in front of a few hundred of people. Still a little behind in Leadership classes but with my schedule they will be easy to make up. I need to finish learning my knife self-defense and my staff poomsae. Other than that I am prepared for testing and feeling confident in what I know. 

  61 Hits


today i had church. i also tried to find Halloween costumes. we had a busy day. i found out today that im running a 5k with my mom on Saturday 

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Day 57

I really need to go running in the morning tomorrow. It helps to wake me up and get more energy. I know that probably doesn't make sense but it works for me. I have been running during recess and gym. I am really starting to be exhausted by 6 o'clock. I am really excited about the Kicks for Kids! I really want to see who will win the giant pandas!  

  1885 Hits

sept 24

 today I did my resquments at my house.Also, I played at the park.

  1227 Hits