Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


today i woke up but had a slow start to my day so i had to rush at the last minute to get out the door. i got dressed, ate pancakes, bacon, a protein shake, and milk. then i got packed up and rushed out the door because i thought i was late, it turns out i ended up getting there right when my bus is supposed to come but the bus was 15 minutes late so i was standing alone in the cold for an extra 15 minutes and rushed for nothing. the rest of my day went better, in first block we took a vocab test on the words we have been studying and im almost sure i got it perfect, then we read more of "Kaffir Boy", there were some disturbing parts, i wont go into detail but i can assure you that you would not want to...

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  1487 Hits

sore legs

My legs are so sore today because we played some football and did drills for 1 hour and 45 minutes. and after that when i got home i crashed on the sofa...only to be forced to goto class and have master kim drill us 

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dream team

today i had to run 2 miles because i didn't run yesterday i also went to dream team we worked on handstands outside in and inside out kicks last we did 5 pushups sit ups then we monkey walked around the mat we did that 5 times it might not seem like a lot  but after we had cramps

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dad is away!

This morning my dad left to Seattle for my uncle's wedding. My other uncles came over last night. The best part is all I have to do till Friday is run,pull ups, and jurnle entrys. 

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SEPT. 18

Today is my best friends birthday, so unfortunately I cant attend any classes tonight because of her party. Im hoping to go in early tomorrow to fit in any Leadership credits that I can. It should be a fun class on Saturday because its at South Charlotte! YAY! Im also excited about what were going to be doing at Freedom Park afterwards.  0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;}

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I am going to try to make this a longer jouirnal because the most recent ones have been from my Iphone and I was limited to a certain number of characters for some reason. Last night was picture night at South Charlotte and the place was buzzing with noise. It was so awesome to see all the students so excited about their pictures. We had a great combined class with the Little Tigers and Jr. Wangho. Each Little Tiger was paired with an older child or an Instructor for the class. It was a great experience. I saw Dr. Bill yesterday about my knee. It was feeling great after I left. He is a great doctor. For some reason it was hurting this morning. I am not due to go back for 3 weeks so I will see if I can tough it out. We worked on self defense and Knife...

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  73 Hits

Another long day

I had another long day. I have a lot of homework to do, mainly for APES and HOTA. I got home and took a mini break, then I packed my stuff and went to work. It was a little chaotic because we had photos but it ended up being fine. I then drove to an orientation meeting for sunday school teachers helpers. i then got home around 8:30 and finished what I needed to get done.

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a great relaxing tuesday

i took off of classes today to have a day of rest. i am feel well rested and am ready to go. i actually had my first bit of homework from school yesterday, i love being a senior. im about to start talking to a recruiter soon. Wish me luck!!

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School, Piece of Oreos, Not Cake

 Today at school, the work was a piece of cake, I mean oreos. I had a quiz which I got a 100% and in Math I got a good impression in order of operations. Then I had to learn about Good Vs. Bad and I started to think about when life is over should I be a Protagonist or a Antagonist. Then we learned about how you should be neat scientist. Last but not least I started to learn how to play violin, without the bow. I got to Tae Kwon Do but did not get to take class because I had Curriculum Night. I learned some stuff I did not even know. I got a hoodie too. Then I went home to count how many desserts I sold for my school and it was 14! I only need 16 more until I get 30, I have not even got my...

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  910 Hits


today i have a headache from practicing the same thing over and over again. i practice kuemgang, attack deffend, hopkeido and my self defence. tomorrow i wil make sure i practice something different. i will practice pullups and kicks i will make sure to do 600 kicks and 50 pullups.

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Jayson day48

Woke uP early. Did physical requirements.   Went to school. Did homework.  Then worked on my empathy essay.  The essay was easier to write than last year.   Putting your arm in a sling is a lot harder than being mute, so I had more to write about.  I found out having only one arm is really hard.  

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Cool/ boring day at school

Today in school for 1st block I learned about Neanderthals and watched a video on it. In second block we worked on b In being principled. I already learned that in TKD. In third block we worked on finishing classwork. Boring!!!!! In fourth block we read are new library books. Yesterday I did not get a library book because I was late. Thank goodness I brought my own book. In 5th block we played foot ball because its gym.( Foot ball) also boring!!!!!!!!!! In TKD I got extra requirements done because I got all mine done at 6 am. In black belt class we worked on basic forms for staffs. We also worked on our hopcito self defence and poom saes. And now I got all the time in the world to do whatever I want.(Are maybe 1 hour). Not Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I went to three classes today and I just got home.  I am very tired and I want to go to bed.  The PMAA class was pretty good and Instructor Randle is a good partner during the class.  During the black belt class I'm glad we went over Hapkido because I needed the practice.

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I don’t really have much to say today.  My body and brain are tired.  I still have to go to BB class and then stay for PMAA class.  (At least I don’t have to go to TKD Plus class.)  I won’t get home until after 9:30pm and probably won’t get to bed until 11pm.  The good part is I’ve already got my requirements done.  J This is the time in the cycle where it starts getting a bit overwhelming.  I need to remind myself that although this is extremely difficult – it will be worth it in the end!

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OW! My toe...

I banged my pinky toe on my right foot tonight at PMAA class. Ow!  Between the shin splints on my left leg, hamstring on my left leg, and pinky toe on my right, I'm feeling quite beat up.  My toe is fat and I can't touch it without serious pain. I hope it heals while I sleep tonight. 

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bb class

today i helped out with the class before black belt class and took black belt class we worked on staff 1 and 2 and hopkido 

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Rough Day

Today I couldn't do all of my black belt stuff before class, so I had to do some before and after.  I hard time with my forms.  I couldn't square up during pal jung. I couldn't get my hands in the right spot for push-ups.  My dad said I had a hard time focusing.  I hope I can do better tomorrow.  My dad is still proud of all my hard work though.

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Semi-normal Day

Today was just your average day on the cycle. Thank you Master Evins for giving us the class credits after the no electronics challenge! You are being very generous sir! Speaking of generous, while I was at a piano lesson, my mom ran into my old school's librarian at the store. My mom pulled out an extra raffle ticket for the panda and was about to write her number down for her. My teacher asked what they were for so my mom told her and she bought two tickets! I thought that was very generous of her. 

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A good day

I scored the first goal at soccer. We won the game 0-7. I had my first mentee session. It went good.  I also helped out with class. Now I have to go do my homework. 

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Sept. 17

Today I went to my normal class and got a lot of requirements done. Then I had a mentor session with Master Richie. We worked on self-defense and falling. I am not good at falling. Side fall and spin fall are the hardest for me. I am going to work hard to get better at them.

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when i got home my cat was at the door wating for me. i sat down to do my homework. i was also writhing 2 paragraphs of why i think i should be in safty partol at school. i also was practcing my lines for drama club i am trying ou for sleeping bueaty.

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sept 17

Today i did my requirements at school.Also, i did Ta kwon do and a mentor sesion.

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Long Day

Today I walked and ran a lot. I didn't do as much as I wanted, but I'll probably get to do more tomorrow. I need to do essays and also I need to work on preparing for my neighborhood yard sale. Tomorrow I'll do some more research on the 5 original kwans.

  55 Hits


today i woke up purposely later because i knew i didn't have to work out in the morning because i had gym today. i got out of bed and got dressed and almost forgot to get a second shirt to change into after gym. i went downstairs and i had a breakfast of waffles, bacon, frosted mini wheats, a protein shake, and milk, then i got packed up, ran to the bus, and caught it just in time because we had a new bus driver today who i knew would come early but forgot about it until the last minute, i found out many people missed the bus today because of this. in first block we spent most of the time messing around as a reward for being way farther ahead of her other classes in reading the book, we are on page 50 and the farthest any of the others...

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  756 Hits

Regular day

Just a regular day of school and stuff. same old stuff nothing new, nothing good nothing bad. well i guess i'm going to scouts today and that's good but other than that yeah boring.

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Dead on my feet

I just feel dead on my feet. Today has been nonstop. I had to leave school early to go to the doctor for an annual check up, where I got 3 shots. Then I went home briefly to work on homework for about 20 min, and I finally got the book for english which I am behind by 70 pages. So I have to read and annotate that. Then I picked up one friend to got to another friend's house to finish a video project due tomorrow. Then I drove my friend home and changed for TKD. Class was long as all monday classes are, but it was very helpful. Now I'm ready to shower, relax, and go to sleep.

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Not Much Done

Today I didn't get much done, because I had a lot of homework. I got a lot of classes done, and counted 3 sparring classes since I took the electronics challenge. Tomorrow or this weekend I will have to do a little extra because of today. I'm done with pull ups now, and I'm working on meditation, burpees, and random acts of kindness. I also am done with some classes. I'm trying to get done early this cycle, and not late like the last time. Maybe I'll make up for today tomorrow.

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sept 16

Today I had my first Math Olympian class.  I was also asked to join the TD literacy class.  did not get many of my physical requirements today

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Jayson Day 47?

today I doubled up on sit ups and push ups.  They are definitely getting easier for me.  I am excited about the extra class credit I got from the no electronics challenge last week.  Thanks Master Evins!

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Well start of the day not too good!!  Up early to get the run out of the way.  Got to work to find my computer responding to a different world, the router decided it was going to have a mind of it's own then to boot three of our incoming phone lines down completely.  Needless to say most of my day was not productive just trying to get everything up and running.  Luckily had the laptop that I could at least remote for emails and communicate with clients.  Good news all was running by time I left so let's just hope.  Talk about putting a monkey wrench into the day - -.  Spent late afternoon at dojang working on requirements, helping in class, leading warm-ups then black belt class & pmaa.  Ran out of time for TKD+ but all is good we needed to spend the time and work on staff...

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  109 Hits


today during my mentoring session i found out that i have trouble with hopkeido 13, 14, and 15. i think it might be because i am getting dizzy from going around i a circle on #12. i also have trouble with #11 because i always seem to jump knee the attacker. i may have to duct tape my foot to the ground when i practice so i can grow on that habbit. 

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Im feeling awful right now. its just that sick feeling that makes you feel like you have no energy and want to throw up every 5 seconds. so yeah i only got some requirements done but when i get better i will try to make it all up.

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Awesome idea!

Today I ran 3 miles in cross country. So now I do not have to run tomorrow. YYYYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!! Also I got everything done at 6 am so I dont have much to do. I am now going to do that every day except for the weekend.

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Tonight we worked on our knife self defense as well as hopkido and other things. I really need to practice on the knife self defense. For some reason, it is more challenging to me than other things. I will keep working. 

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biology test

today i woke up better than usual feeling rested and ready to start my day, so i decided to work out. i did half my push ups and sit ups, and all of my kicks. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, a protein shake, milk, and bacon, a good start to my monday. i packed up and got to the bus really early and as always slept on the bus. in first block we did the normal warm up and spent the rest of class reading"Kaffir boy", i read chapter after chapter of gruesome and horrible stories about gang violence, starvation, digging through trash, sickness, and many other bad things that made my mood sadder. in second block we finished the movie about world war 2 pilots and the battle of Britain, then we went to a different classroom and he showed us a flight simulator where we can fly...

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  740 Hits


Today was a typical Monday.  I had to work hard at work and I looked forward to teaching Junior Tigers, working with my mentee, and working with my mentor.  I always learn something from my mentor! I also learn when I’m working with my mentee.  When you’re teaching someone something it makes you stop and think about what you’re actually teaching, instead of just doing it.  Most people will tell you that it’s harder to teach than to be taught! J I’m beginning to think about the end of the cycle…the actual test…and it’s scary.  So, I need to stay in the moment.

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Day 49

Today I got a mentee session done. Now I know what it feels like to be a true instructor. I was getting kind of frustrated with my mentee today because he didn't remember blue belt self defense. He just tested for high blue and did great during his test. I have suggested for him to practice at home a lot. I have worked on self defense with him for a few weeks now!  I kind of feel like it's my fault that he doesn't know it but I know that it's not. I'm not exactly happy right now.  I have soooo much to do! I have a lot of of homework, a project due Friday, and to top it all off, requirements!!!!! Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggg!!!!!!!!  

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Panther's Game

Yesterday we watched the Panther's game as a family.  The Panther's started off great.  I was playing my uncle in fantasy football and he had their defense.  They got an interception, but at least they threw the flag. Yes and no! After the game my dad got me to try the third hottest pepper in the world. It STUNG!

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Normal Day

Today was a normal day for me. Nothing interesting really happened to me. I did my requirements and homework.

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I have to study for that test so that I can pass so I am studying so much. I have to do five a day for ten days straight so I can study long and remember all the stuff.

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Decent Start to the Week

Today was a decent day.  Had 3 hrs of conference calls, then did some individual work, then went to work out at noon at LKN dojang with Master Chelley.  Got a the good news on the 3 wild cards...I'm definitely using mine for sparring class.  I went to the office this afternoon, then picked up the kids and went to teach family class.  Now I have a conference call for work, then off to try to roll out my shin and hamstring.  The pain will bring on a sweat, so I will head into the shower and off to bed!

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today i went to leadership class and got 3 wild cards for any classes for the no technology i'm happy i got that for my sparring class i needed to catch up also i' going to do the AAU for more sparring classes 

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 i got home from school and did my homework. as soon as i did that i did my five kwons essay. i amm about to look at costumes for holloween 

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SEPT. 16

Im so thankful I went a week without technology! It was quite a challenge last week going without Instagram, Facebook, etc., but I somehow managed to accomplish it! The only major concern I had was the amount of classes I had, so now I think Im in good shape. Today my plan is to go to South Charlotte. I've missed it so much! Im going to get in a ton of leadership credits, a Mentor Session, Mentee Session, Weekday Black Belt class, Sparring Class, PMAA and TKD Plus. So I may be there for a while! 

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the last couple days

I dont know if its my computer again or the website but i havnt been able to log journals. i have tried everyday but havent been able to

  889 Hits

Big week, Next Week

 Next week is going to be awesome! The progress reports come out (I think). If they do the least I can get is 2 B's and the rest will be A's. Also next week is my last week to sell stuff for my school. Then I can start raising money for Levine's again. I also get to do extra requirements because I have a Homework Pass for Science, a Homework Pass for Honors Language Arts and 5 Homework Passes for Social Studies. I don't have any for Honors Math because our teacher doesn't give those away. I pretty sure Im almost done with this really cool book and after that I'm going to read Mocking Jay, Holes, Looser List, I Funny and (Book I forgot the name of). I'm pretty sure I'm going to do one of those books for my essay for the black belt cycle. IM ALMOST DONE WITH...

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  1561 Hits

Tough day

This post is going to be short & not so sweet.  I am having to use my iPhone because something is wrong with my laptop. I am terrible pain. Either a sinus infection or my TMJ  is causing severe pain in my ears & face

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Jayson Ewell day 16

Today was my day of empathy.  My arm in a sling and a sock on my hand for 12 whole hours.  It was hard!  Way harder Han I thought.There were so many things I couldn't do.   I couldn't even hold a fork to eat.  I couldn't use a computer mouse.  It was fun for a while figuring out how to work around it, but not for long.   Grateful for being healthy!

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New Haircut

Today I went to Great Clips and got a hair cut. It's a little shorter now, and I have bangs again. My hair is now about shoulder length. I finished all of my weekend homework, and I also did a bunch of requirements. I'm almost done with pull ups, and when I'm done I'll have more time for other stuff, but I will still have to practice doing 8 every other day. I really need to do poomsaes, and do my essays, though I already have started my research on the 5 original kwans. I'm starting to do more burpees.

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A Little Intimidating.............

Today was a good day.  I decided that I was going to do every form that I know at least once.  I didn’t realize how many forms I know until I did this.  Here’s a list: colored belt – 11, black belt – 4, Basic – 3, Wang Ho – 5, Nai Bin Jin – 3, Attack/Defend – 2, Stick – 4, Staff – 5, and Cane – 1.  (I didn’t do the three Hapkido forms because I need a partner for that.) I also did all of the self-defenses, stick/knife, and Hapkido.  I tried to focus on the details.  Having to know so much for testing is intimidating!  L  My plan is to work hard and do the best that I can. After I finished all of requirements and my household chores, I finally got that nap I’ve been wanting!  J  Now I’m ready for a new week.

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Nature Museum

Today was a pretty quiet day. I slept late then went to work at the Nature Museum. I cleaned and fed the mice, rabbit, quail and chicken. I also straightened play areas but that is about it. My mom got home this evening from a day of farm touring. She brought with her an ostrich egg, which we are told is about 3 dozen chicken eggs! we have to plan on what to use it for. She also brought me some alpaca yarn so I can make mittens! wooh! gotta get working on that so they'll be ready for when it gets cold!

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Long Day

Today was a very long day. I had to do requirements one hour. The next hour I had to do homework. It was pretty much like that the whole entire day. I had a little bit of free time. But today was all work.

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Pretty productive day - - -domestics caught up, well as caught up as they will get, and happy with requirements for the day.  Decided to stay away from the run and burpee's today in hope that my knee's will not be as sore.  Front stances are an obstacle right now but it will get better.  The old bones have a mind of their own.  Trying to focus on catching up on  requirements, remembering everything and learning the new curriculum.  My brain is going into mush mode more than normal so I just have to break it down so I do not go into overload.  I would just like to see everything "green" on the tracking.  Looking forward to a good week!!!

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new machine

My uncle got this new machine at a garage sale and it helps me with pull ups and push ups so that I can get my stuff done easily.

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extra run

today i had to run double because i didn't a couple days ago it wasn't that bad but i like running outside than on a treadmill but it tells you how fast your going and all that   

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today i went running to a river in my neighborhood. i stopped there and through leaves and bark in the area with the strongest current. then i ran around my neighborhood pool. then i came back to the river. when i got to the river i dropped tiny water bugs in the water. when i was done at the river i ran up a steap hill to get to my house.

  870 Hits


today i'm journaling for yesterday because i forgot to we had fun in black belt class and sparring class i don't understand how master Kim kets kicked and doesn't really feel anything

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Errand Day

Today I ran errands and did housework until 6pm. Jess said I should get 30 RAOKs, but these were just "mom duties"did worked on my requirements for about 2 hrs after dinner. I really wanted to just sit and read a book, but I knew I couldn't until I got my requirements done.  So now I need to go get a shower and hopefully I can read for a while before falling asleep. I before bed I will try to use a styrofoam roller on my hamstring and shin. I can't kick above my waist and my stride while running was really short.  I'm trying to go easy so that it heals faster....not easy to do though. 

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i have been really busy the last few days so this is my first journal in 3 days. on friday at school i started off the day doing the normal routine but skipped workout again because i had done alot thursday. i got on the bus, there were only 3 other people on the bus because im the first stop. all of a sudden my bus driver pulled to the side of the road and called my friend Dylan up there, she told him she felt like passing out, so he called an ambulance and helped keep her calm. i told the other 2 people on the bus to go to the back and keep an eye out the window for an ambulance, it was my job to keep tabs on where the ambulance was. i also called a few people that were waiting at the next stops telling them to...

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  47 Hits

day 39 I think

Dear People I am dieing  not literally but my muscles are sore and my every thing else hurts my fingers hurt as I am typing this. I think what is the hardest is the essays I have gotten 1/4 of them done and I need to do three a week so let me get satarted.

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Fun Day

Today I went the park with Jonathan. We got in a lot of requirements. Then later he came over and we swam for a while. So it was a fun day. 

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Today I went to the park with Lauren and Pierce and we did a lot of our requirements.  I think its good to do the requirements with other people because they can sort of get you to keep going.

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Triathlon/ run

Today I did a triathlon. I did pretty good I got 5th out of 7. I would of caught up in the swim but my goggles rolled over into my eyes! I caught up in the bike and run. I was going to do 4 miles but in the run in the traithlan I only had to run 3.4 today. I like to catch up a lot in the weekends so I don't have home work and physical requirements to do.

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Today my dad and I had a competition of push ups and sit ups.  I beat him the first two times on push ups.  He beat me in sit ups, but he had to do ten less.  It wasn't really fair.  Then my dad insisted on timing us.  Not having the person next to you, really turned down the intensity level.  My dad beat me then.  I really enjoyed it!

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Day 48

Well we have made it to day 48. Only 22 days left!!! I am so excited! I did not get all of my requirements done today. I ran in the afternoon while my dad and brother biked. I kind of use Sundays as my catch up day for running. I did 3 miles. It was fun. I can't wait to see people's expressions when the see a big panda bear in the waiting area in Belmont. 

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my friend isabella and gracie were here. we played games and played outside. also last night we went to some party

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my friend just left to go back to do homework. my friend gracie is still here we are playing music outside.

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Jayson Day 45

Today was a big day.  I got up early and helped with little tigers class.  It's always interesting to see how the little kids react to certain situations.  Them, black belt class.  We practiced rolling, falling andkicks.  Then sparring class.  I did pretty well.  Worked up a real sweat.  Master Kim called me achampion!

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Black Belt class today good.  We worked on rolls and attack and defend forms.  I'm glad we got to practice that, because we don't get to do those when there is no cycle.

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Hurtin' Now

At black belt class today I re injured my left hamstring.  Add that to my shin splints and I'm hobbling around.  But it's temporary and its not life threatening.  As Brady Hoke (Michigan Football coach) would say, "she's got a boo-boo". Today I did most of my requirements while watching the Michigan-Akron football game. It helps make the requirements go fast, but what a suspenseful game. Way more suspenseful than it should have been. To make that many turnovers and still win a game is lucky.  I need to get to bed...a lot of errands and housework to be done tomorrow.  

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longest day of my life.

today i helped out with a class. then i went running. after that i took the blackbelt and sparring class. after sparring class i went with my brother and dad to get their hair cut. that took about two hours becuse there was a long line. then i went home and we just got back in the car and went to dinner. i didn't get back home till 9:00

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Sept. 14

Today was a long day. First I helped at the 9:00 class in Mint Hill, then went to black belt at Master Evins. Those two classes tired me out. afterwards we went home and did stuff around the house for the rest of the day.

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Good Day

It was a good day today. I got a pretty good amount of requirements done and took 2 classes. In black belt class we practiced poomsaes, rolls, falls, and kicks. I also took sparring class, which was sweaty, but I think I've improved at sparring rounds. I need to do more running, push ups, sit ups, self defense, ad poomsae.

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Sparring was intense. Even though i got the wind knocked out of me so many times and got kicked in the arm so many times, when i got home i felt like i just got 10 times better at sparring. so now my new goal is to do sit ups until i can take a kick without being winded too badly

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Well today I started out with a normal Saturday with black belt class.  Then it all changed with one super cool event.  My dad asked me if I wanted to go canoeing and I said, "sure, i'd love to!!"  It sounds great but we should have brought fishing poles but I still had an amazing time and I hope to do it again soon.  

  726 Hits

Working Hard Then Playing Hard/ Watching Hard

Today at black belt class we worked on back falls rolls and front falls. I learned a lot of stuff from Master Kim from all of the stuff we learned in the back room. Also we learned different kicks like double side kick turning side kick and hop step side kicks. Since I got my requirements done early I get to watch the first hunger games once I am done with this journal. I even had enough time for my friend to come over to my house for over 2 hours!

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Today I went to black belt class and stayed for sparring class. I really liked working on kicks and falls in the back with Master Kim. I really liked it because he gave me good advice about my back falls. I tried doing a kick up and lets just say that it didn't work too well. I still tried my best. I want to be able to do a kick up by the time that I am 16. I just have to practice a lot.

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I woke up early this morning, did some requirements, and then headed to the dojang to teach Little Tigers.  Class was full of energy today.  We had fifteen Little Tigers and they all seemed happy to be there.  J After class, Inst. Dege and I got in a mile and half.  We got back to the dojang in time to practice hapkido 1 thru 32.  Then it was time for class.  Master Knight and Master Kim worked with us on poomsaes, kicks, rolls, and falls.  Thank you sirs! After BB class, it was time for errands and laundry, with requirements thrown in between.  I finished the day with two more miles.  All in all, it was a productive day!

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Today I did my requirements but not much more. Also I am going to scarowinds I hope I have fun.

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Today I went to black belt and sparring class. Im going to scarowinds tonight.

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i am goint to have my best friends over. racie and isabella. they are one of my collest friends  

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 i went to black belt class with Megan. we did alot of falls and kicks. i also took sparring

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SEPT. 14

This morning at North Charlotte Black Belt class we were working on attack and defend. It was really helpful to review over it because we have never done it at South Charlotte. Last year during testing, attack and defend was somewhat challenging for me so I needed the help! Sparring class was also extremely helpful. Master Kim pointed out all of the things we needed to work on and how we can improve our sparring skills. Im planning on starting a few essays today. I have knocked out the majority, but it will be good to have them all behind me. 

  956 Hits


Last night went to black belt class in Mint Hill and as always Master Burkart rocks!!!  Great class and my partner Lauren was amazing.  Super quick learner and fun!!!!!.  Met with my mentor this morning and worked over staff 1 & 2, bolo, wang ho 2 and hapkido.  That was alot for my brain to absorb but did ok.  Inst. Tucker is an awesome teacher and can break down everything so I understand.  Even though my execution may not be 100% correct it's baby steps getting there.  Off to black belt class in North Charlotte and what a great class it was.  Unfortunately have a event to attend this evening so could not stay for sparring.  Have to spend some focus on the domestics in order to set up time tomorrow for requirements.  Thank you Miss Miranda & Miss Julia for assisting with the Panda Adventure.  I hope you guys, and the other...

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  50 Hits

Better ish

I'm feelin a little better today, thursday was pretty aweful and yesterday wasn't much better, I almost had another fever. Today I did some jump rope and I might do some more later, but I get over-heated pretty easily. I have to stay ahead though in case something worse happens later. But this is why I build up extra.

  789 Hits

Over finally its over!!!!!!!!!!

I can now have a little bit of video game time starting tomorrow. Not that I got time to play much :-(. Also I ran 4 miles today! My time was 34 minutes for 4 miles. Also for my first math test of the year and I got a 104%! Yay!

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Jayson Day 44

Today is the last day with no electronics!!!  I am so glad.  I really didn't have any free time anyway.  Too much homework and still trying to keep up with my physical requirements.  Now the weekend is coming.  I'll be able to make up my physicals, take class, get mentor session in and do a project due Monday.

  923 Hits


Today was my birthday I had a nice time at the high school football game. I did my requirements today because I did not have golf practice today. Tomorrow I am going to go and play golf.

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Today I went to the black belt class at Mint Hill and we worked on Hapkido and I really needed to work on that. I hope that we can work on that more.  Feeling kinda tired today.  I should sleep good tonight!

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Last Day of the Electronics Challenge!

It's finally the last day of the electronics challenge, and I'm looking forward to using electronics again. It wasn't that hard for me, because first it was school, then homework, and then requirements, which doesn't leave me much free time. But still, the challenge really showed me how much time we devote to electronics every single day! Anyways, I think it was a great challenge, and I'm also wondering what the extra credit is for. Today I did a lot of requirements, and had a good day at school. I'm catching up with poomsaes, which I'm in the red on, and I'm almost done with pull ups and mediation. I hope that I do a lot this weekend to catch up and that I get more greens.

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Cold Stone!

Today king tiger went to cold stone to get free ice cream. You could get free ice cream by wearing a KTA shirt or spinning the wheel and getting a discount. I got cotton candy! Later today I had soccer practice, we played soccer tennis. Tomorrow I can hopefully help out with the little tigers class.

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we went to jason deli. we also went to her house to take her home. we stayed for about an hour and a half and wathched tv and played bball

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Sept. 13

Today I helped at the 5:45 class in Mint Hill. I helped two white belts learn Kwan sool. We must have did it twenty times. Then after helping at that class I took Mint Hill's Black Belt class. There was only 4 people in the class so we got a lot done. We did hapkito, staff attack and defend, and hand attack and defend, and staff form 1. I got a lot of practice in.

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Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone to add to the mile I.5 I had already done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m always doing something like...

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  21 Hits

Friday the 13th

Today I had school and caught up on jumprope, pushups and running..  I had a very good day and I hope tomorrow will be too.  See you at black belt class tomorrow  

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dream team

Dream team is really fun because we get to work with weapons and we get to work on the twelve strikes with a stick.  

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missed out

today i missed out on coldstone. it was do to my brother taking such a long time in the locker room after football practice. though during that time i did get a lot of requirments done. i also had enough time to read a full book. and it takes me a while to read a book. today is a great day. i say that only because it is friday and i get my electronics back tomorrow. 

  920 Hits


Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone, so I was able to add that to the miles I had alreay done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m...

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Well rounded day

Today was a day where I got to split my time amongst several important elements. I spent significant chunks of my day working, doing community service, training, watching Ben play soccer, and running errands.  For community service, we had a group of about 15 people meet at North Meck Park to paint a shelter and mulch for 4 hrs. The park folks were really happy with our work, so that was good.  Today I had to spend time developing an action plan to work on my development needs. I had to really sit back and about think it.  While I was thinking, I decided to do some poomsaes. I found I was able to do color belt poomsaes on auto pilot and still think about work. It was pretty cool, really because I'd get lost in thought and suddenly find that I had finished the poomsae.

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Hanging In There

Today I was so sore, that it hurt to go down the stairs. I did my Wednesday class at Master Shin's school. We did a lot of leg exercises with chairs. I walked my mile and a half in the neighborhood while my brother rode his scooter. I really hope that this goes away soon. I am going to run tomorrow instead of walk. This last week has gone very slowly for me. On the bright side, it's already day 46! YAY!!!!!!! I am really happy that we are all going through the same thing together. TogetherEveryoneAchievesMore-Unknown

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