Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


today i have nothing to do nothing unormal happened today. i went to dance. i went to school. i got accepted into the safety patrol which is completly normal. i stay after school it one of the many offices in my school. so i can be on post. the only thing cool that happend  wa sthat i get to be dissmissed early because in safety patrol you have to get to their post early.  

  941 Hits

Jayson Day 29

School again today.  At TKD, I was able to help out with the colored belt class.  I did have fun helping with the younger kids.  I had a session with my mentor too.  He helped me work on some stuff.  I had to retake my written test too, this time I passed. No fun. Then, black belt class.  Myfavorite part was the self defense.  

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I’m really tired today, but I’m looking forward to PMAA class.  We’ve been working on knife disarms and slicing & dicing.  I’ve been told I need to get more aggressive.  J I’ve got a lot of plans for the long weekend, such as working on my creative poomsae, finishing my last big essay, and working on my new skill some more, and maybe even having a little R & R.  I hope I can get it all accomplished!

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Today I got a new cello and its going to be pretty hard doing the cello swimming soccer and cross country. Also tae kwon do and all the exercises I have to do for the black belt. I think I am going to be a master at the cello by the 8th grade.

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School is going well and today my ankle wasn't hurting as much. I'm going to give it 2 days break then go to the doctor if it still hurts. Not much else happened today, It was pretty boring.

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I have lots to do

I had a retreat today for school, and it was from the morning until night, so I couldn't do many requirements. I also need to record some stuff from some other days. On the retreat we went to Inner Peaks, which is an indoor climbing center, and when we were done, we got free passes to come back! We did some other stuff, but I think that the Inner Peaks part was the best part.

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wow this is hard

since school started the days have all been long and hard for me and im starting to go to bed early now. the days are longer at my new school and im wiped out when i get home, but still i managed to complete my homework and requriments for that day. this is tough but i never expected it to be easy either.

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Nice to be back

Finally back and got to go to Thursday night class at South Charlotte.  Thank you Master Moon & Inst. Hsin you were great!  Of course 1st class back and sparring- -my head was spinning by time I left but all was very good.  Was able to go direct from work and focus on requirements in the corner.  The goal is to get caught up this weekend - -let's see if I can make it happen.

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day 29

Today I completed my leadership 2 credits it feels really good to finally have something done. Today I hade a sparring class with master Justin and learned a lot and realized I've  gone from can barely take a kick to, take a kick from master Justin. talk to you later. 

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All this week I went to school and I've been tired because when I get home I have to get all my requirements done and after that go to class but I think that I can adjust to it

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in school requirements

today was a good day for many reasons, i may have woken up tired, but i got all my workout done, got packed up for school, ate, and got dressed all with time to spare before the bus. i naturally slept on the bus but i had trouble going to sleep because the bus driver drove with the lights on. when i got to school we went over current events happening around the world and did more on stereotypes, finishing the work we did yesterday. in second block i had gym which i remembered to dress out for. we went to the track and did push ups, sit ups, and running which i counted as part of my requirements (hence the title). i was all tired after that was done, but my day wasnt over, it wasnt even half over. i went to third block and we talked about what 8...

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no mentee session today

My mentee was not felling very good today so we could not have a session today. I was very sad because I looked forward to have a session today.

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 i got home and told my mom i passed the writtrn test and color belt and physical test

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Day 29

Today I took a walk with my brother and my mom in downtown Charlotte. It was very fun. I didn't do very much today besides requirements. I am going to have a mentor session before black belt class and go to class afterwards. My knees are not hurting anymore! Yeah! Now they're used to pounding the ground everyday. I can't wait for school to start but the waking up part is going to be a problem! 

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Travel day

Left at midnight Saudi Arabia time and now halfway home. One six hour flight down and a 5 hour layover nearly over. Jogged through the airport with my bags pretending I'm about to miss my flight.   :). Since I have another 10 hr flight to go I kept the pace just below breaking out in a sweat. Did some poomsaes and self defenses at slow pace in a corner of the lounge. Got a few push ups and sit ups in, but again, trying not to smell up the plane. Can't wait to get home. 

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Jayson day 28

Today at school we had assembly.  They wanted to go over all the rules and regulations, violations and punishments. It's the same presentation we see every quarter. Pretty boring stuff.  I didn't pay attention really.  I went to dream team class today, I was really looking forward tothat.  We practicedrolling and falling.  It was a lot of fun.

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Today was pretty cool considering i am learning the cello now. I still don't know how i am going to carry it from class to class. Because I think it weighs 10 pounds. Today I played tae kwon do jeopardy and I think I did pretty good because I studied a lot for my pre-test. I take my second attempt at my pre-test tomorrow. I have studied a lot more so hopefully I will get the questions right.  

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3 on 3

Today I figured out that our school is having a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.  I am on a team with three of my friends.  I don't know what our name is yet, but I'm pretty sure it will be cool.  I hope we win!!!

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tscs (the spreading classromom sickness)

2 days ago my friend was out of school because of strep throat. yesterday  another one of my friends was out of school because of a high fever. i think i am getting bronchidas. illness spreads rapidly  in my class because the fifth graders have the smallest rooms in the school.  

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a whole week of soccer

This week is all soccer. Monday I had soccer practice from 3:30 to 5:00, I also helped out with class and took dream team. Tuesday we had a game, we won 6-1, I scored one goal! Today I had another practice at 3:30 to 5:00, and tommorow we have another game, but I should be able to make it to class tommorow. But friday is free, so I should be able to get in a lot of requirements, because I have a half day of school. Doing tae kwon do, soccer and school is a lot. I am always up late, but I believe that I can do all things through Christ.

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I was working with my mentor today and as I was coming home, I wondered  if my mentor knows how much I appreciate his help!  I need to make sure I tell him the next time I see him.  Our mentors help us so much – they give us their time and their knowledge so that we can succeed.  I’m certain that without my mentor I would be totally unprepared for my test.  He ensures that he knows the curriculum so that he can help me.  He has patience when I don’t remember all of the steps to the poomsaes and he always dreams up a different way to teach me if I just don’t get it!  I hope everyone has a mentor as good as mine and that they let them know how much they are appreciated.  (Thank you so much sir!)

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day 28

today i had to go to school.At school i had to be at my post.At my recess i did my stuff.

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No Pain, No Gain

I am so sore! It's not as bad as it was during the first few days. My knees are hurting a little from all of the running that I'm doing but it will go away eventually. I am used to doing my requirements now. Since I have to improve on my physicals, I  am going to time myself on everything each week and see how much I improve by the end of the cycle.  

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Helping my friend

Miranda and I worked on our requirements together today and did a lot of running with Master Chelley to. we helped out with class together and so did Master Nataysya.

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long day

today took a long time to get over with, but it is the middle of the week and it gets easier from here. i woke up exhausted and it was very very hard to get out of bed this morning. once i finally did get out of bed i ran a mile and did my morning workout which by the end of it i was finally awake. i got all my things together and went off to school. i slept on the bus to catch up on sleep and i arrived at school early. i went to first block and that was the longest hour and a half of my life because all we did was sit there and talk about things that are uninteresting and irrelevant. second block was very fun because we talked about all of world war 1. third block we talked about how a seed grows and...

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quick requirements

Today i did my requirements fast and ran.  I got screamed at by my parents for no resin about homework that i didn't have to do  and they wouldn't listen.  

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Day 28

Today I went to school and I don't have Tae Kwon Do tonight. It's my day off. I still did my requirements though. I am wiped.

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The Little Tigers class went well last night. We worked on foot drills for blue stripe. I lead the warm ups in our Senior Wang Ho class and we worked on sparring and foot drills. It was fun inspite of this constant feeling of nausea that has taken over since yesterday morning and is still with me. Problem with that, is I don't want to eat but I need to eat for fuel. I worked with my mentee, Mr. Russ, before and after our Senior Wang Ho class last night. He is a High White belt and we went over his self defense, Hwrang and Chagi Sool. I can tell he practices on the weekends.  

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Travel Day

Yeh- - - - home today last.  The past two days have kicked my but physically.  We finally finished up yesterday afternoon then got back to hotel and I crashed for two hours.  Got payroll and a bunch of work coorespondence done so it should set me up that I can take Friday off and enjoy the much needed long weekend.  Had a very nice dinner with our crew last night then off to bed.  I am very lucky- - -  best staff ever!  Travel day today and looking forward to home sweet home.  I will get caught up and all will work out in the end.  Sometimes other priorities prevail so again all is good.  

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Travel Home Day!

Yeah!  Today I get to check out of the hotel and I will begin my travel home around midnight.  It's a long day...up at 6am, work a full day and start the long journey home.  I leave on Wed & get back on Thursday.

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Tuesday, august 27

got out of school at 10:30 today cause of senior release. i get out then everyday. i got all my requirements in then and then went back to school for cross country practice. ran for a straight hour. it was very hot today too...but its all good. loving it all

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 today my class had a lot of fun. we listened to weird music. and played cool games. my team  was the winner in kickball. it was easy for me to kick the ball because it was just like doing a hop-step sidekick. every won on my team never wanted me to leave home plate.

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Can't Get Enough!

Today was my long day – requirements, work, more requirements, BB class, and then PMAA class.  My partner in PMAA class was very patient with me.  We’re learning knife and there are a lot of moves to remember.  Even though I’ve completed my required number of PMAA classes, I’ll continue coming to class so I can learn the curriculum.  J I’ve completed my BB class requirement too, but I know it’s very important to continue coming to class because that’s where we get to work on the BB curriculum.  I need to learn as much as I possibly can and I can never get enough practice!

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School has started and the early mornings are wearing me out. Also my sprained ankle hasn't been getting better. I plan on taking two days off over labor day weekend to rest it up and hopefully heal it. On the bright side I had friends in my classes today. yay!

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Jayson Day 27

Second day of school.  Today was better than yesterday.  Got up early and did my requirements. After school I went to lake Norman school to take sparring class.   It was really different than class at my school.  I did get to spar with the instructor.  I sparred a camo belt and a high white belt that really wanted to spar with me.  Came home and finished my requirements.  Off to bed!

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day 27

Today i had school and tae kwon do.At school i became a safety patrol and my post is at breakfast.At tae kwon do i did most of my requirements to do for my black belt cycle.

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Day 27

Today we got almost all of our workout done in class.  We did enough Burpees to last for two sick days.  I'm still going to do them tomorrow in case I get sick later on.   I did a Tuesday Black Belt class and I realized I need to work on my preps. I got some leadership credit and one of the boys in class said he really liked it when I helped in class.  That made me feel pretty good.   Good luck everyone.  Kels

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Day 27

Today I overslept (again).I went straight on the treadmill and got my running done. I think that I have improved on my pull ups. My requirements have worked their way into my schedule and life. I am so glad that I have another week to go before school starts. I helped in a class today. I did all of the exercises and kicks with the students. I also got to do Cha Gi Sool many times. I really enjoyed my day

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Day 27

Today I came home from school early wiped out. I slept for most of the rest of the day. Then did a mentor and mentee session and the 4:45 class and black belt class and did my requirements for today. Now I am tired and ready for bed.

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Today I went to class and we did so many push ups, sit ups, burpees, forms, self defense, and jump rope rounds that I had as much energy as a dead battery.

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Si hits the road

Today, we got to put Si in the ball.  If you don't remember, Si is my class pet hamster.  Really, he started hitting the classroom walls.  The kids were doing their work while Si got to roam around.  When we went to get him, I grabbed the ball from behind Mrs. Piercy's desk.  He almost went through the cloth of the table, I caught him at the last second to prevent him from going under the table.  

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Hard Time Getting Everything Done

It is kind of hard now that school started because now I have school, physical exercises requirements, studying for school and my Tae Kwon Do classes in the evenings. I still have essays for TKD to do. I am focusing hard to get my school project done so I can focus on my requirements and essays this weekend. 

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Finding a Mentee

Today I finally found a mentee.  I am so happy.  Yesterday I actually had a dream that I failed my black belt test because I didn't have a mentee.  His name is Reid Bacon,  he is a high white belt.  Tomorrow I get to do my requirements with Miranda.  It will make it alot easier!

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requirement log

today i had to re input a bunch of my requirements and got my stuff back on track my dad got mad and my mom frustrated i hope i don't have to do this again 

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today i am completely drained of energy, i woke up again at 4:15 and worked out, did some kicks, push ups, burpees, forms, self defense, jump rope, sparring rounds, and pull ups. then i made myself some eggs and bacon with a class of milk and a glass of orange juice, and a protein shake. i slept on the bus to school and most of my day was just going over any questions anyone had about the class or the school, going over peoples names, and doing games. i was assigned homework but not that much and i already finished it. i slept on the way home too. then i ran a bit and did my homework, involving world issues and immigration, adoption, and the discovery of farming in the 9000 BC area. i went to class at mint hill and we spent the first 10 minutes stretching and the next...

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  728 Hits


We had a great Black Belt class at South Charlotte with Instructor Hsin and Master Moon last night. We worked on Wang Ho 1 & 2 as well as some kicks. The tornado hook kick (I think I have that right) is challenging. I am terrified that I am going to come down wrong and hurt my ankle for some reason. I guess it goes back to when I sprang my ankle falling down some stairs when I was in my early 20's. Today I am struggling. I am feeling very weak and like I may be getting or have a sinus infection. I took some over the counter meds and will push through as best as possible. I think it is too early to go to the doctor about it. I just can't seem to "wake up" even after drinking some coffee. My coworker observed that usually one cup makes me...

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  38 Hits

Getting Back on Track

I'm getting back on track from my sick days, but I'll need to put in an extra effort to get where I need to be in some areas. Today was my second day of school, because for me, school started on Friday! The homework's easy so far though, but it will probably get harder. I helped with junior tigers, specifically the new student, Camille. We worked on white belt self defense one and two and blocks. I also demonstrated how to make a proper fist. After that I took Dream Team, and it was our last time doing staff, the next time we would be practicing something else. I've worked out a self schedule for myself, and will use it to help get myself organized. I'm also getting my yard sale prepped for our(my neighborhood's) special neighborhood yard sale day.

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Jayson Day 26

Today was the first day of school.  I met all my teachers and saw all my old friends.  That was good.  I did a mile during healthy kids, and another 2 with my dad after school.  I want to run more so I can complete my test without getting too tired. Now that school has started, I don't want to get overwhelmed.  Mom says I have to start going to sparring on Tuesday's.  Dream Team on Wednesday, and black belt class onThursday.   I already have homework!

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first up last to bed

this morning i had to wake up early up at 5. and i went to bed around 10. i woke up and did my requirements went to school that started  at 7.  after school i took class. i helped out with a class. then i helped out with a class. then i took leadership class. after that i came home ate dinner then went to bed. i had fun today.

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Yay Monday!  Not really – I’m just trying to physch myself out.  J  It seems like the weekends are never really long enough.  I didn’t get the rest that I wanted over the weekend because I ran out of time.  During the cycle, time becomes a commodity that we all crave. It was interesting reading journal entries yesterday.  Several folks were mourning the last day of summer and some of them acknowledged the fact that the cycle is about to get harder because of school.  I would say that this is when time management becomes so important!  Doing well in school and keeping up with requirements will be a challenge.  But I’m certain that everyone will figure out a way to make it work.  Just remember – anything worth having is worth working for and the harder you have to work, the more it means when you accomplish it!  J

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AUG. 26

Today was the first day of school and I managed not to get lost! Going to a new school with so many people was quite overwhelming! However, right after school I did all of todays requirements, and then went straight to South Charlotte. We had an amazing class that was filled with helpful information needed to know for testing. Hopefully I can remember it by tomorrow morning! 

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Credits Galore!!!!!

I went to class in Belmont again today. I got a lot of credits today. Before class I got a mentor meeting done. I worked on rolls, basic forms 1, 2, and 3, and the correct stances for the wang ho forms. During my class, I got to work on more rolls and falls and a lot of kicks. I stayed and helped with the class after mine. They did a lot of kicks, exercises, and poomsaes. I did the sit ups, push ups, and burpees with the class. I got a mentee meeting in after that class. I worked with Zachary on his poomsaes and self defenses.  I found this quote on Instagram today: "It's gonna get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you just gotta make it through the hard stuff first" -Unknown

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first day of school

Today was my first day of school. Gaston County made a new school to try to take students away from south point. It was still crowded, but it was cool to see most people from last year. My class schedule is decent.

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First Mentee Meeting

Today was my first mentee meeting with my friend Matthew. He is a green belt. I showed him green belt self- defense two step and one step. I thought he learned really quickly. I thought it was awesome being a mentor because he was listening to what I said and he was learning from me! 

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First Day of Si

Today at school, my class decided on the name for the new hamster.  His name is Si from Duck Dynasty.  He is very cute and he is very active.  Tomorrow I hope to put him in the new ball and let everyone play with him.  

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Today was the first day of school and I thought that all of the teachers seemed pretty nice.  I also think that this is going to be a good school year and I might be able to get all of my daily requirements done. 

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I love the Hartles. They are so nice to everyone, even me. I am so happy that natasya is my mentor she is mean in nice way.

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Day 26

"Life's most urgent question is:  What are you doing for others?"  By Martin Luther King, Jr.  To me this quote means that instead of thinking about what you can do for yourself you need to think about what you can do for others.  Its like the Random Acts of Kindness in the Black Belt Cycle.  They cause you to stop thinking of yourself and think about someone else.  On the black belt cycle you have to do random acts of kindness but we should do it everyday.  I guess what I'm saying is that your whole life should be the Black Belt Cycle.  That doesn't mean that you should do all the sit-ups and push-ups and stuff.  But you should keep doing the random acts of kindness.   --Wish you all luck,  Kelsey

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at home

At home I have been doing as much as possible. Everyday it is work, work, work. But it is also training me for my life and job ahead in my life. I am happy it's that way because my family can work together with me.

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day 26

Today i had my first day of school

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after school

After school is really good for me because I can get all of my stuff done there and not at home or school. I also thought that summer camp worked to and I have a pull up bar in the back so I can do my pull ups back there and not going to the park every day

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Day 26

Today was my first day of school. It was hard doing all of my requirements and going to school. I need to make a schedule for my requirements and school. It was tough today I verily got all my requirements in and tomorrow is going to be a long night I am going to have a hard time getting my requirements done. Wish me good luck!

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I like helping out with class a lot. It is a lot of fun to do with new kid he likes to do kwon sol now and I feel good.                                                                                   

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first day of high school

today i woke up promptly at 4:15 and spent 10 minutes in the bathroom brushing my teeth, getting dressed, waking up, and i did 10 pull ups. i immediately went downstairs and ran outside in pitch black, i ran 1.2 miles. i caught my breath and went downstairs in my basement, at this point it was 4:40. i did half my pushups, sit ups, kicks, forms, self defense, jumprope, sparring rounds, and burpees. i was completely drained of energy. before i fell asleep i went upstairs and changed into better clothes. then i went downstairs and had a bowl of rice crispies and a protein shake to keep me awake. i packed up my bag and was out the door at 5:55 because my bus comes at 6:15 and there is no way i was going to be late. i got on the bus and sat next to my friend Kennedy....

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  924 Hits

Last Show Day of Year - -

Well it's the last show day of the year which also mean last very long day of the year for work.  Unfortunately very little physical requirements will get accomplished today as the goal is to be out of hear at 10:00 tonight.  When I am done it will be time for bed because early start tomorrow loading trucks.  It's ok though- - all will work out in the end.  Yesterday was long - -show floor by 7:30am till 6:00pm then mad dash to hotel to change then show event last night.  Had a good time with friends, industry colleagues and clients - -even better potential new clients.  Back to hotel just before midnight so no requirements got in- - - it was straight to bed then back on the floor at 8:00 this morning.  I always love a good challenge whether physical or mental.  I am however looking forward to being home.  ...

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  772 Hits

Full day then off to Jubail

Worked a full day then skipped dinner to go to the gymWe had some fruit for dinner now off to the airport to go to Jubail (still in Saudi Arabia). 

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Busy, busy, busy...

When I woke up this morning, I was a little sore and a lot tired!  I drug myself out of bed after stretching, and began my requirements.  I got most of them done, although it took longer than usual because I was doing household chores in between. I was finished by lunchtime, except for my miles, which I intended to do this afternoon, but my plan changed.  When I drove into the driveway, I realized that the bushes in front of our house were taking over.  I began trimming one bush and I ended up working in the yard for three hours!  Needless to say, when I finished I was bushed!  (No pun intended. J) I didn’t get any miles today, but my yard looks much better and I finished the day feeling very productive. 

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I was very sore and tired today.  I didn't get many requirements done.  We went to Carowinds and I just didn't feel like doing all of my requirements today.  I chose to take the day off after getting just a few things done.  I'm very glad that I have been doubling up my physicals because of days like this.  I had a really fun day.

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Jayson Day 25

Last night I finished my book.  I read Skill With People.  I wrote the essay on it today.  The book teaches you how to better communicate with people.  I don't have any free time anymore.  No more free time, and it will get worse.  School starts tomorrow!  Darn it!

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A Weight off my Shoulders

Today I finished my book report(for school) called: Alex Rider: Stormbreaker. I got it printed and ready for tomorrow. Talk about last minute! I worked on it all day, practically rewriting the book, with a break every about thirty minutes. When Dad checked it, he realized I was doing it wrong! Thank goodness I already had two parts of it done! I had written about 4,000 words, 3,700 at the least, but I got some good writing experience which will prepare me for writing in school. . . a lot. It's also one of the reasons I wrote this journal quickly. Well, I had better brush my teeth and get to bed for school tomorrow.  

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i got up extra early today to get my requirements in. i woke up at 5:45am and started. i spent the rest of my day with my girlfriend, Tiffany Tran, who has been away all summer at Basic Training for the North Carolina National Guard. Hadn't seen her in over 10 weeks. today was an amazing day and wish it would never end. 

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Pull Ups

Today I had a struggle with pull ups . So to get better I put my chin on the bar and try to hold myself there for 5 seconds. A lot harder than you think 5 seconds would be. To get my run in me and my family walked 2 miles. My goal for the pull up is by the end of the week to be able to hold myself up for 15 seconds. 

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Chill Day

Today is the day before school, so I relaxed some and got ahead for tomorrow so I won't have to get up at 5 am. Just 5:45. We also got to go to the melting pot for my sister's birthday dessert, and that was really yummy. Also I got to read a lot of my book, which is really good. It's all about a hunt for an easter egg in a simulated reality game in the future. But it's really good That's all I really did today.

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Go karting

today i went go karting at victory lanes.  it was fun but it was hard to hit the brakes.  using the brakes was like doing front kicks.  turning the wheel was like using my staff.  I still got requirements done.  tomorrow is the first day of school so i have to wake up early to get most of my requirements done.

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Day 25

Yesterday was the pre-test for the black belt cycle.  it included a physical and written test.  I realized what I need to work on.  I realized what I'm actually doing well on that I thought I was doing badly.   I need to work on Red Belt Self Defense because I keep kicking with the wrong leg.  I need to work on my pull ups because I only did four.   I was surprised that I did good on my physical stuff including my running.  I finished my run in 10 minutes and 15 seconds which made me really happy.  

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last day of summer

today was a very short day, i woke up feeling sick with stomach cramps so that was a clear sign that this day wasnt going to go well. after i ate something, drank some ginger ale (ginger naturally settles a stomach), and took a nap i felt better and went back to school shopping with my mom to fill up my bookbag with things i need like pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, ect... and im very happy with how much my bookbag weighs. last year my bag weighed 35 pounds from textbooks and 5 subject notebooks and that was without my lunch in it, this year it weighs 15 pounds with my lunchbag in it and packed up. that will make things easier. im about to go to sleep, i have to wake up at 4 in the morning if i want to workout before i leave for school. hopefully tomorrow i...

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  55 Hits

last day of summer break...yayyy

well this time i hope my entry does not post's it self 15 times. Today was a pretty boring day for me, it started out with church then we went to the mall for 3 hours but it was still pretty dull and the rest of the day was eating and sleeping. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.

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day 25

today i swam in the pool alot.i ran my 1.5 also.

  42 Hits

breaking ground at church

Today our church broke ground for a new sanctuary.  Awesome! I never lost a race in the bouncy house. I am pretty sure I was the best there.  That's not the important thing. The important thing is that is everybody fun. I had so much fun.  I hope everybody else did.

  586 Hits

slow day

Today was a slow day. I had church that went to 9:30 to 11:00. Then I went to kohls to get new running shoes. Then we went to panera bread to eat lunch. I had a sugar cookie after for dessert, Yum. Then it was boring from their on. I had to do homework first, boring. Then I had to do requirements throughout the day. Today was slow but tommorow is school so it should better than today, considering that I started a couple weeks earlier for school.

  175 Hits

Getting Started

Finally got logged in and glad to start tracking my information it is always fun to track your progress I added it all into one day since I am behind in logging in but have been keeping track    I wish all the candidates good luck and may the journey never end peace out 

  4420 Hits


im cant beleve that school is tomrwrow . i just got back from the beach it was so much fun. still got in everything. sense i wasent here for the pre test im doing it tomrorow . i hope i pass i am study really hard.

  1221 Hits


Well, the pre-test was yesterday. I felt pretty good about my results. I knew I would do well on the written portion. I was not happy with the time I had on the run but it is no one's fault but my own. I am looking forward to improving my time and getting stronger. It will just take work. I am really looking forward to going out of town next weekend but I am also having 2nd thoughts. I am going to need to work extra hard this week to get some extra done before I leave for Camp Tekoa. I plan on taking my jump rope, kicking target, running shoes and will seek out opportunities to get in requirements.    

  236 Hits

Day 25

Today I enjoyed my last day of summer. I swam in my pool, played with my dog, and spent time with family. I have had a lot of fun. But the day isn't over yet so I am going to enjoy my last few hours of summer. Every single minute will be enjoyed. 

  1138 Hits

Day 1 in Riyadh

After spending all day yesterday traveling then catching up on sleep/jet lag, today was a work day and then I got to go to the gym at the hotel. They've improved the women's gym since I was here in May. For starters, this is Saudi Arabia, so there's a men's gym and a women's gym.  The men have a huge swimming pool, full basketball court, tons of equipment, etc. I'm told this by my male colleagues, since I can't enter. The women's gym is now decent. Last time it was a small room with 1 treadmill, 1 bike, 1 elliptical all crammed in with no other space. Now it's much bigger with more equipment and more importantly, a space big enough to do poomsaes with mirrors, jump ropes, yoga mats, free weights, etc. It's actually really nice. (For $480/night it should be!). So I spent over 2 hrs in there tonight...

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  1158 Hits

Finally - -Productive

Wow finally I was able to get away yesterday for some requirement time and oh am I a happy camper- - feel great.  Would like to have accomplished more but pleased with results.  Not as fluid as I would like to be and still have some brain freeze moments but end up figuring it out.  Better than before so in my little world any improvements are good.  Not sure what today will bring so just have to roll with it.  Sounds like everyone did great on the pre-test so big congrats to all!!!!!

  815 Hits

Hard Day/Fun

Today I did the pretest the physical was hard but I tried my best to do good. I was able to do 37 situps and 15 burpees and 25 quality pushups. After the pretest I went to the fields with my friends to play soccer it was fun, I scored 2 times and when I was  in goal I blocked 5 goals. After that we all got ice cream!

  896 Hits

taking the test

taking the test today was a little bit different from the last pre-test. finding out the day before that we were going to be running 2 days before made me a little concerned. it was a good thing to be concerned. my running time was 15min 50sec. my goal was 16min. i guess i just need to run a little faster next time. i also have to study more. i have to retake the written test. though i was worried about the written test i was way more worried about the running and pullups. i think next time i need to relax to get a better score.

  933 Hits


I’m really glad that the pretest is over.  It was a long hard day physically.  My legs felt like noodles by the time we got to poomsaes, but I persevered.  (Although I did stumble once on Sa Chang.)  L I was pleased with my performance today, although I wish I had been able to do more burpees, and at least one pullup!  I was really surprised at my miles.  I had thought that it would take me at least an hour to do four miles – I was shooting for 53 minutes and I made it in 51:51.  (For you guys that can run a mile in less than 10 minutes, that may not sound very good.  But I’ve never been able to run a 10 minute mile, even before I hurt my knees.)  I will continue to strive to do better on all of my stuff.  I want to feel...

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  40 Hits


Woosh I am tired! I had a long day that I was expecting. First of all, I had a great run during the pretest and all went pretty well. Then I went to my friend's pool party and got to see my close friends that I hadn't seen most of the summer. That was tiring enough, but still after that I cleaned up to go to my other friend's birthday dinner. It's nice to get dolled up every now and then after weeks of sweat. But now I am super ready for bed! Goodnight!

  18 Hits


Today for the pretest I did okay, I failed the written portion so i must retake that. I need to work on high red belt form and self defenses. I ran my mile fairly fast considering im not a runner(9:26). Tomorrow is the last day of summer it was fun but its time to go back to high school. 

  154 Hits


Today I was very excited and pumped for the pretest. I was very nervous because I did not know how it would go. When I was done I felt better because I had finished the test and was done. 

  135 Hits

Day 24

Today I woke up and had a healthy breakfast and then my family and I headed to Master Evins for the Black Belt Pre-Test. I ran my mile in 9 minutes and 58 seconds. A good time for me. Then we did our push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, pull-ups, forms, and self-defense. Then we did the written Pre-Test. I am I glad I studied because I got a 100 percent. Yay me!!!! After the Pre-Test my dad took me and my brother to Subway and Go Cart Racing To celebrate. It was so much fun. Overall I had an awesome day. Tomorrow is my last day of summer so I am going to enjoy it as much as I can. But it is time for summer to end. Goodbye Summer!!!!!

  887 Hits

passed pretest

today i woke up motivated and prepared, i made sure i ate a breakfast with alot of protein and drank orange juice to make sure i was fully awake. i got all my things together and i went to master evans, on the way there i studied the color belt book curriculum to make sure i could pass my pretest. when i got there i put my stuff up and we jumped right into the pretest starting with the physical part, i got the fastest mile time and i surpassed or met all the physical goals. then we went on to forms which i did great at getting a 4 on il, sa, and oh jang and got a 3.5 on pal jong so i dont need to go back and retest. then we ran out of time and had to start class but as soon as warm ups were done...

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  5067 Hits

Jayson Day 24

Today was the pre-test!  I was excited.   I did decent, but not as good as I wanted.  I finished my run just under time.  I didn't pass the written test!   I have to retake it.   I studied, so that was disappointing.  Today I found out what I need to work on.  

  951 Hits

Almost School Time

Only two more days till school, so i gotta make to last to days of summer worth while. Anyways I'm heading to the 8th grade and at my school the lockers are like half a foot wide. Good luck to all of the people going back to school on monday!

  942 Hits


Yay, the pre-test is done!!  I was really nervous but once we got started it went away.  I am pretty happy with my results.  I still have lots of room to improve.  Today was the first time that I could do 2 pull-ups!  I'm really happy and proud of my running time.  The questions on the written test were easier than I thought.  Everyone was very encouraging to each other, especially during the running.  I liked that and it kept everyone going.

  1221 Hits

AUG. 24

Extremely happy that I got through today! Not so pleased with my written test but had the same outcome last year... I am very pleased with how the Poomsae and Self Defense portion of the test turned out. This past week thats all I worried about! Everyone did a fantastic job today at North Charlotte and did a great job pushing themselves. So proud of everyone!

  3087 Hits

Black Belt Pretest

Today was the pretest.  I was so worried. I kept saying,"Please don't fail. Please don't fail." I was so relieved when I didn't have to do it over.  I didn't let my little brother down.

  4708 Hits

Getting Ready

I have been so busy these past couple days. I have been studying for the pre test and working on requirements. I was very efficient today, I got a bit ahead for tomorrow and wrote another essay. I also got a present for my friend's birthday tomorrow. I'm going to have a very busy day, I'm going to a pool party and then a dinner party right afterwards. I hope I'm not too tired!

  831 Hits