Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Well it's a different journey the next two days but it will all work out.  Book for essay purchased so hopefully can at least get that done.  I had purchases another but left on plane last trip so figured there was a reason and made another choice.  Class was great yesterday!!! Thank you Inst Randall for keeping me grounded.  Jack you were able to unblock my brain freeze with staff attack and defend- - thank you too.  Last but not least have been reading to journals and way to go moms!!! If you are running 3 miles with your kids that are on cycle kudos to you.  Maybe its time to try the mat???    

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Running with Mom

Today I went running with my mom.  She was really nice to do this with me. My mom told me some stuff about my legs, like shin splints.  We ran for three miles with only one short stop for water.  It was really hot outside.  I enjoyed running with my mom.

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Good morning

This morning I went running with my mom and I was able to get 3.55 miles in! And later today I am going to the mountains so I have to get my requirements at any moment possible.

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today was the last camp. i am a bit sad because i could get a lot of requirments done during the camps. i found out that i had tothat i need to work on my red and high red self defence. i also have to work on staff attack/defend.

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Day 10

Today I went to a black belt camp and we worked on attack and defense with staff.  We learned basic form number 1 with the staff.  We had the black belt cycle meeting this morning.  During the Black Belt Meeting I figured out why we have to complete all these requirements for our Black Belt.  When Master Evins took the Ultimate Black Belt Challenge he had to he did all the stuff that we had to do on our cycle.  He traveled to a lot of places and thought it was a lot of fun.  It was a good experience for him and he wants us to have the same kind of experience when we earn our black belt.   I can't believe that this is day 10 of the cycle.  I think that I am already getting stronger.  i can do all my push-ups faster and better.  Its been a...

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Long Day

I had a really long day today but it was worth it. I got almost all my requirements done and had an awesome time at black belt class and camp. Then I got to go shopping and finished out my day watching my favorite show, Castle. Can't wait for tomorrow, I'm going to go see the Lion King!

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Every Cycle is Different....

So, today was the BB Cycle meeting and even though I’ve participated in several BB cycles, I still feel that sense of anticipation and nervousness that I always have at the beginning of a cycle. I’ve heard several people say that since they’ve been on one cycle that they know what to expect now.  Master Evins mentioned in the meeting that the cycle is never the same.  The effort and commitment required will be the same, but the journey will be different.  I’ve learned something different about myself on each cycle and I’m sure this cycle will provide more insight.  I really enjoyed the BB camp today.  I always like working with weapons and we got to work on the Wang Ho three step staff attack and defend.  We only learned numbers one, two, and three.  I can’t wait to learn four and five.

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And we're officially off...

Cycle is officially kicked off at the 10am meeting today.  So here we go...  And Master Evins is so right about his comment that we will all hit a point where we don't think we will get all our requirements done. This cycle is a little different for me since I'm auditing this cycle (I will test for my fourth degree during the spring cycle).  Each cycle I've completed has been different, in more ways than 1. I'm looking forward to seeing what this cycle brings...

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day 10

today i did a saturday black belt class.i had fun.

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Day 10

I ran a mile this evening. I am behind on Poomsaes so I am going to concentrate on Poomsaes tomorrow. I thought the black belt camp today was really fun because we got to learn staff moves. 

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Jayson Day 10

Today was the last black belt camp.  I learned  the staff self defense. However it does not count for anything yet.   It was an interesting form.  It is easier to attack than it is to defend. I also reviewed a lot of colored belt stuff.  

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black belt meeting/camp

 today was the black belt meeting and the black belt camp during the meeting master Evins  talked about how to get our classes done in the 10 weeks and also talked about the essays. during the black belt camp we worked allot on staff curriculum and forms today i got allot done

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Black Belt Camp

I don't know what I did but my journal entry didn't get saved.  I'm trying again!  I went to black belt camp today.  We did staff attack/defend many times.  I learned that I have not been switching my hands correctly and that I need to work on it very badly.  I really enjoyed doing basic form 1 with a staff and I thought it was very creative.  The cycle has officially started and there's no turning back now!  Thank you Master Evins for letting us count what we do in class towards our requirements!!!

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black belt camp 3

today was the last black belt camp and i had loads of fun and learned alot :). first, all the students and parents got to sit down and ask master Evans questions about the cycle, we learned alot there too. in the first half, we went over all the color belt curriculum and got alot of tips and corrections done. in the second half, i learned staff attack/defense which i have wanted to learn for a while, we also went over basic form number 1 with the staff. after that was done and we were home, i worked out, got a haircut, and took a shower. now i am on my way to my friends birthday party where tomorrow we go to the white water raft center, hope its fun :)

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Official Start

Today is the official start of the black belt cycle. I went to the meeting and then took black belt class. Also today ends me being a white belt now I am back to being bochodan.

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today i had a four hour class it was kinda hard because i had a hurt foot. i also lost my kitten today

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Today I'm not able to get all of my requirements done, because I'm going to Greensboro today and tomorrow.  I will do some here and there while I'm there visiting with family.  I went to Black Belt Class and the Black Belt camp today.  I feel that I'm ready for the cycle!  I feel good about what I have been able to do so far.  

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Black Belt Camp

I had black belt camp today. I enjoyed it very much.  I learned a new staff form plus basic form with the staff.  The new form was pretty to tough at first. I kept practicing and it started to come easy to me.

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Yippie Class

Looking forward to class today as two weeks away is way too long.  May not be able to keep up but will do my best.  All I can say is the laundry is done, I win!!!  Domestics almost done but body still sluggish.  No matter how healthy you try to eat when you are away it's still not the same as cooking in your own kitchen.  So tired of restaurant food but a few more weeks and all done, back home and regain focus.  I got it!!!

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Today I did my requirements and I also went to the black belt class at Master Burkart's school

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Late run

Just got back from running in my neighborhood. Every minor incline seemed like a huge hill. Dark, quiet and peaceful, but oh so muggy!  At least it's done.  I got a lot of classes in this week which is good since I have to travel at the end of this month. 

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Ahead of the game.

Today I got in all of requirements. I am ready for the black belt cycle. I helped out with little tigers and catch up camp. I still had enough time to practice for my soccer tryouts.

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Jayson day 9

today i got back from vacation.  i have started training for my mile.  in a couple weeks i'll be able to do a mile and a half.  

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Service Day!

Did my community service today by selling lemonade and cookies for Levine Children's Hospital.  I sat at a corner of a street with my cousins and my brother.  We raised over $100!!!

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Day 9

Totay I had another week day black belt class. 

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In Black Belt class right as we were doing a poomsae we did the move and lightning struck. SCARY. oh and we just finished week one yeah!!!! Only 10 to go!

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lightning and thunder

today during and after black belt class lightning and thunder began. it was funny because we struck a pose in a poomsae then all of a sudden thunder sounded and it was like sound effects. also the lightning came so close to us that it was right outside of the parking lot. i love the rain.

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rain :P

today was a good day, i made 20$ mowing a lawn, went to class to help out and to get credits, and went to black belt class and worked on my forms to make them better. during the class, it started to rain and thunder, so when i went home, obviously i got wet. today was a good day though, tomorrow is the meeting and another black belt camp. hopefully i can get everything done tomorrow since im going to my friends house after everything is done.

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rain :P

today was a good day, i made 20$ mowing a lawn, went to class to help out and to get credits, and went to black belt class and worked on my forms to make them better. during the class, it started to rain and thunder, so when i went home, obviously i got wet. today was a good day though, tomorrow is the meeting and another black belt camp. hopefully i can get everything done tomorrow since im going to my friends house after everything is done.

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Back to Reality!

I got up and did all of my requirements except miles and jump rope.  I'll do them on the beach. Today is my last day at the beach – that makes me sad, but I knew I had to go back to reality eventually. I’m looking forward to the black belt camp tomorrow.

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Feeling tired

I was really tired today.  I couldn't run.  I didn't get to count it.  I had to get my stuff together and do the rest of my black belt workout.

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thursday 8-8-13

had an easy day only did 100 pushups and situps. took it a little easy

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Day 8

Today was intstructor Jaque's last day.  He is leaving to go to college.. He has been a very good instructor and I really learned a lot from him.  i will miss him.   I was looking at the physical requirements.  I looked at what other people are doing and realized I need to step it up

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Today I ran to the golf course and back at TKD.  I ran most of the way. I worked with my mentee on his sticks, kicks, and staff.  I need to practice on pull ups and pal chang. 

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Long, tough day

My first conference call was at 6am and I'm just now home from classes at N Charlotte. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted. Still did a pretty good job on requirements today and got 3 classes in. In the next 3 days , I think I need to take a 24 hr break and re-charge. 

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Today I did my requirements, went to sparring class, and regular class with leadership credit.  I also took another class as a white belt with other white belts as part of my white belt challenge.

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good run

Today I ran the whole 1.5 miles without walking. Running is not my strongsuit so I am very proud that I pulled through this early on. I still of course need to bring my time down. Looking forward to running with the king tiger summer camp tomorrow!

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Day 8

I had my second mentor meeting today and got some requirements done before black belt class. I learned Wang Ho 2 and Hapkido 16-18.  

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I have set a new goal that  I have  to do 80 push-ups 80 sit-ups and 1 mile and 10 poomsaes and 8 self-defense before I can use the computer.  

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This morning I got up early to do some requirements.  Then we drove into Charleston.  I did a lot of walking there and was able to knock out three miles. When we got back, I went out on the beach and did three more miles.  I finished up my requirements this evening, but I have to say, I really had to convince myself to do all of them.  This is not a good thing this early in the cycle!  L I’m going to have to have a stern talk with myself.

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day 8

today i did a sparing class and tryedto catch up  

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Catch Up day

Today I caught up on all my requirements so Im right on track. I also got a mentee session and a sparring class in. Today was a good day.

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a fun day

today i had fun did some of  my requirements at kta and had a good day today 

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short day

today was a really short day, but it was fun. I woke up and did all my workouts and chores, then I went to class. it was one of my instructors last day before he went off to collage and it was sad saying goodbye to him, but he did promise to visit. the workout was easier and I have everything up on track. I am soon going to my friends house to sleep over, it was a good day :)

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Today I did all of my requirements enough for me to pratice for soccer tryouts for my school soccer team. Sadly I am not able to take class today.

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at home

at home I do all my things at one time and I am trying to make up a routine. This is going to be hard.

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catch up

Today was about as hard as the other days.  I was ahead on some things, but in others I was really behind.  I did extra stuff today to catch up.  Doing 215 push-ups was really hard.

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AUG. 8

I have been out of the country for the first week of the cycle and the worry has set in! Time to catch up on all my requirements and break down on what I need to learn. Coming back from a pulled hip flexor was not what I had in mind when it comes to starting another black belt cycle!!!

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day 7

today i had to finish up my pullups and my sparring rounds after dance class. it was late at night. it felt like each thing took a year to do. though the whole thing probably took about five minutes. though it felt like a long time i got it all done.

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Another day of training…I don’t really have a routine yet, but I’m keeping up.  When I return home, I need to work on a routine because it makes it easier if it’s a habit. I did get everything done today and I did some more research on my pre-war Korea essay. I’ve also found that it’s difficult to do random acts of kindness when you spend all your time on the beach, unless you count what you do for your family.  But it’s really easy to meditate while looking at the ocean!

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day 7

today i had to finish my pullups and sparring rounds after dance. it was really lateat night. they felt like they took hours to do but it only took about five minutes though it was late i got it done. 

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Lots to be Done

I really need to catch up on jump rope at TKD because I don't know where any of my old jump ropes went. I did my first round today. I haven't done even one pull up yet, and I really need to catch up. Today I went to dream team where I learned what I need to do: make an emergency preparedness kit, know what to do when certain natural disasters happen, look up and read the definition of honor in our books(which I'm going to memorize), and read this month's article about honor. I already basically know what to do for almost any disaster basically because I got a Red Cross app on it.(not thinking it would be needed hopefully) One day I decided to read the information and it turns out they have tests you can take to get patches and so I studied and took the tests, and...

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I got Tae Kwan Do almost every single day the only day off i get is Friday and Sunday, But I am fine because King Tiger is fun exiting and I learn new things every day.

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I wrote another essay today! One of my hero profiles. I'm not quite ready to approach the history of the kwans one yet. Also thinking about what new skill to do. Maybe a backbend kickover, I can already do the backbend. Well, off to get a good night's rest!

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Day 7

Today i went golfing and swiming.

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Tired Phase

Ok, I think I officially hit the tired phase. Having done this a few times now, I know it will pass. But right now it's like my body is saying "Whoa!  OK, I've put up with the extra activity for several days straight now and I'm thinking we should take a break."  Which I will not, of course, and my body will adjust to the increased demands.  But until then, my limbs feel heavy and in the middle of the day I see I've done 70 push ups and I think "oh no, is that all?".  

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Good Day

Today I finished my requirements in the morning and went to the pool for a few hours with my cousins. I went to class in Belmont and had my second mentee meeting.  I haven't felt this tired since last year! 

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August 7

Today I got in all my requirements and got to swim in the pool for a few hours so I had a good day.

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Today I wasn't able to do as many requirements as I've been doing because i spent the day horse back riding

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Busy Day

Today I did all of my requirements I needed to do. Then I had to run later today and than swim for 20 minutes. But it was still a great day.

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Yesterday I helped out with a sparing class. I earned some credits and impressed my father.  I enjoyed doing this and I hope to do it again.

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We had a small but awesome class last night at South Charlotte. We worked on our timing in combination moves, such as stepping forward and punching, knife hand and back stance, etc. (Basically worked on proper techinique and timing) of poomsae moves. Also did some great exercises. Tired this morning, but it is a good tired. "Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement." 

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day 6

Today was my first mennte session. I realized that we need to work on his white belt things and his High red belt things. And I need to work on my stances in all my forms.

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Day 6

Getting as much exercises as I can before school starts. My most challenging requirements are push-ups and sit-ups.

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tuesday class

had a great class at master evans tonight!

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I am beyond tired today. It's been a 19 hour day where I've been doing requirements every spare moment and then 3 classes tonight. I'm so done for today. I'm 20 push ups and sit ups behind today, but I'd rather make them up tomorrow at this point. Good night!

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today in camp we went to the movies. we saw the smurfs 2. it was awesome. my favorite part was when a man came falling from the sky and a gargoyle caught him him by biting him in the butt. then a bunch of fireworks blew up right in his face. after the movie i had class. right before it was time to get out of class i got out of class early because my mom showed up to take me to the dentist. the good thing is that the dentist saidthat i dont have to brush my teeth tonight. i am so happy!

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Day 5

Today I met with my mentor Master Richie and i went to the Tuesday black belt class.

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Fun in the Sun!

Got up this morning, did some pushups, situps, burpees, poomsaes, and self-defense.  Then it was out to the beach to get in some miles.  You know you’ve done a lot of miles when you get a blister on the bottom of your toe from the sand.  L I did my jump roping out on the beach this afternoon and some more poomsaes and self-defense.  The beach patrol stopped to cheer me on when I was using my husband for a self-defense partner. J I worked on my new skill some and on my big essay too.

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Day 6

today i had a mentor session

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not much done

I went to go play golf for a lot of the day I tried to get some of my requirements done through out the rest of the day.  

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Class Today

 Today I went to sparring class in Lake Norman. It was a lot of fun. We did a lot of footwork, kicks, and jumproping.  I sparred twice and got to referee once. 

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Good Class

Today was good. I got a lot of requirements done. Master Burkart taught class today, we went over solid color poomsae's and bochodan self-defense and special self-defense.

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Doing Requirements

I did my requirements with Melvin at King Tiger summer camp. I got a lot done.

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Today I went to class and did a mentee session

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Fast Kicks

Today my dad and I faced off in a battle royal of roundhouse kicks.  It was a tie of 109 kicks each.  We did 30 seconds for each leg. I won the right leg with 55 and he won the left with 57.  It was really fun!

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Yesterday was my mom's b-day, so I didn't get any requirements in other than raoks and meditation. I also went to a friend's b-day at bounce u. It was so much fun that I decided to have MY party there sometime this fall.(hopefully) I have started to make arrangements and it is an all girl party. Anyways I  really need to make up some stuff. Maybe if it doesn't rain I can do some pull ups on my swing set.

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Day 5

Today was a really long day.I got up at 6:00 and went to camp then went straight to narrroway so I am journaling  at 11:26 PM. I barley got my workout in and tomorrow will be the same but with TKD instead of Narroway. 

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Day 5

Today I did a lot of exercises in class. I led warm-ups in class today.

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day five

today has been one of my hardest days yet. i squeezed in the last of my requirments late in the night. i also went on a mile and a half walk with my mom she was whereing blue jeans and a sweater. i was whereing shorts and a tee-shirt. my mom said she sweated more than did when did during her vaery first zuba class. she never took zuba ever again. i got back to king tiger just in time to get dressed and ready for leadership class. today was was really hard.

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a day in the life

I ran, cut the grass, did pushups, poomses, situps, and kicking.

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day 5

I think I am getting into more of a habit with my requirements. Although I still have to make my self do my exercises sometimes.

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Typical Monday

I got a bunch of requirements in between (and occasionally during) several conferenclassless today.  I also got a run in at noon and some self-defense work in with Instr Mrs Hartle. And a few more while teaching family class tonight, and a few more before bed. A decent start to the week.  This morning my arms and legs felt like lead from yesterday's work out, but I feel much better now. 

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day 5

Today i tried to get ahead on stuff

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Day 5

It has been a long 5 days but I know it will be worth it

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cross country

started cross country practice this morning got 6 miles in 

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Another Day...

I did a bunch of requirements this morning, then went outside and got in six miles.  In the afternoon, I did jump ropes, pull-ups, and sparring rounds, and then 3 more miles. It was a productive day for training!

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Good Day

Today I got a lot of requirements done and led class in warm ups.

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To the Wonderful Gym We Go

Today I finished most of my requirements in the morning.  I went to the gym with my cousins. I had my first mentoring session with Master Cavazos. We worked on Hapkido and Wang Ho 2. Bring it on Tomorrow!

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Today all i did was my requirements 

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Jayson Day 4

Today I started my vacation.   But I can't stop.  I still have to do the requirements for my cycle!!  

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Today I taught my mom how to do sparring combinations 1 thru 20.  I think I should have taught her 1 thru 4.  She did pretty well on most of them but by the time I'm through with her tomorrow she'll need a new hip.  Also my mom taught me something.  She taught my how to change to the next week on this website.  I put all of my Saturday requirements on the wrong week.  It's right now.  All together I learned a lot today.

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Requirements x2

Today I doubled most of my requirements. I took a 3 mile walk with my mom. We kept trying to find pine cones and kick them as far as we can. I got most of my requirements done in the morning. Now I have missed my alarm I don't know how many times. It's not even funny anymore. That is going to be a problem when school starts. Overall, today was a pretty good day! 

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Extra Credit!

Today was a good day for training.  I always get lots of miles in at the beach.  I did my jump rope on the beach too.  I might have looked funny, but it was much easier on the knees.  J I put in all of my extra credits that I earned from all of the opportunities that Master Evins offered before the cycle. Terrence Jennings – 2 Sparring classes BB Camp 6/29 -        2 Sparring classes, 1.5 Sat BB class, 1.5 Tues BB class PMAA Seminar -      5 PMAA classes, 3 TKD Plus, 3 Sat classes, 4 Sparring classes BB Camp 7/27 -        2 Sparring classes, 1.5 Sat BB class, 1.5 Tues BB class These credits really helped a lot!  (Thank you sir.)

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Killed it today!

Today was requirements day. From 8:30am-5:30pm, I was a requirements machine. I went straight from my pajamas to my swimsuit and set up outside. I had a grassy area for poomsaes, a towel on the ground for sit ups/push ups/burpees, a jump rope station near my iPad for a timer, etc. and I jumped into the pool when I got hot.  I would do a round or two, then do some laundry, then do another round or two, then do some weeding, another round or two, more laundry, etc.  I got a ton of requirements done (although it was many small sets), 7 loads of laundry, the whole back weeded, and made dinner. I feel so productive!  And I made it fun by doing some kicks, poomsaes, self-defenses (throwing Scott around), and meditation in the pool.  I've taken off the last 3 hrs, and I'm thinking I may squeak a few...

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Today I caught up on my requirements and helped with some yard work. 

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Day 4

I went to Fairview Park and ran 3 miles in the cross country course.  Did lots of swimming.  Ready for another day tomorrow!

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Catch up Day

Today was my catch up day. Now I am all caught up on my requirements. Yay!!! I got a full week ahead of me.

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Today I ran three miles without stopping!  I also shattered some of my daily goals.  I did this in one setting.  I did 70 push-ups and 100 sit-ups without stopping. That was after doing 40 of each in stations.  After all that I still had enough energy for my kick-ups!

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August 3

I went to BB class today and worked on my requirements.

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