Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

getting ready for the written test

i am really starting to study for the test saturday. i have read over it maybe once a week the last couple but i am now making flash cards and quizzing my self on them. i am also highlighting the questions i need to study more one color and the ones i know in another color. i hope these study tools help those who read this! almost done!!

  1403 Hits

I am done

I am done with every thing besides pull ups It feels very good to finally be done with every thing I evan finished my 5 page esay wow it feels great just so good to finally be done with every thing on the cycle so now I only do pull-ups with a few of everything else ;)

  1212 Hits

flawless uniform

today i woke up a little bit late, i needed to wear my JROTC uniform today to school so i set my alarm clock 10 minutes early but ended up waking up at the same time. i got dressed properly and had waffles, rice crispies, bacon, milk, and a protein shake. i went out to the bus, it was unusually chilly today so i was glad i was wearing a jacket. i slept on the bus because i was tired from monday. in first block we had a substitute, we spent the whole time reading an informational magazine on the government and new scientific developments, we took notes on what interests us and summaries of the articles. in second block we were evaluated on our uniforms outside, i was wearing a tie and it was windy so that aggravated me!!! but i got a perfect uniform inspection, then we spent the...

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  1477 Hits

weekday class

today I went to the tuesday black belt class we did tae Kwan do jeopardy we went over our tests and we played it was fun almost done with requirements 

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Day 60

Well it's Day 60 and I am still standing so that's a good thing.  I could be in better shape but happy with where I am at.  Pretty uneventful day same old, same old -- work then off to classes.  Got to meet with my mentee's today and that is always a pleasure.  They are fantastic and make my day.  Helped in the 5:40 class then stayed for adult class.  Thank you Inst. Hsin for another try to make us drop +++++ class.  That is definitely a way to challenge yourself.  It's all about focus and getting into a zone.  I may never be quick and fast but I will last!!!  On another note if anyone has sold panda tickets if you could please bring them to class Saturday so I can get everything ready for the Fall Festival.  Tickets will still be available at the festival for chances to win!!!  The furry ones...

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  734 Hits

OCT. 8

I have been so stressed about getting in classes and going over poomsaes and self defense. Meanwhile as I spent all my time reviewing....I managed to get really really behind on my running. So for tonight, Im not going to any classes but instead Im studying for the written test that is on Saturday and taking a long run/walk. 

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Not So Good Work Day vs Great Insane Class

Well happy camper I was not today at work.  Just seemed like everything decided not to go as planned then a few other thing on top of that to boot.  Oh well it will be better tomorrow and truly could have been worse.  Got to S. Charlotte after work and focused on requirements, helped in junior class then great insane class with Master Chin & Inst. Hsin.  Master Chin focused on staff forms which was a big help.  It's not a matter of doing the form but being precise on your execution.  I know the forms but now trying to focus on making them more powerful.  Lot's of review on the knife and I swear I am going to get it.  I am up to 7 so happy dance for that it just needs to be more fluid instead of mechanical.  I think too much.  Last but not least was TKD++++++++.  Inst. Hsin...

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  814 Hits


Today is MONDAY!  After school practice was rained out so I go to go home early.  I got most of my homework done except one project that I am doing.  I was able to get in a few requirements.  I only have jump rope, RAOK, self-defense, and running to complete.

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Hard workout

Today in school was pretty normal. I got my Cyprus Today! I need to name him, I'm thinking Stanley. black belt class was hard, we had a tough work out, but we got a lot Of requirements! I'm ready to sleep. Goodnight!

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mentor no show

today I went to leadership class and we worked on demo stuff before master Michel was going to show up but didn't I got a mentee session with tiger and still ran 2 miles its very very annoying 

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Rainy Monday

Yeah it was rainy today and we got soaked waiting for the bus and had to go to the nurse because they were afraid we had hypothermia 

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a good monday

today i woke up really tired again, but still got out of bed with motivation to start my day. i got dressed and had waffles, cheerios, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast. then i packed up and went to the bus, i was afraid it was going to rain and it literally started raining as soon as i stepped on the bus!! i slept on the bus, it was easy with the rain on the roof. in first block, we went over what makes up culture, the definition, how culture effects us and shapes who we are. in second block we went over what it takes to be healthy, we had to write an essay on it, i chose topics like physical workout, eating right, keeping healthy on medication for sickness, maintaining personal relationships with people for mental and emotional health, doing good in school, and having free time...

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  1602 Hits

Oct 7

Today I did my requirements and my imply thy

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so close

It is so close to the end of the cycle. I am so nervous for this because I can almost do a v-sit up but it is really hard.

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OCT. 7

Mondays are always super busy days. Had a doctors appointment right after school, then headed home to start a load of homework. Im getting really nervous about this written test because I still don't have a few of the answers on the study guide. My plan for tonight is to go to South Charlotte (Master Chin's) and get in as many classes as I can. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have all of my classes nocked out. 

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Journaling at School

Today I'm doing my journal at school in computer class in free time! My friends are watching me write some of it. It's so cool! Anyways, i usually don't do my requirements in the morning, because I do them right before I go to bed, then I do my daily journal and brush my teeth and go to bed. today I'm getting it done early so i won't have to do it later. I read a little bit more of my book for my essay, but I still have a lot to do. I hope I get done early this cycle. 

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4 miles

today I had to run 4 miles because i didn't run yesterday because of the AAU tournament my dad told me yesterday i din`t have to run because of the tournament so i had to make it up

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This took like 20 minutes

wow my internet is really slow. it took like 20 minutes for my to get this add journal thing to pop up. anyways i gotta study for the test next week. but i don't know if i can best my running time. nest two days will be do voted to running.

  1028 Hits

renaissance festival!!

I had a very relaxing day with the family! We went to the Renaissance festival. i took the day off of physical requirements. this week is all gana be studying for the written test. i have all essays done, i just have to edit to make sure they are good. Oh and if anyone has a scanner, could i use it? Our printer thing is broken so i cant upload the mentor mentee forms, that would be great! thank you! 

  1350 Hits


On Saturday I had to do my last two essays. They are the belt rank essay and the hero profile two. That was terrible, to waste a beautiful day doing essays. It was very hard because my grandma had to check, and I had to restart on one of my paragraphs.

  137 Hits


I had a relaxed day. I got up at 9:30 and did requirements then went to sunday school. I came home, did more requirements and went on a run with my dog. I showered and finished my homework outside, it was a nice day. I'm done with kicks! yay! now to get to bed earlier.

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Football Sunday

Today was football Sunday. I ran two miles with my Mom this morning. After church I did my homework and then started my requirements. I had a few breaks but mostly did homework and requirements and my Kwan's paper. During my breaks I watched football.  

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long day

i worked ouside and did my staff form. i cant beileve testings in a week 

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Day 58

Well it's day 58 and I feel good!!  Pounded on requirements today between laundry, groceries and ironing.  Got to meet with my mentee today, Luke, and it was great.  Today was his 7th birthday and we met in the parking lot at the grocery store and had a perfect session.  Found a nice grass area with shade tree by the bank and he did his thing while mom did her thing.  Such a special boy then he was off to finish birthday celebrations.  Finished the Kwan essay so relief on that one.  Trying to study for the test and just hope all goes well.  Everything is starting to run together.  I know most of it but when I start to write it down I go blank.  I will figure it out just hopefully by the end of the week.  On a very sad note it's Master Moon's "temporary" last night in Charlotte.  I will miss her...

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  423 Hits


Today I did a lot of requirements, and I'm very tired. I feel like it's already 10 or 11 PM. I didn't get to do any essays today, but if I have any spare time, I'll work on some. On Wednesday, I'm going to finish my required mentoring sessions, and my leadership requirements. It turns out that at the AAU, I got my hand strained, with a t, though at first I thought it was a sprain. My mom says it will heal in about a week, and I just have to be a little bit more careful. Anyways, I just need to keep doing requirements to get done early or right on time. I have lots to do, but I'll get it done; I just have to stay consistent. Tomorrow I hope I'll be able to do a lot.

  316 Hits

OCT. 6

I worked so hard on homework and projects that I forgot to enter in my requirements! Its freaking me out that we have our written and physical test next week. I honestly cant believe that it has been 9 weeks since the start of testing. With everything that I have going on today, Im hoping ill have time to study the test! 

  1174 Hits

Fire Power

Yesterday, I got my new shrub.  Guess what the name of the bush is, Fire Power.  I chose the bush because it sounds cool and it is going to look cool because it has fiery red leaves.  I have to fertilize it once a week with Miracle Grow and I also have to water it .  The Miracle Grow thing hooks up the hose and you just turn it on and it is pretty easy.   

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What a great day!!  Fantastic class today got to cover lot's of things with Master Knight & The Hartles.  Sorry had questions but it was great.  Thank you Mr. Weeks you are an awesome partner. Met with Ms. Tucker and as always she can answer any questions.  I was in the full of questions mode today.  Got home and yes took a small cat nap, needed it.  Got up and being very productive kicked in.  Since the domestic fairy did not show up I clicked my heels, waved the wand and made it happen along with several requirements.  Husband got home from golf and figured it was best to stay out of the way - - good idea.  Looking forward to another good day tomorrow. 

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lasy day

today i just stayed home and my grandfather came to eat dinner with us.  i missed him so i was so happy to see him. 

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AAU Tournament and my dad's b-day

Today was the AAU tournament and I got a second place medal for poomsae, and a third place trophy for sparring. I got a good amount of requirements done, and I finished random acts of kindness! I have finished a small portion of the cycle early, I need to just keep fiishing stuff early. Today was also my dad's b-day, and he got some presents and an awesome card from me, which was a dog begging him to have the best birthday ever! It was a cute an funny card. It was also another exciting, but tiring day. Tomorrow I need to do essays, poomsaes, and self defense. 

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a great saturday

Had a great saturday! woke up at 5:30, had a cross country meet that lasted till about 2. then went downtown for dinner. now im about to go out to the amazing maize maze with some friends!

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My 50th Journal Entry

First I want to say congratulations to everyone who competed in the tournament today! I wish that I had been there. In black belt class today, we got to work on a lot of poomsaes. I got to ask a lot of questions and work on all of my other forms. I really enjoyed the class. I can't believe that the physical test is already next week!!!!!! I have most of the written test memorized. I just have a hard time with the 6 distances. I am so excited about it! Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me and encouraged me during this testing cycle and the last one.  I appreciate everything that you have done for me, especially Master Shin and Master Cavazos.

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Super Saturday

To kick off today I did a walk/run with my Dad.  I then helped out at little tigers.  After that I did some requirements and a mentor session with Master Knight.  I had black belt class and Master C. Hartley taught the class. It was really fun.  We worked on forms, hakpido, and weapons.  When I got home I got to eat Zaxby's for lunch.  After that, I started my homework and finishing my requirements. After I finish my homework I will have free time.

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Today i went to the AAU tournament and did both sparring and forms i got 3rd place on sparring and 2nd on forms on sparring i did 2 matches because there was 4 people in my group the first match was 2 other people in my group in the middle of 1 round 1 kid threw up i had the last  and 3rd  to last matches master Kim was my coach when i did my last match the judge said i was blocking with my nee because the kid screamed and i happened twice i had no idea was she was talking about but then i figured out that it was because me and him kicked at the same time after my last match master Kim and master Michel said i was really good im happy im home and i can rest still got to figure out what classes i got...

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  879 Hits


Just woke up from a long nap it it felt good. so yeah that's about it. i had spaghetti for lunch. and my favorite colar is green.

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my workout stuff

This is my workout statistics for this week          298.6 1056.4Push Ups1501505015015015015010,166 10,0000Sit-ups150150501501501501509,790 10,000210Burpees/Squat Thrusts2000202015201,185 1,0000Basic Kicks1501252515015015020010,530 10,5000Poomsae Challenge201210202020201,438 1,50062Self-Defense Challenge2012010155151,076 1,0000Sparring Rounds5305535230 2100Jump Rope5315555209 2101Meditation/Quiet Time5505555618 5000Pull Ups5335555285 35065Random Acts of Kindness (RAOKs)1000302205 2000  So yes I am almost done     P.s sorry this is short I needed one but its late so yeah.

  1078 Hits


today i got 2 pages of my hisyory of the kwans essay done. i have to go to a birthday party tomorrow. after the party i have to finish my essay. i am really tired.

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Tiring Friday

Today was a very long day. I'm exhausted. I wrote 2 essays and did a bunch of requirements. Tomorrow I'll be doing a lot. I also got some small rubber bands at the store today to make some rubber band bracelets to sell for Levine Children's Hospital. I think I'll be able to make a lot, sell some to my friends, and also wear some myself, maybe 1 or 2. Tonight I've finished all my requirements for today, and I'm so happy I've done them. I also get to watch a movie tonight, so all in all, it's been a tiring, productive, and fun Friday.

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Happy Friday

So ready for the weekend!!!  Good day at work, not so good day at doctor and awesome time at testing today.  Three different testing classes and they all rocked!!!  Great job everyone.  All I am going to say if it is the last thing I do I am going to complete these requirements on time.  The time management is getting to me but I have got this and know there is always a solution to everything.  All is good and ready for class tomorrow then focus on requirements, essay, study for test and of course the dreaded domestics.  At this point a house fairy would be really nice - - - -.

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Happy Friday!  Today was a terrific day.  I got a lot accomplished at work and then I came home and got a lot accomplished.  I also went to visit Dr. Bill, which always makes me feel better.  He adjusted my knees, my wrist, and then I got acupuncture on them too.  Everything is good for another ten thousand miles!  J  However, I think my jump rope and sparring rounds are going to have to take a rest.  Those are just too brutal on my knees.  L  I need to save my knees for physical day and definitely for testing!  We’re almost there….

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today I had dream team and blackbelt class a lot of people weren't there. there was only three people. me , megan and davis. I kida scared that next week is testing

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Today was pretty easy. My classes didn't do much, and I made up a bad grade which is good. I relaxed some at home and did some requirements (I need to stop missing my first alarm!). I then went and helped out with testing for a while, which went great! Good job to all the testers! Then I came home and relaxed some more. I plan on writing essays tomorrow and adoring a bio project since we don't have sparring class. Goodnight!

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Finally Friday

Today afterschool I had sparring class. It was taught by Master Kim. It was very fun! After class we went to Chili's to eat dinner.  It was goooood. I came home and worked on my requirements. I have little tigers in the morning and Black Belt class.  

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Today I went to BB class and we worked on forms, hapkido and went over test questions.  There are some questions I'm still having trouble getting it right.  

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today was ok

today was ok its a friday so it has to be at least ok i had an ok day at school i ran 2 miles in the mourning again i did my requirements and logged them in my sister lost the remote my dad found it finally some free time i still got 3 pages on the kwans 

  1000 Hits

OCT. 4

Had an amazing time helping out at testing tonight. The students did a fantastic job and really worked hard to earn their next belt. I am really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. It will be the first time that I ever skip a Saturday class, but with all the schoolwork assigned I have to really manage my time well.

  140 Hits

Oct 4

today I did school and it is Friday.Woot Woot.

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I had a lot of tests and quizzes today. They went okay, I got a 100 on one of the quizzes! I brought scones and lemonade in to tkd to raise money for kicks for kids. I raised about $45 yay! It was also college night at school so that was a little interesting, but I'm still not ready to think about it. Shower time!

  1483 Hits


Today was a great day. I took two tests at school, and I think I did pretty well on them, and I also finished the required sparring classes and meditation.  I also took a sparring class at Mint Hill today. I got some sparring rounds in, as well as practice and experience for the AAU. I still can't believe that the competition is only a couple days away! I need to do some more sparring rounds to catch up, and prepare me for the tournament at the same time. Now that I've got some requirements out of the way, I can work on other stuff, like sparring rounds and self defense an poomsaes. Tomorrow I'll be able to do more, so I hope t start my walking plan then.(3 miles one day, then 1 the next, and then 3 the day after that) Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to do...

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master Riche class

today i went to black belt class and master Riche tout  it we worked on stretching out our kicks and proper distance i learned a lot today and it was fun

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Senior Moment

Well today was actually a good day.  Crazy busy at work then went to South Charlotte and focused on requirements, met with Jillian, to work on her belt requirements, helped in class then stayed for 6:40 class.  All was going well till I got home and realized I left my knife, black belt book and notes book on the ledge.  Want to talk about freaking out.  That's not me I normally do not leave things.  Oh yes Inst. Hsin I will do pushups tomorrow.  So now I can not log my requirements because all my stuff is all snug as a bug at the dojang.  URG!!!  Other than that all is good because it could be a lot worse.  Guess I will log double tomorrow night after helping with testing.

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Almost done

I am so happy I am almost done with everything I finished pushups only have 360 more sit ups have finished all my leadership credits all my sparring classes and dream team and every thing else.Wow you cant believe how happy I am to be finished with most of this yes today is a good day

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today i had sparring class. it was so much fun. cant wait for testing. also so scared.

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I dont know what to write about

I don't know what to write about at all. I am sitting hear wondering what to write about and I am really stressed out with all of this homework and black belt. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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Today is Thursday!!! After school and soccer practice I got to go to King Tiger and get some requirements in.  I also had got a mentee session and helped out in class. This weekend I will finish most of my requirements.  I will also finish my Kwans paper.  It is taking me a long time to write five pages. 

  47 Hits

long workout

today i woke up planning to get up 10 minutes early but ended getting up at normal time, figures. i got dressed and had bacon, cereal, waffles, milk, and a protein shake, then went out to the bus and got there early enough to be freezing cold by the time it arrived... my day wasnt going well so far. i slept on the bus and was out like a ROCK, i was the last one off the bus and barely woke up in time. in first block we had to go to the auditorium to do picture day which wasnt a big deal but took up half the class. the other half the class we had a test on the book we were reading, "kaffir boy", and the rest of the test was african countries location and literary devices. in second block we warmed up on the track but didnt do...

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  1506 Hits

Plans Change...

My day today did not go as planned.  It started off normal – requirements and then work.  However, I had planned on going to BB class tonight and then PMAA class, but the fates had different plans.  I ended up not getting home from work until almost seven and that didn’t leave me enough time to feed my kids and get to class.  L But I made the most of it.  I had my own mini class by working on all of the stuff I need to know for testing.  The closer it gets the more nervous I get.  I’ve been working hard and I feel like I know my stuff, but I’m worried that I’ll have brain freeze during testing.  Oh well, I’ve just got to do the best that I can do!

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Oct 3

Today I did a sparing class at mint hill.I love sparing people that are better than me because then I get better.

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Hurting my thumb

Today started off like a normal day.  I got my work done in Math. Did some writing in Language Arts.  Had a test in Science.  Lunch was good too.  The half way into PE i did something that I wasn't supposed to. I was playing around.  I hit my thumb so hard, it went back and touched my arm.  I really hope it is not broke.  I won't be able do push ups and get my black belt.  I really have worked hard.

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OCT. 3

Have a big Geometry test today in first period, and I am nowhere close to being prepared. Hopefully I can get some studying time in before school starts. Last night I did a ton of poomsaes at South Charlotte and had a blast at sparring class. I need a few more requirements, but other than that, I'm on a good pace. 

  1383 Hits

Hebrew High

Today was not so great. I fell asleep after my first alarm, skipping my requirements. I had a hard time staying awake during school. Once I got home I baked mainly and finshed annotating. I then went to hebrew high which was better than I expected. I also met someone who was nerdy like me, she's really cool. I'm behind for today on some requirements, but that's the price for good grades and sleep.

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Leadership Credits Finished

Today I finished with my leadership credit 1s, which makes me officially done with the required amount of leadership credits! I'm also now one step closer to finishing the cycle. I'm 9 journals away from having the required amount of those, and I'm almost done with random acts of kindness. I've been meaning to walk, to get that finished, but lately I've just been too busy. I think I'll finish some stuff early, and other stuff right on tme. I've been a little inconsistent, but I'm getting caught up. I need to work on my essays soon.

  1406 Hits

Almost There

Today after school I was able to help out with a class and finish my last Dream Team class.  I will finish my leadership 1 by Saturday.  I hope to get most of my physical requirements finished by the weekend.  I also plan to finish my Kwan's paper this weekend.

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cross country

Had a great practice today. ran 24 200 meter sprints which adds up to 3 miles. i am sore. but i feel great and i know it will benefit me. I took the 7:00 class at Master Hartles and we worked on poomsaes and self defenses

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I HAVE GOT TO GET MORE ORGANIZED!!!!!!!! My desk at school is a mess and so is my bedroom. I also have got to do my belt level essay. Being on this cycle is very hard with school and homework because I sometimes forget to put my requirements in and journal.

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Day IDK???????????????????????????????????????????

dear people Today I woke up at 4:30 now ive been doing this for a while now and it is helping me get rvery thing done. Now it is kinda hard because once I am done then i go get as much sleep as possible and then have to wake up at 5:50!!! now ourf school is not the normal school we need to go to school ast about 7:00  

  844 Hits

Oct 2

At school I had a fild trip to the belk theater.the fild trip was fun I hope I can go there agean.

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Hump DAY!!!!!!! Woot Woot

Today I finally got to use the bow in orchestra. A bow on my cello sounds awesome! My grand parents are coming and I cant wait to see them because I can show them how much stuff ive been doing for the cycle. Also I got a 95 on my science test so that bumped my grade to a 92. One point from a A so close! Id love to talk about my day more but those cookies smell good.

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today i learned how to do a front walk over. im so happy. i also got all my rec done. yahhhhhhhhh. what a great day

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Pretty uneventful day.  Had the day off work to take care of a few personal appointments then went and helped with the early classes.  Did not stay for sparring class because I wanted to be able to focus some time this evening on the Kwan essay.  My computer is having a blast with the auto spell check.  Hello computer these are real names quit changing them on me.  Guess talking to the computer and telling it no does not really help but it make me feel better so I will continue to talk to it.  Would like to be further along with my progress but happy where I am.

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October 2nd

Today was my friends birthday and  I got to hang with her at school. After school I finished my social studies project. It took me 2 hours bit I finished it. It has been a long day and now I am ready for bed.

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This website did not count my sunday and monday journal enteries... THose 2 ment alot to  me.. Now im never going to pass!

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Tow more requirement things down. i have completed the burpees and sit ups. my next goal is pull ups and kicking.

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OCT. 2

I have loads of homework to do! It won't surprise me if Im up all night... Going to any classes at South Charlotte may be difficult tonight knowing my busy schedule. Im going to track down what needs to happen these next two weeks and then see where I am. 

  1139 Hits

9-7-13 failed to save

on saturday 9-7 i went to black belt class and sparring class i got there early and did some requirements sparring class we did alott of kicking partners down the dojang it was fun sorta after that I went home and ran it was an ok day 

  986 Hits

poison ivy

well i have poison ivy now. i am very reactive to it so this isnt gana be fun. it took four weeks for it to go away last time so hopefully it wont last that long again. i went to the doctor today to be proactive about it. i have it on my stomach and arm. it gets really irritated when i am outside in the heat or do anything physical to sparring class was really funnnnnnnnnnn (sarcasm) o well hopefully itll go away fast 

  983 Hits


Yay it is october! I love october! well my day was pretty good. nothing real interesting in school, or after in work either. I enjoyed giving the kids at work raffle tickets, you could see just how much they loved it. Thanks Ms Donna, you probably made many kids' day!

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Staff Class

Today in black belt class we worked on staff. It went well, and I finished 100 kicks there, too. For the AAU, I'm being loaned a size 2, since I don't have time to order one in time, and because I've grown out of my size 1. I didn't do much today, requirement wise anyway, because I had a lot of homework to do. I just got it all done, because I had a really busy day. Tomorrow I really need to get on the walking track since I forgot yesterday. I also need to do some more burpees.

  1023 Hits

Uh oh

Today I had a couple of problems... For starters my bowel movements..... It was not so good (No further details). Then I had something even worse.......... POP QUIZ! (Just Kidding).. .But I do have 4 quizes tomorrow so I do consider that POP! ALSO I am learning how to play my violin so....... I need to write my essay on new skills. Thats my tuesday

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Terrific Tuesday

Today was a Terrific Tuesday.  I had a great day at school. I got to play a soccer game.  After that I had to go home and do my homework.  I then did a mentee session.  We focused on self defenses, poomsaes, and kicking combinations. I practiced for my Social Studies test. I feel prepared for it.  I ended my day by doing 1 set of requirements.  

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Productive day at work then off to South Charlotte.  Helped around where needed, worked on requirements then stayed for class.  My brain has had a melt down on the knife 1 thru 10 - - -someone please turn the light bulb on in my head - -why is this being so difficult.  Light bulb moment please and soon.  Got to meet with my mentee Luke and he is unbelievable.  He catches on so quick and has this smile and energy that just makes you want to do the happy dance.  Got to talk with my new friend Jillian for a bit and she has agreed to come to class early to work with me.  I am very luck!!  All is good and I am planning, and hoping, for a productive day tomorrow.  Still feeling sluggish and just hope that I do not get sick.  On another note my knees have been...

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bb class

Today I went and helped out with class i also got a white belt for the challenge the class was more like a staff class because that was all we did was use staffs it was really fun i also got in a mentoring session with master Michel we worked on hopkido he didn't really remember 14 and up so well do it thursday but we worked on first dawn self defense instead of hopkido over all it was a really good day still working on history of the Kwans pretty long essay compared to the others i hope i can do it in time 

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OCT. 1

I can't believe its already October. Summer came and went so quickly that I didn't have a chance to catch up! Im starting to have to do less and less requirements a day which takes off a lot of pressure. Master Chin has really helped me get in Leadership classes this week. The only thing I am worried about is mastering the Staff Poomsae and the Attack and Defend portion of the test. 

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football routes

today i woke up like any other day but i was unusually awake so i got a head start. i got dressed, had pancakes, bacon, kix cereal, milk, and a protein shake. i got packed up and was at the bus 10 minutes early. i slept on the bus and enjoyed my free time by listening to new songs on my phone. in first block we read all the rest of "kaffir boy" except the last chapter, we will read that tomorrow. in second block we got changed out and did static and dynamic warm ups at the track, then we ran 3 laps which is roughly .8 miles on any track thats not the inner track. then we went to the practice field and we worked on football wide receiver routes and how to catch, how to cover a receiver, i always caught the ball and never let a catch...

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  1286 Hits


I had too much homework today, so I did not go to any class. Since I finished at 8pm,  I was able to do some requirements.     

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today i was at school and my friend emily made me a new braclet. after school i went home and did everything. yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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ONE WEEK TILL ESAYS ARE DUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD :O :O :0 :O

There is one week till every esay is due I dont know about you but (......I AM GOING TO DIE......) There is going to be some late nights in m7y house tonight and I need to get these done so bye need to get 3 esays done   ...YAY... :'(

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My Teachers

My teachers are very nice and are very mean at the same time. They are mean because they give us strikes and they give us strikes by using the bathroom and I don't think that is good. I love my teachers because the homework that they give us is very fun but I have a lot of it. My homeroom teacher is very cool teacher because she teaches my favorite subject. Social studies:)! I love social studies because It is very interesting to me. I love the American Indians because I love there culture.

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October 1st!!!!!!

Wow it's the 1st day of October already. Well today I did my 5:45 class. We did forms and knife stuff. It was really fun. The cycle is almost over so I just have to hang in there. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

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oct 1

Today i had school and safty potral at school.I am tired and hurting   We Can Do It!

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9-14-13 failed to save

on saturday 9-14 i went to black belt class and sparring class I got a mentor session in but I never go up to do warm ups in front of a big class its just too much pressure on me with that kind of thing 

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Last journal

Today I accidentally slept in and didn't get much requirements done in the morning. I got done with all my burpees and self defence yesterday so I dont have to do those anymore YaYYYYYYYYYY! Now I have to go to bed. :_-(.

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today i woke up at 6:30 for school. when i got home my mom got me a rainbow loom kit. almost forgot to do my journal today. ahhhhhhhhhh

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Today I did a good amount of requirements. i also am almost done with my mentee sessions and walking. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start walking 2.5 miles until I'm done. I think I'll be able to finish with some things early, and some things right on time. Tomorrow I'm going to try and do a lot.

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today i got extra recess at my school. i got extra dinner. i got dinner from panera bread and i got a dinner from home. i also got extra sleep. i was so tired i fell asleep during class. i am also very tired now. i am also in extra trouble because my vice principal wanted me to sign up for safety patrol and i did not.

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SEPT. 30

Had a great day at school and at South Charlotte. Master Chin really helped me review over what I needed to work on and helped me get in requirements. I really need to work on the staff poomsae. So my plan for this week consists of getting in as many leadership classes as I can, but still be reviewing over what I need to know for testing. 

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Zombie Apocolypse

So to start off, my day was fine, I got home and got to relax and then do some spanish homework, then I annotated and did requirements. I ran pretty well. I went to class and we worked on a lot of things like attack defense, hurricane hook, and staff form 2. What was interesting about today was that last night I had a very realistic dream about the zombie apocolypse. I woke up at 4:30 and ended up doing my morning requirements to get back to sleep. See, I already have a kind of apocolypse plan, but I spent the whole day thinking what would I grab first, who would I take with me, which certainly put an interesting spin on my day. I hope no more apocolypse dreams tonight!

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journals and homework. My favorite classes

Journals for me are very important because I cant miss one or I will be behind on them and will fail. I also have to do homework so it kind of reminds me to do them. If the Buffalo Bills win I don't have to do my reading homework because my teacher (Mrs. Ellis) loves the Bills and so does my math teacher but she still gives homework:(. I am very exited that school has started and that the cycle will be over in twelve days because I am going to celebrate so much like I did when the empathy training and I couldn't feel my hand when it was out of the bandage. I also liked the empathy training class because I got to feel the way that people with one hand or arm do. I feel really bad for those people like instructor Auerbach.

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today i woke up really super early, like 3:40, and spent the next hour in restless sleep constantly waking up. i was not happy to start my day, but i got dressed and went downstairs. i had waffles, rice crispies, bacon, milk, and a protein shake for breakfast and my stomach didnt feel to good so i was almost late for the bus but got on. i slept on the bus and when i woke up my stomach still hurt. in first block we went to the media center and did an activity where we were given stacks of books and chose 3, we had to read the first two pages and inside cover/back to find out about it, then choose which one was our favorite and why. then we all checked out books and spent the rest of the time reading. my stomach felt better probably because i was sitting...

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  1030 Hits

Check 2

Got RAK off my list. it feels good to be accomplished. anyways im exterly close to finsishing my situps and burppees. so im gonna do them now and edit them 1 hour later. 

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