
Stan Baker

Member since: Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Last Visit: Wednesday, 28 March 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Finished morning workout of 20 min of cardio, stretching and then 50 min of creative form practice.  From here on to the test my challenge is more mental than physical. Lots of distraction in work life - 4 possibilities of new jobs or locations (Australia, England, Dallas, and NY) - all pending at the moment.  Work presentations to prepare, etc...   Just gotta buckle down and focus on each task at hand and not worry about the others.  This is a very good opportunity to practice concentration skills!!

  961 Hits


”Monday Monday..... can’t trust that day.”  (Papa John) Did form work yesterday and got in AM and PM workouts today.  Did TKD in AM and weights in PM.  Gotta go to Brooklyn tomorrow for work but will be able to get in a TKD workout in the morning. 

  991 Hits


Went through forms and high belt SD yesterday.  Spent about an hour on 2nd and 3rd SD today plus a nice 2.3 mile interval run and a good stretch.  Not a huge day but progress was made.  Plan is to get up early and get to the gym before all the classes start so I can have some room for staff forms.  Clock is ticking.

  1015 Hits


So, Tuesday and Wednesday were a workout-washout but made up for some of it today.  Got in two workouts (AM and PM).  Went through the TKD cirriculum at PM workout and only needed to “go to video” once.  I’m gonna be ready.  Looking forward to a repeat in the AM!

  893 Hits


I’ve come to a realization.  There is no way I could be a professional salesperson.  Yesterday our territory started our big 2-day client event where we take some of our best clients out for a day of business education and socializing.  13 hours of being “on” and charming literally wiped me out.  I was more exhausted from that than pretty much any physical training I’ve ever done.  I set my alarm but just could not get the strength to get out of bed. Sadly, there was no workout. Perhaps I’ll get one in when I get home although the foot of snow in the forecast may prevent that..   While the day was exhausting It was a nice reminder that we are all different and have different skills, talents, personalities and psychologies. I looked at a couple of my co-workers who were reveling in all of it all day long.  They...

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  901 Hits


Had a two-fer yesterday.  Forms in the morning, cardio in the afternoon due to travel today.  Out before the gym was available and full day of socializing at work/client event wears me out.  Off for a dinner meeting but have the running shoes and workout clothes in the bag for AM.

  959 Hits


First day of training after the PE test.  Felt good.  Focused on staff and stick today and each time I do that I feel like I will be ready.  2nd and 3rd Dan self defenses are my weakness.  Will see about improving those this week.   I did well enough on remembering the new staff and stick forms that I treated myself to something.... a full weight upper body workout.  Felt good.

  779 Hits


Tomorrow is a big day.  It is Physical Exam Day (and St. Patrick’s Day!!).  I will be so happy to tic that box and get the PE stuff behind me.  The work to hit the PE goals took more time than the TKD forms - likely due to age!  But, I am confident I will hit them which will allow me to focus on the TKD cirriculum for the next couple of weeks.  Looking forward to tomorrow!!!

  836 Hits


Happy PI DAY!  I had a big ole piece of apple pie to celebrate.  Also had a good 2 hr workout where I got through all the forms, including the staff and stick.  I needed to review staff #5 and short stick #4 on video but I got it all in.  Thinking about going back for a run tonight (to work off the pie) and have some extra time in the morning for forms, stick, staff and SD.   I also did 27 burpees today and 48 pushups.  First time I hit both targets in same day.    

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3/14/18 part 2

Felt good enough to go back and get 2.25 miles in 20 min.  Kinda justified my pie for Pi Day!  

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Lots of distractions this week.  Job interviews, etc.  Sinus infection came back yesterday.  But....! Persevered and got my PM workout (4 miles on treadmill) then back today.  Today was slow work day so I got 

  911 Hits


Lots of distractions this week. Job interviews, etc. Sinus infection came back yesterday. But....! Persevered and got my PM workout (4 miles on treadmill) then back today. Today was slow work day so I got a good two hours in and went through everything except 2nd and 3rd dan self defenses. Gonna walk through them tonight. I’m getting there.

  823 Hits


Some mornings you just don’t have it.  Legs felt like lead today.  But, I got 1.5 miles in, some other stuff and all my stick and staff forms done.  Good thing about working out in the AM is that there is a second chance in the PM!  

  934 Hits


Got two workouts in today!  Focusing on staff and creative forms plus some two step self-defenses.  Staff forms 4 and 5 - check!  (Well, at least I can get through them all the way without looking at the videos.) My body was very stiff this morning and noticably better in the afternoon.  Must be showing my age.

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5:00 am, snow on the ground. Time for a run then off to Long Island.

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So, I got a decent TKD workout in this AM.  PM workout was shoveling snow.  So after that i studied written test materials.  Back at it tomorrow.

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Still feeling motivated after Instructor’s Camp.  Planning on some running and forms today but legs just did not have it.  So, I got in a good upper body lifting session and checked staff form #4 off the list thanks to Master Cavasos sharing some video with me.  I got this.

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instructors camp was this past weekend.  At first it was quite depressing because it is clear that I am no longer as sharp and knowledgeable as I once was.  Plus I was easily frustrated and nervous the whole time.  The drive back to NJ was tough. However, today I got in a good 3.5 hrs of training plus spent some time on the written test. I framed out my creative poomsae and feel good about that.  I also went through all the self defenses up through 1st dan without needing video references. Insructors camp helped me focus. My travel schedule between now and the test is light.  I am going to do this!

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Major distractions yesterday and today.  Big job interview this afternoon!!!  Car also in shop which is a bummer and screws up trips to gym.  Making a list of things and attending to them one by one.  One step at a time.  Looking forward to instructor’s camp this weekend.

  846 Hits


Good to be back home.  Did not get home in time yesterday to go to gym so went this AM.  Just went through 2nd and 3rd Dan self defenses with Deb.  She is so in-flexible that I can’t do 3rd dan #5 + 6 with her.  Will have to learn those in Greenville.

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Travelled to Seattle yesterday.  Training suffered. About to have coffee and then hit hotel gym

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Flat tire plus new presentation preparation equals missing AM workout.  I’ll try to do something tonight.  Interviewing for a new job in the same company next week.  Trying hard not to be distracted.

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Got two workouts in yesterday.  Got my AM workout in today.  Getting closer to the PE requirements.  Plan on going back to gym in PM to work on forms/ SD.  Yesterday was a tough day.  My boss is leaving the company.  I am still very upset and emotional about it.  Best boss I’ve ever had.  Also looking at potential new jobs within my company.  Lots up in the air at the moment.

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AM workout done.  4 miles in 39 min on a treadmill and a total of 45 min plus 15 min of stretching. That is actually quite tiring.  So much respect for folks that run marathons!  Planning on a PM workout to focus on Red and up Self-defense and stick/staff forms.

  900 Hits


Happy President’s day.  Got a full TKD workout in today including all self-defenses (except 3rd dan).  Feeling more confident.  I will not be as sharp as I like by the time I get to instructor’s camp but I should not embarrass myself either.  I should get a nice week of workouts in this week.

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Light day today.   Did physical stuff this morning, pushups, etc.  Gettng back to forms etc. tomorrow.  Need to work on self defense.

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Ok, back home, back to the gym and back into the black belt website.  About to go to the gym for today’s aerobic workout then forms later today.  My major travel is behind me so time to buckle down.    

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Happy Valentines Day from Los Angeles.  One nice thing about east to west jet lag is that it makes getting up early to workout fairly easy. Done with my workout and still have time to get my morning meditation in.  Possible work changes in the medium distance future I need to meditate on.  All positive thoughts welcome.  

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Up at 4:30 for my national sales meeting California workout.  Ok, this is the hard part...now just gotta get my coffee and  get to the gym.  

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LONG DAY!   Started at 4:15 am when I woke up.  Got a short aerobic workout in then travelled to California for meetings.  Meetings all week but have my clock set for 4:30 am tomorrow to get my workout in!!

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Got two workouts in yesterday.  Lifted in AM, forms in pm.  Just finished reviewing/learning DBB, 1s dan and 2nd dan self-defenses.  Going to try and get a workout in at gym later today before trip to Calif.

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Up at 5:00, meditation done, coffee infusion in progress.   Great to be back into a routine at least for a couple of days.  Off to California on Monday.  Ugh.  Really looking forward to having this travel behind me.

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Yesterday was a travel and training disaster.  Plans to hit the gym after an early flight home turned into not getting home till 10 pm.  Today will be better.  About to head to the gym now to stay on track.

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Routine is important.  I'm out traveling on business this week and being out of my normal routine makes one forget a lot...like making journal entries.  However, I have been getting workouts in.  2 yesterday as I try to get my new self-defenses in my brain.  Been avoiding business dinners and happy hours to keep my diet fairly clean.  About to go do my morning cardio then forms and body weight exercises this afternoon.

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On the road too early today to hit the gym and still get 8 hrs so I'm studying self-defenses tonight.  Needed to give the legs a rest anyway.  Back at the gym in the AM.

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Off to the gym.  Thinking I may do a 4 mile run today and perhaps some forms. Need to make time to get self-defense training in.

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Had a good workout this morning. Going to bump up to old fashioned "two a days" 2-3 times a week to see if I can boost my stamina and get in the extra time I need for self defenses, etc. Pulled out of the running for a job in the Boston area today. Too much going on and certainly do not want to move farther north.  About to start my afternoon workout which should be physically easy.....going to start learning new self defense techniques.

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Back home.  Good to sleep in own bed.  I have a few hours before heading back to Manhattan for a work dinner.  Headed to the gym after a nap to do forms, etc.  

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Greetings from NYC.  Last night was our anniversary so I got my lift in early and went extra hard and heavy.  Needed to burn off some calories for the massive meal I knew was coming.  We were not disappointed.  Great evening now off to see a show today.  Training resumes tomorrow!

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Feeling a lot better and almost back to normal.  Completed 90% or so of my written study materials last night.  Checking off small boxes each day!  Off for today's workout!

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Antibiotics kicking in.  10 hours of sleep last night!!  I went to the gym after meditating and ran 4 miles on the treadmill in 40 minutes.  It was the limit of what I could do today but I made it.  It will be harder on pavement but this was a milestone. Will do shorter sprints this week to help with sparring.  I will go back in a few hours after the exercise rooms have cleared to work on forms.  I let this sickness and upcoming work schedule make me doubt and wobble a bit. I'm feeling better now.  Getting my mojo back.

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Today will be a brain day.  Going to focus on the written test, anatomy test and maybe self-defenses.  I think my body needs an easy day.

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Day 2 of antibiotics.  Feeling a bit better but tired.  Workout this morning was better than yesterday so I am trying to remain positive.  Just keep chopping wood.

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Had a decent 1.5 mile run but still sick.  Starting second round of antibiotics tonight.  Not moving to DC either.  Time to get refocused.

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Still sick.  Nose is raw.  But, meds are keeping symptoms under control.  Today I did two light workouts to save energy.  Basically did some warm up elliptical, stretched, then did forms.  Regular forms in AM and stick and staff forms in PM. Going to try and do more tomorrow.

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Still fighting sinus infection. Ran 3 miles yesterday and had a good stretch.  Working on forms today.

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Back home from business trip.  Barely got exercise in during the week.  Went to the gym this morning.  Sinus infection coming back.  Worried about preparation and whether I'll be ready.  Will see what this weekend brings.

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Jet lag is still here.  Up at 2:30 am this morning.  However, I got a decent run and workout in at the Hotel gym.  No place to do form work though.  Thinking of applying for a promotion that would require additional travel.  Not sure how well that would work for training.  I guess we just keep on working.

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2 degrees when I went to the gym this morning.  Lifted today since I am traveling this week and gym access uncertain.  Going back to gym in a few hours to work on forms.  Concerned travel will scuttle my training.

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5 degrees this AM.  Think I'll let it get up to 10 before heading to gym.  Looking forward to doing some form work today.  

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Jet lag from a 16 hr time zone change is a killer.  Got back to a proper gym so feeling better.  Bomb cyclone and snow hampered today but looking forward to staff work tomorrow.  Looked at my calendar and there is a LOT of travel in my Q1.  Worried that I will not be able to train like I want.  

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Back in the US

For me, January 1 lasted about 37 hours due to crossing the international date line on the way back from Australia.  Returned from 80 degrees at the beach to 14 degrees in New Jersey and a broken furnace.  Today was spent dealing with that (and jet lag). That's ok..... one small setback in a bigger picture.  But on a plus note, at least my diet clean up is on track.  Looking forward to the gym tomorrow!

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Goodbye Australia

So long Australia.  It was quite fun but I am looking forward to getting back to a normal training regimen.  USA, I'll see you in about 24 hours.

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Australia - 2 days left

Sinus infection appears to be cleared up.  Looking forward to getting home.

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Still in Australia

One word _ Azithromyacin (sp?). Great stuff.  Two days into 3 day treatment and sinus infection under control.  Went for a run on the beach.  Getting back at it.  I am very much looking forward to coming home and getting back into a training routine. Travel combined with family obligations really screws up training.

  719 Hits


Greetings from Australia.  The plan was to get some really good training in while in Australia. Then the plan became "maintain".  I've barely done it.  Pretty much traveled every day here with family in tow and been fighting off a sinus infection.  Gave up fighting and hit the antibiotics today.  Been running and doing pushups, etc. on Bondi Beach a few mornings while in Sydney.  Looking forward to ramping up when I get back to the States on 1/1.    

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Good week of training in this week.  Sent in essays.  Feeling good.  I will be on a plane to Australia this time next week.  Looking forward to training on a beach!  

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Thanksgiving and essays 11/29/17

Wow, Thanksgiving at home in Arkansas was great but the caloric intake caused havoc with my training.  I was able to get in three days of some exercise.  That was enough so that when I got back 2 days ago I was not completely starting from zero again.  My runs and workouts this week have not been great but I am bouncing back nicely. Today I finished my pre-history of Korea essay.  Yea!  I now have only one left to do.... an essay on going a day with earplugs and experiencing what deafness might be like.  I chose deafness because I am already going slightly deaf in one ear (my left) and need to experience what I may end up like in a few years.

  778 Hits

November 13

Woke up tired today.  Yesterday's workout must have taken more out than I realized, which is not good because that was not a replica of the PE test.  Mind was also distracted with job stuff.  Went home, worked, went back to gym at lunch and did all my forms, stick and staff included.  going to bed now (8:50) to be sure to get up early tomorrow and get in a workout before work.  going to be a long week. On the plus side, I am on page 11 of my pre-history of Korea paper and just got started on the final section.  I should have it done soon, definitely before I go to Australia.

  796 Hits

November 11

Good news.  I can log in via my work iPad without being blocked.  Still trudging along. Since changing my workout at the start of the last BB cycle I have increased my bench press by 50 lbs.  I do not think I have ever had that big of a gain.  I had to back off running a bit and no running on pavement due to fluid on the knee.  Taking a week off, a compression sleeve and pre-meds of NSAIDs before workouts have the knee back to normal size.  I ran 3 miles on the treadmill today at a 9 min mile pace and everything good so far.  I need to finish up my pre-history essay before I go to Australia in December so I only need to focus on physical stuff starting in Jan.  

  864 Hits


New month, more training.  I've had to cut back a bit.  Injured fluid filled knee causing some issues but a brace and cutting back on running seems to be helping.  Just focusing on weights and pushups, pull ups, etc., for the time being.  Laid off TKD classes as well for 1.5 weeks but will go to a BB class tomorrow.  I also have 8 pages on my pre-history of Korea paper done!!

  860 Hits


Still training.  This week was busy with travel and other diversions and fluid on my knee so I took it a bit easier.  Ellipitical instead of running, skipped TKD classes, but still got in my physical stuff. Possible changes at work are a bit distracting. Looking forward to getting re-focused on Monday.

  819 Hits


My work computer blocking me from this site is getting to be a pain...   Training goes on.  TKD class last night.  Lifted this morning and went up a tad in weight on all exercises.  I know I repeat this but I am still surprised at how switching my workout to include more pushups, sit-ups and pull ups and spacing out my lifts to 1 or 2 times a week has improved my strength.   Work is kinda slow at the moment which is nice because it gives me a little extra free time that I am trying to put to good use for my essays.  I pretty much have them done.  The pre-history one is the most difficult.  Typically writing is fairly easy for me.  This essay is difficult to push through for some reason.  I think it is because there is a lot of divergent opinions on the subject...

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  862 Hits


I am glad I have extra time to train and prepare. Typically I run on a treadmill to go easy on my knees and feet but at testing I'll be on the road.  Running on the treadmill is easier so I run outside every now and then.  Today the goal was to run for 50 min straight.  I paced myself so I was likely running less than a 10 min mile.  But I did run for 50 min and boy can I tell it.  Quads and feet are already sore.   Keep on pushing... a little each day. I also added about 4/3 of a page to my pre-history of Korea paper!

  942 Hits


King Tiger Black Belt is now blocked on my work computer!  That's gonna make entries next spring when I am traveling a lot a bit more difficult.  Treated myself to a late morning and went to the gym at lunch.  It is amazing how physical performance changes during the day.  Running at 10 am vs 6 am equates to at least 30 seconds to a minute improvement in time.  Today I went 1.5 miles at an 8:21 min/mile pace.  I think that is a personal best.  The only downside is that improvements in running take away from the burpees.  Only managed 17 today.  I have gotten in as many as 30 in a row. Gotta work on those some more. Keeping on keeping on.

  934 Hits


Congratulations to all those that tested last weekend!!  I continue my training. Backed off the physical training a bit the past few days and devoted that time to writing essays.  My goal is to have all of them done before year end so starting Jan 2018 all I have to focus on is physical stuff and forms.  3.5 pages of Pre-History of Korea typed up.... a good start. Missed my workout this AM but am about to go sneak in a TKD workout.

  932 Hits


Today I decided to lift and go heavy. I'm still surprised at how cutting back on lifting and doing more pushups, etc. has helped my traditional weight workout. Tonight is a BB class and I need to save a bit of aerobic capacity for that. I finished a first draft of an essay yesterday which is a big checkmark. Going to start research on pre-history of Korea now.  Also need to start learning the final two or three forms/self-defenses.  Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.

  919 Hits

10/4/17 - update

Finished first draft of hand techniques essay.  Boo-yah!

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So, a workout, TKD class an another workout in less than 24 hours leaves one a bit tired.  This morning was the third of those workouts and my body just needed more time to recover.  Where I ran 2.31 miles in 20 minutes yesterday at 10:30 am, today I could only muster 1.5 miles in 16.5 minutes at 6:00 am.  Shoulders, arms and legs were also shot from TKD class so I focused on forms today rather than the more physical stuff.  Looking forward to a better performance tomorrow.

  987 Hits


Late night with little sleep - so getting my workout in at lunch today then BB class tonight.  Some days, like today, I feel a little old to test for 4th Dan.  Then life reaches out and sends a reminder.  Today it was in the form of the daily email from the Mutts comic strip which contained this quote. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals. Henry Ford

  941 Hits


Yesterday I decided to lift and am still maintaining strength.  Today got up early to be at gym by 6 and it was tough.  1.5 mile run was worst I've had in a while.  Got in pushups, situps and pullups then went through all my forms.  Overall I salvaged a decent workout but will make it sure I get better sleep tonight.

  869 Hits


I went a little easier today - no running.   Focused on forms.  Was able to get through all TKD forms, stick forms and staff forms without running to a video.  That is a first.  Steady on.

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I'm creeping up on meeting my physical requirements.  Today I reached 53 pushups, 18 pullups, 45 situps in a minute and 25 burpees in a row (somewhat slowly).  I also got in 4 miles in 38 minutes followed by a minute of jumprope - all one right after the other. Legs are shot but I feel good about reaching all targets by spring.

  824 Hits


When a business dinner keeps you out until midnight, an early morning workout is hard.  So, I treated myself to 8 hrs of sleep then worked out.  Today was lift day.  Still maintaining my strength levels.  Either going to a TKD class tonight or practicing forms on my own.

  873 Hits


Speed for my 1.5 mile run improved today.  I ran at an 8.67 min/mile pace and eventually covered 1.73 miles with the cool down.  I impressed myself with 25 straight burpees after the run.  However, I could not match yesterday's 50 pushups in a row. Energy in one exercise takes from another I guess.  But, still improving all around. Got in all my forms including multiple iterations of staff forms.  I am almost to muscle memory on those but still have a lot of work to do on precision.

  900 Hits


Saturday was rest day and Sunday was stomach bug day!  But, back on track this AM.  Increased pushups in a row to 50, fell short of burpees but got the rest in and some staff work. Just keep swimming.

  830 Hits


3 work outs in 26 hours, one being a black belt class.... I'm beat.  This morning was stick and staff along with some physical test stuff. I had not done the 3rd dan staff form since Sunday and completely forgot it!! Must be better at practicing staff forms during the week. Now I need to get one of my essay's done!!

  885 Hits


Two days on the road makes for difficult training.  Got my lifting in this morning.  About to go to a black belt class.  Nothing special today.  Just plugging away.  I did squeeze in 30 min to study French which was a nice treat.

  904 Hits


Still plugging along.  This week I am focusing on speed.  Yesterday I did 1.5 miles at a 9.03 min/mile pace. Today I did it in 8.82.  However, once I do that I wipe out my burpees.  Yesterday only managed 17 in a row.  Today I got to 20.  Still working on staff forms.  Knee is much better so going to a TKD class tonight.

  848 Hits


Decent training this weekend.  Yesterday I upped my burpees by 1 (28 in a row - but still a bit slow) and hit the other PT targets with a lot of rest in between.  Didn't run though - got my 10 miles in two lots of 5 earlier in the week.  Got all my poomsaes in then treated myself to an afternoon of football. This morning I had one goal - get completely through my new staff form at least once without messing up.  Took me a little over an hour but I did it. Mission accomplished. Now I get to focus on polishing and remembering rather than learning - a huge mental step.

  860 Hits

9/15/17 - late nights and mid-afternoon workouts

Getting home from a business dinner at midnight makes 5:30 am alarms hard.  Treated myself to some extra sleep because I knew a trip to the DMV was something I needed rest for.  Car tags acquired and lots of tension worked off at the gym.  I'm still surprised how I am maintaining my lifts considering I am doing far more multi-rep exercise like push ups and sit ups and pull ups.

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9/14/17 - AM workout

Banged my right knee Tuesday night and sat out most of TKD class.  Knee much better Wed morning so got a workout in.  27 (slow) burpees in a row.  A new record.  About 1/3 through learning new staff form - they look so difficult on film.  Just breaking it down piece by piece till I get it.  Off for this morning's workout.  No more TKD this week.... work dinner meetings :(

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9/12/17 - two a days

Today is a day with gym workout in AM and TKD class in PM.  I was able to do 26 burpees in a row - albeit kinda slowly.  However, progress is progress.  Today was my once a week traditional weight workout.  Hoping my legs stay with me through TKD class in 30 minutes. Two=a=days are a bit harder now that I can see 50 around the corner!

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9/11 - remembering

Woke up to beautiful 45 degree morning in a Marriott in Saratoga Springs, NY.  Got most of my workout in - gotta double up on pullups tomorrow - no pull up bar at hotel.  However, there are more important things than a workout. 9/11 - words are inadequate to express what the world saw that day. If you have never been to the 9/11 memorial please make it a priority to do so.  I was surprised at how much it moved me.  Time does not heal all wounds.

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9/9/2017 - 5 miles

Getting closer to PE requirements. Burpees still an issue.  However, I did run 5 miles in 50 minutes on the treadmill today.  First time I have ever run 5 miles.

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9/8/17: staff

Excited about my new 3 piece staff - all aluminum - and polishing staff forms.  BB class last night followed by early morning AM workout. I'm seeing steady, if slow, improvement.  I can meet all PE test requirements now.... just not all one right after the other.  Hopefully that stamina will come.  Looking forward to focusing on forms this weekend.

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9/7/17 - muscle change up

Prior to starting training to meet the BB physical requirements, I primarily just ran a bit and lifted weights.  I was afraid that switching to more aerobic type resistance training (pushups, pullups, burpees) would result in my losing some muscle and strength gains.  Now I only lift once a week and have been surprised to find that my overall strength has not declined and even improved a bit on some things like benchpress.  Today was my lift day as I try to save my legs for tonight's Black Belt class at my local NJ school.

  863 Hits


Black Belt class last night followed by AM workout where I finally hit my goal of 25 burpees in a row (actually 26!). Slowly but surely getting to where I need to be for Spring.

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Back to work

Ended the summer on a high note yesterday with my wife and a day trip to NYC.  I am very luck to have her. Treated myself to a late morning but have 2 hours slotted this afternoon to make up for skipping my usual AM workout.   There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. Ben Williams

  881 Hits


9/4/17 - 4 miles in today but took longer than last time.  Off to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.  Hope the Aleve kicks in by then!

  930 Hits

First (but long) post

Hi.  I assume that most everyone who reads this does not know me. My name is Stan and once upon a time, long long ago, I was a student of Master Evins right after he opened up in North Charlotte.  Then life changes happened; I moved away; and fell behind on my training.  I still live far away (New Jersey) but I my goal is to achieve 4th Dan next Spring (when I turn 50), primarily because I know that time is running out for me to meet the physical requirements of 4th Dan!   Because I am so far away, I completely forgot that there was a Black Belt website - I was only looking at the Facebook page.  Thus I kept my journal entries on a Word Document.  So.... here is my first entry, which is more or less a cut and paste from that Word document.  I will...

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homeless and unemployed - and loving it

In addition to trying to remember red belt #2 self defense, I am leaving a job (and a profession) and a home. On April 30 I will walk away from the practice of law for the second time in my life. On May 13 I will leave my condo which is being sold. As of May 13 I will be unemployed and homeless and I could not be happier about it. I'll tell you why in my next post.

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Was able to spend about 3 hrs training yesterday. I think I am going to make it. Self-defenses are still my achilles heel.

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still training

Trying to re-master 1st dan self defense this week. Not as easy as I remember it. Actually, I don't recall much of it at all. So glad the Charlotte masters took the time to help me video them.

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Congratulations to all who tested last weekend. I was with you in spirit. Spent the weekend at my mother's house in rural AR with no internet. I was quite pleased with the pictures I saw posted when I got back. I am still training.

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training session #2

I've noticed as I've gotten older that the body needs a bit more time to bounce back between workouts. When I tested for first dan (around 34 or so) I was quite proud that I could keep up with the youngsters. 13 years later and I have had to accept that while I can still do most things, it just takes a smidge longer to do them. It makes me realize that martial arts may be the best way to stay in tune with your body. The body is the best indicator of all things from physical health to emotional well being. I pledge never to stop my martial arts training. Weight lifting may be beneficial but the physical training of martial arts just keeps you in balance and in tune much better.

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staff forms

After visiting Charlotte and Master Evins I now have added AM and PM workouts. Staff form #2 is a bit of a problem but nothing I can't handle. Feeling more confident every day now.

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Just spent 3 days with Master Evins. Feel like a martial artist (albeit a sloppy one) again. Looking forward to pushing on through.

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travel again..... but this time for training

Headed to CLT to get some real TKD training over three days. So looking forward to training with other students and seeing old friends.

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travel and training

Spent the past 3 days in Athens GA for work. Was able to get in one session of training at my old training room when I was in school there. It felt good. I also just found the King Tiger You Tube channel with all the self defenses. Not sure where my brain was at but I am glad I finally found them.

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