Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Friday, Feb 23, 2024

I needed to take the night off from the gym, but I started my day and finished my day trying to learn my staff forms #1 and 2.  I have the movements down on form #1, but am only about halfway through #2.  King Tiger has way more curriculum than other schools and I am happy to have so much support from students and instructors who have all been helpful in teaching me.  I hope to be able to pay it back to new students in the future.  

  174 Hits

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

I somehow tweaked my knee over the weekend and had to dial back my normal Sunday activity.  No running today as a normally do, but I still walked over 2 miles.  No jump rope either today, but I still did my pushups, sit ups, burpees and slower kicks.  I need to stay healthy so I can keep practicing.

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Saturday Feb 24, 2024

Great class on Saturday!  I was just reading about how to change an approach to training can move you beyond a plateau.  Grandmaster Evins had us do forms with one stick in our hands.  It totally changed the way I think about the movements in the forms - not always for the best.  I blanked on a few of the moves when I was thinking about the stick hand.  It definitely was a change from our normal training routine.   I owe a special thank you to Master Cavazos for his continued patience working with me after class.  Some of the color belt self-defense had left my memory over the last few months.  Thank you for going over it (and over it) with me.  

  180 Hits

Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024

Great class tonight taught by Master Oppie!  He gave us a good cardio workout and we had a chance to work on curriculum too.  He is a very talented martial artist.  Thank you for teaching us tonight.  Thank you Master Cavazos for helping me with my one attack sparring.  Your patience seems endless.  

  162 Hits

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

I went to the gym after work and banged out my reps on the push ups, sit ups, kicks.  Threw in some plank and mountain climbers for good measure.  Primarily worked legs, which might be a mistake given that I will be in class doing kicks on Wednesday.  

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Wed Feb 14 2024

I spent my Valentine's Day evening with a full class at King Tiger North.  I thought it might be a much smaller attendance given that it was Valentine's Day.  Nice to see how committed everyone is to the program.   Thank you Master Cavazos for teaching tonight!  I always enjoy his classes.  

  179 Hits

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Needed to take the night off from my normal workout to celebrate my daughter's birthday.  I am thankful that she came into town to see me and that I could spend the evening with her.   It is great to see her grown up, but I miss my tae kwon do classes with her when she was in middle school. 

  167 Hits

Saturday, Feb 17, 2024

Great Saturday morning black belt class today!.  I love working on poomsae and that was primarily what we did in class.  It is helpful for me to go through all the forms so I can see which ones I need to work on.  A big thank you to Master Cavazos for coming to help me work on my staff forms after class.  I appreciate his patience as I try to learn the longer forms.  Lots of steps and it is easy for me to confuse the forms when I am learning several at the same time.  

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Sunday Feb 18, 2024

Most of the day spent grocery shopping and running errands that did not get finished on Saturday.  I did get my workout in before dinner.  Hoping it warms up soon so that I can run outdoors again soon.

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Monday, Feb 19, 2024

Got up early on President's day to work on forms.  Thanks to Master Cavazos I had videos of the bo staff forms on my phone.  Very helpful to have that so I could review later!  It was somewhat discouraging to see how bad my stances were in the video though.  I did my kicks, push ups, sit ups, etc later in the day

  163 Hits

Monday Feb 5, 2024

Drove to Richmond to spend time with family.  We had dinner with family and I definitely overate on the pasta.  It was so good.  Feeling like I need a workout, but I don't think it is going to happen until we return home.  

  149 Hits

Tuesday February 6, 2024

It's my daughter's birthday, so we are in Virginia to celebrate it with her. She spent a few hours with us at the hotel before heading out later to celebrate with her friends from college.  Another reminder that I am getting older - or at least too old to hang at a bar with college kids.  Thankful for an early bed time and no hang over tomorrow.  

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Wednesday Feb 7, 2024

Drove back from Virginia and did not make it in time for class.  Happy to be out of the car after about 5 1/2 hours behind the wheel.  Looking forward to my Saturday class.  

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Thursday, Feb 8, 2024

Arrived back from a trip last night and did not make it to my normal Wednesday class.  Decided to go light on the workout and focus on forms and kicks.  It takes me a while to work back up to my prior activity level after a few days off.  

  155 Hits

Friday, Feb 9, 2024

Went to the gym after work and did heavier weights than normal.  I worked chest and back before doing push ups, jump rope, plank and core.  I am sure I will feel it later, but I have not been all that active this week and enjoyed having the gym to myself.  

  171 Hits

Saturday Feb 10, 2024

Another great class taught by Grandmaster Evins.  I still can't believe we have a Grandmaster teaching our class.  It is very humbling for someone like me to watch his demonstration of a technique, even slowed down by his standards, move too fast for me to follow.  Many thanks to Master Cavazos for helping me after class with Bo Staff forms.  I still felt good enough in the evening to get in kicks, sit ups, jump rope, plank and push ups.  

  178 Hits

Sunday Feb 11, 2024

Super Bowl Sunday!  Spent most of the afternoon working on my essay for tae kwon do.  Learned a lot about Korean history.  I was able to get in a workout before the game started.  Had the gym to myself.  I could say everyone else was invited to a super bowl party, but I prefer to look at it as I was the only person in the building who had the discipline to work out right up until kickoff.  I tried to mix up the routine.  I am still feeling it from the chest and back workout on Friday.

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Monday, Feb 12, 2024

Taking the day off from my workout.  Stayed up too late watching the Super Bowl and woke up extra early to get to work.  Hoping the day off will give me a chance to recover from the workouts over the weekend.  

  166 Hits

Monday, January 29, 2024

I got a little behind on my workouts this weekend.  I think the key is to do a little at several times throughout the day - the Atomic Habits approach.  I can't doo 100 push ups in a row, but I can do 4 sets of 25 throughout the day.  I need to re-frame how I am approaching the goals.  

  172 Hits

Tuesday January 30, 2024

Light workout tonight after work.  Can't figure out why I am struggling with the jump rope tonight.  I have been doing jump rope for years.  May need to focus on my leg strength.  Cardio seems like it is improving.  

  161 Hits

Wednesday January 31, 2024

Another great class with Grandmaster Evins!  I owe a big thank you to Master Cavazos for coming in before class to help me learn my forms.  I could tell his leg was bothering him, but he never complained, and showed great patience with me while we worked on Chil Chang.  I am amazed that he can teach me a form in about 15 minutes.  He is truly a gifted instructor.  

  174 Hits

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Working on chil Chang that I re-learned last night with Master Cavazos.  Seems like it should be easier that I am making it.  Not a lot of moves and it is fairly symmetrical. My goal is to get it down this week.  

  164 Hits

Friday, February 2, 2024

Super busy at work today, so I was not able to get to the gym.  I was totally worn out by the evening, so I worked on Poomsae using the videos on the King Tiger app, which is extremely helpful.  Still have a lot to learn though.  

  162 Hits

Saturday, February 3, 2024

No class today, so I worked legs at the gym from 8:00 - 9:00 when we would normally have black belt class.  Also, did jump rope, sit ups, push ups, -sit ups, plan, etc.  Total walking miles today was 3.2.  

  155 Hits

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Great class on Saturday with Grandmaster Evins!  Even when he is not feeling well, he still gives the students in his classes 100%.  Thank you Master Dege for your help again with my curriculum.  I appreciate your patience.  

  164 Hits

Friday, January 26, 2024

Took the evening off from my normal workout to spend time with the family.  Had dinner out and enjoyed a movie at home.  will need to double down over the weekend on the workout routine.  

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Thursday January 25, 2024

Light workout after dinner tonight.   Pushups, sit ups, kicks and dumbbells.  Will work through the poomsae before bedtime.   

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Wednesday January 24, 2024

Super black belt class with master Cavazos on Wednesday!  Thank you for sharing your knowledge of stick and bo staff forms with the class! 

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Sunday January 21, 2024

Was not very energetic.  Stayed up too late watching football playoffs.  Continued to work on the forms.  Hoping for warmer weather this week so I can run outside.     

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Monday, January 22, 2024

I hit the gym at work at the end of the day.  Noticing my times and reps are not dramatically increasing from by pre-test levels.  I am doing more pushups, but not a ton more.  Jump rope is about the same, although some days I can do about 10% more.   My pull ups have actually decreased due to arthritis in my hands.  I will keep working on it all.  I appreciate the goals to give me something to shoot for.  

  173 Hits

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

I spent the entire day at work hosting a planning session for 20 people in a basement conference room.  No windows, florescent lighting.  Following the planning marathon, I hosted an after-work event for every who was stuck in the planning meeting.  Definitely needed the chance to work out after dinner with the family.  Very grateful for my wife encouraging me to go to the gym tonight.  

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Monday, January 15, 2024

New start to the work week was rough.  Dragging my workout gear to the office and back home at night unused.  Going to need to block time at the end of the day on my calendar to carve the time out on my schedule.  

  173 Hits

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Was able to get time to work on the curriculum.  I realize that I need to do a little every day or I forget what I thought I had already learned.   Time in the morning on the app and again before bed seems to help with retention.  

  164 Hits

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Thank you Master Dege for teaching a great Wednesday Black Belt class!  It was a good reminder of how you can never practice basics enough.  It was humbling to see my technique in the reflection of the windows.  I appreciate you giving us the opportunity to improve on the foundation skills of tae kwon do.    

  177 Hits

Thursday January 18, 2024

Squeezed a workout in after work tonight.  Glad to have time to practice kicks and poomsae in an empty gym in my building.  

  164 Hits

Friday, January 19, 2024

Tough day at work - I hauled my gym bag in thinking I would have time to work out and hauled it back home unopened at the end of the day.  Thank goodness for the videos King Tiger posts so I can at least try to learn some of the curriculum in small doses through the app.  

  154 Hits

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Thank you Master Dedge for your help with my Black Belt self defense work in class today.   I have a long way to go to learn the curriculum and appreciate the patience of the instructors who were teaching today.  I know I can learn it over time.  

  183 Hits

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Beautiful day in Charlotte so I took advantage of the nice weather and did my run outdoors instead of on the treadmill.  Clocked 3 miles at 11 minute miles.  I need to shave time off of that pace to beat my pre-test time.  Felt great to run outside!

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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Start of the new cycle and I am flying back to Charlotte today.  I did get a three mile run using the treadmill on Saturday night and some work on my kicks.   Congratulations to everyone who competed the pre-test!

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January 7 2024

Sunday is my core workout day.  Going to be feeling it on Monday, but I need the work after a few weeks of limited exercise and lots of holiday food around the house.  New year - new start!

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January 8 2024

First day back in the office after working remotely for the last few weeks.  The long commute does not allow for a lot of extra time in the day to exercise.  I am very thankful for all the videos on the school app so I can at least go through the forms at the beginning and end of the day.

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January 9 2024

I snuck out of the office at the end of the work day and got in a workout.  Still trying to get my jump rope time to improve. It is a fine line between getting extra reps in on the jump rope to improve my time and keeping the swelling down on my knees from overuse.  Definitely feel better at the end of the day from the workout.  

  145 Hits

January 10 2024

Great Wednesday night class lead by Grandmaster Evins and Master Cavazos!  Good cardio workout AND we were able to do a lot of the poomsae plus self defense.  I have a long way to go to get better at both, but I enjoyed the class.  

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January 11 2024

Mandatory work dinner put me off track on my workouts today.  Will have to make it up over the weekend by doing a little extra.

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Jan 13 2024

Great weapons seminar on Saturday!  Thank you to Grandmaster Evins for hosting it.  I have a long way to go to get better on with the Pilipino stick techniques.  I loved the work with the knife attacks.  I hope to learn more in the coming weeks.  

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