
Master Wenona Dege

Member since: Saturday, 12 January 2013
Last Visit: Saturday, 21 March 2020
Master Wenona
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

2/6/20 - Dege

Today was an out of the ordinary day. We got the warnings at work and were told to go to an interior room. Thank goodness since one wall of my office is windows. We stayed there for a while, and since we had our cell phones, we listened to the weather and heard that there were some tornadoes that touched down nearby and maybe in Charlotte. Some of those in my office left for home after we were cleared to go back to our office. I went back to work, but I did leave due to flooding so I would be home before dark. I had no issues, but others weren't so lucky. I logged in to work when I got home too. As if that wasn't enough excitement for one week, it is possible that I will be the only one in my office tomorrow. Since Trump is supposed to...

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  532 Hits

2/5/20 - Dege

Sure don't get much satisfaction tracking when the totals don't change. Just realized I hadn't logged in for a few days, so now I'm up to date online. Walked/ran with my friend again after work inside, so I did 100 burpees with 4 each loop. I need to remember to look online at my mentees progress before our sessions. If my mentees read my journals, get up to date online! Some family things happening, so may need to make an unexpected visit home to sort some things out. It is sad that some people take advantage of other people. Getting old is not always a good thing! Wish I had time to read a a book just because. I guess I'll have plenty of time on the plane to Korea. I'll need to load up my kindle with options.

  504 Hits

2/4/20 - Dege

Not sure why I thought the written and physical test were later, but I now realize that the 22nd is going to be here before we know it. Need to find time to study. Thankfully oh chang cooperated today. There is no such thing as too much practicing, but sometimes it runs together.

  490 Hits

2/3/20 - Dege

Uh oh! Working on poomsaes tonight and oh chang was mushing into taebek. That is not good! Usually when this happens I start over and it's fine, but not tonight.I started over and got to mush at the same spot. Rather than making it worse, I decided to skip it. I'm sure it will be fine later. Maybe tomorrow.

  533 Hits

2/2/20 - Dege

Had a surprise visit from Jeremy today and this will really be the last for a while. It's not often anymore that he asks me to do something for him, but he asked me to sew a new patch on his uniform. So proud of him His 22nd birthday is tomorrow and those years have gone by way too fast. Not quite as fast as this cycle is going though. Went to a funeral for Pat's father and was reminded how important it is to not put things off to tomorrow because tomorrow is not a guarantee. It was so nice outside that I came home and took Monty for a walk. More self defense and poomsaes to practice tonight. Until next time.

  444 Hits

2/1/20 - Dege

Today started with Junior Tigers focus and teamwork, moved on to practicing self-defense with Master Tucker and then black belt class with plenty of kicking, rolls, falls, and poomsaes including Jameson forms and traditional basic form 1. Went to the afternoon shift of our community service project and sorted some canned food. There was quite a bit of waiting for the last group to bring their collected food, so I was able to work with Andrew and later with Vina on self-defense. Practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more. My nephew is visiting again. It's nice for him to visit, especially since my boys aren't home.

  461 Hits

1/30/20 - Dege

Seems like a long time since I drove home from work before dark. Tomorrow is the last day in January and work wise it seems like forever, but requirements wise it flew by. Is it just me? I do feel better about the taekwon forms, and believe it or not, even double stick forms, but there are other things that still seem so unfamiliar. Hopefully I will learn everything I need to know before testing. I do not like to feel unprepared.  Looking forward to our community service project this weekend.

  469 Hits

1/29/20 - Dege

Well, I made it to yoga class after work tonight and boy did I need that! Yoga is in my building after work, so it's easy to go back to work if I have things to finish up. When I got back from yoga, I realized my boss was still there. I knew I have things to prepare for her meetings tomorrow and figured I'd work on them, but didn't expect her to still be there. I ended up bringing work home to finish, so not much time for requirements, especially since I need to be at the office earlier than usual. Unfortunately as well, the normal stress relief effects from yoga tonight are long gone. Don't wish to know what I'd feel like if I hadn't gone. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more requirements friendly.

  486 Hits

1/28/20 - Dege

Today felt like a Monday, but I was able to get out of work at a reasonable time to get over 3 miles and 130 burpees in before black belt class. I was able to get to the dojang early enough to go over self defense with Master Burkart before class up to green belt. After class, I worked with mentees on self-defense, staff form 2 and rolls and falls. Unfortunately, not many other requirements today for me and now it's time to sleep. Just realized it's been a few days since I added to the tracker, so will update that now. Goodnight all!

  480 Hits

1/26/20 - Dege

Had a great training session at the park today with Master Tucker and Master Burkart! We worked on many poomsaes. I was worried that it would be too cold, but I had enough layers and even had to shed some before we finished. After Master Burkart had to leave, Master Tucker and I worked on double stick 2 many times and our creative poomsae. I am really excited about how our creative poomsae is turning out. Now we have to learn it as if we have practiced it for a long time.

  464 Hits

1/25/20 - Dege

Worked with the basic stances form in Junior Tigers class this morning. Worked with my mentees after black belt class. Thank you Master Tucker for working with them too! There is a lot for them to learn. Thanks for the reminder to study the written test Master Tucker! I need to be sure I have all the answers too. So many things to remember. At this point I don't know what I need to know, that I don't know. What am I forgetting? Worked on quite a few poomsaes today, and they weren't too jumbled. Worked on a creative poomsae with Master Tucker today and getting excited about it. I think we made a lot of progress. Looking forward to training at the park tomorrow morning with Master Tucker and Master Burkart, but not looking forward to the temperature! Will definitely need to keep moving!

  507 Hits

1/24/20 - Dege

Another long day at work today! A too many hours and not even a good feeling of accomplishment! At least I can feel good about a productive day, but I was was not happy leaving work after 8pm. That's just too many hours sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Was hoping to go check out a band tonight. Since that wasn't meant to be, I will have to find them another time. I have been trying to fit that into my schedule for a few months now. After work I had some errands to do and ate a late lite dinner, but requirements don't get done by thinking about them. Hoping to get another workout at the park this weekend. 

  499 Hits

1/23/20 - Dege

I tried something different today! If I add my journal entry on my kindle and then go back and read other journal entries, I don't see the names with the entries. Today I am using my other kindle and decided to read other journal entries before I logged in to add my entry. It is different seeing who wrote which entry, rather than guessing. I might be good at guessing a few, but certainly not all.  Hopefully work is getting closer to having some key decisions being made and shared, so they can be acted on. I have been feeling a little in limbo. I have been thinking that I need to find something that I am passionate about and move in a different direction, but change is hard. I also still need to come up with what that new direction is. Work has not been that for a while, and...

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  475 Hits

1/21/20 - Dege

Even when I have a day that could have been a bad Monday at work, and then go to black belt class, I always feel better after class. Today was another one of those days! I don't really know what to expect anymore and that is frustrating to no end! I'm not one that takes to change easily and I am having a rough time lately. Surely it will get better, right? I have not come up with any good options, so need to stick it out for now.

  560 Hits

1/20/2020 - Dege

Well, I didn't have a day off from work due to the holiday, but I did get in over 3 miles after work and did burpees again after each loop. I started with 3 and figured if I did 4 instead, I would accomplish them that much quicker. Now for the rest of today's requirements. Ugh! After 125 burpees throughout my run/walk, pushups are slow going.

  444 Hits


Happy Sunday everyone! What a great day it turned out to be to train at the park! Oh, that poor cardinal! Many stick, staff and higher belt forms reviewed with Master Tucker and Master Burkart. Thanks for staying even longer to review self-defense, Master Tucker! Some self-defense is more difficult to practice without someone attacking. Maybe I won't be working on requirements as late tonight as most other nights.????

  519 Hits

1/18/20 - Dege

Morning started with Junior Tigers then collaborating with Master Tucker on various poomsaes. Master Knight taught black belt class today and we worked on quite a variety of things. Had a session with several of my mentees and we worked on bolo form and about half of staff form 2. I am feeling lazy, but need to get busy with today's requirements before my nephew arrives. Looking forward to training with Master Tucker and Master Burkart tomorrow except for the expected temperature.

  495 Hits

1/17/20 - Dege

Typical work day, including another round of redo. As I was leaving work though, I received a message from one of my nieces saying she would be passing through Charlotte within an your and a half. She drives a truck, so it was work related, but it was great to see her if only for a few minutes. I have other visitors this weekend, most unexpected, but very welcome. Will have to fit in what I can, when I can. Unfortunately time keeps on and I still have much to do.

  471 Hits

1/16/20 - Dege

Thursday brought a work day, much like other work days, and redoing just a little bit different than it was before. How many different ways can it be done? I hope I don't find that answer. After work I went to black belt and a mentor session. Will I ever get double stick 2? Now working on requirements before bed.

  462 Hits

1/15/20 - Dege

Happy Wednesday! Work took an unexpected turn today and I missed my yoga class. I heard from one friend on not so good news. Heard from another friend some fantastic news! Very much looking forward to being able to see this friend much more frequently in the near future! I hope my other friend will reach out if she needs anything. 

  449 Hits

1/14/20 - Dege

I think I may have over done it yesterday with the burpees and pushups. I think I will concentrate on self-defense and poomsaes instead. Work is still with tight deadlines and it seems there is no end for months. It would be nice to be able to take a day off because the weekend doesn't seem to be relaxing.

  429 Hits

1/13/20 - Dege

I didn't do much yesterday other than get out to the Greenway and take Monty for a walk. It was too nice to not do something outside. Work is very busy at this time of year and will be for the next few months. I didn't think I would get to walk tonight with my friend, but she surprised me and offered about half an hour. Thank goodness her time wasn't exact. When weather is not what we want to go outside in, we have a work building that has a loop in it that is about a tenth of a mile. I had already decided that I need to up my burpees or I'll never reach my goal. I did 3 burpees after reach loop and two loops I did 5 for total of 58 burpees and 2.36 miles. Okay, I might have skipped a loop or two, but I...

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  429 Hits

1/11/20 - Dege

What a great training day! It started with junior tigers and many stick/star during that class. Then I worked with Rohan on stick form 2, bolo form and bo cho dan self defense. Black belt class brought poomsae pretest and much work on front kicks. After class, I went home and ate lunch, did some pushups, sit ups, and jump rope, then went back to the dojang to train with Grandmaster Lee with most of the other candidates testing in Korea and the school owners and many other masters. Enjoyed my first visit to a Korean restaurant. Thank you for the ride Master Tucker and Master Cavazos. Now it's time for a few requirements before sleep.

  438 Hits

1/10/20 - Dege

I have had a few days this week including late nights, which makes getting requirements done daily. Last night after black belt class I went home to work until I got kicked off the system at midnight. Looking forward to training tomorrow with Grandmaster Lee. The end of the first official week of the cycle, and I don't feel that I've accomplished what I should. Days are flying by. Well, more requirements to complete today and then get some sleep. Tomorrow!

  481 Hits


What a Tuesday! Started with a busy day at work lasting a little longer than ideal. On to black belt class with good work on side kicks and a session with my mentees after, working on first  Dan one step self defense. Now it's time to start on requirements. Good night, all!

  491 Hits


Need to get back into efficient routine. Need to find a new normal. It sure will be quieter at home. It would be nice if I felt stronger, but I don't know that I do. Push it and get it done. Tomorrow is another day. Make the most of it.

  450 Hits


Sat in a car for too many hours today. Not good for the low back. I did manage pushups and sit ups in the hotel before going to bed. I finally got pictures of the boys together and with Monty. It will be good to get home and go walking with Monty. 

  479 Hits


Wow! Here it is, a new year and a new decade. I've got a new dog, Monty, and he his working on getting used to us and we are getting used to him. So far he's pretty mellow and keeps to himself a lot. Hopefully he'll be a good walking partner. Have definitely enjoyed having my boys home for the holidays, but that will end this weekend when we take Matthew back to boot camp and Jeremy goes back to his base. I have missed having classes and look forward to getting back into a routine.

  452 Hits


Getting very close to the end of the year. The upcoming weeks will fly by. Much to do in those weeks, so need to make the most of the time I do have. Made good use of 30 minutes today, but will miss out on the majority of this weekend. Bring on tomorrow.

  469 Hits


Today didn't go how I expected it to, but since it was such a nice day, we went out for a bike ride and I got to try out my new gear. It was a little cool on the ride home, but a perfect day for a ride. I did finally finish 200 pushups in a day. It would be good if I can do that more often. It would also have been a perfect day to do poomsaes outside, but that didn't work out. Maybe tomorrow. Now it's time for sleep.

  447 Hits


Thank you Master Burkart for introducing Master Tucker and me to 9Rounds! Wow! That's tough, but awesome how much can be packed into 30 minutes. Now if I can be as efficient with my weekend. 

  437 Hits


The end of this decade is fast approaching. There are many distractions, look, a squirrel, and my boys are home, but they are reclusive and elusive. We are thinking about getting another dog. It has been several years since we last had one, but this time we are looking for a shelter dog which requires quite a bit of research up front, in addition to the time forever after.

  522 Hits


Work is pretty busy at this time of year. It would be nice to have a slow time once in a while, but it really has been several years since that has happened. It will be too easy to get behind this time around. Just need to buckle down and do it. It has been really nice to have my two boys at home. It will surely not happen often anymore. Oh we, I'll take what I can get! 

  484 Hits


Wow! A lot going on and time slipping away quickly. So much to do and learn. Matthew left for boot camp last week and imagining what he'll have to deal with, I have no excuses, just need to buckle down and get it done. 

  519 Hits


OMG! Watching the Black Belt testing last night and this afternoon made me realize how much work I need to put in and I probably really have no clue. I certainly don't want to embarrass myself, Grandmaster Evins, Grandmaster Lee, or others testing with me. Time to step up my game and come up with a workable plan. But first, it's time to get some sleep.

  528 Hits


The cooler weather is nice to get some miles in after work. I am glad I have another cycle to prepare for testing. I don't feel very strong these days, especially my wrists. I need to figure that out somehow.

  540 Hits


Great black belt class today. A lot packed into a little time. Still plenty to do and practice. Tomorrow is fast approaching.

  504 Hits


Today was rough and hard to breathe. Went for 3.5+ miles walk after work today and then barely made it to class on time since I stayed to help a colleague with something after my walk and lost track of time. Luckily traffic wasn't too bad on the ride home. Had lunch leftovers for dinner and now it's to find something so I can breathe and sleep. I do not need repeat of last night.

  510 Hits


Today at work seemed like a long. I was happy to notice the time at the end of the day though and make it to my yoga class. I miss it when I can't go and did not go last, and know I can't go next week already, so was glad to go tonight. Not sure if allergies are kicking in, or a cold, but something is up. Hope I can shake it quickly.

  567 Hits


Life is hard and it is hard to watch someone you love go through a difficult time and not be able to do anything to help. I will just have to be there for them as best I can and be a good shoulder and ears. I wish I could make it all better.

  581 Hits


After Saturday, I got a good rest and got up much later than I planned on Sunday. I am not using my time most efficiently and enjoyed a night out at the Phil Collins concert. He was very kind to remind us that getting old sucks! I thankfully don't have as many issues as some though, so should be grateful for what I can rather than dwell on what I can't. I guess life is about perspective, how you see things, and what you do with opportunities. Lemonade anyone?

  578 Hits


Long day today, but good one. Started with junior tigers, then two three hour seminars with Guru Melegrito. Went over a lot of things, some review and some new. More than I can absorb in a day. Maybe I'll find more tomorrow, but so far I only see one small bruise on my wrist and one other from hitting my head with a stick. No one to blame for that but me. Only saw that one when I was practicing sparring combinations in front of a mirror. 

  487 Hits


Got some good miles in today. Got home from work late and then went to dinner late. Not too fond of walking or jogging alone, especially in the dark, but walked home after dinner for a little more. Now I need to hang my laundry, or I will have to scrounge for a clean dobok tomorrow. 

  542 Hits


He really did it! He had a swearing in this afternoon and leaves before thanksgiving. I hear he may get to come home for Christmas though. I guess we'll see if that really happens. I'm running out of tomorrows and have lots to do. I hope to get some miles after work tomorrow. I guess if I were a morning person, I'd be going to bed earlier.

  557 Hits


The house is empty, really empty. After the very full long weekend, everyone went back to where they came from. In addition, my younger son is in for first thing tomorrow morning at MEPS. He leaves for basic training shortly before Thanksgiving. That will surely take some adjustments for us and him. I look forward to watching him grow in this next chapter. Time to get back to some type of routine.

  579 Hits


Saturday, just like any other Saturday. Not! The garage door opened this afternoon and in walks my sailor. ???? Made my day! I have my brother, my nephew, and now my son visiting. Yes, pretty full weekend. Normal will come back soon, but it can wait. Unfortunately, so will other things.

  537 Hits


Heading to Ft. Bragg early tomorrow to see my nephew. I hope he is happily surprised by his dad showing up. It should be a fun weekend with Flow Fest at the whitewater center. 

  544 Hits


Finally my younger son got the kick in the pants that he needed to hopefully get moving with life. By this time next week we should know for sure. Got an early start to the day with some self-defense, but not much else other than yoga after work.

  605 Hits


I have a few more things to finish up before I can go to bed. I also have to get up early to pick up my brother from the airport. Should be an interesting long weekend. I wish my arms felt stronger so it wasn't such a big deal to knock out pushups. I have been doing those 10 at a time with an occasional 15. That sure takes a while to add up to much. Keep on working towards the goal.

  572 Hits


Watched American Ninja Warrior tonight while doing pushups and sit ups. Had intentions of going out for a run after work tonight, but it was late by the time I got home and even later after dinner. I sure don't like going out in the dark after dinner has settled. Maybe I can get up earlier. Not sure how likely that is, but I do need to get in to work earlier.

  607 Hits


Sunday, and a quiet one at that. Just found out that my brother is coming to visit and hopefully we'll get to go to his son's graduation. I'm excited for my nephew, probably more than he is. Also found out in a roundabout way that my nephew is possibly coming back to Charlotte next weekend with his friend. He doesn't know his dad is coming. Should be fun. Also, yoga fest at the whitewater center is next weekend. A lot of classes to choose from and most of them are free. Hope I get to take advantage of that. 

  543 Hits


This weekend started with a surprise visit from my nephew who enjoys whitewater kayaking at the whitewater center. Always happy for him to visit. This morning between junior tigers and family class, Master Tucker went over black belt forms and tae kwon forms. Tae kwon forms a lot of times. Tomorrow, my nephew will go back to base, and unlike my kids, he will clean up after himself before he goes. 

  578 Hits


Does anyone notice how a day is like a seesaw, or maybe a rollercoaster, but your choices determine the outcome, or how fast the ups and downs are. Here it is late...again...and I'm just now taking to journal. Who guessed the game would still be on this late? I guess I could have worked on requirements in front of the TV, but it might be too tempting to sit down and watch. 

  523 Hits


It is so easy to lose track of time, whether it is doing what you should be doing, or it is procrastinating and doing something else. Time just keeps ticking away. I have several things that I look forward to having more time to do, but the things that need to be completed first aren't going to get done without me. It is good to be able to see progress though.

  541 Hits


Today was a good day, but tomorrow I wasn't feeling too well, so not much accomplished. I have a few days to log in, but once those are in, I will have completed half of the 10,000 required pushups. That is quite a motivator for me. I just wish they weren't such a struggle. Tonight I went to Master Shin's school for class and was pleasantly surprised with more students in the class than I expected. After class, Leah and I worked on several stick forms and staff forms. It is a good feeling to have the knowledge to be able to work with her, although at times I second guess myself. That sure plays with my confidence.

  602 Hits


Tiring day! Junior Tigers class was interesting today, not that it isn't always, but there seemed to be more new white belts today who are not used to being in class. After class, I took a few minutes to try and connect with one of them. We actually were born in the same month. He "did not see the coming". He was quite talkative once he got going. I have a hard time remembering names, but I will do my best to remember his. I hope that will help. Between junior tigers class and black belt class, several of us were working on poomsae and self-defense. We did quite a few, so productive. For a change, I had my pushups done before dinner. I'm usually still doing them before I go to bed. My wrists do not feel stronger than when I started and I still am only doing 10, or...

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  661 Hits


Enjoyed the sparring seminar more than I thought I would. And to think that was the first of anything requirements related today. Have a nice bruise on my forearm, but nothing major. That's always a win! Sparring is one of those things that reminds of my age and I don't have the no fear outlook of a kid. Not sure if I ever really had that. On to tomorrow.

  589 Hits


This is the second journal entry that I have had to do over since I got kicked off after publish was clicked,but before the entry posted. Where does it go if it doesn't post? I finally got to my after work yoga class. I have been unable to make it for the past three weeks. After class I had a few things to work on before home. When I arrived at home, I was pleasantly surprised to see my son there. This is the third year in a row that he has been home due to a hurricane.Tomorrows are slipping by.

  628 Hits


Hapkido form five looks foreign to me each of the three or four times Master Cavazos has shown it to me. I guess I need to practice that more often so I can remember it. It is not an easy thing to practice the hapkido forms by yourself. I think I will forever be catching up on pushups, but not tonight.

  579 Hits


Not exactly the weekend I'd expected, but not complaining. Enjoyed kayaking with my husband and visiting with my nephew at the whitewater center on Saturday, had a great workout with Master Tucker at the park on Sunday, and a visit with my in-laws and Jeremy, his girlfriend and her dog today. Had planned to do more, but not meant to be. Tomorrow, tomorrow.

  583 Hits


Thank you Master Tucker for the great workout at the park today. We got a lot done and doubt I would ever do 60 burpees without you! ???? What a beautiful day! I just got my tracking caught up. Didn't realize I was that far behind on logging in. I'm sure I will do more stuff today, so will log that later. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

  570 Hits


One more day of work before a long weekend. The intent is to get caught up on some things. I hoped pushups would have been less of a struggle by now, but not the case. Plenty of catching up to do on pushups. 

  576 Hits


Today, I did some pushups before I left the house for work. It sure makes a difference on my shoulders and wrists having less to do after class. Worked with Master Tucker on self-defense color belt all the way up to 2nd Dan one steps before class and with Master Cavazos and Master Tucker after class on 3rd Dan one steps and belt self-defense. We also did quite a few kicks in class. 

  549 Hits


Had a really early flight home this morning and then a full day at work. Trying to at least get my tracking caught up. I have less catching up to do as a result of this trip than most previous trips this year. It looks like I have been working on self-defense disproportionately to poomsaes, but at least now I can remember most of the newer I ones. I still have plenty more to work on. Tomorrow will come soon enough. 

  540 Hits


Today was an emotional day. Saw a lot of family and friends that I don't see often, or haven't seen for years. It was also a little disappointing since some we were expecting, were unable to make it. I have had a few different people volunteering to help me with self defense, so have been able to practice that some with a person, rather than just in the air. Had the opportunity to get a rowing lesson from my rowing coach cousin on the Schuylkill River in front of Boathouse Row in Philadelphia. This cousin is like my sister, so it was great to spend some quality time with her and learn a bit about one of her passions for the first time. 

  520 Hits

8/19/19 take two

This is second attempt at journal for Monday's journal. Where does a saved as draft post go? Got some great news today that my sailor is back on dry ground! He's back and I'm heading out to visit other family. It would be nice if he could come too.  I may get a chance for my first rowing lesson with my rowing coach cousin. This will be the second visit this year, of the several times I have been this year, that she and I will be there at the same time. At least I'll have a workout buddy.  

  508 Hits


August 17, 2019, the day of the pre-test for the fall cycle. I have been doing most of my self-defenses two or three times each day for at least the past two weeks and I feel more confident about the newer ones, except of course when I get completely mixed up, or when my focus is less than it should be. Now I need to work on them more intentionally. Time to work on catching up on some things I've been slacking on.

  490 Hits


Wow! Here it is, already two weeks into the cycle. I need to find a mentee still. Work was a long day today. After work my friend was very encouraging when we were doing some miles. And yes, it was hot. Finished with that and then went back for some more work. My lower back is bothering me some today. I need to take self standing moray work. Just not enough hours in the day. I have some catching up to do this weekend. 

  513 Hits


Had a productive day at work today, but still so much to do. Got home a little earlier than usual, so got something to eat and worked on pushups and kicks until it was time to pick up Master Randle so we could meet up with Master Tucker and be supportive to our friend. There really are no words. When I got home, after making arrangements to meet up with a friend after work tomorrow for some miles, I worked on some poomsaes and self defense. Thankfully they weren't muddled as they were the other day. I really need to study study guides.

  486 Hits


Today, I started mixing up poomsae, so figured that was enough for now. Today was a doozy of a Monday. Work was hectic. I did manage to get in 40 pushups throughout the workday though. Tomorrow is fast approaching. Studying the color belt study guides would be appropriate this week. 

  518 Hits


It was great to work out with Master Tucker this morning. We worked on self defense, poomsae, and miles mostly. Some self defense is better to practice with someone rather than alone. It adds a level of reality that is unmatched. What a nice park!

  499 Hits


The days always start with high hopes for specific accomplishments and finish with less. I have high hopes for tomorrow being different. While it will be hot, it will be good to train with Master Tucker. Some things are much better practiced with a partner. Motivation, intentions, and encouragement go a long way, but reality sometimes gets in the way. Here's to a productive day tomorrow and good sleep tonight!

  481 Hits


Today was not as productive as it could have been. Tomorrow will be better. Maybe I can fit a few pushups in at work. It's a little easier in jeans than a dress. Only a little since the wrists are the same. Worked on double stick 2 with Master Cavazos in my mentor session after class tonight. Kind of makes me feel like a white belt again. I should dig out that video and watch it a few times. I should probably also get out study guides so I don't embarrass myself with the pretest. Thanks for the encouragement Master Randle!

  565 Hits


It's a better day when pushups aren't the last thing on my list for the day. I found myself doing kicks slower than usual today and thinking more about my technique. Not that I do my kicks fast other days. My walk/jog partner has other plans for the next two days so I will have to dig up some different motivation to get some miles in. I have an earlier day tomorrow, so it's time for some zzzs.

  577 Hits


It was nice to look forward to a new female adult in black belt class today. I hope she continues to come train with us. Pushups are doing a number on my shoulders. I keep hoping they feel better after I get used to doing so many, but I am still at sets of ten with much time between and not getting in as many as needed. That will be a challenge for me to complete them. Nothing new there, but I haven't even started on pull ups yet. Tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow will help me get closer to my goal.

  501 Hits


I sure slept good last night. Today was a relatively quiet day. It seems I have been packing to leave, or to come home, so often lately that it is good to sleep in my own bed for weeks in a row. It is nice to visit, but it always takes a night or two to adjust. Tomorrow is back to work and getting up with an alarm clock. The weekend goes by so fast.

  488 Hits


Today was pretty quiet at work, so very productive. I met two of several new teammates. I also walked/jogged 4 miles with my friend today after work, thanks to the downpour. We both prefer to walk/jog outside when possible. Today, the sky was dark and the radar showed some cells that would likely catch us, so we stayed close to the building. We are fortunate enough to have an option for when we have weather interference. One of the buildings has a good sized loop that is our second choice, but our first choice rather than ugly weather. So feeling the first raindrops, we opted for finishing up inside. We went several times around and GPS seemed to be tracking it pretty well for a change. Her goal was to reach at least 10,000 steps and my goal was 3 miles. Once we had each reached our goal, since it was...

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  503 Hits

7/31/19 Long time

To think this is only another beginning. There is a long way to go and it will surely go by fast; in some ways, not fast enough, and in others, too fast. I guess the same is with life. Don't wish it away and cherish the moments. I had a pretty good day at work today, but it seems there is always some type of fire to deal with. Today was no exception, and resolving this one took until the end of the day. Thankfully, the outcome was a good one and all things considered, another happy camper. My workday ended with a yoga class. Aah, I needed that. Then home for taking care of other things. Here it is, almost midnight again and still plenty to do. Tomorrow is another day.

  477 Hits

7/30/19 Ouch

Not sure what I did to my shoulder. Maybe my arms are at the wrong angle, or just trying to do too many at once, but my pushups did not feel very good today. On a better note though, I am feeling better with the first four Tae Kwon forms. I reminded one of the ladies I work with, who I worked with when I was on my first black belt cycle, how we used to do pushups in the office. I was recently talking with the other who I worked with then, but I don't work with any more. From then, she did 30 pushups every morning. She told me that now she does 60. 

  440 Hits

7/29/19 Finally logging in...

I guess I'm back at it again. Kind of... It was easier than expected to get the tracker all caught up. It seems harder to get motivated to get stuff done this time. You would think it would be easier after having done it several times previously. I have had some family issues to deal with over the past few months, but it has been really nice to have the opportunity to spend so much time with my younger brothers and their wives and kids. I do not get that opportunity very often, and appreciate it even more lately. I do not get many requirements done while I am there, but did walk from the Museum of the American Revolution to my brothers house in South Philadelphia in ridiculous heat. That was probably not the brightest idea I've had and I saw some parts of Philly that I would likely have...

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  474 Hits

Monday 4/11

King Tiger Belmont was very hospitable today. I met some new people and some familiar ones. I worked up a good sweat in class. Thanks Julia for working with me on self-defense.

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Yesterday we went to Church of God Children's Home and helped with yard work. My group worked on pulling weeds from the planting beds in front and side of the house that is usually for young pregnant teenage girls. Several scenarios run through my head when I hear of young pregnant teenagers, and none of them are pleasant. I don't know what their real situation is, but it really makes me stop and appreciate my children and childhood. 

  1240 Hits


Awesome color belt testing tonight! It is nice to see so many adults. I remember many of the adults in classes with me that were so encouraging and a belt or a few above me are long gone. It is easier to tell someone to relax than it is for me to relax in a similar situation. Practicing poomsaes tonight for me was not pretty. It took me three times to get through taegeuk sa chang. I got up to a point and could not remember what came next. The second time it morphed into oh chang. Not good. That has been my normal too much lately. Not good and frustrating  

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Oh what fun...

I don't help with testing as much as I should, but it was fun tonight to watch several Jr Tigers test for their new belts. Tomorrow should be fun too. 

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Oh no!

Color belt testing is tomorrow, so yesterday when I got home from class, I put my doboks in the washer. When I went to hang them up I noticed several blue dots on them. Note to self: be sure to always check the washer to make sure no stray pens, crayons, markers, or other such objects are left behind. I have heard that aerosol hairspray helps with ink spots, so I tried it and oxyclean and laundry detergent. I am on the fifth washing with high hopes for few remaining obvious spots. I guess we shall see at testing tomorrow. This in no way will cause me to revert to washing my kids clothes again, just to be more careful with my own. Other than that, it was a great day for getting outside for some fresh air and miles with a coworker after work today. It has been a while...

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  1248 Hits


I think when poomsaes are ending up intermingled, it is time to do something else. I need to watch some videos to review. Looking forward to color belt testing later this week. It is always good to see hard work rewarded and the excitement of getting a new belt. I don't feel like I accomplished much today, except I am feeling better about my creative poomsae. My brain and body need to rest. 

  1126 Hits


Wow! No more Saturday black belt classes before testing. The reality is closing. I suppose there will always be more to do. Could have, should have...I wished I would have done this one differently. 

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Comfort zone

Awesome instructors training this afternoon! I should try to do better and break out of my comfort zone. I also need to make a point to meet someone new each time I go to the dojang and then keep up with them. It is hard with so many. I missed working with the student I have been working with each Saturday after family class. I hope he's on vacation.

  1060 Hits


Yay! I finally finished creating my creative poomsae today. Now I just need to learn it and remember it, so it looks as if I have been doing it for a long time. I have in my head, for trying to come up with it, but that's totally different muscles. 

  1123 Hits


Had a great day at the whitewater center with the kids. All the arms work on the ropes courses sure makes pushups, burpees, and pull-ups that much more challenging. My left arm is more sore than usual. I was probably holding the ropes too tightly. Gotta love the zipline! Back to reality tomorrow. 

  1148 Hits


No matter how much time there is, it never seems to be as much as I need. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day for ropes courses and zip lines at the whitewater center with the kids. 

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Getting closer

Getting to the finish soon. The last weeks always seem to go by faster than the first few weeks. Still much left to do. I went to class in Belmont today. I never know what to expect in Master Shin's class. It's always fun and challenging and today we tried taegeuk poomsaes with staff. That really makes you think about what you are really doing. 

  972 Hits

Happy birthday!

I found out I have a new nephew today, on my sister's birthday. How exciting! I look forward to meeting him. I have some catching up to do. Let's see how productive tomorrow can be. 

  1115 Hits

Physical test

It feels good with the physical test behind us. I'm pretty sure I bettered each thing except I did one less burpee. I thought that was pretty good especially considering I didn't run before the pretest. I even felt good doing plank. What got me there was more my wrists. It was great that Jeremy came and ran with me, was very encouraging and even stayed for the rest of the physical test. Spent the evening with the Moody Blues in Cherokee with my husband. 

  0 Hits

Beautiful day!

Helped with Jr tigers this morning and then family class. I worked with a relatively new student in family class who took the Jr tigers class first. She seemed to pick up quickly. I worked with Daniel mostly on self-defense and sparring combinations. He did not seem to want to work on his poomsae. I guess it is because he doesn't know it, so he would be going outside his comfort zone. We worked on several palgwe forms in black belt class. I can get through palgwe oh chang now. I might still get confused, but I think I will get that soon. Now to work on double stick 2. The other part of black belt class was empathy training with Instructor Auerbach. We each taped one hand and the first challenge was trying to tie our belts. Many were successful and some were not. We worked on various blocks and...

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Daylight savings

Today I read that daylight savings is coming up with time to change the clocks. The article was related to sleep and daylight savings messes up the body and the two days after we change the clocks there are a lot more strokes and heart attacks. The article suggested sleeping in the next morning and taking a nap in the afternoon. I find it interesting that something as simple as changing your sleep schedule could cause such drastic health problems. I don't know how those working various shifts keep a schedule that is healthy. 

  943 Hits

A lot left

While the days are winding down there is still a lot to do. Looking forward to the empathy training class this weekend. Also looking forward to the community service project in April. Thank you Instructor Foster for putting that together! 

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Thank you!

Still feeling sore from Instructors Camp, but stairs aren't as painful as yesterday. Thank you Master Evins for the generous credits from Instructors Camp. 

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More Sally

I am still sore from Instructors Camp and went to class in Belmont this afternoon. I made it almost to the end of class and then heard someone ask about Sally. You know it wasn't me. Icy hot again for me tonight! It is official! I am now a military Mom. Jeremy signed up today with the Navy and he expects to ship out in October. This process has been distracting for the last few weeks, but at least now we know what he will do after he graduates high school.

  917 Hits


What an awesome Instructors Camp this weekend! I can honestly say that I am successfully sore and tired and had a great time. The quadriceps and hamstrings are the most sore. I much prefer that to sore throat and sinuses though. Thanks Master Nurse Tucker for letting me join you and your kids on the ride to and from and helping me study too. It is always fun to train with and meet new friends and get to see friends we don't see often. 

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