Nice to have the site back up. Time to start scheduling activities. Start my creative form, read a self help book, start researching essay topics
Nice to have the site back up. Time to start scheduling activities. Start my creative form, read a self help book, start researching essay topics
12/13 Journal Today was not a productive day where requirements are considered, but was a good day. I spent a good chunk of the day at Charlotte Motor Speedway with my husband waiting to do the Nascar Driving Experience. It was a beautiful day and the Panthers had an awesome game too! Finishing off my day with icy hot on my legs. I will do more tomorrow.
Last time I tried to journal from my phone, it did not work, so I will go back to creating my entry in Word and then pasting it to the journal entry so as not to require entering it in multiple times. Trying to remember all the recent changes to poomsaes is tricky. I am really looking forward to the new dojang being ready to train in. While the Corvian School has been nice, it’s not like home. I’m also really looking forward to the completion of the conversion at work. So much of the process has been really frustrating at times, I just hope the actual cutover is not as frustrating.
today was pretty good i went to school and then I went to all of my blocks which was pretty good then i went on the van and i was relly tired then i did some homework and took class which was good so that was my day now im about to eat dinner
Good workout yesterday. Didn't modify any techniques, just kept the weight down. The range of motion did not appear to upset my arm.
Finally did a hard RX workout yesterday. First time since rehabing my injured bicep. Followed by a great accupunture treatment.
Easy day today, dance was fun, and i learning my spanish better. Plus I had a good day at work and my granddad came up for the holiday. Such a great day
Had my award banquet tonight, so much fun. I miss tennis season, it was fun.
We did a Hero WOD today for Veteran's Day. The WOD honored the Wise brothers. All Special Forces soldiers, two of which died in battle. Three separate 4 minute workouts. Hang Snatches, Burpees over the bar, Power Cleans, Pullups, Box jumps over the box, and Wall Balls.
Whoa, I did know the website was still up. I've been writing journals in my notebook. Even thought its my day off, I got work to do. I have make sure i'm caught up with all my school work. I got Psych. homework, and a bunch of drawing to do for visual art. Then I got some spanish to practice.
In a concerted effort to get more consistant with my logging my journals, I have decided to make it a habit while waiting in bus line.
This is my final journal of my second cycle and I will keep training but I still have two years until I get to do this again which I am excited for
Man I should have did these journals on time, but can't blame anyone but myself though, i should have made time for them. Only 9 more left. Any who, today i'm going to jogging and watch a marathon of once upon a time!!!
Black belt class was goo, i need to work on my hurricane hook kick a lot more, and i learned some of my new poomsae. After class i pretty much just worked on my senior exit its do Monday, i'm almost done than goodness I can't wait to be done with it
Pre-cycle √, cycle √, physical/written test √, overnight test √, public test √, tea ceremony √ now it's time to start another part of this journey as it's not over yet. Determination will get you where you want to go but always remember you can not do it alone.
Tea ceremony today, it was really nice. I'm excited to have my new belt and learn new material
Today was the black belt tea ceremony which I think is the coolest part because it is very relaxing and calm and of course there is the fact of getting your belt which is very exciting to me.
today is the day i get my black belt i so excited and happy i earned it and now i geting it and i am thankful that my family has supported me and everbody else
As I near the end of my journals I become more and more excited. I am very excited for the tea ceremony tomorrow I can't wait to get my belt.
my day was pretty good i went to school with my new spar wars shirt on but it was cold so i had a jacket on then i went to tae kwon do and did class and that was pretty good and i didnt have a lot of homework then i went to dudckworths with some of my friends so that was fun and that was my day
today i went to school and i went home and bonded with my familly and listened to music.
Today was a normal day, nothing special at all happened with anything. I am glad there is no more physical things involved only journals.
today was pretty good i went to school and that was pretty easy i dont have alot of homework and it is pretty easy so i did that and took class then i went to my dads house and that was nice then i went home and now i doing this so that was my day
I dislike public speaking so much, just being in front of an audience makes me crazy. I have my senior exit to do and I have all the work, but the final part it speaking to a panel of judges. I just have to keep repeating my speech til i feel comfortable.
my day was pretty good i went to school and that was pretty easy i only had a couple things for home work and then i went to king tiger and did class there after that we rushed to get to my sisters skill night for basketball and then we came home and went to bed
Today the Hornets got their first win against the Bulls. They put up 135 points so it was very exciting and I was glad I could go to the game.
Once a year at my school, there is something called Donuts For Dad. It is when you bring your father to school early for a donut and juice. There is something also called Muffins with Mom and it the same thing, but just with muffins. When I went to Language Arts there was a sub. She was trying to get the door open, but it didn't work. She finally got it to open after about 7 minutes. At my school we have something called Power Hour. It is for 1 hour and we have our lunches during that time. Also clubs take place during that time. Well everyone was required to choose a club. The clubs were cheesy, like a bird watching club. I ended up choosing a bean bag toss club. Weird right.
All most forgot to journal ... okay whats going on in my life ... hmm.... You know what i wish I was better at, comforting, some I know was really upset today, I did my best to help her, but i really couldn't help much. It wan't until someone else step in that she felt better. I hope I can get better at that, i hate seeing someone being upset
Today I had to bring candy for a cell diagram. My science teacher told my class that we are making a cell diagram out of candy. A friend and me are working together on a plant cell diagram. I also had a test during science. It was what has been taught so far. It is not a Mid-Term though. I usually wake around 5:45 am to run and it is hard to stop. Ever since school started till the end of the black belt test I have been waking 5:45 and since the test is over I don't need to wake up that early.
Today I had my first official high school swim practice. I was not prepared because I have not swam since about mid July. But I will eventually get back in swimming shape.
Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. Napoleon Hill My friend asked me why i was doing push-ups in the hall last week, so i told her "I have to a 100 push-ups a day". She laugh and said "Courtney that's easy, you can do half of that in the morning." I looked at her, this is the girl who tells me she doesn't have time to eat breakfast in the morning, or doesn't have time to do homework. I was kind of offended, why was she belittling my work. I mean I not saying 100 push ups is really hard, because it's doable, but it is not easy. But I laughed it off "I guess I just don't have time" I told her. I did not want to start nothing over a silly comment i...
so today I went to school and I had a pretty good day at school and I cant wait for this tea ceremony on Friday.
Today the Panthers play on Monday Night Football and I am currently watching them and they are winning 3-0, I really want to go but I am going to watch the Hornets play tomorrow night.
my day was pretty good i woke up then i did alot iof stuff then i went to school and that was fine after that i got picked up to go to tae kwon do and i did homework and class there. then we got home and did more homework and now we are watching the panthers game
Well, the overnight and public test has been completed... I have enough ailments and my back really spassed out on me.. I wont even begin to say it was easy ! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to test with such awesome people. Today I feel like I must have been hit by a truck, a very large truck... I am very sore and still nursing my back too. Hope to be walking in an upright position by the end of the Master Shin, Thank you for being an awesome instructor and believing in me and that I could do this and allowing me to test and represent your school.. I also think you were amazing during testing. I am proud to say I train under you. Master Evins, thank you for allowing me to be a part of the testing experience and for helping me learn and...
It is a beginning of a new month and I finished my overnight test! It was a long one, but everyone pulled through. I also broke 2 boards and a brick. Today I had to got to the Hindu Temple, to learn Karma Yoga. It is a type of spiritual yoga. I was there for 2 hours. The rest of the day I just watched football. I had a friend's family come over for dinner. My sister had a friend's birthday party.
Last week, while my dad was driving me to TKD he asked me a question. He was asking how the black belt was going, I told doing good, struggling with my journals and pulls up, but nothing to worry about. Then he asked "Courtney, would it have been better if me or your mom have done the black belt cycle with me?". I asked him to explain because i didn't understand the question. He said would it have been better if he and mom did all the same physical requirements I had to do while i was on the cycle. I had to think about it, but I told him no, I'm glad I did it on my own. I had to motivate myself. I could rely on my mom to say "Court lets go jogging", i had to get my butt up and tell my self to do. I had to be...
Today was a good lazy Sunday and a great stress reliever also. I went to church then came home rested for a little then hung out with friends, so today was pretty great.
Man oh man testing. I thought it was difficult but still it gives you a lot good feelings when you get that black belt. Today we also had a surprise black belt celebration for my friend Holden which was a lot of fun.
today was prety good i got up late, todays my moms birthday so i have to do whatever she wants then we went to dinner so today was pretty good
Testing was great!! so sore though. I didn't even realize I was until I tried to get out of the car, almost tripped over myself.
today was pretty awesome after the overnight thing i restied then i went to lincolin charter for my black belt test it was really fun and tiering
Lincoln Charter ES. Testers looking good. Can't wait until it is my turn again.
Tonight marks the end of the last cycle before mine starts. Excited to know that I will be testing again at the next Black Belt Test.
I am about to go to my test to get my first pom. I am really nervous and excited. I am nervous because it is my first time going and I have never done this before. I am excited because it will be really cool to do this with people that I know and people that I don't know and am getting ready to know. Enough of this chit chat. Let's go level up!
my day was pretty good i got up then went to school at school i did all my stuff it was pretty easy i dont have homework and that is good because tonight i finnaly finished my cicle and now i am testing!!!
today will be rough hope today will be nice and also hope that we can get dismissed around 1 or 2pm good luck to everybody!
Today I stayed home from school so I could sleep and get ready for the black belt test tonight. I don't know if I am excited or nervous for it.
Today is the Black Belt Testing. I don't know what is going to happen. I hope testing will end around 2 am or 3 am. Most of all I hope I will pass. At school, a classmate of mine gave out candies for everyone. She and a friend made small bags of candy to give out to the class for Halloween. I had a math test again. It was pretty easy, I sure I will get an A. My science teacher gave my class a project that is due tomorrow on cells. We have to make a diagram on it.
Today my high school had a Halloween themed day. So today was not full of stress, but also tonight is our black belt test so I am very excited.
Happy dance so far today- - -I just keep hoping that continues thru the evening and weeeeee hours of the morning, which by the way anything after 10:00pm is past my bed time. Got to the office early and actually was able to leave at noon. Stopped for one errand on the way home then it has been snuggling with fur ball on the sofa and laundry. I am trying to relax and rest- -easier said than done. If I shut my brain down and do not think my head does not hurt as much so not going to try running thru any tkd, if I don't have it by now probably not gonna happen. Have a bunch of family coming in tonight so house is ready and my only things left on my list are to bathe Rosie (yup that is my crazed little fur ball) and pack my bag for tonight. ...
Unable to log yesterday's requirements. In the wee hours of the morning after finally finishing a large order I went thru every form I've ever done. SDs, sticks, staffs... I am very nervous ! I am still short in some areas... I really have tried.. and will do my best. Good luck everyone!
my day was tiring i got up went to school and was very tired then i did school, bairly then i went to tae kwon do and did some homework then i took class then i ate dinner then i took another class then i took another class so i was really tired
Today i went to school and tomorrow i will not have school because of black belt testing. And tonight i get to go to bed extra late and wake up at 1:00 pm, GOOD LUCK!!!! to everyone on the cycle that is testing tomorrow.
Today, during math class the fire alarm went off half way through class. It was just a fire drill and everyone was only outside for about 10 min. During Environmental Studies our teacher came back from Tennessee. She had a family emergency. My class was working on a letter and she couldn't find them. She said we would have to do it again if she didn't find them. Luckily, she was able to find them. Tomorrow is Black Belt Testing. I hope it goes well and we don't have to train for way to long.
My Grandpa Tom and my Grandma MB, who are on my mom's side, and my Grammie, from my dad's side, are all coming to watch testing on Saturday. Grandpa Tom is getting here tonight in just a little while. Grammie will be here tomorrow. I am really excited and nervous because I get to do something I never have before which is always exciting but testing in front of a lot of people makes nervous. My dad says he loves me a whole lot and he knows I will do great.
Went to dojang today and did not take class but worked on a few things. My thoughts- - - - I would not have come this far if I did not know something, may not have everything perfect, but hey I am far from perfect. Just have to keep my head clear, be careful and do my best.
Today after school I went to tae kwon do and crammed for the test tomorrow, I am ready for it I just don't know what to expect so I am going to do everything.
Today is our last day before testing! I honestly can't believe it is already here! Time sure does fly... I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible, because tomorrow and Saturday definitely will not be relaxing. I have to remember to breathe!
Today I had my last Tae Kwon Do class before my first degree black belt test. I am nervous but I feel I will do well.
Today I wrapped up the last all of my push ups, sit ups, and forms. I have class tonight and I will finish up my rolls, then I will be done. Tomorrow is the test and plan on coming home and getting a nap before I head back out and take it on. I am a little anxious, but I I think that I will do well.
today I didn't go to class to get ready for the overnight test tomorrow.
I'm just a big ball of stress. I can't catch up.. I feel pulled and stretched so tight I am spread way to thin right now.... and I just don't feel good. So there, I've whined today... but, besides that, I am thrilled I woke this morning, I always know I'm up cause the first words out of my mouth are "ouch"... happy I am here, and able to be running behind, happy I have people in my life that are encouraging... My first Black Belt cycle I thought was the absolute hardest thing I had ever done. I can't say that now. This 2nd degree cycle has been even tougher.. and has taken me longer! I have had struggles along the way that I am still trying to overcome. But, there again, I am still here, still pushing, still attempting to overcome them. Thank you to everyone who has put up with me...
I love overnight testing! So exciting! I love seeing everyone "step up" and "bring it"! Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow night!
Time is free, but it is priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it, you can't keep it, but you can spend it, once you've lost it, you can never get it back. ... and I never seem to have enough of it. Its late, I'm exhausted, I still have a lot to do and the clock is ticking, Friday will be here.. SOON ! Nerves are kicking in now too... Til tomorrow ...
Today my project on Cells for Science due. I had to make a city that would do in way the same things as the organelles in a cell. I also had to do a short story with it. During Social Studies I had another project due. I had to make a journal as a knight during the Black Death. I also had to make an entry on me dying. During Language Arts I was moved since a person in my class kept playing games on his computer.
Today we had a big Chemistry test that I felt like I did very well because I had spent all afternoon yesterday studying.
Another day done, and one step closer to testing. Started the day with a great class at King Tiger Lake Norman. Worked on a lot of different poomsaes, and also self defense and Hapkido. Got another mentor session in. Man, we are so close!
Work hard. Crash hard. That's what I always say. Or at least that is what I say today. I did 48 Poom Saes today in order to stay on track for Saturday. I worked out really hard and now I am paying the price by crashing hard at only 9:20. Tomorrow I'm getting a haircut so I might look weird at testing. Luke the dog crashed hard as well. I thought I would be more awake since I had some cream soda but I'm not. This is all I've got in me. I need to go to bed. Good night.
Today I went to school and did a benchmark for social studies. When I came home we started cleaning the house for family that's coming in for the black belt testing, can't wait for the over night testing and the regular testing.
so today I pretty much finished the BB cycle I got my last mentee and PMAA classes in I did a lot of push-ups and I finished up my forms. I think that I am ready for this test.
The Black Belt Retreat was incredible. My favorite part of the weekend was training outside with Grandmaster Lee. It was a beautiful day and the entire weekend was great. My creative form has finally taken shape and now I just need to practice, practice, practice. I can't believe the overnight test is in 2 days!!!!!
my day was pretty good i went to school on the bus and my sisters bus came really late. when i got to school i did all my stuff that was easy then i wen t to the car line and got picked up by tae kwon do. after that i did class and then i had dinner then i did another class then i went home and that was it
In Homeroom we got free donuts and got a party during math so we got to go outside. Also I was at tae kwon do cramming on requirements trying to finish up before the test so I should be good for Friday night.
Today i went to school and tested out my ballistics box, which measures speed. So when i tested it (the sling shot) the marble went flying in the air, hit the paper and measured how far it went. The marble went fast to. So that was my day.
Today was a good day, let me tell you what I did. Today was my Math EOQ and I think I rocked it????. so after that we made our own pumpkin. I did mine Minecraft and after we had lunch in the classroom. It was so fun to do that again. After that we made direction's to how to make that pumpkin. then we had inside recess. After we went home and picked up a couple of pumpkins from my friend Melanie's house, after this I will go to practice with other black belt before testing. I am very excited for testing. See you tomorrow. Bye????????
I knew I should have journaled for today at 3 am when I was still up from last night... now I look up and have almost missed today's journal... midnight is a coming. Doing order entry and poomsaes in between... hope all are well. gotta run
Tonight I went to all 3 classes. Went over a lot of material for the test Friday night. I am nervous but ready. Can't wait!!!
Today in Math I had a Unit Quiz. It was only 15 questions and only on 2 I was stuck. I am sure I will get a good grade. During Environmental Studies there was 2 guest speakers from the Caburras Country Environmental Conservation Agency. They talked about Water Sheds and our school grounds. I also had a Science Test on the Microscope and it was easy.
today was pretty normal and uneventful nothing out of the ordinary happened. I went to school and then I went to TKD to all three classes and I got a mentee and a mentor session and I did a lot of poomsaes and stuff.
Tonight I ate out with my family and my grandma and my uncle and his fiancee and two other people. I wore my tie and my great grandad's fedora. I ordered cheese pizza. I only ate half of it. I had a glass a milk. I sat between my uncle Elliot and my dad.Ben and I made our glasses sing and ring. I met uncle Elliot's dad and stepmom. We talked about my black belt cycle for a few minutes. Now I'm really sleepy and ready for bed. Good night.
Busy, busy, busy! Got a lot done today, though. Even for a rainy day! Went through a lot of forms today...still getting requirements done, but not exactly where I need to be. Testing is so close, getting the butterflies now! Almost there...push push push!
Today I was extremely tired and it was very hard to get out of bed this morning. The day felt slow but better as the day progressed.
Today was a good day let me tell you what I did. So this week we are taking our EOQ's. so today when I got to school we read our books and then we toke our EOQ for Reading. After that we had lunch and then we did Math and inside recess. And after we went home and then went to Tae Kwon Do. And then we took class, me and my brother Aaron. Then I did a Mentor session.Then we ate McDonalds. I ate a biscuit and we went home. Oh I forgot to tell you what I did on the camping trip. It was so fun because it was my first time camping so I was a bit scared. But by the end of the trip I wanted to camp more.. I also got to train with Grandmaster Lee.
Today at school I forgot all about my math homework. The retreat was so fun I forgot all about my homework. Luckily, he said I could bring it in tomorrow. My Environmental Studies had a family emergency, so we had to make recycle letters again. In science I was suppose to have a quiz but my teacher was sick, so there was no quiz. In Social Studies, I got my report cards and they were good.
Tonight we had our senior night for the soccer team. We lost by two but it was a great game.
So today I went to King Tiger and Master Chelley made we do 2 sparring rounds because I needed 26. I knew I was going to come back for kickboxing so I could get them all done. today. At kickboxing, we did normal things...we just kicked the bag and then I got to spar my dad for my last sparring round. He did a few kicks but then he just covered his nang sim and ran around the mat. I got a few good kicks to his chest and they rang out with a loud THWAC!! That is how I finished my sparring rounds for my black belt cycle.
Wow! What a great retreat! So much fun and camaraderie this past weekend! It was great to train and do teamwork activities with everyone. Now it is cram time. Testing is only DAYS away! Time to really turn up the heat!
So happy to be on the mat today. While it was limited, more like going thru the motions, was pleased that my mind did not totally go away and I actually remembered most everything we worked on. Tomorrow maybe another story but happy for today.
Today i was resting after the retreat. I did not get to write about it, but it was AWESOME. I had so much fun without my parents and with my friends. I was still missing my parents. Today, i relaxed. i did not run and i did my daily schedule for physical requirements.
today I went to school like usual and then after that we dropped my sister off a gymnastics. I went to the two classes that I could go to.
today was pretty good i went to school and at school it was really confusing because they switched the blocks around so some people went to the wrong blocks. after school i went tae kwon do and i had snack there then i did my homeworkafter that i did tae kwon do and that was my day
It amazes me how quickly a Monday will arrive. I am Still SO very far behind ... and that would be in everything, in my life in general. Looking at my requirements, my journals will show 2 shy on Friday, I did have 2 days I was unable to make an entry due to technical difficulties, but truth is, I shouldn't be pushing this so close to the wire. I have to [make] the few minutes to be sure and post an entry for the next few days... This week, how quickly Friday will arrive. I am stretched so thin... I'm not quite sure how I got here. I am chalking it up to passion and stupidity. I love what I do, but I have to learn to do better. I'm going to do my best to finish this cycle as I am suppose to... in green, but honestly I'm not sure I've...
I am glad I got to go on the Black Belt retreat this past weekend. I got to work on a lot of things I was needing not to mention had a great time too. I got home in time to watch the Jets on TV at my Uncle's house and am mad they lost to the Patriots but at least the Panthers are still undefeated!
Today i have no school today and that is nice because i am super exhausted from the retreat and that was something that was fun but serious at the same time. I hope that when i do the next cycle (fall cycle) that master Evins will consider doing that again. But man i don't know if i am bunking with Luis again because he talked in his sleep and argued with himself, and he started moving and it was an earth quake. I didn't go to bed on Saturday till 2:00 am. But like master Evins said you get to know your friends better when you go camping.
Today i have no school today and that is nice because i am super exhausted from the retreat and that was something that was fun but serious at the same time. I hope that when i do the next cycle (fall cycle) that master Evins will consider doing that again. But man i don't know if i am bunking with Luis again because he talked in his sleep and argued with himself, and he started moving and it was an earth quake. I didn't go to bed on Saturday till 2:00 am. But like master Evins said you get to know your friends better when you go camping.
Thank you Master Evins for an awesome retreat. I enjoyed myself & continued to learn.. I find that often you help me learn more about myself.. Today was TJ'S birthday... I am still in shock he is 19 & wish I could have some of the time.back but so proud of him as he is growing. . I have a lot of work to do & spent a large amount of time today doing so..deadlines.. deadlines.. deadlines.. everywhere.. we really didn't do anything extravagant but I certainly enjoyed the time we spent together ... we baked him a a cake & made his favorite dinner (together). & practiced a few poomsaes.. nothing extravagant like I say but after yesterday's meditation i started thinking more about how important the little things are.. like a $1.94 box of cake mix, and just how special that can be. One week to go. I have...
Tonight we are watching football and the score is 7 Panthers, 3 Eagles. Right now it is 1st and 10. Panthers have the ball. I want the Panthers to win. So far the Eagles have had four penalties and the Panthers have had none. If the Panthers win they will be undefeated at 6 and 0. That is what's going on right now.
Today I came back from the Black Belt Retreat at Camp Oak Hill. The retreat was fun. I had my first 2 smores at the campfire. There was a pumpkin carving contest between 2 teams. The team I was on won, we used Master Chin's hockey mask as our face. I got to meat Grandmaster Lee for the first time and trained with him for an hour. I even saw a picture of Master Evins, when he worked at Camp Oak Hill. The trip back home was good, didn't have any traffic when we were going to the retreat. Overall I had a good time.