Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
I am 10 and I like to eat.

last one

Yes I still have no idea for a title but this time it has some relevance to the subject. So this is my last post for the cycle I would have done on yesterday but I forgot and was just to tired to care. I thought it went pretty well. So I got to go bye.

  740 Hits

Its going to be a long Night

Okay so right now I'm taking a break between doing my requirements and studying. So let me explain I about an hour after I got back from class got a remind about a test. So I'm in panic mode. I have no Idea how its going to go. Well got to study.

  776 Hits

What did I do?

Okay so the title is weird again but it actually has some meaning *It doesn't*. So I was going to right about what I did yesterday but all I can remember is the stick simenar. I only went to the first one but it was still enjoyable. Well time to eat bye

  764 Hits


Today wasn't that bad. But it feels like something is missing. Well got to run bye.

  677 Hits

A good day

Today was actually really nice I have nothing to complain about. But right now I'm in a meeting for something I'm not very clear on. I won't make it to class today so I'll be here a bit. Oh its starting bye.

  714 Hits

The bell!!!

Okay so the title is weird again I know but this time it’s serious ( It’s not ) Alright so the bells at my are really loud to the p point that you can hear them from two neighborhoods down. The normal bells are so loud that the fire bell is quite compared to it. So they were blasting all day today because there were a bunch of notifications. My ears still hurt. Got to go to calls bye.

  679 Hits

We’re is the teacher??

Okay so today was a bit weird. No it was completely strange for half my day I didn’t have a teacher. I know that this sounds weird but all the substitutes left the classroom. So will we’re sitting in the class trying to figure out what to do we have no teacher. Hey got to run. Bye. 9/25/18

  597 Hits

Gotcha now

(Yes I still have know Idea what to do for a title) Okay so my day was pretty normal and seemingly interesting. I even had a relatively good after noon though it was a bit shaky. I got a mentee session done and both leadership credits. Oh, and if you were wondering about the title its just to get your attention long enough for me to write this. Gotcha!

  617 Hits

What do I get

My day started with the physical test then the written test. Only about 15 minutes later was the cpr training/ community service. But when I got home I learned my cousin was having a party. That's fine but I have no idea what to get her. So now I'm at the store looking for something. (I still have nothing to write about)  9/22/18

  598 Hits

Hey I passed

I got my score from the written test and I passed. So as a celebration I thought I would watch some football games. But the didn't work out well I got a headache half way through the first game, and I've been dealing with it ever since. But I still pasted though so its worth it. Well got to run. Bye!

  652 Hits

How did this happen.... again seriously

Okay so I know the title is a bit much but I am short on good ones. So what the title is for its that my class is surprising. We had a good class for once but last fifteen minutes they said the most surprising thing that is still stuck in my head. I don't want to get in more detail with it. (This happens a lot) I think I'm going to run this off. Bye. 9/21/18

  634 Hits

You see something new every day

Today nothing new or interesting happened till this very afternoon. When I was on my way to class I saw something for the first time. Some one through their drink outside their car. Now I know that it’s not that exciting but that just shows how uneventful my day was. Hope you had a better day then me. Bye.  9/20/18

  658 Hits

What happened to time???

Today I had a bunch of stuff to do and a lot of time. But there was one problem time. I was pretty sleepy for most of the time. For some reason I not really awake till 2 pm. When I got it all done and checked the clock all I said was "What happened to time?!" 

  613 Hits

Well how did this happen

Today I felt like I was asleep until about 4:00 pm and yes I did go to school. It was really boring and kind of a slump. When I was on my way to class I fell asleep the moment I got in the seat. After about fifteen minutes of being on the highway I woke up at a traffic light and I was suprised to see were I was. I was at the Lake Norman school. All I could say was Well how did this happen.

  671 Hits

What happened to school?

Today when I woke up I thought I slept through my alarm clock. So I was really worried but then I was told there was no school today. When I went outside and looked up I noticed that the sky was mostly clear and the ground wasn't to wet. So now I'm here wondering what happened to school. Bye. 9/17/18

  589 Hits

The wind

I haven't done anything interesting today but listen to the wind. It sounds like the echo of a drum with the rain being the after effect. I'm still bored but hearing the rain beat against my window is sort of calming. bye.   9/16/18

  662 Hits

Finally something happennnneeeddd!!!!

Today I was woken up by screaming to get dressed. I had no idea what was happening until I was outside in a puddle wearing flipflops. After complaining for a minute I realised were I was. Then I had class and it was pretty eventful. Now I'm hear getting ready to run. Bye!   9/15/18

  623 Hits

What do I do now... uhhhhhhhhhh?

Today was just like yesterday nothing much happened. I'm going to go walking around but the wind got really heavy. Hope your day was more eventful bye.

  633 Hits


Today school got canceled and it was pretty boring again. So I don't have any thing to write about. Hope you had a more eventful day then me bye.

  639 Hits

Were are they....?

Today was a half day at school so I got home at 2:30 P.M.  So I got my requirements done then I got lonely because I had no one to talk to. I thought that my sisters would be back in another hour, but they got back 2 hours later than expected. My sister left here phone at home so I had no Idea were they were. Well hope you had a better day than me. Bye.   9/12/18

  665 Hits

uhhhhh why......?

My day was painful. It started with health but the teacher wasn't their again. So we went to the gym and just sat there. Near the end of the block I got hit in the face with a softball. After word in the last block I hit my head on a board picking up paper. I have had one unlucky day. Hey got to go to bed bye.

  670 Hits

Grandma's here

Okay so today I got dragged into this meeting this morning. It was not that interesting but it got slightly better. But when I got back home my grandma was there. Thats when I found out that my parents were leaving for the week. Welp got to do my requirements bye.   9/8/18

  692 Hits

One more road to cross

Today my bus was really late to get home compared to the other days at school I have had. It was kind of boring on the bus but I got through it then I had to do my requirements. Hey got to run bye

  607 Hits

What now?

Today I woke up and did my requirments. I haven't ran yet though. Besides that I don't have anything planned. So I'm going to go running around until I find something interesting. Hey got to go. 9/9/18

  714 Hits

Another one... bring it on.

Today was eventful if you could call it that. My day was like most of the other school days I have had so far but there was a test every class. It's not that they happened its that they were in repetion the moment I got in the classroom test. Hey got to run bye. Hey hope your day was fun   9/7/18

  728 Hits


Today I realized time is running out. The end is in sight. You have to stay focused in order to achieve your goals. 

  624 Hits

I'm Home

Okay today I went to school and that went well. But the bus ride home was horrible. It took forever for the bus to get moving. That was at first because we had to stop at another school to pick people up. The last issue was when people fell asleep and we had to go back to there houses to drop them off. But now I'm home. Hey got to run bye.

  609 Hits

Finally, we are done.....

Finally, I am done with all of my papers.  It took me all night. I got very little sleep. Today I had to turn in a bunch of paperwork at school. And then I made to pick up more paperwork. It has been a pain but I will get through it. 

  607 Hits

Just keep writeing...just keep writhing writhing writeing

Today when I go up I thought that I over slept for school and started getting parinod. After about thirty minutes I checked the calender, and remembered I didn't have school today. After that I did my requirements. After that I went back to doing my papers I got done with most of them but I still have some to do for school. Well got to go bye. Hey did any one get the Finding nemo reference. 9/3/18

  625 Hits

Huh more paperwork...

I don't have much time to write later so I'm doing it now. I woke up and did my requirments. After that I took a nap and forgot I had a few papers to do today. Now I'm a bit short on time. Hey got to go bye.

  616 Hits

Let’s get down to business

Okay so today I’ve got a lot of work to do. Mainly in regards to homework I have a lot of paper work a few essays for school, and Tae Kwon do. So my mornings been hectic. Hey got to go bye.  Hey did any one get the movie reference in the title? 9/1/18

  650 Hits

Fire drill and paper

Today at school there was a fire drill it wasn't to big of a deal, but with how slow everyone moved I though that if it was real we would all....not have a fun day. Another evetful thing that happened today was I did my empathy training. I went with out an arm. Its been years sence I couldn't you one of my arms, and I started to get parinod about it. I tryed to do some pull ups but that end misurably. Well I had an eventful day how was yours?   8/31/18

  683 Hits

Hidden stair

At shcool I started to notice that the main stairs got to crowded. At lunch I was thinking about it as I tried to find a quite corner to be alone. I decided to go to the calmest corner behind a teacher next to a door. The teacher was new and told me about some stairs he used to get to his room on the second floor before the main hallway fluded. When I tried to see if it was true I checked my map and a stairwell was right next to my next two block. I got to them quicker and I'm thankful for it. After school I went to tae kwon do. Well bye.   8/30/18

  640 Hits


Today I was supposed to have health class but the coaches weren't prepared for it yet. So they had us run 4 laps around the track. Will on the run I was with this group and we got done before the other. Will on the run I even found a penny. Well I have to go bye. 8/29/18

  662 Hits

Peaceful afternoon

Today was peaceful it was cold in the morning, and hot in the afternoon like any other day. It is peaceful Everything was quite I got my requirements done. Only the accastional bus passing by. Well I got to got bye.   8/28/18

  656 Hits

STAIRSsss we meet again

Okay so today was my first day of highschool. I didn't execpt so many people to be in on place. Okay so my homeroom is on the second floor and my classes revolve around this one stair well. Lets just say that it was a challenge to get up and down the stairs it felt like being in the center of a five mile long  traffic jam. My day was fun though but imagine my shock when I got to class at tae kwon do. More stairs alright got to run bye.

  653 Hits

You see something new everyday

Today I went to black belt class and I saw something I thought I'd never see. Today in class I Ms.Evans thought class. So for those who don't know I have never seen here wear a belt, or teach class. The class was fun everything worked out. Hey gotta go bye.

  637 Hits

calm day

Today was open house at school. But besides that it was very uneventful, and calm. I went to black belt class today and I have nothing else to say bye.   Hey the dates are wrong on the journals in case this one gets messed up its 8/23/18

  730 Hits

Grandma's house

Today I woke up and did my requirements. After that I went to my grandparents house. Know I'm here having fun not much to report. Hope you had a fun day.

  623 Hits

My day

Today I woke up and did my requirements. After that I had to go with my mom to a couple of different stores. After that I went to the barbershop for a haircut. I was almost late to class, and made it just in time. Now I'm here hey got to run bye.   Hey The dates on the cite are wrong. That is why the date on this post is eithar wrong or my past ones are on 8/22/18

  623 Hits

No idea

Today I went to sparring class and black belt. My day went as I expected. When I got home which is now I jumped on this so I got no ideas. Hope you enjoyed got to run.

  632 Hits

Pool Guard

Today I went to the pool, but let me backtrack. I woke up around 10:00,  after getting situated I did my requirements. The day before I had decided today I would head to the pool. I waited for most of the clouds to clear then I went to the pool. When I got there this lady was the guard and let me tell you this, so that you know they aren't life guards there just there to check everybodys age. She waited until I was halfway in the water then she called me over. She said that I was to young and gave me a paplet and sent me home. Hey got to go bye.

  666 Hits

Bus time

Today when I left the house the mail man came around the corner. This wasn't the first time I talked to him but today was different it was to calm. When he handed me the mail there was something there for me. Well I don't know about you, but when I get mail its either a bad thing for me or a gift card from Toys R S. As you know the latter no longer exists so it had to be bad. When I got inside it was from my new school telling me when I was supposed to get on the bus. I knew school was early but not I gotta wake up at 5 am early. This may not seem that bad but that was like a nuke to my summer. Hey gotta go share your reactions in the comments bye.

  713 Hits


Today the moment I got up I was stuffed in my dads care and rode to Greensboro. The reason I went was to see my grandparents. When I went to my grandpa's house the fire alarm kept screeching every five minutes he didn't  seem to mind though. When we left his house I went to see my Gandma's house. Now I'm here and need to do my requirements bye. 

  634 Hits

Why why why... !!!

Today I got back from Pennsylvania and the ride was painful to say the least. Okay let me back track I woke up and around 10:30 went running. I was going to write a long rant about it but I will just sum it up loud music and siblings. So when I get home I am trying to catch up but my head is say no. Got to run hope you enjoyed.

  616 Hits


Today I woke up did my requirements and spent most of the day in my hotel room. Nothing really happened today. Well I will be back in charlotte tomorrow. Bye hope you enjoyed.

  608 Hits

Hersey, kiss, reeses

Today I went to hersey world or land its like a amusement park. It smelled like candy it got really annoying. There was this camp there so the place was packed. It's getting late bye.

  637 Hits

what just happened

Today I found when I went to go running my key went missing. There was a hole in my pocket and I didn't know. When I tried to get back in the building I freaked out. When it slipped out I slipped on it. For a while I sat there in confusion. Its getting late bye.

  643 Hits


Today I helped out with color belt testing. It was interesting some was a bit dull will others were more interesting. I got to hold a board for the first time. It hurt when the wood broke but the second time I got a toe nail in my forearm it left a brusie. Its getting late bye.

  718 Hits

Pants shopping

Today I woke up and went walking around today. After that I went to the mall with my family and found some pants that I needed. Well its getting late bye.

  626 Hits

Seemingly dull

Today I went driving around harrisburg and saw a movie. But today I just felt dull kind of deppresing. I don't know if it was for the day or not but I happened. Its late bye.

  595 Hits

Crazy rode trip

To day I went on vacation but I spent the most of it cramed in the back of a car fighting over space. At the beginning of the trip there was this car on fire on the other side of the rode so we speed out of there before the rode was closed down. After that my sisters started fighting and I got hit a lot over there pushing. I have to make this quick and unpack bye.

  737 Hits

Clock broke!!

My day was a usual but today. I woke up did my requirements and went on with my day, then I noticed that my clock is broken on my computer. I don't know why but I assume that's why my computer is acting up. If you got the same problem Help. Bye hope your day has been better than mine bye.

  716 Hits

Fun Day

Today was like any other day I woke up and did my requirements. After that I had lunch a few hours later I went to Tae kwon do. I helpped with class but what made my day is what happened before. I got there early and found that the summercamp there was playing gladiator so I joined. After a few people I was up. After I beat the champ a few times others decide to try as well. It was a fun game. It's getting late bye.

  645 Hits

I knew it

Today started out being really peaceful. My mom flew to Ohio but it was to peaceful. I took a bet with my sister that it would rain. So after I finished my requirments I looked outside and found a dark cloud coming in. When I was at class lighting struck in my neiborhood and found out that the power went out. Well I have to go bye.

  641 Hits

Power outage

Yesterday there was a power outage. I need to make this quick so here we go. Today I was working on my english assiment for school. I'm not done but I should finish by friday. Well it's getting late bye.

  722 Hits

Getting situated

Today I got a few things done. Some of them were for the cycle. The other things were unpacking. When I found my house in dis-array I went to sort things out and organize it. All in all I had a uninvintful day. Hope you enjoyed.

  639 Hits

Family reunion

Today I didn't get to do much because I went to a family reunion. Yesterday my aunts and uncles found a dog that was skinny to to bone. Today it came back and we throw it a few ribs. It was pretty late when I got back. Its getting late hope you liked it.

  637 Hits

Another rainy day

Today it Rained again. I've started to notice that the pattern changes every day. I have also realized that my shoes are full of mud. I found out when I was running today and found a trail. But all in all I had a great day today. If you did to leave a comment.

  620 Hits

Rainy day

Today I went to Camp for the first time this summer. I was able to get some running done in my spare time. Actual more than usual with all the activities going on. After came I went to class and had a mentee session. That has been my day thanks for reading.

  652 Hits

Rain Dance

If you read the title read me out. So today I went to summer camp and a CYT said we should do a rain dance to get rid of the ran. At that moment we were playing pool and when we heard this the hall went silent. All in all it was a fun day.   P.S. All puns were ment

  680 Hits

3rd journal

Today I went to sparring class and also black belt class. I got threw it okay in sparring class we were working on cut kicks and donkey kicks. The name of the second kick was a little strange and it was uncomfortable. Lets just say it doesn't work for me. When I got done with my classes I got to see my cousin for the first time in a couple of years. Well this has been my day thanks you for your attention.   Edward Alexander (Alex) Reaves II

  631 Hits

Light day

Today I didn't do much I woke up did my requirements and nothing else happened. The only interesting thing I did today was look up when school started. Thanks for reading. 

  681 Hits

Trial and error

Today was like many other days this summer very boring and uneventful. Well it was a normal day until I started trying to make a video. It took awhile because I had no one to film it because everyone was somewhere else. I tried a couple of places around the house but to no avail. That was when I gave up and set my camera down and didn't realize I hit record until I had finished. Well that all I got for the day I want to share thanks you for your time.   Edward Alexander (Alex) Reaves II

  649 Hits

First journal

Today I set up my account for this site. My day today wasn't that event full until I went to this birthday party for my friend. We played pool and drove go karts. There were a couple of crashes I was actually in one. Because of the crash when I went to class I had a massive head ache and a sore hip from hitting a wall bumper. After class I had a mentor session and learned staff for 3 and 4. Well I shouldn't say learned a need a bit more work on it to get it down. This has been my day hope you enjoy.   Edward Alexander ( Alex ) Reaves II

  607 Hits

Finished with time to spare

I have finished all my requirements today. There is time to spare from when the cycle ends and when I head out the country.   

  981 Hits


Today I submitted my application. Nothing else to report really.

  1030 Hits

first journal in a while

This is my first journal in a while. So I want to tell you what I plan to do with my PMAA bonus credit.  I am going to apply my bonus class credit to my black belt Saturday class so that I can be done with all my classes.

  988 Hits

caught up

Today I caught up on entering requirements into the site. I decided to put my extra point in jump rope. What did you put yours in?

  994 Hits

credits from Sparring seminar

I attended the sparring seminar on August 20.  I was not able to enter requirements until today.  I have one left to enter.  I need to decide where to apply the bonus credit.

  1015 Hits


Today I went to King Tiger and had a black belt class. Later I went shopping for stuff to make more cookies.

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Today I went to my grandmothers house. Later I went to King Tiger and did my requirements and had class. When I got home I made cookies and had a soda. That was my day who was yours?

  1052 Hits


Today I got my cypress tree. I also finished cleaning my fish tank and had my fish put back in to the tank. I later did my requirements. 

  925 Hits


Today I went to the sparring camp at black belt world. I did drills and sparred. When I got home my mom, my dad, and I cleaned the fish tank and put water in it. This was my day. What was yours?

  894 Hits


Today I stayed at my grandmothers house again. I got a visa debit card and I also went to the doctors office. When I got home I did my requirements and played Pokémon Go.

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Today I stayed at my grandmothers house. I ate mayflower and had a slow day. Later I came home and got the mail. I found out my new bus number and that it is coming to my house. I also found out who my home room teacher is.

  1125 Hits


Today I stayed at a my grandmother's house. Later in the evening I did the rest of my requirements. This was my day. What was yours?

  884 Hits


Today I stayed at my grandmother's house for most of the day. When I got home I ran and ate. Later I had dinner. Later I did the rest off my requirements.

  978 Hits

My skill

For my skill I chose to bake cookies from scratch. I made a few video's and made 4 batches of cookies. I got very good at baking today. My grandmother filmed and helped me.

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Today me and my Dad went shopping for clothes and food. I got a lot of miles in and caught a lot of Pokémon in Pokémon go. That was my day.

  949 Hits


Today I woke up early got dress than went to tae kwon do. My mom came with me so that she can do kickboxing. Later I went to sparring class and black belt class. Later I ate at KFC and that night I went running. 

  906 Hits

Electronic day

Today we brought our electronics to camp. We watch tv shows and after that we played on our electronics for about an hour. Later we played gladiator. After that I helped out with testing. And that was my day.

  881 Hits

mini Olympics

Today I went to the reedy creek park and had a somewhat mini Olympics. We did javelins with noodles and we also did jump ropes and we tossed the ball back and forth. Later we did a workout and also played gladiator. It was fun. After that I helped out with testing and later played a game of speed. 

  1073 Hits

August 10

Today I went to the movies and saw the Croods.  Later I went to the park to eat.  After that I went to class.  After that I played tiger ball.  A few hours later I went to sparring class.  And that was my day.  What was yours?

  878 Hits

This day

Today I went to the park and had lunch. Later I had class and later had a mentee session. In the afternoon I had sparring class at the Lake Norman school.

  934 Hits


Today I went to the pool. Later I ate lunch and did my requirements. A little will later I had my regular class. That was my day what was yours?

  764 Hits


Today I went to see where my grandpa grew up. We learned about the history of the house and the people. I learned that it used to be a plantation. I did not do much to day but I did learn something.

  902 Hits


Today I took sparring class and black belt class. Later I did a mentor session and played Pokémon Go. During that my sisters got their own goldfish. Later I ran and did my requirements.  I also got a hair cut.

  940 Hits


Today I got a pet goldfish and his name is BATMAN. The color of the fish is black. My day started with me playing Pokémon Go and checkers. Later I played more Pokémon go and got my first pet. Today I ran 1.5 miles after we put BATMAN in the tank.

  923 Hits


Today was Master Knights birthday. I the morning we did the classic coke and mento chemical reaction. Later we did class and I did my requirements. In the evening I went to sparring class at Lake Norman school and played Pokémon go.

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Today in the morning I went to the movies. Later I ate lunch at the park. After that I did my requirements and a mentor and mentee session. In the evening I had sparring class then went to get something to eat.

  892 Hits


Today in the morning I went to reedy creek park. After that I did my requirements and a mentee session. When I got home me and my mom set up my new fish tank. After that I had black belt class.  

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The pool

Today I went to the pool with the summer camp I was in. The pool was great but every time we go there I get bit by a mosquito. I really like the pool but it does not have a diving broad.  It has a water slide.

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Today's adventure

Today in the morning I played Pokémon Go. While playing I saw the movie Finding Dory. It was a very good movie. Later me, my mom, and my sisters went to Petco. We went so we could get a fish tank. After that I came home and did my requirements. I also worked on my book essay.

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Sparring seminar

Today me and my mom made the decision to sign me up for the Carolina Olympic Sparring Developmental Camp. I won't be able to do the open championships though because I will be out of the country. 

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New schedule

Today I watched the new Ghostbusters movie. Later I had a mentor session. I was planning to do a mentee session but my mentee had to leave in the middle of the mentor session. So from now on I have to make sure I do the mentee session before the mentor session.

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Fire alarm

Today the fire alarm at the restaurant under tae kwon do went off many times.  The men from fire department started to get annoyed. Even with that I still got my requirements done.

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Working with mentee

My mentee and I had a great working session. One of the things we worked on was how to do exercises using the correct form. We also worked on all ways using the correct form when doing hop step kicks.

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Hot day

Today was a hot day. I was in that heat for most of my day. I was playing at a play ground and fell off a spinning ride. The rest of the day was very hot and only got hotter. I had a very sweaty black belt class. 

  850 Hits

Staff form

Today I had a mentor session and worked on staff forms 1 and 2. I got better at twirling the staff over my head. I am stating to go through it and not have my hand facing the wrong way.

  948 Hits