Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today, i woke up and went to sparring class. We stretched a lot and we did some sparring. He also told us to use our front kicks and side kicks. Then, i took black belt class. We worked on most of the forms, self defense, and other requirements. Then, i had lunch and ran 1 mile. Then, i did my homework and later started to take it easy and relax. Then, my friend came. We played the Fifa 17 demo. Now, i am going to eat dinner.

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Today, i woke up and ran. Then, i went to school. In P.E, we were playing handball. Also in social studies, we got to explore like a scientist would in the mall of my school. Then, i came home and did my requirements. Then i did my homework. After that,i went to taekwondo to get a mentor session done. Then i went out for dinner because it was my dad's birthday.

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Today, i woke up and ate breakfast. Then, i had a mentee session. After that, i went to someones house for lunch. Then i did some requirements and an essay. Then, i practiced my clarinet. Then, i got a haircut and went shopping. Now i am going to my friends house.

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Today, i woke up and and 2 miles. Then, i went to school. Then, i came back and did my requirements. Then, i ate dinner and slept

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Today, i ran in the morning. Then, i went to school. I learned a lot. When i came home, i eat and did some requirements. Then, i did my homework.Then i went to King Tiger. i had a mentor session. Then, i came home ate dinner, and now it is bed time.

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Today i had school. I had a normal day at school. Then when i came back, i ate and did my homework. Then, i took black belt class. That was my day.

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Today, i ran in the morning. Then, i had breakfast. Then, i prepared for a Indian festival we were having. It was also Labor day. Then, i had lunch. After that i went to go get my new bike. Then, we had friends over for dinner.

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Today was a relaxing day. i did nothing at home. i ran 2 miles and that is it. I also want with my dad to the park to play for a little while.

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Today, i woke up and ran 1 mile. Then, i went to school. I met all of my other encore teachers. I also met my social studies teacher. Then, i came home and had a snack. Now i am going to black belt class.

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Today was the first day at my school. I had trouble with my bus, but i got that sorted out today. Today was A day, so i met 3 core subject teachers. I also met my band teammates. I also me some of my friends that were from my school last year, and i met some other friends that i know.

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Today, i woke up and ran 1 mile. I was so sleepy because i came from my friends house at 12:00. Then, i had breakfast and played xbox. I am about to go to my friends house My school also starts tomorrow.

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Today, i woke up and did my requirements.Then, i packed my bags for school. School starts Monday. I am so excited! Then, i had lunch and watched YouTube. Then, i went to help out in the family class. i got a leadership 2. Then, i took black belt class. We worked on lots of things. Before black belt class, i had a mentor session. That was my day.

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Today, i went to my dads work in the morning. I also ran this morning. Then, I came back and went to my open house. I saw D'andre there. That was my day.

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Today, i  woke up and ran 1 mile. Then, i ate breakfast and then did my requirements. After that, i had lunch and played with my friend for a little while. Then, i went to go help out and take black belt class.

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Today, i relaxed from my boy scout canoeing trip. We canoed 16 miles. Well, the rest of the day i played with my ffriend and we did some things at my house.

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Today, i woke up early and ran 1 mile. Then, i did my requirements. Then, i went to the pool with my friend. I did not want to swim, so i watched. Then, i went to help out in the family class. Then, i took black belt class.

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Today, i woke up early and ran 1 mile. Then, i did my requirements and then had breakfast. Then, i went to my friends house to play. We watched the Olympic semifinal soccer match. It was Brazil vs Honduras. Brazil won   6-0. Then, i played on the Xbox for a little while. Then i went to go take sparring at the North Charlotte location. We practiced some sparring drills. Then, i helped out with the family class. There were some new people there, so that was cool. Then, i went to go get a hair cut. i like it a lot. Then me and my dad went to Harris Teeter to get batteries.

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Today, i woke up and ate breakfast. Then, i did my requirements. After that, i did an essay and then went to King Tiger. I helped out in the family class. Then, i took black belt class.

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Sorry i couldn't journal for the last 4 days. I was at Philadelphia for my family friends dance graduation. I had a break for 4 days from physical requirements. 

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Today, i did my requirements in the morning and did stuff at my friends house. Then i went to taekwondo

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Today, i woke up and did my requirements. Then, i had lunch.After that, i watched YouTube. Then, I went to the family class to help out. There were only 4 people in class. Then, i had a mentor session. Then, i took black belt class

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Today, i did my requirements and after that, i built a tent. It was fun! My legs hurt like crazy. I ran 1 mile lateron. Then i went to take hyper pro and helped out in the family class.

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Today, I woke up and ate breakfast. Then, i did my requirements and ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill. Then, i had lunch. After that, i 

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Today, i woke up and ate breakfast. Then, i went to black belt class. We worked on self defense and some pomsaes. Then, i had a mentor session with master Knight. Then, i did my requirements and ran 1 mile.

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Today, i did my requirements in the morning and all of my other things. Then, my friend came and we played till 4. Then, i went to go eat at three amigos. I had 3 fahitas

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Today, i did my requirements in the morning. I also got hurt on my head.I hit my head on a dry wall. It hurt a lot!!! Then, i went to my boy scouts leadership camp. 

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Today, i did my requirements and i finished my book. Tomorrow, i might wright a essay on it. I also went to sparring today. We worked on some drills. Then, i took the family class. i got a leadership 2.

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Today, i did my requirements in the morning and i went to the pool, Then, i came back and studied my written test.Then, i went to my boy scouts leadership training, so i could not go to black belt class.

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Today, I had a sleepover at my fiends house. I did my requirements and we played a lot. I also went to the pool. Then, i went to hyper pro. Then i did leadership. that was my day. 

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Today was boring! I woke up at 10:00! That is very late for me. So I ate breakfast and printed my written test. Then, i played outside for a little while. When it started to get hot, i went back inside and ate lunch. Then, i watched YouTube and did my requirements after that. I am about to go to my friends house for a sleepover.

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Today, I had a good day. I woke up and played for a little while. Then, i took black belt class. We did lots of things and i learned a lot. Then, I had lunch and my friend came. Then, i went to  real soccer match at the Bank of America Stadium. I had so much fun. Then, i went to a graduation party

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Today, I did my requirements in the morning and then i went to my friends house.After that, I ran 3 miles around my neighborhood. I had a good day 

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Today, I woke up and i had to go to the J.N. Fries transition camp in the morning. I came back at 2. Then, I did my requirements and then went to go help out the family class. After that, I took black belt class. The fire alarm went off today, so that was unusual

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Today, I did all of my requirements in the morning. I also finished 1 essay. I am happy. Then, i played with my friend who came from India yesterday. Then,i took sparring class. After that, I helped out in the family class. That was my day

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Today, I ran 1 mile in the morning. Then, i did my requirements. I got a lot done. Then, i went to my friends house. Then, we went to the pool. But it thundered like crazy in Moss Creek, so they closed the pool. Then, I went to go help out in the family class. Then, I took black belt class

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Today, i was at my friends house in the morning. I had a sleepover at his house. I did my requirements and ate breakfast. Then, we played Xbox for a little while. I did nothing till Hyper. We practiced nunchuks. It was fun. Then, I helped out in the family class.

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Today, I did some of my requirements in the morning. Then, I went to Kshitij's house for dinner. Then, my friend came to my house and we did the rest of my requirements. Then i went to boy scouts. Now, I am going to my friends house for a sleepover.

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Today, i did basically nothing in the morning. Then, i went to a birthday party. it was fun. Then i went to run while dribbling my soccer ball.

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Today, we went to get my school supplies. I actually thought that we went early, but there was not everything there that we wanted. I did requirement and went to some ones house for dinner

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Today, i did nothing. I did my requirements, ran a mile, and went to family class. That was my day

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Today, i went to the pool with my friends. It was fun. In the morning, i did my requirements and ran 1 mile. I am about to go to the family class and black belt class. i hope i get a leadership 2

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Today, I ate breakfast and went to a shop with my dad. After that, I had Bojangles and did my requirements. Then, i went to hyper pro. I also got a leadership 2 at the family class. I had a good day

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Today, i woke up and went to see the Secret Life of Pet. Then, i did my requirements after lunch. I had lots of time left, so me and my friend went to the pool for a while. 

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Today, I started he day of by going to black belt class. We practiced pomsaes for the kukkiwan cup. Then, i went with my mom to go get some clothes, I also did my requirements. I had a good day 

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Today, i played my xbox, did my requirements , and played with my friends. We tried going to the pool and the tennis court, but it was thundering so we went back home

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Average Day

Today, i had a normal day doing requirements and some other stuff i have to do every day. i did nothing much 

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Today, i went to my friends house to play. I did all of my requirements there. Then, i played on my xbox till it was time to go to class. i took the 6:45 class for leadership credits. Then, i took black belt class 

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Simple day

Today, i did nothing special. I  had a normal day of doing requirements, going to hyper pro class, and playing my xbox 1

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Cleaning Day

Today, i helped clean our garage. My dad was cleaning the car while i was cleaning the garage. Then, i started cleaning the cabinets in the living room. i found lots of things in there. I ran 1.5 miles and i did my requirements.

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1st journal

Today, i went to a 1 day sports camp. I had so much fun! It had lots of running in the sun, so i was very tired

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Today i was resting after the retreat. I did not get to write about it, but it was AWESOME. I had so much fun without my parents and with my friends. I was still missing my parents. Today, i relaxed. i did not run and i did my daily schedule for physical requirements. 

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Today was a busy day. I had to do my vocab words for homework and i had to go to one of my classes called kuman. I took a test and passed!The sad part about today was that i did not get to do my requirements. Me and my mom were busy finishing packing for the retreat. It is going to be awesome! I cant wait  

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Getting Ready

Today, i woke up and ran about 1.5 miles. Then I ate breakfast and went to school. I am so happy that i passed my poetry test! When i came back, i was surprised by the fact that my garage was painted. I got to do some requirements. Then, I went to sparring. We did something different today. It was very funny! When I came back, I had some time, so i packed my things for the retreat. It took about 45 minutes to do so. Then i ate dinner and now i have to sleep

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''Take a break'' day

Today was mostly me taking the day easily. I started of this Sunday by eating breakfast. Then, I did my requirements. I had a decent lunch. After that, I went to my friends house.

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My day started of busy. I had to leave at 8:00 for the AAU tournament. I competed in sword fighting and forms. I got a medal for sword fighting, but sadly, I did not get any prize for forms. When i got home, me and my neighbor played the Xbox. Me and my best friend had a BBQ at my house.  

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Shopping Day

Today, I went to school and we did an experiment on physical and chemical changes. When I came back, some people were working on painting our garage. After that, i went for a 2 mile walk. We went to Panera Bread for dinner. I saw Master Shin there. It was a surprise. Lastly, we went to Walmart to get my Halloween costume

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Today, I went to school and When I came back, i went somewhere. Then i ran 2.5 miles. I did not take black belt class today.

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Last Day at current Location

Today was the last day in our current King Tiger Location! I am very sad. For my whole time, I have been at that location. Today, I went to sparring class and i helped out and got a leadership 2 for the family class. After that, i took pictures in our King tiger school for memories

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Ordinary days like usually

Today, I ran 2 miles in the morning and i almost got late to school! I just finished changing and getting ready. I learned about European explorers. When i came back from school, I did my homework and requirements. Then i helped out he family class and took black belt class. After that, i had a mentor session.

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Normal Days

I had a normal Monday today. I ran 2 miles in the morning and Then i went to school. We had to write an acrostic poem on our names. When i came back from school, I did some of my requirements and then went to hyper pro. We learned our Crescent and our Butterfly kicks. Lastly, I went to Boy Scouts. We had to plan the next pack meeting, so there was a lot of work to be done.

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Finishing work

Today, I woke up and did my essay on Community Service. Then i did my requirements. After that, I had some time, so we went popcorn selling to raise money for boy scouts. Lastly, we ran 2 miles in the night

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My day was...

My day was decent. I started of going to school. We did normal things. Then, I went home and with the time i had, i did some requirements. Then i went to help the family class. After that, I did black belt class. I had a usual Thursday!

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I had a lu...

I had a lucky day today. I found my lost jacket. I was so happy! My mom came to my school to volunteer. She got me subway. I also got a leadership 2 today.

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Today I ha...

Today I had a rough day. I lost my jacket in school and it was very bad. But i had a fun rest of the day. I went to help the family class and i did black belt class. After that, I had a mentor session.

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I had a bu...

I had a busy day today. I had to go to hyper and boy scouts together. It was tiring. I did my requirements fast today. Then i had to go to hyper class. Then, we went to boy scouts. We talked about saving. Then, i watched a football game.

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Today, i w...

Today, i went out for lunch with my friend. Then we got to play together until my mom came. Then, we went for a run. I was not very happy that now i have to go to school.

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Today, I h...

Today, I had the written test and my physical test. I can't believe I passed! I felt really good. Then, I had a play date with my friend.

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Today, I w...

Today, I went to school and we watched a movie. It was awesome! But we didn't get to finish it. After that, i went to get a haircut. I had to do a lot of things when i got back from the haircut

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Today, I s...

Today, I studied hard for the test. I almost got all of them right when my mom asked me. I got 2 wrong. I went to Black Belt class. We played Tae Kwon Do jeopardy. I had a lot of fun! We did a lot of push ups

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We did not...

We did nothing today. I had a normal day except for the fact that my mom came to my school and got Chick-Fil-A. Then i went to sparring class

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Today was ...

Today was basically sad for me. I lost he cap of one of my favorite pens. I also missed a meeting that was important! I was very sad. Well besides that, I went to black belt class and i had a mentor session.

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Today was ...

Today was a normal day. I went to school and when i came back, i did my requirements and went to hyper pro. Then, from there i went to Boy Scouts. Now it is time to sleep.

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Today, i m...

Today, i mostly played with my friends. I finished almost all of my essays. Then, i did most of my requirements.

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Today, I w...

Today, I went to my friends house and played madden 15. Then, i went to a place called Bone fish Grill.

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Today, i d...

Today, i did my empathy training essay. It was hard! I cant believe people have to be like that every day. Well besides that, i went to Walmart to get some things.

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to school. i was happy because tomorrow was no school! I also did an essay and went to help out in the family class.

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to school and nothing was fun there. When i came back, i did sparring class. When i came back, i took a shower and got ready to go somewhere.

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Today, we ...

Today, we had no teacher in our classroom! We had to switch classrooms often. When i came back, i did my requirements. Then i went to black belt class.

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Today i ha...

Today i had a normal day at school and when i came back, i did some requirements. Then, i went to hyper.

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Today i we...

Today i went to my friends house. Then, i went to my mentee"s house to do a mentee session. Then, we went for a celebration.

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to black belt class. The only thing that made me tired was the plank . It was hard! Then my friend came to my house to play . We played the xbox

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Today I ha...

Today I had a normal day at school. We had an Indian party. All my friends came. It was epic.

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Today, i h...

Today, i had a science test in school. I know i passed! I went to sparring and i was exhausted! I ate at Denny's for dinner.

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to school and we learned a new topic in math. When i got home, i did my homework and my requirements. Then i went to black belt class. I got a leadership 2 in the family class!

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Today, I w...

Today, I went to school and i got to play my electronics! When i came back, i did my requirements and my homework. Then i went to hyper.

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Today didn...

Today didnt go as i would have liked it to go. We went to someones house to eat lunch. When i came back, we went to the tiles shop. Then i did some requirements and then went for a run. When i came back, i ate dinner and i am going to sleep now

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to black belt class and we did some pomsaes and stick and staff forms. After that, i took sparring class. We did some kicks and sparring. When i came back, i went to a birthday party at a place i have never been before. We did laser tag. Then when i came back, i went to my friends house.

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Today i we...

Today i went to school and we had no homework! Then i did my essay for the white belt challenge. Then i went for a run. We got pizza on our way back.

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Today i we...

Today i went to school and we had lunch outside. When i came back, i did my homework and my requirements. Then i went to black belt class. i have to go, because we have guests, so bye.

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Today I we...

Today I went to school and we went to computer lab. We had a book fair so I bought a book for myself. When I came back I did my requirements and then I went to sparring class. It was exhausting! I was sweating a lot but it was fun. We practiced a lot of kicks and did sparring. Then I came home and ate dinner. I am sleepy .Good Night!

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to school. We moved to a new topic in math! When i came home, i did my requirements. Then i went to black belt class. Now i'm very busy.... so by

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Today, i w...

Today, i went to a party because someone was getting a new house. Then i went to my friends house. I am not feeling well, and i have school tomorrow, so i have to sleep.

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Today we w...

Today we went for a hike in a mountain. It was very tiring! My feet were hurting so much. Then we went to Olive Garden to eat lunch. Now i will sleep.

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Today i we...

Today i went to my friends house to play. We went for a run. It was tiring. Then i went to PDQ to eat food. Now it is time to sleep

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i went to ...

i went to school as usual, and then when i came back, i did my requirements for today Then i went to my friends house. I am sleepy now so bye bye

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Today in s...

Today in school, i had a substitute! It wasn't good. My class went crazy. When i came back, i did my homework. Then i did my requirements. I went to black belt class today. I had a normal day

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Today, i w...

Today, i went for a run in the morning before going to school. When i came back, i ate breakfast and then went to school. When school was over, i did some requirements and my homework. Then i went to sparring. Apparently, instead of sparring, i had to retake the written test because i failed. But after i retook it, i passed! I was so happy. Then we went to Harris Teeter to get some groceries. Now it is time to sleep

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Today i we...

Today i went to school. When i came back, i did some requirements. Then i went to black belt class.Now it is time to sleep.

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Today was ...

Today was a rough day. We woke up early and i went to school. We had lots of homework, and i had to finish it before going to hyper pro class. Then after that, we went to Sports Connection for boy scouts. We got to play laser tag. It was epic. I got a mood ring or something from the prize choosing thingy. It was fun!

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Today i cl...

Today i cleaned my room and we cleaned the house because guest were going to come for dinner. I called my friend over to play. then the guest arrived, and we played outside and we ate dinner. Then they left and i have to sleep for school tomorrow.

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