Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

The Day Before School

  842 Hits

My Uncle

My Uncle is a fun guy who's name is Matt. He has a doctorate in Organizational Learning. He also travels all over the U.S. so I don't get to see him all that often. But when I do see him we have a great time wrestling or just hanging out. For example before he left a while ago we were wrestling on the trampoline. I hope I get to see him soon, well I'm signing off see ya tomorrow.

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Jazz and Performing Band 9/5/18

There are extracurricular forms of band called Jazz band and Performing band. Jazz band is Mondays and Thursdays while Performing band is Tuesdays and Fridays. They are both from 8-9 am and my parents told me I could only do one and I had to pick. I don't know which one to pick since I don't know which one goes on the trip to New Orleans. I'm fairly sure that it's performing band but I'll check after this. Anyway I hope to get the application in on time so I'm in the right one.

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Sparring 9/4/18

Today at sparring we had certain challenges to do. One round was only front leg roundhouse, while one was back leg round, and one was turning sides. After all the challenge ones we just did normal rounds. While doing the challenge ones we did a line method where we all get in two lines like self-D. then after every round we would shift one to the left. In the end I got 7 rounds and got to spar some of my friends.

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Mario Bros

A few days ago I got a Mario Bros game on my switch, it's the classic Mario Bros so I know some of it but I'm still not very good. For example I haven't even gotten past the first world, while there's 8 worlds. My parents used to play Mario a lot but with my button layout they haven't gone past 1-1 (world 1 level 1). I'm getting better and I think I'll get to world 2 soon. The last thing is that I don't know how to activate 2 players so that's unfortunate. 

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My Grandparents 8/31/18

I'm getting this done right before we leave to go to my grand parents. It's only me and my mom since my dad has to work and my brother has a friends birthday party on Saturday. Since they have to stay home I'm kind of bummed out and am reluctant on going. However my parents are both saying I'll have fun. My uncle is there as well so that's a plus. I'll get back to you later and tell you how the trip went.

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On Friday my family is going to my grandparents house at lake Gaston. I didn't know until yesterday that we were going. However my brother is getting cold feet and not wanting to go. That makes me upset since he takes my on jet ski rides and this will be the last time we get to swim there for the year. My mom wants us to decide soon so they can invite other people. I can't decide if I want to go or not since I like seeing my grandmother but I want to just hang out at home and with my friends.

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Second day of school

Today was my second day of school and it was pretty boring all we did was go over rules and do introduce me papers. The best part was playing basketball at recess and beating the undefeated team that was only the tall kids were on. It was so unfair actually, since there all at least 4-5 inches taller than the tallest kid on our team. But since I got a rebound they didn't expect I passed and a kid on our team made the shot. And that had taken about 7 minutes, so right after they go off they went "OK, you got five minutes of your both off," and everyone on the court basically yelled no at the same time them we all told the that the other game had taken like 8 minutes. So decide if they couldn't keep track of time or if they just wanted to play...

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End of Summer

This is the last weekend before my school starts. What I'm least looking forward to is only being able to use string bags witch hurts your back and shoulders. Right after this I'm pretty sure we're going supply shopping for school. What makes me nervous is that I didn't go to open house so I don't know what any of my teachers are like, ones name is Ms/Mrs.BAREFOOT I'm not joking I swear. So it'll be hard not laughing at that name but I'm kind of exited.

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Today my family went to the aquarium and the first thing my brother did was go to the jellyfish section knowing I had gotten stung. Some were really small while some had tentacles a few feet long. There was even a area where you could touch some small ones that don't have strong stings. Funny enough I had seen one right before we went, it was translucent pink and small enough for me to grab. At first I thought it was a mushroom at first so I walked right up to it I even TOUCHED IT on the bell (top) before I realized it was moving. When I saw that I swam away as fast as I could. Over all the best part of the aquarium was the "power ride" or something it was a moving walk way under the shark tank and a few other exhibits. 

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Hell's Kitchen

My family has recently started watching a tv show called Hell's Kitchen. It was made by Gordon Ramsay on may 30, 2005. It has had 15+ seasons and even a Australian season. In my opinion it's a really great show because of the drama, cliff hangers and how good most of the food looks. I also love how sometimes a team can do so good they have to help the other team to not getting a single pice of food out of the kitchen. This is why I think Hell's Kitchen is a amazing show and that you should watch it too.

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Stung by a Jellyfish

Today I was stung by a jellyfish, I couldn't see in the dark murky water. I got stung while messing around with my uncle a little bit out from shore. I don't know what type I was stung by but it HURT BAD for about 45 minutes to a hour. After that it just was really sore and super red. Tomorrow were going to the aquarium so I might be able to figure out what stung me. So, until tomorrow.

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Going to the Beach

My family going to the beach on Tuesday since we haven't gone all summer. We go every year but it's random every time.

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Summer Assignment

This summer my school assigned a reading assignment, you had to read a book on your summer reading list and write about a trait in it. It wasn't a normal trait though it was a"Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" trait. The seven traits are 1.Be Proactive, 2.Begin with the End in Mind, 3.Put First Things First, 4.Think Win-Win, 5.Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood, 6.Synergize, and 7.Sharpen the Saw. It was quite hard because the book I read was pretty vague so I couldn't write about only one trait so I kind of cheated and did two traits instead of one, the were sharpen the saw and synergize. All in all it was pretty challenging but I got it done in a hour and a half.

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Chilling At Home

Wednesdays I usually stay at home and still do cycle stuff. Today I got it all done early so I had the rest of he day to hang out. A while after I got all my stuff done my brother got home from a sleep over at a friends. He had a bit of time to himself then our grandmother showed up and took us to Panera then Smoothie King. When she left me and my brother played some video games for a while. I kept playing after he had gotten tired and did really well  (for me) which I was happy about. That was my day today, BYE!

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Chilling At Home

Wednesday is the day I usually stay home but I still do cycle stuff. Today I got all of it done early and had the rest of the day to hang out. After I got everything done my brother got back from a friends house

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At sparring today we did a really cool system we normally don't do. It was where most of us paired up and the ones who didn't were on the side, then we would do 1:30 sparring round and go one space to our left. There were 6 pairs so 12 spots I started on spot 3 so I got 10 rounds (count it on your fingers starting at 3).  On my 7th round the girl I was up against accidently charlie horsed me so I had 3 more rounds with a dead leg. Thankfully the last opponents were littler kids so I could rest a little. That was sparring class today.

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The Pool

Today I went to the pool with the summer camp and I lost part of my snorkel witch was annoying. It was the part that connected the snorkel to the goggles so if I do use it it'll be pretty hard. While we were there I tried the slide that the pool had, it was pretty nice. I don't know why but the chlorine (I think) made my eyes sting a lot. Other than all this I just looked after kids and messed around. That was my day at the pool.

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Today I played basketball with a friend named Jasam (jaz-um) and a few other kids. Me and Jasam were the team captains it was a 4v4 and I had Master Marcus on my team. Don't be fooled though He may be tall but he's not the best at the game. In the beginning I did really bad since I hadn't practiced in a while, all my shots looked great, hit the rim, and missed. But towards the end Jasam, their best player, got tired so I could start making layups since he was always guarding the rim. Thanks to that we won witch was perfect cuz it was right when we were leaving. Anyway that was me playing basketball today.

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Yard Work

Today I went to Instructor Richie's house to help his wife clean up the yard since Instructor Richie passed away. I had to be at King Tiger by about 10:45 to ride with them. We got straight to work raking leaves and picking up sticks. A few minutes later more people showed up and I started helping them pull weeds. It was pretty hard but it was fun, for me at least. After an hour and a half of work we left and started the 45 minute drive home.

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Ready Player One

So I recently watched the movie ready player one, it's a good movie but if you've read the book don't watch it. I think this because the book seemed a lot more interesting and   

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Pool Throw Up

Today when we went to the pool with summer camp a random kid threw up. The funny thing was it was right when we were getting ready to leave so it didn't really affect our pool time. At the pool I joined a group of kids I knew and played with them. They were basically playing cops and robbers but there was only one cop called granny. I was never even chased and was never granny, I literally swam right in front of "granny" and they did nothing to get me. Anyway that was my day at the pool.

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D and D

On Wednesday I went to a Dungeon and Dragons meet up. My dad and I played with two other first timers while the "pros" were with a different dungeon master. I was a rogue while my dad was a fighter the other kids dad was a bard and the other kid was a monk. What sucks is that they were just visiting a friend so they had to go back to Delaware a couple days later. The best part for me was learning and getting to know the people playing. Anyway I hope to go this week.

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Visiting My Uncle

I just got back from my uncle's who lives a hour and a half away. My brother dad and I went for a night and we went to a old style arcade, a cheesecake restaurant, and a breakfast place. At the arcade there was one game I loved it didn't have a name but it was like hockey *foosball and I only lost once while I played 5-6 games. Right before we left to go to a cheesecake place my uncle (Matt) recommended I played a game of Dance Dance Revolution, he won but that was my first time playing and that was his 3-4th. The next day we went to a PACKED breakfast place but the eggs and pancakes were amazing so it was worth the wait. After we ate Matt saw us off for the ride home.

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My Parents MAKING Me stay Home

Today instead of going to king tiger and helping out I got to stay home. My Parents made me stay home and told me I would still go to sparring at 6:30, But they apparently they got busy and didn't get home in time to take me. I still got sparring rounds on my bag but it's not as good practice as a real person. I also got all my requirements done early so I could rest most of the day. Right now my dad is folding clothes my brother is making dinner and my mom put in her quitting notice to her job.

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D and D

For a while now I've been wanting to play a game called Dungeons and Dragons, it's a role playing game where you go on adventures and your fate is decided by the role of a dice. The whole purpose of the game is be what ever you want from a beast of a man always on the front lines to a small agile ninja. You get to go on quests mediated by the dungeon master, he/she plays for the enemies and describes your surroundings. The best part is either playing a pre-made campaign or just make up your own. There's a place by my house that plays every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I recently got a starter pack and it contains all the rules and easy practice campaign. I'm hoping to go on Wednesday and play a real game.

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Journal Glitches

For some reason all of my journals have been posting on the wrong dates even though I write them that day. Ok I bet that this one will come out after Aug. 1 the day i'm writing this. So if/when any of the instructors read this please try and fix it. Last thing is this happening to any one else or just me. Thank you Ms.Evins (i'm assuming she does stuff like this) for fixing this so it's not confusing for people on the cycle.

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Mute Day (Sort of)

Today I tried to do my disabled day as mute and I lasted all about 1 hour minutes, here's why. So I help out at the LKN branch summer camp and when my dad (who drops me off) told Master Chelley she flat out told me "No, not today. We don't have enough counselors." So I got from 8:10 to 9:05 am. I still wanted to be quiet sine my throat was sore. But there were a lot of little kids so you can guess how that went. Anyway I'm going to try to do it tomorrow at black belt class.

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Family Fitness

I usually get at least a bit of activity a day. But my dad and brother aren't so lucky. My brother stays at home and the only activity he gets a day is a couple of short dog walks or sometimes a bike ride. And my dad sits in his car or at Starbucks because he has a lot of computer work and has to drive around a bunch. My mom is the fitness overload of our household, she's on a diet, she works out almost everyday, and she goes on runs all the time. So my family is split half and half between really active and not to much activity. 

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Today I did a lot of stuff (in my eyes) for the cycle. I know people like Andre do more than I do every day but I'm happy that I at least did what I did with all my free time. I got 100 push/sit-ups and twice that amount of kicks I was on my trampoline for a few minutes and I've heard multiple times that they count as jump rope so I'm counting it as 8 jump ropes. I also did 18 poomsaes and 15 SD, and 25 burpees. Finally, I did all this while helping around the house a lot.

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Back on Track

So, this is my first entry and so far it's been pretty hard getting used to the daily work after 2 years since my last cycle. Because we're all so busy I choose to do the "harder" stuff first, like the essays and the reading. I'm also always tired out at the beginning and end of the day but since I'm a night owl I still stay in bed awake for at least 30 minutes. However a few of the more enjoyable things like doing it with your friends helps, so does being able to go at your own pace (if you're on pre-cycle). I only hope to be able to get my third don/degree and my friends get their belts too.

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What should I blog about? (please help)

So for my first two blogs I kind of thought about what has recently happened to me, for the first one I did my thoughts on the cycle and for the second one I talked about a vacation I had recently gotten back from. And now I have no idea what to write now, so if you can comment on this or something that would be appreciated. Okay, ask for help-check so now the rest is filler. So first off is that I don't have any social media like facebook, which I don't mind since weird stuff happens on there. This is the final sentence of this blog and Master Evens please don't take this down for being random.   THE END

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I got back from vacation with my grandma and brother in TN to Dollywoods DreamMore resort. It's an homage to the singer Dolly Parton. What I enjoyed most was having time to hang out with my brother more than usual. We also brought me uncles girlfriends son who my grandma recommended we bring, he was pretty chill and didn't go on any rides he didn't even leave the hotel one day. In the end we stayed four days and had a blast at the theme and water parks.

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Last Journal!!!

So this is my last journal! I don't know why I'm doing it so late in the cycle but it's done. And that's all that matters. I skipped a few days which could have something to do with it. Some days I was just too tired to do a journal. I'm tired today but I want to finish this last one. I don't have anything special to talk about. Just happy to almost be done. I am excited for the testing but nervous and tired as well. Today was a long day. Master Chelley and I did a whole bunch or work. A lot of polishing up on Poom Saes. I feel confident that I will do a good job. And that's my last journal!

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Safety Patrol

My school has something called the safety patrol. It is made up of only fifth graders and you have to do an application and write why safety patrol is necessary, how you show character every day at school, and how you get home. Once done with the application you turn it in to either your teacher or our PE teacher on the day you go to PE. Since I have been so busy with black belt cycle, I haven't finished the application yet. My dad just emailed the teacher to see if I could turn the application in late since I have been so busy. I want to be on safety patrol because I like helping out other people ad I've always admired the safety patrol members, and I am hoping I can get kids to want to be in safety patrol when they are in fifth grade.

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Lazy Day at Home

Today was a lazy day at home. I didn't have to go to school and dad didn't make me go to King Tiger. So I got to stay home all day. Most of the day was spent watching videos and Netflix. I watched a couple TV shows then got bored and started playing a game. The TV shows were 2 animas called Bleach and Blue Exorcist. The game I played was called Brawl Halla. I wanted to play it with my brother but he was doing homework. After a while of that I got bored and started playing with my megablocks. Really a pretty quiet, uneventful day at home. 

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Testing Day

Today was testing day. We had both the physical and written exams. On the physical exam, I could have done better. I got zero pull-ups but on everything else I did pretty well. I think I did really well on the plan section. I got four minutes and was tied with the other people that got first. On the written part I think I did kinda well. I passed and I think I did pretty well. I got, about, 9 or 10 questions wrong. That still counts as passing. I think some of the answers I studied were wrong so that didn't help.  

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Picture Day...Twice

Double picture day! So today I had school pictures and yesterday afternoon I had King Tiger pictures. I think I am going to like the King Tiger pics the best and since I am going to be a second poom soon I took an instructor pic so it can go up on the wall at KT. The two pics from KT have me holding a sword above my head and the other was a high front kick. I got to choose my own backgrounds and look forward to seeing what they look like when they come back. I think y school picture looks pretty good as well. 

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I don't like my teacher

I have a teacher at school who sucks. Like at recess today since today was my mute day and I'm the table sweeper which means I have to stay at the cafeteria longer. Every week we go to a different place for recess. Monday and Tuesday we went one place. Today we went somewhere else. My teacher said I went to the  wrong place on purpose and I couldn't talk to her to tell her I didn't do it on purpose. She blamed me for something I didn't do and when I tell her tomorrow it won't matter anymore. I don't know why I had to get a teacher that doesn't understand me at all.

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My New Stickbot

A coupe days ago I got a brand new stickbot. IIt was one of the action pack stickbots and was he last pack I needed to complete the set. This set had a silver stickbot and came with three ninja, two pirate, two cop, a warrior, a fire and a knight helmets. He was silver but something that was unexpected happened. My mom got it while she was at the store but she bought the wrong pack. Since my mom was making dinner me and my dad went back and got the right one. She bought the grayish black one which I already have. 

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The Jewel Wasp

So today in science we learned about this smaller than an inch long jewel wasp. When it finds a cockroach it flies in and bites it's wing so it can;t fly away. It then stings it twice in two precise locations so it can't get away. The first sting is near the abdomen which paralyzes the cockroach for a minute. The second sting is in it's brain. When the wasps stings him there the cockroach becomes like mindless. The wasp then flies away and digs a burrow. When the wasp comes back he grabs the cockroach by the antenna and leads it to the hole. And the cockroach just goes along. Then the wasp leads it into the burrow after laying an egg on the belly of the cockroach. And the cockroach is still alive. It secures the roach in the burrow and later when the egg hatches the babies start...

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My Nerf Guns

I think I have about 10 to 15 nerf guns. I probably have around 75/80 bullets...maybe more.  have the Strife, the Crossfire, the Slingfire, the Modulus, the Vortex. I also have the big mini-gun. I forgot what it's name was. Dad and I sometimes do Nerf wars and one time we had a headshot challenge. This is where we each had one bullet and shoot at each other's head. I had thee shot lined up perfectly then pulled the trigger. Lift made it go higher than it should have but it bounced off the wall and into the back of his head. I WON!

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The Outcast of Redwall

The Outcast of Redwall  is Veil. He was outcast because he tried to kill one of the other Redwallers. He tried to kill a baker but the baker didn't eat what Veil had poisoned. Someone else did. It didn't kill them because it was a small amount but Veil was cast out of Redwall anyway. At the end of the story he redeems himself by dying protecting one of the other Redwallers. I like the book. This is the only one from the series I have read. Everyone starts out happy and friendly in the beginning but by the end it had taken a turn for the worst. I only have a couple pages left but so far I do like the book.  

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Don't Touch My Stickbots

When I walked over to do my journal I realized my stickbots were all messed up. My dad isn't supposed to touch my stickbots...ever! They are sitting on his desk right beside his computer. I've left them there for a few days and I like to have them ready to use for my stop motion videos. Yes they might be in his way a little but that's beside the point. 

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Butterfly Knife

I just did an essay on this but I want to write more about it. Wait a second. Let me find it. Where is my butterfly knife? I'm going to run upstairs. GOT IT! So if you want to learn more about butterfly knives I would recommend looking up tricks on YouTube or just on Google. I'm going to try to learn a new trick some time this week so I can get really good at it. I want to get another one and maybe if I'm really pro with this one my parents will let me get a new one. The one I have now is pretty bad and held together with masking tape. A new one after my second testing makes sense since I got the first one after the first testing. 

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I know how to whistle. I learned when I was like five. I could barely do it but after practicing and a whole lot of elbow grease I got to where I could whistle louder than my dad. Dad, how loud can you whistle? Yeah. I can whistle louder than that. I can whistle by blowing out or by sucking in. I'm better when I'm sucking in. My brother can whistle and my mom can as well. But I think I'm the best whistler in the house. 

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The Outcast of Redwall

I am reading The Outcast of Redwall by Brian Jacques for school. It has been a pretty god book. It was published in 1997 and is one of a series. I have not read any of the other books just this one. I like it okay. The dialogue is written in a hard to read way but it makes sense if I go slow. In the book rabbits and ferrets and badgers walk around and wear clothes like people. I like the book ok but I don't know that I will go and get the others from the series from the library. 

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Water Bottle Flip Challenge

I am still trying to get this down. It should become an Olympic sport based on how hard it is. Training would be a high quality table with high quality water bottles and people just sitting there flipping them. If I'm lucky I can do four in a row. One. .. Darn it. One.... Darn it. One... Two... Darn it. Four takes a long time.  

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Long Day

Today was a long day. I got up at 6:40 and caught the bus at 7:15 to go to school. I was in school until 2:45 then I went to King Tiger. I did my reading when I got there then had to get dressed to go to class at 4:15. After my class I helped with a Junior Tigers class at 5:00. That class ended at 5:30 and by 6:15 I was back in sparring class. Dad picked me up at 7:30. Long day. 

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Dude Perfect!

So there is a YouTube channel called Dude Perfect and they make trick shot videos, stereotypes, and they even have their own TV show. My favorite is LaCrosse trick shot, Blitz Ball trick shots two, and they just came out with a new one called Giant Nerf Edition. They even have their own Nerf gear. They have done trick shot videos for all types of sports including soccer, football, archery, marksmen, and ping pong. Basically if you can think about it, they've done a trick shot show on it. They always have good music playing during their videos as well and they never play the same song twice. They're also funny. If you want to check them out look them up on their YouTube channel...DUDE PERFECT! 

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I don't wanna journal dad

I don't wanna journal today. Why are you making me do this? It's stupid. I would rather be messing with my guys than doing this. It's so boring! It's sooooo BORING! C'mon. Aren't we ahead enough that I don't need to do it today? It's hard to journal everyday Dad. Why don't you realize that? I'll do it tomorrow. I'm playing with my guys. I'll journal tomorrow. That's all I have to say about journaling today. Please give me my phone. 

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Sticks and Staff Seminar

Today I went to the sticks and staff seminar at Master Evans' school with Master Malegredo. I thought the stick part was really fun and I was getting really really good at it. It was my first seminar and by the end I already had 7 yellows, 2 blacks, and 2 greens. Yellow means I know the basic sinawalles. Green means I've learned a couple higher sinawalles. I don't remember what black means. I liked the class a whole lot and would go again when he comes back to town. 

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Walking Dead game

Today i found the Waking Dead mobile phone game. I downloaded it to my phone and have really enjoyed paying it. It's really easy to pick up and really addictive. Currently I play Dragon City a bunch but now i think this one will be my favorite. I got  a bunch of other gaes at the same time but i haven't even played those yet. To caught up in Walking Dead. I have Darryl who you get early in the game. But Darryl loses his crossbow and you have to get through the second part of the mission for hi to get it back. Maybe dad will let me watch the show now!!!!!!

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New Stick Bots

Yesterday I got new stick bots from Target. The colors I got were purple and pink. I bought them because I.....forgot. Why did I get them again? I got them because I wanted more stick bots to add to thee ones I already had. I already had four so that made me have a total of six. I have made a few really good animated shorts with them. At Friday at King Tiger I would like to bring my phone so I can share the videos with my friends at King Tiger. 

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Today was the first Friday for the school year. And Friday means WEEEEEEKEEENNNNNDDDDD! Tonight iI am probably going to play on my computer with my brother and then fall asleep. And tomorrow I don't have to get up at 6:30. I still have to get up early to go to Black Belt Class but not as early. But it's cool because BBC is in Huntersville tomorrow. That means an easier drive for mom but we won't be right beside the Smoothie King for me after workout smoothie. Wait a minute. There's a Smoothie King by Target. SCCCCOOORRREEEE!

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Right now I am watching the BattleBots championship and we are in the semi-finals. The four bots left are Minotaur, Bomb Shell, Tombstone, and Yeti. The first match of the semis is Minotaur versus Bomb Shell. People are saying Minotaur is on a path of destruction and Bomb Shell has its arsenal of weapons. I didn't think Minotaur would win until I saw it demolish Bronco.We'll see but I think Minotaur or Tombstone will win the giant nut trophy.  

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Second Day of School

Today was pretty much exactly like the first day. Except I didn't come in late. The bus driver actually decided to be on time today. I know they don't have enough bus drivers for the county. I just suggested to my dad that he volunteer. I think he would be a decent bus driver. Maybe one or two minutes late. Maybe on time. Mom would make a better bus driver though. Because she is more on time usually and used to getting up really early. 

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First Day of School

Today was the first day of school at my school. The bus was twenty three minutes late to our stop. The new bus driver was just like completely not caring that she was late. She kinda went "Hi. Sit down. Ok Let's go." But then she took...hmmmm, let me think about took about 20 minutes ot get to the school which is only about 10 minutes away because the bus driver went every which way. I was late to school but I didn't get a tardy since it was the bus. Other people in my class and other fifth graders had to go straight to specials but none of us knew that until we got into our classrooms. No one was there and the doors were locked. Other than that my first day was pretty good. 

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Twas the Night Before School...

Today is the last day of non-school-y-ness. Me and my brother spent the day walking around the house playing computer and doing other stuff. So school starts tomorrow and I am really not looking forward to it. Dad says he thinks I am. To be honest the reason I'm so annoyed is cause for the past week I've fallen asleep, slept for look two hours, then waken up and not been able to fall back to sleep. When I wake up I just sit up, walk around the house, lay in bed, and not fall asleep. I do not know what's causing it.   

  890 Hits

Knife Throwing

Today I started to get really good at throwing knives. I have three, well now two, throwing knives. I lost one throwing it as hard as I could towards my target. I missed and it bounced somewhere but I have no idea where it went. It's in the garage somewhere. I still have the other two. I throw into a cardboard box I used as a project a couple years ago in school. It's called my Mobus Tubus. I am really good at doing a one and a half spin throw. That's when you hold the knife by the blade and throw it with a flick in the wrist to where it spins one and a half times and sticks in the target with the blade. There is also a one spin throw, half spin throw, and no spin throw. I'm not really good and i haven't tried half spin or one...

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  1000 Hits

Last Day of Summer Camp

Today was the last day of summer camp at King Tiger. On our last day we played a lot more than we usually do, got ice cream, went to the library like all Fridays. I brought a little bit of stuff i could draw with and I drew some pretty cool stuff. Some schools have already started but most of them are going to start on Monday. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Patterson and my switch teacher is Mrs. Herritt. A few people i know are in my class. 

  857 Hits

Open House

Today I had my open house. I am going into fifth grade and I start on the 29th. The school I go to is JV Washam. My homeroom teacher will be Mrs. Patterson and the class I switch with is Mrs. Herritt. I am out in the trailers this year which is pretty fun cause I've never been in the trailers before. A few people I know are in my class. l encountered a friend that went to JVW several years ago and he is back for this year. We ran around and played and talked. We only got to play for a minute before it was time to leave. I look forward to seeing him at school this year. 

  1020 Hits


There is this really cool video game called Undertale. You play as a person that falls down a hole and ends up in The Underground. Right after you get into The Underground there is a yellow flower that talks to you and ends up trying to kill you. Then a friendlier, nicer monster shows up and starts calling you 'my child'. There are three paths in Undertale. The genocide route, the pacifist route and the neutral route. The Genocide route is about murdering everyone. The Pacifist route is about keeping everyone alive and getting back to the surface because monsters are trapped in the Underground unless a human saves them. The Neutral route is where you kill some people and don't kill others. My favorite character is Sans the skeleton, sometimes know as Sans the Comic. His little brother Papyrus is actually a lot taller than him cause Sans is really...

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  964 Hits

Throw Up at the Pool

So we just walked down to the pool. We haven't been for a couple months. We haven't gone much this summer. When we got there, we see one or two other families just sitting there so I figured it was adult swim. But actually someone had just thrown up in the pool. So we have to wait two hours before we can swim. I'm fine going back to swim in two hours cause it will be clean by then. So instead we came home and wrote my journal!

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Rhett and Link

Have you seen Good Mythical Morning? It is a YouTube show by Rhett and Link. They also do a lot of music videos. They do all sorts of challenges and games. They have guests and one time for a song they even had Markaplier. With him, the song was about Five Night at Freddy's. Markaplier was the phone guy but he had a bigger part. In my opinion, I like Link better. I don't know why. I just do. My favorite music video that they've done is between the one I mentioned above and The Rap Battle of Manliness. They are lots of fun. I recommend you check them out. 

  810 Hits

Flip Diving

I found a game on the App store called Flip Diving. It's really cool and 3D and there are tons of cool tricks and divers you can use. I find it cool because it is easy to pick up and binge play. I'm playing it right now and I find it just amazing. Also if you hit on something when you're diving you just go ragdoll which is really funny when your diving. There are four different heights on the first level you dive from. If you hold you will get different angles you can dive at. On the very top I like jumping staright up then hitting the platform again as I come down which won't kill you. If you touch the platform with anything other than you feet you will go ragdoll. Anyway that's Flip Diving...on the app store now. 

  964 Hits

The Arrow Game

So my dad and I play a game with a couple sets of bows and arrows. The arrows are padded. It's not a real set. We both have a bow and there a three arrows total. We each have a side and we shoot at each other trying to hit each other. I haven't been using the bow the last couple of times. Instead I have just been dodging when my dad shoots at me. He got me once. And we played for about 45 minutes. Anyway that's the arrow game.  

  817 Hits

Off the Grid

There is a really cool stickbot series called Off the Grid. It's about a sheriff whose police force is disbanded after all of the kidnaps of stickbots on the grid. The governor of the grid installed new security robots so nobody could get in. But what the governor didn't want the sheriff to know is that there is a world outside of the grid. An old friend helped the sheriff find a cave where he met Shift. Sheriff's name is Striker. Shift told Striker they were in an old tunnel that they could use to leave the grind. They go down a bit and reach a place they can camp for the night. Shift sets up sentry defenses and Striker was ok with it. And that is as far as I've gotten in the series. It's on Youtube and the person that makes it is Stickbot Central, the most famous stickbot animator...

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  1463 Hits

Animals United

Today at King Tiger we watched a movie called Animals United. It was a goofy movie about animals in Africa who relayed on water from an oasis everyday. But one day the water didn't come. Little did the animals know that humans had made a damn and a hotel upstream from where they drank their water. Unless they went through the Valley of Death, the only water they could get to was the rhino and buffalos' water hole which kept getting smaller. A meerkat went to get the water and he walked between an arguing buffalo and rhino. They both saw him fill up his water jug and they asked him what he was doing. He didn't get away with the water and got beat pretty badly. Then he went through the Valley of Death and went to see if he could make it to where the humans had damned the water. You'll...

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  1000 Hits


Just now we got back from the store. I got three new StickBot packs! And a Nerf Strife! The StickBot sets were called Action Packs and each one came with a new stickbot and hair or stuff it could hold. The three I got were the hairstylist set, the life stylist set, and the weapon pack. I haven't even had the chance to use them because my mom is making me go to bed at 10. I look forward to using them.

  948 Hits


There are these things called StickBots. They are little action figures that you can move around and pose in all sorts of ways. And you do stop motion with them. I have done a few short little ones that are pretty cool. There is even an app for it. The first one I made with a prop was one where the stickbot walked onscreen, dodged a pencil stabbing at him, then did the matrix has it came at him again. It looks very nice and was very smooth. 

  942 Hits

New Neighbors

Today I met the new neighbors that moved in yesterday. They live in my brother's friend's old house. It is really close to my Grandma's. The mom is Diana. The youngest boy is 11 and his name is Lucas. The second youngest is 13 and his name is Joseph. The oldest is 14 and I forgot his name. I think it is Allen. When I first met them Joseph and Lucas were out searching the neighborhood. Joseph was on a long board and Lucas was on a bike. Allen is just like my brother and he plays on his computer almost the whole day. I look forward to getting to know them better.

  766 Hits

First time sick in two years

During our trip to Dollywood, the day we were going to leave, I got very very sick. I threw up at 4 in the morning. Then after that I threw up again at about 9:45. We were going to stop at Parrot Mountain on the way back but since I got sick we had to go straight home. But we still had to do a three and a half hour drive all the way back home.  Before we got home my grandma had to stop so I could throw up one more time. The trip overall was very fun but getting sic was not. 

  960 Hits

Dollywood part 2

Today we woke up at Dollywood's Dream More Resort. My Grandma dragged me and my brother out of bed at 8:00 in the AM after we had stayed up til 11:00.  For breakfast we went to a buffet and I had a pancake, a waffle, french toast, a lot of ham, some strawberries, and a cup of coffee. Then we went to Dollywood Splash Country. First thing we did was get in the Lazy River and do that  a time around. After that we played in the wave pool for a while. Then we went to one of those water slides that you climb lots of stairs for...vertical drop slide. My shirt kept getting pulled up and it started burning my back. We went on something that was called a water coaster. It was a great day! I'm ready for tomorrow.  

  982 Hits


Tomorrow my Grandma, my brother and me are all going to Dollywood in Tennessee. It is 7 hours away. It is a resort with a water park, a theme park, and a game room. We went last year too and I enjoyed the water park and the game room the most. But I only got to use the game room for about two hours because we only found out about it the day we were going to leave. This year I'll be able to spend more time in the game room. The room we will be in has a queen size bed for Grandma and a bunk bed for me and Ben. It is also poolside so there is more space. Since it is right outside our door we will be able to swim in the pool all we want. I'm looking forward to my trip. 

  925 Hits

Why did you make me so sore at sparring!?

I woke up today really really sore. Yesterday at black belt class and sparring, I worked out so hard that this morning I woke up sore all over. My neck was tight. My biceps and abs were tight. My feet and legs were sore. Every muscle in my body was hurting. Even my face was sore because during self defense I accidently got punched in the face by my partner. SO yeah. All of today I was sore and probably am going to be sore tomorrow. 

  895 Hits

Attack on Titan

I love Attack on Titan. It is a cartoon that my dad and I watched on Netflix. It is from a manga book which I found at the library and read. The series has a guy in it named Levi that is a main character and really awesome but the protagonist is a teenager named Eren. There are figures of the characters as well. I found a Levi figure online that looked exactly like the character. There are more books than there are episodes of the cartoon. I can't wait for the other books to be made into anima. 

  898 Hits


Right now me and my brother and his friends are playing some G Mod prop hunt. G Mod is a game where people create add-ons and maps that you can download and play on. Prop Hunt is a game that you don't have to download. There are two teams. One are the hunters and the other are the props who become props and try to stay hidden from the hunters. I like being the props because it is a lot more nerve racking to see a hunter walk right past you and not get you. Most recently I was hiding as a small basket under a table. Time to go back upstairs and play some more!

  973 Hits

Disc Golf

Today my dad, my brother, and me went and played disc golf. We brought our dog with us but Ben thought that would make our experience worse. But in the end we all ended up having fun, even Ben. We let the dog roam off the lease since no one else was around and he has pretty much had no training at all. He did a good job staying close. We played through ten holes and it was also a really nice cloudy day. We didn't even lose any discs...that's a first! 

  991 Hits

I feel flippy?

Today I remembered something I like to do when I am bored. I would do the water bottle flip challenge. It is where you fill up a water bottle about 3/8s of the way. Then you grab it by the cap and flip it up. The goal is to get it to land on the bottom and stand up. I wasn't very successful because I hadn't done it in ages. But I still did pretty well. I tried to flip it up the stairs and down the stairs except for the fact that I was very unsuccessful. My dad tried it as well and he didn't get a single on to stay up. Maybe I could do this as my newly learned skill. (rhetorical question)

  930 Hits

First Entry.

So. Here we are again. I am working towards my second poom. I am nervous but excited. I hope I will finish all my requirements this year like I did last year. Like the other day I ran four miles. I've already started my push-ups, sit-ups, and kicks. And I've got my first journal done. WOO HOO!

  942 Hits

About to go to my test

I am about to go to my test to get my first pom. I am really nervous and excited. I am nervous because it is my first time going and I have never done this before. I am excited because it will be really cool to do this with people that I know and people that I don't know and am getting ready to know. Enough of this chit chat. Let's go level up!

  1069 Hits

Grandparents visiting

My Grandpa Tom and my Grandma MB, who are on my mom's side, and my Grammie, from my dad's side, are all coming to watch testing on Saturday. Grandpa Tom is getting here tonight in just a little while. Grammie will be here tomorrow. I am really excited and nervous because I get to do something I never have before which is always exciting but testing in front of a lot of people makes nervous. My dad says he loves me a whole lot and he knows I will do great. 

  1085 Hits

I'm crashed

Work hard. Crash hard. That's what I always say. Or at least that is what I say today. I did 48 Poom Saes today in order to stay on track for Saturday. I worked out really hard and now I am paying the price by crashing hard at only 9:20. Tomorrow I'm getting a haircut so I might look weird at testing. Luke the dog crashed hard as well. I thought I would be more awake since I had some cream soda but I'm not. This is all I've got in me. I need to go to bed. Good night. 

  1130 Hits

Dinner wit da fam

Tonight I ate out with my family and my grandma and my uncle and his fiancee and two other people. I wore my tie and my great grandad's fedora. I ordered cheese pizza. I only ate half of it. I had a glass a milk. I sat between my uncle Elliot and my dad.Ben and I made our glasses sing and ring. I met uncle Elliot's dad and stepmom. We talked about my black belt cycle for a few minutes. Now I'm really sleepy and ready for bed. Good night. 

  1187 Hits

Done with my Sparring Rounds

So today I went to King Tiger and Master Chelley made we do 2 sparring rounds because I needed 26. I knew I was going to come back for kickboxing so I could get them all done. today. At kickboxing, we did normal things...we just kicked the bag and then I got to spar my dad for my last sparring round. He did a few kicks but then he just covered his nang sim and ran around the mat. I got a few good kicks to his chest and they rang out with a loud THWAC!! That is how I finished my sparring rounds for my black belt cycle. 

  1159 Hits

Watching Football

Tonight we are watching football and the score is 7 Panthers, 3 Eagles. Right now it is 1st and 10. Panthers have the ball. I want the Panthers to win. So far the Eagles have had four penalties and the Panthers have had none. If the Panthers win they will be undefeated at 6 and 0. That is what's going on right now. 

  968 Hits

Weekend Retreat

We are 44 minutes away from leaving for our King Tiger Black Belt Retreat. I am a little nervous because I've never been on a retreat before so I don't know what will happen. I brought some things that will keep me busy like a Sudoku book. I am also nervous because I don't know where we're going exactly. But I am excited because we might be able to go swimming. I am also looking forward to being with all my friends for a few days but I am going to miss my parents the most. Well, I'll see you next time. Bye!

  964 Hits

I don't have to do this tonight

I don't have to journal tonight. I only have six or seven left and can get that many done without doing one tonight. I'm tired and can't think of what to write. At least I don't have school tomorrow. I can sleep in and play on the computer before having to get my stuff ready for the weekend retreat. I am really excited about the retreat but I have no idea where we are going. I'm expecting there is going to be a lot of outdoor fun and activity and we're not going to have that much free time to just walk around. 

  1039 Hits

Pirates versus Ninjas

On the YouTube show Good Mythical Morning Rhett and Link debated Pirates versus Ninjas. Link was pirates and Rhett was ninjas. Personally I vote for ninjas. I voted for ninjas because There are silent killers with swords, ninja stars, and chain ball things while pirates have blunderbusses which sounds stupid and is really loud. They also have swords as well but their swords aren't as good because they are much heavier and harder to swing.   Hey what's that? It's a spartan coming out of nowhere eating apples. 

  929 Hits


Today we played soccer for recess. Sometimes kids try to assign other kids positions but the kids don't care and just run around unless their the goalie. Not everyone wants to be the goalie but some kids like to do it. I used to be the all star goalie but now my goalie skills are as good as dirt. I don't know what happened. I am now actually called Mr. Headbut. I got this name from how much I headbutt the ball and people just started calling me that so I went with it. Pretty much all the boys play soccer or football. 

  1099 Hits

Still Binging on The Flash

I am still watching The Flash on Netflix. It is getting really good. I like the show because it is about The Flash who is a superhero that runs really fast. He can break the sound barrier and run on water. He hasn't learned to vibrate his atoms through solid objects yet but he can do that in the comics. The main bad guy is called the Reverse Flash but Captain Cold, Heatwave, and Gorilla Grodd have all been on the show. Firestorm is another comic good guy that was on the show. And Green Arrow was on it too. Flash got whammied by a guy that could make people angry and Arrow had to bring him in. It was a neat battle. I look forward to watching the last episodes for Season 1. 

  979 Hits

Hot Air Balloon Festival

Today we went to a hot air balloon festival. We went up in a tethered hot air balloon ride. I liked it a little but it was really scary cause I'm afraid of heights. After I got out of the balloon, we walked over to the kid section where there were a whole bunch of bounce houses and some games. We went into a balloon that was inflated sideways on the ground. There were a lot of people inside of the balloon and there were a lot of beach balls that were being kicked all around. It was great until Ben took the ball from me and walked away with it. I got really mad and stormed out of the balloon. Later we went and got some food. We got funnel cakes and butterfly fries. Then we went home and I was just sitting around. My mom is making me write this now and I don't...

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  931 Hits

Watching The Flash

Right now I'm watching The Flash with my dad. Also my mom just got a new camera and it is the D3300 Nikon. In Flash, Barry is fighting a man who has steel skin. If I had a superpower I would probably want superspeed like the Flash. I could get ready for school every day in the blink of an eye. And I could walk home and to King Tiger super fast. If I ever broke a bone I could just rest for a couple hours and it would be fine. Of course I would still need a cast to keep it in the right shape. If I couldn't have super speed I would have teleportation so I could still walk home from school and get there quick. 

  1342 Hits

Avengers 2

We just watched Avengers 2. It was one of the best movies I've ever seen. The first time I ever saw it was with my parents and my brother at my grandparents house. My mom said that action wasn't her thing and she fell asleep for the whole movie. My favorite Avenger is Hawkeye because of the bow and arrow and he has some of the best lines. I also like Quicksilver even though he dies so quick. At the end of the movie they left us a really good cliff hanger when Thanos shows up and says "Fine I'll do it myself." I'm looking forward to the next Marvel movies. 

  1085 Hits

Home Early Tonight

Today I was supposed to stay for sparring at King Tiger but I only need like 23 sparring rounds and I can get 20 rounds from Kickboxing so I got to come home early. After my dad picked me up he went to the library. He let me stay in the car while he grabbed a book that was on hold. Then we went to Chik-Fil-A to get dinner because it was JV Washam night and mom didn't feel like making dinner. The sticker on my shirt reminded my dad of this. After we went through the drive-thru which was completely packed, we went home and ate dinner while watching a YouTube Channel called Good Mythical Morning. I talked about them in another journal. It was fun and my dad did not get enough chicken nuggets for me so right now I'm starving. No but seriously though, can I get something to eat?

  1114 Hits

The Martian

Today we went to see a movie called The Martian. It is about an astronaut who is on Mars with his team and there is a huge storm. He gets knocked out by some debris and the crew thinks he's dead so they head home. Turns out he wasn't dead so now he is trapped on Mars with a limited food supply. He tries to grow potatoes and when he tries to make water with 2 hydrogen and one oxygen he uses solid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to make water. Unfortunately he forgot to account for the extra oxygen he had been exhaling so it kinda blew up in his face. He had a rover and inside of the rover there was a camera recording his progress. And I noticed that that camera was a Go Pro. I thought the movie was really amazing and it was based off of a...

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  1073 Hits

Good Mythical Morning

This is a Youtube show starring Rhett and Link. Some of you may know them. They do all types of things like songs, current events, if things will be good with other things, and how things miserably fail. I like that they are really funny but they are often serious as well. One time they were serious that the world's largest popsicle started melting right after they got it to a 45 degree angle. That was serious because it was so hot that day they had to bring it out in a huge icy container but the heat started seeping in through the cracks and melted it. They've done lots of cool stuff including bathing in cereal. They had to eat their way out with giant spoons, and this happened to be Link's lifetime wish. He was very happy about the whole thing. I definitely recommend you should watch them.

  1136 Hits

Halloween Costume

So for Halloween I'm going to be Robin Hood. But not what you think. I'm actually going to be Robin, from Batman and Robin, with a hood. In the comics, his actual name is Damian Wayne. There have been lots of Robins. Dick Grayson was the first Robin then he became Nightwing. Then Jason Todd became Robin and in the comics the fans voted he should die so the Joker killed him. But he wasn't really dead and is now the Red Hood. Damian Wayne is supposed to be Bruce Wayne's son so it makes sense that he would be Robin. I will be Robin and my friend will be Batman and his little sister will be Batgirl.

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