Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

October 19, 2016

     Today during first period (ELA), we had our first annual Locker Inspection. We had like 40 minutes to clean our book-bags, folders, and of course our lockers. Then my teacher looked through everyone's locker. In Careers Class, we started to learn about stocks and the stock market. During Science, we had to do this around the world thing around the class room and identify things, if they were a Chemical or Physical Change. And if you don't know what it is LOOK IT UP.      That's all for today. P.S.      This is my final journal, so goodbye forever. 

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October 18, 2016

     Today was the first meeting of BETA Club. Its this thing for smart kids, who's grade average for each class most be 92.00 or above. Well I missed the club, it starts at 8 am and I got to school at 8:35. I had accidentally slept in and totally forgotten, so I ended up missing it. I wasn't the only one though. So i asked a classmate who is also in it what we did and it wasn't much. We started codding for the first time in Computer Skills, it was a little hard. During Social Studies, 9 kids (including me) were chosen to reenact guerrilla warfare that was used in the Revolutionary War. We pretended we were Patriots hiding behind desk and our teacher was a British soldier. He counted down from 5 and we threw stuffed animals at him.       That's all for today.

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October 17, 2016

     Today during ELA had a 10 question on a short story called The Soft Rains Will Come. The story is written in the past during World War II and it talks about the future. What happens is that there is this huge nuclear bast and everyone and everything is destroyed, except a house. Its a futuristic house that can clean itself, make food, and even talk. It still operates even thought the owners are gone. But it ends up getting destroyed by a fire.        That's all for today.

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October 16, 2016

     Today I had stayed over at one of my friends house. We didn't got  to sleep till like 4 am, so we slept till 12 pm. We played little bit of basketball, football, and soccer. We would've played some PS4, but he has already gotten 3 lunch detentions and his parents have taken in it away from him. Lucky for us, we went to one of our school friend's house and played PS4 there. There was suppose to be like 3 other people to come but they couldn't. Anyway, we played like 1 game of FIFA 17, in which I won 2-0. Then I played 2 games of Madden 16, in which I won both with my Steelers.      That's all for today.

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October 13, 2016

     Today I turned in my projects for ELA. There was this short story we read an how to choose 3 small projects from a total of 9. I thought it was due today, so I worked most of it last night. The sad thing was that it was actually due tomorrow. But its good anyway because I had had to work on a math study guide and it took me 1 hour. In Careers Class we did this game called Coffee Shop on this game site called Cool-Math. It had to do with business stuff. Anyway the person who earned the most money a king sized candy of there choice. Well this kid I know got over $300 in 14 days! I only got around $57. Anyway he chose Warheads for his candy.       That's all for today.

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October 12, 2016

     Today I didn't have any school today so I woke up around 10:30 am. When I woke up I had breakfast, brushed my teeth and took a shower. I then started working on a ELA project that is due tomorrow. After I was done, I did all my requirements. My mom took my sister and me to the movie theater where we watched Middle School: Worst Years of My Life. The movie was alright, but there was a lot of people. After that I had a late lunch at Chipotle. I came home and got ready for Tae Kwon Do.       That's all for today.

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October 11, 2016

      Today I had my first class for Computer Skills. Basically, in each of the two semesters, one will be PE and the other will be 6 weeks of Health, 6 weeks of Computer Skills, and 6 weeks of Fit Lab. I have just finished Health and now going into Computer Skills. I hear that the teacher is nice, but the class is boring, and I agree all she did was talk. But it was in a boring way of talking, if you know what I mean. Then during Math, we had now homework again. Probably because we have no school tomorrow. Ha, jealous.       That's all for today.

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October 10, 2016

     Today during ELA, we went to the Library as usual. I picked out the book that talked about the Top 10 stuff about Football. My class also went to the Book Fair. There was this theme, which was Pirates. The weird thing about this school's book fair is that they sell t-shirts. Math was really easy today, we don't have any homework either.        That's all for today.

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October 9, 2016

     When I woke up today, I was still tired from the over night test. My parents told me i had to wake up, because I had to go to Ikea. I was so tired the whole time, just walking and walking. After about a hour we had lunch their, food was actually pretty good. I had Chicken Fingers with Fries and a piece of Chocolate Cake. Then we shopped for another 30 minutes. After that my dad again told me I had to do all my requirements or I couldn't watch football.        That's all for today.

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October 6, 2016

     Today I had a either a test or quiz in every class. I had 10 question quiz in ELA. It was much better than our last test when my teacher said it was around 45 questions, then it became like 95 questions in total. In my next class which was Health, I had like a 25 question test on everything we had learn in class. Then in Math we had a unit test on Scientific Notations. Then finally I had a unit test in Science.        That's all for today.

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October 5, 2016

     Today we had a fire drill during 2nd period, and where my class is located, we go near the buses. While we were standing there my friend said that it wasn't smart standing near a bus if there is a huge fire. You if there was a big enough fire, it could burn the buses and their full of gas. So if something like that happened, we would all be dead. During Math, we were making a cheat sheet on a post card and tomorrow our teacher is going to cut half it off. Everyone is really worried, but I'm calling it a bluff.        That's all for today.

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October 4, 2016

     Today I had to go to the library during ELA. Usually we go on Monday, but a lot of people had to finish a test including me. I actually had to go two times. Once to get a new book and the second time I asked the lady at the desk if she could hold on to a book for me when she got it. And she got while I was still in class so I went back. My Science project on the Periodic Table. I think I did pretty well. Even I totally forgot about it and started it on yesterday.      That's all for today.

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October 3, 2016

     Today we had a half-day at school. I had my Social Studies Court Case today, we had to go fast because we only had 18 minutes of that class. We also had lunch which is new for me, because we never had lunch in my old school. Once i got picked up, my mom took me to Chick-fil-a. I took it home and watched some TV. The rest of the day I work on a Science project, homework, and requirements.      That's all for today.

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October 2, 2016

     I almost pulled a all-nighter, but I fell asleep around 5am. I couldn't go to sleep so I was just watching Netflix. I ended up waking up around 12pm. The rest of the day I did my requirements and watched Netflix. I also watched some football, sadly the Panthers lost against the Falcons. If you ask me they're are gonna fail this season. Anyway, my family went out for some ice cream. Once we got home we started watching the Steelers vs Chiefs game.       That's all for today.

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October 1, 2016

     Today was the Physical and Written test. I did pretty well, everyone passed the Written test which is good. I don't want to brag or anything but, I finished first out of all the 1st Dans in the 1.5 miles with a time of 11 min 6 secs. Just like last time when I finished first as a Bo Cho Dan. After Tae Kwon Do I got some Bojangles and went home. When I got home I just sat in my couch and watched TV the whole day.      That's all for today.

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September 30, 2016

     Today I had my test in ELA, and it was long. First we had a 50 multiple question test, then a sequence and true or false sheet, next was a vocab sheet, and finally we are doing a short answer questions next Monday. I also had a test in Math which was pretty easy, 24 questions. I also had a debate in Social Studies on real past cases, but we didn't have time for my debate so we are doing it on Tuesday. I also went to a house warming party for 2 hours, I had to came because I had to study tomorrow's written test.       That's all for today.

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September 29, 2016

     Today I had my test for CPR. I was really easy, but I got confused with two steps and got a 98%. The teacher said I had the best compression's out of my whole class. After everyone was done, we played Knockout Basketball in the Auxiliary Gym. In both ELA and Math, my class was going over somethings we learned for tomorrows test. I sure and hope I pass them, there both worth 50% of my grade. I also have a debate tomorrow for Social Studies on real cases.      That's all for today. 

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September 26, 2016

      Today we went to the Library for ELA. My teacher always takes us there on Mondays and we have to pick out a book. After that I had a test for STEM, which was actually easy. Before lunch, we had a talk about Sexual Harassment in school. All the boys went to the Gym and the girls went to this place called the Pit. I also had another test in Math, which was okay. For Social Studies we were going over for a test on Wednesday.       That's all for today.

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September 25, 2016

     Today I had to go to the Hindu Temple for something called CROP. Which is this thing for Indian-American kids to learn about the Hindu culture. Its actually pretty fun, because we just get to talk the whole time. After that we went to Costco and had lunch their. Then my parents dropped me and my sister off at home. They went shopping for a car and bought one at Carmax.       That's all for today

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September 24, 2016

     Today I went to see my new house. They had put a lot of new things, like cabinets, doors, garage, etc. I spent some time at my friends house, because his parents wanted to see the house and I already saw it so I stayed I stayed at his house. I couldn't anything with him cause he injured his leg and he was in bed. also went shopping at Nike and got a new jacket, white Nike Elite socks, and a compression pant. I also had to got GAP, because my sister had to get some clothes and she took forever.      That's all for today.

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September 23, 2016

     At school we are assigned where to sit at a certain place during lunch. On Fridays, we get to sit wherever we want to if we make sure we clean after ourselves. Well I guess we didn't, because we didn't get to. During 4th block (last class), everyone on at our table was playing with my friend about him and this girl. We were joking around that this Indian girl liked him, he his Caucasian. The thing is during ELA, they sit together and she always helps him with work. Also my parents had some friends over for dinner.      That's all for today.

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September 22, 2016

     Today we had our Homeroom Rep elections. There was about 7 people who ran (I wasn't one of them.), but one person dropped out. The person with the most votes would get Homeroom Rep and 2nd place would get Vice Homeroom Rep. The person who I voted for got Vice Homeroom Rep. I also got into this thing called National Beta Club, its this thing for really smart kids. It's basically National Honors Society, but for Middle School. You also have to keep a 92.00 grade average. If you fall below that once you get a warning, another time and your out. My induction ceremony is on Oct. 11.        That's all for today. 

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September 20, 2016

     Today I was playing football outside during Team Time (recess). I had caught the ball and was running, I went cut and then I slipped and banged my knee hard against a rock. Now my knee has been paining all day. At lunch, my class was sitting at our table and everybody was roasting this one kid, I kind of felt bad for him. We also got our progress reports today, I got good grades.       That's all for today.

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September 19, 2016

     At school we have something called Team Time. It's this thing where we go outside for 20 minutes and play (football, soccer, basketball, four square, walk around the field, etc.). Basically you after 2nd period you have to go back to your Homeroom teacher and wait to go outside. Well, my friend went a little rogue and went outside with another teacher. So my teacher said that we couldn't go outside till he came. After 10 minutes she went to our counselor and asked to walkie talkie a teacher outside to call him in. He ended up getting lunch. That was the only interesting thing today. 

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September 16, 2016

     Today we had a test in Math class. It was just over what we had learned so far, it was fairly easy. I also got Homework Detention, I hadn't finished my homework for ELA so I had to do it during homework detention. The thing was I had to finish just 5 more problems but my teacher didn't want to hear, so I finished my homework in like 3 minutes and the other 27 minutes I was bored. I also joined a fantasy football team, its every Monday at 5pm.       That's all for today.

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September 15, 2016

       Today was kinda of normal. During lunch everyone was trying to rap for some reason. Actually, some of them were good, but most were kind of bad. I also got out of school early. I had a doctors appointment. Usually school ends at 3:45, but I left around 2:25. Remember how I said that I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Well my mom wanted me to get it checked out. The doc said that it was because of allergies so all's good. Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday, last day of the week.       That's all for today.

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September 14, 2015

     Today at school, for some reason I was really hungry. When it was time for lunch, (I get school lunch) I got a slice of Pizza, Chicken Nuggets, Fries and a Blueberry Bar. After that I was good. We also went over 9/11 in Social Studies Class. We just talked about the main facts on what happened that day. I also had trouble breathing the whole day, I felt like I had a lump in my throat. So I just tried coughing and drinking water for it to stop, but it never worked. Instead it got even worse I was coughing. I didn't call my parents because it was the last class when it got worse, so I just waited it out. When a I got home I took this thing called a Nebulizer, which is this big device that I use for asthma, but it can be used...

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September 12, 2016

     Today I was in my first block class (ELA) and my friend randomly blurts out to my teacher "What her favorite NFL team is?". And I'm think two things "It's probably going to be Detroit Lions because she's from somewhere in Michigan, and Why the heck did you has that for?". Well then she starts talking about how much she hates the NFL and its players because they are kneeling for the nation anthem. She said how that people fight for them and now there kneeling, instead of standing. She is a veteran from the military, so I think that has to do something with her opinion. Me personally I think that Kaepernick & other NFL players are trying to make a statement. And I fully support them. But that's my opinion and I don't want to go all in detail about it.      Anyway we were supposed...

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September 11, 2016

     Before I start I just want to say that all those people that died on 9/11 to rest in peace.       Anyway, I had to wake up early and go to a Hindu Temple. I to do something called CROP which teaches Indian-American kids about the Hindu Culture. Everyone is divided by their grade and for every grade, they learn something different. My grade is learning about the Human Development. I know your thinking how that has to do with the Hindu Culture. Well this religious women wrote this book about it in INDIAN terms.       For lunch we went to this Mongolian restaurant, I didn't really like it. After that we just when home. I just watched the NFL games, did some homework, & all my requirements.      That's all for today, schools tomorrow.

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September 10, 2016

     Today I went to the sticks seminar from 10 am to 1 pm. It was being held by Guro Master Melegrito. I had to say the actual stick training was pretty fun. We went over all the sinuwalies (don't know how exactly it's spelled) and some other stuff. We also got a tap if we got one thing done. I got all the sinuwalies and I learned some new stuff like Double Stick. Now my stick has a bunch of tape. After that we went to downtown for lunch and went to a place French place called Crepes. My dad says lot of people like, but I'd say it was okay. The dessert however was amazing. We also went to see our new home. They put in the drywall, but still a month to go before it's finished.       That's all for today. I got CROP early tomorrow...

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September 8, 2016

     Today I was playing football and I have been getting called "Try Hard". They think that I try to hard and its only Two Hand Touch, so I should dial it down a bit. I don't know what they are talking about, I played like that at my old school and nobody had a problem with it. I had 3 receptions, 1 TD, & 1 INT on the first play of the game. Other than that there wasn't anything interesting. We do have a project with a partner, we have to make a Partnership Business. We randomly chose a business and we got a Photography Studio.  That's all today.

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September 7, 2016

     Today was another boring normal day. But I must say that school goes really fast. There was nothing really that interesting. We had a PowerPoint for all of 8th, it was just about school rules and guidelines. Also funny thing was my friend and he's been trying to get this girl. And he asked one kid if he knew where the girl was and he didn't know. Maybe 20 mins later that kid comes with the girl and he tells her that he wants her. Now this girl doesn't even know who he is (my friend is new) but the thing is my friend didn't want him to get her, he was just asking if she was here. So my friend wasn't even when she came and he had something on the his face. So now all hope is lost of getting that girl.  That's all for today. 

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September 6, 2016

     Today was the start of school after a long 3 day weekend. School has started to get kinda of annoying. This kid named Tanner who sits next to me started calling me Mr.P for some reason. Now it has started to catch on, people will come up to me and ask if I am Mr.P. There was nothing else interesting about my day. I saw Conner (older one not Conner Foster, also known as Gramps) at Black Belt Class in like years. Other than that it was a typical day. 

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September 5, 2016

     Today I came back from my friend's house. I had stayed over night at his house with another friend. We didn't sleep until 5 am this morning and woke up around 11:30 am. They also pulled a prank on me around 4 am. I had fallen asleep because I was really tired from sleeping at 2 am and woke up around 9:15 am. I was sleeping on the couch and my friend took his water bottle and poured it on my shoulder. I woke up confused and found my shirt soaking wet. They should me the video. My dad came to pick me up like 10 min after I woke up so I couldn't eat breakfast. We had some friends over for lunch at out apartment.  That was my Labor Day.

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September 2, 2016

     Today was the end of the first week of school. I'd say the first week was okay. We were also allowed to sit where we wanted to for lunch. Usually, we have to sit with our Homeroom. Today there was a 2 burglars that broke into a police officers home and stole guns. My sisters school got locked down. Her school gets out 2:15 pm, but they were on lock down until 5pm. My school didn't get locked down, but the buses got delayed. Luckily I am a car rider, so I wasn't affected. I'm also writing this journal pretty late (11:48 pm), that's because we had friends over so I totally forgot.  That's all for today.

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September 1, 2016

     Today was kind of a boring day. I didn't do anything actually interesting. I mean we got our laptops from school today. But here these sucky small ThinkPad computers. They don't even work properly. It was also raining so heavy today, that may be the reason that barley anybody came to class. Not even my mentee came today. I got home pretty late from Tae Kwon Do, probably around 9:30 pm. My dad didn't know if my cooked any food, so I got some Subway. When we got home, turns out she actually cooked food. I also watched the 4th quarter of the Steelers @ Panthers game.  That's all for today.

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August 31, 2016

     I have no idea how to start this journal, so I'm just going to dive in. Today was the first day of school that we actually are doing work. I used all my notebooks for the first time. I also think that my Pre-Algebra teacher doesn't like me already. Reason is that we were trying to make cut out stars and I was like the 2nd person to finish. This assignment was suppose to be by our-self and it was actually pretty hard. So like everybody near be was asking for help. I decided to help one kid and I got in trouble. Then this other kid asks for help and again (not learning my lesson) helped him. The teacher just looked at me for like 15 secs and the told I could color my star or she could move me. I didn't have any homework so I had...

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August 30, 2016

     Today was the second day of school, and my new school is very different than my old one. My old school was very diverse, it was mostly Caucasians, African-American, and Hispanics. There was also a little bit of Muslims and Asians. At my new school 94% is Caucasians, 4% is African-American, 1% Asian, and 1% Hispanic. Also I would say my old school was kinda of ghetto. Plus my school wasn't good in education but was beast at sports. At my new school it's mainly education than sports. Plus the kids are kinda of different than my school, but not in a bad way. I liked my old school than my new school, even though technically my new school is better.  

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August 29, 2016

     Today was the first day of school at my new school. I'd say it went pretty well. I did know a couple of people at the school before so I wasn't that lonely new kid. I also got to use lockers for the first time. At my old school it was very low budget so they weren't able to purchase lockers. It was also the first time having actual school lunch since Kindergarten, because I only went to a Public School in Kindergarten until now. I used to go to a Charter School. I had 4 classes today, ELA, STEM, Pre-Algebra, and Science. Tomorrow I will be having ELA, Health, Pre-Algebra, and Social Studies. So that's all.

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August 28, 2016

     Today is the lat day of Summer. School will be starting tomorrow for me and my sister. She is in Elementary and her school starts at 7:15 am, while I'm in Middle School and my school starts at 8:45 am. Today I had something called CROP, which is this thing that teaches Hinduism for kids at a Hindu Temple. It for about 2 hours and its every other Sunday. We also had to do a little shopping for our new apartment. For those of you who don't know I've moved to an apartment until my new house is built in Waxhaw, NC. Its about 45 mins from the North Charlotte location. After this testing I will have to quit Tae Kwon Do at King Tiger.  :(  :(  :(

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August 24, 2016

     Today I went to my new school for the first time. There was a meet and greet for the new kids at 1:30pm and then the Open House was at 6:30pm. There was a tour for all the new students around the school which I didn't know about so I went with my parent to a meeting that was meant for the parents. At the end of it on of my friend who was also new and went on the tour showed me around the school. It was a normal school, a gym, there was 5 hallways, one for 6th grade, one for 7th, one for 8th, one for electives, and one for the cafeteria. At the Open House I got my schedule and I have two friends going to the same grade with me, sad thing is that I only have one class with one of my friends....

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August 21, 2016

     Today my dad made me wake up around 5:45 am. My dad wants me to get ready when school starts, because I have to get ready when school starts. Because my dad wants me to get ready when school, because I have to run in the morning and my school is pretty far from were I am staying. My neighbor also came for Brunch, we had some Indian food. Typical right. I also had Scuba Diving today. It was just practice at a pool, but sometime during October we will be going on a trip to a man-made lake in Virginia. So yeah, that's all for today.

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August 20, 2016

      Today was pretty boring as usual. It was Saturday so I didn't have to wake up early, but my dad made me run another mile. And as usual all I did today was my requirements and watch TV. My parents had to go looking for apartments today. School is starting soon and my school is about 45 mins from my house so it would take a long time to got there and come back. Also someone has bought our house so we are moving out in about a week. Yeah, and one more thing, it will also take a long time for me to come to Tae Kwon Do. It's going to be difficult for some time, I have to fit my school work and going and coming back from Tae Kwon Do. Well, that's all for today.

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August 19, 2016

     So today I didn't do much, again. I did all my requirements and watched TV. My parents had to go out to do some shopping so I was stuck with my little sister for about 2 hours. I also went to the AAU Sparring Seminar at Black Belt World. There was about 24 people and only me, D'Andre, and his younger brother Gregory were from King Tiger. D'Andre and me were originally planning on sparring with each other. Then, Grandmaster Cann (She was in charge of the seminar.) said that we were from the same school so we couldn't spare each other. She made both of us and Gregory spare some of these black belts who were pros. The were about maybe 11-13, but the were crazy good. One of the kicked me in the face and I got my lip busted. But, it was good practice fighting kids...

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August 18, 2016

     Today I woke up early and went for a run. My dad didn't want me sleeping in again like yesterday. I mean at least I didn't have to run in the afternoon. After I came back home a took a shower and went back to sleep. I woke up around 12pm and had breakfast. The rest of the day I was doing my requirements and watching TV. There has been absolutely nothing to do since everything in my house has been moved, since we are moving. That's all for today.

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August 17, 2016

     Today I slept in a little, I woke up around 12pm. I probably would have slept a little longer, but my family had to go see our new house that is getting built. Today they were doing some inspections before they put the dry wall in so we had to be there. There was some few problems, but that was all. We were there for maybe more than 2 hours. Other than that I didn't do much. The rest of the day I was doing my requirements. Since I slept in I had to run in the afternoon and it was pouring. So that is all. 

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August 16, 2016

     Today I came back from a friends house. I was at his house for about 2 days, and interesting fact is that he used to do Tae Kwon Do at King Tiger, but he quiet at high green belt. Anyway we did so normal stuff. We played Black Ops 3 on the PS4, watched some TV, played with his dog, and played some Table Tennis. I won 11 out of the 14 games we played. Also his mom wanted us to go to the pool so we walked for about 20 mins there, until we see the lifeguards locking the gate. So we walked 20 mins all the way back to his house. So yeah that`s it.  

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August 12, 2016

     Today was just another boring summer day. I woke up around 11 am because my dad doesn't like me sleeping in. There is nothing much to do at my house since everything is packed up. My family is going to be moving soon, so I couldn't do stuff like watch TV or play the Playstation. So yeah just a typical summer day. 

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August 11, 2016

     Today was the final day of my Debate Camp. Every group was supposed to come up with their own idea of what they wanted to do. For my group we decided to talk about if we should give the Philippines and Vietnam $250 million for military reasons. Our debate was really quick since we were all novices, but you should have seen the veterans. They were speaking crazy fast and very detailed. But I had to say their speeches were kind of boring. I started to fall asleep, but I ended up not sleeping.       So yeah, that has been pretty much my day.

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November 3, 2015

     Once a year at my school, there is something called Donuts For Dad. It is when you bring your father to school early for a donut and juice. There is something also called Muffins with Mom and it the same thing, but just with muffins. When I went to Language Arts there was a sub. She was trying to get the door open, but it didn't work. She finally got it to open after about 7 minutes. At my school we have something called Power Hour. It is for 1 hour and we have our lunches during that time. Also clubs take place during that time. Well everyone was required to choose a club. The clubs were cheesy, like a bird watching club. I ended up choosing a bean bag toss club. Weird right.

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November 2, 2015

     Today I had to bring candy for a cell diagram. My science teacher told my class that we are making a cell diagram out of candy. A friend and me are working together on a plant cell diagram. I also had a test during science. It was what has been taught so far. It is not a Mid-Term though.       I usually wake around 5:45 am to run and it is hard to stop. Ever since school started till the end of the black belt test I have been waking 5:45 and since the test is over I don't need to wake up that early.

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November 1, 2015

     It is a beginning of a new month and I finished my overnight test! It was a long one, but everyone pulled through. I also broke 2 boards and a brick.      Today I had to got to the Hindu Temple, to learn Karma Yoga. It is a type of spiritual yoga. I was there for 2 hours. The rest of the day I just watched football. I had a friend's family come over for dinner. My sister had a friend's birthday party. 

  1091 Hits

October 30, 2015

     Today is the Black Belt Testing. I don't know what is going to happen. I hope testing will end around 2 am or 3 am. Most of all I hope I will pass.      At school, a classmate of mine gave out candies for everyone. She and a friend made small bags of candy to give out to the class for Halloween. I had a math test again. It was pretty easy, I sure I will get an A. My science teacher gave my class a project that is due tomorrow on cells. We have to make a diagram on it. 

  1170 Hits

October 29, 2015

     Today, during math class the fire alarm went off half way through class. It was just a fire drill and everyone was only outside for about 10 min. During Environmental Studies our teacher came back from Tennessee. She had a family emergency. My class was working on a letter and she couldn't find them. She said we would have to do it again if she didn't find them. Luckily, she was able to find them.       Tomorrow is Black Belt Testing. I hope it goes well and we don't have to train for way to long.

  1000 Hits

October 28, 2015

     Today my project on Cells for Science due. I had to make a city that would do in way the same things as the organelles in a cell. I also had to do a short story with it. During Social Studies I had another project due. I had to make a journal as a knight during the Black Death. I also had to make an entry on me dying. During Language Arts I was moved since a person in my class kept playing games on his computer. 

  1031 Hits

October 27, 2015

     Today in Math I had a Unit Quiz. It was only 15 questions and only on 2 I was stuck. I am sure I will get a good grade. During Environmental Studies there was 2 guest speakers from the Caburras Country Environmental Conservation Agency. They talked about Water Sheds and our school grounds. I also had a Science Test on the Microscope and it was easy. 

  1114 Hits

October 15, 2015

     Today at school I forgot all about my math homework. The retreat was so fun I forgot all about my homework. Luckily, he said I could bring it in tomorrow. My Environmental Studies had a family emergency, so we had to make recycle letters again. In science I was suppose to have a quiz but my teacher was sick, so there was no quiz. In Social Studies, I got my report cards and they were good. 

  1023 Hits

October 25, 2015

    Today I came back from the Black Belt Retreat at Camp Oak Hill. The retreat was fun. I had my first 2 smores at the campfire. There was a pumpkin carving contest between 2 teams. The team I was on won, we used Master Chin's hockey mask as our face. I got to meat Grandmaster Lee for the first time and trained with him for an hour. I even saw a picture of Master Evins, when he worked at Camp Oak Hill. The trip back home was good, didn't have any traffic when we were going to the retreat. Overall I had a good time.

  1086 Hits

October 23, 2015

     I had to write this journal at 4:22 pm, because I won't be able to do it at the Retreat. I can't wait to go to the Retreat. I wonder what we are going to do their, of course training. Well today is a good day, because it is Friday. School went well, nothing bad happened. My dad had to pick me up early from school or I would get to the Persis parking lot late. It is going to be an interesting 3 hour drive.

  956 Hits

October 22, 2015

     During International Studies 50% of my class had not turned in their project (not including me) and my teacher was mad. Some people turned it in late, will other didn't turn it in at all. So people who hadn't turned it in yet had to work on it during lunch. In Math about half way through class my arm started hurting really badly. I managed to pull through the whole day. I had to get a pain killer in the night because I couldn't stand it.

  936 Hits

October 21, 2015

     Today it was back to school after a 4 1/2 day (Friday was a half day.) weekend. In Language Arts our teacher gave people new seats and crapped in all the desks. In International Studies we had to present our Hispanic Heritage Project. Practically, we had to choose a person who was born from a Hispanic speaking country or their parents were born in a Hispanic speaking country. I had chosen Victor Cruz since his mom is Puerto Rican.

  1109 Hits

October 20, 2015

     Today I again just chilled at home. I had no school today nor Monday, because there was Parent-Teachers Conferences. Sadly, I have school tomorrow. I just stayed home to, again. My dad made me memorize all the 50 State's capitals. I was suppose to get a haircut today, but my mom and me forget. That is pretty all I did.

  959 Hits

October 19, 2015

     Today I had no school so I took the day slow. I had some math homework and a project, but I finished them. I didn't much, I really just stayed home. I luckily got to watch the full Monday Night Football game. I don't have any school tomorrow. Yeah! Got one more day of vacation until school.  

  905 Hits

October 18, 2015

     Today my parents went to a pooja (an Indian get-together sort of where we worship a god). At first I was not allowed to go since I was grounded, don't need to go into the details. My dad gave some work to do, but he came about 1 hour and half later to take to the pooja. At the pooja I played football with some friends. Once they all left and I was the one, I watched the Panthers vs Seahawks game and they won 27-23. After the games my family went home. My sister had tried out for the All-Star in a soccer organization called AYSO. My parents will get an email if she makes it. Also I don't have school tomorrow or Tuesday. It is a Parent-Teacher Conferences during the day for those two days. 

  946 Hits

October 15, 2015

     Today during International Studies my class had a party for the end of the Hispanic Heritage Month. We ate tacos, played Hispanic games, and learned Hispanic dances. I was suppose to bring the pinata, but I forgot. My classmates were really pissed off, but another kid my class forgot to bring drinks. I had 3 projects due today, one for International Studies and 2 for Social Studies. That's all for today.

  968 Hits

October 14, 2015

     The Renaissance Festival was amazing. There were a lot of other kids from different schools since it was a school week at the Renaissance Festival. There my friend found a $20 on the ground in which he paid for 8 people to go into the Dungeon that cost $2 each. I bought a Roasted Turkey Leg which was $7, but it was so good. I also bought a Frozen Italian Soda that its before taste has a water taste and it after taste is sweet. I didn't play the carnival games though. I did see at the Tomato Throw (A person stands 5 meter away from you and you can only hit his face or hands with a tomato.) the guy you have to throw tomatoes was trash talking with these two girls (They were doing so bad that he said that come back later when they were not...

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  961 Hits

October 13, 2015

     Today we had my ELA class had its first warm-up on Passage Correction. In International Studies we had a 3 people group, in which 2 people had to find 20 facts on Immigration in Manhattan during the 1800s and 1 had to read a short passage on it, write facts on it and answer questions on it. Well while I was reading the passage for 10 min, my 2 other partners were playing games instead of working. When I come back they haven't answered nothing, so I did there work. Luckily, my teacher said I would get credit and they wouldn't. During Social Studies a person in my class was taken out of class for playing games on their computer. In our school if you use the school's network they can track what you are searching. I am going to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow. Yeah!

  1044 Hits

October 12, 2015

     Today I had to finish my Reading MAP Test and I did. In International Studies I had to present my project for Spanish Culture in the USA. My Environmental Studies teacher came back from the Air Force base. Yeah! She made us make a letter for our parents, easy right. No! She told us we had to make our words by cutting out letters/words from the newspaper. It also as to be page long. My class had its official class with our new teacher. In Social Studies we have a project on our Middle Age Class. I am a knight and my name is Philip the Great of some English town in the 14th Century

  934 Hits

October 11, 2015

     I woke up at 6 am and got ready for the Hope Builders 5K. Got there around 7:15 am and ran around 8 am. I finished with a time of 26 min and 9 secs. I immediately left home and 2 hours until I ha Tae Kwon Do. After Tae Kwon Do I was really tired and slept for 3 hours. Then when I woke up I had to take a shower and go to a friends house. I stayed there until 12:20 am and came home. Guess what time I am writing this journal, 1 am. 

  855 Hits

October 9, 2015

     I have ELA for my first period, so when I went today I saw my whole class waiting outside of the classroom since our teacher wasn't here. She lives in Mooresville, NC and she says there is a lot of traffic, so she gets late. After waiting for 15 min she finally comes, but we find out that the lock is broken so we can't get in. Solution, have class in our newly built classrooms. There is a problem too, we need our computers, but there is no WiFi there. So in ELA we just read a book.      My new Science teacher came today. She did a little explaining about herself. She has two kids in college, three pets at home, was a nurse, and lived in Brazil. Then she told us to write a paper about thing about ourselves. We learned a little about the microscope...

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  933 Hits

October 8, 2015

Today my class started a project in International Studies. The topic was on to do a person who was born in a Latin American country and how they impacted the USA. I asked a teacher if I could do someone whose parents were from a Latin American country, since I wanted to do Victor Cruz (New York Giants Wide Receiver). She said yes since his mom was from Puerto Rico. In ELA we had another MAP test for Reading, lat time it was Language Arts. I got to finish my Math MAP testing today. My class are started doing working on a poster for our homeroom class for anti-bullying. My new Science teacher will be coming tomorrow. My Environmental Studies teacher had to leave school for 3 days since she is a Reserve in the Air Force and they needed her. So my class ended up with a bunch of worksheets.

  979 Hits

October 7, 2015

Today I had to present my Powerpoint for a book my class read. The teacher said I did a good job and I got an A. In International Studies we had s guest speaker from Columbia (country) who Skyped with us on immigration is Spain. She had down her Bachelors done in Spain and was a teacher in the USA, who taught English to illegal immigrants. Since my class is learning about immigration in class, she talked about immigration in Spain. Today I also had my MAP test for math.

  952 Hits

October 6, 2015

Today in science class, my class got back their Unit Test papers back. We went over it and on one of the questions answer was different from what we the had teacher had given us in our notes. So our teacher said she would give us the point back if we had gotten the answer that we had put in our notebooks. Then, a girl in my class said how the answer that we all thought was wrong. People got mad at her, but the teacher said that she would give us credit for both answers. Luckily, we didn't have MAP Testing today, but we have it tomorrow.

  1004 Hits

October 5, 2015

My class was supposed to have a vocab quiz in ELA, but we ended up not having one. I also had MAP Testing today on Reading and Vocab. I got a good grade too. My Spanish teacher gave everyone an essay to do on illegal immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America, and it is due tomorrow. I also have a project due tomorrow for Spanish. I got my shrub today. It was smaller than i expected it to be. I forgot what the name is though. I have to water it once every week.

  938 Hits

October 4, 2015

Today my family went shopping. I woke up around 9 am and immediately brushed my teeth and took a shower. My parents first went to Costco so they could get some clothes for school and for groceries. We didn't any clothes for school so my parents went to Target, but still didn't find any clothes for me. We were going to go to Old Navy to find clothes, but my mom said that she would buy it online. Coming home my family watched the Panthers game and they won 37-23. Tomorrow I have school and I also have a vocab quiz.

  931 Hits

October 1, 2015

At school today I lost my pencil box to end up that two of my friends stole it at the end of the day. I had to got to the class that I lost and get it back. I also had a court case/debate on the Volkswagen emission cheat and I am the judge. My class didn't get to finish the court case/debate today, so we are going to finish up tomorrow. I had a Math test today on Algebraic Expressions, I am pretty sure I got a good grade. In Black Belt class we went over Bo Cho 1 Step, Basic Form 1 & 2, and Pawg Gwa Il. That was my day.

  929 Hits

September 30, 2015

Today at school we started doing the Medieval Times because we are going to the Renaissance Festival on October 14th. We were going over the Feudal System and the Social Studies teacher said everyone would get a role based on the Feudal System. There was one king/queen, four nobles, six knights, merchants, and then peasants. I wanted to be a noble, but instead I got a knight which was okay since that was my second choice. I even learned that scientist are trying to make new Supersonic car. In 1998, scientist made a Supersonic car that went about 755 mph. Now scientist are trying to make a new new one that can got to 0-1000 mph in 55 seconds and its mile time to be an astonishing 3.6 seconds.

  1024 Hits

September 28, 2015

Today after coming from school, my school bus hit a car. It just happened to be a kid who went to my school in that car. I was just a small dent, but the kid and his mom started screaming at my bus driver. The kid jumped out of the car and started yelling and than shouted at the bus driver. The mother was just the same, she screamed at my bus driver saying that she worked 10 years for the car which was a 2015 Mazda SUV. She than called 911 and I heard her scream what are you going to do about it on the phone. A firetruck, two ambulance, and about 4-5 police cars were at the scene. At first I thought it wasn't necessary to call everyone, but a firefighter explained to me why. A police officer then wrote down everyone's name and address. I called my...

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  1021 Hits

September 24, 2015

Today at school was not a very good day. During Language Arts class we had to about 50 problems. Then in Spanish class we were suppose to play a traditional Latin American game, but people were loud so we had an essay on traditional Latin American games. Finally in Social Studies class my class was loud again so we had another essay, this time on the refugee crisis in Europe. It didn't end there, at home my mom said that we were not going camping this weekend because there was a 90% chance of rain. She said the next time we could go camping is maybe earliest Spring and latest Summer. That was my bad day.

  963 Hits

September 22, 2015

Today at school we had our Student Council speeches, we don't vote until Thursday. Many people ran for Historian, Secretary, Vice President, President, and Class Rep. People running would say a speech to 5-10 grade in the atrium. If you ran for Class Representative you would say it to the class. The sad thing was they did it during our lunch time, so we only had half the time to eat our lunches. In Social Studies we learned that the US was going to take in 10,000 refugees, but now are going to try to take 100,000 refugees. In Black Belt class we went over most of our poomsaes. That is all for today.

  901 Hits

September 18, 2015

The weekend is finally here. It has felt like a long weekend. In school a NC Forest Ranger came and taught us about wildfires. We even got to do some experiments with matches. After school I had to help my parents since we are going to a baby shower. I had to help make some food and make balloon flowers. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with Tae Kwon Do, mentor session, baby shower, and a birthday party. That is all for me today.

  909 Hits

September 17, 2015

Today in Social Studies we learned that some fast food companies buy meat from people that put antibiotics in the animal. Of course it helps the animal, but when we eat the meat it messes it up. The companies that bought the good meat were Chipotle and Panera Bread. The crazy part was that McDonalds bought better meat then Subway, pretty crazy. At Tae Kwon Do, for my mentor session we went over Hapkido. After Tae Kwon Do I went to party. I didn't stay there for long, just for about 1 hour and left. That is all for me.

  944 Hits

September 15, 2015

Today was my dad's birthday (not telling how old he is). We didn't do much except go to a Middle Eastern restaurant. In Social Studies class we learned that two Syrian refugees SWAM to get to Greece. They were trying to rest on one of the two islands that belonged to Greece. Well they never made it to the islands, but were picked up by the Coast Guard. Right now they are living in Germany. Had my first mentor session with Master Knight. In Black Belt Class we went over Hapkido. That is all for me.

  993 Hits

September 13, 2015

Today I woke up early even though I slept really late. Every year there is a festival in downtown Charlotte called the Festival of India. There is dancing, singing, food, and clothes. It is from Sept 12-13 every year. On Saturday, I went there at 10 am and didn't leave until 7 pm. Today was better since I got there at 12 pm and left at 6 pm. Today I went with a friend since my parents didn't want to take me. I ate a lot and talk with my peeps. That all I did today and yesterday.

  833 Hits

September 8, 2015

It the first day back to school after the long weekend. I didn't much on Labor Day or Saturday. On Sunday though I went to Carowinds with friends and rode the Fury twice. I even got to ride the Intimidator three times. Tomorrow my class is having a debate/court about cutting down trees. I am defending (lawyer) the people that are affected by it. I hope my side wins again. Homework is now starting to pile up, but that is seventh grade. That is all for me bye.

  1066 Hits

September 2, 2015

Today at school everybody's seventh period class (My school has seven periods.) was our first period class. The reason was the 3rd graders were having BOGs (Before of Grade). Everybody had to stay inside for 3 hours. After that we went to our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period. Today I did my re-take for the written Black Belt Pre-Test and passed. That is all.

  957 Hits

August 31, 2015

Today my Social Studies teacher said my grade was going to the Renaissance Festival. The day we are going is October 14, 2015. I know somebody in the grade above who went to the Renaissance Festival with her grade and it cost $245 and I didn't believe her. I also found out that a town called Greenback, Virginia which population is only 145 people and has no microwaves, no WiFi, and no cellphones is home to one of the most advanced technology. It can pick up messages from all over the universe. Overall my day was good. See ya!

  950 Hits

August 26, 2015

Yeah! I finally got my Samsung Galaxy S6. When I came home from school there was a small box from FedEx (I knew it was being shipped by FedEx.) and I immediately knew it was the phone. I was surprised since the package was supposed to get to my house at 8pm. For at least an hour and half my dad and me were customizing it. Then I had to do my homework. I had to build a Science Related Board game and it is due tomorrow. My dad didn't customize everything and I don't have a case yet. That is all for me.

  921 Hits

August 25, 2015

Today at school we had a small debate. The topic was "Should the US destroy there weapons of Mass Destruction?", I was on the team that said no. It was 6 vs 7, my team was outnumbered. The rest of the class were judges. Each person on each team would go against another. The first and second round was a tie, I came in the third. When it was my turn, I creamed my opponent. My teacher even said that I ate him up, so I won. The round was we won again, so we ended up winning. In Tae Kwon Do, Master Cavazos made us do Yellow to Bocho Dan Poomsae. I also am getting my Samsung Galaxy S6 tomorrow, can't wait! That all for me, Goodbye!

  904 Hits

August 24, 2015

The second week of school has started for me, most of your schools started today. One of my classes teacher is still making us get to know each other. We still haven't had any homework except last wee for math. I have my first test this week for science for Lab Safety. Today our school was handing out laptops for students (not for FREE) and I didn't get one, even my sister got one. I am also getting and Samsung Galaxy S6 (White), its going to be my first one. It should be coming in a few day, can't wait!

  936 Hits

August 21, 2015

Well the first week of school is now over. We didn't have any homework the whole week except today, ON A FRIDAY! My class was doing Integers in Math class and my teacher decided to give us homework today. Once Monday hots there is gonna be tons and tons of homework. I can't wait to train with Master Hama tomorrow. The Black Belt Cycle also tomorrow, I don't know what to expect. Soon enough the Black Belt Pre-Test is gonna hit to. Black Belt Cycles are tough and challenging. Well that was my day. Cya!

  941 Hits

August 19, 2015

Woke up at 6:45 am still in my Summer Mode. During the the summer I was waking up between 10 am to 11 am. Now three days into school I am still in that schedule. My class figured out that our 5th period is Environmental Studies which is all about the environment and nature. Our teacher for 5th period is a Social Studies teacher, which is funny since Environmental Studies is more of Science. Our class had to act out an Environmental problem scenario. I was running in the evening when it was drizzling when it started pouring. The thunder was so loud and I could see the lightning strikes. Well that was my day, got to wake up early tomorrow.

  878 Hits

First Day of School

Well this is officially my WORST first day of school. During Open House my classmates and me schedule's didn't have 1st and 2nd period. So when I went to school today there was a huge line to get our schedules. It took me 20 mins to get my schedule. My new schedule had it's own problems, like 3 1st periods and no 5th period. It was so confusing that 13 of my classmates were in the wrong 1st period class. After that everything went smooth until 5th period. Nobody's schedule had a 5th period except one, and his was wrong. So for 30 mins our class was trying to find what teacher we had. Then a teacher got us and we played a game, and we still don't even know who we have for 5th period. Finally came dismissal, this was the WORST part of the day. The school was trying...

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  955 Hits

Last Day of Summer Vacation

Today will be my last day of Summer Vacation. I can't believe my vacation is already over. I am excited for the new school year, but there gonna so much homework. My school hasn't even told me my first and second classes of the day. I have done a lot this Summer, like going to Chattanooga, TN, Robotics Camp, Scuba Diving, etc. I mean school was going to start no matter what. At least used my Summer wisely and had fun! Wish me luck!

  932 Hits

July 18, 2015

Today I woke up late and had to get ready for Black Belt Class fast. There was just one problem my dad had taken the van and my mom can't drive our car cause it is stick shift. So I ended up missing Black Belt Class and I couldn't go to Sparring Class since I had Scuba Diving at that time. I did Scuba Diving for 3 hour and then got a smoothie at Smoothie King. After some time I went to the Concord Mills Mall and got some Elite Socks. Then my mom took me and my sister to Olive Garden. That is all I did for today.

  904 Hits

July 16, 2015

Today I woke up at my friends house since I stayed over last night. We played on the the computer and the Xbox 360. He had to go swimming so I did my requirements when he left. We where suppose to go roller skating but I had to go to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out in my first class today. During Black Belt Class we went over some poomsaes and went a little of curriculum. Well that is all for today.

  949 Hits

July 15, 2015

Today I woke up around 1 am and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I ended up doing 100 push ups and 100 sit-ups in the morning. I did all my requirements early in the morning so I could go to my friends house. There we played Infected on Call of Duty Ghost and we also played Clash of Clans. We also played football and soccer. In the night we went for a jog at the same time play football. My dad came to get when we came back but he let me stay.

  980 Hits

July 14, 2015

Today I woke up early since our roof was being repaired and it made a lot of noise. It was really hard to go back to sleep. I went to watch the movie Inside Out with my sister and some of her friends, I was actually a good movie. At Black Belt class Master Evins went over the colored belt poomsaes except White and High White. He also went over other Black Pelt Poomsaes. It been a long day and I can't wait to hit the hay.

  933 Hits

Living/Non- Living Hero #1

     My hero is Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was a five-star general in the US Army and was the 34th United States President.      Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 in Denison, TX to David Jacobs Eisenhower and Ida Stover Eisenhower. Dwight was the third of his parent’s seven sons. His family lived in a tiny house near a railroad track where Dwight’s father worked cleaning train engines.      Once his Dwight was a year and a half years old his family move to Abilene, Kanas where his family first lived. They moved there so David could get a better job at his brother-in-law’s creamery. Soon afterwards Dwight’s 10-month-old brother Paul died from diphtheria when Dwight was 4 years old.      After graduating from Abilene High School, Dwight started working with his father and uncle at the Belle Springs Creamery and also worked as a moonlighting...

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  1007 Hits