
Master Constance Randle

Member since: Saturday, 12 January 2013
Last Visit: Monday, 04 September 2017
Connie Randle
Master Constance Randle
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Rainy Day Equals Treadmill

Well, a rainy day means a day on the treadmill – I accomplished several of my daily requirements early this morning, still have miles and pull-ups to do.  I wanted to get most everything done early since I’ll be in Black Belt class tonight. Have you guys noticed that we have videos on the website now?  Thanks Master Evins, Master Burkart, and Inst. Uczen!    

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Good Day...

Today was a good day for training.  I started my work day this morning at 5:30am (after I finished my pushups, situps, burpees, self defense, and poomsaes).  Since I started early, I finished early, which gave me more time to train.  I love to see the numbers left go down!

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Well, the snow is almost gone, but it was nice to at least see some before winter is over.  J  I went out to get a couple of miles in and it was COLD, especially when the wind blew.  I’ve done all of my daily requirements and even a few extra.  I was slow getting started but I accomplished what I set out to do.  I still have some time to work on my essays!

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Sparring and Snow!

Today was a really full day!  Requirements, then Little Tigers, got in a mile with Inst. Dege (walking in the snow), Black Belt class and then the Master Cann sparring seminar!  I’m tired, but in a good way.  J  I really enjoyed the sparring seminar.  And then when it was time to go home, there was snow!  Yay!  The perfect end to a busy day.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a better day for requirements – I was able to get everything done and even a little extra!  I’m done for the day and it’s only 6:30pm.  I think for a Valentine’s Day gift to myself, I’m going to relax a little and spend a little time with my family. 

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I did some requirements this morning.  I was in a meeting from 8:30am till 9:30pm so I didn’t get all of my daily requirements done, although I did my kicks during a break in the meeting.  J  Luckily, I’m ahead on the things I didn’t get to today. 

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All daily requirements are complete and I’m getting ready for black belt class.  That means any physical stuff we do in black belt class is extra! J

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It was a little tough getting started this morning because I was sore.  But after I got loosened up, I got it done.  It wasn’t a typical marathon Sunday, but I still got quite a bit done (even if it did take a little longer than usual  J).  And I was able to finish my essay on the book I’ve been reading too.  Tomorrow is the start to another week!

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Today started early with requirements before going to teach Little Tigers class, then some miles with Inst. Dege, black belt class, and then more requirements.  In black belt class, we got in lots of poomsaes and some self defense.  We also practiced our falls and rolls.  I was doing pretty well with the rolls until they brought out the juk do.  We were supposed to jump roll over the juk do that was being aimed at our ankles.  Although Master Evins cautioned us not to be afraid of the juk do, I must have been worried I was going to get hit because I rolled over my head instead of my shoulder.  So now, my neck hurts.  I’m sure it will be okay after some Aleve and heat.  J

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TGIF…it’s only 5:30pm and all of my daily physical requirements are complete.  It’s such a relief to have them done for the day.  I went outside and walked for 2 miles, it was a little breezy, but it was nice outside.  I got in several random acts moving trashcans out of the street and picking up trash.  J

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Early versus Late

I didn’t get a lot of my requirements done this morning before work because I had to do some work BEFORE I went to work.  L  Then I had to sit in an all day meeting!  So when I got home, I had lots left to do.  I began working on them as soon as I got home – poomsaes, self-defense, kicks, jump rope, sparring, pull-ups, and of course, I had to do my miles on the treadmill because it was raining.  But I persevered and got ‘em done!  I much prefer starting the day with requirements, as opposed to ending the day with them.  I have a lot more energy in the morning and then I have a sense of satisfaction for the entire day.  J

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Physical Requirements are Great for Stress Relief!

Thank goodness for the middle of the week!  It’s been a rough week at work this week, but I’ve still gotten my requirements done.   As a matter of fact, I look forward to doing the requirements to relieve the stress.  J  And teaching the Junior Tigers class always makes me smile!

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Requirements were done before black belt class and I got in a few extra pushups and situps during class.  We did a lot of kicking, moving and sweating in class!

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Typical Monday today – requirements before work, some miles and jump rope before Junior Tigers class, then pull-ups and sparring rounds when I got home.    Now I’m watching Biggest Loser.  It gives me motivation!

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I got quite a bit done today after 4+ hours of training and over a gallon of water.  I can really knock out a lot of requirements when I go down in the basement with my jump rope, mats, music and wave master bag!  I missed my training buddy, Inst. Dege, but I still managed to keep myself busy. J I also worked on staff forms and stick forms outside since it was such a nice day. I really, really like seeing my “done” total go up and my “Left” number go down!

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A few requirements when I got up, then off to teach Little Tigers, a couple of miles, then BB class, a couple more miles, and then home to finish up my requirements.  It was a productive day!

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Don't Procrastinate....

Today was a pretty good day.  After work, I came home and got in some miles, jump rope, sparring, and pull-ups.  It was cold and windy outside, but at least it wasn’t raining.  I think I’m going to start working on my essays this weekend.  I would be smart to get some done now even though mine aren’t due till next cycle, right?  I know who I’m going to write about for my heroes and I’ve already read my book.  J  No reason to procrastinate!

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Wet Wednesday...

Well…I got lots of requirements done this morning and before Junior Tigers’ class I was able to knock out my jump rope rounds.  Teaching Junior Tigers is so enjoyable.  The kids are so enthusiastic and they try so hard.  They always brighten my day. I would have liked to have gone outside to get my miles in but unfortunately it was storming.  So I had to do my miles on the treadmill.  Normally, I don’t like the treadmill much because it seems so boring, but this time it didn’t seem so bad.  I guess I kind of got in the zone and it wasn’t as difficult as it usually is.  J I hope it keeps raining, I sleep so well when I’m listening to the rain.

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A Little Sweat....

I was able to get all of my requirements done before BB class.  And we had a good class – lots of review on the Wang Ho and black belt forms.  Quite a bit of kicking too.  I have to say, I was sweating a little when I got done with class.  J

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I did some requirements before work this morning when I got up at 4am.  Then when I got to King Tiger, before teaching Junior Tigers, I was able to walk a mile, do four rounds of jump rope, get all of my kicks done, and do some poomsaes.  After teaching class, I came home did some pull-ups, sparring rounds, and a few more pushups and situps. I feel like I’m doing pretty well with the physical requirements of the cycle.  I feel like I’m getting stronger.  I can even do some pull-ups now with the help of the bungee cord.  This may not sound like much to some people, but I couldn’t do even one when I started!  I’m making progress….that’s what it’s all about!

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I had a marathon training session today in the basement with Inst. Dege.  We got lots accomplished!  Afterwards, I had laundry to finish, but I was still able to squeeze in a couple more miles.  And now, I’m looking forward to another week of steady training.

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Pretest Saturday

I got up this morning and studied for the written pretest.  Then I taught the Little Tigers class.  We only had one child that showed up for class, probably because of the ice that was still on the road.  I asked Inst. Dege to quiz me some after Little Tigers.  (Thanks ma’am!).  And then it was time for the pretest.  I think everyone did pretty well on the pretest.  There were some mistakes (I messed up on Hwarang Poomsae), but I think most of them were due to nerves.  I know I was very nervous! We’ve all got things we need to work on, but I think we are all eager to improve.    Someday, I’d like to look like Master Chin when she does her poomsaes.  And like Master Evins when he does self-defense.  J After Black Belt class, I came home and ran some errands.  Then I was able to...

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I loved the weather today because it got me out of work early.  I came home and was warm and toasty, until I began training.  Then it was hot and I had to change from my sweatshirt to a t-shirt.  Finished up my requirements and reviewed the colored belt study guides.  I realized, I’ve forgotten a bunch! I hope everyone does well on the pretest tomorrow. And...I just want to say again how much I like the new website - it's so easy to update things.  I was a couple of days behind entering my requirements and it only took a few minutes to add the stuff.  You did an awesome job Inst. Uczen!

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Well, I came home from work and decided to knock out some miles before dark because I thought it would be a little warmer.  Man…it was COLD!  I wasn’t sure I was going to make the whole two miles because I couldn’t breathe.  It was tough but I finished – perseverance! The website is being stubborn – it refuses to let me enter anything on my tracking chart.  I’ll catch up with my data when it gets over its technical difficulty.  J  I’ve sent the webmaster a note.  I’m sure he’ll get it fixed – indomitable spirit.

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Muscle Memory

I continue to work on my requirements.  I really like seeing my Total done go up and my Left numbers go down!  I was able to squeeze in 2 miles before teaching the Junior Tigers class, which is a good thing because it was so cold after it got dark. I’ve been concentrating the most on the colored belt curriculum.  I’m trying to make sure that I can do it in my sleep without thinking about it.  I find that if I think about what I’m doing I tend to mess up, especially when I do self-defense.  I need to let my muscle memory show me the way.  

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I did a lot of my requirements this morning before work.  Then I was able to squeeze in some kicks, jump rope rounds and sparring rounds before BB class.  We got some good practice on the colored belt curriculum in BB class.  I’ve been working really hard on the pull-ups and I’ve actually been getting better.  In the beginning I couldn’t even do one, even with the bungee cord.  But now I can actually pull up a couple of times in a row while using the bungee cord for my leg.  Unfortunately, I got so excited doing them yesterday that I think I strained a muscle in my side or popped a rib out of place.  Oh well…that’s part of being on the cycle.  J

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A Nice Day Working from Home

Since it was a holiday, Michaela was out of school.  I worked from home which is always nice….While I was waiting on my computer to do stuff, I was able to do some of my requirements.  It was nice to be able to spread the requirements out throughout the day. I guess I need to start reviewing my study guides.  I’m not sure if I have to take the pretest or not since this is my pre-cycle, but it’s probably better to be prepared.

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Today was a good day for training!  I trained for about 4 ½ hours and I was able to get two days worth of requirements done.  (In addition to two loads of laundry, going to the grocery store, and various other household chores.)  It was a very productive day.

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Training this morning, then taught Little Tigers class with Inst. Dege, then a 2 ½ mile walk with Master Burkart, BB class, and home for more training.  Thanks Inst. Dege and Master Burkart! I think I have a routine for training now.  I just hope I can maintain my momentum! J

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One Week Down.....

Today was a good day for training!  I got a lot done before work this morning.  I only work half a day Fridays, so then I came home and did some jump rope rounds before I went to see Dr. Bill.  I had acupuncture done at Dr. Bill’s and I was able to meditate while the needles were in.  I always leave Dr. Bill’s feeling better.  I did a couple of miles, some pull-ups, sparring rounds, and more pushups and sit-ups.  We’ve made it through the first week!  One week down and eleven to go….

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Let It Snow!

I got a lot of the physical requirements done this morning.  After I got home from work, I was able to squeeze in my sparring rounds and four jump rope rounds.  I went to BB class and it was a sample of the TKD+ class.  We did a poomsae and then we jumped rope for 30 seconds.  We did this nine times, so 41/2 more rounds of jump rope for me.  We also did self defense and after each step we did a burpee/squat thrust.  It was an awesome way to knock out some physical requirements and practice our poomsaes and self defense.  Thanks Master Evins! I’m crossing my fingers for some snow – I’d love to wake in the morning and see about 4 inches.  J

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So Far, So Good....

I got up this morning and did most of my requirements before work.  I taught the Junior Tiger class.  I love teaching that class because the kids are so enthusiastic.  They are so eager to learn everything we can teach them.  After class, I came home knocked out a mile, four sparring rounds, some self defense, and a few more poomsaes.  I’ve been focusing on the things that Master Evins mentioned in BB class Tuesday.  (Returning to Joon Bee after each step in the self defense, good stances, and good preps.) The new BB website is working really well now.  Great job Inst. Uczen!  I really like the improvements that you’ve made over the other website.  You’ve made it so much easier to update our stuff.

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So far so good – I’m trying to develop a routine for getting my requirements done.  However, I need to make a note that I should not do two miles and three jump rope rounds right before BB class.  I have to save something for class. J Drinking more water is a good thing!

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I was able to get most of my physical requirements done this morning before I went to work.  All I had left was jump rope, sparring rounds, miles, and pull-ups.  I was able to do jump rope and two of the sparring rounds before the Junior Tiger class started.  When I got home, I ran a mile on the treadmill.  Then I was able to finish the rest while I was watching Biggest Loser. They were doing a quiz on Biggest Loser about childhood obesity.  It’s a real eye-opener to hear what a big problem this is in the USA.  It gave me a little boost of energy and it made me appreciate the training that I get to do.  J

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A Good Beginning.....

Today I got a lot of training done.  Inst. Dege came over and we had a marathon of training.  It’s always easier to train with someone.  Thanks so much ma’am! I drank 3 bottles of water today!  I was really thirsty. I think I’m going to be sore tomorrow but that’s good because then I know I’m working toward getting stronger.

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