
Master Constance Randle

Member since: Saturday, 12 January 2013
Last Visit: Monday, 04 September 2017
Connie Randle
Master Constance Randle
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


  I hope everyone had a great 4th.  Yesterday was our last full day in Gatlinburg and we were really busy.  We went to the Haunted show, found our way out of a Mirror Maze, played Circus Mini Golf, rode the SkyLift up to the top of a huge mountain, walked around Gatlinburg a bunch and finished with fireworks tonight.  It was a really good day!  

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Wow, it’s been really hot!  We went mini golfing today and went to the World of Illusions.  I’ve also made my family walk a lot!  It’s been really nice being in the mountains and being able to work my requirements in all during the day.

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Today was a more laid back day because it was overcast.  I got my requirements done and then I worked on work stuff.  I also took two walks down the Gatlinburg strip.  I really enjoy people watching when I’m walking through the crowds. 

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Today was a productive day.  It rained really hard so that gave me time to do requirements.  We went to something called the Tomb Adventure where you were trapped in a cave and had to work puzzles to escape.  It was a lot of fun.  I’m glad I had my kids with me because they are really good at puzzles.  Then we walked a couple of miles down the Gatlinburg strip. 

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It Makes Me Smile...

I helped with the Junior Tiger class tonight.  I really enjoy working with the kids because they make me smile. They always come to class eager to learn with lots of enthusiasm.   

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Tough Day

Today was a tough day…I was so tired this morning that I didn’t want to get out of bed and that never happens because I’m a morning person.  But I knew I had to drag myself to work.  I didn’t get my requirements done before work so I had to do them after work.  (But only after taking a short power nap because I literally couldn’t hold my eyes open.)  I did them while watching the Big Brother premiere.

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  It was great to be back in class tonight.  (That’s the only bad part about being on vacation.)  We worked on the Palgwe forms and hapkido. Today was a good day.  

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  I got up this morning at 4am and got everything done except jump rope, pullups, and miles.  I saved that for this evening after work.  Unfortunately, I twisted my knee when I was jumping rope.  I hope I can get an appointment with Dr. Bill this week so he can put things back where they belong.  Either way, I will persevere.  

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Ready for Monday?

  Today was catchup day to get all of the things done that have to be done when you return from vacation: laundry, pay bills, grocery shopping, etc., but I squeezed in some requirements too.  Now it’s time to look forward to Monday….  

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  I didn’t get to go to the King Tiger 5K today because I was returning from vacation.  This is the first one that I’ve missed since they began.  I’m sure everyone had a good time.  I also didn’t get to do as many requirements as I would have liked because it was a travel day, but I’m giving myself permission not to worry about it.  I’m glad to see that the required numbers have changed.  Thanks Master Evins and Inst. Uczen!  I still have over 100,000 pushups and sit-ups, but that’s better than 190,000….  

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Last day on the beach and last day to leisurely do my requirements.  I’m going to have to find that extra two hours a day to fit those requirements in.  It will take a little time to work out a routine but I know I can do it because I’ve done it before and so has lots of other black belts that were on a cycle.  Just got to believe!

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Today was a nice day out on the beach.  There was a nice breeze blowing.  I really enjoy sitting on the beach watching people.  Seeing all of the kids having fun on the beach makes me smile.  I’ve done a lot of requirements this week so it’s really frustrating to look at the “Left” column.  The numbers don’t seem to move.  Maybe I should just focus on the “Total” column.

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Today is hump day and that is not a good thing when you’re on vacation.  I could really get used to having a life of leisure, although I am doing my requirements.  I’m getting in a lot of miles on the beach too!

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Another Day...

Today was a pretty good day.  I got quite a few requirements done.  I can’t find a place to do my jump rope though so I’m getting behind on that.  We are on the third floor and I don’t think the people below us would appreciate it if I’m jumping.  And if I do it on the beach, I’ll embarrass my family.  Oh well, I’ll catch up later.  I was hoping that we would finish learning through Palgwe Oh Chang before Master Evins leaves, but I’ve only learned up to part of Sa Chang.  Maybe they will work on it tonight.  If they do, I know I can count on Inst. Dege to send me the remaining steps!

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I was tired today.  The bottom of my feet are hurting from walking so much on the sand and my knees really need to be realigned.  I guess a visit to Dr. Bill is in my future.  It was a beautiful day at the beach today though!

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I got up this morning and it was pouring down rain, so no walking on the beach.  I spent time doing requirements instead.  When the sun came out at lunch time, I made it count!  I love walking on the beach.  I hope everyone took an opportunity to tell their dads how important they are.

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Cheat Day

I didn't get as much done today as I would have liked because I was traveling. I was doing kicks in the parking lot at the grocery store. I guess I'll just call this my "cheat day".

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  Thank goodness it’s Friday!  My shoulders are sore and my knees are popping, but I’m still chugging along.  I need to find a faster way to do all of my requirements…I’ll have to work on that.  It’s storming at my house right now.  I really like a good storm (as long as the power doesn’t go out).  I’m trying to decide whether to go to the sticks training at the beach.  I think it will be a lot of fun.  I looked up the Coral Beach Resort online and it looks like a really nice place.  I’ll sleep on it and decide tomorrow.  

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  I can definitely say I worked up a sweat today.  J  After Black Belt class I came home and had to finish up with jump rope, sparring, and a few more self-defense.  I’m beginning to feel that familiar soreness from requirements.  I guess that means I’m working hard.  I set up my YouTube account yesterday.  Now if I can just talk my kids into holding the camera while I do my stuff.  

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First Step

  Well this is the first of many journal entries on my Master’s Journey.  I’m still trying to determine what I have to do each day to stay on track and the whole thing is very intimidating, but I’m just going to take it one day at a time.  It will take me a while to get into a routine, but I’ve taken the first step….  

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 So it’s finally testing day!  I’ve been doing every poomsae and self-defense I know and trying to work on the details.  It seems the more I practice, the more mistakes I make and the more nervous I get.  I have to keep telling myself that I’ve worked hard, I know my stuff, and I wouldn’t be testing if I wasn’t ready.  (I wonder if they’ve done any studies on practicing/studying too much??)   I’ve also been reflecting on my journey to this level.  I have so many people that have helped me on the way.  Obviously, I wouldn’t be here if not for Master Evins – his patience and encouragement kept me coming back to class!  Master Chin, she convinced me that Tae Kwon Do was something I should do with my kids.  My first instructor was Master Chelley, she helped me believe that I could do it.  Master Burkart – he...

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  5499 Hits


So it’s finally testing day!  I’ve been doing every poomsae and self-defense I know and trying to work on the details.  It seems the more I practice, the more mistakes I make and the more nervous I get.  I have to keep telling myself that I’ve worked hard, I know my stuff, and I wouldn’t be testing if I wasn’t ready.  (I wonder if they’ve done any studies on practicing/studying too much??)  I’ve also been reflecting on my journey to this level.  I have so many people that have helped me on the way.  Obviously, I wouldn’t be here if not for Master Evins – his patience and encouragement kept me coming back to class!  Master Chin, she convinced me that Tae Kwon Do was something I should do with my kids.  My first instructor was Master Chelley, she helped me believe that I could do it.  Master Burkart – he...

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Happy Friday!  Today was a terrific day.  I got a lot accomplished at work and then I came home and got a lot accomplished.  I also went to visit Dr. Bill, which always makes me feel better.  He adjusted my knees, my wrist, and then I got acupuncture on them too.  Everything is good for another ten thousand miles!  J  However, I think my jump rope and sparring rounds are going to have to take a rest.  Those are just too brutal on my knees.  L  I need to save my knees for physical day and definitely for testing!  We’re almost there….

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Plans Change...

My day today did not go as planned.  It started off normal – requirements and then work.  However, I had planned on going to BB class tonight and then PMAA class, but the fates had different plans.  I ended up not getting home from work until almost seven and that didn’t leave me enough time to feed my kids and get to class.  L But I made the most of it.  I had my own mini class by working on all of the stuff I need to know for testing.  The closer it gets the more nervous I get.  I’ve been working hard and I feel like I know my stuff, but I’m worried that I’ll have brain freeze during testing.  Oh well, I’ve just got to do the best that I can do!

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Little Tiger Testing!

My day started with requirements.  Afterwards, I headed to the North Charlotte dojang.  Today was a milestone day for Little Tigers.  Today was the first time we did testing for the Little Tigers since the program began again.   The kids were so excited!  Some of them got to the dojang thirty minutes before testing because they wanted to make sure they weren’t late.  Many of them brought their parents and their grandparents to watch.  The kids got to show their family how hard they’ve been working on following directions, answering yes ma’am, kicking and punching, basic stances, and even counting in Korean.  You could tell that both the kids and the adults were very proud of their accomplishments.  Their instructors were very proud too! J  Thanks to Master Knight, Instructor Dege, and Melvin Harris for helping with testing. I hate that I missed the demo at Freedom Park and Instructor Auerbach’s...

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  1803 Hits


I’ve been reading some journal entries that have said the physical requirements are getting easier to do and at first I thought so too….but this week, the pushups, situps, and the burpees have been really, really hard.  And don’t even mention the pull-ups…I’m getting better at doing them with assistance, but I still haven’t mastered doing one without assistance.  L  I’ve just got to keep telling myself that I am getting stronger with every pushup, every situp, every burpee, and every pullup! I really enjoyed the rain today!

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  1 Comment


Tonight I didn’t go to class, instead I stayed home and spent some time with my kids looking at old pictures.  It brought back lots of happy memories.  I needed to take a short break to see if I can shake this crude that I’ve picked up.  L  I’m still doing my requirements but I just don’t feel like I’m one hundred percent and I’ve got this annoying cough.  I will persevere!

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Today was Monday all day long…It started with requirements, then work, then a mentee session, teaching Junior Tigers, a mentor session, and finished with requirements. I’d like to say a huge “Thank You” to my mentor for taking the time to mentor me one more time before he leaves for his trip!  I hope he enjoys his trip   I’ve got a lot of work to do while he’s gone.

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What a beautiful day it was outside today!  It put a bounce in my step when I was doing my miles.  J  I felt better today and was able to knock out all of my requirements before lunchtime.  Then I spent some time with my kids, which I haven’t been able to do much lately.  I wonder sometimes if people realize when they sign up for the black belt cycle that their family kind of signs up too.  You have to sacrifice time with your family to get your requirements done, to practice your curriculum, and to attend all of the extra classes.  My family has to put up with my bad mood when the pressure becomes intense and my lack of patience when I feel like I’m running out of time.  L  If my family didn’t support me, there’s no way that I could complete the cycle.  I intend to...

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I got up this morning, struggled through some pushups, situps, and burpees, and taught Little Tigers class.  After class, Inst. Dege and I went for a walk.  Since I wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t want to share my germs, I sat on the sidelines and watched BB class.  It’s was really tough to sit and watch, I kept wanting to participate. At times, I found myself going through the motions from the sidelines. After BB class was over, I went home, took some Advil, and took a nap!  I woke up feeling a little better.  I did the laundry and a few more requirements.  Since I slowed down a bit today, maybe I’ll be back to 100% tomorrow!

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Take Care of Yourself....

Well I had soup for dinner – what does that tell you?  Yep, I’m not feeling well.  I’m stuffy, coughing, and I’m freezing.  Luckily, I did my requirements this morning before work.  So, I’m just resting and eating soup! My plan was to get a flu shot tomorrow so I wouldn’t get the flu before/during testing.  Oh well.  I should mention to everyone – if you’re training hard and not sleeping much – your immunity system is compromised.  L  Please make sure to take care of your health while you’re training.  Get strong and stay healthy!

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I am usually really tired by Thursday (and today is no different), but I’ll be going to BB class and PMAA class.  I think I’ve almost learned all of the knife disarms, one through ten.  I wonder when I’ll know that I’ve learned everything I need to know for the test??  Usually after PMAA class my wrist is really sore.  I guess it’s about time to go get it adjusted again.  L I sent out some requests for donations for Levine Children’s Hospital today.  I hope everyone is working hard to meet our goal.  J Well, I’ve got to go get ready for class!

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Comments and Messages

I was reading people’s journal entries today and it occurred to me – it’s kind of sad that no one comments on any of the entries.  Maybe Kelsey is right about no one reading them or maybe people read them and just don’t comment (like me)… I’m going to start making a bigger effort to comment.  I think right now during the cycle is the time that people need encouragement.  I know I do – and comments or private messages are a good way to provide some.

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I don’t really have much to say today.  My body and brain are tired.  I still have to go to BB class and then stay for PMAA class.  (At least I don’t have to go to TKD Plus class.)  I won’t get home until after 9:30pm and probably won’t get to bed until 11pm.  The good part is I’ve already got my requirements done.  J This is the time in the cycle where it starts getting a bit overwhelming.  I need to remind myself that although this is extremely difficult – it will be worth it in the end!

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Today was a typical Monday.  I had to work hard at work and I looked forward to teaching Junior Tigers, working with my mentee, and working with my mentor.  I always learn something from my mentor! I also learn when I’m working with my mentee.  When you’re teaching someone something it makes you stop and think about what you’re actually teaching, instead of just doing it.  Most people will tell you that it’s harder to teach than to be taught! J I’m beginning to think about the end of the cycle…the actual test…and it’s scary.  So, I need to stay in the moment.

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A Little Intimidating.............

Today was a good day.  I decided that I was going to do every form that I know at least once.  I didn’t realize how many forms I know until I did this.  Here’s a list: colored belt – 11, black belt – 4, Basic – 3, Wang Ho – 5, Nai Bin Jin – 3, Attack/Defend – 2, Stick – 4, Staff – 5, and Cane – 1.  (I didn’t do the three Hapkido forms because I need a partner for that.) I also did all of the self-defenses, stick/knife, and Hapkido.  I tried to focus on the details.  Having to know so much for testing is intimidating!  L  My plan is to work hard and do the best that I can. After I finished all of requirements and my household chores, I finally got that nap I’ve been wanting!  J  Now I’m ready for a new week.

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I woke up early this morning, did some requirements, and then headed to the dojang to teach Little Tigers.  Class was full of energy today.  We had fifteen Little Tigers and they all seemed happy to be there.  J After class, Inst. Dege and I got in a mile and half.  We got back to the dojang in time to practice hapkido 1 thru 32.  Then it was time for class.  Master Knight and Master Kim worked with us on poomsaes, kicks, rolls, and falls.  Thank you sirs! After BB class, it was time for errands and laundry, with requirements thrown in between.  I finished the day with two more miles.  All in all, it was a productive day!

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Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone to add to the mile I.5 I had already done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m always doing something like...

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  21 Hits


Today was a typical day, except it’s Friday and that makes it special.  I only work half a day on Fridays and I had intended to come home and take a nap, but I started doing requirements and working on a flyer for the raffle instead. I also went to Cold Stone to support King Tiger (and for free ice cream).  I parked at King Tiger and walked to Cold Stone, so I was able to add that to the miles I had alreay done.  It was really nice out today.  It’s beginning to feel a little like Fall.  J I opted not to accept the no TV/electronics challenge this week.  I was going to participate but then I realized that I would have to force my family not to watch TV too because I spend all my time in the Family Room.  I never just sit and watch TV.  I’m...

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Workout Routine?

I had a tough time sleeping last night.  I woke up and thought it was 3:30am, so I laid there waiting for my alarm to go off at 4am.  After a while when it didn’t go off, I looked at the clock and found that it was only 2:30am.  I still had some time to sleep!  I think I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited about doing my pushups and sit-ups.  That’s the first thing I do in the morning before I even leave my bedroom.  I fall out of bed onto the floor and start my requirements.  I found that the carpet is softer in my bedroom and not having the light on adds to the ambience!  It’s really good for meditation too.  After my pushups, sit-ups, burpees, and meditation, I move downstairs.  I grab a protein shake and knock out some poomsaes, self-defense, kicks, and sparring.  I usually...

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  1222 Hits

Practice, Practice, Practice...

Today was a pretty good day, but I noticed that I’m having a difficult time staying awake when I’m sitting at my desk.  This is not a good thing!  L  I worked with my mentor today.  I’m still trying to get my hapkido committed to memory.  Hapkido is one of those things that is difficult to practice by yourself, but I’ll get it eventually.  I’ve just got to practice, practice, practice.  Maybe I’ll just start grabbing people at the dojang and get them to be my partner so I can practice.  J

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In black belt class tonight we worked on rolls and falls, not my favorite thing to do, but you gotta do what you gotta do! J Then I stayed for PMAA class.  I feel like I’m getting better on my knife stuff.  This makes for a really long day, but I actually like working with the knife.

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My List...

I decided that it was time for me to make a list of all the things in the curriculum that I don’t feel confident on.  I looked at the list of things I’m required to know, along with anything new that Master Evins has thrown in, and I wrote down anything that I don’t have complete confidence in.  This is the list that I will ask my mentor to focus on.  It occurred to me that I have a limited amount of time to spend with my mentor and I need to make sure that we work on the things I’m not sure of.  L Tonight we focused on Knife disarms, Hapkido forms, Hapkido 21 thru 32, and Nai Bin Jin #2 and #2. Hopefully, we this approach I will make the most of my time with my mentor, and eventually my list of things I’m not confident in will get...

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  1057 Hits

Good Day...

I had a good day today.  I was able to get all of my requirements done (and even some extra).  I was able to do some household chores and I actually got a little family time in too.  J  I’ve gotten all of my essays done, except Community Service, so that’s a relief.  I’m ready for another week!

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Productive Saturday...

I got up this morning and did pushups, situps, burpees, poomsaes, and self defense.  Then I went to King Tiger to teach Little Tigers.  We had a lot of kids in class today and they worked really hard!  Afterwards, Instructor Dege and I got in a couple of miles.  Thank you ma’am! We had a really good BB class today.  We worked on poomsaes, stick forms, and Hapkido.  Master Chelley Hartle did a great job making sure to give us pointers on some of the details that we need to refine.  Master Conrad Hartle was very helpful with the Hapkido.  Thank you Masters Hartles! After I got home, I had to do errands and laundry.  Then it was time for more requirements.  Overall, it was a productive day!  J Thank you Master Evins for the extra credit for attending class on 8/31!  I really appreciate all of the opportunities we’ve had...

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Well…..it’s Friday!  I always look forward to Fridays because I have grand plans of getting some extra rest.  It never works out that way, but it’s nice to dream about it!  J I got up early this morning, did requirements, got ready for work and began my day.  I only have to work half a day on Fridays.  When I got home I thought about taking a nap, but I baked cookies instead. I delivered my cookies, ate dinner, did some more requirements, and then I decided I was done for the day!  

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I’ve completed my daily requirements and I’ll be going to BB class and PMAA class tonight.  That always makes for a really long day, but I’m afraid I might miss something if I don’t go.  I’ve attended all of my required classes, but my motto is “you can never practice too much”, so I keep going.  J Maybe we’ll work on the hapkido after 1-10.  I really need to learn that well!  And hopefully in PMAA class we’ll work on what I actually have to know for testing…I enjoy doing drills, but I don’t learn new things really quick so I need lots of time to practice!

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Lots of New Stuff in My Brain!

This week I’ve been a white belt.  Tonight I took the colored belt class and most of the people didn’t know me in that class so I was able to really act like a white belt.  Now I can write my essay!  J I’ve begun getting everything all mixed up in my head.  It seems like I’ve learned so much new stuff.  Now I need to get organized and focused so that it’s catalogued in my mind correctly.  I’ll have to find the best method for keeping it all straight.

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Monday... (Not, But It Felt Like It!)

Work today – yay!  (Not really). I went to visit Dr. Bill today so he could adjust my knees and my wrist.  My wrist was really hurting, (probably from pushups, burpees, and sticks/knife).  Anyway, I got my accupuncture and I’m good for another 5000 miles, I hope.  J I went to BB class and we worked on the Grandmaster Jung Attack and Defend form.  Afterwards, I took PMAA and we worked on a knife “drill”. Now it’s time to take a shower and jump in the bed.  Four o’clock in the morning comes really fast!

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Labor Day

It was so nice today sleeping till 9:30am, taking my time completing my requirements, and working on my last big essay.  And I really enjoyed not having anywhere that I had to be today! I finished my ten page essay on prewar Korea!  My plan is to be a white belt this week and then I can do that essay too. I worked some on my creative poomsae, but I still have a lot of work to do.  L I’ve enjoyed the long weekend, but it’s back to getting up at 4am and going to bed late tomorrow. Kelsey had asked if we are half way yet.  The BB book goes through Day 70, so I would say that the half way point is at the end of Day 35.

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Loving It!

By noon I had all my daily requirements done.  (Anything else I did was extra!)  Then it was time to work on my last big essay.  I got quite a bit done, but it’s not complete yet.  Luckily, there’s still Monday. I’ve really enjoyed the laid back pace of today.  I got things accomplished but I didn’t feel like I was racing the clock.  I could use a couple more of days like this.  J I hope everyone else found some time to enjoy the weekend.

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Good Saturday...

We had a good BB class today working on BB curriculum and even though it’s a holiday weekend, there were still 33 students in class!  Great job everyone – that’s commitment.     After class I was able to work in some fun.  I went to the movies.  I went to see We Are the Millers.  It was very funny, although not appropriate for kids.  It was a nice mental break to do some laughing.  J Afterwards, I finished my requirements, including a couple of miles in the rain.

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Well, I don’t have anything important to say tonight.  L  Except maybe TGIF! I’ve been working on my back stances, turning my knee out, and making sure my knife hand is at an angle.  I’ve also been practicing my poomsaes slower so that I can pay more attention to my form.  I think I’m getting better. I don’t feel like I’m getting any better at pull-ups though.  If anyone has any helpful tips on how to improve on those, please share….. I hope everyone has a great long weekend!

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I’m really tired today, but I’m looking forward to PMAA class.  We’ve been working on knife disarms and slicing & dicing.  I’ve been told I need to get more aggressive.  J I’ve got a lot of plans for the long weekend, such as working on my creative poomsae, finishing my last big essay, and working on my new skill some more, and maybe even having a little R & R.  I hope I can get it all accomplished!

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I was working with my mentor today and as I was coming home, I wondered  if my mentor knows how much I appreciate his help!  I need to make sure I tell him the next time I see him.  Our mentors help us so much – they give us their time and their knowledge so that we can succeed.  I’m certain that without my mentor I would be totally unprepared for my test.  He ensures that he knows the curriculum so that he can help me.  He has patience when I don’t remember all of the steps to the poomsaes and he always dreams up a different way to teach me if I just don’t get it!  I hope everyone has a mentor as good as mine and that they let them know how much they are appreciated.  (Thank you so much sir!)

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Can't Get Enough!

Today was my long day – requirements, work, more requirements, BB class, and then PMAA class.  My partner in PMAA class was very patient with me.  We’re learning knife and there are a lot of moves to remember.  Even though I’ve completed my required number of PMAA classes, I’ll continue coming to class so I can learn the curriculum.  J I’ve completed my BB class requirement too, but I know it’s very important to continue coming to class because that’s where we get to work on the BB curriculum.  I need to learn as much as I possibly can and I can never get enough practice!

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Yay Monday!  Not really – I’m just trying to physch myself out.  J  It seems like the weekends are never really long enough.  I didn’t get the rest that I wanted over the weekend because I ran out of time.  During the cycle, time becomes a commodity that we all crave. It was interesting reading journal entries yesterday.  Several folks were mourning the last day of summer and some of them acknowledged the fact that the cycle is about to get harder because of school.  I would say that this is when time management becomes so important!  Doing well in school and keeping up with requirements will be a challenge.  But I’m certain that everyone will figure out a way to make it work.  Just remember – anything worth having is worth working for and the harder you have to work, the more it means when you accomplish it!  J

  95 Hits

Busy, busy, busy...

When I woke up this morning, I was a little sore and a lot tired!  I drug myself out of bed after stretching, and began my requirements.  I got most of them done, although it took longer than usual because I was doing household chores in between. I was finished by lunchtime, except for my miles, which I intended to do this afternoon, but my plan changed.  When I drove into the driveway, I realized that the bushes in front of our house were taking over.  I began trimming one bush and I ended up working in the yard for three hours!  Needless to say, when I finished I was bushed!  (No pun intended. J) I didn’t get any miles today, but my yard looks much better and I finished the day feeling very productive. 

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I’m really glad that the pretest is over.  It was a long hard day physically.  My legs felt like noodles by the time we got to poomsaes, but I persevered.  (Although I did stumble once on Sa Chang.)  L I was pleased with my performance today, although I wish I had been able to do more burpees, and at least one pullup!  I was really surprised at my miles.  I had thought that it would take me at least an hour to do four miles – I was shooting for 53 minutes and I made it in 51:51.  (For you guys that can run a mile in less than 10 minutes, that may not sound very good.  But I’ve never been able to run a 10 minute mile, even before I hurt my knees.)  I will continue to strive to do better on all of my stuff.  I want to feel...

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  40 Hits


I plan on helping with testing again tonight.  I know I’ll get home late but I like to lend my support to the people that are testing and that I’ve trained with.  I know everyone is anxious about the pretest tomorrow but I’m sure everyone will do an awesome job! After the pretest, we’ll be able to begin focusing on the black belt curriculum more and the cycle will get really exciting!  J

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Tonight I helped with testing, took BB class, took PMAA class, and had a mentor session with Master Cavazos.  There were some of my requirements that I didn’t complete, but I’ll make them up this weekend. Since they were having testing, we baked some cookies to sell and raise money for Levine’s.  We also sold some raffle tickets for the Kindle Fire HD 7” tablet that we are raffling off to raise money for Levine’s. When I’m helping with testing, I always look for the white belts.  I make a point of speaking to them to try and make them less nervous.  I remember how nervous I was the first time I tested.  I try to help them begin the test with lots of confidence.  I tell them what someone told me the first few times I tested. “It’s obvious you know your stuff or you wouldn’t already have all of...

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  20 Hits


Today was another day in the cycle…I got all of my requirements done, a leadership credit, and a mentor session with Master Cavazos. My arms are a little sore from the sticks class last night.  And I have a giant bruise on each of my shoulders, so I must be re-chambering correctly when I do my sticks.  J

  49 Hits

Sweat, Smile, Learn...

Today was a really long day.  On Tuesdays, I have to take BB class and then PMAA class.  I sweated a lot in both classes!  I feel like I did better in PMAA class this time than I did last week.  So maybe I’m getting the hang of it. Kate was an awesome partner.  J I still had to do my jump ropes, pull-ups ,  and sparring rounds when I got home, but it’s all done now.  It’s time for a much needed shower and hopefully a good night’s sleep.

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Rainy Monday...

Today was a nice rainy Monday.  It started with training and then I had to take my daughter to her open house for school.  Later, I met with my mentee, taught Junior Tigers class, and met with my mentor. I’ve video-taped the sticks singlewalees, so maybe I’ll learn to associate the terminology with the movements. I’ve got to spend some time this week reviewing the colored belt study guides.

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Today was a pretty good day.  I finished most of my requirements early and I even had time to go to the movies.  We saw The Wolverine.  It was pretty good. I discovered something this morning - my cat doesn’t like it when I get really still.  I was sitting on the floor doing my meditation with my eyes closed.  My cat came up and started meowing like he was asking if I was okay.  I didn’t respond so then he decided to tap me on the arm with his paw.  When I still didn’t respond, he climbed up on the couch behind me and decided to tap me on the shoulder.  I finally had to pet him.  I went on with my meditation and after he decided I was okay, he decided to lay on his back and meditate too! J

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Rainy Saturday...

A nice rainy Saturday – I love it!  I got up this morning, did some requirements and then went and taught Little Tigers’ class.  There’s always a lot of energy in the dojang when the Little Tigers are training.  J After teaching, I went to Black Belt class.  Master Chelley Hartle taught class.  It was a really good class with a little bit of everything.  Thank you ma’am! Later I had to take my daughter out to shop for school.  That was almost harder than BB class.  L  And then it was home for chores, with requirements thrown in between.. Anyway, all in all, it’s been a very productive day!

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I had a good day today and I also went to see Dr. Bill!  He is so awesome.  I always look forward to seeing him because I always come out feeling so much better.  He gave me my 50,000 mile adjustment, including several adjustments to the knees, popping the wrist to make it stop hurting, and acupuncture. J  Now I’m go to go for at least a couple of weeks. I’d like to say congratulations to Master Chin on the new addition to her family, Emerson Rose, and to Master Knight who is getting married this weekend.  Big events in the King Tiger family!

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I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday.  I am so tired, both physically and mentally!  I really need to recharge so I can begin again.  J I took the TKD Plus class tonight, then BB class, and then PMAA.  I found out that there are several things we have to know for testing in PMAA.  And maybe it’s because it was the last class for the day, but I have the most difficult time focusing and remembering the PMAA curriculum.  I’m definitely going to have to find a way around that obstacle!  If anyone has any suggestions on how I can associate the names of the things with the actual steps in PMAA, please give me your suggestions.  J

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Mentors and Mentees...

Today was a busy day at work – I didn’t get to eat my lunch until about 3:30pm.  But it was hump day so things are going to get better.  J I worked with my mentee, Hallie, on self-defense, Hapkido, and Keumgang today before teaching Junior Tigers.  I can tell she’s practicing the things we work on because she’s getting better.  Keep up the good work! After Junior Tigers class, I worked with Master Cavazos on my double stick forms.  He’s helping me a lot to work on refining my movements now that I know the steps to the forms.  I really appreciate his efforts and attention to details.  Some day, I hope to look like him when he does the stick forms!  Thanks for your patience sir.  J

  1049 Hits

Hard to Believe....

I took a CPR/First Aid class today and I was shocked at some of the information that the instructor provided.  He cautioned that if you help someone, you can be held liable if something goes wrong.  He stressed this so strongly that it made me consider would it be worth it.  L  I decided that it’s more important to do the right thing and help anyone that needs it (if I know how).  And that if something is happening to me, I pray that someone will risk helping me! It was tough getting up this morning.  I’ve got to find a way to get in bed earlier at night.  Going to bed at 11pm and getting up at 4am, and pushing myself physically, can’t go on forever.

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Take Advantage of Your Mentor!

So today was my first day back at work after a week’s vacation.  The day went by really fast but only because I had a lot to do.  Tomorrow the first half of my day will be spent doing a CPR/First Aid Refresher training course for work. I’ll be leaving work soon to head over to King Tiger to teach Junior Tigers class.  I really enjoy being around the younger kids because they are always so enthusiastic, even when it’s Red Stripe day!  I'll be working with my mentee, Hallie, before class. Then hopefully I’ll get to work with my mentor, Master Cavazos.  I actually began working with him at the beginning of July.  And it’s a good thing too because there’s lots to learn!  J  I hope everyone is taking full advantage of their mentor.  Remember, they are there to help you, but it’s up to you to ask them...

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  1336 Hits


I really like Sundays because I can spread out my training throughout the day.  I was able to accomplish quite a bit in between doing household chores.  There’s always something that needs to be done so you really have to manage your time wisely.  J Tomorrow is the beginning of another week and another opportunity to knock out lots of requirements!

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Every Cycle is Different....

So, today was the BB Cycle meeting and even though I’ve participated in several BB cycles, I still feel that sense of anticipation and nervousness that I always have at the beginning of a cycle. I’ve heard several people say that since they’ve been on one cycle that they know what to expect now.  Master Evins mentioned in the meeting that the cycle is never the same.  The effort and commitment required will be the same, but the journey will be different.  I’ve learned something different about myself on each cycle and I’m sure this cycle will provide more insight.  I really enjoyed the BB camp today.  I always like working with weapons and we got to work on the Wang Ho three step staff attack and defend.  We only learned numbers one, two, and three.  I can’t wait to learn four and five.

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Back to Reality!

I got up and did all of my requirements except miles and jump rope.  I'll do them on the beach. Today is my last day at the beach – that makes me sad, but I knew I had to go back to reality eventually. I’m looking forward to the black belt camp tomorrow.

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This morning I got up early to do some requirements.  Then we drove into Charleston.  I did a lot of walking there and was able to knock out three miles. When we got back, I went out on the beach and did three more miles.  I finished up my requirements this evening, but I have to say, I really had to convince myself to do all of them.  This is not a good thing this early in the cycle!  L I’m going to have to have a stern talk with myself.

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Another day of training…I don’t really have a routine yet, but I’m keeping up.  When I return home, I need to work on a routine because it makes it easier if it’s a habit. I did get everything done today and I did some more research on my pre-war Korea essay. I’ve also found that it’s difficult to do random acts of kindness when you spend all your time on the beach, unless you count what you do for your family.  But it’s really easy to meditate while looking at the ocean!

  111 Hits

Fun in the Sun!

Got up this morning, did some pushups, situps, burpees, poomsaes, and self-defense.  Then it was out to the beach to get in some miles.  You know you’ve done a lot of miles when you get a blister on the bottom of your toe from the sand.  L I did my jump roping out on the beach this afternoon and some more poomsaes and self-defense.  The beach patrol stopped to cheer me on when I was using my husband for a self-defense partner. J I worked on my new skill some and on my big essay too.

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Another Day...

I did a bunch of requirements this morning, then went outside and got in six miles.  In the afternoon, I did jump ropes, pull-ups, and sparring rounds, and then 3 more miles. It was a productive day for training!

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Extra Credit!

Today was a good day for training.  I always get lots of miles in at the beach.  I did my jump rope on the beach too.  I might have looked funny, but it was much easier on the knees.  J I put in all of my extra credits that I earned from all of the opportunities that Master Evins offered before the cycle. Terrence Jennings – 2 Sparring classes BB Camp 6/29 -        2 Sparring classes, 1.5 Sat BB class, 1.5 Tues BB class PMAA Seminar -      5 PMAA classes, 3 TKD Plus, 3 Sat classes, 4 Sparring classes BB Camp 7/27 -        2 Sparring classes, 1.5 Sat BB class, 1.5 Tues BB class These credits really helped a lot!  (Thank you sir.)

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Thank You Sir!

I want to thank Master Evins for letting those of us that audited the last cycle, carry over one third of our physical requirements and classes.  That really helped my numbers! I got up this morning and did some pushups, situps, burpees, poomsaes, and self-defense.  Then I went and taught Little Tigers class.  I couldn’t stay for BB class because I was leaving for the beach. Getting to the beach was tough!  A 4-hour drive became a 5+ hour because of traffic.  I just finished up all of my requirements.  We didn’t get to go out on the beach yet, but I’ll be out there bright and early getting in some miles.  J  

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Day 2

Today was a busy day and I’m really tired.  But, I’m headed to the beach for a week of vacation so I should have the opportunity to rest and get lots of requirements done. J Hopefully, by the time I return, the requirements will be easier and I won’t be sore anymore. I accomplished all of my requirements and my plan is to keep up (or get ahead) while I’m gone.  I’ll also be working on my last two essays and my new skill.

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And so it begins…. I got up this morning at 4am to do some training before I left for work.  I was able to get my pushups, situps, poomsaes, burpees, self-defense, and kicks done.  (I find that I do better early in the morning, instead of waiting till the end of the day.)  I did two miles during lunch today.  I finished up my sparring rounds, jump rope, and pull-ups after I got home from work, before class. I toke the TKD Plus and BB classes tonight.  I was going to take PMAA, but I forgot my shirt. It looks like we are going to have a very large group of testers this time.  I hope everyone works hard and has a huge sense of accomplishment by the time we get our belts!

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Good Luck on Testing!!

I just want to send some positive energy toward the Black Belts that are testing tonight!  You guys are going to do an awesome job.  Just remember, you know your stuff, now it’s your chance to show everyone how hard you’ve been working.  Be strong and breathe!  J

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I got up early and did some requirements before work.  Then I was able to get a mile in before teaching Junior Tigers class.  We had a very energetic class today.  The kids were really excited.  Afterwards, I came home and watched Survivor.  J

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!  It was a lovely day.  I didn’t do as many requirements today – just pushups, sit-ups, kicks, miles, and pull-ups. I spent the rest of the day doing domestic chores that I’ve gotten behind on over the past couple of weeks.  Now I’m ready for a new week!  J

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Just a Little More Than Four Weeks....

Requirements before work, a mile before teaching Junior Tigers class, and some jump rope afterwards.  I can’t believe it’s only a little more than four weeks till testing.  Boy, the time has really flown by. J

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I was able to do some requirements this morning before I left for work.  It was tough going back to work after being off a couple of days.  J  Then I went to black belt class.  We had a small class and we were able to review staff forms 1, 2, and 3.  I really like the classes where Master Evins has the opportunity to break down the form and give us insight on the details.  

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Back Home and Ready for Routine

Well I spent most of today traveling back home after spending a couple of days in Florida for business and a few days of vacation.  I was able to get in several miles at Busch Gardens and now it’s back to the routine.  I have a few requirements left to complete and they will be gone this week!  Yippee!

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Busy Week!

Things have been very hectic lately.  I have to go out of town for business Thursday thru Friday and I’m scrambling to get packed and everything.  I haven’t been able to get back to my routine of the cycle and I kind of miss it.  J  Routine is a good thing.  Luckily, my totals are where they should be so I won’t get behind while I’m gone.  I won’t be there for the physical and written test this weekend either, but I know all of you guys will do a great job and I’ll be thinking about you!

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Community Service

Things have been a bit challenging for me since I got home from Inst. Camp.  I went to the office for half a day, I rushed home to work on my crashed network, and then I rushed to get over to the Center for Hope to help with the Community Service Project – serving food to the homeless.  It was humbling to see all the mothers and kids that came for a meal.  When I smelled all that good food cooking,  It occurred to me that I had not eaten since breakfast, but I considered myself lucky because at least I knew that I had something to eat if I found time for it.  This community service project was a project that I feel like made an impact to everyone that helped out – Chef Lloyd, Master Burkart, Inst. Dege, Inst. Tribune, Abby, Nikhil, Dan, Kyra, Anya, and me.  It made...

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  1501 Hits
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Instructors Camp

Instructor’s Camp was packed with useful information!  It’s so much fun to see what kinds of things they have on the agenda.  The parts I liked the best were the training in the pool, the sticks training, and of course Grandmaster Lee’s class.  I love listening to Grandmaster Lee’s stories too.  Thanks to all of the great King Tiger Masters for the stuff they taught us this weekend and for everything they do to make us better throughout the year!  It was great hangin and training with the extended King Tiger family too!

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Let's Go!

Uniforms – check, weapons – check, snacks – check, water – check, Ready to get on the road!  I was able to do my daily pushups, situps and kicks.  The other things will have to wait.

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Train, Train, Train....

All daily requirements have been completed and now it’s time to get ready for Instructor’s Camp!  Tomorrow will be an especially long day because I’ll get up at 4am to do requirements, then work for about four hours, drive to Greenville, and then train, train, train…..

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Just one more day till Instructor’s Camp – I’m looking forward to it.  And then on Monday, we have our community service project.  It seems like the clock has started moving faster…I hope I can keep up.

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I did requirements this morning before work, then some more this afternoon, and then off to Black Belt class.  I had to use the treadmill for my mile since it was pouring down rain, but that’s okay.  Whatever it takes to get it done!  J

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Beautiful Sunday!

What a difference a day can make in North Carolina!  Yesterday was rainy and dreary and today is absolutely beautiful.  I just finished putting in a couple of miles and it was sunny and breezy.  I’ve almost gotten all of my daily requirements done and it’s relatively early.  My requirements have gotten routine during this cycle and it hasn’t been as tough to get them done.  Other cycles seemed chaotic and it was difficult to fit everything in.  I hope I can maintain the routine through the next cycle.  J  I think my totals are high enough that I won’t have to worry about falling behind during Instructor’s Training and that’s been the goal.

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An Insightful Day!

WOW…what an insightful day!  My day started with some daily requirements, then off to teach Little Tigers class.  After that I worked with Inst. Dege on staff forms.  Then came black belt class.  Inst. Auerbach taught an empathy class.  We taped up our hand so that we couldn’t use it and then he taught us how he does Oh Chang.  He’s adapted it to compensate for only one hand.  It was really difficult to think about the foot work and the different hand movements.  He said that when he learns a poomsae, he has to watch us do the poomsae the way that we do it, and then he translates it to fit his abilities.  He said it was like learning a foreign language.  There were several times when I got frustrated because I didn’t get the moves right.  It gave me insight to what he has to do every time...

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  4409 Hits

A Nap Kind of Day!

I’ve finished my daily requirements, which is a good thing because I’ll be helping with testing tonight.  It’s raining again and I wish I could go take a nap!  But there’s always something that needs to be done and I cannot shirk my responsibilities.  J  Tomorrow is the health fair at King Tiger North and I’m looking forward to it.  I wonder if I can squeeze in a massage while I’m there….

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I helped with testing tonight.  I really enjoy watching the kids that I teach get out there and show their stuff.  J  There are those that have so much confidence and you can tell they’ve worked hard to learn their stuff.  And then there are those that are afraid, but they dig deep and find the courage to go out on the mat anyway.  It makes me feel so humble.  Everyone did a great job testing!

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It seems like today has been a really long day…if I’d been at home, I bet I would have been able to get lots done.  J  I’ve been tired all day and I’ve had a headache most of the day – maybe I need more water.  The note we received with credits for Master Cann’s sparring seminar made me happy though!  Thanks Master Evins for the credits!

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