
Zayne Mojica

Member since: Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Last Visit: Thursday, 27 February 2025
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Hi - I'm Zayne. I took my Yellow belt test on September 12, 2019, and I got my Black belt on September 23, 2023. I'm in 10th grade now at Community School of Davidson, and this year I joined the Cross-Country team, and when the cross country season ended I joined the indoor track team. For cross-country at the end of the season I got The Most...

Hi - I'm Zayne. I took my Yellow belt test on September 12, 2019, and I got my Black belt on September 23, 2023. I'm in 10th grade now at Community School of Davidson, and this year I joined the Cross-Country team, and when the cross country season ended I joined the indoor track team. For cross-country at the end of the season I got The Most Improved Runner award, it was the first time I ever did a competitive sport in school. For in door track I'm still learning the ropes. I am excited about the testing for my 2nd degree Black belt. I will post my running times as I go to different meets here. Today (Monday Jan 20, 2025 NC Dogwood MLK, Winston Salem) I ran a meet and in the 4x800 my time was for my run, I was the 2nd runner, was 2:27.802, and I did the 500m race and posted 1:20.71, both times are OK, but I have a lot learn and improve still. I know I can post better times. At school the school work is hard, and I try my best. 


Thursday Journal Entry

My day started early at 5:30 leaving the house at 5:45 to be at seminary class by 6AM. That's my typical morning. After seminary I went to school, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I stay afterschool to get extra help. I left around 4 and got to track practice around 4:45, there was a lot of traffic. My practice drills included running 10 200m back to back. In practice between my drills and warmups I ran about 3miles. I went to Taekwondo after practice, and helped out with testing. I actually forgot, and I thought it was a regular Thursday, but it was good to help out. I still have dinner and homework to do. Long day, but good day. 

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Wednesday Journal Entry

I went to seminary in the morning, I leave the house at 5:45AM to get there by 6. After seminary I went to school. Today the school day seemed to go by very fast today. It was a normal school day. After school I went to track practice. At practice we did drills which included a 45 second drill to see how far you can run in 45 seconds. During practice I got in about 2 miles. After practice I came home, and I'm still doing homework, and have to get my exercises in. I'll be doing exercises as soon as I get my school work done. Already had dinner, so I need to hurry so I can get to bed. Tomorrow it starts at 5:30AM again. Good day today.

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Tuesday Journal Entry

Today I didn't go to seminary, that was on purpose so I could get another two hours of sleep. This was going to be a long day, so getting the extra rest is important for my health. I went to school at 7:30am, and on Tuesdays I stay after-school for extra help. During extra help today I took a Bio quiz that I didnt finish during the day, and I got some math assignments turned in. I left school at 4:15 and rushed to track practice and got there late around 4:35, practice starts at 4PM. I let the coach know before hand that I would be late. In practice I ran all together about 3 miles. After practice I went home, and got the rest of my exercises done, I had pizza and oranges for dinner, and then I had piano at 7:30PM. Tomorrow I'll be back on my 5:30AM...

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Monday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to seminary and then to school. Everyone hates Monday's I don't think they are that bad. After school I went to track practice, this is the start of the new season for Outdoor Track and the practice today was four 800m's, and two 200m's and then we did a cool down which is 2 laps. So I get my miles in, a little over 2 miles today during practice. I went home and did homework, ate dinner and then exercises. It was a good day. 

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Sunday Journal Entry

This morning I went to church and I had to give a talk during our Sacarment meeting, I prepared the talk and practiced reading it, so I think it went well. A lot of people told me afterwards that it was good. After church we went home and had lunch. On Sunday's we basically stay home and rest. I did my 2 mile run around 6 and will do the rest of my exercises at home in a little while. Tomorrow back to regular schedule, up at 530 to go to seminary class before school. It was a relaxing Sunday. 

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Saturday Journal Entry

Today was a pretty calm day. I woke up early and went to Black belt class and after that I went home and rested. In the afternoon I went for a 2mile run. I got my exercises in, and then went out to dinner with the sister missionaries from our church. We went to Crafty Burger. By now, it was about 6:30PM and I came home to finish writing a talk that I have to give in church tomorrow. Good day.

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Friday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and went to seminary at 5:30. Then I went to school, and on Friday's we end a little earlier - and after school I had to go to track practice. At track I ran 8 laps for todays workout, and each lap is 500m. It wasn't that bad a run, I didn't get tired, but I need to go faster. Track practice is until 5:30 but on Friday's I leave early at 5PM so I can get to Blackbelt class by 5:30PM. Black belt class was good, I got to practice my stick form 2 and now I know all of it which is really make me feel good. I finished up Black belt class and got my book signed, then went home. Pancakes for dinner, and I did some excercise right after eating so I could get those in for the day.

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Thursday Journal Entry

When I woke up this morning, it was still snowing, but there wasn't much sticking. We had a 2 hour delay, and then it got changed to a 3 hour delay, bit I saw the notice for the 3 hour delay to late and got to school early. At school we had a snow ball fight with the snow that we could use. With the changed schedule, all of our classes ran for 25 minutes, so it was a weird day. I stayed after-school for extra help and to get more work done. With after-school I finished at 4:30. I went to class at 5:30 and stayed for sparring. I got my book signed. With the weather I was not able to run outside, but I got all of my other exercised in at home. I also do chest presses with a chess press machine I got for my birthday, these...

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Wednesday Journal Entry

Today I woke up and ate breakfest and then went to school. All CMS schools were closed and had remote learning, but my school had regular bell time, but we had early dismissal. I wasn't sure it was going to snow, but it started around 12PM, and it looked a little heavy but now it's all gone. Tomorrow we have school, but it's a 2 hour delay. Today, after school I didn't get to run outside, but I got all my exercises in at home. I'm doing planks, pushups, squathrusts, situps, pull ups. Then I did my homework for most of the remaining hours of the day. I'm heading to bed now, and want to be lights out by 9:30PM. It was a good day.

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Monday/Tuesday Journal Entry

Having two days off from school has really thrown me off my sleep. I am up when I'm supposed to be sleeping and sleeping when I'm suppose to be up. Today, was our first track meet practice for the new season for outdoor track. During practice I ran about 2 miles today. Over the last two days I think I ran about 12 miles all together. Today after track practice I went to piano at Learn Music, and now I'm home and have to get the rest of my exercises done. I don't have to wake up tomorrow at 5:30 and can get an extra 2 hours sleep in before going to school. I'm not sleepy now. I have to get back on my regular sleeping schedule. I'll have my exercises done in the next hour and will try to get to bed.

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Sunday Journal Entry

Yesterday my day starts by going to church. When I got home I did my laundry, and went for a run. I didn't keep exact track of my run, but from my apartment I ran all the way up Old Statesville past Davidson, and then I saw a pizza shop and I realized I went to far and was in Moorsville. I turned around, when I got home my dad told me that I did about 16 miles. I was using my phone to listen to music which I never did before so I think I just got distracted and ran to far. I never got tired, but I was jogging and not running very hard. I did the rest of my exercises later in the day before bed, and spent most of the day doing school assignments. There is no school today, so I slept in late. 

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Saturday Journal Entry

Today I started off my day by waking up at 8AM and going to blackbelt class. I started off by doing my staff form 1 and 2 then went on to start doing poomsae's which was honestly fun at the end of class where you had to do as many poomsae's you could in 3 minutes. After class I went home and ate breakfeast and then did a morning jog for 1.7 miles then I did my jump rope and my pushups, situps, and squathrusts. Most of the day went on normally then at the end of the day i did some excercise before i went to bed and practiced some poomsae's. Tomorrow is church in the morning, and spend the rest of the day at home doing school work. We have off Monday and Tuesday and I had to leave school early on Friday to go to the track meet,...

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Friday Journal Entry - Valentine's Day

Today was the track meet for states. I went to school in the morning. I had to skip seminary to get a couple of extra hours of sleep because I knew I was going to be up late. - it's 10:30PM and I'm just getting back from Winston Salem from the meet. The meet was a lot of fun, the runners at the state meet are incredibly fast. Our school runner's did OK, but we didn't come in first in any of the heats. It was a good experience for me to be there. I should be able to make state next season, I'm confident about that. I have to still get in my regular exercises, so I can do these at home before heading to bed. I'll be at Saturday class tomorrow morning! 

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Thursday Journal Entry

It was another long day, and today I have a track meet. I was so tired yesterday that I had to skip seminary this morning. When we have track meets we leave school early, and the meet is in Winston-Salem, and we get back around 10PM. I have extra food in my lunch box, to eat all day today. I just got back from a morning run. I jogged one time around the neighborhood, and got my situps and chin-ups in before going to school. Going to school now, I'll post again tonight about the meet. 

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Wednesday Journal

Today was a good day, as usual I started my day around 5AM, and I did my run in the morning, 1.5 miles. I got home and got ready for seminary and school. At school I use the weights and I am practicing dead lifts and chest press. After school today we had track practice in the rain. I didn't make state, but I'm going to the meet as an alternate this Friday. I probably won't get a chance to race, but it's still important to cheer the team. During track practice I ran about 5 miles. When I got home I was exhausted and took a nap, and now I'm up again to do homework. It's past midnight, so I'm going to be totally off tomorrow. 

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Tuesday Journal

Today was a normal day, busy but pretty normal. My day started around 5:00am, I do some of my exercises in the morning, situps, and pull-ups. Then eat breakfast and head to seminary class that starts at 6am, then I get a ride to school. Today I started after school tutoring, so I finished school around 4:30pm. Tuesday is church youth activities night, so I left for church around 6:30pm and I just got home a little while ago. It's raining outside, but not that bad so I'm going to do my running now, once around the neighborhood is 1.5 miles and that a fast run for me. So that's what I'll do tonight, after the run I can get more exercises done. I have homework still to do, and I'll try to be lights out by 10pm. 

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Journal Entry

My normal day starts at 5:30AM, out the house at 5:45am and to my seminary class by 6AM. After class I get a ride to school, 7:30AM. After school I got homework done, and then I went for a 1.5mile run. We had off from track practice. I did my exercises when I got back and we were dog sitting again, so I took him out for a long walk around the neighborhood. I'm going to get my pull-ups done, and then early to bed.

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I got my exercise in at home early before church. I did situps and pullups. I went outside to get my jump roping done. 

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My Saturday

Today I went to Black Belt class in the morning. I practiced my knife form, and my pomsae. After class when I got home I got exercises done, pushups, situps and squat thrust. Later I ran 2 miles at the Rec Center, I got in about an hour work out after my run. The rest of the day I spent resting at home. I got 2 new 25lb bumper plates delivered also! 

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My Medical Update

I had a seizure on Sunday, I was told that I was out of it for about 15 seconds. I went to the emergency room, and I had all sorts of tests, and after a long time there they said I tested positive for Influenza A. They told me that a seizure is like a computer rebooting, and that's what happens to your brain, it reboots. Because of that I had to go through a head scan, and I have to go back to follow-up. I didnt think the flu would make me have a seizure but the doctors said that Influenza causes all sorts of weird things to go wrong in your body so that was the reason for the seizure. Something like that never happened to me before. I've been home all week, mostly in bed resting and taking medicine for fever. All of this happened Sunday which was...

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I went to the rec center yesterday. I used some of the weight machines, and ran indoors. I'm practicing jump roping more, but still not that good at it. I started looking at online videos of jump ropers, and its pretty amazing what they do. I visited with a friend later in the day. Today, Sunday is my birthday. We don't celebrate birthdays like we did when I was little, so it's a normal day, but it stinks because I went to bed last night with a sore throat and woke up feeling alot worse. The plan for today is bed rest, and Walmart chicken soup. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WTo9lCCxi-1my1mYf79GXliGiFt4zYIt/view?usp=sharing

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Friday here...Yippee

My days start early at 5:30am, and I'm out the door at 5:45am. But we are dog sitting for a friend, and I have to walk the dog in the morning, so my day is starting at 5:00am for now. We are dog sitting a 4 year old chihuahua named Beau Diddley. I'll try to upload a photo later. For my running I got in just over 2 miles during track practice today. I also did my exercises for this week, including my planks and checked it off in my book. I finished my day with black belt class, and I focused mainly on staff forms.    

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Another Track Meet

I ran in another school track meet yesterday. This was the first track meet that we didn't have to take a bus t Winston Salem, and it was held right here in Spartan Park, which is owned by the school in Huntersville. I ran a 500m, and I came in first in my heat! Against 8 other runners. I ran it in 1:16:00 the 2nd place runner came in at 1:20, so I was 4 seconds ahead. There was multiple heats, and across all of the 500m heats I was in 8th place, so not bad for a beginner. I ran the 4x800 relay too, but the scoring didn't post our individual scores, the team ran it in 11:16:32, we were the only school running the 4x800m relay and there were 2 heats, we did better than the runners in the 2nd heat, so I dont think its the best time,...

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Pre-Test Pull ups

Here is a link of me doing my pull ups for my pre-test. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ftd9Sus857THK151MQUZ38WLO0dDyF0P/view?usp=sharing Total pull-up count is 12.    

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