
Master John Burkart

Member since: Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Last Visit: Monday, 19 October 2020
Master John
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Good Afternoon 

There are some exciting things coming up in 2020, I turn 60, I have some weird family news coming in and I am testing for my 6th.  So exciting times are coming my way and looking forward to seeing what the future the up an downs along the way. Need to keep pushing remind myself to keep pushing and always have some help with my...

Good Afternoon 

There are some exciting things coming up in 2020, I turn 60, I have some weird family news coming in and I am testing for my 6th.  So exciting times are coming my way and looking forward to seeing what the future the up an downs along the way. Need to keep pushing remind myself to keep pushing and always have some help with my friends to keep  me on track. 

I am working way to much with my environmental work, 9Round and KTA Fitness. So this is going to be a challenge but need to continue to make time and work on a goal. I still live in Matthews and commute a lot to get my training completed. I have more excuses than most but need to put them aside. So here we go and see you on the other side. 





Dear John   Need to invent a way to create more time. I guess I could try to find my inner Harry Potter and get  charm like Hermine. I could design and develop a time machine and travel back and forth. I could ask Superman to change the axis rotation of the earth. Any of these options will assist you John in getting more training time. Best idea yet is to get some of Master Evins hair and/or DNA and create my own Master Evins. Yes best Idea yet cloning is the way to go then I can train train train as needed.   John 

  479 Hits


Dear John    I know you have been running hard with the gym move and 9 Rounds and so many more things on your plate with permits and environmental work, good to see you are doing a recovery day. Six miles yesterday took it out of you did it not. Well rest and get back at it tomorrow.   John 

  620 Hits

Come on John

Dear John  I hear you missed the community service project, not good, I know you have been busy with the new gym remodeling and equipment moving but you have to stop and get it done. So what that you are paying two rents and have to work until 10 pm and on weekends. It is just to much for even me to understand. I bet you will be sure glad it will be done soon.  Need  for you to stay focus but rest some so you do not burn out. It will be bad if that happens. I am sure you are going for a run on Sunday so do not kill yourself and enjoy the game this Sunday. It is your favorite day  Groundhog Day in PA is a blast. Everybody needs to see Punksatawny Phil someday.   Be safe out there   John 

  557 Hits

Naked and Afraid

Dear John    Have you ever watched Naked and Afraid I have and it scares the heck out of me. Would you go 21 days naked and living primative off the land.  I know I would not but that is crazy how these people live and do not tap out.  I would tap out the first few hours especially with bugs. So I think I would be with you and live at Harris Teeter. LOL  Until next time John   Out 

  571 Hits

Good Day

Dear John    I saw you at the park today training. It seemed you were having fun. I did not want to interrupt you but you looked slow compared to the other two artist. You better pick it up or your going to get left behind. Overall glad you are back at the park I remember see you with Thamm and Ritchie years ago. There are some found memories I am sure for you with laughs and hard work. Keep it up.   John 

  453 Hits

Oh John

Dear so  John  I am as sore as you always say you are. I am sore in my shoulders and legs between 9 Round clients kicking, King Tiger clients making me fall I am sore. I see you did 90 burpees in your spartan work out yesterday geez are you crazy. You must be but then again I guess that is why you are sore.  The work out for the Spartan as I understand it was  1. 30 Burpess with the Spartan 22 lb Ram 2. Hang with 20 knee tucks 3. 10 minute max out jog at 15% incline  4. log squats 30     3 rounds  so I hope you get ready for the first Race in February.  Well good luck you are going to need it. 

  507 Hits


Dear John Noticed you at the park the other day, seems Master Tucker, Master Dedge was working hard you were just laughing, what up with that. Get it together man and work hard. You may have been there 2.5 hours but you were laughing for 2 hours. So stop and get yourself motivated to do the work to get better. I am sure you were actually working as I noticed you did about 45 forms from sticks, staff and poomse in the credits so keep it up. Can not wait to see you out there next weekend. I also calculated up the amount of miles and obstacles you are doing this year.  Are you crazy you really do want to make 60 a bang.    Have fun, keep laughing and see you soon   John 

  473 Hits

John John John

Dear John    So your Cowboy did not beat the Irishman last night, it was not even close. You know you have Irish blood so why are you cheering on a cowboy. I think is is scripted anyway. I think there will be a rematch for bigger money and then your cowboy will win. We will see maybe it is not scripted and if not Conor is really one of the best pound for pound fighter out there. I know he can be arrogant but you can when you are the best.    See you at the next fight    John 

  446 Hits

Master Evins

Dear John    I noticed that your instructor Master Evins is doing two or more workouts today so I heard you tried to keep up with him today by doing your 9 Round work out and then a Spartan Workout. Are you crazy!!!!!! I bet you will be so sore tomorrow. Did you do your forms also? You better have done them. I think I heard you seem to finally have your last form completed but are stumbling on others. So you better keep working out and getting ready. You have signed up for 4 Trifecta's and one Ultra so you better get ready.  Good Luck John and talk to you over the weekend   John 

  537 Hits


Dear John  I wanted to introduce myself, I am a troubled man with to much to do and not wanting to do any of it. I need some help. You seem to be always busy with work. How do you do it and how to you stay sane.   John   Dear John    I am not sane at all. in fact I think I am going crazy trying to do everything. I just keep telling myself move forward, get it done so on and sooner or later it wll get done.    John 

  489 Hits

Practice Makes Perfect

Dear John I saw yesterday you got some good poomse practice in. I hope you finally figured out some time to spend on it. I know a lot is going on so please keep it up and practice. You need to be ready for April and have no excuses so keep going and work hard.   John 

  415 Hits

Not a Thing

Dear John    I did not do a thing today except help out around the house and paperwork.  I need to get some more letters do and yours is the first one. Tried to get the rest of  my Spartan Races set up but having no luck with registration something seems off with the web site. So will try tomorrow. Look to see me in 4 Trifectas this year and one Ultra. Good luck if you decide to join me.   See you soon    John 

  400 Hits


Dear John    I see you trained hard today but understand you still need to work on your poomse's so you need to work on it. You need to take that calendar of yours and set some time aside before March and definitely before April trip . I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you train hard and do well.    John

  455 Hits

Another Day

Dear John  It seems you are working a lot of hours lately and not providing quality time for anything else, I know you need some beauty sleep so you better read this letter and then go to bed. Work has consumed you with everybody being sick I hear so you need to not burn the candle at both ends of risk being sick yourself.    So take care old friend, I will be sending you another letter soon    John 

  454 Hits

Oh John

Oh John you are behind already, why I am sure you can provide me an excuse but I more than likely will not accept it. I feel you need to not work three jobs, and not take on every bodies activities to get things done. You need to work on allow others to do some of the work. I know you will say they are idiots and can not do it as fast and well as you.  This may be true but you have to not give your self a panic attack when you realize you do not even know the schools address. Oh well at least you can run and do push ups. LOL.  Well good luck John I hope you find your way, lord knows you will need some help along the way.   John 

  474 Hits


Dear John    It seems I am forgetful these days with so much going on, yesterday with Catholic Social Services, then new gym location, children, then school then requirements I am surprised I know my name.    So I have to get better and make notes so I can remember to send you a letter since I missed yesterday.   John 

  452 Hits


So John I see you have been trying to get the self defense down but  seems you are having trouble with high yellow and high green, blue what and so on. So I do not think I can help but you need to seek others. So if you can get to class and work on the self defense it is needed badly. Until next time for more inspirational writing and best regards.   John     

  532 Hits

Dear John New Year New You

John  I see you took a day off and more than likely needed a day to rest, 80 pull ups in one day had to make you sore. So overall, I hope you had a good day off, and a good celebration. Overall, you may seem to need it with all the activity you have going on. When we talked last you usually said you do 1750 calories in one evening of work 9Round so you should be getting in better shape. I know you said you wanted to run an Ultra this summer so you better get running more long distances so you are ready. Keep it up and get going on those runs.    John 

  481 Hits

2019 vs 2020

Dear john   Time is changing so this is my last note to you for 2019. I am excited to see how 2020 comes along. Never thought you would make it to 2020. Kind of surprising. Life is good for you and you are blessed so enjoy the last hour of 2019 and I wish the future you the best ever 2020. I am ecited for the adventures planned for you with Spartan Race and challenges, Ultra in June wow that is going to be a great challenge, Korea in April, wow that is just as awesome and turning 60 in October. OK you will be rocking it.    Take care and see you on the other side.    John 

  472 Hits

Johnny B

Dear John    We have to talk, you have so much going on in 2020 that I am worried about you and that it can all work out for you. I pray that someday you will slow down and enjoy things a little more. or maybe it is because you think you need to do more for the family.  Today it was all about family n church actually the feast of the family. Our your father so on. I think you do that already with your father but maybe you need to do something for yourself soon. Smell the roses sometimes and enjoy a slower journey?  I am sure you will disagree.     Until we talk again    John

  499 Hits


Dear John    If you want to get some sparring rounds in you need to get them done as soon as possible. Go to a 9Round and get some completed as soon as you can in between each round do your pushups, situps and burpees. This way you can get a lot completed in 30 minutes. Good luck with all and keep moving forward.    John 

  456 Hits

Dear John

John I hope you are doing well but we need to break up, all this exercise is making me tired and sore, you need to slow down and get onto other things like cookie eating and sleeping and watching TV. Enough of this getting better and stronger and what is this about an Ultra Race this summer, are you crazy. We need to talk and straighten you out.    The Best    Your Body and Mind    John 

  494 Hits


Dear John Thought I would have a hangover after the holidays, not working out for one day seemed like it would kill me. I definitely had a workout hangover, but it was from being ideal and not doing anything and just sitting around with everybody. I did cook all day but that is different than burpees and pushup and well you know. So today we worked on double up on everything and made some progress. Hope you continue it tomorrow as I need to make sure you are stronger the next time I see you.    Take care for now   John 

  472 Hits

Merry Christmas John

12/25/19 Dear John  It has come to my attention that a young girl named Virginia asked about Santa Claus, well it ended with Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus. It was also proven by the US Postal Service on Miracle on 34th Street. S o you see by past experiences and case law there is  Santa Claus. So believe in the magic John is warm and forgiving, just as it should be this time of year. There is a great story about how in World War I the opposing sides for one day but down their arms and had Christmas Dinner together, it was truly a silent night.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night    John 

  487 Hits

Christmas Letter

Dear John,    I understand Virginia that yes there is a Santa Claus and it is a joy to make merry the holiday season. Always remember your family and friends  they are a big part of the holiday. Remember the best gift we can have with the birth of Jesus. He is your best bet in having a wonderful holiday. So remember where you are the past present and future Christmas as they make up how you are and enjoy making new ones with your children no matter what age.    Until next time   John 

  519 Hits

Letter to Myself

Good Afternoon, These are letters to myself. I hope you are well, I hope this journey is exciting and new to you. I am pround of you for where you are going and am excited to see the outcome on the others side. Remember the journey is not easy, and remeber to keep your head up and do not give in to tempations to make it any easi

Continue reading
  469 Hits

Well getti...

Well getting harder and harder to make things work, been really busy with my environmental job, actually the roof has come off it is so busy up till midnight trying to get things completed and still work out, I have not been to a training class in about 2 weeks due to the environmental work and having to make sure I still have a family. I have been working out and doing forms and self defense, staff and some stick forms. I have been also doing sword but have missed several classes and they want to test in March, ha I do not think that is going to happen. Anyway going to enter all me stuff today so do not think I did it in one day just the amount over the last couple of weeks.

  1100 Hits

Well I hav...

Well I have not been able to keep up with my journals been doing all my requirements, first time ever getting good marks on my pretest see practice does make perfect. I have been so busy with regular work and the school work and my new skill that I have not been logging in to record them, I am sorry and I know I must get better. I also did all those falls the other day and go figure I do one bad fall and my right hip has been out for over a week now, just makes me so mad that I cannot do what I use to be able to do. Thus why this is my last go through on the cycle. Burkart out

  1010 Hits

Well I hav...

Well I have not been able to keep up with my journals been doing all my requirements, first time ever getting good marks on my pretest see practice does make perfect. I have been so busy with regular work and the school work and my new skill that I have not been logging in to record them, I am sorry and I know I must get better. I also did all those falls the other day and go figure I do one bad fall and my right hip has been out for over a week now, just makes me so mad that I cannot do what I use to be able to do. Thus why this is my last go through on the cycle. Burkart out

  1093 Hits

so I go tr...

so I go train with Master Evins on Friday go figure the jumping up and down with Master Shane Mchainie causes my plantars fatuitous to flare up again , Saturday was a tough day and night especially I got a work out in anyway but have had to wear my brace again. Man I need this foot issue to disappear.

  1046 Hits

Well not a...

Well not as sore as I thought, feeling better after a long weekend of training, saw Bob Brewer has joined the Master Journey so welcome sir to the pain, glad to see your smile again. Hope all is well Got to go get some more stuff done busy busy busy, Burkart out

  1058 Hits

Ok so afte...

Ok so after six hours of training Master Jennings finally won, I am really tired and am going to be really sore. So I have a bunch of sparring rounds coming to me and I will have to figure it out, but wow, now understand what it is like to train with an Olympian he is a great person and I wish him all the best sorry so many of the king tiger family missed this great day. The knowledge of TKD is amazing and the speed is like lighting. He can kick you from anywhere and anytime I know I actually got to spar him and he was really nice to me and not make me look bad, thank you sir. Burkart out

  940 Hits

working ha...

working hard to keep up, legs sore and tired most of the time, been really busy with environmental work so missing some training classes, just finished some environmental work but have still worked on the criteria, hope to be in class next week after Master Jennings seminar I am going to get a lot of sparring rounds Saturday and I am sure I will be sore on Monday.

  889 Hits

had a good...

had a good training day yesterday it was fun and enjoyable, I also got an email from Master Evins about staying on track. I have been working hard at my requirements but not hard enough on the journals and entering every day. So hopefully today is the start of a new habit and a hopefully a good habit.

  982 Hits

well got m...

well got my first belt last night very sore but had a good time looking forward in March to get the next one, woop woop

  898 Hits

Need to ge...

Need to get into doing this everyday I have been doing the requirements but not logging in so I post big numbers. Need to get into a better habit. Well I get to test for my new skill tonight so wish me luck .

  869 Hits

still work...

still working at getting these things done, back at black belt class, sticks and so on god to see everybody and looking forward to 2015.

  819 Hits

Had to run...

Had to run that turkey off yesterday so got forms and stuff done, I plan on going to the park today to get more completed on the requirements a little sore as I have been training hard but need to get in front of my mentor soon

  809 Hits

Wishing ev...

Wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving, i am still here working hard at these requirements I need to get back on doing it everyday instead of once a week but this is always my busiest time with environmental work so doing the best I can right now. Testing Dec 10 for my new belt in my new skill learning so wish me luck Burkart out

  774 Hits

good day a...

good day a the park training, got a bunch completed in an hour and some, nice to be in the fresh air today, running was good did speed work for the first time in a long time felt good but still really slow can not seem to maintain for a long distance but will keep trying, the park has chin up bars and sit up benches so I got a lot done after the run.

  834 Hits

Good Frida...

Good Friday, hope all is well, still slugging along at these requirements, and really realizing that if you take a little time off you are just as sore, running is getting better and pull ups are actually getting better, hope all is well with everybody and look forward see you soon

  929 Hits

slowing ge...

slowing getting back in to running did 3.5 miles on Sunday and 2.5 miles today so far foot is OK not 100 % but OK, worked on Wang ho and started my new skill yesterday, it is exciting times and working n getting things completed for the last time around.

  897 Hits

Hope all i...

Hope all is well with everybody, working on forms I have numerous questions to answer and to try to figure out why we do this or that working on creative ways to teach kicks. Stay thirsty my friends

  1020 Hits

Foot is f...

Foot is finally getting better have been doing class and actually did my first jump rope, working on getting stronger and hopefully faster, ready for next year as long as I can stay healthy

  935 Hits

all right ...

all right so I get these orthopedics for my feet and can only where them for three hours, are you kidding me I need to get on the road and run, jump and train these are suppose to be 700 dollar wonderalls not three hours hear and then four and so on it is suppose to be instantaneous, geez do they not know me by now. Burkart out

  908 Hits

so I am a ...

so I am a slacker just like some of the ones I have yelled at not sure that makes me a hypocrite or not, feel like one, so many things have me down right now, school stuff, work out stuff, need energy need to be a student again not a master. I have so much on my plate that I can not focus properly, I have gotten requirements completed except jump rope due to this foot thing. I will have to ask Master Evins for something else, he is the fitness king. I will try to get up on Thursday nights now and some Tuesday night classes and as many Saturdays as I can, hope to see you all soon. Burkart out

  891 Hits

So I do sp...

So I do sparring class last night to test the feet, well they are still tender, yes I said it I am a tender foot, but had fun working out again so hopefully I can keep it going and deal with the tender feet. I am concerned about the 1/2 Marathon though coming up in November got to see how far I can run this weekend

  890 Hits

Today we h...

Today we have three birthdays, Master Richie, Master Thamm and the most important Emma Burkart, all September 13, still got a little done before all the parties had a good day.

  1031 Hits

OK final d...

OK final doctor visit today ready to get back to work all cleared by the doctor but no flip flops not beach sand and limited activities for eight more days, then I should have my orhodics made and ready to insert into any shoe to provide me hip and foot support that need, so tested it out a little today Burkart out

  958 Hits

So I had a...

So I had a great idea, ok first wrong thought, my foot has been better so I needed to get things done, so I go to cross fit, run and teach class, so where do you think I went wrong, foot ache a bunch today and had to rest it, so yes you are right it was the idea back to the doctor Friday I have already been told by the doctor no beach training as I have to give the foot support and the sand will just aggregate it more, so have to work on other great ideas for the week

  898 Hits

I had to t...

I had to take another rest as I got a doctor to look at the foot and he did some magic and used some meds to get it back into shape but I had rest it as much as possible. I have another injection on Friday so the doctor said I would be ready to go . I did some work on push ups and sit ups but no jump rope or burpees.

  852 Hits

Have a doc...

Have a doctors appointment on the foot, hope we are near the end of this part of the journey. I will let you know, tried to get a lot done yesterday so did forms and even did a cross fit class yesterday. Had fun getting back into the swing of things but I am finding that I have to start slowing done some, my body just can not take all the punishment anymore. Need to do things as a 50 year old and not as a 20 year old. I know you are saying you just figured this out, but I just hate to give in to realizing I am half a century plus old. Burkart out

  875 Hits

Trained wi...

Trained with Master Evins and the other Masters so much to learn and so much to do, I really am weak in certain areas, no excuses I should be better than I am, so here we go again, need to make sure I set a better schedule to work on the forms, and self defense

  869 Hits

Trained wi...

Trained with Master Evins and the other Masters so much to learn and so much to do, I really am weak in certain areas, no excuses I should be better than I am, so here we go again, need to make sure I set a better schedule to work on the forms, and self defense

  836 Hits

I am reall...

I am really trying to get back on track I made a commitment yesterday to see this through, my problem has been my foot I can only do a few things then need to rest it and soak it and but medicine on it but I am going to work on finishing this journey. I ran the four miles for the pretest and I ran yesterday 2 miles , it seems I can get in two without it stopping me.

  861 Hits

I have not...

I have not logged in for a while due to family issues, trying to get everything completed has been very tough with the heel injury and then the family matter. I have to move on so I need to get back into the swing of things and take care of business. I have completed worked outs at Crossfit and practiced but just not like I want to do for this cycle but August 16 is here and need to be ready Burkart out

  877 Hits

So I am tr...

So I am trying to ignore this heel issue, more than likely not the best thing but as Master Hartle says I am a physicists not a doctor or no a doctor not a physicists anyway I am ignoring both and doing it my way, so I took cross fit today and guess what we did box jumps great for the feet oh and jump rope again great for the feet. So time to get the frozen water bottle out and massage my heel with it. Oh well I will learn and somehow get through it. Burkart out

  882 Hits

I ran four...

I ran four miles yesterday only to have my heel hurt all day today, so today I wanted to get some things done and since I could not run I BIKE 7.5 MILES, If I am correct that works for at least 2.5 miles. I talked to Master Evins he indicated that this could go on for 6 months, I hope not but I will work things out

  830 Hits

I am going...

I am going to try to get back into the swing of things with a cross fit class and then a small run, heel feels better so I am going to try, we will see, and let you know. I have been on it for three days with work and feels good so maybe the issue has corrected it self with all the foot work I did in Charleston SC. Burkart out

  827 Hits

I missed l...

I missed last Saturday due to a birthday party at the school and this week I am in Charleston, I did a little last night and over the weekend but it is just so hot down here no breeze and sunburned with long days leads to little activity at night. Plus I just can not get rid of this heel problem, it is painful by the end of the day.

  818 Hits

I have had...

I have had to take a little break from running due to my heel, feeling better today so after this weekend maybe I can get back into it again, completed my first video upload to you tube as requested, sorry private only for Master Evins, it is not that good anyway with my heel the kicks look bad, even though they were not that good already. Burkart out

  937 Hits

I have a l...

I have a lot of pain in my heels seems I have somehow gotten planter blah blah blah , it does not matter the name it just really hurts, I am concerned about being able to continue without a long rest, not what I want to hear, I will keep trying but man my heels hurt, if I forgot to mention my heels hurt, anyway working on forms with TKD shoes helps but by the time I am done with three to four hours of classes I am I a lot of pain, just encase I did not mention that yet. Hope everybody else is doing well, have moving forward. Burkart out

  923 Hits

Worked out...

Worked out late yesterday, had to watch Netherlands vs Costa Rica Game at 4:00 then got inspired by Master Thamm running 14.47 miles yesterday, so did my normal 2.5 mile run with stopping at every half mile and doing pushups forms, sit ups and burpees, fun stuff for a late evening workout, finished with kicks and stretching man do I need the stretching.

  812 Hits

Worked out...

Worked out late yesterday, had to watch Netherlands vs Costa Rica Game at 4:00 then got inspired by Master Thamm running 14.47 miles yesterday, so did my normal 2.5 mile run with stopping at every half mile and doing pushups forms, sit ups and burpees, fun stuff for a late evening workout, finished with kicks and stretching man do I need the stretching.

  902 Hits

Got a lot ...

Got a lot done yesterday but today is the 4th of July so time to celebrate with family and friends Hope all is safe and has a wonderful holiday

  814 Hits

Ran to cro...

Ran to cross fit did back squats, front squat not good at other movements so I got a lot of sit up done, overall I like this work out most people think I am crazy, also if you have not heard little Mint Hill has three national champions yes three from the AAU National Tournament on Florida this month, very proud of the team and it coach Master Justin. Glad all seem to be having fun and doing a great job. Burkart out

  815 Hits

Ran to cro...

Ran to cross fit did back squats, front squat not good at other movements so I got a lot of sit up done, overall I like this work out most people think I am crazy, also if you have not heard little Mint Hill has three national champions yes three from the AAU National Tournament on Florida this month, very proud of the team and it coach Master Justin. Glad all seem to be having fun and doing a great job. Burkart out

  866 Hits

I got Alex...

I got Alexander all set up at Western Carolina University, it was a tough two days so I got nothing done but walked up and down a lot of hills. He is on his way to greatness and I look forward to seeing him grow, but now it is time to get on the path of what I need to do for this next exam. Upward and onward Burkart out

  906 Hits

So I have ...

So I have been running to my cross fit class which is 2.2 miles away form the school, seems like a great idea, however, yesterday when I get there we have to do death by 10m so more running, them ran back to the school for testing last night. Had a great test but my legs and heels, especially my heels hurt to where I can hardly walk and I have to stumble around to get anywhere. I really need to figure out how to stop hurting in my heels, I got new shoes but it really is the way I run, I need to run smoother. But on the bright side I got about 5.5 miles in yesterday.

  856 Hits

another cr...

another cross fit day, I run to cross fit complete class then run back to the school, ok I have to walk some because I am so tired from the work out, I am getting better but still not where I want to be. Forgot to log in a few times so have to get into a better habit and log in my time for things completed. Hope all are doing well, we have testing Friday PM and Saturday AM so if anybody needs some assistance time come on down.

  835 Hits

Very hot d...

Very hot did 5.1 miles today and did it at the wrong time (noon) not to smart but need to get use to the heat when August comes in with a roar. Need to work on double stick , bolo, and since we changed the numbering of second Dan one steps I have to get that set now also. I wrote them down , I know them by the old order but the new order I have forgotten them. Burkart out

  961 Hits

So I poste...

So I posted Saturday tine and it went to Sunday then tried again and it went to Friday so all my time for Saturday King Tiger race and forms went to Friday, tired and just left it as is, will try to fix later today after I get some things completed. Hope all is well and see you this Saturday.Burkart out

  861 Hits

Well got t...

Well got the King Tiger 5K done today and helped out with some set up and activities it was great to see everyone. Work on staff yesterday and am really ticked off as I had to refresh myself, there are so many things to practice that I have become weak in some others. The only way to change this is to somehow get back on at least one hour a day and only do say staff or sticks or something else but not a little of each, It does not work for me and most of all I have to generate the time. Burkart out

  1002 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday was Cross fit again ran to the box, did my work out then ran back to the school. Very hot and very tiring, need a rest these long days with work outs makes it even longer. We have been enjoying class time but need to work on my mentoring sessions Burkart out

  892 Hits

Summer Cam...

Summer Camp has begun which makes it even tougher to get the training in, time is needed but so is sleep and rest for the body, so trying to get it worked out will keep you posted but need those extra hours added onto the day as soon as possible

  924 Hits

Heading to...

Heading to the whitewater center for Fathers Day, biking, paddle board and zip lines fun fun fun See you next week Burkart out

  844 Hits

forgot to ...

forgot to log in yesterday did class in the AM at Mint Hill, Martial Fit and regular class, then had to work on the house so I could have Fathers Day off.Hope all the Dads have a great Fathers Days Burkart out

  857 Hits

forgot to ...

forgot to log in yesterday did class in the AM at Mint Hill, Martial Fit and regular class, then had to work on the house so I could have Fathers Day off.Hope all the Dads have a great Fathers Days Burkart out

  814 Hits

Yesterday ...

Yesterday Alexander graduated from Piedmont High School so nothing got done. I tried to make it up today so I ran to the Crossfit class and completed a routine called Barbra, then ran back, it was a little to much with the heat and the amount of work out. Anyway it was fun and did get a lot done today in class and at Crossfit. Hope all the Fathers out there have a blessed dayBurkart out

  842 Hits

Rain Rain ...

Rain Rain go away I got cross fit in 195 back squat and 195 dead lifts with 5AMRAP completed with jump rope (I hate jump rope), push ups and the dead lifts, lots of funNo run though do to the rain this afternoon Burkart out

  877 Hits

Video Uploading

Ok so not only am I trying to get better at TKD I am also trying to get better at You Tube stuff, so I did a test tonight to Master Evins on a video upload, if it worked then I think I got what is needed for video uploads that I have to complete, we will see. Cross fit in the early Am and then camp stuff as school is out. Summer time is here and I am already sore woop woop Burkart out

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Web Page

Ok so yesterday I got on and it showed 80,000 push ups so and today it showed 10,000, weird but I worked about every time I had a small break I did push up sit ups and so on, I found out today I still hate jump rope

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Getting Started

Ok so I am trying to get this web page going and trying to get things set up, I have been doing a bunch work since January and have already hit some major road blocks but now that I am on I am gong to get things entered and start on the journey to 2016. I wanted to do a full two years so I can finish strong something I started in 2008.

  824 Hits

Getting Started

Finally got logged in and glad to start tracking my information it is always fun to track your progress I added it all into one day since I am behind in logging in but have been keeping track    I wish all the candidates good luck and may the journey never end peace out 

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