Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Under the Weather

Technically, I have completed all of my posts....However, I do not like seeing that red/white exclamation. It bugs me. Anyhow, I have been sick for several days. I am getting ravaged by the Junior Tigers. Last week, when Ethan coughed in my face, I knew I was a goner. JT can easily run and play with these viruses, but I am getting knocked out flat. I will just have to wear a mask with them from now on....starting today! Hope everyone is having a fabulous day. Bye!

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Work Laps

I am at work and it is fairly busy. I plan on doing some walking later when my last admission gets here. Everyone knows about my walks so it is no surprise to anyone. I have always liked doing laps at work. The only difference is that before it was mainly to get my daily steps in…… now it is for my requirements. One of the nurses spilled the peppermint oil…it smells good to me but others think it is overwhelming. I have a wooden case of essential oils so I love it……I even make my own bug repellent. Tomorrow begins my TKD stretch. Talk to you later.

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Closer to the Finish Line

In July, I remember how today seemed so far away….and here we are. There are only a few weeks left. I have learned a lot and there are things I still need to work on. I do not feel relaxed until it’s all over and I have been like this since white belt. No matter how many times I test, it always feels like the first one…..looking forward to the finish line.

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Flurry of Activity

I did not think I was going to make it....going to work on no sleep, short rest, black belt class, short rest, and King Tiger Kick-a-Thon. There was a lot of willpower to get me through. It was for a really good cause and I enjoy being a part of that. I am super sore right now and I am looking forward to a good night's sleep. I want to meet at the park tomorrow for practice, but I do not think I will make it. I am really behind on grocery shopping and the household needs vittles. Have a good night!!

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Procrastination Got Me

I did not get my nap in before work. It is my fault because I waited until the last minute to do my homework which included AI-generated art and a video. I will not do that again.... some requirements completed. It is an 8-hour work night, so I am glad about that. I have time to take a nap, go to black belt class in the morning, take another nap and head over to Lake Norman for the kick-a-thon. I thought about picking up at work Saturday night.... Umm.... I don't think so.

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The usual, of course. I did my requirements, went to the dojang for class assistance and meeting with mentee. The day ended with Muay Thai and a cramping left hip….gotta stretch before bed. Goodnight, y’all 🥱😴.

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Alternating Activities

This morning through the afternoon, I am spending time between getting my requirements completed and homework. I think I will throw in a little ID watching too. Then later, I will head out to the dojang. Have a good day!!

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Wanted: Caffeine

I assisted with the JT classes and ST class and a session with my mentor. Afterwards, I took my TKD class and PMAA. We went over double sticks and knife with take downs. I am tired and ready for sleep 🥱 😴. Night-night!!

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Things Could Be Worse

I was able to get some of my requirements done this morning. I had to sleep a little first since I worked last night. Then I finished up later and took another nap before work. I’m feeling pretty good and muscle aches are not so bad. Mobility is a gift in itself. Have a good night!

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New Pull-Up Equipment

Previously, I was using a resistance band that I can place one of my knees in to assist with pull-ups. However, I did not like the balance too much. The new equipment has two separate rest areas for both feet or both knees.....whatever is preferable. I like using my feet because I feel safer with that method. I wish I knew this equipment existed earlier....oh well. I completed my requirements. I do not have all day since I am working the next two nights. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!

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Decisions Decisions

Yesterday went smoothly. I was able to do my requirements and headed to the dojang for class assistance and Muay Thai. Today, I had to hustle this morning since I’m working 7p to 3a. I thought about going to Lake Norman in the morning because I usually go to North Charlotte on Saturdays after a nap. On the other hand, since I was so exhausted earlier this week…… maybe this is a sign to give my body more rest and sleep in later 😴. I’m no spring chicken!! If I don’t go, I’ll try not to feel guilty.

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Correspondence & Homework

This morning, I was able to complete a majority of my requirements. Whew!! My emotions during this cycle are like a yo-yo. I have a love-hate relationship with Taekwondo right now. I will keep it moving though. On another note....I do not usually talk about it, but I am a sponsor with PlanUSA. It is a great organization that supports children in need, especially helping them to attend school and improve their living conditions. I did sponsor a girl from Mozambique for 10 years, but she turned 18 earlier this year and aged out. Now, I sponsor 4 children from Benin, Haiti, Cambodia and Sudan. My goal is to correspond with them once a month. I like to send coloring pages and stickers. Afterwards, I will watch a few videos for school and then head out to the dojang. Have a good day/night!!

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Smelling Like Liniment

I went to Dollar Tree this morning with my Mom. It is difficult for me to buy items at a regular store when I know I can get them cheaper here….just cannot do it. I found some Absorbine Jr. back patches that have menthol. You think I bought one? Heck, yeah!!!! I bought six! I am trying one now and it feels great. The Tylenol and ibuprofen was not taking care of my low back pain alone. I have been doing more back stretching to try and alleviate the back pain, but I think I was making it worse…so hold off on the stretching for now in that area. I feel much better since yesterday. Definitely not trying to miss another day since I have too much to add to tracking today….black belt class, class assistance, mentor session, mentee session and possibly warmup. Until next time….peace out!

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Hitting the Wall

I was simply exhausted today. I wanted to go to the dojang today, but my body said NO 😵…and I have to listen. I will be able to start fresh tomorrow 😅. Nighty-night!!

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Blah Blah Blah

I am still hanging in there and doing my thing. Breathe in….breathe out 😌😌.

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Back on Track

I went several days without journaling because I was not in the mood to talk about the cycle. I was having some negative thoughts. However, everything is getting better. We met at the park this morning which is always helpful….going over Bocho Dan self-defense, 1st Dan self-defense and Staff Form 1 & 2.   

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Leg Support

I did not remember to journal yesterday until a few minutes past midnight. Everything was hurting especially my lower back and my legs felt heavy...on my feet for a good four hours. I need some footless compression tights for Tuesdays and I found some on Amazon. I will use anything to help keep me going. They were listed as good for drivers, pregnant women, teachers and get this...old people (eye roll)! Not very PC...should I be offended? I was able to complete most of my requirements and will be heading out to the dojang soon for class assistance, mentee session and black belt class. Bye for now!!

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TRX Trial

Of course, I am still struggling with increasing my upper body strength. I really want to be capable of doing pull-ups one day and I understand it may take awhile. My plan is to incorporate some L-sit pull-ups with a TRX strap…that could possible help. We will see….

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To and Fro

I am back to work tonight so I had to use my time wisely. Since I am back in school, I alternated my time between requirements and reading. Both classes, AI Fundamentals and ML Computation, are pretty interesting. They are online so I think I can swing this. The requirements get me moving so no prolonged sitting. I had gotten a little behind on my tracking and was able to update that. Soon, it will be time for my nap. Have a good "rest of your Sunday". I'm out!

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I Prefer Cinnamon Rolls

I went to black belt class this morning. We practiced Bocho self-defense and Grandmaster Evins emphasized using the crescent kick and also the correct shoulder to use during a roll. I do not like rolls even though I have gotten better (they were really bad!), but I know I have to practice them. My right side is better though I am left-handed. Afterwards, I assisted with Junior Tigers and had a mentoring session. Goodnight 😴💤!

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Pulled Pec

When I woke up this morning, I felt pretty good overall. Later on, I noticed pain in my right pectoral muscle and I tried to stretch it out which did not help....probably made it worse. I think it must be the burpees I did in Muay Thai last night (the last straw) on top of my other requirements. When I sneezed, I realized it was worse than I thought....intense shooting pain through the right chest muscles. It took my breath away. I will not be doing any pushups or burpees today. You do not know what muscles you use until it is time....I needed help opening the ibuprofen bottle! I still feel a twinge, but I am much better. I gotta to work tonight and black belt class in the morning. Have a good one! 

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Elbows & Knees

After class assistance, I took my first Muay Thai class. There are some differences compared with TKD such as stances, kicks and hand placement for face protection. I found it particularly interesting that my stance as a left-handed person has to be different from a person that is right-handed. We practiced elbow strikes, knee strikes and a 360 kick (I hope that is the right name). I am sure I will have some sore areas tomorrow. Overall, I enjoyed it. Have a good night!

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I Feel Good

My day was not too much different from other days. However, I felt pretty upbeat instead of fatigued which is great for a change. I did my requirements, met with mentee and attended black belt class. It was nice to see people from Black Belt USA join King Tiger. We went over perfecting particular kicks and extension in Poomsaes Koryo, Pal and Keumgang. It was weird leaving the dojang with daylight😂. Nighty-night!!

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Double Day Drag

Mondays to Tuesdays are a tough transition for me because I work every Monday night during the cycle and then I begin the TKD days. I assisted with Junior Tigers x 2, and the Senior Tigers class. Then, I have my TKD class and PMA. Requirements are more difficult to do on these two days as well. Always look forward to sleep Tuesday night. Good night 💤…

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Little Insane

This week, I am beginning an AI program...just taking some introductory courses. I contemplated whether I should do that or not during the spring because I knew this BBC was approaching but I want to be done by the end of next year. I guess I will see how it goes....

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Good Night's Sleep

Yesterday, I was not sure how I would feel this morning, but I feel pretty good.....getting more hours of sleep than usual. I was slow moving getting my requirements done this morning through the afternoon, but that was expected. Also, I feel well enough to work tonight. Enjoy your Sunday!!

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I attended black belt class this morning and stayed for the Junior Tigers class. I went home, ate a little bit, took a nap and returned for the PMA knife seminar. Fast forward to now…I wanted to go to the park tomorrow morning to practice, but I spiked a fever this evening. I don’t think I will make it. Hopefully, whatever I have  resolves itself soon….don't want to miss any days during the BBC.

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Gardening & North Charlotte Medley

Yesterday, I got up early to get some things done in the front yard because it is that time of the year. Mom and I did some weeding, deadheading and planted some new flowers in the bare areas since the early summer flowers were at the end of their season. I almost pushed that chore to today and I am SO glad I did not with all the rain we are getting. I will not complain about the rain because my flowers need it and I remember when we were having those droughts the last two years in the summer. Later on, I was able to get my requirements done before heading to TKD. I assisted with the Senior Tigers, but I forgot there would not be a BB class. However, those of us that were there adapted. There were a combination of things happening on the mat....Staff form, Poomsaes, Hapkido...

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Brain Farts Happen

Yesterday, I met with my mentor and we went over bolo form and 1st Dan self-defense. Afterwards, I assisted class with the Junior Tigers and the Senior Tigers, led warmups and then took class. There was some anxiety leading up to the PMA testing, but I feel like that for most tests. I did not feel ready and there was so much to learn in a short period of time. There are so many expectations from myself and others that I become quite overwhelmed. When that happens, I sometimes mentally shut down and it is like watching my body from the outside....not really feeling connected to that moment. Of course, it is temporary, I accept it and I just move on. I always try to take things as a learning lesson and then decide what to do from there. Now, off to the dojang, I go!

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To the Max

I had a full day at the dojang. Talk about it tomorrow. Okay….bye-eee!!!

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Monday Funday

I had a good day spending time with my Mom on her birthday. In true Jack Benny style, it was her 39th birthday *chuckles*…IYKYK. Good night!!

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Park Perspiration

I was in the mood for some alliteration with the title. It was another productive day at the park going over Stick form 1 & 2, Staff 1 & 2 and Bocho Specials. Bocho Specials was definitely a good refresher for me. Thanks, Master Dege! Sometimes, I can get so caught up in knowing the "new stuff"....still have to remember the "old stuff". Also, Master Scott sent me a video of Master Burkart doing Staff 2. So I am happy having a visual I can refer to instead of memory alone. I will finish up my day with requirements, but I can pace myself. No working tonight. Yippee!

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Rested Zombie

After working last night, I made my way over to black belt class with the help of a monster drink. It was an intense class led by Master Opey involving extended running around the mat, stretching, punching/kicking combinations forward and backwards, poomsaes and self-defense...sweating galore! Then, those of us taking our PMA test next Tuesday, met with Master Cavazos for more practice. I brought a notebook and jotted some things down. I think I may make this a habit because I am in brain overload especially with everything I need to know during the black belt cycle and I think this will be helpful overall going forward. Phew!!! Lastly, Stick 1 & 2 and Keumgang poomsae with Instructor Gabe. Shower and sleep once I got home.

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This was a usual day with requirements and needing to get them done early today...taking a nap soon and heading out to work. Have a good one!

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Haven’t Got Time for the Pain

I went to Sam’s Club with my Mom this morning and my lower back was hurting. I could not remember doing anything in particular that would cause that. After a while, I had to do random forward folds in the aisles to get a good stretch in for relief. My mother pretended to not know me….hee hee. After returning home, I was able to get my requirements in and a short nap before heading to the dojang. Class assistance, meeting with my mentor and black belt class completed my day. It was good going over stick and staff forms in BB class. Nighty-night!!

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Hanging in There

I hope everyone is doing well. Stay positive through this journey. Have a good night!

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Not a Bad Day

I feel pretty good overall and I will leave it at that. Night-night!!

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You Can Sleep Later

This morning, I had another quick nap and headed to the park. It was tough getting up, but I told myself I will sleep later before work. We practiced staff form 1 & 2, bolo and 1st Dan specials. It was my first time practicing bolo form with a sword instead of a stick. There was a different feel to it. Everything is coming along, but I am tired...and I hurt. If I am not at work, I am at the dojang it seems. Keep it moving...

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To the Point

I worked only 8 hours last night so I can attend BB class this morning. I am a magnet for bad nights, you see…..gotta make it to class. I was able to get in some noodles and 2 hours of sleep beforehand. After BB class, I had a good session going over staff form 1 & 2 and 1st Dan Specials. I am on my way to work after a pretty decent nap. That’s all, folks!!!

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Pacing Myself

I have fallen behind in my requirements which has happened before. Even though I need to get them done, I also need to listen to my body. It is important to let the muscles rest and repair itself. I will be able to pick up again soon. I work tonight and if it is a good night (fingers crossed), I'll be able to fit some things in. Have a good day/night, all!

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Pushing Forward

I was able to get my requirements done early. My knees were feeling pretty tight....more than likely from jumping rope. I iced my knees and took some ibuprofen in preparation for sparring later. That helped tremendously! Afterwards, Instructor Gabe helped me with staff form 2. It is SO long, but I think I will really like it when I get it down pat. Rest up!!!

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Needless to Say...

I had my usual full day....not a minute is wasted on the BBC. I met with my mentor and I am feeling better about my bolo form. Also, I met with my mentee and worked on poomsae and self-defense. Afterwards, black belt class led by Grandmaster Evins with plenty of kicks and poomsaes to practice and I was quite sweaty. Peace out!!

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Ice Ice Baby

I was able to get some requirement done, Leadership 1 & 2 , a session with my mentor, TKD class and PMAA class. I can do no more. My Mom records Jeopardy on my work days. Right now, I got the ice packs on my knees, top and bottom, and I am enjoying the shows. Have a goodnight, everyone!

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Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Requirements are difficult on workdays. When I got home this morning, I did not feel like doing anything but managed to get some things done before sleeping. Stiffness kicks in very fast when I am not mobile. This cycle is really making me feel my age and it is only the second week. Goodness gracious!

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At the Park

It was nice meeting up at the park this morning. We practiced Hapkido, stick forms and blue belt self- defense….until the rain started. Hoping to do that again real soon. It was very helpful.

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Nap Time

The pre-test is completed. Yay! However, there is a lot more to go. The written test from Grandmaster Evins was SO random. I was definitely expecting other questions. Once I got home, I videoed the pull-up portion right away because I did not want to forget. I ate cinnamon raisin granola and yogurt and fell asleep watching ID on the couch. It was a good nap.

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Here We Go

I just finished getting ready for pre-test tomorrow. Workout gear, uniform including belt, jump rope and BBC book with pen are all set. I am a zombie that early in the morning so it would not be wise for me to wait until then. Water...check. Gatorade...check. Energy shot...double check. Have a good night, all!!!

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I Got A Plan

Midnight came around fast and I missed my time to post. This will be my EARLY post for Thursday.  I had a good yesterday with requirements, class assistance, warmup and black belt class.  I will always have something I can improve, of course. I have a mentee now which I am glad about. It was a struggle getting someone that is committed last time. However, if I have a problem again, there is a plan B to be successful.

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I have not done as much as I would like by now with requirements. Right now, I am on my last night of 5-day stretch (2 12 hour shifts and 3 8-hour shifts). However, I am off the next 5 days so I will be back on track soon. The way my job is and working nights, I realize I have to do this in intervals but make sure everything is done before the next work cycle. I went too heavy last time on workdays, missed needed sleep and was sick a couple of times. I am not worried because everything works out at the end. Well, there is one thing I am worried about, and it is the run this Saturday with this unbearable humidity. When you add my hot flashes in the mix, I feel like the life is being sucked out of me. I am trying to be...

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Here I Am

I figured it out and finally got into KTBB website just now and it turned out to be ALL MY FAULT. I can admit my mistakes (mostly). Sorry for bugging you, Master Chelley. Actually, I will probably text you later on today.  I have begun my requirements.... Yay!!

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