A few requirements when I got up, then off to teach Little Tigers, a couple of miles, then BB class, a couple more miles, and then home to finish up my requirements. It was a productive day!
A few requirements when I got up, then off to teach Little Tigers, a couple of miles, then BB class, a couple more miles, and then home to finish up my requirements. It was a productive day!
Today was such a crazy day that I just HAD to write a jounal today.There were SOOO many kids in JR. INSTRUTERS CAMP.But I still had a lot of fun today.The girls dressing room was stuffded with luggage.Barely enough room to change.Today I got a mentor meeting in after sparring class.Master Kim taught me first dan self defense.I am still behind on my requirements.
a terrific day; run, requirements, great classes, parents arrived safely, a nice evening ahead. Blessed!
Great class today! I needed a lot of help with my staff poomsaes so I am glad I got to work on them today. Also a good sparring class very helpful drills. Some more requirements and lots of cleaning and this day will soon be over.
My parents are visiting for a long weekend. Today was a good day and it was really nice to spend time with them. Hopefully we will get outside and walk tomorrow afternoon. I doubt this will be a big catching up weekend. Luckily there are only a few things that I am behind in. I hope we have more little tigers in class tomorrow.
Had another good day. Good full workout this morning; Garde Manger Class this afternoon. Should be a great day at the North Charlotte Dojang tomorrow.
Getting started filling out my written test so I can study ahead of time, I'm excited to be doing something productive^^
I am so excited for sparring! It's been so long, and I hate taking such a sobatical. I can't even go all out tomorrow because I have my swim team regionals tomorrow and I can't be worn out for it because my team depends on me
I'm journally early because I will be at Jr. Instructors camp tonight. I know that I'm going to get a lot of requirements done. It will be a lot of fun but also a lot of hard work.
Need to get busy on several things, but it will be nice to spend some time with my parents this weekend. We might even have a little birthday party for Jeremy on Super Bowl Sunday. Maybe they will join me on some miles, or share some quiet time/meditation. I need to settle on a book and read it too, but not this weekend. I really enjoy the PMAA classes, but tonight it didn't click. Maybe next time it will.
I'm so excited about the staff Master ordered for me! It's beautiful, albeit a little intimidating to wield :P This should be fun!
Wow, a terrific day. *Started with pooms & requirements. *Rest day from running *My Fundamentals of Classical Cuisine class did awesome 19/22 passed their entire practical exam. The other 3 only have to redo 1 competency each. That is a terrific result. *Two fun classes @ TKD! Thank you Master Evins for all the Burpees (35)!!! yeah mon! see you all Saturday!
today i did had to retest Pal Chang and Sam Chang I kew that a was going to do great and i did do great all that practice was actually worth it
Today was a pretty good day. After work, I came home and got in some miles, jump rope, sparring, and pull-ups. It was cold and windy outside, but at least it wasn’t raining. I think I’m going to start working on my essays this weekend. I would be smart to get some done now even though mine aren’t due till next cycle, right? I know who I’m going to write about for my heroes and I’ve already read my book. J No reason to procrastinate!
I didn't do much today.All I did were 50 pushups.But I am on pace with my RAOKs,or Radom Acts Of Kindness.Other than that,I am behind on my requirements.And I have a lot of catching up to do.
Did the fitness test in gym today. Had to run the mile this morning and it was freezing cold! Probably just the wind but i still got it at 6.45 minutes. I want to do it again when its not to cold to where I cant even see properly! Still got a bunch of pushups and situps in a gym class. Im trying to do the most kicks I can everyday to where i can even bend my knees anymore
Today went by fast and it seemed like I actually accomplished something at work. That's a good thing! After work, I helped with Jr. Tigers class. It was fun doing foot fives with the kids to help them work on their kicks. We even figured a way to do foot fives with roundhouse kicks. My cousin called tonight and she was doing her pushups while I was doing my sit-ups and kicks. She's a crew coach and was giving me some ways to work on my running. I'll need to try them out soon.
today i went running in the wind it was a bit harder to run with the wind pushing you back I also learned some new things in Dream Team It was really windy today.
After an BUSY Wednesday morning,my siblings and I went to TAE KWON DO class.Igot one leadership credit in.But I am still behind on my requirements.In fact,I didn't really do much today.We were so busy today.But you know what,I love Wednesday just the same.
....is harder than it would seem. I did my jump rope rounds outside in the parking lot of the LKN Dojang after a nice 2 mile run. I thought it would be a breeze (pun intended). NOT! Got 'em done though. The rest of the evening went well. Worked with my mentee, Colin Smith; earned leadership points, did requirements, worked through 20 more rounds of sparring with Master Chelley Hartle. Loving the cycle!
Well…I got lots of requirements done this morning and before Junior Tigers’ class I was able to knock out my jump rope rounds. Teaching Junior Tigers is so enjoyable. The kids are so enthusiastic and they try so hard. They always brighten my day. I would have liked to have gone outside to get my miles in but unfortunately it was storming. So I had to do my miles on the treadmill. Normally, I don’t like the treadmill much because it seems so boring, but this time it didn’t seem so bad. I guess I kind of got in the zone and it wasn’t as difficult as it usually is. J I hope it keeps raining, I sleep so well when I’m listening to the rain.
Good day today. In such a good weather i had to run a little. Decided to do most of my requirements outside. Im putting lots of effort into my pushups and burpies knowing i can only do likee 3/4 of the amount i need right now. I will keep working hard on those to reach my goal.
I had a good day, how could one not on such a glorious day. Time for bed. I have to rise @ 04:00 to teach class @ 05:30. Good night all!
Got most of it done today. It was so nice outside when I got home from work that I got out for a mile before class. Found out the physical test is a month earlier than I thought. That's a lot less time to get ready, but at least it will be over sooner and out of the way, one way or the other. I'm still doing pushups 10 at a time or 15 and rarely 20, but I can do the 10 much faster than when I started. Progress, right? Need to get to 40. Worked with my mentor on specials and hapkido. These are some that it is much easier to practice with someone else. I feel like there is so much to learn. I guess that will never stop.
today was great i got some stuff done and in class we did the one of the coolest, weirdest, hardest push ups ever I can't believe that we did that.
I was able to get all of my requirements done before BB class. And we had a good class – lots of review on the Wang Ho and black belt forms. Quite a bit of kicking too. I have to say, I was sweating a little when I got done with class. J
I hvent been able to log on for a long time because I forgot my password and username. Now I got it back so it will take me a while to put in all my requirements down.
For the past week all my friends have been asking me if i need to go lie down, but I just explained to them that I'm on my black belt cycle. It's tough but I am defianlty getting a huge workout. I'm goning to look good in my bikini this summer! No matter how hard this is, which it is, i just have to go through with it and work. Nothing ever was given to you for free.
I had a very good Monday that started with sets of push-ups & sit-ups prior to heading to work; and then running, requirements, classes and sparring rounds with Master Chelley Hartle & Jessica Schnieder. I am looking forward to another good day tomorrow. Let's keep rocking it out everyone!! MY ORIGINAL JOURNAL FOR DID NOT SHOW AS POSTED ORIGINALLY, SO I HAD REWRITTEN IT AS CLOSE TO THE FIRST AS I COULD REMEMBER.
I had a very good day today. Started with a few sets of push-ups & sit-ups before heading to work. Ran, did jump rope, pooms, SDs & all before classes this evening. Did 20 rounds of sparring with Master Chelley Hartle & Jessica Schnieder after classes. I am looking foward to another good day tomorrow. Let's keep on rocking everyone!!
Today was a pretty good day. Getting up earlier in the morning to get a chuck of requirements has really helped me out a lot. I haven't felt exhausted at the end of every day when I go to bed. I need to get busy on my essays and get them out of the way. As long as I can consistently get a little done each day, it will all come together in the end. It would be nice to be enough ahead to not worry about getting behind at Instructor's Camp, but at least not being behind would be good too. I'm working on that. Actually got in a little more than a mile waiting for piano lessons to finish. Tomorrow is another day!
Woke up and I was very tired. I still got a lot of requirements done. Stayed up really late to finish up my requirements. Learned some sticks in dream team. J ust another tired Monday.
I did some requirements before work this morning when I got up at 4am. Then when I got to King Tiger, before teaching Junior Tigers, I was able to walk a mile, do four rounds of jump rope, get all of my kicks done, and do some poomsaes. After teaching class, I came home did some pull-ups, sparring rounds, and a few more pushups and situps. I feel like I’m doing pretty well with the physical requirements of the cycle. I feel like I’m getting stronger. I can even do some pull-ups now with the help of the bungee cord. This may not sound like much to some people, but I couldn’t do even one when I started! I’m making progress….that’s what it’s all about!
Today was a pretty productive day. Had to run a lot in gym class today and knocked out pushups and situps right after coming home. Still need to pick up the pase on self defenses.
It's 7am on Monday morning, and I think I am going to end up writing my most heartfelt journals because I am sitting here trying not to cry. I wish it was one of my 9 essays, but it doesn't fit a topic. :-) I know I have told a few, and I know a few more have heard, but I know twice as many don't know about the medical condition I am dealing with. Most days I don't want people to know, but some days I am so so embarrassed with all I can do, I want to tell so that people don't think I extremely lazy. I am telling now because IF I make it through this cycle it is a huge part of my journey. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. At medical condition where the biggest symptoms are I am permanently physically tired. 24/7. On a scale...
I am very happy to have the pretest successfully behind me. Now I need to start concentrating on other things, as well as continuing to work on color belt poomsaes and self defense. I had a very productive day today. Thank you Inst. Randle for letting me work out with you. It sure makes for a lot more fun and helps keep me motivated. It's also easier to work through a question than practice it wrong repeatedly. Thanks for getting me the miracle pull-up bungee cord too. That is a huge help. In past cycles I have had to work at the sparring rounds and jump rope because I let them get away from me. This is the first time I've had to do pull-ups. I am determined to not let that happen with them or any requirement. I am working on closing all the gaps. Can't wait until the weather...
I had a marathon training session today in the basement with Inst. Dege. We got lots accomplished! Afterwards, I had laundry to finish, but I was still able to squeeze in a couple more miles. And now, I’m looking forward to another week of steady training.
Got all my requirements done for the day I started one time and not long after i was done It was fun.
Today is Sunday. Church. It took everything out of me to go to church. The kids allowed me a 20 min nap. Yeah me. I got up and drove through the neighborhood while the girls went door to door to sell girlscout cookies and the twins put flyers in the mailboxes. Kyra got in her miles. I am taking perscription strength naproxen. I am still down. Hurting more. Anyone want any girlscout cookies?
full week of BB Cycle, extra teaching hours at the Art Institute, catering events on Wednesday & Saturday, Soup on Sunday today, and fighting a cold added up to a good tasting beer this afternoon. back to the attack mode tomorrow. need to get more aggressive in few categories, on a good pace with the rest. Let's keep truckin'!
Woke up pretty early today to get some stuff done as I am already behind. Feeling really sour from the amounts of pushups and situps i had to do. I am still very excited though for this cycle
I passed my pre-test, but....yes I am unhappy with my performance. People may think I am hard on myself. But I don't like making careless mistakes. I made too many today. That means I did less than my best for me. So in my eyes, I failed the test. A pass for me is my best, no matter the score. I am going to do it over and see how it goes. First I have to recover from today. I can't move.
Saturdays are harder for me. After Black Belt class and Sparring class it is hard to find the energy to finish all of my requirements. I'll have to figure something out, but I'm out of steam for today. I need to drink more water too. I finally found a mentee and I am excited about working with her.
had the pretest otday I think i did good then took sparring class and that gave me a couple sparring rounds EVERYONE ON THE THAT TOOK THE PRETEST DID AWSOME!!!!!!
I got up this morning and studied for the written pretest. Then I taught the Little Tigers class. We only had one child that showed up for class, probably because of the ice that was still on the road. I asked Inst. Dege to quiz me some after Little Tigers. (Thanks ma’am!). And then it was time for the pretest. I think everyone did pretty well on the pretest. There were some mistakes (I messed up on Hwarang Poomsae), but I think most of them were due to nerves. I know I was very nervous! We’ve all got things we need to work on, but I think we are all eager to improve. Someday, I’d like to look like Master Chin when she does her poomsaes. And like Master Evins when he does self-defense. J After Black Belt class, I came home and ran some errands. Then I was able to...
Two weeks, or one fifth of ten weeks already complete. Wow! Time goes by whether we are ready for it or not. Let's all be ready! Today was a productive day for me as far as requirements go. Work was rather interesting due to the weather. Left a couple of hours early and came home to work from home. Off to get in a little more studying for the pretest tomorrow.
got some stuff done it was freezing koutside didn't run tbecause there was ice on the ground I also got out of school early and was able to get requirements done and got to celebrate my dad's birthday It being cold was awsome
I loved the weather today because it got me out of work early. I came home and was warm and toasty, until I began training. Then it was hot and I had to change from my sweatshirt to a t-shirt. Finished up my requirements and reviewed the colored belt study guides. I realized, I’ve forgotten a bunch! I hope everyone does well on the pretest tomorrow. And...I just want to say again how much I like the new website - it's so easy to update things. I was a couple of days behind entering my requirements and it only took a few minutes to add the stuff. You did an awesome job Inst. Uczen!
I have been battling some health issues for about 16 months now. They are the reason I have delayed doing the cycle this past fall, but I am honestly worried. Will I be able to keep up? I say this because I am down again today. I am not sure if it because I have been overdoing it this week, trying to "get right in" the cycle. Or if it is that combined that I may still be recovering from the flu (that sent one of the kids to the hospital). Either way, I am worried. Right now I am trying to see if I can find some to save for the pre-test and class tomorrow. So today I rest, I'd rather not, but if I don't I'll pay tomorrow.
Today seemed like a long day even though the actual time certainly isn't any longer than any of the others. My eyes are burning. Did some requirements this morning, but got up a little later, so not as much time. Work has been really busy and that doesn't help focus on other things too. There is a lot going on all around. At this point I can honestly say that I am more tired from not enough sleep than from requirements. I guess that could be good or bad. I do have some areas that I need to catch-up on and pull-ups will be tough, especially if I can only do one at a time sometimes. Need to get on those, but I need to get some rest now.
Today was a very good day, albeit not a day of getting a lot of requirements completed. Enjoyed BB Class & PMAA Class after teaching from 07:00 to 19:00.
Got most of my requirements done again. Studying for the pre-test. I think I'm ready.
Well, I came home from work and decided to knock out some miles before dark because I thought it would be a little warmer. Man…it was COLD! I wasn’t sure I was going to make the whole two miles because I couldn’t breathe. It was tough but I finished – perseverance! The website is being stubborn – it refuses to let me enter anything on my tracking chart. I’ll catch up with my data when it gets over its technical difficulty. J I’ve sent the webmaster a note. I’m sure he’ll get it fixed – indomitable spirit.
Got a lot of my requirements done. I had to stay up late doing homework that I should have gotten done earlier. I was lucky to get my stuff done. I need to plan better during the cycle.
I was able to do many requirements this morning before work, but not as much as I had hoped, so had more to do tonight. Helping with Jr. Tigers is fun, especially working with some of the students who started out in Little Tigers. It is very rewarding working with someone for a period of time and watching them grow. I was working on my new skill for a little while tonight and find that it is much like being a white belt. I feel very lost and my body does not want do what my mind tells it to do. It is definitely uncomfortable, if not entirely awkward. I definitely have a greater appreciation for the skills and hard work that is required to become proficient.
I have been working through a cold (mostly sinus) the last week or so. This is making the cycle a little more challening; like I needed that. I had a pretty good day anyway with the exception of not staying for sparring rounds after classes tonight. Heading to bed now.
I continue to work on my requirements. I really like seeing my Total done go up and my Left numbers go down! I was able to squeeze in 2 miles before teaching the Junior Tigers class, which is a good thing because it was so cold after it got dark. I’ve been concentrating the most on the colored belt curriculum. I’m trying to make sure that I can do it in my sleep without thinking about it. I find that if I think about what I’m doing I tend to mess up, especially when I do self-defense. I need to let my muscle memory show me the way.
Started the day substitute teaching for a fellow chef from 7 to 3 and then getting in requirements prior to BB Class. Great BB Class this evening. I need to be up early tomorrow, so Bible time and then goodnight!
I did a lot of my requirements this morning before work. Then I was able to squeeze in some kicks, jump rope rounds and sparring rounds before BB class. We got some good practice on the colored belt curriculum in BB class. I’ve been working really hard on the pull-ups and I’ve actually been getting better. In the beginning I couldn’t even do one, even with the bungee cord. But now I can actually pull up a couple of times in a row while using the bungee cord for my leg. Unfortunately, I got so excited doing them yesterday that I think I strained a muscle in my side or popped a rib out of place. Oh well…that’s part of being on the cycle. J
I was home alone so i got some of requirements in took black belt class did so many poomsaes and self defence All the selfdefences and poomsaes that was done in class was tough.
It always seems like during the weekends I have the most time. Unfourtenutly untill my mom gets home I have to do laundy, clean the house and make dinners. If it wasn't for my pawpaw everyone would probably be eating Chef Boyardee. Thank goodness for basketball as well, because i probably would not be in the best shape with out it.
Woke up and got a lot of requirements done this morning. I don't know why it seems to take longer to finish up in the evening than it does in the morning. I did pushups in between self defense this morning and finished most of them before work, but I still didn't have enough left to do even one pull up tonight. If there's a trick to pull ups, please share. It would be nice to have time at work to take a break and go for a walk in the afternoon. I haven't had a chance to do that in a while. Hopefully soon.
I had Quite the busy 3-day weekend and still got a fair amount of requirements. I had to pull in my Saturday Class marker from BB Boot Camp. My wife & I drove to Wilmington and back on Saturday to bring our daughter home. She is transferring to UNCC. We got an early start @ 04:00 which got us home @ 14:30. So I was able to use the afternoon. We had church Sunday morning and a catering Sunday evening. Today I proctored Culinary Practical Exams for 8 candidates trying to qualify for various levels of Certification. That was from 06:45 to 15:30. Spent the late afternoon/early evening at the LKN Dojang. On to the rest of a busy week. PJL
Since it was a holiday, Michaela was out of school. I worked from home which is always nice….While I was waiting on my computer to do stuff, I was able to do some of my requirements. It was nice to be able to spread the requirements out throughout the day. I guess I need to start reviewing my study guides. I’m not sure if I have to take the pretest or not since this is my pre-cycle, but it’s probably better to be prepared.
Today was a lazy day that didn't work out the way I hoped it would. That is okay, but means that I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to. One thing I did work on that wasn't on the list was one of my essays. My library books are due and need to be returned. I did get outside for a little while and it was a beautiful day.
third night with company still managd to get some requirments in missed some journal entrys but i am doing one now having a super time
Today was a good day for training! I trained for about 4 ½ hours and I was able to get two days worth of requirements done. (In addition to two loads of laundry, going to the grocery store, and various other household chores.) It was a very productive day.
Week two started off much the same as most days last week, but today I was done with most of my requirements before class and then got some extra jump rope rounds and burpees done in class. After black belt class was sparring class. Master Kim kept us moving. It was nice to not feel pressured to work on requirements all day. I think week one was a great beginning! I need to study for the pretest this week and find a mentee.
Training this morning, then taught Little Tigers class with Inst. Dege, then a 2 ½ mile walk with Master Burkart, BB class, and home for more training. Thanks Inst. Dege and Master Burkart! I think I have a routine for training now. I just hope I can maintain my momentum! J
This week has been challenging to fit in everything in that needed to be done. I didn't quite get everything done, but did make a lot of progress. I don't like playing catch-up, but need to before it gets out of hand. The perception of priorities is different for different people one of my priorities is to stay caught up on my pushups. I am determined to do at least the minimum each day. I started working on my new skill tonight and I get to spend time with my husband at the same, so it is a win-win for me. He's teaching me to play bass guitar and trying to point out patterns to make it easier. Just as I was as a white belt, very uncomfortable and lost, but the more I learn the more comfortable I will be. Sometimes comfortable might not be a good thing because I tend to...
Today was a good day for training! I got a lot done before work this morning. I only work half a day Fridays, so then I came home and did some jump rope rounds before I went to see Dr. Bill. I had acupuncture done at Dr. Bill’s and I was able to meditate while the needles were in. I always leave Dr. Bill’s feeling better. I did a couple of miles, some pull-ups, sparring rounds, and more pushups and sit-ups. We’ve made it through the first week! One week down and eleven to go….
Thursday & Friday were long and good. Thursday mornings are compact. I teach from 09:00 to 19:30; and added a Church Vestry Meeting to the end of the day. So, I had to get in the attack mode early to get everything done before work. Friday is a little easier since I do not head to the school until noon. Class goes until 19:30 but I have more of the morning. I was afraid that I would get lax so got to it straight-away. Felt good. I am going to have to call in my Saturday Black Belt Class Marker from Boot Camp tomorrow. We are driving to the beach very early (04:00) to pick up our daughter who is transferring to UNCC. I hope to be home in time to get some work done. Keep rockin' everyone, PJL
Got a little bit ahead with some of my requirements had some company come over tryig to get ahead so i can go skiing or snow boarding
Wow! What a black belt class! Thanks Master Evins for reminding us that even of we only have a little time, we can get a lot done if we don't waste the little time we have. I have only done as many burpies in as short a time at Boot Camp. I remember in past Black Belt cycles feeling much more sore than I feel now. It does usually take two days, right? I haven't been to PMAA class for a long time. Even though half the time I feel lost, I still enjoy it. I wish I had more time to continue PMAA after the cycle is complete. I have been focusing on what I need to know for the pretest and know I have a lot to learn. I hope I can keep from getting too stressed about it. I think tomorrow is another day
I got a lot of the physical requirements done this morning. After I got home from work, I was able to squeeze in my sparring rounds and four jump rope rounds. I went to BB class and it was a sample of the TKD+ class. We did a poomsae and then we jumped rope for 30 seconds. We did this nine times, so 41/2 more rounds of jump rope for me. We also did self defense and after each step we did a burpee/squat thrust. It was an awesome way to knock out some physical requirements and practice our poomsaes and self defense. Thanks Master Evins! I’m crossing my fingers for some snow – I’d love to wake in the morning and see about 4 inches. J
Today I have a basketball game at 4:00. And believe me its the hardest thing when your trying to do black belt cycle and another sport at the same time; but I believe it's going to make me stronger and in a lot more shape. These past couple of days haven't been the easy, with sports, classes, school, and my mom is gone this week so we all have to pick up our slack around my house. But this is just one lesson that we have to learn in life. I guess i'm just starting early. Good luck to all of you out there, and may you go through your cycle with faith! Jessica
It seems that as much as we do, there is always so much more waiting. Time just slips by. The cycle just started, but already four days are past. Getting up early has been the best way for me to complete requirements. I need to drag myself out of bed just a little bit earlier to get just a few more requirements finished before work. It needs to be a routine. It was fun helping Inst. Randle with the Jr. Tigers class this evening. When I arrived at the class, the kids were practicing lining up and beginning class. It was really great to see them so excited about Tae Kwon Do. It is so awesome to watch kids grow and learn.
did some wacky stuff durring 5:55 and in the dream team class. got some requirement done ealry in the morning and I am still up late. today was just wacky.
....I had forgotten about the amount of laundry the cycle generates. Looked in the washing machine last night to see 90% of the clothing was a my Dobaks, t-shirts and gym clothes My Wednesdays start @ 04:00 with classes from 05:30 to 15:00. The good news is it gives me the afternoon to work on requirements and classes.
I got up this morning and did most of my requirements before work. I taught the Junior Tiger class. I love teaching that class because the kids are so enthusiastic. They are so eager to learn everything we can teach them. After class, I came home knocked out a mile, four sparring rounds, some self defense, and a few more poomsaes. I’ve been focusing on the things that Master Evins mentioned in BB class Tuesday. (Returning to Joon Bee after each step in the self defense, good stances, and good preps.) The new BB website is working really well now. Great job Inst. Uczen! I really like the improvements that you’ve made over the other website. You’ve made it so much easier to update our stuff.
Tuesdays are going to be one of my two marathon days this cycle. Work on curricullum this morning and then ran two miles before mid-day class @ North Charlotte, then worked on more curricullum after class. Assisted Masters Kim & Moon (sp?) with class, took BB Class and then PMAA Class. Yeah baby. Made a mid-afternoon food delivery as well. i believe I will sleep quite well tonight.
I have been getting up earlier than I usually do. I'm not a morning person, but I have been able to complete several requirements before going to work in the morning which makes the remaining requirements in the evening much less. I know balance is important and am trying to keep some level of balance. I'm not very good at imagining, so I tried doing my self defense in front of the vacuum cleaner. It's good that it doesn't fight back, but it gives me a point of reference and helps me imagine better. It's the little things, right? The website is really looking good and entering the completed requirements is so much easier than previously. Awesome job Inst. Uczen! We appreciate all of your efforts! Maybe I can get to bed early.
Got a lot of my requirements done in the morning. I also had a no homework so I got some requirements in. It was terrific!!
I have been looking forward to the start of this cycle since our Spring 2012 Black Belt Testing. So far the cycle is living up to my anticipation. We have a great small group with strong energy that I believe will support and encourage each other. The new website while going through some early glitches is much better. Thank you Mr. Uczen. I feel that I am getting a very good start as well. Credits from Boot Camp, Master Chelley Hartle staying for kickboxing-sparring rounds and Master Conrad Hartle as my Mentor, how can I not be. Thank you Master Evins for setting the bar high making the journey so much better.
I got a bunch of requirements done today. I didn't have a lot of homework so that helped. I'm still pretty sore from Saturday.
I was able to get most of my physical requirements done this morning before I went to work. All I had left was jump rope, sparring rounds, miles, and pull-ups. I was able to do jump rope and two of the sparring rounds before the Junior Tiger class started. When I got home, I ran a mile on the treadmill. Then I was able to finish the rest while I was watching Biggest Loser. They were doing a quiz on Biggest Loser about childhood obesity. It’s a real eye-opener to hear what a big problem this is in the USA. It gave me a little boost of energy and it made me appreciate the training that I get to do. J
This cycle starts in one of the busiest months of my life. Senior year, all of my midterms this week (8), swim team, and three debates this month are stopping me from devoting much needed extra time to tae kwon do. I think I've figured out which classes to help out in. That was a mess last cycle, and the PMAA. Taking a class that begins after a black belt class that has now been backed up even later?? It makes me want to cry. I guess I'll make it through like last cycle on energy drinks every Wednesday and Friday >_<
Wow! I don't know if I'm ready for this, but I better be ready by April. I got off to a pretty good start yesterday and had a very productive workout session with Inst. Randle today and accomplished much. Thanks Connie! It's so much more fun when you work out with a friend! There is still a long way to go. I have good intentions of getting up earlier to get a jumpstart on my days with some of the requirements. I will see how that goes. Tomorrow is another day. Wenona Dege
I am so sore from yesterday; my legs are KILLING ME, but I'm glad. No pain, no gain. At least I'm ahead on situps haha (sorry for the back-up on journals, the website wouldn't let me add them)
Today I got a lot of training done. Inst. Dege came over and we had a marathon of training. It’s always easier to train with someone. Thanks so much ma’am! I drank 3 bottles of water today! I was really thirsty. I think I’m going to be sore tomorrow but that’s good because then I know I’m working toward getting stronger.
I am so excited for this test! It's been a long process to get as far as I am now, almost a master. I almost don't want to test. I want to advance, of course, but I still don't feel as though I deserve my third dan, let alone fourth and a new title. On another note, I was SO CLOSE to my split in class! My goal was by the end of the cycle to be able to do a split, but I'm hoping to achieve that goal in a few weeks so I won't hurt myself close to testing.