Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Feeling really sour from testing..but had a nice sleep! Just trying to do a couple more journal entries  

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Slept right after i came back from the early morning test... Woke up at 9 and had an apple!!

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Getting hours closer to testing and feeling kindve good. Hope i dont black out during a form on the test. Hope everything goes well.

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Getting Close

Almost done everything. Im getting pumped for this test. It took a long time to get to this point and I hope to have learned a lot from this experience.

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Im almost done choreographing my creative form. Only the last four steps left but trying to make them good. Great cycle and cant wait till friday

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Havent written a journal in quite a while. I am reviewing like crazy these last couple of days. No physical requirements left so no worries :)

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Pretty sore and tired from yesterdays black belt and sparring classes...it was a fun class and we got to practice a bunch of kicks.

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Time has come!

I just realized i have a bit of stuff to learn. Not a lot though. Im working hard to remember the hapkido. Cant wait till testing!

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Im going to try to come every day for the next two weeks hopefully to get some leadership credits in. Most of the physical stuff is done and just need to learn sticks... Pmaa here i come !

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Got almost all my physical requirements done. All my essays are done too. Know my motive is to finish the cirriculum i need to know for various things that will be on our bb test.

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Monday and Tuesday

It was fun doing community service yesterday... I didnt go to school today because if ACT testing for juniors so i got another 3 essays done. finished all my physical stuff too.

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Havent written a journal in like 3 days. I just keep logging my requirements and forgetting to journal! Almost done with most of my physical reqs.

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Lots to do

i was not able to go to instructors camp this year so i guess ill just be at home doing a bunch of requirements and writing essays. I just have a few essays left and then need to start the written test

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Good day

Had a fun time today. I reviewed staff 2 and 3 and finally remembered 1st dan self defense... need to get 2nd dan now. getting closer and closer to finishiNg my requirements!

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Today was a great morning... I got everything done for the most part and in good numbers. I am close to being done with a lot of things but I have to push myself. I need to attend more PMAA classes starting next week.

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Finally Friday

Finally i get a chance to go to black belt class this weekend. Although i got many things done and i am altogether done with pull ups now. I have a few more of jump rope and sparring rounds left now

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Have tons of homework. This stuff is killing me, i dont even know how im managing. After coming home from drivers ed I had to jump straight into some jump ropes and and get some sparring rounds in with my "shadow." Did the normal pushups and situps for today and did a couple extra poom saes though.

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Peaceful Sunday

Was a great day.. Went by soo fast! Well tomorrow there is no school so thats good. Illvbe able to do plenty of pushups and situps tomorrow

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It was a peaceful day today.. Got more than enough yesterday and today. got a bunch of self defenses and kicks in. Friday i met with master knight and got to know some hapkido! 

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Great day today... not much homework to do today so i got extra done yesterday and today. I need to start going to more pmaa classes now. 

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Spare Time

Today was great! I had a lot of spare time and got more than enough done today. Still my leg was hurting so i could only run one mile and it wasnt fun as i couldnt bend my leg. Still got extra requirements done. 

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Not much to do

Couldnt do some stuff including running today and doing burpees. Got hurt yesterday in sparring on my leg.. So had to modify my jump rope to one leg only also. Still got other stuff done that didnt put too much pressure on my leg.

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Had a sore day at school...i was feeling all the sit ups and push ups i did. kept it pretty easy today and got some leadership credits in finally...

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Hard Work :)

Had so much homework today that i couldnt even attend black belt class today. I still found some time after I came back from school to finish my requirements for the day. Ready to go to bed after i finish another 20 min of homework. 

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Calm day.....

It was a pretty good day today. It was a good weather in the afternoon for some running and jump rope outside. Planning on meeting with mentee today. 

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Forgot to journal yesterday but am gonna continue the rest of this week. Feeling really tired right now after running. Still have a lot of homework and got to put some meditation time in

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Finished all my requirements early so i could watch the superbowl. had a party to go to so i had to get to work quick for everything can be done

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Did the fitness test in gym today. Had to run the mile this morning and it was freezing cold! Probably just the wind but i still got it at 6.45 minutes. I want to do it again when its not to cold to where I cant even see properly! Still got a bunch of pushups and situps in a gym class. Im trying to do the most kicks I can everyday to where i can even bend my knees anymore

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Feeling good

Good day today. In such a good weather i had to run a little. Decided to do most of my requirements outside. Im putting lots of effort into my pushups and burpies knowing i can only do likee 3/4 of the amount i need right now. I will keep working hard on those to reach my goal.

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Decent Day...

Today was a pretty productive day. Had to run a lot in gym class today and knocked out pushups and situps right after coming home. Still need to pick up the pase on self defenses.

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Sunday :)

Woke up pretty early today to get some stuff done as I am already behind. Feeling really sour from the amounts of pushups and situps i had to do. I am still very excited though for this cycle

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