Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

No school

Today I woke up excitingly because school got canceled, I was so happy because I was able to sleep in, and do whatever I needed to do for that day. I had a lot of time to study and do my requirements, and just got to hang out with my family. Then later I had balckbelt class with Master Evins, which was a awesome class. We went over bocho special, 1st Dan special, and 2nd Dan special. Overall great class. Then we had sparring class which was also a great class. That was my day. 

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Today when I woke up I went to school for, which was really good, we got dress up for spirit day. Then after a while we have a pep rally, where all the athletes go to our gym and line up, and they get recognized by sport so they, and everyone's cheering and having fun. After we play a game and that's it. In Spanish we were let known that we have no school tomorrow due to heavy rains, because the entrance to the school would be flooded. Then after I went home did some requirements and that was it. 

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Today I woke up to go to school, today was cool because I got to dress up for something we call spirit day. It's where we all dress up as a certain thing and we have like a little competition to see who dressed up the coolest. Other than that we had a great day. After I went to the hospital to visit my grandma, and to see how she was doing, then I went home worked on some requirements and homework, and even some essays, so that was my day.

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Today, I woke up to go to school, it was a good day we learned a lot for the most part other than the classes just being hard in general. PE was my favorite class though because we have ultimate Frisbee, and I love ultimate Frisbee. After school my brother picked me up, because my mom couldn't pick me up today so I went home, and stayed there by myself for a while. Then later I went to class where Master Evins was teaching, it was a awesome class and we had a lot of fun. After we got food and I had a delicious corn muffin. 

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Training day

Today when I woke up we got breakfast before we went to King Tiger Harrisburg to grab some stuff before we went to North Charlotte to do some PMA training with Master Malegrito. It was so fun and I had a awesome time, I wish it could have been longer. After I went home and played some basketball and just chilled out for the rest of the day.

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Today I woke up to a wonderful Friday morning, I had a good day, everything went well and according to plan for my classes. Then after school I hung out with my friend, and we played basket ball and rode scooters around Kannapolis. Then we went back to my house to get dinner and play some more basketball and just hung out for the rest of the time until he left. So now I'm just chilling at home with my family. 

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Today I woke up to go to school, but I was on little sleep because I had a lot of homework the day before, bit i was able to get through the day just fine. Then, we had a few tests today, and little homework, so when I went back home u was able to go outside and play. I was able to finish my homework in like 30 minutes which was nice. Now I'm just chilling for the rest of the day. 

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Today I woke up and went to school which was a lot of fun, we were able to go outside to play ultimate Frisbee for PE. Then after I finished up the day. For dinner we had a pizza night and now I'm just enjoying the rest of the day to my self with my family.

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Short day

Today I woke up and went to school which was good for the time I was there because after a couple classes I was not feeling good at all so I decided to go home which I enjoyed and hated at the same time, I was able to get a lot of other stuff done though. After a while I was feeling a lot better, so I went to Tae Kwon Do to do some training which was a lot of fun. Over all a pretty ok day for the most part.

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Fair day

Today when I woke up I went to Tae Kwon Do to do some training for a bit the classes were good, and then my dad had to go to junior instructors camp to teach nunchucks. So I went home with my brother and we took Jakhye home with us so that me and him could play for a bit. Then we went to to the fair down off of highway 49, we had a super fun time with all the rides, and all to things to see there. Then after we went home had dinner and just chilled out for the rest of the night.

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Today was a good day, I woke up and went to school which it was a good school day, I was actually able to learn a lot today, in all my classes. For PE we did a 1 mile run but if you wanted you could do 2 miles, so of course I did two. Then after I finished off the school day and went to Tae Kwon Do, where we did Black belt class and Advanced sparring class. They were both great classes and those two classes helped finish my sparring and weekend classes. So over a great day, and week.

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Hang out day

Today I went to school and it was good but a lot of homework though. After school I went back to my friends house to hang out and do my homework so we just chilled there and did a couple of hours of homework. After we got something to eat and I went home and mainly chilled out for the rest of the day.

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Today was a day of mainly remembrance of 9/11 when the tragic day happened in NY. I went to school in the morning which I had a good day and all that fun stuff, mainly just an ordinary day. But being a sophomore is tough, because I've been consistently stuffed with homework, then after that I went home to do some homework, then went to taekwon do to do class which was a great class. At the end we did a workout specifically for 9/11 which was a big workout but fun. That was my day.

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Haircut day

Today I went to school which was pretty good, the funny thing is the days feel so long because just a normal 45 minutes feels like an eternity. Thankfully after, I had my run which I honestly feel a lot of peace doing, then I went to down town concord to get my haircut, which it was time for a haircut because my hair was super thick do it was nice and after that I've been doing homework and requirements and now just chilling.

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Chill day

Today I went to church where we had a great guest speaker. Overall the service great after me and a bunch of friends played 9 square. Then we went home and I shot my airsoft gun and my uncle John came over, then I just did my requirements and then studied. That was my day.

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Airsoft day

Today I woke up and went to work at King Tiger Harrisburg, we had good classes I had my sparring class today which was a lot of fun. I had to leave pretty early to go to the Kickathon, which was a lot of fun, we got to kick a lot and raise some money, after that I went home and took a shower and just chilled for a little bit before I had to leave to go to my friends house to play airsoft with 18 other people, it was so fun because there was so many people the games would get super intense, so overall we had a great day.

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Today I went to school, and we had a pretty good day, we had a couple of tests that went well. This year I'm doing a lot better in school with my grades. When we got to our last class we were so eager to get out because we had a school event right after to play volleyball. It was called king of the court, where the boys play volleyball and the girls cheer. It got so competitive, but unfortunantly we lost but it was a lot of fun. After we had classes which were really good so over all a great day.

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Mountain day

Today I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and coffee pouring. In the morning I went for my run and then just had breakfast and chilled out for a bit. Then we drove an hour to go to a mountain coaster in Boon North Carolina, it was a lot of fun. Then after that we went to get lunch at some dinner, and after we just shopped around. Now we're just chilling out.

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Game day

Today I went to school which was fun, I learned a lot and we even had something we call a house meeting, which is a meeting that we have with our house system where we're split up at a middle and high school into houses, and we have house meetings. I'm in house Audacia and we had our first meeting of the year where we just talk about what we're going to do for the year. After we had a soccer game which we sadly lost, but then I went home and did my home work and just chilled for the rest of the night. 

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Today I woke up to go to school which was a good day we learned a lot. One of my favorite classes is humanities and Biology, we always do some fun stuff in those classes even though I do get a lot of home work which usually takes a while to finish. After that I went home to do home work then I went to class and helped out and did some requirements and now I'm just chilling with my family.

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Sunday With Avery

Today I woke up to go to church, and it was a great day. To start off we had a wonderful church service by one of our Elders at the church. Then after that when we went home and did some work before one of my friends named Avery came over, we swam and rode electric scooters around the block before we just chilled for the rest of the time and now I'm just chillin for the rest of the day and did some home work which wasn't to bad. That was my day.

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Paint ball day

Today I woke up to go to work which was good, just the usual, but after that we had a lot of fun. We went to Rockhill SC, to go to a paintball place called Central Paintball, I really enjoyed it. It was for my friends 16th birthday, it was just a lot of fun though I got hit a lot. I loved it, and it was good to get back into it since the last time I played I was in 6th grade. I enjoyed it though. After that I went home and now just chillin with my family.

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First school Friday

Today I woke up to go to school and today was a good school day with a lot of activities. In PE we did something called the pacer test, which is where you have a certain amount of time to go from one side of the gym to the other side, and you keep going until you can't keep up anymore, and the time gets shorter and shorter to where your at the point where your sprinting every time. After school I went home and I chilled there until I had to go to Tae Kwon Do. We had black belt class and advance sparring, with the pictures at the same time, so overall a great day.

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Today I woke up to go to school which was alright, for some reason 10th grade classes are extremely slow. After school I went for my run at school which was a nice run, very peaceful. After I went home and did my homework and just mainly chilled for the rest of the evening. Went for a scooter ride and then now just hanging out with my family getting ready to go to bed soon.

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First heavy school day

Today I woke up for school at 6am, for school which is normal for me, I went to school shortly after I got up and had a very long day. Were still in the introducing stage to we don't even really do much real work so it makes for longer days. After that I went for a run on my schools track which is a nice track because every lap is exactly one mile, so it's nice. After we had to take dinner to one of my mom's friends because his wife broke her ankle so we took them some turkey for dinner.

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Today since it was Sunday I didn't really do much, I did go to church and had a really good sermon. After I just hung out and then went to Harris Teeter so that my mom could pick a few things up. Then we went home and I just chilled and did some requirements and just hung out. I am waiting for my dad and brother to get back from Colorado, their land time is 7:45 ET so they should be back soon.

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Today I woke up to go to work at King Tiger Harrisburg with just Master knight because my dad and brother are in Colorado for a vacation. It was a very good day for classes, everyone did well and we all had a blast. After that I went out to eat with one of my friends, we went to Silver Lake Ramen. It was amazing food. After I went home did the rest of my requirements and just chilled for the rest of the day.

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School Event Day

today I got up early for school, I went to school but today was a little bit different for me, because we had a school opening year event. It's just the 7th-12th graders that could go and we did like a field day type thing. We played a bunch of games like volleyball and pickleball, cornhole and more fun things. We even swam in the lake there. Then after that I went out to eat with my mom for dinner at Grounds and Vines, which is always great food, and now I'm just chillin for the rest of the night at my house.

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Day Before School

Today I woke up and I knew that I had a busy day. So first I went to the gym and hit a leg day, then I went home from that and had to mow one of my neighbors yard which was a pretty big mess because it hadn't been mowed in weeks, after that we had to go to my open house to see my teachers and set up my locker. I got to see all of my friends though which was nice. I start school tomorrow and I'm not all that excited. After that me and my dad went to Habaci Pit and got some food there and then went to work. So it was a very fun last summer day.

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Monday fun Day

Today I got up and ran with my dad for the first time this cycle because he was having some calf issues and couldn't really run for a while, but was finally able to go which was a treat. After that we happened to go to the gym at Crossfit Harrisburg. We did some arms and back, after that my arms where cooked but it felt good. After I chilled out for a while and went to work which was great and we even had our first PMA class that today so over all a wonderful day.

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Today, I went to work in the morning which was fun, and got to help out. After that me and my brother went to get some food and then went home. After that we were getting ready to have some friends that we haven't seen in a while come over and we had a little party and had a lot of fun. Then we spent some time cleaning and now me and my family are watching a movie and just chilling for the rest of the night.

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Prep day

Today I woke up a little later than usual, because I had a sleep over with some friends. So I did my run a little later, then we went to down town Kannapolis to get something to eat at the bank with all the new food stores. We had the Asian food place which was really good and super tasty. After that we went to work and picked up one of my friends Avery on the way to Tae Kwon Do. We had black belt class and advanced sparring which were great classes, and got to see a bunch of friends there and got to talk a little. I ordered all of my school stuff today as well to get ready for school next week.

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Rainy day

Today I woke up to the power out and pouring rain, but one it slowed down a bit I went for my run which was fun but after it kept raining. Then me and my dad went to the bank to get some things done then went to get some coffee, which was amazing, then I went to my friends house and we got some food and watched some tv. We got another one of my friends and headed to my house to play and swim even though it was raining a lot. We made the most out of what we had.

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Water Park

Today I woke up early to do my run in the morning which was a good run. After that I went to the Chiropractor to get adjusted but as we got there they were closed so we just went home. I just did all my requirements at home, before my friend came to pick me up. We went to Emerald pointe wet and wild, in Greensboro. It was really fun, and it was the first time I had ever been to a water park so it was cool to try all the different slides. We had a wonderful time and would for sure go there again.

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Start of the week

Today I woke up to do my run which was pretty good, after that I hit the gym and got a quick workout in was I enjoyed. After that I went with my dad to drop off a vehicle at a car shop to get my cars breaks redone which was done very quickly, because he finished it in a few hours. Then I went to work, and had a lot of fun there helping out with the kids and enjoying ourselves after that we went home got some amazing dinner and watched a movie called "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes". It was a well done movie I enjoyed it a lot, and that was my night.

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Rest Day

So today I went to church and we had a guest speaker, and he was really good. Our normal pastor is on subaticle, which means he is gone for about 12 weeks. This is to give the pastor rest and help refresh his mind. After that we had lunch at this really good mexican truck called Titos. Now i'm home, and about to go to a concert with some friends, so that will be a lot of fun. The band is called Cage the Elephant, it was difficult to figure out the tickets considering my family doesn't go to many concerts.

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Chill Day

Today I didn't really do to much, in the morning I ran and after that I just chilled out for the rest of the day until work of course. I did take a nap though that really refreshed me, before I went to work. At King Tiger Harrisburg we had great classes for us, and today was a longer day because we have adult class at the end. So a little slow but we all had a great time and I got to hang out with my friend Avery.

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Lifting Day

Today I woke up early in the morning and did some lifting at the gym with my dad, I also knocked out some requirements while I was there so that was good. After that I went home to chill out and play. After that I went to work and we had a good day with all the classes and everything. I got all my needed classes done and saw Jakhye there so it was overall a good day.  

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Today I got up in the morning to get an adjustment from a place called True Health center. It was very good and we even stayed for a little bit to watch the Olympics which they were playing there. After that I got home and did a bunch of requirements and kind of just chilled for the rest of the day. I played with my airsoft gun and that was a lot of fun and thats it.

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July 29

Today I went to the gym early in the morning, and we did some lifting for a bit. I always enjoy lifting and love improving on certain movements. After that it was raining for a good bit, so I just hung out at the house for a bit doing some requirements. Then I headed off for work where we good classes and just had a fun class at the end of the day. I went home had a delicious dinner that my mom had made called taco rice, very good and that was our day.

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Tubing Day

Today I woke up early to go tubing for the day with one of my friends. The place that we went was called The Green River, a great tubing spot. It was a long drive though, but worth it. We were on the river for about two hours before we got out and headed to get lunch/dinner, at a place called Dairy O. Very good food. Then we had a two hour drive back, I stayed at my friends house for a bit to roam around Kannapolis for a bit before I was going to head back to my house. I wanted to see the new Deadpool movie, but I didn't have enough time. Overall it was an awesome day.

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Wedding Day

Today I woke up from a sleep over at one of my friends houses and went to work from there. They were great classes and we I enjoyed a lot of sparring and fun stuff like that. After work we went home where I had to do some requirements and take care of some dogs for a bit before we went to one of my friends weddings. It was a wonderful wedding, it was actually at my old church that we had gone to before. It was quick and easy, and we all had a fun time visiting with old friends.

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Workout Day

Today, was a lot of working out, because in the morning I went to Crossfit to weight lift. Me personally, I love to weight lift, it's always my favorite day. So I did a lot of bench press, and really working shoulders lats and triceps. After that I crashed at home and did some requirements before going to the Dojang, and doing black belt class which was a great class today. Following the Advanced Sparring Class with Instructor Madelynn teaching the class. She does a wonderful job in teaching drills that they did in the Olympics, which is very hard, and why I said a Workout Day. Lot's of strengthening and high cardio, but a awesome class highly recommended.

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Chill Day

Today was a nice chill day, because I was able to rest and do my requirements and just hang out and enjoy my family. I did go to get my brothers car inspected though from a super nice guy named Johnny. He does inspections for cars for a living, after that I went home and saw some super cute puppies from next door and hung out with them for a while. Then I went to work which was a pretty long day with a lot of classes for the most part. While we were out the power went out at home and we had to fend for ourselves for food, but everything turned out well.

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I woke up and I did my usual things in the morning went for my run and just relaxed. Our neighbors next door just got some new puppies and I have to take care of them for a little bit while they are gone. The nice thing is that I am excited to do so because I love puppies so much and it will probably be pretty easy. Then I went to work and that is always fun and that was about it. When I came home my mom made amazing chicken parmesian for dinner and it tasted as good as it looked.

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Adjustment Day

Today I went to the Chiropractor and got myself adjusted for my shoulder that has been hurting for a little while, it started to feel better after a little bit. Then of course knowing the type of person I am, reinflamed my shoulder and now is hurting a little bit. Other than that it was just a usual day with doing requirements and all sorts of fun things. Then I went to work where I helped out with classes and did the rest of my requirements. Over all it was an exciting and very fun day.

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Fun Day

Today, I went for my run in the morning and it was quite peaceful and enjoyable. After we went to the Dojang, and we did the ninja course for Master Evins summer camp. It was a great group of junior tigers mainly and they had a lot of fun doing the course, and we also had a great time. After that we chilled for a while, and my friends came over and we had so much fun. We swam in the pool and played for a few hours. After that we headed to work at the Dojang to teach classes. I helped out for a bit before my shoulder was hurting really bad from a mountain bike crash, and I landed on my shoulder. So somethings going on there. Other than that the classes went great and everyone had a fun day.

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Journal 3

Today was basically a bunch of repetition, because in the week days, I do requirements relax and go to King Tiger. I do enjoy doing everything though and today was a fun day. So can't complain.

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Today I went to church at Christ Point, where we had a guest speaker preach. I don't remember his name but I know that it was a very good sermon. After I went over to my friends house where we played for a bit. Then came home did my requirements and now enjoying the rest of the day.

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Day 1

Today, the first thing when I woke up was literally go to Tae Kwon Do. I brushed my teeth and my brother and I went to the Dojang, where I was met with a very fun sparring class and lots of requirements to look forward to. After all the classes we had a health seminar, done by Dr. Shears. It was a very good seminar I heard. Then I went home and my friends came over, and we swam, and played basket ball, with some more fun things. Though I had to do more requirements even when they were there. We enjoyed ourselves very much for the rest of the time. Can't for more to come.

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When I was Shaken

Today I had auditions to day but before that I had a punch of school work i'm really excited that i'm almost done with the black belt cycle. So later today I had auditions for theater and I was terrified and my whole body was shaking. But the important part was I made it through the audition and I never gave up and I had a lot of fun.

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Bingo time

Today I had school like always and after school my dad dropped me off at QT. Because later I had chicken and bingo and it was a lot of fun. We won candy every time someone got a bingo and now it's time to go to bed.

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today i went to school; and learned legth x width x height. came to tkd and did some requirements and helped in class,

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No mom this weekend

So this whole weekend our mom was on a women's retreat with our church. She was very excited and on this same weekend, there was a seminar with Master Meligrito. I attended Friday night sticks for kids, then on Saturday after my sparring class, I did the afternoon seminar which I was not supposed to go to , but Master Evins let me do the class. It was very fun and interesting. Instead of doing just sticks, he taught staff as well. 

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Sticks Weekend

Today I had a project day for home study and after that I played a little. Then I had to eat quickly because I had sticks for kids. I must say it was a blast. We did a lot of fun stuff. After that the black belts had some training with Master Malegreto.

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Almost there

Today like always I had school and I got picked up and I remembered that i'm almost done with sit ups and I was so happy. Then we picked up Connor, and went straight to the dojang. We are getting ready for class, we have senior tigers tonight and i'm almost done with my requirements for today got to go.

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9/25/ 2019

Today I got up early to go to training for my dad. My dad had to leave early to go to his dental appointment and while all that was happening I was doing my homestudy. When we got home I hurried to get school done because later that day I had an theater workshop.My friends mom picked us up from it and went to her house and played for a little bit until my mom comes and now the day is over by now.

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Late night

Today we had classes from 5:00 - 8:30. I stayed for the whole thing, because I thought my mom was not going to pick me up. The classes were really good. For a second I didn't know because I haven't helped in a while. I tried my best and for the third class I helped out a little bit because I needed to get dressed and finish my requirements

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Free day

Today was a teacher work day. Very exciting for me because I had more to play and do more requirements. Connor went to great wolf lodge and then heading to soccer. I still need to do my community service essay and actually do the service. Its not far now to the end of the cycle

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Church day

Today I went to church like always. My group had a small amount of people for sunday school. But for my church service, we had tons of kids. After church, we went home and did a bunch of requirements. Then we ate lunch and took off to see my Nana in Badin, NC. I takes an hour to get there. It was great to see her again. Her new there is nice in a tiny village and has two little dogs. Later this day, Parker and I rode our 4 wheelers and Parker's dad made us a dirt ramp for jumping. We got some really good air. What a blast that was.

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Great Day

Today got up early like always and went to sparring class. Sparring was pretty good, we had a lot of drills with two rounds of sparring. Then, we had a 45 minute break, then black belt class I loved because we did our breaking demo. The breaking demo because getting a idea in our head for testing. After that, I picked up late and went straight to the international festival. 

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Today I had home study and it's been longer than expected. My muscles are sore, but tonight is parents night out so I have get my requirements done to go. Weather for my run cold this morning. Can't wait for tonight. See everybody Saturday.

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Almost Finished

Today I had home study most of it I got done at the training this morning. So when I went home we finished up home study and then I realized I was almost done with the cycle. So I thought to my self and said I need to get this done and that done, and then I thought I'm getting a lot stronger. So I took a deep breath and said lets do this and I was off and I just love the cycle because it teaches me to discipline my self for what comes next I got to go by now.

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The workout day

Today for school we had almost the exact plans but it wasn't. For specials today we had music and PE they were both surprising   breath taking. In music we did a lot of singing,we sang a lot of songs and dancing as well. For PE we did what Mrs. Ford calls     our warm up funicize and they are very hard our activity for the unite is basketball.

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First day of the week

So today I went to school like always it was very hot outside.We did a lot of math and our special was art to day.We picked up Connor and brought him to soccer.So after that we swung over to Publix and grabbed some food and went to King Tiger.We had a little time to relax then people started coming in and class began. 

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Last day of the weekend

Today we got up early because Connor had to help out with church. Had a great service at church and then came home. I got up with my good friend Parker and we rode dirt bikes. Then I had to get the rest of my requirements in and also typed up to essays. I did 10 rounds of sparring combinations on the heavy bag.

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Nerve racking

Today we had our physical and written the group was very nervous. First we did our run and after our run we did pull ups. I beat my pull ups, push ups, sit ups and v sit ups. After that we got a break before black belt class and I did a second run with Mrs. Lauren and Andrew. I was happy I knocked out two miles today. When I came back from my second run, my mom showed up to check on me then left to grocery shop. A few minutes after we had black belt class. It was a lot of fun and had a great time.

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Prep day

Today Was a home study day. I've been getting ready for the test tomorrow. I'm tired and sore. Hopefully tomorrow will go well. Looking forward seeing everyone tomorrow. Math was fun and we started on my project for school. I have to learn and do a project about the mid west.

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Coming early

Today after school we we left the school from Carline and went straight to the do Jang. At school it was a slow day. We did a lot of math, and did recess inside because it was so hot outside. I'm finishing up my essays today to get those turned in.

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Hot day

Today at school was very hot, it felt like I was frying slowly.  at school I did not do any requirements except for my run this morning. I had art today with my art teacher mrs. Richardson. I enjoy art very much, it is a lot of fun. Connor has a soccer game at Frank liske Park. He plays for Covenant classic

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Early morning

Today we had to get up early for sparring and black belt class. The sparring class and black belt class was a lot of fun. I really Master Hama and Master Jean. Everyone seemed like they had a good time. When we got home, we and my dad were really tired. Earlier that day, my friend Parker came to get me to do some dirt biking. We had a lot of fun.

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Home Study Day

Today was a long day. I worked on math, spelling, grammar. Some was difficult and some was easy. I enjoy math a lot. Some problems were hard to understand. I'll be going to the sparring seminar in a little while. I'm getting late doing my requirements but I'm getting them done now. This seminar should be fun. Hope to see you there.

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The adventure is over

Today, we had to come back from the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was very fun while it lasted. We got to go on a lot of cool hikes, some of them were mostly flat and one was all uphill. The views were gorgeous. You could see the towns and valleys forever. On the first we hike we saw a very beautiful waterfall. We stayed in our motor home and at the campsite, I caught a lot of fish. We are now back and getting ready for school the next day and I'm not happy about it.

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Home study day

Today is Friday and I'm at home doing my school work. Hope Academy is a Christian school that has a university model that does 3 days at the school and two days at home. It is a great school and I really like it. We did two hours of math today which was a bit hard because we had to do a lot of work with big numbers of population differences of different countries. My requirements are going ok. Still have a lot of work to do and a lot of improvement. My dad is helping a little bit. I am very excited about the seminars coming up. Can't do some sticks!!

  552 Hits

Small Group

Today was a loud day just with three people in summer camp and we are starting class right now. The cycle is going well its a lot of work but I am getting a lot done, I think it is even louder than having a bunch of kids,the thing I'am still having a little bit of trouble with is running. I hope you enjoyed it have a super nice day by.

  523 Hits

Quick day

So far it has been a very quit day at least how long I have been here. I have been at home most of the day but we are just playing pokemon. We are having       snack right now, you get more and more used to the cycle every day. Sometimes I wish I could play a lot of games, but I still have to do requirements.             We are about to play tiger ball I hope you liked it a lot by now.

  508 Hits

Long Week

It has been a super long week full of craziness the cycle is tough and its supposed to be tough. The easiest thing for me is the pomsaes and self defense and the hardest is the run. The hardest thing about the run is finding time to do the run and sometimes knowing you have to run everyday even though you are tired. Easiest thing about pomsaes and self defenses is you just have to remember it and do it strong. 

  535 Hits


Its a very crazy day we are doing games, its a lot of fun getting to know more and more about the kids. we are playing lazer tag with the campers. We watched Detective Pikachu, it was a really good movie and everybody enjoyed it. We did not do class because the computer update took a good part of our day. We played a lot of games today and we are getting ready for the junior tigers testing. I am going to be helping with the junior tigers testing. We got a new game today called spot it. I hope you enjoyed it have a nice day bye!

  503 Hits

New Day

Today is July 29 it was a very early morning of summer camp we are doing quite time every body is enjoying them self. Its been really tough with the black belt cycle but fun. The king tiger is doing really well, we got some new summer campers but we are way to chatty. I really like summer camp it just brings me joy, the campers are fun to play with I hope you are doing well.                                  

  492 Hits

The crazy day

Today is July 24th I did my run this morning and some push ups and sit ups. This morning was a very crazy morning lot's of games we watch toy story 4.           We did more games and right now everybody is doing study guides and we are about to start class. Master knight is helping the kids with their study guides and we are all doing something and having quit time. Everything is improving each day the kids are amazing they follow instructions really well, by hoped you liked it.

  487 Hits

summer camp

So right now we are playing a game and about to take class. It's very exciting that the cycle is starting but also kind of scary. Summer camp is a lot of fun, all of the campers are very kind and funny. 

  464 Hits