Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


After school my dad and I started to finish up our essays. I have already started the five kwans which is going to take me a while since it is a five page essay. But we are still doing well through this cycle.

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Empathy Training

Today I did my empathy training so I was mute for twelve hours. After one hour I felt like I could survive the whole day but after the second one, I just wanted to start talking. Well, all I can say is that I got it done. So now I complete another essay.

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Today was a homeschool day so we got to sleep in. Usually, homeschool days are short but this one went really long. When I finally got done it was about 4:00 in the evening so I was not happy. I wish I could redo this entire day which would have helped me a lot better.

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Black Belt Night

Tonight my soccer practice was canceled so I went to take class instead. I helped out in the family class to get a Leadership 1 because I am so low on them. For Black Belt Class we worked on the self defenses and poomsaes that we needed to know. It was a different night that helped me so I can keep myself going.

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My Friends Birthday

Today was my friend Nolan's birthday. He had his party this weekend but we celebrated it again today. His party was really fun and we stayed up late. For his birthday we first went to Sports Connection and then went to his house. We played multiple of games there and he had a basketball game going on a screen in his yard. It went really well celebrating his birthday twice and I think he enjoyed it too.

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The Resting

Yesterday we had the physical test which was pretty tough. Today after I had breakfast I went straight to requirements. I did all of them at once which made me really tired. Then, later I had a soccer game which made me more tired. I hope I get some rest tomorrow because I will probably need it.

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Today we had to prepare for tomorrow so we would pass the test. We finished up our journals first, then we studied the test a lot so we would get a good grade. I hope that my dad and I pass it because we did a lot of studying and writing today.

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Today for English class we are learning about poetry. For our project we have to pick out an event that has happened in our country and write different poems about it. Today we wrote a poem to help us figure out how write one. In Science we are studying about atoms and we use balls and we connect them to form different types of substances. Me and another kid in my group made a lot of different things with them. It was pretty fun getting to use them. But other than those things my day was normal and not much exciting things happened.

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The Start

Today our grading guy was starting to put his machines out because he is going to dig us a pool. For his machines he has an excavator, a dump truck, and some other machines that help him get the job done. This is the second project he is doing for us and it is going to require some big machines. It takes him some time but he can get the job done, even with one person. I can't wait to see the pool in our backyard.

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Today we had PE and our teacher is Mrs. Ford who is also in my black belt class. We warmed up first and then started with games. We played bowling from a far distance outside. It was windy and we used dodge balls as bowling balls so the balls rolled off the path sometimes. They missed the two pins a lot so each round we got closer and closer to the bowling pins. The class was really fun and I can not wait to do it next week.

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Today during Nature Study class at school we got to go deep into the woods. It was cool and there were a lot of branches and trees that were dead. We came across a lot of rivers too so we had to jump over them. My teacher said that we will someday come back in the woods so that I am looking forward to that.

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A Lot of Fire

Today after we cut down trees we burned them. The fire went on for a while and we kept supplying it with wood. During it burning our neighbor cut down another tree which was very dead. That was added to the fire and so was some pieces of cardboard. I also helped my dad drive a tractor to a pile to pick up logs of wood. Our neighbors were also burning wood that kept on going through the evening so this day has been filled with fires burning everywhere.

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The Cookout

Today from the the evening to the night our neighbors had a cookout and invited us to it. They made chicken wings and corn on the cob. I had thirteen wings and two cobs of corn so my stomach was satisfied. After that we played ping pong and other games and soon had to go to bed to rest after a good night.

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I Feel No Better

Ever since I got sick I have been sick I have never felt like that I have been getting better. I actually feel a little worse. My dad has tried a few things to help me but the next day I don't feel much better. Well, I hope I get done with it before the cycle is over if I am going to get through.

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A Sick Day

Today I was very sick so I had to skip school. My sickness was terrible so I didn't feel right for entire day. I wish I could make myself better but I can't get rid of this awful sickness. I also had to skip Black Belt Class so my dad and brother went instead. If I could change this day entirely I would so that I would feel great.

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A Short Day

Today for home study I had a very light and short day. I had only two requirements for English, one requirement for Math, two requirements for History, and one requirement for Science. I got done at 2:30 and did not spend a lot of time on each subject thankfully. 

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A New Unit

Today is a new unit for school and our last one. Each unit is 10 weeks and we are on Unit 4. Now we have a new project and new lessons to learn. I hope that these 10 weeks will go well.

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A Very Sleepy Day

Ever since day light savings time came I have never felt awake. My classmates and I at school were all half awake and even my teachers were wishing they could go back to sleep. I think but at the end of the day a kid named Wes who wasn't here to show his project presented it to the class. It was really big and it worked almost perfectly. After that I started to wake up a little bit so at least I survived the day.

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A Snowy Day

Today in the morning I woke up and was surprised to see the snow on the ground. Yesterday was really warm and today was snowing and that did not make any sense to me. But I enjoyed it and was very excited. We are also going to see a movie so this might be a weird day. 

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A Good Day of Rest

Today I slept in instead of waking up early for sparring because of soccer. My brother and dad had to get up though but I stayed in bed. I got up around 9:00 and had to eat breakfast and put my gear on. I lost my soccer game 8:2 and we were not very happy about the score. I can't wait for another day of the weekend tomorrow though.

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A Free Day

Today I had no school so I had a free day. I woke up about 9:00 and had breakfast. After breakfast about 11:30 I helped my dad put logs onto a shelf so we can have a fire and stay warm. There were enough logs to last about a week. Also I am going to see a Hornets game with all of my school friends. I wish day could never end.

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The Culminating Event

Today was the Culminating Event for my school. My class all shared our machines that we invented. I had one of the best projects which made a robot dance. Other people had some cool machines too like cracking open an egg. The other grades also had their projects like the 3rd graders launched rockets. This day was one of the best throughout the year.

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Preparing Time

Today at school I had to get ready for our Culminating Event which is on Thursday. That is the day where my classmates and I bring in our projects that we worked on during the month. We share our projects to parents who come to see what we have done and I made a machine for my project. I can't wait to share my project with the parents coming on Thursday.

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Sharing Day

Today at school for English we shared mini books that we made to the 2nd graders. We rotated through two stations until we had to leave. I read to six kids by the time we were done. This was a very exciting day to be with the 2nd graders.

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Coming Home

Today I was coming home from Instructors Camp. I was really tired from all of the late night training and slept in today. I left the hotel at 10:45 and it took about two hours and thirty minutes to get home. I slept for thirty minutes of the ride back which refreshed me a little. I can't wait to go to bed after staying up late for two nights.

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Test Time

Today in school I am getting ready for my tests and quizzes. I have to study a lot of subjects because each of them has either a test or a quiz that I have to study for. So far I am doing good and know what is required so I hopefully will get good grades.

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A Long Home School Day

Today I had home school and it was very long. I got done at about 5:00 pm and it was tiring too. After I was done I went out for my two mile run which I did good and worked on requirements for most of the evening. 

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A Good Day

Today was a regular day. I got my grades back on my quizzes and I did two miles today. I just need to catch up on my push-ups and sit-ups. Also my burpees are really low so I need to do a lot of those. But my running is getting better each day so that is at least going well. But overall, I had a pretty good day.

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A Different Day

Today at school we had a different schedule. We had our classes in the elementary building instead of the middle school building. Also our classes were at different times too. We got out at 2:30 in the afternoon also when we usually get out at 3:30. Today was a crazy day.

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A Work Day

Today my dad and I had to work at the lake house. When we got there I had to get all of the leaves out of the pool. It took me about fifteen minutes to get it done. After the lake house I had to get my homework done which took about thirty minutes. So today was a day full of work.

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A Tiring Start

Today when I woke up I was really tired I could barley think. I had so much trouble being awake. When I had orange juice it woke me fully so I was ready for my classes. I had a soccer game in the afternoon and my team lost by two points. Today turned out to be a great day besides my tiring start.

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A Big Day

Today I had to work on my school project a lot. I am building a machine for my project and this is the last week to work on it. For school, today is project day. I hope I get a good grade on the project.

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A Sleepy Start

Today I my dad woke me up early for school. I accidentally fell back to sleep and almost did it again but I caught myself. I was super tired today and could barely think. Luckily, going to school woke me up and got me ready for the day. I did my requirements and went to bed.

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A Long Day

Today was a long homeschool day. I finished at about 4:00 pm. Once I was done I went to bed and got some rest and had tacos for dinner. I finally found a mentee so this cycle might be going well.

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Catch up day

Since I went to Disney last week, I have been doing school work for most of the day. I still didn't get done with all of it, so I'll have some extra homework tomorrow. It was really nice outside, and it was hard to keep focus on my work. 

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A Fresh Day

I got up at 9:30 today feeling ready for the day. I worked on my school project and went to the store for supplies. Tonight I went over to my friend's house and we grilled hamburgers over a fire. They tasted delicious! I had five burgers total. This was an excellent day.

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An Early Start

Today my dad woke me up early because we had to go to sparring class and black belt class. I was really tired and felt like I needed more sleep. I actually woke up a little so I was ready for class. Today was a very slow and tiring day for me.

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Returning Home

Today my family and I got back from Disney World. We had a lot of fun and it took us two days to get home. When we got home I was exhausted from the big trip. We stayed at Disney for four days with our friends the Keiths. We had a good dinner and we are about to go to bed.

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A Windy Day

Today was a very windy day. The morning was calm but after lunch it started getting aggressive. The outside door to my science room was flinging open and closed. Running is also tough when you are running against the wind. In the evening it has put an end to this windy day and is calm again, the it used to be.

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A Home School Day

Today was a very slow day. I woke up very early, about 6:30 in the morning. The subjects that I did for home school went by slowly. I was finally done by around 4:30 in the afternoon. This was one of my most exhausting days of my life.

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A Hungry Day

Today for lunch I had chili in my container. Also my teacher shared her chicken with my class which tasted good. After school I worked on requirements and we are having tacos for dinner which is why this is one of my favorite days.  

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A normal day

Today I had to study this morning and prepare for two tests. They weren't hard and I got through them easily. For dinner we are having ribs which is one of my favorite foods to eat.

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An early start

Today I had to get up early for a soccer game. On the interstate there was a car crash that took us 30 minutes to get through. When we got to the field we warmed up and then started. My team and I lost by two points but we played a good game.

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Another day

Today I had soccer practice, then had to run over to King Tiger for black belt class. I had a great mentor session with Master Cavazos and we went over 1st don self defense, special, and pomsaes. 

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Today I was home schooled which was very long. All the subjects took me a while to finish but I got through it all. After this exhausting day I finished up my requirements and had dinner.

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Today at school I had two tests. One test for History and another for English. They were good and I got through them without much trouble. For the rest of the day I worked on requirements for the black belt cycle.

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A Regular Day

Today in the morning I got done with some requirements before going to school. At school I had to prepare for a test that will be on Tuesday. So far I am almost done with my daily requirements and I am keeping up with the cycle.  

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Morning classes

This morning, I took sparring class and black belt class and had a good workout. In sparring class we worked on round house kicks and cut kicks and ended up with some stretching which really helped. Durng black belt class, we worked on our first don self defense and new Pawgway Pomsaes. Overall, we had a good day.

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Day one of the cycle

Today in the morning my dad, brother, and I were 30 minutes late for sparring class. Instead my brother took family class and my dad and I took black belt class. After that, we went to lunch at Harris Teeter and a late lunch. For dinner we had ribs which tasted great for dinner and enjoyed ourselves for the rest of the evening.

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This morning I went outside to do my run. First I got my rain coat on, then I headed out of the door right after I was finished tying my shoes. It wasn't too cold, but I could still feel a breeze in the air. After my run I ate some waffles that my mom made right when I came home. I couldn't wait to try her waffles. They were really good and I had two of them plus some bacon. I can't wait to see how this day will turn out.

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Black Belt Class

Tonight at black belt class we did about twelve poomsaes. The poomsaes that I did was Yuk Chang, Chil Chang, Pal Chang, Basic Form One, Basic Form Two, Basic Form Three, Pal Gwe Il Chang, Pal Gwe Yi Chang, and Koryo poomsaes. Black belt class made my left arm sore. I wonder what we will do next week in black belt class.

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Plans for Today

Today I have a shorter day of home school. I wonder what I will have to do to complete it. Also a person is coming at 9:00 a.m. to check the top of our house. Well I can't wait to get this day started.

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This morning I went to church to learn more about God. We learned about the differences of what God made and how they are different. Also we talked about how the Trinity was always there and how they are equal. But each of the persons in the Trinity have a different job. Besides our Bible lesson the way that we did things were normal and no changes or any different plans yet.

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Today I ha...

Today I had school then went to black belt class. There we practiced poomsaes and self-defenses. After that I went to the back and did some more requirements until my mom picked me up while I was watching my dad's combative class. Overall everything was normal and no new things going on today.

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Mentee Session

Today I worked with my mentee, Gregory. We practiced sparring combinations and hook round house kicks. We went through 1-14 of his sparring combos and helped him on his kicking technique for hook round house kicks. Overall he did very well and can't wait to finish my sessions with him.

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My Leadership 2

During black belt class I helped out with the warm-ups for my leadership 2. I think it's fun getting to be loud and leading the class in a specific activity. I lead all the warm-up parts and smiled when I finished. Before I used to be nervous but now I enjoy doing it and feel more relaxed.

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Today at church we talked about how God's creations are amazing and how he always planned for us to be on this planet. We also read a few verses from the Bible that talk about how amazing God's creations are. My teacher also said that God is so powerful that all he did was speak and everything appeared. I think that what he did was amazing because none of us can do what he did, we have to use our hands and work instead of speaking. I can't wait to hear more next week.

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Title (Optional)My Test

Today I had to do my physical and written test. First we had to find a partner, my partner was Jeeya. Then we did push-ups, she put her fist under my stomach and I would have to make my stomach touch for the push-up to count. I got 42 push-ups, after that she did her push-ups and got 50. Next was sit ups, I got 35 and she got 45. Next I did my 1 mile run and my time was 9:03. Finally we did our written test and was done.

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Today I wa...

Today I was doing the rest of my essays. It only took me about 30 minutes. I feel really good and relaxed once I got something important done.

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Black Belt Class

Tonight in black belt class we worked on poomsaes and self-defenses. The poomsaes we did were Basic Forms One and Two, we also did Bo-Cho Dan One step self-defense. My partner was Diego and he was new to the self-defenses so I helped him out with 1-6. Master Evins also came over to see how we were doing and he helped Diego with his self-defense techniques. After black belt class my dad took me home.

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Sparring class

Today in sparring class I did sparring class with Master Evins. First we lined up in the back and did some running and skipping. I learned how to slide off line and use a cut kick to throw off my opponent.

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Black Belt Class

Tonight in black belt class we worked on poomsaes and self defenses. We did Koreo, Sam Chang, and Chil Chang. After that we practiced our self defenses. There was also a new person that did Tae Kwon Do in Atlanta and came to our studio tonight. He was a First Degree black belt and was new to our type of style. For self defenses we did green belt and yellow belt. Then our class ended and the Philippine Combative class started.

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Cool day i...

Cool day in class teaching a new white belt his basic kicks. It was a really good experience. Rain most of the day so I'm glad I got my run in the morning.

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Today at church when I got dropped off I went into a game room where everyone was having fun and playing games. about four people were playing video games and the rest were either watching, or doing something else like pool. Five minutes later we had to go so we walked into a room and had a seat. The room wasn't too big, but we could all fit in perfectly. There were lots of seats and I sat in the back row with some of the other sixth graders. After they showed us a quick video we headed to our other rooms and our teacher talked to us about people who believe in different things and how people have had to debate about their beliefs. Next I went to go to my mom and we went together into her church to hear the pastor preach. Then we picked up my brother,...

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  964 Hits

Another ra...

Another rainy day for a walk, not as I expected it to turn out. I wish that it didn't rain because then there wouldn't be so much mud on the ground. Luckily we wore our rain coats so most of our body would be protected from the rain. But even with all that rain I still enjoyed the walk with my mom and brother. I also can't wait for my dad to come home tomorrow. On our walk the ground was very muddy and I tried not to step in the mud, but at least I came prepared with my sandals so they can get wet and my tennis shoes would get wet so I also came prepared for that too. But besides all that my walk was pretty nice.

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A Rainy Day

My final walk was with my mom and brother. My dad left to train at Myrtle Beach so he could get to level ten for Philippine Combative. I just can't wait for him to come home and tell me about what he did. So we started our walk and the rain stopped and we were just walking on the gravel talking and having a good time. We entered Canterbury Rd. where the gravel road was left behind. We started to climb the short hill then go straight. After that we entered Surry Rd. and when we got to the end we turned around but that's when it started to rain. My mom was not very happy but my brother was excited and started to run. We then all ran trying to get back to the house before the storm drenched us. We finally made it safely home after about .3 miles....

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Leading Class

Tonight during black belt class I lead the first part of the warm-ups. I was very excited as I walked to the front of the class. I smiled a little while walking up and didn't feel nervous at all. I was ready to tackle this task and complete it to the end. I had a great time leading and used my loud voice to echo across the room so everyone could hear me. After I was finished I jogged back feeling proud of what I've done and thinking about that at the end of class I would get the requirement signed off.

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Going Mute

Today I went mute for twelve hours. It felt like throwing words into a dumpster. Putting all of that knowledge and throwing out did of my brain like it's trash. It wasn't fun and during my home school with my dad I had so much things that I really wanted to say but I knew that I couldn't so, I did my best to keep quiet. In the morning I thought that it was just going to be really quick and just like that I'll be able to speak again, but I was wrong. It did not feel good at all. Now I understand why people with that sort of disability And why they feel bad about it because know I can relate to that type of style. Later on in the afternoon my dad found a board for me so I can write on it to communicate. I felt really...

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  836 Hits

Today was ...

Today was picture day for my school and we took our pictures in the morning. I wore my hope collared shirt while my other friends were wearing their church shirts. We went up to the hill to take our photos, I was fifth in line with Cooper while the other boys were in the back. When it was my turn I was a bit nervous but I stepped up the hill and he positioned me. He took four pictures and later on the other boys went. They were talking in line and the picture man was calling them a lot. Then we took a class picture and had to get back to class to find our math test waiting for us.

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Going to a Friend's House

Today, after school I went to my friend's house. When we got there we took off our shoes, he had some nerf pistols out and I took one and started shooting it across the house. Then I found one of his other guns and it had two connected guns on it. I never saw a nerf gun like this before and put it back down to go outside. He also got one of the new types of scooters and let me try it out. It was hard but I figured it out. What you have to do is put your feet on these pads and swing your legs side to side to go forward. I went down the hill with the scooter and he also started to chase me while I was on it. Then I gave it to my friend, he was really good at it and moved very swiftly....

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  814 Hits


This morning I went to my church for the second time and was still getting used to it. First we did in the morning was we played games on the x-box and foosball tables. Then we went to this center where we talked about what we were going to do today and up coming events. After that we I went with the middle school people to our room. We talked about how we should not judge the Bible and how we should know what were saying about it carefully because you should always make sure what you say is correct. Then we went downstairs to see our parents.

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Helping the Con-Voy

Today I helped out with the con-voy at the Olympic place. I helped set up tables and chairs and served food to people. I had fun and there was also raffle tickets being given away so people can get prizes. I can't wait to go back to the con-voy next year.

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Walking with my family

During the evening my brother, mom, and I decided to go for a walk. We started walking at Oxford Dr. and went all the way to Surry Rd. We walked one mile from our house and back from Surry Rd. First when I entered the road Cooper, my neighbor's dog who lives across the street from me was waiting for me at his fence. Right when my foot hit the road he started barking at me like crazy. I walked past him glad he was out of the way. I also saw three more dogs up the street that were barking at us right after I caught up with my family because I was finishing my desert. When we got home I was so excited to be away from all of those loud barking dogs, a place to rest in my bed.

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Walking a neighbor

Today in the morning I walked with my neighbor, Mr. Rogers, when we got to a line that was near Tuckeseegee Rd. we turned around. We also saw a blue copperhead with a gray square pattern in the blue color. We talked most of the way and I enjoyed this walk. I hope I get to walk with him again.

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Today I sparred at King Tiger. Sparrring to me is relaxing. We did five rounds tonight. I need more hyper classes, I'm going to have to check into that.

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Today I mentored Gregory. We did poomsaes and self defenses for the session. We worked on yellow belt, green belt, blue belt, and red belt. The poomsaes we worked on were Il Chang, Sam Chang, Oh Chang, and Pal Chang. I worked with him on pal Chang a little bit and taught him a little more things so he can be able to soon know the whole entire form. We also got through red belt self defenses until the session was over. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

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At school ...

At school today we started playing four square with my friends for recess. I was third in line and was ready to play, when I was first in line I waited for someone to get out. It didn't. Take very long and I even got into king. I served it to a kid named Tony and he served it to Ryan who was in Queen. Ryan got out that round and Tony moved up to Queen. Then he got me out. I stepped into the back of the line and waited to be first again. Before I was hoping to play soccer but instead we started up four square. I wonder what we will do tomorrow.

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At school ...

At school today we started playing four square with my friends for recess. I was third in line and was ready to play, when I was first in line I waited for someone to get out. It didn't. Take very long and I even got into king. I served it to a kid named Tony and he served it to Ryan who was in Queen. Ryan got out that round and Tony moved up to Queen. Then he got me out. I stepped into the back of the line and waited to be first again. Before I was hoping to play soccer but instead we started up four square. I wonder what we will do tomorrow.

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Chasing Maddie

Today Logan Callie and I were running when a dog named Maddie started following us and she was still there when we got back to Logan, Parker, and Callie's house. We decided to play four square but Maddie stole the ball and deflated it. We started to chase her to get the ball and put it in the chicken coop. After that I went home to eat dinner.

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Hiding in the woods

Today my friends and I were playing hide and go seek in the backyard, Trent and I were on a team and we had to count first while Logan and Parker hid. I counted to 60 with my brother. after that we tried to find Logan and Parker. We played two rounds of hide and go seek. Then we went to the creek for a while. Next we went home I can't wait to go to the creek again.

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Today my b...

Today my brother Trent and I were doing a project and were trying to see how many pennies we can put onto a tin foil boat that he made. We kept using 16 pennies as our amount and every time our ship would sink. It was an interesting experiment to try and we also tried other ideas for boats too. I hope that we will be able to do this experiment again.

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Today at school during recess we started playing soccer. My team scored the first goal on the opponents' goal. they later scored and right after that the high school students joined in. Then they scored again and they were winning. After that my team scored but then we had to leave. I had to return to my class and resume school.

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My brother, Trent, and I were rolling on the couch. We also had fun but I also got some requirements in. What I did was roll back and forth, back and forth 30 times. I was a little dizzy at the end but the good thing is that I did something that I needed to work on.

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Today when I came back from school I went straight to doing my homework. I had math and history subjects to do. I had to do the requirements for closing up my first chapter for math. It took about 20 minutes of work but I eventually finished. Next I had to work on history, for history I had to highlight any important information on the lesson sheet that she gave us. After that I was finished with my homework, feeling good completing something and putting some effort into it

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Day before pretest

I've been practicing with Instructor Weeks as my mentor today. He is super awesome and has a lot of experience. He waited around for two hours for us today at the DoJang because of school. I feel ready tomorrow and I'm really excited. I hope I do well on my pretest tomorrow.

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Being home schooled

Today I had home school. I'm only home schooled on Wednesdays and Fridays, for the other days I go to my regular place for school. For home school our teachers give us a paper that has all of my subjects and what I have to do for them. I already finished them and it wasn't too challenging. I like to work by myself sometimes because it's quiet when no ones around. My last subject that I had to do was science, it's one of my hardest subjects but at least I got through.

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school opening

Today my brother went to his school's open house. He's going into first grade and most of his kindergarten friends from last year were here to be at Hope Academy. His teachers' names are Mrs. Riley and her assistant Mrs. Cassel. My brother can't wait to be in school this August. My open house is tomorrow since I'm in middle school. I can't wait to get back into school.

  848 Hits

Today my d...

Today my dad went to our new house to tear down a wall in the basement. I can't wait to see what it would look like when he is finished. I can't wait to see it but first I will have to eat lunch hopefully he completes tearing down the wall when I get there at the new house.

  899 Hits

Working for a neighbor

Today I was helping my neighbor by shoveling gravel rocks from a trailer into some buckets. Then he dumps the buckets of gravel onto a tarp and keeps filling the tarp up until its covered in gravel. I also got some help from my brother and my friends. Together we shoveled all the gravel into the buckets and the buckets start to fill up the tarp. It took about 1-hour to finish the job. After the work we were exhausted and took a brake feeling good that we finished something.

  978 Hits

The trip

I was on a cruise ship called the Princess, we traveled to Alaska on it. Princess has a lot of pools and hot tubs. There's lots of places to eat and you can also watch movies. The movie I watched was the Age of Ultron. It was my third time seeing it but instead of watching it at the movies it was on a cruise ship. I hope that will go on another cruise later on.

  911 Hits

adventuring the backyard

At my new house my friends an I wanted to go down to the river. We went into the woods to see the river. The river was small and it only reached up to the level of our shins. We also crossed from the river to the other side. Then my brother, Trent was missing so we hiked back up calling his name. We found him in my friend's back porch. After that it was time to go back to our regular house.

  984 Hits

A trip to Los Gatos

Today my family and I went to Los Gatos. It's a nice city in California. Me and my family ate at a restaurant called Andole. It was a Mexican restaurant and I had a beef burrito with rice. I thought the food was delicious and I smiled afterward. Tonight my Aunt Robin is coming over and I can't wait to see her.

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I got to g...

I got to go to one of my grandparent's neighbor's daughters. We went on their trampoline and played with each other. The girls' names were Sophia and Lucy. We bounced high and my brother, Trent, also tried to do a front flip. I can't wait to see them tomorrow.

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Today we left to California to visit my grandparents.  On one of the planes the captain let us go into the cockpit they showed us how some of the controls work. I was on the right and my brother, Trent, was on the left cockpit. When we got there we put our bags in the guest room. I was so excited to see my grandparents when I got back from my trip. I had lots of fun at the house and enjoyed the moment. At their house we got to go into the hot tub for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I can't wait to see what we will do tomorrow.

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Today we resumed packing up for our ten day cruise in Alaska. We have to pack shirts, pants, shorts, socks, and anything that is good for Alaskan weather. Tomorrow we will fly to California and stay with our grandparents for about three days. Then we will set sail on an amazing journey.

  924 Hits

Making new friends

When I went to my new house that my family are moving to, my brother and I got to play with our new neighbor's kids. Our neighbor's kids were Logan, Parker, and Cally, they also had one of their cousins over whose name was Sammie. We played basketball together in their backyard and went down their slide. I enjoyed that moment and can't wait to see them again.

  813 Hits

Today in t...

Today in the morning I did 40 push ups, 40 sit ups, and 20 burpees. My brother helped me out and did the physical activities. It was a great experience doing all those requirements with him.

  957 Hits

Today I di...

Today I did some of my physical requirements with my friend. It was cool having a friend as a partner. He enjoyed working out, his dad was with us and also used the workout items with us. We pushed each other and had fun.

  902 Hits

Today I di...

Today I did some of my physical requirements with my friend. It was cool having a friend as a partner. He enjoyed working out, his dad was with us and also used the workout items with us. We pushed each other and had fun.

  848 Hits

Today I di...

Today I did some of my physical requirements with my friend. It was cool having a friend as a partner. He enjoyed working out, his dad was with us and also used the workout items with us. We pushed each other and had fun.

  807 Hits