
Michael Weber

Member since: Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Last Visit: Wednesday, 15 May 2019
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
Proud husband and father of two wonderful children. Graduated from UNC-W. Career Police Officer. s


Today is the day. Nervous about the unknown. Feel good with my Poomsaes. A few hiccups but I know them. I know self defense as well but recall is kinda slow. Hope all goes well. So much hard work.

  818 Hits

Another Day

One more day closer. Did some TKD practice today with Katherine and the boys to help them get ready for their test and then worked on mine. Getting nervous. A little too much thinking with my Poomsaes. This slows me down. Actually forgot a step in Oh Chang. Duh, Cannot believe it. But I still have confidence in myself.

  796 Hits


Finished my sessions with my mentees. I think I helped them. I do believe I saw improvement. I have enjoyed teaching including assisting in classes. Thank you to Instructor Weeks for being my mentor. We had a really good session tonight. I shows me some of the finer points. I love learning and improving my TKD.

  789 Hits

Bad Day

This was not a good day. I set the wrong alarm and got up late. Then a flat tire to start the day. My patrol car was covered in mud when I got to work. Didn't get my first cup of coffee until I should'a been on my second. Almost t-boned by a tractor trailer. Then I got to feeling sick in the afternoon but had to take the boys to the dentist. I just need some rest and to start tomorrow as a new and better day. 

  880 Hits


Went to swim lessons with the boys in the morning and then got to do the afternoon PMAA session. I really enjoyed it but what a coordination tester. It's always exciting to learn.

  902 Hits


More swim lessons in the morning and then home to get the house ready for a birthday party for Michael. I think the kids had a good time. Games and Marco's Pizza.  MMMMMMMMMMM Marco's. I love their pizza.

  602 Hits

Tough Day

Tough day at work. Tired and have a headache. Refrigerator isn't working. Waiting for the repairman.. Sure it's gonna cost a bunch of coin. And going to have to replace all the food. All in all, not a good day. Looking forward to TKD to take my mind off things.

  669 Hits

White Belt

I'm enjoying my white belt week. It seems to take a lot of pressure off me. Kind of like 'wow, I'm a white belt and I can do all this stuff.' Definitely a cool feeling. I have all of my fitness challenge goals complete. Just a few more journal entries needed. I won't make the Saturday Black Belt class or sparring goals but that is what happens when you work Saturdays. Starting to slow down on fitness, just lightening the load on my body. I have a little wear and tear and trying to get rested up.

  661 Hits

Michael's Birthday

My son Michael's birthday was today. He wanted a Wacky Wednesday so we took him to children's Wang Ho for a celebration and then out to dinner with family to celebrate. I took a day off from TKD classes. Felt weird being there just as a parent.

  608 Hits


Starting white belt week. Kinda nice. I feel less pressure....a little more relaxed. Good class tonight. Got my last leadership 2 in and I am now able to slow down a little with the physical part now that I have completed most of the goals.

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Good day with the family. Went to church and then went to John and Frida's to watch the game and eat some good food. Enjoyed the evening watching movies at home after that.

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I think I did pretty well at testing today. Surprised myself with the pull-ups. I got 5. I hadn't been able to do more than two at a time before. Personal best on push-ups at 60 and 49 sit-ups. I went too slow on burpees and only did 14. And I did my mile in 7:59 and didn't feel like I was pushing myself. Felt good after. I should have hit 20 but paced it wrong. Got a 98 on the written. No I'm trying to figure out which one I got wrong. Overall, happy with my performance.

  654 Hits


Why do continue to mess up on poomsaes? Even Il and Yi. Even after I have done them so many times. I believe it is just a matter of concentration mixed with a little self doubt and second guessing. I have got to get over this. Feeling good for tomorrows testing except for pull-ups. My shoulder is not cooperating with that movement but I will power through. Just a lot of pain and weakness with it. When the cycle is over I'll go get it and my knee checked out. Figured I'd wait so that the Dr won't have a chance to give me unwanted news. Nothing will stop me!

  670 Hits

Quiet House

Got the boys off to school. Wife is at work. Finally, a quiet day. Working a little TKD and doing my essays. Cook some dinner in a bit and then off with the family to King Tiger.

  627 Hits

Busy Day Off

Got up early. No school today so took Katherine's car to the dealership for some break work and took advantage of a McDonalds breakfast with the boys. Off to the Doctor's office for John Alexander then shopping for birthday gifts for a friend's  party they have this weekend. Came home and got some work out in and then cooked dinner. Now off to TKD!

  696 Hits


I get weekends off starting this Saturday. They come so rarely and I only get four of them but better than nothing. I can hardly wait until June 1, 2019 when I'll no longer have to worry about that. Dinners cooked and eaten and we're getting ready for TKD. Cannot believe the boys are off tomorrow. They've been at home more than school for the past couple of weeks.

  644 Hits


Beautiful day, other than having to work, and I'm glad things didn't get to bad in Charlotte with the storms. I feel for the people near the coast.

  661 Hits


Couldn't log in yesterday so her it is. Got some good workout in and practiced TKD with the family in the basement dojang. Didn't see the notice that there was an impromptu KT class Saturday until 12:45. Would have loved to have gone. Had family over and cooked some spaghetti. 

  631 Hits


Yuck! Wet day at work but glad that people mostly behaved themselves and stayed of the roads as well. Got home to catch the 2nd half of the Panthers. That didn't turn out so well. Gotta get in some workout and studying now.

  660 Hits


Spent a little time bringing stuff inside that might blow away or blow around. The boys want to go to the beach so they can see a hurricane. Maybe. Kidding. No. Off to Frida and John's house for a little dinner as soon as my aji (Peruvian hot sauce) is done. Smells good. 

  690 Hits

Day with the boys

No school. Yeah!..........................said the boys. Trying to get some studying in for the upcoming test. I think I would have been ready but it is nice to have another week to prepare.

  673 Hits

Enjoying the Day

The boys had early dismissal today and I had a day off. This allows Katherine to go the Y and swim, which she loves. And I enjoy taking care of the boys. I plan on this duty being my retirement job. After getting them ready for school we decided to skip breakfast at home and treated ourselves to McDonald's. Usually it's sausage biscuits but the boys decided to try the McGriddle. It's basically a breakfast sandwich with pancakes for the bread. They loved it. We drove over to the school and ate in the car while we sat in line waiting for the gate to open. We have some great conversations. Those boys are too funny.

  589 Hits


A sad day when I think of all that perished that day. Passengers, workers and first responders. Today I've read many accounts of the tragedies that happened. Stories of loss and stories of heroism. God Bless Them All.

  680 Hits


Feeling good about my Poomsaes and self defenses. I still have some hesitations with recall but I feel confident that I know them. Trying to get down the last couple of sparring combinations so that I'll have all 30. I re-injured my right shoulder last week, not that it fully healed. Pretty good amount of pain and weakness if I move the wrong way but still good for most of what I need to do.

  643 Hits


Spent my afternoon working on my skill. I hemmed or I should say re-hemmed clothing for John Alexander. It was relaxing and I felt a good sense of accomplishment.

  634 Hits


After a hard day of work I had family over to watch some Panthers football. Love sharing time with them. We enjoyed the win and enjoyed some chicken wings and pizza. 

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The boys are finally adjusting to no electronics during the week since school has started. They REALLY love the Minecraft. Fortunately they love school, and their teachers, as well. Dinners ready and Katherine is driving home and I'm getting ready to start another essay while the boys play a little basketball. 

  642 Hits

Happy Boyx

Took the boys to school today instead of the bus.They were very excited about that. I love my boys. After cleaning the car pretty spent the day working on TKD. Physically tired but mentally still in the game. Dinners cooked, boys home. We're gonna do some homework.

  610 Hits

Xtra Credit

I decided to apply my 6 extra credits' 3 each to Saturday BB classes and Sparring since my schedule does not allow me to attend those.

  765 Hits

Nice Afternoon

After a really tough day at work I got to have fun with the family. We went to the Y and played in the water park and then worked on our swimming. Then home to a nice dinner and family movie. We're watching Kicking an Screaming. Pretty much The Bad News Bears but with soccer. We're having a good time.

  711 Hits


I'm smiling for a day off and Michael is smiling because he lost another tooth. Actually, we went to the orthodontist because is has just been hanging there for quite some time. The Dr was able to pull it out with his fingers. Michael thought it was kinda cool. Now we are debating whether or not the tooth fairy pays for pulled teeth and we are REALLY wondering what he does with all those teeth.   CREEPY!

  600 Hits

Loading Up Journals

Still having sign in probs. Maybe I can parlay this into a new computer. Had family over for dinner. I love grilling. Baby back ribs, corn on the cob, country style baked beans and coleslaw. I ate WAY TOO much but it was so good. The boys seem to be enjoying school so far.

  575 Hits


I did speech for my empathy training last week. It got me to appreciate those who don't have or lost that sense. That being said I decided to spend a few hours without sight. Wow. Given the choice I would rather have my sight. Of course I was able to get by but BORING and can't drive. I didn't dare try cooking. It may be our most important sense.

  608 Hits

Ready to retire

I hit the 9 month mark on the 1st. Seems so close and so far. My body is having a down day today. I feel very tired but pressing on with the BB. Worked on Poomsaes and self defense with the boys in the home Dojang. I couldn't get Katherine to join us but she is busy taking some courses.

  611 Hits


Waited at the bus stop with the boys for 1 hour and 5 minutes. Decided I should probably drive them when middle schooler's, who leave 1 hour later, arrived. Hope they tighten up soon.   Got a lot of BB physical requirements in today. Tried to get ahead of the game on my days off so that I might be able to lighten the load towards the end. My body just feels so tired at times. Do to the load, there is no recovery time. But I am still so excited about the cycle. I love this stuff.

  601 Hits


I love days off. Wish there were more of them. I can get the BB physical requirements in at a more relaxed pace. I got the boys off to school. They rode their scooters while I walked to the bus stop. They love it. I wish I had a scooter to keep up. Bus was 20 minutes late. Hopefully they will be on schedule in the mornings and afternoons soon. Swim lessons again for the boys after I pick them up. I get to cook tonight. I think I'll  try a pasta carbonara. I LOVE TO COOK! 

  623 Hits

Tuesday Post

Work week is over. Katherine has the day off. She enjoyed, I think, with me at work and the boys in school. She deserved it. Looking forward to Black Belt class. I always enjoy it. I miss my mentor though. Looking forward to my days off and making breakfast for my boys.

  611 Hits

Monday Post

So busy at work. I really wish they would dedicate more "Assets" to patrol. Everything is specialized to the detriment of patrol. Well, Only nine more months to go. Katherine tested Saturday and and got her belt. Green Belt. YEah!

  631 Hits

Sunday Journal

My sister visited from Idaho. Haven't seen her in an extremely long time. Had dinner with my mother and her husband. Grilled out and had a good time. (post dating for same log-in issues)

  585 Hits

It's Thursday

Nona (mother in law) is leaving Saturday to go back to Peru for a bit. Gonna miss her and I know Katherine and the boys will as well. She is so sweet. Testing should be fun on Friday. The boys are a go but I think Katherine will have to do make-up testing. She has to work until 6 (or later) on Fridays. I know she is disappointed. She has started getting into TKD lately and seems to be enjoying herself. She has been so supportive during the BB Cycle. She understands that it takes a large time commitment and that has prevented me from doing things with her or going places with her. 

  692 Hits

Good Day

I hate that I had to miss TKD yesterday for the open house at the boys school. I really hate missing BB Class. I love it. Katherine tests tomorrow. I am so proud of her for her more regular appearances at King Tiger. I am debating whether to attend as a husband or to go in uniform to assist but I am leaning toward husband. I hate to miss any classes. I think in the 2 1/2 years of TKD that I have only missed about 4 classes. I love it so much and I so much appreciate the masters and instructors that so generously give their time to TKD. 

  635 Hits


Going to have to double up on my journal entries again. I keep having trouble logging in. Anyway, on Thursday we had open house for the boys at Blythe Elementary. John is such a rock star at this school. Everyone knows him. Well, at least the ones that know him just treat him as a friend and nothing is out of the ordinary. I am afraid that he notices when others who don't stare at him. I  cannot blame them because his stature is unusual. Makes me worry about the future. But once people meet him and interact with him everything is normal. They just see him as a friend and just as another kid.

  547 Hits


Last day off and then work 7 straight. Workouts done. Toe is a little better. Didn't effect my run although I got my run in yesterday before hurting my toe so I was a bit worried. Made kicking difficult and painful yesterday. Took Michael to the orthodontist this morning. Mooresville sure is a haul. First time with this Dr but I liked him and the facility. Extremely modern. And he earned my trust by suggesting some cost free steps before moving onto orthodontic work for him. Sure hope this works because nothing is cheat about orthodontic procedures. Believe it or not the fix involves a tongue depressor and and 10 minutes four times a day. Going to finish my book essay while the boys are playing in the basement.

  808 Hits

Last week before school

Spending today with my boys. One Doctor visit done. BB workouts done. Going to take the boys to swim lessons in a bit then off to TKD. Found out that I jump rope better barefoot although I think about 30 seconds straight is my personal best. I am so bad at it. Feeling good about my color belt poomsaes and Koryo. Still a little thinking going on but I do know it. Same with stick and staff. Now I'm trying to remember defenses. The hapkido forms are so much easier to remember.I have a couple of new minor injuries nagging at me. Both my fault. Tripped over JA's stool and tweaked my right knee and today I jammed my toe badly. Hoping just bruised. It hurts but nothing in either to slow me down.

  652 Hits

And this is Today's

While at work I called my Sgt to ask a question and he answered the phone with "yes, you can go home early" Confused, I asked my question and he said it again. I thought he may have been talking to someone else in the room with him and asked "are you talking to me?" He said yes. Go home. Incredulous I asked "Are you serious?" and he said yes, it's your Friday. How cool is that. Surprised the family. Relaxed a little. Finished up my workout and now I am off to Chuck E Cheese (ugghhh) with the boys (yeah for them) and then to the Teeter to buy some steak. Katherine is wanting me to cook her a steak with lime. I've done it before. Not my fave but the Peruvians love lime on there food. Acidic cooking is their specialty. Don't get me started on ceviche.

  575 Hits

Hope This Counts

This should have been yesterday's blog but I was unable to log into site. 2nd time this has happened. Katherine and I were watching a movie with the boys. After a while I noticed that John Alexander wasn't in the room. I found him in his room writing at his desk. I asked him what is was and he showed me. It said "10 push-ups" "10 Sit-ups" and "10 Burpees" He said that's what he's going to do so he can be ready for Black Belt. I love that boy.

  662 Hits

Hitting Stride

It's good to look at physical requirement tracking and to see the dent I have made toward the totals. Although it does surprise me to see the total number of poomsaes completed and know that I am still in thinking mode when it comes to doing it. My mentor tells me to stop thinking and just do it and that it probably what needs to happen but it is difficult. Even in the book I have chosen for my essay this is addressed. The book concerns zen in the martial arts and one point it does make is that when you are thinking you aren't flowing....I just need to be in the moment and do it. Either way I just love doing it. The poomsaes bring a calmness to me. At least when I do it at home.....lol. In the Dojang it's a little different. I still enjoy it but it's...

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  728 Hits

Coming Together

I feel like I am recalling the color belt Poomsaes and the self defenses better. Feel pretty good with the staff and stick and just about have Koryo down. I may not be smooth yet, still a little too much thinking going on, but it is coming together. I still need work with the new self defenses and can't seem to recall green but I'll get there. Looking forward to black belt class tonight. It's fun. And last night we got some self defense in with the adult class. I think my try at leading warm ups went a bit, ok A LOT, better than the 1st two tries.

  587 Hits


Michael swam by himself for the first time today. Sorry I missed that. I went to lessons with him and John before TKD. Katherine went swimming with him after lessons. She says he swam by himself. I knew he was close. So proud of him. I just love having my boys reach milestones and I am glad that I have been there for most of them.

  631 Hits

Feeling Good

I'm now able to do my push-ups in sets of 50. That shortens total workout time a little. My back is still tweaked a little bit so sit ups have gone from sets of 40 to 30. Just keeps tightening up. I think another week and it'll be back to normal. I think I now have my stick form and staff form down. Maybe not the prettiest but at least I think I know it. Still confusing forms a little but still confident that I know them. Just that it still requires a little thinking. Red stripe week should be fun on top of the BB fitness. I enjoy poomsaes, kicks and stick / staff the most. Sit-ups not so much. Chin ups definitely not. Learning to like burpees though. Hard but kinda fun.

  614 Hits

Red Stripe

That was tiring last night. I was so sore driving home but felt better soon after. Not sore today but a bit less energy than usual.    Took J.A. to the Dr to have his hearing checked. He just went through his third set of ear tubes. The T tubes are supposed to give 2 or 3 years but he only managed about 6 months on these and a year and a half of the last. We're gonna see if we can stall getting more. Trying a little flonaze to keep the congestion down. I hope it works. He is such trooper when it comes to Dr visits. Pretty much tough. I admire him so much.

  642 Hits

Nona is gone

My mother in law has gone back to Peru for a while. Feels kinda empty in the house. I have the day off so getting some house cleaning done and having fun with the boys. I am the connect 4 master although they both managed to beat me. And believe me, I never LET THEM WIN. I tell them that to. It adds to their confidence when they beat me. And of course they get rewarded with their favorite game, Minecraft, if they both manage to beat me. That way I know they are trying. Think I'll put dinner on a little early because the boys have swim lessons. That way Katherine and the boys will have something to eat when they get home.

  679 Hits

Many hands

Many hands make short work. Great turn out and a lot done today at Mrs Richie's house today. I really enjoyed helping. Glad it wasn't to hot and there was a good amount of shade. My son John (Mono) today was saying he wanted to do some TKD. I said let's do it and he said, "No, at the school" Maybe I don't have enough patience to teach my own children. Guessing they think I may not be their favorite instructor. LOL. 

  620 Hits

Fun Night

Had a great time watching my boys testing tonight. I am so proud of them. Went out and celebrated at Viva Chicken. I love their sauces. The boys actually ate the hot sauces and convinced me it wasn't hot. They're turning Peruvian. Maybe soon they graduate to real Peruvian aji (hot sauces). That is the hot stuff but so much flavor. Nona (mother in law) is leaving at about 1:30 this morning for the airport. Hope she returns soon.    I hope I get some time off to go help at Mrs Richie's place. Special shout out to Master Evins. His heart is always in the right place. And thank you for the frank words with the students tonight. Our children need to know that accomplishment takes effort AND attitude.

  686 Hits


Tweaked my back in TKD last night. Made sleeping difficult. I was so tired this morning. Back is doing better but still a little tender. Today will be the second attempt to take the boys to swim lessons. Got the big rain out the other day.    I'm looking forward to my first session with my new mentee. Glad to get going all of this. There is so much to do and I just hope I don't leave something out. I'm going to try and get a 1/2 vac day Saturday so I can help out Mrs Richie. I truly hate that she has to go through this.

  578 Hits

Takes a Second Day

I only start to feel normal on my second day off. But at this hour I'm already starting to think of the upcoming week. I did horribly in Tae Kwon Do yesterday. I had no concentration in class and had difficulty remembering forms and self defenses. Mentally drained and  physically I was just tired and sore. I still enjoyed it as I always do but it was frustrating. I feel better and have more energy today. Chin-ups are still killing my right arm. Just gotta tough it out.    I love doing my BB Cycle stuff on days off. It's tough to cram it all in on work days. But on my days off I can relax a bit between segments and work on a little refinement. Well, it's about time load the boys into the car to got to TKD. See you in a few.

  641 Hits

Weather or Not

Some storm today.Came out of nowhere. I was at the YMCA getting ready to start swim lessons for them. Needless to say they were cancelled. Even had a tree come down across the parking lot entrance. And then the traffic lights were out. Harris Bv with lights is dangerous to say the least. Good turnout at KT even with weather. I finally found a mentee. Thank you Master Knight. I'm looking forward to it.

  669 Hits


We lost access to our computer systems and e-mail at work today. Fortunately we can keep doing the job but unfortunately all the work needs to be entered before we go. Systems finally restored about an before getting off. I love things technology does for us but in my line of work it actually slows things down and makes us less efficient on a call to call basis. The great benefit of it is information sharing. So here we are, less efficient and more proficient if that makes any sense.....he types as he carefully balances the power cord connection to his lap top because he tripped on it the other day and now can't keep the charger connected...lol

  651 Hits

Good Day

Glad to get work out of the way and get home to my family. The boys had some friends sleep over last night. Still here when I got home......yay? They just left and Katherine went with her mom to a baby shower. She didn't seem surprised that I didn't want to go.   Felt strong working out today. Except for chin ups. They are painful. Can only do one at a time. Pull-ups? Not a prob. Whatever has been going on with my right shoulder is affecting my arm as well. It's weird. The pain is only at certain angles or movements. Guess I'll have it checked after cycle. I have the boys so I think we'll go get some take out...Chinese anyone? Sounds like movie night.

  697 Hits

Crazy Weather

Look at that rain! Suns out! What? Raining again. Someone I encountered in my job told me "You are one of a kind Officer Weber...and I mean that....you are one of a kind." And I'm pretty sure that was for a positive act! LOL. Work is very tough most days. But every blue moon someone, a stranger, says something nice. Funny thing is, I didn't do anything I wouldn't do any other day or with anyone else give the chance. It's nice to be appreciated at least once in a while.    Really enjoyed BB class last night. A lot of self defense work. One of the many things I need some much help with. Thank you Miss Catherine. You really know your stuff. Jealous of your memory. I need kick starting with mine. Loving the cycle. KT North feeling like a second home. I really enjoy helping the instructors with...

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  625 Hits

Keeping Up

Good Day today at work and at home. Got my BB requirements in for the physical. Gonna work on RE-memorizing the Student Creed and trying to work out the bugs in my warm-up routine to lead a class. I'm not one who gets nervous speaking but I kind of freeze up when leading class. If I could just do what Instructor Weeks keeps telling me......."relax, you know this stuff....just stop thinking so much" oh, and "relax". Ha! Looking forward to class tonight.

  609 Hits


Work week is done. Taking a quick break from fitness goals to rest and journal (can I use that as a verb?). Gonna play with my boys for a bit and get back to it. Is anybody else dreaming TKD? The good is when I dream I'm doing the Poomsaes although I think I might be better at it when I'm asleep. This last dream it was sparring time and I couldn't find all my gear. Such is life. Looking forward to seeing everyone in class this week.

  712 Hits


I was getting nervous. I haven't been able to log in for the last few days. Kept getting error messages. It's been a long, tough week at work. Today was day 6 of 7. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!. Pretty much no down time. We hardly get a chance to catch our breath much less eat. That being said, I love, and have loved since I started, TKD! Such a stress relief. I really enjoy it. And the mental focus helps take my mind off things. Maybe that's why I'm run down. IT'S BEEN 2 DAYS WITHOUT CLASSES! Hate that I cannot do the sparring. Saturdays off are a rarity for me.    I've gotten the physical requirements in today. Gonna get my poomsaes done and some self defense now and cook for the family. 

  769 Hits

One Day Closer

Another rainy day at work. It was intense times. Worked out after a I got home. Just finished a light bite to eat and gonna work some poomsaes before TKD tonight. Master Cavasos, thank you so much for all the kicks / sparring last night. Woke up at about 4 this am with a cramp by my right knee. All good though. Still have energy for today.

  688 Hits

Rainy Day

Wow, i ached all over after TKD last night. Didn't kick in until I go home. But, I felt good today after getting up. Too bad I had to work in rain today. Tough to get soaked right off the bat but it's all part of the job. Got my work out in and now getting the boys fed and ready for TKD. 

  651 Hits

Still Going

Got most of the physical requirements in today. Working on Poomsaes and getting ready for class tonight. Looking forward to it as always.

  623 Hits

Good Sunday

Got my workout in. Good run too. Trying to get endurance up on V situps. Did a ton of Poomsaes. Trying to get my memory to cooperate.

  688 Hits

First Entry

I was able to get a 1/2 day at work. Couldn't make sparring but did get to do Saturday BB class. Worked some self defense and falls. Still struggling with my Poomsaes. I confuse my forms but I'm sure it will come with practice.  Weird. I entered this on the 21st but shows up on the 22nd.

  602 Hits