
Chris Knight

Member since: Thursday, 21 February 2013
Last Visit: Thursday, 14 September 2023
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

Terrific Tuesday

Wow, what a warm, beautiful day!  Take it in now, because in the next few weeks, who knows?  Good gym day today, chiseled away at more requirements.  Also got another mentee session in, lots of work on the Bolo form.  Looking forward to a mentor session tomorrow with Grandmaster Evins, and an awesome morning class with some of the other masters!

  470 Hits

Great Weekend

Had a successful and fun Parents Night Out Friday evening.  Saturday I really enjoyed the Community Service Project.  It was a ton of back and forth, up & down, and around!  Got in tons and tons of steps, I'm sure.  I like to stay busy, so it was perfect for me.  It was also going towards a great cause, so win-win.  Sunday consisted of playing at the dojang with my son early in the morning, a couple of grocery trips, and the Super Bowl.  It was a fantastic game!  I'm glad I was pulling for the Chiefs!  Sunday was another rest day.  No requirements, just a day to reset.  I will hit it super hard on a beautiful, sunny day like today!

  499 Hits


Today has been a pretty good day so far.  Even though it is cold and rainy...not the most motivating weather.  Had a great long workout at the gym.  Getting set up for Parents Night Out at my dojang in just a bit.  Glow in the dark obstacle courses, indoor snowball fights, pizza, and a movie!  Fun times.  See everyone tomorrow for the community service project!

  472 Hits

Getting There...

Found all of the answers to the written test!  Out of 80 questions, i knew probably 60ish off the top of my head.  Definitely had to look up some of the tougher ones towards the end.  I love learning new things about TaeKwonDo!  I got in 2 mentor sessions already this week, and 2 mentee sessions.  I must say, my mentees are looking pretty good!  I am definitely looking forward to the community service this Saturday!

  501 Hits

Good Monday

Not a bad Monday!  Got a chance to work with Grandmaster Evins and Master Cavazos this morning.  Worked on sticks curriculum, as well as Double Stick Form #1.  Also had a chance to practice TaeKwon Il, Yi, AND Sam.  Feeling a lot better about those.  I just found out what essays I have to do, so I will get cracking on that ASAP.

  496 Hits

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Holy cow, what a wet day!  No running outside, that's for sure!  Took a great black belt class with Master Chelley at Lake Norman.  Almost done with all of my leadership credits, and have less than 20 miles left!  Sounds great, but behind on a couple other things.  it was fun to do a lot of stick forms today.  

  505 Hits

Obla Di Obla Da

I have had a pretty smooth week so far.  My Junior Tigers tested yesterday and they all did really well! Had a great energy the entire test.  Today we have our Senior Tigers & Adults.  Good luck to all those guys!  Training wise, still chiseling away at requirements.  Still have some poomsaes to learn and get down.

  533 Hits

1 Rest Day

Sunday I took a break from requirements.  I didn't even go to the gym.  My body actually really needed it.  Took my son to the dojang to play for a few hours in the early morning.  Got a quick grocery run done.  After that, went to Ikea to puchase some more shelves for the dojang.  Watched both football games, and even though both teams I was pulling for lost, they were great games to watch.  Yesterday, got back to the gym and requirements, and taught some fun TaeKwonDo classes.  Will repeat again today! 

  463 Hits


Had a blast teaching sparring and black belt class at the North Charlotte dojang.  Everyone did a great job!  Another trip to the gym, and more requirements done.  I can't believe it was actually cold today, I guess Mother Nature is finally ready for winter in the Carolinas?  

  440 Hits

Great day

Took my son to the dentist for the first time today (he's 2).  He actually did really well, I was quite surprised!  Great workout at the gym today.  Have not missed a single day since the end of December!  Had a great black belt class at the Lake Norman dojang, and even got a session in with my 2 mentees.  Those guys are doing great!  Feeling good and ready for some awesome classes at North Charlotte tomorrow morning!

  495 Hits

Hump Day

Had a great training this morning with a mentor session at North Charlotte.  Worked a lot on weapons forms.  I actually felt pretty good overall!  Definitely still need to work on Short Stick Form #4(just sharpen it up a bit), Staff Form #5, and Double Stick Form 2.  I will get there!  TaeKwon forms are even flowing better, I think I am ready to (re)learn TaeKwon Sa.  

  472 Hits

Goodbye Luke

Another cloudy, rainy day.  Chiseled away at more requirements.  I found out Luke Kuechly is retiring, which stinks because I am a big fan.  Retiring at 28 years old, wow.  I wonder what other changes await the Panthers.  Next season is going to be interesting, to say the least.  

  492 Hits


Wow, what a warm, humid, soggy day!  Definitely did not do any running outdoors today, had to use the treadmill.  I think I successfully worked out my soreness from Saturday.  It is hard to tell.  During the black belt cycle, sometimes EVERYTHING is sore!  

  463 Hits


Wow, what a day yesterday!  Any time I get a chance to train with Grandmaster Lee, I consider it a great privilege.  Whether it is training, history, or even just listening to stories, it is awesome to be able to listen to him.  I also feel like I did a great job on my pre test & physical test.  Still have a lot of work to do, but off to a great start!  I already got into the gym today, and knocked out most of my requirements.  Just a few more, and then time to watch some football!

  513 Hits

Ready For Tomorrow

Had a great black belt class with Master Chelley at the Lake Norman dojang today!  Went over all color belt forms and self defenses.  Also got a chance to work with my mentees on the same right after class.  I was almost late to class (which never happens)!  I didn't realize with traffic it takes me an hour to get there from my house.  I will definitely leave earlier next week.  Tomorrow---physical test, sparring class, black belt class, and training with Grandmaster Lee.  Whew!  I am going to get some incredible sleep tomorrow night!  Good luck to everyone tomorrow!  Hopefully no one needs it.

  487 Hits

Pull Ups

Wow, I actually did 10 pullups today!  Not at the same time, but that is still great for me!  After even 3, I can really start to feel it in my "bad" shoulder.  But, just kept going today!  We will see how it feels tomorrow.  Looking forward to an awesome black belt class over at the Lake Norman dojang tomorrow, and tons of training and classes at North Charlotte on Saturday.

  452 Hits

Mentor & BB Class

Had an awesome mentor session and black belt class with Grandmaster Evins this morning.  Worked a ton on forms, and also did some self defense.  I feel much better about my poomsae (Jitae), and I think it is looking a lot better.  I also focused today on the TaeKwon forms.  Did one and two multiple times.  Now I have to make sure I have TaeKwon Sam & TaeKwon Sa down.  That is a different story right now, but will get them hammered down soon.

  471 Hits


You know you are doing a lot when your body is sore every single day!  In the morning I try my best to stretch and get all of the "pops" out.  By the end of the evening though, it feels great to just lay down.  Body just has to get used to it...again.  I'm chiseling away at requirements, slowly but surely.  I am already way ahead on my miles, but already also starting to get behind on other things.  I'll get it!  I'll bet it is fun for other people watch me try to get out of my car in the morning.  Probably looks like a 90 year old right now!

  497 Hits

Back To It

Happy Monday!  Back to "normal."  My tracking for yesterday looks like crazy numbers, but I did that because for some reason it wouldn't let me count 3 days of when the pre-cycle first started, because I was previously on the Master's Journey.  So I lumped those credits together with what I did yesterday.  I also have a jump rope now, so I can start getting that done.  I am super excited to teach some awesome classes today!

  436 Hits

TKD & Football

Took a great black belt class yesterday at the Lake Norman Dojang with Master Chelley!  It was good to run through the Tae Kwon forms, I appreciated that.  I have been having some trouble with those forms "running together."  Just need more and more practice.  Watched 2 exciting NFL games yesterday, and planning on watching 2 more today.  I love the playoffs, they are so exciting!  I will be watching most of the 1:00 game in the gym, so I can still get some work in!

  471 Hits

Packed Gym

Man, the gym has been so packed the last few days!  It is definitely making my workouts take a lot longer.  The miles are getting easier, but I need to crank out more poomsaes and self defenses.  I really don't mind practicing self defenses in the air, but it is so much better practicing them with a partner.  Especially the hapkido forms!  

  514 Hits

Time Management

Had to take my wife's car in for servicing.  Took advantage of that time by walking to the gym.  Got a long workout in and knocked requirements out.  I ran 2 miles and walked 3!  Starting next week it will be more challenging finding out the best times to get things done.  Challenging, but possible.

  453 Hits


When I opened my dojang earlier this year in February, I was running 3 to 4 miles almost every day, no problem.  Then I took a nasty spill and dislocated my shoulder on a run one day.  I really haven’t done any running since then until this pre cycle started.  I’ve been doing just a mile a day, but I think I am ready to at least double it.  Building confidence!  Pull ups are coming along a lot better than I had hoped as well!  Toughest challenge so far is rolling and falling.  It’s a shame because those are some of my favorite things!

  475 Hits


Had a wonderful trip to Baltimore, MD to visit some family.  The drive back there was tons of traffic, and it took us much longer than expected.  You know what they say, patience is a virtue.  Got some great sleep last night, and have had a good day so far.  Get to see 1 of my brothers and my Dad in a bit, so that rocks!  So far, I am definitely making progress on some things.  The run and pull ups are actually not too bad yet this cycle.  I need to get a jumprope ASAP so i can start knocking those out. 

  495 Hits

Merry Christmas

Spending Christmas with some relatives in Baltimore, MD.  Luckily there is a gym and that helps with requirements a lot!  I'm sure we will be eating some great food this evening, so of course trying to stay active.  Pretty easy to do when you have a 2 year old.  Since I have my cycle book with me all the time, my son loves to try to grab it randomly.  It will be interesting to see what it looks like by the end of the cycle.   Merry Christmas and Happy holidays everyone!

  408 Hits

The day before

Today is our last day before testing!  I honestly can't believe it is already here!  Time sure does fly...  I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible, because tomorrow and Saturday definitely will not be relaxing.  I have to remember to breathe!

  1219 Hits


Another day done, and one step closer to testing.  Started the day with a great class at King Tiger Lake Norman.  Worked on a lot of different poomsaes, and also self defense and Hapkido.  Got another mentor session in.  Man, we are so close!

  1275 Hits


Busy, busy, busy!  Got a lot done today, though.  Even for a rainy day!  Went through a lot of forms today...still getting requirements done, but not exactly where I need to be.  Testing is so close, getting the butterflies now!  Almost there...push push push!

  1404 Hits


Wow!  What a great retreat!  So much fun and camaraderie this past weekend!  It was great to train and do teamwork activities with everyone.  Now it is cram time.  Testing is only DAYS away!  Time to really turn up the heat!

  1193 Hits


Overall great day!  Black belt class we got a chance to work on almost all of the major things...pal gwes, basic forms, hapkido, self defenses, weapons forms, etc...  I was proud that the only "brain fart" I had was towards the end of Pal Gwe Oh Jang.  Everything is feeling much better, except one of my toes...I don't think it is broken, but purple isn't a great color for it...

  1123 Hits


Started with a great class with the other masters, taught by Master Evins at the LKN dojang.  Afterwards, practiced with Master Shin on Pal Gwes, staff forms, short stick forms, and some other things.  Each day feeling more and more confident!  I am definitely looking forward to the retreat this weekend.  Sounds like it will be lots of training, and lots of fun!

  868 Hits


Another day down!  Had a great black belt class.  Afterwards, got a chance to work with Instructor Tucker.  Major shout out to her!  Got to work on my "problem things", that I am still tweaking and getting down.  Overall, feeling better!  That is an amazing feeling...

  898 Hits


Wow, what a great football game last night!  Panthers definitely deserved that win!  Today was a good day...still settling into our new temporary location.  Looking forward to this weekend's black belt retreat!  Still working on staff forms, and hapkido among other things...

  1299 Hits


Brrr!  It got really cold last night!  Had a fire out on my patio in my fire pit, and that helped a lot!  Today is housework day seeing as I have a few of the in-laws coming into town soon.   Hopefully, we will also see a Panthers victory today! 

  936 Hits


BIG shout out to everyone who competed today at the AAU tournament in Concord!  Great job to everyone!  Tournaments are great experiences and also good ways to learn what to really practice.  We had a good turnout today, and lots of people had fun.  Also, eating Korean food for lunch was definitely a huge plus as well!  :)

  857 Hits


Great day so far! Took class with the other masters.  Worked on poomsaes, self defenses, and hapkido forms.  Afterwards, went to lunch at Persis Indian restaurant.  Wonderful buffet!  Looking forward to another busy day today...

  873 Hits


Had a super busy day today!  Started with locking my keys in my car when I went into the bank this morning.  A lesson in patience followed as I waited an hour and a half for AAA to assist.  Got a lot of things moved out, and great training today.  Had a blast in the last black belt class at our present location.  It feels weird moving, but I am looking forward to a bright future for us! 

  916 Hits


Had a pretty good Monday.  Got a chance to teach the afterschool kids over at Elevation Church.  That was a cool experience and looking forward to it again tomorrow.  I always like doing martial arts at places we don't normally train.  It is certainly a cool feeling!

  916 Hits


Had a pretty good Sunday! Got the lawn mowed, and also went to the Renaissance Festival for awhile! Other than my car getting stick in the mud for a little while, it was great. Perfect weather for today to cap it all off as well!

  904 Hits


Sunshine is great, isn't it? I have loved waking up the past few mornings to a beautiful day. I know we needed the rain, but we also need that sunlight! Looking forward to a full day today.

  869 Hits


Started with a great class this morning with the other masters. Worked on Hapkido forms 1-4, which I had down! Worked a bit on Pal Gwe forms (out of order) which was a challenge, but got them figured out. Also got a chance to work on black belt forms as well as different self defenses.

  864 Hits


Got another mentor and mentee session in today! With Master Cavazos I worked on Hapkido 1-32, and also Pal Gwe Oh Jang. With my mentees, we worked on poomsaes, and staff form 1. Our King Tiger Hopebuilders team is getting bigger! That's great! We can still use more people though, of course!

  1047 Hits


Got a chance to have dinner with my grandparents this evening! They are heading back down to Florida from New York. It was their first time seeing my new house, so it was fun to play tour guide. Not like its that big, but still fun. Psyched about doing the 5K this weekend! Plus, it is going to a great cause...

  900 Hits


Whew! What a day so far! I improved on everything on the physical test today, WOO HOO! Still have to do my 4 mile run on Wednesday, but not worried about it. I also got a 99 on my written exam, so psyched about that too! I am going to pick up my fruit tree today, I just need to decide if I want to do an apple tree or pear tree...

  871 Hits


I now have all essays and recommendation letters uploaded to DropBox! Man, that is a great feeling! Next step is surviving Saturday! I definitely have some more studying to do on the written test, but overall I feel ready. Gonna need lots of Spark for the physical part!

  901 Hits


Had a great class this morning with SaBumNim and some of the other school owners/masters. Lots of poomsae. Re-learning them doing WTF style is definitely going to take some time, but there's not a lot of that left in this cycle! Did a mentee session with 1 of my 4 mentees. They are definitely keeping me busy, which is good! Saturday is almost here...

  872 Hits


Got to the dojang earlier than normal again today. Worked on my creative form. It is almost complete! Also worked with Master Cavazos on Hapkido 1-32. Finished writing my last essay as well. Got a chance to also work with 2 of my mentees. Very productive day!

  858 Hits


Super busy Monday. I feel like my head is still reeling from just constantly going! Some days are like that. Not a bad day though. Got in another mentor session with Master Cavazos. Worked on Pal Gwe Il, Yi, Sam, Sa, and all of Oh! I'm almost to the point where I can do all of Oh by myself.....soon! I'm going to try to meet with him again tomorrow morning as well. Essays and recommendation letters are ready to go! Just 1 last essay to get typed up. Physical and written test is almost here!

  876 Hits


My wife hosted a bridal shower at our house today for one of her friends. I was banished upstairs with the dogs for at least 4 hours. But I got some good food out of it, and also got to watch a Panthers victory! Always helps to make a Sunday great!

  1010 Hits


Wow! What a great weekend so far! The PMAA seminar in Myrtle Beach was great! It was the first time I did the Friday night seminar, and Saturday morning. I learned a lot, and had a great experience. Even though my wrists are definitely feeling it, what an awesome time!

  847 Hits


I am definitely getting psyched for the PMAA seminar this weekend in Myrtle Beach! In other years, I was only able to train for one day of the seminar in SC. This time I will get a chance to do 2. It is always fun training with Guro Melegrito, and getting to know new faces is great, too.

  844 Hits


Had a great black belt class and PMAA class yesterday with Master Evins teaching. It was a challenge in PMAA to practice abeniko strikes with the left hand! Ran 2 miles and walked 2 miles this morning. I also registered to run in the Hopebuilders 5K! Go team King Tiger!

  849 Hits

Pal Gwes

Had a great mentor session with Master Cavazos this morning! Worked on all of the Pal Gwe poomsaes. Feeling much better on Il-Sa. Oh still needs work for sure, but getting better.

  1004 Hits


Had a pretty good weekend. Got some yard work done, worked on an essay for a bit. Carolina Panthers won too, that always helps!

  888 Hits


Did another 4 miles again this morning. Ow! My legs are very stiff now. I will be doing a lot of stretching tonight. Got a good number of requirements done early again, but still some more to do today. Had a great black belt and PMAA class last night with Master Cavazos teaching. I was able to do all 4 Hapkido forms with Master Richie, and got a chance to do Hapkido numbers 1-20. 12 more to refresh on!

  1065 Hits


Whew! Ran 4 miles this morning, and knocked out a lot of requirements early! Definitely needed some extra Spark today. Got my 10 page essay started as well. I will get most of that taken care of tomorrow night and on Saturday after yard work. Getting ready for black belt and PMAA classes tonight.

  938 Hits

More Hours

Man...there are just not enough hours in a day! Does anyone else feel like that sometimes? I know time management is the key to surviving the black belt cycle. Or at least one of the keys! :) Got another essay done today! Tomorrow i am planning on doing the physical test to see if I have improved overall. Hopefully my times/reps are already increasing! Doing them spread out over the course of the day is definitely much different than a one minute all-out time. We will see how it goes!

  907 Hits


Started moving some more things out of the dojang and into storage unit. Will definitely feel that in the morning. Got a chance to mentor 2 of my mentees today. We worked on basic forms, Bochodan 1 step self defense and special self defense. My new goal for this week: Before the weekend ends, finish all essays except for 1. I'm definitely getting closer...once I finish them I know I can breathe a little more. Still some more work to do on Hapkido (mainly 17-32), and need constant work on Pal Gwe forms because they keep running together! Headed in the right direction, though...

  889 Hits


Chilly again this morning! It was actually kind of nice. Warmed up by taking class with some of the other masters and instructors. Got to work on Pal Gwe Oh Jang, staff & short stick forms, NebuJin, and a sword form! Testing is so close though....already starting to get nervous!

  872 Hits


Got up early this morning and discovered it was actually cold outside! Did not expect that. Doing some research today for an essay learning about Wharang Do. Hopefully I'll also have some time to start organizing part of the garage. Man...you never realize how much stuff you accumulate until you move. It's been 3 months since I moved into my house, but of course I still have things to either find a spot for, donate, or organize, etc...

  898 Hits


Wow...September 11th. I can't believe it was 14 years ago. Sometimes it does feel like it was just the other day. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone did martial arts. I mean everyone. Everyone learned about respect for each other, trained with each other, sweated and laughed with each other. Man...that is definitely a world I would want to live in!

  957 Hits
  1 Comment


Getting ready for some classes today! Spent some of this morning trying to train the new furry addition to the family. It's been awhile since we've had a new puppy/dog. Definitely another test of patience. There goes my carpet...

  1165 Hits


Ok...I wanted to write Tuesday for the title of this one, but today isn't Tuesday. Labor Day weekend really threw me off! Went to the DMV this morning (everyone's favorite place, right?). Got a chance to work on essays for a bit today. Making pretty good progress so far. I have one more hero essay, my book essay, and my Wharang Do history essay left. I also have a pretty good start to my creative form, but still have some things to work out.

  871 Hits


Long day...great classes though! Black belt class I got a chance to work on a variety of forms. Still got a ways to go before testing! PMAA was good too, big shoutout to Instructor Weeks for his help. Thank you sir! Gotta go to the DMV tomorrow morning... :( At least it will be a lesson in patience...

  778 Hits

Labor Day

Got up and cooked a good breakfast this morning. Bacon, eggs, grits, and toast! Taking it kind of easy today. I want to get stuff done, but its also Labor Day, so I would like to relax a little bit. My wife and I adopted a new dog yesterday from the Lake Norman Animal Rescue. She is a beagle named River. She has definitely kept us entertained so far!

  993 Hits
  1 Comment

Chore Day

Using today to get a bunch of chores done. Got yardwork done, gave the dog a bath, went for a run. Just going to do some cleaning up around the house as well. Pretty sore today, but still able to get requirements done. Probably use tomorrow to work on essays!

  982 Hits

Finally Friday

All right! Made it to Friday! Got up early and went to the gym again. Ran 2 miles, then did more core and arms. Practiced some inclined/reverse sit ups with extra weights. That will really help with my V situps especially. Doing the gym on top of black belt requirements definitely calls for SORE muscles! I'm sure I will work out the soreness this weekend with chores around the house and yard work with requirements. I also received my first recommendation letter yesterday!

  935 Hits


Had a long workout at the gym this morning. Ran 3 miles before I actually got into the gym, too. Focused a lot on core today, but also knocked out some pull ups, arms, and legs. I like running outside SO much better than on a treadmill or elliptical machine. It was pretty humid this morning, though. Sweat, sweat, sweat!

  970 Hits


Had a good sweaty Wednesday! Worked on WTF forms with some of the masters this morning at the Lake Norman dojang. Got some more requirements done, and helped out with classes. I'm glad some of the students who had to re-do their written pre test passed today!

  844 Hits

Busy as a bee

Today went by like a whirlwind! Tuesdays are almost always the busiest day for me, and today it was true as well. Got to work some on my creative form. Hopefully I will get my recommendation letters soon, and Dropbox so I can upload everything!

  891 Hits


Not too bad for a Monday! Worked out some of my leftover soreness today. I found out that I've been counting all of my meditation requirements wrong so far. Not quite sure how that happened, but i had to go through and update the past couple months. Already looking forward to a long weekend. Plenty of stuff to still do around the house, and my wife and I may be adopting another dog from a rescue on Sunday...we'll see how that goes. :)

  818 Hits


Feeling proud today, I actually did better than I was anticipating on my pre test! Especially on the running portion. 4 Miles in 37mins & 11 secs...pretty decent time for me. I'd have to agree with Master Shin though, definitely feeling it in the legs today! Just doing some light errands, house work, and working on essays today. Back to the grind tomorrow. Congratulations to everyone who passed this weekend!

  918 Hits
  1 Comment


Wow...the pre test is almost here! Definitely not doing too many requirements tomorrow. I want to be minimally sore before I start my pre test! Requirements overall are going ok...still have lots to work on though. Creative poomsae, pal gwe forms, essays, etc... Always something more to do or improve.

  966 Hits


Had a good black belt class taught by Master Cavazos last night. Love when he teaches class, he is awesome! My wife made a great dinner, too--steak, shrimp, and corn on the cob! Good end to a busy day. Saturday is almost here!

  763 Hits


Tuesday is normally the busiest day of the week for me, so I hope all goes well today. Almost finished with my white belt essay. I have chosen my two heros, and I think I have chosen a new skill (just need to get it approved). Still hammering out requirements...

  856 Hits


Whew! Back to the dojang today! It was also the first day of afterschool (and the first day of school for a lot of students!), so definitely a very busy day. Hammered out a lot of requirements today, it felt good getting back to the grind. Gearing up for the pre-test on Saturday!

  849 Hits

Vacation ending...

Had a long day so far, and still nowhere near over. Yard work, and lots of housework! A good way to end vacation...Had a good trip to the beach for a few days, but managed to get some requirements done as well. Not as many as I normally do, but still chipping away. Ready to get this cycle "started"! :)

  877 Hits


Finished up my white belt challenge last week. That was definitely interesting! Right now I am on vacation with my wife (celebrating our anniversary) at Hilton Head Island for a few days. There will most certainly be some relaxing going on, but I won't forget about my requirements. I am sorry that I am missing Master Hama's classes. :( I only wish this weather was nicer here, it rained so much yesterday after we arrived, and it looks like it may do the same today. At least the hotel has a nice gym!

  849 Hits


Knocked out some requirements today, and helped out with Summer Camp testing. Those guys did great! Looking forward to an event in Concord tomorrow where I can teach some people who have never done TKD before. Sounds great!

  889 Hits

Wacky Wednesday

Have had a pretty good day so far. Today is Wacky Wednesday in Summer Camp, so had a great time teaching those guys. I'm also halfway through my white belt challenge week! Its been interesting and fun so far. I've gotten tons of questions daily about it. The funniest one is a student who asked me if I was in trouble and had to start over again!

  884 Hits


Wow, that countdown timer is pretty cool! The heat is on! Still getting through these requirements, slowly but surely. Some things are easier than others, depending on what's more sore that day. I do have some vacation time next week, gonna see if my wife and I can escape to Charleston or Hilton Head for at least a couple of days...

  813 Hits


Happy Sunday everyone! I would like to share one of my favorite quotes ever. Some food for thought. "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." ---Thomas A.Edison It is a short, direct quote but has a motivating quality.

  850 Hits


Well, Thursday is about done for me! Knocked out some requirements, and worked with 3 of my mentees today! With Summer Camp, classes, and requirements, it sure was a long, full day. Ready for dinner and bed! I never, ever have trouble sleeping during the black belt cycle! :)

  890 Hits


Whew! Long day! Definitely feeling tired and sore! Gotta love the Black Belt Cycle. Something is always hurting, but its a "good hurt." Got into the gym again today, worked out just about everything, especially core. Thank goodness for Spark.

  811 Hits


Had a good weekend. No training this past Saturday for me...I did about a half day's worth of requirements, and rested completely on Sunday. Back on track today, already mentored 2 people! I am looking forward to going out to eat tomorrow night for my birthday!

  907 Hits


SORE today! Good gym days, and a great black belt class yesterday. Definitely have to work on my left leg hurricane hook kick! Got a mentor session in with 2 of my mentees, taught a Junior Tigers class, and knocked out a few requirements. Still have some more to go today...

  865 Hits


Made it to the gym again this morning. Also went yesterday as well. I did alot of shoulders/upper body, and CORE! This is definitely making my pushups and situps much more challenging today. I normally make it a point to get on an elliptical machine for at least 15-20 minutes every time I go. Normally, when I run or do jump rope on a hard surface, It begins to really wear on my shins. It can start to feel like needles some times. Switching it up once in a while really helps!

  901 Hits


If you are on the cycle, and you still don't have white belt through high red belt curriculum down, that is a huge problem. Please make sure that you have it all down and you are not struggling with it. We have a lot to do on the cycle, and if we are struggling through black belt classes with our color belt curriculum, its going to be an extremely tough cycle. Use the website, your mentors, whatever you have to do, especially if you want to pass the pre-test! Thank you candidates! Just trying to pass on some helpful hints...

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Had a decent weekend. Knocked out some requirements on Saturday. Got the yard mowed, and a little bit of yard work done. Sunday was definitely my relax day. Just spent it relaxing and recuperating.

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Taught the family class this morning. Then, helped out with the Crossfit Kids program. Did some yard work, and knocked out some requirements. It feels great to do requirements outside in the sunshine! Someone asked me about the Random Acts of Kindness yesterday...I don't know how its possible to not do ROAK daily! As martial artists, it should come naturally!

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Getting there....

Ok, got the written test printed out and started! The first few pages I don't even need to look up (thank goodness), but there are some things I will definitely need to check and find out. I also need to decide which book to read for the cycle, and get a copy!

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Had a good class this morning with SaBumNim and some of the other masters. Worked on black belt forms (WTF style), and also Pal Gwe forms. Doing strict WTF style is definitely going to take some getting used to! But hey, training is all about challenges.

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I started teaching a Summer Camp program over at a place called Kidz Play Here in Concord, right near the mall. It is a one-week program where I go Monday-Friday, for an hour each day. The kids range in age from 5-11 or so. I enjoy doing it, because its kids that wouldn't normally get a chance to experience or participate in martial arts. This is I think my 4th year doing it, and I always have a blast with those kids.

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The Weekend

Overall, had a pretty good weekend. CrossFit Kids program was a lot of fun to help out with again. After that, I had a chance to finally get over to the Y near my house. It is actually located above the Town Hall in Harrisburg. Much smaller gym than I am used to, but it has all of the basics, and everything I need! I plan on going there at least a couple of times a week! The real challenge will be getting my wife to go with me. Haha!

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Thirsty Thursday

Did an extra long run this morning! It felt good, but made me so thirsty! Sometimes some cold water can be the best reward. Plan on going to the gym either tomorrow or Saturday to get back on some machines. Its been a little while. I'm sure it will be a "good hurt"...

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Had a good class this morning with Masters Shin, Hartle, and Cavazos. Got to work on Pal Gwe forms, and also a good focus on black belt forms. My Pal Gwe forms are definitely getting better, but I know I still have a ways to go on them. For my creative form, I am definitely going to be doing a staff form. I have part of it down...mainly have to work on the beginning and end! (Of course also finding a cool song to do it to!)

  749 Hits


Yesterday was a busy day! Lots going on for me as far as appointments/introductory lessons with new students, etc... I love to see the excitement in the faces of people just beginning their martial arts journey! It is an awesome thing... Today we actually got some rain. Its about time!

  813 Hits


Had a pretty good weekend. I did have to miss out on classes Saturday (helped with a program outside of the school), and it was also my mom's birthday! "Finished" my new fence in the backyard finally! "Finished", because there are still some things I can add/do if I want. Got a chance to have a fire Saturday night and get rid of some of the firewood I've accumulated. I got halfway done with mowing the lawn on Sunday, and then my lawnmower died! I think I may have found my new skill for this cycle: lawnmower repair.

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Man, this weather has been great lately! Definitely hot, but beautiful. I think I would like to go to a park this weekend (maybe Frank Liske), and get some miles done on a trail or around a pond. That is always much more fun than a sidewalk or treadmill!

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Back to journaling again. Fell off a little bit last week, but at least I got some requirements done. Saturday and Sunday, I'll be honest, those days were overall lazy days. Sometimes you just need a day or 2 to relax and recover. Its good for the soul. Got to hang out with both of my brothers and my mom on Sunday, that was awesome! Its been awhile since that has happened.

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