
Abraham Carbajal

Member since: Monday, 08 July 2024
Last Visit: Saturday, 07 September 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

After finally beginning the cycle I didn't expect what we would really need to do. I thought that it would probably be things like a lot of exercises and curriculum but I was indeed wrong. You're going to need a lot of motivation and endurance to complete this cycle, as long as a lot of homework to do while you're not training. Make sure to do...

After finally beginning the cycle I didn't expect what we would really need to do. I thought that it would probably be things like a lot of exercises and curriculum but I was indeed wrong. You're going to need a lot of motivation and endurance to complete this cycle, as long as a lot of homework to do while you're not training. Make sure to do everything even if you don't want to do it, the things for you to do quickly piles up and now your behind.


September 7th

Good afternoon everyone, today like everyone is talking about right now, "the kickathon" i got myself a grand total of 1.35k kicks. I was a little disappointed that I ran out of time and didn't get 1.5k. But man, that kickathon went by fast. People mustve done like double bon bons or something.

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September 2nd

Good evening everyone! Hope you guys are having a good day, today was a normal day as usual... BUT! with no "school". That means extra time to do my requirements and not have to go through another math class. I enjoyed the small break I had and caught up on some stuff.

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August 25th

Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you are having a good morning so far. Today will just be another average day in the cycle. 5 minutes of this and here and there and so on. Running is now a big challenge because of school. mine personally ends at 4:30 and taekwondo starts almost after that so yeah... But i still manage.

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August 17th

Good evening everyone. Today i woke up very tired not wanting to go to Taekwondo (cause i was tired). But now i'm glad i went. I had quite the bit of fun while getting a ton of requirements and signatures done. So i'm catching up on stuff i was a little but behind on.

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August 12th

Tomorrow, will be a day of shame... "school starts..."  as you guys know. this will put even more weight on your back then what you have. so continue on with your requirements.

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August 6th

So today the craziest thing happened (not to crazy)! So when this morning i went to harrisburg park to run my 2 miles. there was the lightest rain ever. not to crazy right? so after that i kept running almost done with 2 miles until it started raining super hard. Man it felt so good on the hot environment. :)

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August 4th

Good afternoon everyone, hope you had a good day today. Today i woke up with some shoulder pain. Maybe from a bad move I did on Saturday? Well, i'll probably feel better tomorrow morning.

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August 1st

Good evening everyone. Hope you had a good day so far. Today I got a lot of work done, I helped out in some classes and led warm ups and stuff while doing my necessities for the day of course.

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July 31st

Good evening everyone. Hope you had a great day. Today i made a lot of average things but with a longer time limit. i did a bit extra of everything just in case i fall behind or get sick.

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July 29th

Good afternoon everyone. Hope your having a good day. Lots of progress made! im getting alot less tired from workouts and stuff. And im catching up on some stuff too!

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July 28th

Good evening to everyone, hope you had a good day. Today was like any other kind of day just without a class. Maybe caught up on some homework or remembered some poomsaes you forgot. It all counts and it will be worth it in the end. Good night to everyone.

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day 14?...

Good evening to all. Another long day of hard work for the cycle complete. Make sure to do everything that you need to do. Don't get caught behind!

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Day 13

Good morning everyone! I have just made incredible progress. I used to jump-rope very slowly like 15-25 per minute but now, i can go 50-65 per minute! lots of progress is in the works.

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Day 12

Good evening to everyone, another average day in the cycle. My muscles started to get sore again but i'm sure its normal. Keep doing all you're requirements!

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Day 11

Good afternoon to everyone, average day in the cycle. A lot of sweat maybe even some blood and tears. Make sure to do everything that you need to do in the following days, try not to fall behind, it adds up!

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Day 10

My body feel great! A lot of sweat though. We are all getting very used to this cycle, it can be fun at times too.

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Day 8

Good afternoon to everyone, body is now officially used to all these workouts. If yours still doe's, Try running a couple miles very early in the morning, it will feel nice. Make sure to practice your poomsaes!

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Day 7

My body does not hurt anymore from all of this discipline, it has now gotten used to it. wake up early for the Pre-Test tomorrow!

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Day 6

Good morning to everyone, Pre-tests are soon and make sure you are practicing and actually giving effort. Even though our muscles hurt, its not supposed to be easy. So go challenge yourself before Saturday.

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Day 4

Well even though my brain is used to all of this, my body isn't. even though my body hurts a lot, i'm starting to get used to it a lot. Keep doing everything you need to do and you will be fine!

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Day 3

These days are very hard right now. My body is getting used to all of these intense workouts, it can get fun if you put in some effort. Keep doing your essays and journals, if you get lazy and don't do it, you will fall behind and not accomplish everything.

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Day 2

Good Morning to everyone. I'm surprised to say this but even though we are all only 2 days in, it has been quite a bit of a challenge. I thought it would be workouts and curriculum and stuff like that but i was certainly wrong. you will really need to push yourself even if you're tired or just don't want to do it. You also will have a lot of homework (and any other requirements) so do it before anything else or you will get behind.

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