
Lisa Petrin

Member since: Monday, 08 July 2024
Last Visit: Friday, 21 March 2025
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I've been in martial arts since 2002. I started in tong soo do under Head master M.K. Lee in Pineville,  N.C.  After I broke my left hand during a colored belt exam, I switched to Taekwondo under Head master William Grady down in Pineville, N.C.  I trained at Eagle Taekwondo for 8 years, earning my 3rd Dan. When Covid  the dojang did not...

I've been in martial arts since 2002. I started in tong soo do under Head master M.K. Lee in Pineville,  N.C.  After I broke my left hand during a colored belt exam, I switched to Taekwondo under Head master William Grady down in Pineville, N.C.  I trained at Eagle Taekwondo for 8 years, earning my 3rd Dan. When Covid  the dojang did not survive.  I have now been training at King Tiger , North Charlotte location, under Grand Master Evins since June of 2023. I am excited to start my Masters journey,  but very nervous at the same time.  I look forward to meeting the other candidates.  


LMP Mar 21

This is it!!!!! Time to go and show how much I’ve improved since last July. 

  57 Hits

LMP Mar 20....LAST ONE

So it's the night before the exam. Double checking my book and online. Exhausted, but grateful for the last few mentor sessions. according to the book, i'll be short mentor sessions, however, we have met every Sunday with the  rest of the 'Sunday park black belts'   according to online, I am only missing two leaderships...i tried my best. 

  69 Hits

LMP Mar 19

Things I've learned on my journay to becoming a 4th Dan.... 1. Not all mentee's will be reliable.                           For example, my mentee disapeered for over a month. I picked up 2 more mentees, then realized you can only 'chart' one mentee session per day. However, there have been days, that I have menteed 2 brothers and just last night, their grandma asked me to mentor her. (no, I didn't track all 3, I will only track 1, however, I mentored 3 last evening)    2.  No matter how much you practice, you are going to forget something.                         This is a great example of my last few mentoring sessions with my amazing mentor, Master Dege. She has taken SO much time out of her personal life to help...

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  62 Hits

LMP Mar 18 - my half birthday

It was today in the year 1980 when I turned blue. Dad was at work and mom was home with me. I was 6 months old. Mom rushed me to strong Memorial in rochester, NY and was told I was going in for open-heart surgery. (Dad made it to the hospistal before they took me back, so I have been told) At that time, open heart surgery was rare, not to mention on a 6 month old. Both my cardiologists told my parents I had about a 5% chance of surving the surgery and growing up.  (Back track to September of 1979, I was born with CHD - congential heart disease, my heart is basically backwards in my chest. My aorta and pulminary vein are reversed and I only have 3 chambers verses a 'normal heart' with 4 thanks to the mustard procedure i had at 6 hours old) Fast forward...

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  71 Hits

LMP Mar 16

MMMMMMM.....we are down to the last week before testing. I have completed 1 part of my black belt exam; part two is Friday evening, beginning at 9pm. I am hoping we all do well and are not testing into the 'wee' hours of Saturday morning.  I have come a long way since I began this journey last July. I am looking forward to the exam. I feel much more confident in my self-defenses and poomsaes, along with all the weapon

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  57 Hits

LMP Mar 11

I cannot believe the black belt exam is next Friday!!!  Went to KT tonight and assisted in a class, then had a mentee session.  Yay! Need to do my hang, totally forgot, not to mention I have things that I need to have ready for my  2nd grade team of teachers, which I haven't started yet....

  69 Hits

LMP Mar 9

running low on days before our spring black belt exam. Had a great mentoring session with my mentor and the black belt crew from Sunday. We covered and reviewed SO much. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dan one steps. 1st and 2nd dan specials too. I'm tender from the physical stuff we did yesterday and the 4 mile run.  I need to find some junior belts to mentee over the next ten days.....mine won't show up. It's very frustrating. 

  69 Hits

LMP Mar 7

Tomorrow we have our Spring physical.....4 miles, burpees, jump roping, sit-ups, push-ups, ect.  We also have our written test. I took a practice one today and did okay... I got most of the questions correct, missed some wording/fine detail, so I marked them wrong.  I'm ging to study them a little bit more so i am prepared as possible for tomorrow.  We will also be doing poomsaes...not sure what else.   I am also going to go over my self defense and try to keep them straight in my mind.  I'm also getting my fruit tree or bush tomorrow. 

  65 Hits

LMP Mar 5

Since there is no school today, I have decided to spend the day working on self-defense, poomsaes, and trying to work out my creative form. It's a challenge to do self-defense alone, so I'm hoping we go over self-defense in class tonight...hoping we have class tonight. I've decided to test on March 21. Butterflies have been swarming since I decided, but I think I'll be ok. I'm sure I will be 'fussed' at for one thing or another, but doesn't everyone get fussed at? I'm having trouble getting my 'dropbox' invite.....hope I receive it soon. However, if CMS doesn't allow it,  not sure what to do?!?!?

  50 Hits

LMP Mar 2

Had a great time at instructors camp this weekend with Grand Master Lee and the rest of the KT family that came out to Greenville. It was fun to see familiar faces and meet some new people. I enjoyed the mini sessions at Pitt College. With all the exercise, I didn’t do any requirements on Saturday. 

  78 Hits

LMP Feb 26

Today was early release for students, but teachers were stuck doing things. Tonight is sparring and black belt class. My allergies are kicking my bottom….so not sure what sparring will look like for me tonight.  I had to switch mentees as mine has not been to KT since late January. I had my first session with my new mentees last night. 

  109 Hits

LMP Feb 24

Monday.... Went to school, then came home and went to the first senior tiger class to help assist. it's 'red stripe' week, so lots of fitness. I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow because I did some of the exercises. I will be back to KT tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I really hope my mentee shows up tomorrow and maybe i can get her dad to bring her back on thursday as well. 

  79 Hits

LMP Feb 23

Had a great training with my mentor and another candidate! Reviewed 1st and 2nd Dan one steps. Then reviewed 3rd Dan one-step numbers 1-3 and learned 4. Reviewed hapkido 1-3, learned 4 and 5. Came home, did my lessons for school, and finished my requirements. Burpees and I will NEVER be friends; we will NEVER get along, and I think they should be replaced, or at the least, take out the pushup.  

  81 Hits

LMP Feb 21

Friday night and I usually go to Harrisburg for sparring. It’s not a packed class, but I’m feeling nauseated and not sure I’m going to make it. I took pepto in hopes it helps and that I can still make it. I won’t be able to go next Friday as I will be in Greenville NC for instructors camp!!! I worked with one of the other black belts last night on 2nd Dan one steps. I plan on reviewing both 1st and 2nd Dan one steps this weekend and add in specials for both. I continue to gain ground on the curriculum, but not where I need to be…yet. 

  65 Hits

LMP Feb 19

Happy snow day...or lack thereof. CMS made the call yesterday at 4:45pm to cancel school. I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't seen a single flake fall. On to more stressful things... I need a new mentee. My mentee has gone MIA and I can't keep waiting for her to show up. I'm running out of time, so I need to find someone quick.  I will get out to do my rin/jog and fill in my charts asap. 

  52 Hits

LMP Feb 18

Happens at least 1 time a cycle….assisted with seniors color belt testing tonight. Helped to clean up. Called a bestie on my ride home. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow…..I’ll believe it when I see…but school closed,so teacher workday for me.

  68 Hits

LMP Feb 17

Long day. Very tired from being cold during 8 hour workshop.  I’m going to bed. Sorry this isn’t more detailed. 

  71 Hits

LMP Feb 16

Had a great training this morning with the Sunday black belt crew. I actually remembered my 1st Dan 1 steps and I think I have my 2nd Dan 1 steps down. I M slowly getting through the curriculum. Starting to feel more confident and pleased with my progress. Was able to get my requirements done in between the raindrops too. Hoping for a good week. 

  98 Hits

LMP Feb 15

Saturday black belt class started at 0800.  JTs was review for their upcoming test next week. I was hoping a specific little one would show so I could possibly mentor her older brother who is a camp yellow. Mine hasn’t shown since January 28th….. had a good mentoring session. I think I have figured out a way to remember my 1st Dan one steps…..we’ll find out tomorrow morning.  Night all. 

  56 Hits

LMP Feb 14

Happy Valentine day to everyone! Had a pretty good day. Awards Ceremony, planted seeds with the students, then had our valentine party that we are really supposed to have.  Have black belt at 8am then JTs at 930, then get to have my mentor session at 10!  Waaaaaay to much school work due for next week, so it looks like I’m going to be doing that this weekend. I still need a new mentee, I hoping to speak to a parent tomorrow and start Tuesday. Hope I can get enough sessions in. 

  41 Hits

LMP Feb 13

Today was a better day than yesterday.  It stopped raining long enough for me to get my requirements in. It was nice to get outside…being stuck in doors due to the weather, the walls can close in real quick.  I feel a little more comfortable with the self defense and working hard to be ready by March.  once again,I am going to be short mentee meetings because mine has not shown up since late January, so I need another.  This is extremely frustrating. 

  64 Hits

LMP Feb 12

Sparring and black belt. Not sure what to say tonight. Black belt class was good. We worked on Bo ho and bocho specials. I did a lot of falling and feel slightly more comfortable with it. Time for a shower and bed. Night all. 

  72 Hits

LMP Feb 11

I wish I had my lap top instead of my IPad tonight. I’m in a venting mood and it’s easier to type on a lap top that on an IPAD. I had a parent call the office, no, she picked up her kid, at dismissal, told the secretary that her son gets nervous when I yell in class, I turn the secretary emails the dean of students, assistant principal, and principal. Problem 1…I don’t yell at my students.  problem 2 - this parent, myself, and her son have already had this exact conversation in October.  problem 3 - I had a bad ear infection LAST MARCH that still affects my ear…15percent hearing loss in my right ear. I have a tube in my ear. I’m not yelling, I’m probably speaking ( all of which I have already explained in October)    questions…how long ago did I yell? Why did the parent reach...

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  50 Hits

LMP Feb 10

Worked on single  4 & double  stick 1,2 along with bolo. Still need some help with these. They are in my head, but meshing together. I also worked on cinuwalis, and attempted to teach my husband….all I have to say is ‘bless’  at least he tried to help me.

  70 Hits

LMP Feb 9

Had a great day at the park training today!! Weather was awesome, saw some doggies and squirrels. I was able to go over a lot at the park; I feel better about a lot of it too. Bocho, bocho specials, 1st dan one steps, bolo, cinuwalis, double stick 1 and 2, single stick 4. 

  66 Hits

LMP Feb 8

Today I had 2 bochos helping wit my JT class. One of them led warm ups and both helped the kiddos with their kicking and punching. Then I had a great mentor session working on  bocho one steps, knife, and 1st Dan one  steps. I’m feeling a little better about all my defense, not confident, yet, but better. Looking forward to training at the park and possibly take a couple laps. 

  62 Hits

LMP Feb 7

Friday….finally!!! This week has been soooo long. Going to sparring tonight in Harrisburg and black belt class starts tomorrow at 8am. I’m getting a little worried, as my mentee hasn’t shown this week for class and was not at the dopant on Wednesday either……

  54 Hits

LMP Feb 6

I’m really not sure what to write about this evening. My feet really hurt, being a teacher, I’m on them all day. I only sit down at lunch, when I’m planning with my team, or pulling a small group. I could really use a good foot massage. The good thing is tomorrow is Friday. I’m going to go to Harrisburg for sparring and possibly black belt class too !?!? 

  68 Hits

LMP Feb 5

I’ve never been a fan of sparring, the only reason I’m going is because it’s required for the cycle. After I get my days in, no more for me. That goes for burpees too. I don’t like them. I’m also short on patience today…. off to feed my kitty. See you in black belt class. 

  70 Hits

LMP Feb 4

How difficult is it to bring up a trash bin….you literally walk by it to walk the dogs….. school was ok. We still have a teacher out and hopefully she will be back tomorrow. My mentee wasn’t at class tonight, but I did manage to get credit for helping some yellow belts with their self defense. Then I stayed for the 7:15 class.  Time for a shower before I turn into a pumpkin. Glad I have half day planning tomorrow. 

  50 Hits

LMP Feb 3

Yay….another day of fun. Had a teacher out which means we had to disperse.  Found time to do my requirements at school during recess by walking the field perimeter with some of my students. Tried calling my dad again today, and left another message….he usually calls me back, but hasn’t yet. Getting a little worried.  Hubby tried to help me do a pull up today, but that won’t look good on an ‘end of cycle physical’…..sooooono pulls ups for me. My cardiologist says..no. 

  47 Hits

LMP Feb 2

So as the cycle continues, I have my curriculum sticker, that we never received, that is more like a list of things I need to be able to do. Working one of the other black belts, he came up with a great idea…make a list with 3 check boxes…..1st box, I know it. 2nd box, I can do it. 3rd box,I’m confident. I have a lot of work to do. I’m jealous of anyone that has someone they can work / practice with at home….because I don’t.  ps…I still despise burpees. They are horrible. 

  70 Hits

LMP Feb 1

Happy first day of February. January was soooooo long. Felt amazing to be able to sleep in a  little today.  Got up and did all the things. Was able Togo get my nails and piggies done for the first time since before winter break from school. Took a nap, got a jog in and my requirements. Not sure about meeting tomorrow morning, haven’t heard from anyone yet….

  64 Hits

LMP Jan 31

Good day. Spent some time focusing on my jog and was able to get in 2 miles in roughly 20 minutes. I’ll take it. Also spent some time working on my stances and trying to improve my kicks…however, my focus should really be on the curriculum. Looking forward to this weekend. 

  49 Hits

LMP Jan 30

3 weeks in already…..getting better at all the curriculums I need to know…but I really don’t know if I’m going to be ready by March. I still need SO much. I don’t want to be fussed at at testing or hold up the test. I may need another cycle……

  311 Hits

LMP Jan 29

I’ve been fighting a migraine on and off all day. Barometric pressure is changing with this warmer weather. I still have to go to sparring this evening AND do my black belt class after. I may go to lake Norman Saturday for class as North Charlotte is hosting junior instructors camp and therefore no classes Saturday. I guess it will depend on my head and the weather. I have a school teams meeting at 5pm….yay. 

  75 Hits

LMP Jan 28

Had a good day. Did some testing at school, requirements done, and went to assist in class tonight. Had a meeting with my mentee…she’s growing up quick…going to JR instructors camp. Time for a shower and bed. For some reason, I’m not able to get on this site on my phone…..ps. Still despise burpees 

  145 Hits

LMP Jan 27

Back to school. Had several days off last week due to bad weather. Got my requirements and jog in today. Was also able to locate most of the answers to our written test….just one more thing I need to know. I need to set an alarm on my phone to do my journaling and requirements on line. 

  92 Hits

LMP Jan 26

Had a great workout with Master Scott at the dojang this morning. Covered A lot  of things I needed to practice: self defense,  hakido, bocho specials, staff, single stick, bolo, poomsaes. Gonna take a little rest then do my requirements.  Looking forward to this week. 

  67 Hits

LMP Jan 25

Went to blackbelt class this morning.  Still a lot for me to learn / remember.  I honestly don't know if I'll be ready. I'm trying my best to practice. But it's hard by myself. I also need to practice with someone that will do the rolls or falls.....  

  50 Hits

LMP Jan 24

Today was a teacher work day- not due to the weather,  but because it's the end of 2nd quarter already!?! I feel like yesterday was the first day of school for this year. I had all intentions of going to Harrisburg for sparring....nope. I'm exhausted.  This week with the snow taking a day really messed up my schedule.  I'll be in bed by 7pm and probably asleep by 730. I'll do my charts tomorrow.   Plan for tomorrow:  Blackbelt class, JTs, requirements, nap. Yes, in that order (I'll throw a shower in there too) 

  55 Hits

LMP Jan 23

2 hour delay gave me time to do my requirements.  I'm having a lot of trouble doing burpies this round.  I don't see how burpies can help you get stronger.  I'll be able to get my requirements done early tomorrow too, as it's a teacher work day.  The other issue, the bitter cold is making it challenging to to get my jog/ walk in....but I'm doing my best. 

  85 Hits

LMP Jan 22

Today...no school due to snow! Requirements in! Walked in the cold! Went to sparring and black belt. Good day. 

  51 Hits

LMP Jan 21

Cold is not the word. Trying to get requirements done in the cold is nuts. Glad the miles are still low. If I end up short mimes. Definitely due to the cold. Can't breathe well in tbe cold and not jeopardizing my health.  Going to try and meet up with my mentee tonight and get dad's phone number. Showing up on Tuesdays seems to be a hit and miss all of a sudden. 

  61 Hits

LMP Jan 20

My pomchi is being a royal pain in tbe bottom. He is making my requirements a challenge....but I'll get them done.  Upper body strength is do not, nor have I ever had....so no pull ups for me. It was a cold walk today...did not enjoy it. Off to my poo she's, videos. Self-defense,  and kicks.....yay! 

  71 Hits

LMP Jan 19

I love going to the park with the blackbelts to practice.  We get a lot done and it's fun. Today was a little foggy and drizzly....but still a lot of fun. Was able to get poomsaes and self defense done. Just need to do my kicks and the rest of my physical stuff. 

  80 Hits

LMP Jan 18

Blackbelt test was today. Found out I'm not as confident in some of my poomsaes as I thought. That's ok. I'll work on those to improve. Got my requirements done after a nap. Weather came through last night and have me a whooper of a migraine. Off to the park in the morning to contine practicing. 

  79 Hits

LMP jan 17

Long day at school. More testing, more dispersing of students, 1 teacher out on tbe team, another didn't come in until around noon. Tried my best to keep the kiddos engaged and on task. Going to my 1st of many sparring classes tonight. Looks like I will either be sparring Wednesday &Thursday  or Thursday and Friday.  

  65 Hits

LMP Jan 16

Found time during the day to get my requirements done and practice my list of things I need to learn/know. My biggest thing to find time to do will be sparring classes.  I also need my mentee to come on our night, or i will be looking for yet another one....the joys of cycle and we are not through the first week. At least all my essays are completed and reqady to submit. 

  67 Hits

LMP Jan 15

Soooo tired  Took the 2nd graders on a field trip today, yes they're fun, but also stressful. I could have easily skipped blackbelt class and went to bed at 5pm....but I went to class, had a mentor session,  and had a good class. No forca shower and bed.

  61 Hits

LMP Jan 14th

Here we are again...my second cycle towards my 4th degree has begun.  I'm starting my journal entries a little late, but my workouts and requirements started on time. Due to the cold weather, my walking / jogging will be slower because I have trouble breathing in cold.     Here's to the next 10-12 weeks 

  65 Hits

LMP Oct 4

Final journal of cycle 1......   I'm 12 weeks of 24 weeks in on my Master's journey.  Yes, there was a time I wanted to give up, and it was early in the cycle. However,  I put my big girl dobok pants on and kept going.  I know more now than I did 12 weeks ago.  I'm going to continue my mentoring sessions do I'm ready in the spring.   I have 2 easier essays, and two more challenging essays left. I plan on getting my easier essays completed sooner rather than later.   Im also going g to continue to meetvwith my mentee.  To all those testing tonight.. work hard and impress your Master's! I'll see you tomorrow in Belmont.    Until the next cycle, this is LMP signing off. 

  105 Hits

LMP Sept 28

Yesterday was my birthday. It was so nice of my school district to close so I had the day off...to bad it was for a hurricane.   I went to my last sparring class, for the cycle and it's getting moved to Wednesday   My birthday was quiet. I didn't even get a card from my husband.   Head hurts, I'm going to bed. 

  102 Hits

LMP Sept 24

My journals are done, bit I'd thought I would just chat for a minute. I was able to meet with my mentee for the first time in 2weeks.....she did really well with her poomsae and yellow self-defense.  Unfortunately she will not be ready forvthis testing due to not practicing high yellow kick defense.  This was my fault...I didn't realize she was a high yellow.  Maybe I can get her ready gor make ups ?!?!

  111 Hits

LMP Sept 22

This weekend was jam packed...but fun. I'm finding out that I have a lot of 'zeros' showing up on my chart. However, I'm going to continue most of them.  Saturday began normal with my blackbelt class and Junior Tigers, but then I got to meet Master Melegrito during his seminar.  That was a quick 2 hour class full of information!  My nap afterwards was well deserved and sooooo satisfying.  Then today I join the blackbelts at the park and worked on some things I needed help with. I need a lot of help. I'm learning an entire curriculum in a year. No easy task.  Ok, to much chocolate icecream. Sugar overload. Night all. 

  98 Hits


Time had flown....can't believe my 1st cycle is over this coming Saturday.  I still have do much to learn before spring...... Went to sparring at KT Harrisburg tonight. That was a fun, yes, you read that correctly, FUN sparring class! For an hour class, we managed to get in some new drills and several sparring rounds.  I would definitely go back. Wow! I can't believe I actually said that!!!   

  95 Hits

LMP Sept 14

It's been a minute since I have journaled, however, I'm over my 50. I met up with the blackbelts st tbe park this morning.  I enjoy working with them. We worked on single stick 4, double stick 1, Sa, chill, koryo, taebeck, gum gong. (I'm probably spelling all these forms wrong).  I could really use a nap, but I'm to cold. I'm chilled to the bone. We keep our house at 68 degrees all year long ( either heat / air).  I don't mind doing any of the requirements except burpees...those seriously need to be swapped out, especially when you are also doing planks and push ups.     

  107 Hits

LMP Sept 11

23 years ago things changed.....we lost so many lives. We lost our twin towers. This is a day to remember all the lives.  In-between remembering 9/11, I managed to get everything done and go to blackbelt class. 

  99 Hits

LMP Sept 10

Happy Tuesday  Missed class tonight due to something at school. No mentee meeting,  no assistance in class. I hope I can get all my classes and mentee meetings in. 

  84 Hits

LMP Sept 9

After Journaling for this many days, you really start to run out of things to write about.  Let's see, I got up at my normal 5am...prepared for school. Then I fed my fur babies and walked my doggies.  School went ok. I had extra kiddos due yo being split for testing amd another teacher leaving early. Teenty- six 7 and 8 year olds...needless yo say, not a lot was accomplished and I was waaaaay off my schedule.   Stayed late to do some work and meet with one of my mentees( I have 2 at school) then came hone and some how managed to get my requirements in. I think burpees should he replaced with jumping jacks or light bouncing- similar to what we do in sparring.  Time for bed. Night all 

  108 Hits

LMP Sept 8

Sunday....woke up sore from the kick a thon and with a headache, so much for going to the park to meet up and practice.   Got my requirements done....not sure if I'm going to get all 'zeros' because I've been entering my time and not the amount of the requirement. However, I asked several times about completing the tracker correctly,  and I was assured to put the time for: jump rope, push ups, sit ups, burpees, poomsaes, self-defense,  and kicks....which doesn't match the tracker, but what am I going to do?!?! I'm following directions.    

  100 Hits

LMP Sept 7

Loooooong day.    Blackbelt class, the instructed my JTs, then wentvto the kick a thon.  There were a lot of people kicking. Master Chelley says we easily did over 70,000 kicks in less than an hour.  I keep saying I am going to write my papers...I need to get the easy ones completed do 8 can focus on the challenging ones during my actual testing cycle.  I've looked at my book....not sure I'm going to make all my mentee requirements,  since I lost 2 weeks looking for a new one. 

  104 Hits

LMP Sept 6

Thanks Trump for messing up my night..... 85 shut down at 230pm Trump arrives at 330pm School dismissal at 330....coincidence?! Leave school at 415pm 485 bumper-bumper traffic 😑  Finally get home st 520pm No time to change and get to sparring.....🫣  

  98 Hits

LMP Sept 5

Woohoo...Friday eve! Tomorrow is sparring then Saturday is our kick-a-thon. I really do not have to much to say...except I still do not like burpies. I can deal with the rest. Burpies and I will never be friends.  

  90 Hits

LMP Sept 4

Did a lot tonight at blackbelt class. In-between poomsaes,  we had to do self defense.  I did pretty well. Remembering all but two of my self defense...not bad for just learning them a few months ago.   My poomsaes seem sharper too. I have another candidate that has sone very intense moves, and I'm trying  to make my moves just as intense. 

  109 Hits

LMP Sept 3

Had a great day today. Brought my baby bearded dragon to school as a class pet, assisted with the 5:40 class, instructed during the 6:20 class, met with my mentee ( she's really starting to do well) and found out she is in tbe girl scouts!! Yay for cookies!!!!!!  Burpies will remain my enemy. I don't see how / why tbere needs to be a pushup in tbe middle...on top of push-ups and plank. 

  94 Hits

LMP August 2

Monday has come and gone, and so have my fun requirements.  Took a slow walk with my pomchi. Since he limes to stop and smell all tbe smells, it took forever to walk a mime and a half.  It was nice to be able to get up and get all my stuff in before my husband woke up...2 hours later. Time to shower, chill, and get ready for school tomorrow, and to see my mentee!!! 

  99 Hits

LMP Sept. 1

Happy September 1st.  Little challenging today to get everything in and planned on going for my jog/ walk, then tbe skies opened up.  Sometimes,  you just need a day of rest and let it go.  

  93 Hits

LMP August 31

Journaling late...opps. not having blackbelt class or JT class, along with the storm that rolled in Friday night threw me off.  Saturday was a whirl-wind of a day. Actually was able to sleep in past 6:45 and enjoyed my day of my requirements on and off all day.  My husband and I went to Petco and bought everything needed for my class pet...a baby bearded dragon. She is settling in nicely and will be going to school with me Tuesday.  

  103 Hits

LMP August 30

Happy Friday. Tonight I went to sparring. I'm still not a fan, I don't like being hit in the head, I don't like the idea that being hit in the head is even allowed or 'ok.'  Storm is rolling in which means barometric pressure change, headach, ect..... Night all

  116 Hits

LMP August 29

Wow..the end of August.  Feels like yesterday we were getting our books. Had a good day. My 2nd graders are beginning to learn and follow my expectations, rules, and procedures. Went to junior Tigers class and assisted.  Master Randall had a large class, so I'm happy I was able to help.  Tomorrow is Friday...Yay! Not only do I have sparring,  but my mentee will be at sparring too! Super excited to be in class with her.  Time to cuddle with my fur babies. Night all. 

  132 Hits

LMP August 28

Had a good day today. School went well, I'm really enjoying my kiddos and my team. I need to take pictures of my room. Went to blackbelt class tonight. Volunteered to show a 1st Dan self-defense. I never volunteer in class, but thought I would try. It took a couple tries, but I got it correct. Yay for me. I hope I didn't embarrass my mentor because I messed up.   

  99 Hits

LMP August 27

My mentee meet up / session was a success! I have a new mentee due to losing my other due to camp ending. We worked on her form, reviewed self-defense number 1-3, and learned number 4. More exciting news, she will also be coming to sparring on Fridays!!   Junior belts are fun to work with. They want to soak up all the knowledge and enjoy practicing their form more than twice. 

  103 Hits

LMP August 26

Its to bad I can't count all my walking I do at school towards my miles.   So much fun coming home to walk almost 2 more miles and complete my requirements.  I have a feeling ill be crashed out early tonight.  I may need to knock out some of them before school, I just don't want to be sweaty.  I wonder if all our essays are due by Sept 28th if you are not testing until Spring?! Burpies and I  will never be friends, no matter how hard I work at them.  I am concerned that m6 heart rate continues to be high with the exercises. I hope that if I need to take a  break during g testing that I will be permitted.  (,A Masters status is not worth my health. I know that may sound rude, however,  my heart works harder due to having 3 chambers instead of 4....

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  113 Hits

LMP August 25

Oooooooo......it's the day before school officially begins. I hot up this morning and went to the park to join my group. Yay! We worked on several poomsaes and 1st dan self-defense...no falling. Ground and concrete hurt.  I eas also able to write them down in my notebook.  After the park, I did my requirements and even managed to get in a walk.  I'm hoping to get my requirements done while waiting for the 'all clear' from school.  Hugs and love ❤️     

  85 Hits

LMP August 24

I know our journal entry is suppose to be detailed about our day. Unfortunately,  for tonight,  it won't be.  I've been fighting a migraine which goes to a head and vise versa all day. Thete is weather coming through which triggers these headaches and migraines. Hopefully the weather will pass and I can get back to feeling 'normal' 

  87 Hits

LMP August 22

Happy Thursday  I had open house tonight.  Meeting after meeting at school.  SO CHALLENGING to get everything in.  Next week will be a huge challenge to get my classes in. We are required to stay at school until all the busses have dropped off our kiddos. I may need to bring my do bock to school to save time.  It's going to be very challenging to balance everything I need to do for blackbelt cycle and school.  I hope I can do this. 

  99 Hits

LMP August 21

Cough, cough, cough......I hate allergies.  Dust from cleaning the classroom and being in other classrooms for trainings have jump started my allergies. Yay...Said no one ever!!!  Went to KT early hoping to catch my new mentee. No luck. However, I did get to work on staff form 2 and 3 with another candidate.   Open House is tomorrow at my school,  so I will not be going to KT.   Stay strong !  Hugs and love ❤️    

  105 Hits

LMP August 20

Today I had yet another training and then able to work in my classroom.  I need to find something softer to do ditups on in my classroom. The carpet and floor do not work.  Went to KT this evening hoping to catch my new mentee...no luck. I did, however,  get to assist in a class.   

  99 Hits

LMP August 19

It's been a rough day. My head has been hurting non stop, I'm coughing, and I feel extremely exhausted. Getting through everything today was NOT an easy task.  On a happier note, I have a new mentee. Yay!!! It's only 730, I'm going to bed. Night all. 

  105 Hits

LMP August 18

Happy Sunday Today I slept in for the first time in weeks. Normally,  I get up, go to the park with some other blackbelts, work on poomsaes,  self defense,  ect. I needed a day to just chill. I've been overly sore and need a day to decompress.  It was well deserved.  

  114 Hits

LMP August 17

Got up this morning and went to blackbelt class. We zoomed in with KT of Lake Norman.  We also had some visiting KT students.  Lots of kicking,  and we practiced bochodon self defense.  We also did some poomsaes.  After blackbelt I have my JT class. 4 students came. The l8ttle ones can sometimes be a challenge...LOTS of energy!  I came home and rested for a bit. I planned on starting my essays, little hard yo do when your laptop is at school. So I will hand write my ideas and thoughts, then type the essays Tuesday.  🙃 

  110 Hits

LMP August 16

It's the end of the 5th week. My mentee was not at king tiger when I arrived,  which means I need a new mentee. I'll message Master Evins this weekend.   I had sparring tonight...I actually had fun. Granted, I'd rather be able to relax a little on a Friday night, but it's ok.   Off to shower and bed

  104 Hits

LMP August 15

Ugggg.....I may need to switch my mentee. I've attempted several times to meet with my mentee this week, and either she left early or I missed her due to my class time.   We tried to do a session tonight,  and just as we were going to the next few steps in her form, her parent showed up.  I'll try one more time tomorrow evening before sparring. If we can not do a session, I'll need to switch.  Wish me luck. 

  107 Hits

LMP August 14

Hoping to catch my mentee still at summer camp so we can have a session.  Hoping also to assist in a class before going to blackbelt at 6:35.  Still in trainings for school, trying to set up my room , and get all my cycle stuff in too. 

  104 Hits

LMP August 13

Today more school training, but was able to work in my room too. In between my trainings,  I managed to get in my requirements...and get a quick walk in too.  Going to try and meet up eith my mentee tomorrow.  It's hard to meet when I'm not at camp.   

  94 Hits

LMP August 12

So I went to school today. Came home, and managed to get in my requirements.  I'm off to hopefully assist in a class this evening.  I was going to try out Muay Thai.....but I think I'm going to focus on my cycle. I don't need to add anything else to my plate. 

  106 Hits

LMP August 11

Today was a good day.  I went to the park to practice. Worked on A LOT.  Tomorrow I start my trainings at school, while trying to fo something with my classroom.  Night all 

  94 Hits

LMP August 10

Today I got up and went to my blackbelt class.  We worked on kicks, some poomsaes, and self defense white to yellow (low and high) and hapkito 1, 2, and 3.  I came home and did my stuff,  had a quick bite to eat, and went back to the dojang for a knife seminar.   Came home, showered, and now relaxing.  

  107 Hits

LMP August 9

Today was my last day at camp, as I start my school trainings and work shops Monday. I was actually able to go to the gym today and do a decent workout including my requirements!!!   Off to practice poomsaes, self defense,  stances, and kicks. 

  114 Hits

LMP August 8

Master Evins said there would be a time(s) when you are going to want to quit,  to give up on the journey to achieving your next belt. I'm there.  I practice nightly, but draw a blank on the mat.  I have mentor sessions with other candidates, and they know so much more than I do.  I get easily frustrated and try to hide my teary eyes,  laugh off my mistakes, but I'm so far behind. I don't even have a curriculum to follow.  If my belt wasn't different from everyone else's, this would be my last entry.....

  141 Hits

LMP August 7

How bad is it that I do not remember if I have done a journal today or not?!  Well, here's part two if I did one already. I got up and did some requirements then went to camp. We have testing tonight, tomorrow at camp, and tomorrow evening,  so I pulled and labeled belts.  I came home from camp, did more requirements abd went back to the dojang for a mentor session. I would think that getting requirements done would be easy and not as painful,  however,  some seem to be getting more challenging.  Maybe because I'm thinking about them more ir working on my form as I do them.  Here's to the rain 🌧 💙 

  130 Hits

LMP August 6

I got up this morning, showered, and decided to do 1/2 of my physical requirements and will do the other half at camp. Since the Olympics are still going on, I'll see if my kiddos can do a physical requirement for a minute, plus I'll get mine in too.     ( it's always more fun with others)  I still despise burpies. I think I would like them better if there wasn't a push up in the middle.   I don't see how  / why jump roping is a physical requirement. You would think 'v- sit ups' or specific leg exercises would be required. I would rather do extra situps, or miles over burpies.  Rolls and falls?!?!  How many of our KT locations does a falls / rolls class? Why isn't this part of our blackbelt class? What if you only have wooden floors at home? Are you expected to buy a membership...

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  94 Hits

LMP August 5

Happy Monday !  Got up and went to camp. Managed to see my mentee crush the first half of her poomsae! Before leaving today, I got in a mentor session with 'A' and she did well. I'm so proud of her. I know she will do amazing with her self defense and get her new belt!  Came home and did my requirements.  I keep thinking the same thing I tell my students, just 1 more. 1 more push up, 1 more burpie, 1 more sit up. 1 more attempt at your pull ups. 

  94 Hits

LMP August 3

Storms are closing in....... I got up this morning and prepared for blackbelt class. I had my weapons, my drinks, my license, and my cycle book ready to go.  Off I go, I get to the Dojang,unlock it, put my things in the cubby and ( few select words mumbled)...my Book!?!?  Double checked my truck. No book.  We'll, the fact I mad it to the 4th week before I forgot,  I'll take that as a win.  Master Evins is in vacation so Master Opey instructed class. We did some combination kicking and punching, a few poomsaes,  and  partnered up to practice our self defense.  After class, I have my 4-6 year old class and MJ led our warm-ups. He is also on cycle.  I told MJ that he was welcome to lead warm -ups for tbe next 9 weeks, leadership credit!  I also appreciated his help, some times new faces during...

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  104 Hits

LMP August 2

So happy it's Friday! Wish I could say I get to relax this weekend but......  Im still working on my pull ups. Haven't managed one yet, but I keep trying.  Burpies and I remain enemies,  getting better at sit ups, and push ups. Jump roping is a pain, I can jump rope eith an extra bounce, but struggling to move the jump rope faster and jump once.  I continue to work on my self defense,  poomsaes, and kicks.  Off to complete my daily things. 

  109 Hits

LMP August 1

Wow! Can't believe its already August and almost 1/2 way through the cycle...well, 2-3 more weeks.  Got my requirements done...burpies and I are NOT friends, but I'm getting better abd can do more than my pretest.  I went to assist tonight in two classes then we t to sparring.  I did my first of two 2-on-1 fights tonight.  I felt bad because I kept kicking g this one opponent in her bottom. Sorry. I'm short and don't kick as high as others.     Off to get a snack, shower, and bed. I have camp tomorrow and I get to open!!! Yay!   

  122 Hits

LMP July 31

Today was slightly different.  I got up, did a few of my requirements,  then had day 1 of a math training.  Came home, took a cat nap - well, I tried- completed my physical requirements. I went to the 6:35 class hoping to assist,  but there were only two kiddos, so I worked on single sticks forms 1,2 3, and 4. Went to blackbelt class, worked on staff forms 1,2 3,( I need support with 2, 3) and haven't learned 4 yet. Then we did our dingle stick forms 1,2,3,4 and bolo. It's always a good class when the weapons cone out! 

  97 Hits

LMP July 30

Today I got up, did my requirements....I am getting better at burpies. I can get 15 in 2 minutes, as compared to my 6 at pretest. I also did my situps, and can get about 20ish in 2 minutes.  Plank seems to be the easiest thing for me.  Pull ups for me may not happen,  however,  I work daily with my resistant band to build up my muscles.   I wish I had someone to do my stuff with. It would be nice to practice my self defense with someone Aldo going through the cycle....or even the requirements to push me or cheer me on. For those of you who have parents, guardians,  siblings, spouses, ect taking this journey with you, be thankful, be happy, and appreciate it.....because it's a lonely journey when you do everything alone daily. 

  101 Hits

LMP July 29

Woke up this morning to the ground being wet from rain....so much for getting a few things accomplished before heading off to camp.   I managed to get mentee session in today. We worked on our hands ( need tighter fists) and stronger arms ( not lazy arms). We also borrowed a fellow camper to work on self-defense numbers 1-3. 'A' is making progress on both her poomsae and self-defense.  Off to complete my physical requirements.  

  102 Hits