Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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LMP Mar 16

MMMMMMM.....we are down to the last week before testing. I have completed 1 part of my black belt exam; part two is Friday evening, beginning at 9pm. I am hoping we all do well and are not testing into the 'wee' hours of Saturday morning.  I have come a long way since I began this journey last July. I am looking forward to the exam. I feel much more confident in my self-defenses and poomsaes, along with all the weapon

MMMMMMM.....we are down to the last week before testing. I have completed 1 part of my black belt exam; part two is Friday evening, beginning at 9pm. I am hoping we all do well and are not testing into the 'wee' hours of Saturday morning. I have come a long way since I began this journey last July. I am looking forward to the exam. I feel much more confident in my self-defenses and poomsaes, along with all the weapons I have learned. I will be meeting with my mentor often this week for some last-minute sessions. 

Spring Break