Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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LMP Mar 19

Things I've learned on my journay to becoming a 4th Dan....

1. Not all mentee's will be reliable.

                          For example, my mentee disapeered for over a month. I picked up 2 more mentees, then realized you can only 'chart' one mentee session per day. However, there have been days, that I have menteed 2 brothers and just last night, their grandma asked me to mentor her. (no, I didn't track all 3, I will only track 1, however, I mentored 3 last evening) 


2.  No matter how much you practice, you are going to forget something. 

                       This is a great example of my last few mentoring sessions with my amazing mentor, Master Dege. She has taken SO much time out of her personal life to help me since LAST July.  We had a great mentor session this past Monday night, another one last night, and I'm sure we will do one final one on Thursday night. Without Master Dege, and the 'Sunday park crew', I know I wouldn't feel confident enough for Friday night. 


3. Practice, cry, practice some more 

             It's ok to have a break down. To cry. To step away from your mentor during a session for a moment because you are frustrated with your self and getting discouraged. It's okay to want to give up, and feeling like just quitting. However, i'm here to tell you...DO NOT QUIT. I have my break down during the first cycle when two other canidates were sooooo much further ahead than me. I wanted to quit and just 'not worry about it.'  However, I took a few days to breathe, realize that I was learning a brand new curriculum, and that in time, I would be ready to test. 


4. Ask for HELP!!!! 

              That about sums it up. If you are confused, don't remember a poomsae, a move, a self defense, hapkido, ect, ASK FOR HELP.  There will always be someone at your dojang that can guide you and help you. Don't be afraid to ask for help from a junior belt, I have; because sometimes they remember. If you do not want to ask a junior belt, ask a senior belt, but ASK FOR HELP! 


I'm off to pick up my 2nd graders from specials. Have a great day! 


# 50 and good luck at testing-Aiden
Tuesday Journal Entry