Fall 2024 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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LMP August 3

Storms are closing in.......

I got up this morning and prepared for blackbelt class. I had my weapons, my drinks, my license, and my cycle book ready to go.  Off I go, I get to the Dojang,unlock it, put my things in the cubby and ( few select words mumbled)...my Book!?!?  Double checked my truck. No book.  We'll, the fact I mad it to the 4th week before I forgot,  I'll take that as a win. 

Master Evins is in vacation so Master Opey instructed class. We did some combination kicking and punching, a few poomsaes,  and  partnered up to practice our self defense. 

After class, I have my 4-6 year old class and MJ led our warm-ups. He is also on cycle.  I told MJ that he was welcome to lead warm -ups for tbe next 9 weeks, leadership credit!  I also appreciated his help, some times new faces during class is exciting. 

I only have my dreaded burpies ( I despise them) left, along with my running/walking. Hopefully the rain will hold out so I can get my miles in later. 

8/3 Taekwondo day