Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
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1/10/24 Journal #5

When I woke up this morning I thought mom overslept bc it was already 730!! But she told me we had a 2 hour delay!  I did my black belt stuff and got ready for school.  We walked to school to get a mile in since I am behind on them because of the rain!  When I got to school I had the same old blocks.  Finally I got to King Tiger and took class.  Then we went home and I played a little video games and we had dinner.  Then mom realized we hadn't made MiMi a birthday card yet!!! 😲   Anthony and I each made one quickly and now I am going to get ready for bed! Goodnight!

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