Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
15 years young, love to dance, 9th grader at Mallard Creek High School


Today was alright. I helped out at the blood drive at my school and got pizza. Also got cookie cake for my German class and they were pleased. One more night left. So excited!

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I had tennis practice today as well as tutoring. I went to TKD to help out and get the last bit of credits for Friday. Only 2 more days to go! I am so nervous.   

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Today was super funny. I went to the wrong class at the wrong period. I also made my friends laugh a lot.It was so funny because we all kept doing weird and stupid things. 

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Ew Monday

Today was such a bad day. Totally sucked. I hated it. Mondays are never good for me but today was just exceptionally bad for me like wayyy to bad. 

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No Time

I have gotten no time this weekend. I've been so busy. I literally am rarely home these days. It is so sad. I like to be home and chill. 

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I am so sore and tired. After the physical test, I was completely dead. I had no energy left especially because I was up late the night before dancing.

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I am so happy it Friday because I get to see all my friends again. I love the weekends because I get to go to my favorite Indian festival. Its called Garba and it goes on from 10pm to 2am. 

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Game Day

Today I had a tennis match against North Meck High School and we lost sadly. It was so hot that this girl from our team passed out and then her twin started crying because she could feel her pain. It was very sad. 

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Today was a pretty routine day. Went to school, went to Tennis practice and went to TKD. I had a tutoring session and then homework to finish when I came home. 

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Today was a long day. I am very tired and I still have a lot of hw left to do. I hope i finish it as quickly as possible. 

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Ugh Mondays

Today was Monday and I sure do dislike Mondays. I was sleepy all day. I had a tennis match, then tutoring classes and a mentee session. Now I am going to touch my homework finally and study for my test in Civics tom!

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Blisters and Pain

I woke up today barely being able to walk. Dancing is a lot of fun but the blisters and the soreness is not very fun. I am in so much pain its crazy. Today's gonna be a very lazy day, I can already feel it. 

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I went to TKD this morning after sleeping at 3 and I thought I would be very sore but after stretching I felt 10x times better and I felt no pain in my legs. The only pain I had was in my shoulders, which wasn't so bad. 

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Fast Day

Ok so today was a really fast day. I went to the temple today. Then I came home and exercised. Then I came to TKD to help out and take Black Belt class. My dad let me drive home. I had a mentee session and had Taco Bell. 

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Today was really painful. My pinky toe is still badly bruised and sprained. I went to TKD class today and we focused on kicks which I couldn't do to the best of my ability due to my toe. I'm getting exercises done. 2 more weeks!

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Pretty Normal

Today's been a pretty normal day. Went to school, came home ate and now gonna do some work. Only 2 more days of school left though. Can't wait for my 4 day weekend!

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Rest for a Week

Someone stepped on my toe very badly yesterday, during this Indian festival yesterday. Now I have been told to do R.I.C.E. So i have to rest which means no Tae Kwon Do or Tennis this week. I have to ice it and keep it elevated. 

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Long and Tiring

Today was super long. I had school and my bus super late, then I had a tennis match from 3-6:45. I got home changed and came to TKD. TKD was pretty chill today not a lot of hard work, but I am still very sore and tired. I have so much homework left to do also. 

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September 13th

Today was very tiring and will be becuase I may have to pull an all nighter :(

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Happy Day

Today was a very happy day. We had a two hour delay and so all our classes were shortened. I am very happy. 

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Todays 9/11 and words can't express how emotional I am. I lost some family members during the 9/11 and I didn't get to see them. I wasn't even born yet. But other than that, I've been doing all my exercise and recording it in my book but I just don't get time to get it uploaded onto here. I just did it though since I got some time on my hands today. Hope everyone as a nice and warn rainy day :)

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Falling Behind

I have been doing my exercise but Ive just havent been able to update it because school already got to me. Im working on it and looking forward to class today. 

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August 22nd

I've been so busy with things going on at my temple, I haven't been getting my workout or my journals in. I will catch up tho and be back on track.

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Today I feel much much better but I am also very sore. Tommorrow is gonna be a very long and big day because its one of our biggest religious days in our religion. 

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A Little Better

I feel a little better today, but not good enough to come to class. Let's hope I can because my head hurts really bad and my body is breaking. Also, I have no choice but to go to Tennis Practice, so I don't know if I will have energy left to go to class and give all my energy again. 

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Still Sick

Why do I always have to get sick right before school starts? Schools 2 weeks away but it takes me a week to recover. Well pray for me and hope that I can get well soon. 

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Sick Days

I have been so sick for the past to days and I dislike it so much. I hate being sick especially this sick because I can barely get out of bed. I hope I get better in a couple of days because I don't like doing sitting in bed all day. 

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So Sore

I am so sore today. Tennis Practice and Black Belt class had me working yesterday. I work out every day but yesterday was just something else. I also found out some things I need to be working out, which I thought I knew. So today is working on stuff that I need to fix and cleaning my house. Saturday I'm spending time with friends! Im so excited. Haven't seen them in a long time. 

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August 10th

Today's been good so far. I had tennis practice in the morning which has me very sore. On the bright side though, I am getting to spend this weekend with my friends so hurray!

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Today was a tiring day. I am so sore. I got my braces tightened yesterday and today tennis practice had me dead. 

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August 8th

Tennis practice got cancelled for the 2nd time again because of the rain. I have my sports meeting today at 6:30 so hopefully I can make it to class. Also, I got my back braces on today and it hurts so bad like I am so sore. Hopefully its better by my dance performance on Sunday. 

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Productive Sunday!

Today I went to Carowinds with my friends which was super fun. I came back home and got some paperwork done for my school tennis team. I also helped my mom clean a bit and did some dance practice. I have tennis practice starting from tom! Can't wait!

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Busy Day!

Today is gonna be a super busy day! It already is in fact. Also I am running on 2 hours of sleep so pray for me! Lol anyways hope every one has an amazing weekend!

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August 3rd

Well today has been a chill day so far. I did my excerise and helped my mom clean a little bit. My friend is gonna be coming over in a little bit to practice for a dance we are doing on the 12th of August. Also I'm having a major post Cancun depression. I really just wanna go back :(

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Back In CLT!

Well I got back in charlotte last night at 12 a.m. Cancun was amazing. I honestly want to go back. Anyways its time to get back to work and stay on top of it. I have a lot to do in such less time! Hopefully I can get it all done in time! Well i guess I will end this here and go get started!

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July 27th

Today has been so hectic and tiring. I am so tired and I have a bad headache. Its ok though because my trip to Cancun starts tomorrow! Can't wait for an amazing 5 days! Time to have some fun! 

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July 26th

Well today was full of packing and cleaning my house, since I am going to Cancun from this Friday to the 1st of August. It was very tiring and I don't like packing very much. We did so much yet I feel like there is so much left to do and finish. Can wait till my vacation actually begins so I can live a fantasy for 5 days. Well thats all for today. 

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The Day Has Arrived!

Only a couple more hours till I am at the Do Jang doing my pre test and getting ready for tomorrow. I am very very excited and I am going to get some sleep in so I can be energized!

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Ugh Whyyyyyy :(

It just started raining and I highly dislike rain. It makes me feel veryyyy lazy. It was such a beautiful day today, why did mother nature have to put an end to it. I hope it does not rain tomorrow. 

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We are down to 1 more day! I haven't been more excited and nervous!

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Beautiful Day

Today was beautiful. Even the weather was amazing. I love when we have perfect weather like this. I would loved if it always stayed this way, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. 

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Summer 2K17

Can't wait for summer 2K17!!! It is about to be a blast! Cancun here I comeeee!!

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Rainy Days

Today was a rainy day and I highly disliked it. I do not like rainy days at all. They really make me feel lazy and sad for some reason. I hope we don't have many more of these rainy days this week.

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Ugh Why Rain

Today it rained so hard and bad. It ruined my plans to go watch Fast 8. I love the FF series. The sad thing about it though is that Paul Walker died on my birthday 3 years ago. I actually remember him every year on my birthday because he was my favorite actor. 

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Today I didn't do much. I studied for my Ap exam that is coming up and then I had dinner at this Indian restaurant called Woodlands with my family. It was a lot a lot of fun. I got to see my 2 cute baby cousins as well. Today was a good day.  

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Great Day

Today was amazing. I woke up with this super positive vibe. Then school seemed better and more fun than usual. I think probably because I was more of a goof today than usual. I laughed a lot today and I heard that laughing is good for the soul, so I guess me laughing a lot today was goood. :)

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Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Today was my parents anniversary and I baked them a cake and everything. They picked me up from my bus stop and took me home today and then we waited for my brother to get home. Then we went to Concord Mills and some other places to look for a carpet for our new massage chair. Then we had dinner at our favorite restaurant we have as a family called Olive Garden and as usual the food was amazing!

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So I made it half way through another week of school. We only have about 6 more weeks left of school and I am so happy. I just can't wait for summer. It is going to be blast. Plus it is going to bring me closer to the next school year, where I will in 10th grade,another yer closer to graduating. Plus next school is also going to include my big 16 :)  

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Second Day Back

Today was the second day back from Spring Break and it was also A day for me which means that I had my hard class today. My hard class is Ap Human Geography. It is so difficult. It takes way to much thinking and I am not up for that all the time. But it was not that bad of a day today so I guess it was ok. 

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First Day Back

Today was the first back to school from Spring Break and let me tell you, I already can't wait for this weekend. Today included all my easy classes which meant I could sleep. I almost slept in all my classes which is very bad but I have very good friends and they told me what we did so I could turn it in tomorrow. 

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Aaand That's a Wrap

So today is the last day of Spring Break. Spring Break was amazing. I was able to spend time with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle as well as my baby cousins. I got to go to Carowinds and ride roller coasters which I absolutely love to ride. Spring Break was wonderful. 

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Today I didn't do much but go to my temple with my grandparents and help my grandmother around the house. I also talked to some of my friends. I did some homework and watched 13 Reasons Why. 

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13 Reasons Why Is So Good!

SOOOOO I started watching 13 reasons why today and oh my god, it is so good. It is very emotional but it teaches you so much. I really like this show already. I can't wait to keep watching!

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Today was boring. I didn't do much but watch television, talk to my friends, and visit my temple. That basically summed up my whole day. 

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Today was very fun! I helped my uncle do some gardening. Then we all got ready to go to Carowinds. We went to Carowinds, we did some rides for my baby cousins. Then my aunt, my brother, and I went on some roller coasters. We had cheese fries, which are very unhealthy but also very good. We then went to Taco Bell, bought food and then went home and had it. Later we had ice cream and watched Boss Baby. It was a great day today!

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Spring Break Has Officially Started

My parents left for Las Vegas today at 5:00 in the morning. I hope they have an amazing trip. They deserve it. As for me my Spring Break has officially started and I can't wait for the sleep and talking to friends!

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Long Day

Today was a long day. I had to pack and help my mom pack. I also had to babysit my brother and his friends which really wasn't a sweat since all they did was play xbox and minecraft. 

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Today was the birth of my god who we call Mahavir Bhagwan and we had a huge event for that at my temple. We prayed and we also had a event where the kids either danced on a song related to our god or sang one. My brother, his friend, my cousin and I danced on a song and everyone was so impressed. I am very proud of my dancers and proud that I choreographed such a good dance. :)

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Temple Day

I spent the whole day in the temple today, helping for the event we have tomorrow. We had our grand rehearsal for the dance we are having tomorrow as well. 

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Concert Day!

Today I am going to a really big indian singers concert at the Owens Auditorium. His name is Mika Singh. I am going with my family and friends and I couldn't be happy. Tonight is going to be a blast! I can't wait. :)  

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I am very sore today. I have bruises on my left leg and my body aches. I have Tae Kwon Do to get through today though and I will push myself as hard as I can. Hopefully I can finish the whole class with full energy. 

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Today was alright. Just had the routine life I have every day. Nothing really interesting. 

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Today is 04/04. I always find that interesting for some reason. Today wasn't the best day, but hopefully tomorrow is better. Good Night.

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It's Monday Agian

There goes another Monday. Another day of school. I am up earlier than usual today so I wrote my journal entry early. 

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Super Sunday

So I am not the biggest fan of Sundays but today was a good Sunday. I got to shop and get some Starbucks as well as Ice Cream. Then my friend and I watched a movie at the cinema. It was fun. 

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April Fools!

Happy April Fools Day! I can't wait to fool my family members! I have something amazing planned. It is going to be so funny. I can't wait to execute this plan.  Hahaha

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Last day March. Can't believe how fast the days are passing. It is already the end of March 2017. 

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Just another day

didnt do much today, went to school came back did homework had food.

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Wow... even March is coming to an end. This year is gonna past by in a flash just like last year. 

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Just another Tuesday

Today was just another boring Tuesday. Another day with more homework and school work. 

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Today was a hard day for me. I slept very late last night due to a large amount of homework. I have been very sleepy all day today and my extra cirrucular activities didn't make it any better. Hope tomorrow is a better and brighter day! Good Night!  

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