Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today I woke up and had a half day at school. After school I finished my last essay for cycle and then got some school work done. I finished my homework then went to practice. I had a good practice, ran by myself which was very peaceful. I then came home, went to church, and now I am here. 

  100 Hits


Today I had a pretty long, but good day. School was pretty good, I got a decent amount done and was fairly productive. I then came home, chilled, took a nap, and then went to run club. I had a pretty good workout and got to talk to my coach about Tae Kwon Do and he told me how excited he was for me. I then came home, ate, showered, and now I am here. 

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Today was a pretty good day, I went to school and had two quizzes. I then came home and did some homework before going to practice. Practice was really good, we ran with almost the entire boys team. I then went to the weight room. I followed that by going to TKD. I came home afterwards, ate, showered, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and got ready for church. Today I volunteered and was teaching the 4th and 5th graders; I feel it went pretty well (as well as it can go with 4th and 5th graders). I then came home and ate before doing several hours worth of requirements. After I finished that I did a bunch of homework. I followed that up by taking a bath and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up in the hotel I stayed in last night since I has a race this morning. I had a really good race; I took first place and had a big PR. The race was very difficult since I had to front run the whole race, but I enjoyed the finishing. I then went out to eat and came home. Once I got home I did several hours of requirements. I then chilled for the rest of the day and now I am here. 

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Today was a pretty good and productive day for me. I am still struggling in my Calculus class, which is never fun. I had a really good workout on the track today and I then went and got a good lift in the school weight room with my team. I got to teach some Tae Kwon Do and checked to make sure my Double Stick 2 form was correct, it is now. Overall, a very long and productive day. 

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Today was my second digital detox day. I really enjoyed today and the productivity that came with giving up all digital devices. After I finished the detox I sat down and wrote my essay for the digital detox, which I was very happy with and how it turned out. I spent most of my day working on requirements and school work. Overall, I had a very productive and enjoyable day with a few memorable moments like learning Double Stick From 2. 

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Today was a really good day. I had a few downs in my day where the stress and anxiety took over a little bit. Today I had a pretty good day at school; pretty much every class I was working to the bell. I then went to practice after school and then went and volunteered helping train the middle school cross country team. I then came home, got some school work done, and now I am here. 

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Today was a day to remember all who have given their lives for our safety and security as a nation. I was not super impressed with school today because it was very much glanced over, but I was still able to appreciate and find time for gratitude. Overall I had a good day and I finished out my day by hearing some student testimonies at church, which is always a great experience. 

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Today was another fairly productive day. Some of today's highlights was a good workout, talking with friends in JROTC, and getting invited by a friend to help train the middle school cross country team. Overall, today was a decent day. 

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Today was a fairly productive day. I had a decent day at school, I then came home and had therapy before going to practice. I did a nice easy threshold run today, which was fun. My friends and I also annoyed our coach because we were talking so much during warm-ups. I then came home, ate, and then went to Tae Kwon Do; we practiced mainly stick stuff. I then came home, ate, showered, and now I am here. 

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Today was a very tiring day, especially after yesterday's action packed night. I spent most of the morning at church, then doing requirements for about 2 hours. I then went to run with my friends and running coach. I then came home and did some homework I waited until today to do (I have had the work for 2 weeks and it is due tomorrow). I then stretched and now I am here. 

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Today was a crazy day. I had a meet this morning, which was very good. I placed 6th and got a PR. I then had a nice long car ride home, once I got home I took a nap. I then went to Birkdale for a few hours with my friends. We had a great time, we even met a professional kick boxer. I then came home showered and now I am here.  

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Today was a good day. I was very tired from it being a late night last night. I spent most the day doing school work. Practice was good, got the chance to motivate one of the younger guys and help him prepare for Saturday's meet. I then went to church, which was also amazing. I am so lucky to get to learn from those older than me and also mentor those younger than me. I then came home and now I am here. 

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Today was another very long and productive day. I spent most of the school day working and taking notes, I then came home and did homework until I had to leave for run club. I had a really good workout, hard to remember it over all the stress of upcoming due dates and homework. Overall, it was a very good day. 

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Today was a really productive day. I spent most of the day going between doing requirements and reading a chapter from the AP U.S. History textbook that I needed to get read by tomorrow. I relaxed a little bit today, but I spent most of the day doing the opposite of today's purpose: to have a labor-less day. I went for a run around 5:30 today and ate a massive dinner. Afterwards I did more requirements and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and headed to black belt class. I then came home and started doing a few requirements. After that I did a little homework and proceeded that by doing more requirements. Afterwards I went for a run, got some gas for my car, and now I am here. 

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Again, today was another very long day. School has definitely been taking a toll on me. I spent most of the day taking notes in my classes and starting all our new units. I came home, did a little bit of homework, then headed off to practice. At practice we did 4 hill combos (for anyone who doesn't know what they, it is 4 steep hills and 4 long gradual hills). I then came home, ate, and got ready for sparring class, which was good; except, my legs and mind were so tired I was struggling to stay standing. I then came home again, ate, and now I am here. 

  393 Hits


Today was another long day. Woke up for school, which was good. I then came home and did my online classes. I followed that by doing a few requirements before going to my run club. I had an easy day today and was just preparing my legs for Thursday's workout. I then came home, ate, did a few more requirements, and now I am here. 

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Today was my first day of school and it was rough. This being my junior year, I have my hardest classes this year. After school I had a grueling practice. We were on the track and doing longer intervals. I then came home, ate, and got ready for class. I then headed to the Dojang and helped with a class, which was followed by the 2nd Dan and up class. Afterwards I came home, did some requirements, ate, and now I am here. 

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Tomorrow is a big day! Race day tomorrow! That meant a lot of preparation today! I woke up this morning and went to Walmart to finish off my school supplies shopping (I still had to buy a few things on Amazon). Then I came home and did a few things before getting a hair cut. I then came home and did a few more things before taking a nap. After I woke up I went for an easy run to prepare my legs for tomorrow. I then came home ate, showered, stretched, and now I am here.

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Today was a pretty chill day. I spent most of the day working on some school work and sitting around. I had PT this afternoon and then went straight to practice. I had a really good practice and got a lot of laughs with my friends. I then came home, stretched, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and spent most of my morning relaxing and working on a few hobby projects. I then went to take photos for cross country. I went with Laia for her senior photos. I then helped her register for classes with the help of my mom. Afterwards we had team photos and non-senior individual photos. We had a few minutes at home before we had to head to open-house. I walked through my schedule and got to meet the few new teachers I have never had before (since I am taking so many advance classes I have met most of my teachers). I also walked Laia through her schedule and made sure she is all set for Monday. I then went to my running workout, which was amazing. I am feeling so pumped for Saturday's race. I then came home, yapped to my mom for a little bit, and...

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  93 Hits


Today I woke up and went to my facial this morning. I then spent most of the day doing a few things I needed to do. I then went to practice, which was fun to introduce Laia to the cross country team. I then came home, relaxed, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and went to church. The pastor who spoke today, Pastor Taylor did an amazing job. Oh, also I guess I forgot to mention it, our foreign exchange student arrived yesterday. After church we went to Target with her to get a few things for her room. I then came home and chilled for a while before going out with my entire family to get ice cream. I then came home took a nap (that is why I am up so late) and then played some video games with Logan, Tiger, and Matthew. I then showered and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and went for a easy run. I zoned out for most the run, which was fairly enjoyable. I then came home and did a few things I needed to do. I then went and got my allergy shots. I followed that up by doing some school work, then requirements, and finished my day by going to black belt class. 

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Today was another very long day. I woke up, went to practice and got to cheer on a few teammates doing a time trial they missed yesterday. I then came home and did a few small To-Dos before listening to my first college lecture. I then went to work and followed that up with a pretty good sparring class. I then came home, got ready for bed, and now I am here. 

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Today was a very long and productive day. I realized this morning I didn't post my journal last night, which sucked because I had the whole thing all written out. Today I woke up, went to practice, and then came home and did some school work. I then did a few requirements before heading to work. I finished my day by going and hanging out with my church bible study group. We ended up jumping in the lake and just hung out for a few hours. Now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and headed to Black Belt Class, which was very intense. I then came home after a mentee session and assisting with family class. I took a quick nap and then went to a PMMA Knife seminar, which was great. I get more interested everyday with starting PMMA or a similar martial art. I then went to the mall and did some shopping. I finished my day with my first time streaming on Twitch and then stretching a little. 

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Today I woke up pretty late since I had nothing this morning and decided to sleep in. I started my day with a run, which sucked. I felt very tired today, it was burning hot, and it felt like my body and mind were disconnected; it was like my body was doing it's own thing. I then came home and did about 3 hours worth of requirements, trying to get ahead for when school starts. I then went to Black Belt Class and did a mentor session afterwards. I left a little more confused than I entered, but I now have several small things to work on. I then came home and now I am here.

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Today I woke up and had my yearly physical. It took longer than I have ever seen, but I got all the paper work done for this year's sports. I then came home and got ready for work. I then headed to work; luckily, as I pulled in the rain started to die down. Work was pretty good and after work I went to sparring,  which was equally as good. I then came home and did a Peleton ride because it is so wet out. Now I am here. 

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Today was a much better day than yesterday. I have practice this morning, which put me in a great mental place to start off the day. I then did some requirements before going to work. Work was pretty good, a little hectic, and I had issues while trying to get food for dinner. I then drove up to Denver, thinking there was bible study tonight, however there was not. It was a little time wasted, but I got to chat with my dad a little on the ride. Afterwards, I came home, did some requirements, ate, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and just felt off. Something didn't feel right mentally. I went to PT and it still didn't fix the problem. I then came home and took some time to decompress and talk about the issue. It didn't fix it at first, but after doing some physical requirements I found myself in a much better mental state. I then ate and took a nap, which also improved my mood. I finished my day with a broken up 5k workout with the club running team I workout with once a week. Running well and pushing myself to new limits gave me much needed confidence. I then came home, did some requirements, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and headed to church; today's message was amazing and it was about how God loves us through the struggle. I also got to see a good friend, Silas, and heard he might be coming to my school starting this school year. I then got food, ate, and did some requirements. Afterwards, I went to Latta to do a long run; I ended up falling pretty hard during the run, but it was nothing serious. I then came home, watched a few cooking shows with my dad, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and headed to Black Belt Class, where we worked on a lot of Poomsae, which was great. I have a few small changes to make to my Poomsae's (mainly my preps). I then came home and relaxed before going on a run. It wasn't bad, but I probably should not have gone at 13:00, I should have waited until it got cooler. After that I went and to Best Buy and Target with a few friends to grab a few things (I pretty much ran errands with my friends). I then came home, did requirements, played some video games with the same friends, and now I am here. 

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Today was a fairly unproductive day; I spent most of the day doing nothing. I have been trying to do this more often as I have struggled with resting both my body and mind in the past. I did go to practice this morning and black belt class tonight. I also went out with a few friends to celebrate Matthews 20th Birthday! 

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Today was a very long day; I woke up and went to practice. Today was my day off, so I did some core and resistance band work. I then came home and did more requirements. I followed that up by going to work and then sparring afterwards. I then came home, read, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and had my first cross country practice. I got to lead the new runners in a easy run today, which was amazing since I got an opportunity to pass down some of the knowledge I have gained from fellow runners and coaches. I then came home and got ready for work. Work was really good, I enjoyed spending time with some of my close friends. I then went to bible study, got Chik-Fa-La and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and had an orthodontist appointment, where I got off my attachments, which was very exciting. I then went for a easy run in the pouring rain. I finished my morning with a therapy session, which was great. Got to work through a few interpersonal skills. I then went to work, where I learned a little bit of how to solve a Rubik's Cube. Afterwards went to the 2nd Dan and higher class. I followed that by coming home, eating, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up and headed to church. Today I was in the Kids room experimenting with separating the 4th and 5th graders to a separate room. I feel it went well, I luckily was not in the room by myself. I then came home and took a 2 hour nap, which was amazing. I then relaxed and went on a long run today. I feel the run went well, I only had to stop for water (no pain in my calves!). I then came home, ate some good pizza, and stretched out. 

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Today was a fairly good day. I went to Black Belt Class this morning. I also got a mentee session in, which was great. I then came home, ate and got ready for a run workout. Today's workout wasn't bad, but I have been having some bad calf pain; still trying to work through it. I then relaxed, did some requirements, and relaxed more. 

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Today was a fairly productive day. Started my day off with a swim workout, followed by some requirements. I then went for a run and did even more requirements. After all that I went to Black Belt Class and we worked on 3rd Dan specials (belt) self-defense, which I definitely needed a refresher on. I then came home, relaxed, and now I am here. 

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Today I woke up late since I did not sleep much while on vacation. I went for a run, which sucked; I felt so bad today, had to stop twice and stretch my calves. I took this as a lesson that even when you are "good" at something you still can have bad days. I then did some requirements before going to a couple of appointments. I then went to sparring where I took a turning side kick to the groin (luckily I had a cup on). I then came home and now I am here. 

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Today was spent mostly traveling. From where we were stating to the airport was about 2 hours and then a 2 hour flight home; followed by an hour to taxi, get our bags, and drive home. Overall, I had a very boring day as I spent most the day on my phone or sleeping during our traveling, but before we left New York we went on a nice 3.5 mile hike in the mud (was surprisingly very fun). 

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Today was the last full day of vacation in the Adirondacks, New York. I have really enjoyed this vacation. A few highlights from today was going out on the boat and quickly turning back because it started down poring. I also did a run workout with my sister, it was good, except I ate it on a hard turn since the roads were soaked; got myself a nice mark on my hip, luckily I did an amazing side fall. I also saw the new Twister movie in this old and antique cinema. Overall, this trip has been amazing and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. 

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Today was the pre-test, part 2. This one was more to see how the last cycle faired out, but I feel I did fairly well. The rest of the day was spent mainly relaxing and hanging out with family. We saw Inside Out 2, which was not great, but not terrible (5/10). I did some more requirements and got ahead knowing the travels that await me tomorrow could slow me down on requirements. 

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Today I woke up and as usual ran. However, today I ran with a friend of mine for a few miles and joined him and his team after my run for core and stretching. Afterwards I did some requirements before leaving for work. Today was fairly crazy as it felt like there was an endless number of campers, but once classes started everything calmed down. I did some more requirements between the end of my shift and sparring, which was proceeded by a mentor session with Master Marcus. I finished off the day with some stretching and reading. 

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Today was a very long day. Some of the highlights of my day though, were: learning more students names at King Tiger, while working; talking with my pastor at bible study about both positive things and recent struggles of mine; and lastly getting two good runs in. I have been ramping up my training, heading into cross country season and am excited to see where my running journey will take me this year. 

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Today was MY official first day of the cycle. Being away at cross country camp at Wake Forest kept me from starting on Saturday like everyone else. I woke up today and immediately got cracking on requirements to catch up. Luckily I am almost completely caught up, just an extra round of push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, and all my jump rope from the past 3 days to do (doesn't sound too bad). It took some time and a lot of balanced thoughts to make it through today. Transitioning from training hard everyday at camp, always having someone to talk to and something to do, to having little to do, was definitely challenging. I also assisted with class this evening and took part in the first (I believe) 2nd Dan and higher class at the Lake Norman location; I enjoyed working on the high level stuff. Overall, was a very productive day and...

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  113 Hits

March 20th, 2024

Today is my last journal. Today was a pretty normal day. I woke up had a normal morning, went to school, and came home. I then got a haircut and food. Afterwards, I came home and did some school work. After that I did some requirements and now I am here. 

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March 19th, 2024

Today I woke up late and had a more rushed morning. I then went to school. I had a rough start to my morning, but overall my school day was pretty good. I talked with my friends during AP Gov. as I normally do. I then came home and did homework for a while before run club. I then left for run club and talked to my dad in the car about everything going on. I had a lot of fun at run club and got a short, but good workout. Afterwards I talked to Coach Fam and got one of the best pieces of advice I really needed to hear. I then came home, ate, got my uniform ready for tomorrow. Now I am here. 

  164 Hits

March 18th, 2024

Today I woke up and did my normal routine. I then went to school and had a pretty good day. I had a quiz, which I feel I did pretty good on. I then went to practice, which was fun. Got to talk and hang out with my friends at practice. I then came home and almost immediately left for Tae Kwon Do. I finished all my mentor, mentee, and leadership 2 credits for the cycle. Those were my last class credits I needed. I did some requirements in between. I then came home, ate, showered, and now I am here. 

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March 17th, 2024

Today I woke up and did some requirements. I then went to church, which as always I volunteered in the kids room. They were little crazy today, but I had assistance from my friends in handling them. I then went to Walmart and bought a new LEGO set. I am excited to build it. I then ate and did a lot of requirements since I was behind. I then ate some more and had a hard conversation over the phone. I then sat in the Normatecs and ate since the conversation lasted a while. I then played Fortnite with my friend Erick. We didn't play well, but we had a lot of fun. Afterwards I read, stretched, and now I am here. 

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March 16th, 2024

This is a late one, but a summary of my day was: track meet. It wasn't bad, was very hot. I did pretty good. Dealing with a lot right now so being able to just chill and do something I love was amazing. I then came home and got some school work done and now I am here. 

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Marth 12th, 2024

Today I woke up and got ready for school. I ran behind schedule this morning so I didn't get to school as early as I normally do. My school day was pretty normal. I had a quiz I forgot about, but it was very easy since I have been paying attention in class. I then came home and took a nap. I then went to run club and got to run with two of my friends. It was a easy run so we had fun talking. I then came home and did some homework. After that I showered and now I am here. 

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March 11th, 2024

Today I woke up and got into my JROTC uniform. Today was our big JPA inspection. This inspection is where we are able to receive our accreditation if we are able to score high enough. Spoiler alert, we did. I was part of the service learning project. We presented our briefing second right after BCIP. I have been practicing with my team for months and all of us were integral parts of executing and planning our project. Our briefing went well. We only miss .5 points for missing one thing. I then waited till it was my LET levels turn to be interviewed. I was one of the 3 from my LET level to be interviewed. That went very smoothly. We then waited for our score. We received it; as a Battalion we scored a 98%, which was way over what we needed: 95%. I then went to one of my...

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  159 Hits

March 10th, 2024

Today I woke up and did requirements in the morning for the first time since being sick. Then I went to church and volunteered in the kids room. It was crazy today. We had a lot of kids and they were not behaving. I then came home and chilled. I practiced for my JROTC, JPA inspection tomorrow. Shortly after I went for a run. I then did some requirements, we worked on 3rd Dan self-defenses. Afterwards I worked on some Warhammer 40k stuff. Then I did some more requirements, showered, stretched, and now I am here. 

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March 9th, 2024

Today I woke up and went to Tae Kwon Do. I had a lot of fun hanging with and training with my friends today. I then came home and did a few things: worked on Warhammer 40k, read, and did some requirements. Afterwards I hung out with my girlfriend. After she left I showered and now I am here. 

  142 Hits

March 8th, 2024

This was the first day after being sick I felt over 80% of the way back to normal. I went to school, which was very productive. I had a JROTC meeting after school, which went alright. I was very tired by that point in the day and was not doing well mentally. Afterwards I came home and rested for a little bit. That was short lived and followed by black belt class. We worked on weapons and Hopkidos. I was able to work with Logan most of class, which is always fun. I then did a mentee and mentor session. I learned the first bit of both 3rd Dan self-defense and 3rd Dan Special self-defense. I then came home and relaxed. After that I stretched and now I am here. 

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March 6th, 2024

Today I woke up pretty late since I was not feeling good today. The last day or two have been rough since I have been sick. I didn't do much today. I started re-watching the 863 Series, which is a mystery series on YouTube. I also did a little school work and a few requirements. I then showered and now I am here. 

  159 Hits

Instructors Camp 2024

This years instructors camp was the best yet. This was my 5th instructors camp and the first time I have ever been to the Greenville N.C. school. These are some personal highlights from the day: First off, learning about the history of King Tiger and the fact that Grandmaster Jung was gifted a building to start a Tae Kwon Do Dojang by Samsung, blew my mind. I researched further and around the time Grandmaster Jung was gifted the building was around the time Samsung began to blow up.  My next highlight was working through the self-defense stuff. I always enjoy learning how to apply moves from Poomsaes into self-defense. I also had two amazing partners: Chaz and Ryan.  After that, the 4 classes on speed, power, balance, and team work. Power was definitely my favorite; learning about how stances and even how your hips are turned can generate an exponentially greater...

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  165 Hits

February 29th, 2024

Today I woke up and got into my JROTC uniform. Today was a pretty easy day at school. I then came home and went to physical therapy. Shortly afterwards I went to Tae Kwon Do, I helped with class and took sparring. Then I came home, showered, stretched, and now I am here. 

  145 Hits

February 27th, 2024

Today I woke up, however, I woke up around 10:00. I was lucky and got to sleep in today since the juniors had to take the ACT test and I did not. I was able to get some requirements and personal projects done. I then went to school for the last 2 hours where we had 25 minute classes. I then came home and worked some more on the personal projects. Following that I went to run club. A lot of my friends were there and we had a killer workout. Afterwards I came home, ate, dinner, and did some requirements. I then took an Epson salt bath and showered; now I am here. 

  143 Hits

February 25th, 2024

Today I woke up and went to church. At church I started setting up our sound system since it was not properly set up before. I then came home; shortly after I went to Logan Luna's graduation party. I had fun hanging out with my friends and girlfriend there. I then went to Birkdale with my friend and girlfriend. We went to a bunch of shops and then got ice cream. After that I went to the lake with them. I then came home and now I am here. 

  157 Hits

February 24th, 2024

Today I woke up and skipped requirements. I then went to school, I had a pretty easy day at school. We played just dance in JROTC and I tried to solve a little puzzle thing in English. I then had a meeting after school to practice my JROTC SLP debrief with my team. I then came home and ran with my dad. Right afterwards I went to Tae Kwon Do. We went over the written test. Afterwards I came home and finished requirements for the day. Then I showered, stretched, and now I am here. 

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February 22nd, 2024

Today was a long day. I had a pretty good day at school. I wasn't very productive, but I had a lot of fun. Especially during 4th block when me and my friends wrestled, colored, and talked for the entire class. Then I came home, finished the homework that I didn't do during 4th block, and then went to the gym. I had a pretty good, full body workout. Afterwards I went to Tae Kwon Do and helped with class; I also took sparring, which was very enjoyable. Then I came home and finished some requirements. Afterwards I showered, stretched, and now I am here. 

  166 Hits

February 20th, 2024

As always, I woke up and got a start to my day. I did some requirements and went off to school. I had a pretty good and productive day at school. I played Cards Against Humanity during fourth block with my friends, which was really fun. Then I came home from school and did some school work, as well as some requirements. I then went to get allergy shots and went to run club. Today's workout wasn't bad, but none of my really close friends were there. Then I came home and did some more requirements. Then I ate, showered, and read. Afterwards I stretched and now I am here. 

  179 Hits

February 19th, 2024

Today I slept in a lot since we didn't have school. I then started my morning with requirements and breakfast. Today and tomorrow we are getting out cabinets painted in the kitchen, so I ate out a lot today. I the built some of my new Warhammer 40K Lemon Russ tank. After that I played Fortnite with my friend. Afterwards I went out to get lunch and studied on the ride. I then got home and got ready to go workout. It was a hard workout, but I am glad I went and got after it. Following that, I went to Tae Kwon Do and helped out with class. I then came home, hung out with my girlfriend, showered after she left, and now I am here. 

  174 Hits

February 18th, 2024

Today I woke up and was pretty tired since I was up late last night. I then went to church. I was in the kids and was running media. I spent some of my down time at church learning and watching videos about our sound board. After almost 2 years of running media, I am just now learning how to do everything on the sound board. I then came home, did some homework, and some requirements. I then hung out with my girlfriend. Afterwards I showered and now I am here. 

  177 Hits

February 18th (ish), 2024

Today I woke up and went to black belt class. We went through all the Poomsaes, which was good since I needed work on blocks and stances. I then help with the family class. I always enjoy teaching. Then we went to Master Shins school for sparring, but we didn't check to make sure they actually had class. Of course, they didn't. We then drove home and I got some school work done. My dad and I then went to the stick seminar, which again was amazing. I really enjoyed it, especially the knife stuff. I love working on more practical techniques like the ones we practiced. Then I came home and went for a run with my dad. Followed by showering and eating. Afterwards I painted some Warhammer 40K minis. I finished a few of my soldiers and started working on one of my tanks. I then updated Fortnite and...

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  191 Hits

February 15th, 2024

Today I woke up and skipped requirements. I woke up the most tired I have been in a few weeks. I made it through today. My 4th block class was very unproductive, but I hung out with my friends all class. After school I had PT; then I went to Tae Kwon Do. It was pretty good, talked to Logan Luna a bunch, which I always enjoy. Then I came home, did some requirements, and then went for a Peloton ride. Afterwards, I showered and now I am here. 

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February 13th, 2024

I woke up late today and didn't have time to do my requirements. I then went to school, which was pretty good. I then came home and hung out with my girlfriend. We are getting our house repainted, but they finished upstairs so we just chilled up in my room. Then I went to run club. There wasn't as many people as there normally is, however a few of my friends were there. I then came home, took a epsensalt bath, read, and did some requirements. Followed my some more reading and a shower. Now I am here. 

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February 12th, 2024

Today I woke up and was back at it. I got ready for school and as I was walking out the door, my sisters dog got sick. Which was a terrible thing, however it did mean he got to come with me for the ride to school, which was awesome. I had a pretty good day at school; I had a test in psychology and registered for my classes next year. Then I came home and had a meeting with my personal counselor. Then I went and worked out. Afterwards I got food from City Barbeque, which was really good; I did get way too much food and could not finish it all. I then did some homework while waiting for the dogs from camp. Later I finished up some requirements and showered. Now I am here. 

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February 11th, 2024

Today I woke up, did requirements, and showered. That is not something I normally do in the morning, but I forgot to shower last night since I showered during the day. Then I went to church, I got to teach the kindergarten and 1st graders, which I always enjoy. They are so young, but some of them are just so smart. I then came home and helped get the house ready for the painters to come. Tomorrow and Tuesday we are getting most of our house repainted into a more modern and neutral color. Then I finished up my requirements for the day with my dad. Then I did some homework, my girlfriend came over, then I did some more homework. Afterwards I showered, stretched, and now I am here. 

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February 10th, 2024

Today I woke up and went to Black Belt class for the first Saturday in a while. We dud a lot of self-defense, which was fun because I got to work with my dad and Instructor Logan (future master). I enjoyed being able to be more dynamic and having a chance to practice falling. I then got a hair cut, which I desperately needed. I then came home and showered. Afterwards, I got lunch with my girlfriend. Followed by, going to Urban Air, which was crowded. We made the most of it and had a lot of fun. Then we went to the track to workout. It was a hard, interval workout, which I always enjoy over longer workouts. I then came home, did some requirements, and now I am here. 

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February 9th, 2024

Today would be the day I would be going to states for track. Still a little upset, but I made it through today. I had a fairly normal day. I had a test in my government class, which went well. I then had a meeting for JROTC where our team practiced our brief for our project. That also went well. Afterwards, I came home and did some homework. I have the whole weekend to get some stuff done, but I wanted to get a jump start on the work. After that, I went to Black Belt class; I had so much energy in class, which was unusual, but felt good. I then came home and hung out with my girlfriend after eating dinner. Then she left, I showered, read, and now I am here. 

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February 8th, 2024

I woke up today and did my normal thing, except no requirements. I then went to school, which was pretty fun. I had JROTC today and it was uniform day. I then went home and hung out with my girlfriend. I did some studying while she was over. I then went to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with class and took sparring. My dad got a little injury at sparring so I spent some of the class making sure he was "ok." I then went home ate and did some requirements. I then showered and now I am here. 

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February 7th, 2024

Today was a long day. I woke up, did my thing, and went to school. Today I met with one of my counselors to talk about my classes for next year. I then came home and hung out with my girlfriend for a little bit. I then went and worked out. I came home afterwards and went to youth group at our church. Afterwards I came home and read for a while since I have reading due tomorrow. Now I am here. 

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February 6th, 2024

Today I woke up and had the exact same morning routine as yesterday, except there was another curve ball. My nose started bleeding this morning. I am pretty sure it is because my room gets so dry at night; I plan to take some precautions now with a re-humidifier in my room. I dealt with the issue, was almost late for school, but still made it on time. I had a pretty normal day at school. After school I had a meeting about CPCC classes next year, which I plan to take; now I just have to work them into my schedule. After that I hung out with my girlfriend for about 30 minutes then went to run club. We had a pretty good workout and I got to hang out with some of my close friends. I then came home and finished up some requirements. Afterwards, I ate, did some...

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  168 Hits

February 5th, 2024

Another normal day, except my dad is on a work trip. I woke up and did requirements; it was weird not doing them with my dad. I then went to school, which was pretty productive. I then came home did some homework then went to the gym and had a nice workout. It has been a month or so since I have been to the gym; I haven't been in a while mainly because I have been racing so much. Afterwards I headed straight to Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with a class and got to work with some yellow belts on proper blocking preps and IL Chang. Afterwards I came home and finished up my requirements for the day. I then finished homework, stretched, and now I am here. 

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February 4th, 2024

Today I woke up, did my morning requirements and went to church. I volunteered in the kids room again and worked with the kindergarten and 1st graders. It was a little hectic, but we all made it through and I hope they learned something today. I then came home and ate some lunch. Afterwards I started working on a essay that I have grossly overwrote. Shortly afterwards I did a lot of requirements to catch up from what I have missed this week. This seems to be the new norm for me; miss a few days of requirements, make them up on Sunday. Then I wrote some more of my essay for school. Then I hung out with my girlfriend. Came home, wrote more of my essay, stretched, showered, and now I am here. 

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February 3rd, 2024

Today I woke up and got ready for my track meet. I didn't race until 2:00 but I had to get there around 9:00 since my girlfriend ran before me this meet and we drove her up there. I spent a lot of the day sitting around. When it was time to race I was definitely ready. I didn't get my state qualifying time which was a bummer; however, I did enjoy the race and even prayed with one of my competitors before we races. Afterwards we came home and I hung out with my girlfriend for a little bit. We started a new shoe: "The Good Place." It was really good so far. Shortly after she left I did some requirements and now I am here. 

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February 2nd, 2024

Today I woke up and did my thing. School was pretty good today. I got out of 4th block early for a assembly to talk about class registration next year. It was good, I talked with one of the administrators about a internship I want to apply for this summer. After school, I went for a run and almost immediatly headed to Tae Kwon Do. I relearned staff form 4 and learned the first section of belt self defense. I am excited to learn some new stuff since I have been practicing the same old Poomsaes and self-defenses for a few weeks now. After I got home, my girlfriend came over. We did some self care in preparation for the track meet tomorrow. We also played Cards Against Humanity. After she left I showered and now I am here. 

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February 1st, 2024

Today was a hectic day. I woke up did my thing, but when I got to school there was no internet. This didn't completely ruin any of my classes but definitely made them interesting. After school I went to the track to try out my new spikes. They felt amazing; I am looking forward to using them on Saturday. Afterwards I went to PT, which went well and she said everything looked great. That was a confidence booster for Saturday. Once I got home I immediately got ready for Tae Kwon Do. I helped out with a class and took sparring. It went pretty well. I then came home and started working on preparing for my 2 presentations tomorrow. I feel pretty ready. Then I ate, showered, and now I am here. 

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January 20th, 2024

Again, another day. Woke up, went to school, and came home. My school day was pretty normal starting to enjoy my new English class more and more. Today we had a diagnostic test which was boring and I almost fell asleep during it because the teacher kept taping her nails on her desk, almost put me to sleep. However, I woke up during lunch. After I came home I finished up a speech I had to write. Not long after I was off to run club. We had a kind of hard workout today. All my friends were there, including Marcus, but I didn't run with him because he did a faster, sprint workout. After I cam home and finished the last little bit of requirements, I finished some more homework. I stretched, showered, and now I am here. 

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January 29th, 2024

Today as usual I woke up and did all my morning routine stuff. I went to school, which was very productive. I started getting fatigued by the end of the day, but overall I continued working hard throughout all my classes. I got how and had an appointment with my Counselor which was very productive and I found some solutions to a few personal problems I am struggling with. I then went for a easy run. I came home and started on some homework; I had to annotate a psychology study on aggression and adults influence on kids revolving aggression. Then I went to Tae Kwon Do and helped out with class. Afterwards I came home, did some requirements, ate, and finished up some homework. I stretched and got ready for bed. Now I am here. 

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January 28th, 2024

Today was a very productive day. I woke up and started on some requirements. I then went to church and volunteered in the kids room again. It was fairly boring as I was just the DJ and then had nothing to do while the kids were in small groups. After coming home and eating I did about 2 hours of requirements. The plan for today was to catch up on everything I had missed throughout the week, which was a lot. It was enjoyable since my dad was right next to me doing them as well. Afterwards I got ready for a dinner that ended up being canceled, which was a bummer; however, it worked for the best since I got extra time to finish up some personal projects. I just finished two of my personal projects. Now I am here, about to go eat dinner. 

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January 26th, 2024

I went back to school today after two days off. I started one new class: English. The teach seems very chill; she has definitely spent a lot of time around gen-z. I then came home and chilled for a little bit. I then went to Black Belt Class where we worked on Hopkidos again. Afterwards, I did a mentor session with Master Marcus and worked on 2nd Dan Specials. I then came home and started preparing for my track meet tomorrow. Now I am here. 

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January 25th, 2024

Today I woke up later than I normally due since I had no school again. I then did my normal morning routine. Afterwards I went for a run with my girlfriend in the rain which was amazing because we ran in her neighborhood which is right on the lake; the lake with the rain was so beautiful. Then we hung out for a few hours; I went to PT and she came with me; then we said goodbye. I headed to Tae Kwon Do to help with class, I worked with Nathan Miller which was good since I got to work on 1st Dan stuff. Then I took sparring class which I enjoyed. I then got home, ate, and now I am here. 

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January 24th, 2024

Today I had no school since I today would be the make-up day for finals and midterms and I had no exams to make up. I spend most of my morning doing my normal routine and adding in some extra requirements. I then drove my mom around to do some errands to get some driving hours in. Afterwards I hung out with my girlfriend for a few hours before getting ready for black belt class. I really was hoping we didn't do weapons and sure enough we did. However, I was glad we did because I was able to remember many of the Poomsaes I forgot and now have something to work on, on my own. After I came home I worked on my essay for my book. I was able to finish that while doing some rehab for both my knee and achilles. Now I am here. 

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January 23rd, 2024

Today I woke up and got ready for school. I had my final two midterms today. So far I have kept an "A" in all my classes. Afterschool I hung out with my girlfriend for a little bit then went to run club. I got to hang out with my friends but because of my swollen achilles, I wasn't able to run today. I got to talk with my coach about how to rehab and help it heal by Saturday for my next race. I then came home, ate, and did a contrast bath. After warming up I finished off some requirements, did some rehab stuff, and got ready for bed. Now I am here. 

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January 22nd, 2024

I woke up today and di my normal morning routine. I then went to school. I had my engineering final which I believe went well. Right after the test I started studying for my midterms tomorrow. Afterschool I had a meeting for JROTC; was very productive and finished my agenda for that meeting. I then came home and did a bike ride. Followed by some more studying. I then went to Tae Kwon Do and got a leadership credit as well as worked with my mentee on Taebaek. I then came home, ate, studied some more and now I am here. Overall was a very productive day. 

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January 21st, 2024

I woke up today and got some requirements done first thing in the morning. I then went to church and I volunteered in the kids room working with the kindergarteners and 1st graders as usual. I really enjoy volunteering and working with the kids. I then got home, ate, and did a bunch of requirements. I used my extra time today to catch up for some days I have missed. Then I studied for a couple hours, watched church, and did some recovery work from yesterday's track meet. Then I read and got ready for bed. Now I am here. 

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January 20th, 2024

Woke up today and did my normal routine except for no requirements. I then got ready for by track meet. We had about and hour drive to the indoor track and my girlfriend came with me since she ran after me. We got there and I sat and watched a few 55 meter races than started warming up. I did my usual warm-up. I then got in line for my heat and was ready to go. I only ran the mile today. Nothing amazing happened, but it was still and a great race. I then watched my girlfriend (Avery) race her 500 meter. She did amazing! Then we went to a bakery and got a bunch for sweets. Then we came home I slept and hung out with Avery for a while; got ready for bed and now I am here. 

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January 17th, 2024

I woke up this morning and completed my morning routine as normal. However, my mom started subbing at school today so instead of being dropped off, I walked from the staff parking lot. I had a very long day of school because tomorrow we start finals and midterms so ever teacher is getting in last minute review. I had a JROTC meeting afterschool which was fairly productive. After coming I home I went for a run. I finally, after a few weeks got in my pre-test 4 mile time. Wasn't great but wasn't bad. Then I studied for my first two midterms tomorrow. I only really had to study for one because the other one is open book and we can use our textbooks. Then I finished up the last bit of requirements I had to do for today and got ready for bed. Now I am here. 

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January 16th, 2024

Today I woke up bright an early for school. It was a normal but tiring day at school. I then went and got my allergy shots, I am pretty close to having to go only once a week, which I am excited about. Then I went home started a little school work, ate, and got ready for running practice. Almost all my friends were there so todays workout was very enjoyable. What was not enjoyable was the air. It was so cold, I thought I was going to suffocate, but we got through it. After the workout I came home and ate CAVA for dinner. Then my girlfriend came over to do some school work and study for a Pre-Calc midterm on Thursday. She left and now I am here. 

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January 14th, 2024

Today I woke up and me and my dad went down stairs and got breakfast from the hotel. We then knocked out some requirements and one of the workers saw us using the pool area to do requirements and let us use the conference room for more space. Then we went to my dad's friend's house again. We looked around his basement some more and played another game of Warhammer 40k. We won again but barely. Half way through the game we went and got Olive Garden for dinner. After the game we looked around some more; seeing it would be our last time for this trip. Then we said goodbye and headed back to the hotel; now I am here.

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Woke up today pretty late since we got in to New Jersey late last night. I woke up, ate breakfast, and tried to do as much of my morning routine as I could. I then went down to the pool and used all the open area they had with my dad to do some requirements. I started catching up on a few things I have gotten behind on. Then I got ready to go to my dad's friend's house. He has an insane collection of Warhammer 40k, vintage toys, newer toys, and even real WW2 and Vietnam War era stuff. It was insane, I played a game of Warhammer with my dad against my dad's friend. I have only played Warhammer 40k once before and I learned how much I enjoy it. It gave me motivation to continue finishing building and painting my Warhammer 40k army. We got dinner half way...

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  155 Hits

1/12/2023 - 1/13/2023

I woke up as usual and went to school. Was a pretty usual day until we got let out of school about 25 minutes early due to the bad weather. I didn't think we ever got bad weather but I am not going to complain about getting out of school early. I hung out with my girlfriend before I had to leave for the airport. Today I headed to New Jersey. Our flight got delayed about 4 times and we ended leaving about 2 hours late. We got to Philadelphia, got our luggage, got the rental car, drove to New Jersey, got into the hotel, showered, and now I am here.

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January 11th, 2024

I woke up this morning for school normal time; it felt weird getting up so early after so many days off and delayed for school. I had a pretty normal day at school except I left for about and hour for an Orthodontist appointment. Afterschool I had a track meet. I enjoyed the meet, none of my friends from other schools were there so I didn't have quite as much competition. I won both the mile and 2 mile and PRed in the 2 mile. Overall was an enjoyable meet. I hung out with my girlfriend and got food. Now I am here. 

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