Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

I was born in Yarmouth, Maine. As a kid had a lawn mowing business, worked in a lumber yard and on the back of a lobster boat. I always knew that I wanted to be a Doctor. I didn't get into medical school the first time. Therefore, I went back home and lived with my parents for the year, worked in a biotechnology company, took a Paramedic course...

I was born in Yarmouth, Maine. As a kid had a lawn mowing business, worked in a lumber yard and on the back of a lobster boat. I always knew that I wanted to be a Doctor. I didn't get into medical school the first time. Therefore, I went back home and lived with my parents for the year, worked in a biotechnology company, took a Paramedic course and got a Golden Retriever named Georgia. I re-applied to medical school and got in. I met my wife at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. We then moved to Rochester NY where we were for seven years. We had three children while in training. We then moved to Albany, NY in 2010 after my training had finished. We lived outside of Albany for three years, then moved to Cornelius. We have been in Cornelius since late in 2012. I currently work at Levine Children's Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, my wife Sara also works at LCH as a Pediatric Hospitalist. Our children are now 11, 14, 15 years old and go to school in Cornelius. 


Hello, Las...

Hello, Last night we had a great Black belt class with Master Jolly. She reminded us how much we need to learn for the written test. Guess it is time to start working on that. This morning we went to the family class, then the little kid class, always fun. Now we are going to settle down and do some homework before I go to work tonight and the rest of the gang goes to Anna's soccer game in Mathews.

  674 Hits

Wow, it ha...

Wow, it has been a long week at the Horstmann house. We are all getting over the Flu. I was at work for the last seven days, I know, shouldn't have gone sick, but there is a huge guilt factor when I don't go. Luckily it wasn't a horrible week in that sense. It was a bit of a struggle with the illness. All of the kids have been sick. Charlie went back to school for the first time in a week. Anna went back last Thursday. William is out of school now. Today was also the first day in a week I have done my exercises, hopefully we will still be on track. Can't wait to get back to class. See you soon.

  733 Hits

Today Sara...

Today Sara and I were woken up by Anna at 3 am. She had a fever, chills and a headache. By morning she felt a little better but was exhausted from the long night. Charlie also felt under the weather. I left the house at 6 and got home from work at 7pm to hear the days sick events. They both look like they don't feel well. I quickly did my exercises while watching the end of the Lego movie. We are all headed to bed. Hopefully this is a quick illness for them.

  783 Hits

Today we w...

Today we woke up and did our exercises while waiting for Chocolate Chip scones to bake in the oven. We then had the treat and planned the rest of the day. Sara came home from work late morning, which was a great surprise. As she arrived, we(Charlie, Anna, the two dogs, and I) were headed out for a jog. On the way back, Sara was headed out, so I thought I would go a little further with her. Turned into a little more distance than I anticipated. Worked out in the end. After the run, Will and I went to Lowes for a door knob and some other stuff. Will convinced me that a trip to Target was needed to buy a small set of needed Legos. On the way home, Will and I stopped off at Tenders for lunch, it seamed like a good excuse to spend a little time...

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Hello, Tod...

Hello, Today went by like a blur. After waking up I headed to work for meetings, then it seamed like everyone needed something that I didn't anticipate. Therefore, I was there longer than anticipated. I then I went and got all three kids their first savings account. Long overdue. Time to teach them about responsible saving. Then off to kick boxing, and black belt class, my favorite part of the day. However, about to sit down to Chinese food and a movie with the kids, it might turn into my favorite part of the day.

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I was pret...

I was pretty tired after being up all night at work. I drove home in the rain, which always seems more depressing, when you are tired. Once at home took a shower and went to bed, I love flannel sheets. Got up and did my exercises. Welcomed Will home from work, then we headed to Tai Quan Do for the evening. Met with my mentee between classes. His mother told me that for the first time, he was excited to come to class. Cool.

  578 Hits

Today I we...

Today I went to an Ultrasound course to learn how to better use this technology. It was a pretty good conference. After the conference I went to work for a night on call. After admitting a couple of kids I went to my call room and did my exercises, took a shower. Now time to go back to work. No rest for the weary.

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Today I wo...

Today I woke and got the kids ready for school. I'm always impressed that after three days off they seem to forget how to make their lunches and get ready to get to the bus. Anna forgot her instrument, I brought it to school, only to hear later that she didn't go to band because she wasn't feeling well. I worked from home today. Then went to meet the kids at Tai Quan Do. Sparing is getting better. I feel like instead of everyone trying to inflict pain, folks are now having more fun and are willing to try new things. This makes it much more enjoyable.

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Today was ...

Today was a lot of work, and a lot of fun. I'm always a little anxious for morning like this one, pre-test day. By the time the thing gets going, the jitters go away and you are in the moment. In addition the people make it great. I'm always impressed by the positive attitudes and the willingness of every participant to help others. In truth, a lot of the best parts of each day are spent with these people.

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Hello. Tod...

Hello. Today was my first day back at work after returning from Maine. It is a bit of an adjustment. I'm emotionally exhausted from last week. I am truly appreciative of all of the help of my partners at work and the group at King Tiger for making the transition back easier. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit stressed about the self defense and the sparing combinations changing and having to learn them in the middle of the Black Belt cycle. I guess we can only try our hardest, and see what happens.

  665 Hits

Good morni...

Good morning. The kids are off to school, the sun is out and my exercises and run are over. Now I just have to focus on a talk to give some young doctors tomorrow. Also, have a doctors appt. Looking forward to an evening with minimal stuff so the family can enjoy some mid week time together. If I were you I would look up the new advertisement with a talking camel, look up hump day and camel add, very funny. I think the kids and I watched it 10-15 times and laughed each time.

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Today was ...

Today was a day full of exercising and working from home. I learned that we have nine essays, at first I thought Master Chelley was joking, but she wasn't. So I took an hour and did my fourth one. Yikes, five more to go. Sparing went fast. To be honest, not my favorite of classes, but the group of people keep it fun. Master Markus did his best to teach us the new self defenses. Time to go read with the kids.

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Flew back ...

Flew back into Charlotte today. I don't like flying, but the flight wasn't that bad. It was great to get back to NC. The kids were really excited to see me, and I them. Time to get back to work.

  638 Hits

It was ano...

It was another quiet, restful day at my parents. I think my mother is slowly getting back on track. Tomorrow, if all goes well, I return to Cornelius. In truth I'll miss spending this time with my parents, but it is time to get back to the family, and the dogs that keep getting into trouble by eating things. Hopefully see all of you soon.

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Today was ...

Today was a good day. We mainly hung around the house. I did go to Freeport Maine in the afternoon and walked around the outlets. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. My mother is slowly recovering from her heart attack and the week in the hospital. I am looking forward to another restful day tomorrow. Hopefully the temperature will get out of the single digits and I can go for a run. Looking forward to coming back to Charlotte and seeing everyone at class.

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The end of...

The end of a long week. I have been in Maine for the past six days. My mother was released from the hospital today after having a heart attack. We are excited she is out of the hospital, however, continue to be concerned that she continues to get better. I'm sticking around for the next couple of days. Then, if things go well, back to Charlotte. Hopefully see all of you soon.

  660 Hits

Still in M...

Still in Maine, working our way through a difficult decision with my mother and her heart attack. Tonight we will decide on bypass surgery vs multiple stents, Everyone at the hospital has been great. We are glad to be close to their home in a great hospital. Still doing some of my daily exercises. Hopeful to be able to continue the cycle when I return. To be continued.

  533 Hits

I flew to ...

I flew to Maine last night because my mother is having a heart attack and is in the hospital in Portland, near where I grew up. It is winter here, and cold and dark. Very fitting atmosphere for a scary personal event. I trained in the medical center where she is receiving her care. Everyone at the Hospital is great, I feel very comfortable with her providers, which is reassuring. She will have a diagnostic and possibly therapeutic procedure this afternoon. Trying to remain positive.

  577 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a busy day. First went to family class. Then helped out with the little people class. Then to Master Evans for the Black Belt class. Home with the kids. Played a game of Life with Anna. Then headed into work for the night. Hopefully a low key day tomorrow.

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Woke up to...

Woke up today and went to work. After work went to Black belt class with Charlie and Anna. It was a surprise to see Master Evens, we did a lot of pushups. Not going to lie, it was nice to have the pushup portion over. Then came home to a quiet night of pizza and a movie with the family.

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Wow, today...

Wow, today I did my workout in the morning, which I regret, now having gone to a regular class at 5:30, followed by Master Markus' sparing class. All in all an exhausting day. In between I took down the Christmas decorations, kind of sad having that season over. Hard to believe the school year is half over.

  604 Hits

Hello. Tod...

Hello. Today our friends left for Pennsylvania, it was great to see them. Hopefully we will see them before they return for Easter. We did our exercises, under some duress from one individual. I won't mention her name, but it sounds like Anna. We are looking forward to a quiet last day of vacation.

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today we w...

today we walk up did our work out and played aviators. We went to bed late last night because it was new years eve. Other than that it has been quite univentful. Our cousins came today and we invited our neighbors.

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The kids w...

The kids woke up early today, despite being told to sleep late, after the late night last evening. We all did our exercises. We have started to do our daily Kicks, wish we had started a couple of weeks ago. Anna and I went for a walk with the dogs. We are currently awaiting the arrival of the Scarletts, great friends from Sara and my training in Rochester, NY. Should be a fun evening.

  595 Hits

Today was ...

Today was a great day home with the kids. We all worked on essays and did our exercises. Then went for a 5 mile walk/run. In the afternoon we spent a couple of hours making a birthday video for one of our best friends.

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Its a rain...

Its a rainy day in Vermont. Sara has flown our to come home to work. The kids and I will stay and try and ski for one last day tomorrow before our epic 14 hr drive home. I think we will try and do it in one day with a possible overnight along the way. It has been a good day. We are in the middle of a ping pong tournament.

  646 Hits

Good Morni...

Good Morning. We had a great Christmas, my parents came to Vermont, where my in laws live. Present opening went well. Then in the afternoon we all went for a walk. In the evening we had a nice quiet meal followed by family games.

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Today we a...

Today we awoke to light rain. We all decided to go for a "complain", this is forced family exercise time. In truth, Anna and Charlie have been great about getting pushups, sit-ups and burpees done, the conversations always are about the 1.5 mile run/walk. Today was nice in that we went with multiple other family members for a three mile jog. When we got back it started snowing. immediately William wanted to go sledding, Maybe tomorrow. The other fun thing we are doing today is building a Gingerbread scene from Back to the Future. This movie is a family favorite, and this has become a tradition.

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This morni...

This morning headed out early for Pensilvania. Arrived around 3:30. We are about to meet their new puppy, very excited. Looking forward to a nice night with old friends.

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Good morni...

Good morning. Today I am going to spend with the kids packing for our trip up North. We are headed to Vermont for Christmas. Hopefully the weather will provide some snow for skiing. We are all getting over colds, hopefully we will be well by the time we get there. It is a two day car ride. We go to Pennsylvania tomorrow to see some of our great friends from medical residency and fellowship. They have two kids that are like our children's cousins.Sparing last night went better than usual. I have not really done much of it before. I think that I'm starting to get the rhythm of it. Twelve more sparing classes to get it right.

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Went to wo...

Went to work this morning and was able to get out around noon to do some Christmas shopping. Truly impressed with how many people are out in the middle of the day. Had to go to the mall, not my favorite place. I usually practice strategic shopping there. Then went to one of my favorite stores, REI. I always love going there because it is a place of adventure. Then came home and started packing for our Christmas trip up to Vermont. It always amazes me how much stuff we have to pack for a week. Then the kids got off of the bus and Master Chelley was kind enough to let this old guy go to the 5:30 class where I tried my first leadership credit. In truth it was a little nerve racking. I fumbled a bit with it, but the higher belts were great at helping me out....

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  574 Hits

I was exci...

I was excited this morning when I didn't have to go into work. Therefore, I came down stairs and watched Charlie do his exercises while drinking coffee. He went for a jog, and came back way too soon. So I told him to do it again. Later in the morning I did my exercises then went for a run with my wife Sara in the sunshine. It was nice that it wasn't raining for a change. Then I hung out with William who was making an Iron Man outfit out of cardboard, quite a creative kid. Anna, William and I played UNO. I am sorry to say that Will won both times.

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