Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Today is 9/11. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on this day. Branching off of that note, apparently my grandma’s anniversary was on 9/11 (my grandpa died). My parents got married four days after 9/11. Also I injured my arm badly enough that I was picked up from school. I’m still waiting for a radiology report that should be coming in tomorrow. See you tomorrow.

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Good morning

Good morningToday I woke up and went to wake up my dad so he could let me on the treadmill. After I did half of my planned goal, I went to do half of the rest of my exercises. Afterward, I went upstairs to help make breakfast. I made pancakes and accidentally cut one in half that was supposed to be a Mickey Mouse pancake (top right corner of photo). That's all for now. Good morningToday I woke up and went to wake up my dad so he could let me on the treadmill. After I did half of my planned goal, I went to do half of the rest of my exercises. Afterward, I went upstairs to help make breakfast. I made pancakes and accidentally cut one in half that was supposed to be a Mickey Mouse pancake (top right corner of photo). That's all for now.

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Today I ha...

Today I had a math exam. I also did an egg lab in science, where we added sodium to water until the hard boiled egg floated. I completed a leadership 1 and 2 credit today.

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Good Morning

Good Morning

Good morningToday I woke up and went to wake up my dad so he could let me on the treadmill. After I did half of my planned goal, I went to do half of the rest of my exercises. Afterward, I went upstairs to help make breakfast. I made pancakes and accidentally cut one in half that was supposed to be a Mickey Mouse pancake (top right corner of photo). That's all for now.

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Sorry for ...

Sorry for the long hiatus, but I’m back. I ended up calculating and entering the numbers from the last cycle, so that can explain the numbers from August.

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Today, I e...

Today, I ended up cutting the grass in the backyard that hasn't been touched in weeks. I ran into 4 snakes, three being copperheads and one being an orangish-brownish color. That's all I'm going to say today because I'm about to get on the treadmill. See you later.

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To start off...

To start off this journal, I have three words, I am nervous. That doesn't even scratch the surface of how I feel. For me, school starts THIS WEEK. I don't even get to meet my teachers ahead of time, only new students can. I do have a schedule, thankfully, so I'm not completely left in the dark. Yet, at the beginning of every school year, I always get nervous for no absolute reason, so my parents aren't really surprised.   UPDATE AT 9:39 ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2018 I just showered after running 1.5 miles on my mom's treadmill, and I'm ready to go to sleep.

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I am in Fl...

I am in Florida right now. I decided to go swimming before I did my exercises. The waves were strong enough, that the wristband that I needed to get back came off. I didn't notice that until I was packing up. School starts next Thursday, so I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

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Breaking News

I just fell down some stairs.

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Spring Break 4

Today was very eventful. I didn’t get in a Black Belt Class, but I have finished those, so there’s not much of a problem.

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Spring Break 3

In school, we had to write haikus about something. Here's what I wrote: Haikus don't make sense Sometimes they just have weird words Refrigerator

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Spring Break 2

A couple days ago, as I was leaving King Tiger, I tripped and fell down the top set of stairs. Oops. Thankfully, I only got a bruise on my leg.

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Spring Break 1

Today, I plan on completing all my exercises (for the day) while I am at King Tiger. I would also like to get in a mentee session.

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Today, I will go to the black belt class & will get a leadership 2 credit.

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Today, my sister had an EBOB (Elementary Battle Of The Books). I went & cheered her team on. She didn't win, but she came in third overall. Maybe next year she'll win.

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I got a white belt challenge credit today. I also twisted my foot backwards & now it hurts.

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  I’ve been procrastinating on the journals. From now on, I will try to post once a day.

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The Day Before Thursday

After school, once I get to King Tiger, I plan to get a leadership 2 credit, & get in a mentee session.

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Food Drive

Yesterday, I went to the Loaves & Fishes food drive. I had a great time. However, there was a lot of weird stuff that I/other people found: Opened can of green beansA shriveled up pomegranateA packet of Jello that expired about 8 years agoAn open packet of bubble gumOld oranges

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So I guess this is my first post. Today I tried to go outside, but it was 21 degrees outside. They wouldn’t let anyone go outside. Earlier this year, they asked if I wanted to be in the video tour. I said yes, but I wasn’t in it at all.  

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