Spring 2025 Black Belt Cycle

Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

My name is Charles Horstmann, I am 15 years old and am going into junior year at Hough High School. I am excited for the cycle because it gives me structure to my day and I get to hang out with all of you wonderful people. Things I enjoy are writing, music composing, and Tae Kwon Do(obviously).

Its the fi...

Its the final count down. the black belt test is in 5 hours and I can't stress how pumped I am. I hope it doesn't drag on for hours on end till 6 in the morning just remember strong rechambers good stances and confident ki hop.

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I am terri...

I am terrified of the up coming test. it has began to affect my sleep, work in school, and overall stress. the sooner this test is over the better, pretty good on everything, just need to brush up on new high yellow and new high green poomsais. I hope fear isn't forbidden amongst black belts.

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today was ...

today was STRESSFULL!!! I had to do a solo presentation on Cliff Edwards that had to last 10-15 minuets long. probably the most stressful factor of the day. Also I had a science test that I rocked but I had it at the end of the day so every moment leading up to it was tense.

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today was ...

today was very standard. I went to school were nothing truly noteworthy or mentionable happened but on the bus ride home I was listening to music and got inspired for another section of my book.

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today was ...

today was interesting. I did well on my tests. and I didn't finish my other test but what I did finish I felt good about. all in all a good day.

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today was ...

today was interesting. I did well on my tests. and I didn't finish my other test but what I did finish I felt good about. all in all a good day.

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today was ...

today was infinitely better than yesterday hopefully tomorrow will be similar. I got all my grades checked out did some french and know I am studying for a math test and watching how to craft a viking ulfberht sword.

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My legs ac...

My legs ache so much Due to the combination of yesterdays class and me being sick and all This may be the last journal from Charles Horstmann.Just kidding but today I have pretty much just rested and tried to recover I hope I will be good enough to go to school tomorrow

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ps their n...

ps their names were Masters Hama and Jean just thought I should add them after remembering.

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today was ...

today was excruciating as far as excersizing is concerned. So the way it worked out was I walk up with a stuffy nose and soar throat I'm probably catching the cold. Anyway I went to pick up Mathew and go to Master Evens' school for the sparring and blackbelt class. Little did I know we had two guests who are both I believe olimpic sparers. These two men (Whose names escape me at the moment, sorry sirs) did everything in their power to cram as much sparring curriculum into us as they could. It worked everybody agrees with me when In say it was both tireing and helpful. It helped me get a lot of requirements in by the way if any of the masters are wondering why I haven't logged anything in for the past week its because I had my handful with school work but rest assure thats what...

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today I wo...

today I worked with a group in my music appreciation class and somehow the topic of were our ancestors come from and Their ancestry apparently is German and Irish I of coarse shared that Im Scottish and so for our presentation we called our selves the Irish the Scott and the German other than that the day was typical.

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Today was ...

Today was great, I woke up at 5;30 as usual and went to school at 6. Then I went to math, French and band which were all not boring then had lunch and went to science . After that I went home at 2:15 and found out that my favorite game terraria had been updated I know that sounds nerdish but I assure you it is noteworthy I haven been waiting for that for five years. I also studied French on the bus and when I got home I did the rest of my homework and went to tae kwon do. All in all a wonderful day.

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today was ...

today was interesting. I started by spending the morning at tae kwon do. After that I was brought to lunch by Mathew and his Father (it was delicious) the place we went to was called the tin tin something and is located across the street from Grand Master Evans. after lunch I was brought home and went to my friends house for the afternoon. I returned back to my house at around five and had dinner at around seven with my family.

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Thursday s...

Thursday sucked! I mean it was probably the worst day I've personally had in about seven months. basically how it went down was I woke up went to open house for the morning were my wonderful mother decided to pressure me into ALL the clubs. then in the afternoon Mom, Will and I went to Wills open house which went ok but Mom got into a drawn out conversation with another Mom and we ended up getting to tae kwon do five minuets late which wouldn't have been that bad if the pants I packed didn't happen to belong to my nine year old brother. I literally couldn't bring my knee up to my chest, that's how small the pants were so Will and I had to get picked up by mom before we could even take sparring class. But Thats not all because then we went to the grocery store...

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this weeke...

this weekend I went to a band competition in New Orleans. We got first place and ha a great time. I didn't get back until 10 at night so I was tired for the ELA map test the next day luckily I still did good on it. I leave again tomorrow to go up north for another field trip to williamsburg.

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today was ...

today was awesome. we had a nerf war, we raced around the house on plasma cars. and we also had dad heat up the hot tub. It was a great day all all.

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today was ...

today was a very stereotypical version of my every day. I woke up went to school had a math test which I didn't Finish. I go little home work and came to tae kwon do and did all of my excersizes. I then went home and did my homework. Something fun that happened today was that I found out about cool chinese music which I love. It helps me feel at ease.

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I was pond...

I was pondering life today and I one of the things that crossed my mind was that were technically still in winter. this is really unfortunate because Im kinda over winter. CURSE YOU PUXITONY PHILL!!! anyway We got our electives for high school and I chose band and music appreciation. Hopefully they won't be that rigorous

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today star...

today started out great I made my lunch and went to my computer to continue writing my book. The res of the day was boring doing every day things except for after school when we went to national night.

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today was ...

today was good. We did out tae kwon do stuff in the morning and then went to go see the lego movie 2. The day ended with a good dinner and a cake.

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today was ...

today was a catcher user kind of day. I did two more benchmark tests that I mist and got good scores on both of them. Tomorrow I will get my missed science homework done.

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still not ...

still not feeling well I did get a lego pirate ship today though so that was fun. It was better than yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better

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today was ...

today was even worse than yesterday. I have the flu. Hopefully Im not sick for the saturday community service

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today was ...

today was terrible. I got sick last night and stayed home from school today. I spent the majority of the day resting and watching movies. Very boring hopefully I am better tomorrow.

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today was ...

today was a good day. I spent the morning at home doing my exercises. I then spent the day at my friends house. then went to bed.

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Today was ...

Today was Friday! And that means I just had to get thorough the day! after school Im when to the kick boxing class and we got credits for three sparing rounds and I then went to the black belt class and then came home and we watched a movie and then when to bed.

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today was ...

today was much better than yesterday. NO HOMEWORK!!!!! Also class was easier. the vocal test went well and we had a substitute in math class.

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today was ...

today was not good. for starters I got homework in every subject which as of the time of this journal, Im still doing it. then a pulled my back in sparring. but tomorrow isa new day!

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today was ...

today was great until about 2:30 this afternoon up until then I was full of energy and optimistic about homework. then math class it and I got really tired for some reason. Then I went to science which was a lot better a little home work but nothing I can't handle. a pretty good day all in all.

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today was ...

today was tiring we did the pretest which was better than anticipated. The run was the worst by far. Afterward though we got lunch and relaxed. A tiring start but a great end

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today wasn...

today wasn't as bad as anticipated. I didn't get beat to bad but I might have broken my leg. Hopefully just abroose

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today was ...

today was tiring. We did MAP testing today and I didn't finnish which stinks because now I have to do it on Wednesday. Other than that school was normal. Then I came home and did a 2 mile run with dad and my homework. Tomorrow will be worse.

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today we h...

today we had a half day, it was great. I had to go to the orthodontist though and that wasn't much fun but over all a good day.

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Today was ...

Today was stressful. I had to do my excersizes early in the morning because I had band class early and had two classes after school. Plus to top it all off I got lots of homework.

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today was ...

today was great I got my ELA team to start doing real work, I got a 94 on a chemistry exam, and had a great class with Grand Master Evans.

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today was ...

today was tiring!!!!! we did our exercises in the morning then did the 5:30 class THEN we did the sparring class and then we went back home to eat and go to bed. All in all a stressful day.

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today was ...

today was great, we went for a run, came back and wrote our second essay about the "Art of War". Then we got subs and chilled out. We also made a birthday video for our Aunt. Then we did a movie marathon of the Kung fu panda series.

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Today was ...

Today was EPIC we held a grand ping pong ball tournament in our grandparents basement were we were originally undefeated but when the second round came in we dominated. The rest of the day I spent building a lego set I got for Christmas and playing with my little brother.

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My day is ...

My day is going great I am writing this at 8:22 AM so I'm a bit tired but yesterday was great wI got so many great things and even body was their. We ate bacon for breakfast and ham for night. My brother got an Iron man arm which he programed to make a firing sound and lights up he is upset with it. The rest of the day was swell. So far today I have played with my little brother and his Iron man arm.

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Today I wo...

Today I would up and much to my demise we went on a 3 mile walk then all tired did our 100, 100 and, 10. Then we all showered and made gingerbread houses and played games for the rest of the day.

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today I pl...

today I played with my cousins in PA and road in the car. we got to our destination at about 5:30. We then ate dinner and went to our house in Vermont. Then we went to bed all in all it was a very uneventful day.

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Today was ...

Today was boring. All I did was sit in the car and stair out the window all day. But on the good side we got subway for lunch. We finally reached our destination at 3:00pm when we left at 6:00am. While in the car we listened to "The Art of War" which was very interesting.I learned how to take down governments. So I guess it wasn't so bad.

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Today was ...

Today was last day of school before christmas break. Dad was less than pleased that he had to look after me for two weeks but I'm ecstatic. In school today we had a party in red block were we got snacks and watched a christmas story, it was funny. Then I went home went to sparring which was a total blast. After that I went home watched a movie and went to bed.

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today I we...

today I went to school were we had career day. I learned about people who work in refridgeration he gave us ice cream. Then I went through the rest of my day which was fine except theat I got a lot of IXL homework. Then I went home did my 100, 100, and 10 and went to class. I proceeded to come home after eat and go to bed.

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Charles Horstmann

Today I woke up at 6:30 and went down stairs to do my daily push ups, sit ups, and burpees. I then ran my mile and a half run and ate breakfast. I then proceeded to go down to my friends house and together we had a great day.

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Today I wo...

Today I woke up and did my pushups, sit-ups and burpees. Then I went for my 1.5 mile run. After that I ate breakfast, then went to my friends house where we had a great day.

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