
Nathan Suplee

Member since: Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Last Visit: Thursday, 03 October 2024
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!

January 10th, 2024

Today I woke up later than usually because we had a two hour delay for school. This delay messed me all up because I didn't have my regular sleep and eating schedule, but we pushed through. School was pretty good, it was a "b" day my least favorite day but I made the most of it. After school I went to run club and got ready for my race tomorrow. I found out my friend from a rival team will not be racing which is upsetting because he is my only local competition. Then I came home, hung out with my girlfriend, got ready for bed, and now I am here. 

  121 Hits

A lookback on January 8th, 2024

Monday, was a pretty good day. A few key highlights was having a overall productive day at school. Even though I had a lot of work to do I enjoyed the day. I saw many of my friends and as usual we all ate lunch together. After school I went to Tae Kwon Do to do some leadership. While my father and I were there, we did our pre-test self-defense since we would be out of town this weekend. We both passed all our colored belt self-defenses. Then I came home and hung out with my girlfriend. Then I wound down for the night. Had some trouble getting to sleep but I got there in the end. 

  154 Hits

January 9th, 2024

School was cancelled today because of the severe weather so I took today to catch up on school work. This workout perfect because I had a lot of homework last night and not a lot of time to finish it. When I woke up this morning I tried to keep my normal morning routine going. Afterwards, I sat down and got to work on my school work. I got most of it done, still have a little to finish. Then I ate lunch and went over to my girlfriend's house. We hung out and got dinner. Then I came home and finished up requirements with my dad. It is always more enjoyable having someone training with you especially when you have to train everyday for 11 weeks. Then I ate my second dinner, now I am here. I am about to finish up my homework and get ready for bed. Luckily...

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1/7/24 Journal Entry

Today I woke up early and got a head start on my day. After finishing some requirements and school work, I headed to church. It was pretty good, I volunteered in the kids room as usual but I was in charge of the 4th and 5th graders instead of the kindergarten and 1st graders which is unusual. Then I cam home and got ready for my running workout. It was good, definitely not easy but also not the hardest workout I have done. Then I got home, finished more requirements. I hung out with my girlfriend for a while. Then I got ready for bed and now I am here . . .

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Journal 51

Today we got cot up on requirements that we fell behind on. We ran far and wile we ran we did exercises then came back did some jump rope then ate and finished up the rest of are requirements, we are almost finished but not all the way done.

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Journal 50

Woke up late and went to school late. The reason I woke up late was because of instructors camp and I was very tired. After school played then ate. And after that I did exercises then started writing this.

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Journal 49

I had a good day at school. We went to eye doctor and every is good. I have to put my contacts in myself. Then we went to Jasons deli for dinner and then to King Tiger. I got hurt at sparring but I am fine. Getting ready for Instructors camp. Now I am writing this. 

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Journal 48

went to school and had cole after school today. our teacher sent a note that some of the kids were messing around and my mom sent it to me. she also asked if I was part of it. I was messing around in the beginning but stopped but some of my team did not and we all got called out. I am pretty mad about it. I told them to stop but they did not listen. I need to do it better. mom was mad and said I need to be a leader. got work to do. went to youth at church and was a good message on doing good things because it is the right thing to do. now writing this.

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Journal 47

I had a okay day. I had an argument with one of my friends and it was silly. I wish we had not argued. we are okay now. I came home and I am tired. Did some exercises and then chilled out and watched tv. I am going to go get ready for bed. I am now writing this. 

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Journal 46

went to church today and learned about God' Love. We just need to love everyone and the world will be a better place. We worked on our sign language study and then ran. I also went to basketball and it was good. I got hit by my own player as we both went for a rebound and he hit me on the way back down. my head hurt but I am fine now. Then I came home and we watched First Time Flippers and hung out. Then I got ready for bed and now I am writing this. 

  591 Hits

Journal 45

Went to family class and helped out. did mentee session with Taylor and helped her with self defense. went to black belt class. then came home and finished exercises. hung out and played. had dinner with my family and now I am writing this. tomorrow is church and working on final essay. 

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Journal 44

today I went to school then came home. After that I did se exercises the went BBC weekday class. we did lot's of stuff. Then went to eat came home and started writing this.

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Journal 43

We got to go on a C-17 at Starbase today. I got to go into the cockpit and see all the controls. I found the button that drops the bombs. The steering for both pilot and copilot work together. The jet was not on so we got to hit some of the buttons. It was fun. I learned that if they remove some of the stuff in the back that the plane can carry over 400 people in emergency. I went to class tonight at TKD. We worked on self dense. Now I am writing this. 

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Journal 42

First day of Starbase. We go to Air National Guard station in Charlotte. We got to go on the military base. We take science classes like chem, aviation, and other stuff. It is fun. We also get to build rockets. I came home and we did exercises. Then we went to King Tiger. Then I am writing this.

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Journal 41

I woke up from my sleepover, tired but still had to go to church. We cam home and I ate lunch. Then I started some exercises. We also went to help my aunt move into her new apartment. I also had basketball tonight, then I came home and ate dinner. Started to write this. 

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Journal 40

Today we did not have school even though it is a Friday. We did not have school because it is a teacher work day. So, in the morning, my dad had to work. So I just played. And then we studied for the our test. Then we went to Black Belt class and kickboxing. We got lots done. Then came home and finished exercises. Now I am writing this.

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Journal 39

Today was valentines day. So at school I got a lot of candy. When I came home we did exercises. Soon going to top goal. Know I am writing this.

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Journal 38

I got up this morning and went to school. It was a good day. We discussed Starbase next week. I have a half day tomorrow and off on Friday. I had COLE today and my friends bugged me about reading. I did exercises with dad and then we went to Youth at the church. Going to bed. Good night.

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Journal 37

I did really well on a science test at school. It was a review test and I got 100. I also did really well on a math test. I got a 95. I missed one question. I went to class at King Tiger tonight and did kick boxing. it was fun. I am tired and going to bed. 

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Journal 36

Today I woke up and started on my Book essay for Tae Kwon Do. Then Went to church came home and got started on my Kwans essay. Only got two paragraphs but they were big paragraphs. Then went to basketball. Are team lost. But it was a good game we played well. Came home and started on my next paragraph for the Kwans essay. Then started writing this. 

  564 Hits

Journal 35

I did not do well on my chem test. I got a 75, which is okay but I thought I did better. I studied but mom said I need to study more. I went to Black Belt class. It was good. I did some requirements with my dad after class. 

  566 Hits

Journal 34

I had good day at school today. Had my chem test and I think I did well. worked on my deisolation project as well. It was nice out today and my friends played a cool game at recess. It was like tag but it was teams. We made it up. Then I came home and we had Tae Kwon Do tonight. Got to help with class and Tiger and I played some games with the kids. It was fun. 

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Journal 33

At church we had a great lesson. It was about god always does miracles everyday we just don’t see it. We watched it in a movie. It was about a kid and his father that live through several miracles. The biggest one was when the kid had emergency surgery on his liver but didn’t die. But he did see heaven, god, and everything that is happening to his family and friends. The last thing we saw was when his dad was a on duty firefighter he went to a man’s house that was on fire. He ended up going inside to save the man’s family, but instead he found manicans because this man had no family. That was the last thing we saw before we had to go.

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Journal 32

Went to school and came in to crazy stuff. Five friends huddled at one table trying to talk to me about the super bowl. Then lots of discussion throughout the day came home rested did school work. Then worked out. Ate dinner. Showered and started writing this.   

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Journal 31

Today I woke up for church then got ready. At church we had a great lesson about service. Then came home did exercises and learned bolo by using a video. Went to basketball and did lots of things. Came home put one the supper bowl. Worked on essay. Then wrote this.

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Journal 30

Wow! This cycle has gone by fast this is the 56th day of cycle. And my 30th journal. Today was are community service day, we helped sort the canned foods at the food bank. Then we went grand opening of the new  Harrisburg King Tiger school. It was bigger then I expected. Then we came home tiered but still finished exercises. Then I started writing this.

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Journal 29

My day at school was okay. We did get information about our Starbase Rocket Launch at school where we get to build rockets. I am excited to try this. I have watched some on youtube and it seems cool. I also found out we have a chemistry test next week. I need to make flash cards. I will do it. Going to King Tiger tonight for black belt class. 

  623 Hits

Journal 28

Today was church day. After church were we had a great lesson we came home did some exercises. I ended up not felling good. So, I took some medicine then went to basketball. Are team loss but my dad and I fell good about how we played. Then went to grocery store. came home and wrote this. 

  538 Hits

Journal 27

We had a good day at king tiger. Zach came over today. We got to play nerf war at the house. it was great. we tried to get a sleep over but our moms said another time when we can plan. finished cleaning up and going to bed. 

  597 Hits

Journal 26

Great day today at school. I got to work on my deisolation project. It is going well. I have a test tomorrow and so I am studying for that. I think I am ready. It is multiple choice. Had classes tonight and get some exercises in. 

  536 Hits

Journal 25

Today we were off from school because it was Matin Luther King Jr. day. I got my empathy training essay done. Then did some other projects and clean ups. Later finished exercises then started writing this. So kind of busy day. 

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Journal 24

Today was my empathy training it was hard because of church. Before church we did are exercises. We also fixed my Xbox account because it stopped working. The problem was that someone tried to hack into my dad's account that was hooked up to the Xbox. We stopped the challenge at 5:00. Then I went to Basketball. Came home ate and about to go to get ice cream.

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Journal 23

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Journal 23

School is fine today. Nothing happened. Normal stuff. I got haircut after school and went right to King Tiger. Then we ran with Lucy and did kick boxing class. It was good to review stuff at Black Belt class. Ready for tomorrow.

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Journal 22

Today got up as soon as I walk in the class room I have to go help put up the flag at are school. Once I got home did homework and ate dinner. Know getting ready for classes.

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Journal 21

The same girl tackled me again today. I talked to her about it later and she apologized. She is aggressive and tall. She tackles everyone so it is not just me. I don't like it. We are not really friends anymore because of it. We still talk somethings. Went to classes tonight and I helped the higher belts. Worked with Emily. It was good practice for me too. 

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Journal 20

It was first day back. Okay day at school. We were playing a game at recess and girl ended up pushing me during the game. I went down pretty hard. She blind side me and I hit the group. I rolled a bit. I had a bunch of homework and make up work. Got it done and then went to King Tiger to mentor Taylor. I still have a cough but getting better. 

  563 Hits

Journal 19

Woke up and did some exercises before heading to BBC weekend class. We basically got all reequipments done. But we did some extra because I have been sick the past 4 days and got nothing done. Then we had a nerf war. Know we are watching the Bachelor. Sone I will go to bed.  

  523 Hits

Journal 18

Not feeling well. I have been sick but getting better. I missed school and classes. I feel very behind. I hope to go to class tomorrow and get some stuff done. 

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Journal 17

Today I learned a valuable lesson that will stick with me my whole life. Today I woke up, got ready for school. On the bus ride me and my friend play Hill Climb Racing (remember this it is important). Got to school and it was going normal and then when it came to recess something happened. And I learned that what happened on the bus helped lift up there day. And that story was when we failed so hard that we were laughing. Even when others were making fun of us. So the lesson was that your fails can bring you down but bring someone up from laughter. But they can also make yours's and your friends day up.     

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Journal 18

I came home sick today from school. Not feeling good. Took some medicine and finished homework. I missed tae kwon do class tonight but I am tired. I am going to bed. 

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Journal 16

Got ready for BBC weekend, and family class. Came home did requirements. Ate dinner, Know writing this.  

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Journal 15

It was a good but long night. We started with kick boxing class with Master Marcus, then we did a mentor session with Master Marcus, and then we had Black Belt class. It was hard but we learned some new stuff. Then we came home and ate dinner. I was hungry. I at a bunch and then watched some tv. I then went to take shower and now writing this. I am tired and will sleep soon. 

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Journal 14

Woke up exercised. About to go to lego store. Not very busy.

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Journal 13

Today I woke up, and played. Then we did all are exercises. Hanged out ate lunch. Then shortly after dinner. Then got ready for New Year's Eve lock in. Know writing this.

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Journal 12

Got up early and got some exercises done. Dad and I went on a run before church. Then we went to church and came home. We finished some stuff and working on cleaning my Lego room. 

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Journal 11

Woke up got ready for the football game. Are team lost. Came home ran did exercises. Ate dinner, now writing this. 

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Journal 10

Woke up went to basketball. Came home ate lunch. Worked out. Now writing this. Not very busy so bye. 

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Journal 9

Yesterday was Christmas. Me and my family had a great time we got a lot of things. The biggest thing I got was a Xbox. Then we set it up and started playing. After that we wauchted MBA Basketball game. And that was my Christmas day. 

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Journal 8

Today was a kind of busy day. But there was some problems that occurred. So, the day started with me waking up and getting ready to help with Family Class and Little Tigers at the Hartle's school. Then we left for Master Evins' Black Belt Class. It was the last one for the year 2018. But, my dad left his phone at the Hartle's school. But if we went back we would have bin late for Black Belt Class. So, we said we would keep on driving. Later, Black Belt Class was tiring. We did lots of drills and poomsaes. After class we got are books sighed. Then Master Marccus gave us his key so we could get my dad's phone. We successfully got it and went home. Next, we got stuck watching TV when we should of been running, but we finally got up. But instead of running, we walked...

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  604 Hits


Good day at school. Did my oral presentation and it went well. Some kids did not like my lego box diorama but I think they really liked it anyway. I did not care. I thought it was cool. came home and helped mom go to Aldi's. did some exercises and ran with dad. good night. 

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Journal 9

Woke up got ready for church. After church ate came home ran. Did some exercises. Ate dinner. Know writing this. 

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Journal 7

Got up for school last day till January. Went caroling at nursing home. Then came home did some exercises then ate know writing this. Not a very busy day. 

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Journal 5

Woke up and got ready for church. Lesson was about the Christmas story. Then came went out to eat, then came home. Waited for my sister to get back so we could take Christmas picture. After that went for a run then finished exercises. Later went to basketball. Worked on defense. Came home and ate. Know writing this.  

  497 Hits

Journal 4

Woke up for classes. Helped with Family class and Little Tiger class at the Lake Norman school. Then went to Master Evins' school for Saturday Black Belt class. After that went to help grandma put up Christmas decorations. Went home and finished exercises. Know getting ready for dinner.  

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Journal 3

long day at school. no recess and longer lunch. good workout at TKD and got some poomsaes and self defenses in. enjoyed Jason deli after and got to hang with my sister a bit. heading to bed. 

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Journal 2

I had a good day back at school. I had COLE after school. this is a team where we read books and then compete by answering questions about the book. it is fun and competitive. I had dinner and did exercises with Dad. it was good. I am looking forward to break soon. 

  512 Hits

First Journal

this is my first journal. no school today because of snow. Didn't do much today, except went to W8less with mom to get out of the house. Also had an eye doctor appointment about my contacts. Sorted out some nerf guns and did some exercises before getting ready for tkd class. then went to sparring and helped with family class. Now I am home and going to bed. Have a three hour delay tomorrow.

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Journal 32

I got up went to school then came home then did my homework. Then went to Tae Kwon Do after class I tried to brake a board that was like a brick. 

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Journal 31

I got up and saw that I missed my basketball camp so we got Smoothie King then went to the trampoline park. Soon I will go to Tae Kwon Do.   

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Journal 30

Tomorrow is Easter I am going to my MEME's house. But so far we have packed most of are stuff and getting ready. Soon I will finish up exercises then we will get on the road.  

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Journal 29

I was in a competition at school today around reading. we had to read a bunch of books over the last six months and really understand the books well to answer questions quickly. each school brought a group to compete, and our group got second place. I was sad that we lost, but we beat 10 other teams. It was pretty cool. I cannot wait to do it again next year. 

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Journal 28

Got up and ready for school. When I got home I ran then did home work. Then went and did a mentee with Taylor. Came home changed know I am writing this. Soon I will go eat. 

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Journal 27

I had a pretty good day. started with some playing with Legos and then went to church with everyone. We came home ate and did some exercises. then it was Sam and Ben birthday party at their house. We played nerf and ran around outside it was fun. we also went to basketball after the party. It was long day. Had dinner and spent time with mom and dad. 

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Journal 26

Got up and played. Went to church. Went and had fuel Pizza. Came home did some exercise and ran then went to basketball came home then finished stuff up. ate now I am whiting this. 

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Journal 25

I got up and ready for school. When I was riding on the bus something amazing happened it snowed for fifty seconds. Because of that we had a indoor recessed. The teacher asked me to help clean the book shelf. I came home ran then did homework. Got ready for testing. Went to help, had a good time. Came home and did lots of exercises.     

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Journal 24

I woke up had school. But because it was snowing in different areas we left early. Came home did home work then  I didn't have a lot to do. Went for a run, got my third fastest time. Then I played and ate dinner. Went to do a mentee with Taylor. Worked on Flying Side Kick. Helped with class I manly helped with the High Blue Belts and High Red Belts. Worked on poomsae and self-defense. Came home changed and started writing this. Soon I will go do some exercise.  

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Journal 23

Today I woke up played then wrote an essay. Then I went out and played with my friends. Came in did some exercises. Soon I will go to basketball.  

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Journal 22

I started to day late  because I was very tiered. Later I started exercising then played with my friends. Then I went to my grandmother's house and we almost finished my new belt holder. Ran to the store. Came home ran now I am writing this and my dad is making dinner.  

  689 Hits

Journal 22

My day started pretty good. I woke up and played with my Legos and Nerf stuff. I had breakfast and did some exercises. Then later in the day I started to not feel real good. I got a head ache and upset stomach. My mom had me take some medicine but I still not feeling good. I missed Basketball class and just hung out in the my room. I napped a little, but still feel bad. I ate dinner and took a bath. I feel a little better but still not good. Going to bed now and getting some sleep. 

  796 Hits

Journal 21

I woke up and got ready for school.  I had a field trip to the Charlotte Symphony. But, before we left we had two graded assignments. Then we went to Chick-Fil-A before we headed to the Symphony. It was kind of boring. Got back to school and had a fun Friday. Then I got home I played out side with my neighbors. Came in got ready for King Tiger. Went and did kick-boxing class with Master Marcus, then stayed for Black Belt class. Came home and had dinner, watched some TV, and now I am writing this journal. A very good day.

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Journal 20

Got up and ready for school. Had a good day but dove for the football at recess and got injured in many places. Came home and did my home work. I also played a bit and took a run with my dad. Then I went to King Tiger and did sparring class and helped with the Family class. Then did a mentor session with Master Marcus. Then I came home from a great time at King Tiger, and I am now eating a quick snack before bed, and then I will be going to get ready for bed. I am looking forward to Friday. 

  704 Hits

Master Cann/Master Woo Seminar and Junior Instructor Camp

I added the extra credit items to today's entry on the system for both the Master Cann/Master Woo Seminar and Junior Instructor Camp. At Master Cann/Master Woo's Seminar for Poomsaes, I learned how to stretch for different kicks, and I learned a lot of different changes to the higher ranking poomsaes. I learned how to do my stances properly. At Master Cann/Master Woo's Seminar for Sparring, I learned a bunch of new combinations. It was great to get the expertise from them, and see how their students are learning cool stuff. I came out with knowing stuff that I didn't think that existed. It was a great day, but exhausting. At Junior Instructor's camp, we started with kicks and team bonding exercises. Then we started to do basics, like stances and kicks, and hand positions. Then we mediated for 3 minutes. Then we watched a movie and it was very late, so I did not...

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  656 Hits

Journal 18

I woke up this morning and played with my Legos. I did not have school today. Then my dad and I did a bunch of exercises including self-defenses. Then we came down stairs and ate lunch. I played a bit more and then we did some more exercises. We also went for a run. The weather was not so great but we still went to get it in before it rains more. Then we came in and had an early dinner. We also went to King Tiger to do a mentor session and help out with family class. I got a chance to work with the white, yellow, and high red belt students. I worked on mostly poomsaes and study guide items, as the students are getting ready for testing in a few weeks. I also worked with a student that was not very focused, but I still took him aside...

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  736 Hits

Journal 17

when I got up I had to get ready for class after that I went to a seminar for Poomsae and sparring. I learned a lot about all that stuff. After that I got Smoothie King. Came home played and soon I will eat and then do whatever.

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Journal Day 15

I started my day with some push ups and sit ups. Then I watched some TV while my dad made breakfast (pancakes, sausage, and bacon). We ate, and then cleaned up my Lego room. Then we worked on one of my essays (hero 1). We worked on more exercises, then I did some school work. We hung out some more and then finished our exercises. The finished my school work and then I had Basketball at Dream Big. Then we went to grocery store in the pouring rain. Came home, and had dinner. Now I am just chilling out until bed time.

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Journal Day 14

Got up play and then did some school work. Workout, cleaned my LEGO room, ran did more school work, and then went to basketball. Now I am righting this and soon I will go workout. 

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Kukkiwon Cup Journal

We added the credits for Kukkiwon to Thursday's tracking. We got to Greenville the day before Kukkiwon Cup and stayed at a hotel. We got up early, had breakfast and got there early. I stretched and practiced some Poomsaes and Breaking. When it was time to do Poomsaes I got bronze but the other competitors were better than I was. In breaking, I got first. In sparring, I also got gold, and I got first in my group. This made me able to compete in the Grand Competition. In the competition, I competed against a group of kids that were much more experienced and I lost. However, it was an awesome experience, and I was happy to compete. Cannot wait for the next one.

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Journal Day 13

I got up, mom had to go to work. I had no school today. When I looked out the window and saw SNOW! Later me, my sister, and Cammay went outside. I kept throwing snowballs at them. Came in and did some exercises. Mom got home then we went outside. I went sledding with Brice one of my neighbors. We sled for 30 minutes. Came in played then exercised. Now I am writing this and after this I will go to bed.   

  691 Hits

journal Day 12

Got up got ready for the day camp. At day camp had fun and got all my exercises done. When I came home I ran. Worked on planning my new Lego Creation. Now I am righting this and soon I will eat dinner then maybe have a NERF war.  

  673 Hits

Journal Day 11

Got up got ready for church. Church was great came home ran and did jump rope. Did poomsae, self-defense, and exercises. Went to Basketball some people were putting their hands all over me. Now I am writing this. Soon I will go eat dinner.       

  726 Hits

Journal Day 10

Got up got ready for class. In family class we went to the back with other high color belts and got poomsaes and self defense done. Helped with the Little Tigers class. Then we went to BBC Weekend class and did Red and High Red poomsaes and self defense. After class we went to Smoothie King. We came home and had lunch. I spent time working on pull ups. Later we ran. Then I went to my Grandma's house to play some games and relax. Came home and had dinner, and now I am writing this. Going to finish exercises and go to bed.

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Journal Day 9

Did not have school today. Had a normal morning. Later did some exercises. I started prototyping a bunch of custom Nerf darts. Some failed but some succeeded. To be a good dart, it has to go at least across the room, and have to hit a two foot by two foot square target. Some of the ones that succeeded were the longer double sized darts. We are dog sitting Thea (another German Sheppard) until Monday since her owners are away. Thea was our foster dog and my old teacher (Mrs. Primm) took her. Paddy (our German Sheppard) and Thea really get along. We went to Black Belt class and came home. We ate dinner and now I am writing this. We need to finish some exercises and then off to bed.

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Journal Day 8

I started my day of with getting ready for school then the bus ride was boring because my friend was sick. I had a half day and in math I got a 102/103. I came home did some stuff. Then I did a little video. Then I exercise some more then played. Later dad came home and we did some stuff. Then I went to lots of classes.   

  795 Hits

Journal Day Seven

The best day ever, started with getting up and getting ready for school. Then I did some pushups and sit-ups. Then I had this bus ride witch was amazing, the best I have ever been on, and  so on and so forth. When I got to school my friend waited for me for once. Then we walked and talked about each others bus rides. One we got to class we hade to wait for three minutes because are homeroom teacher was not there yet. So we got a early start to are morning work. Later we switched to Language Arts class. It was same old same old except we read Treasure Inland with a partner and I was pared up with Sam one of my best friends. Soon after that we switched again to math. This is where the day really shined through. We started with passing out papers and two of the papers said partners on the top. The first paper...

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  735 Hits

Journal Day 6

I started my day with some pushups and sit-ups. I played for thirty minutes then ate breakfast. After that, I played for another twenty-five minutes. Then got ready for Church (mass). It was great but they are not making gluten free communion any more. Then I ran and did my jump rope. Later, I ate Lunch and did some more pushups and sit-ups, pull-ups, and self-defense. Then, went to Basketball weekly camp, learn new stuff and had lots of fun. Came home and did more exercises. After that, I played then started watching The Carolina Panthers game. Now I am creating this daily Journal. In a minute my parents are going to reseal this Christmas tree that almost hits the celling. Then I will do more exercises and then get ready for bed.       

  678 Hits

Journal Day 5

I got up and got reedy for class. In class I got half of what had to be don for today. After that I went and got Smoothie King. Then came home ran, jump roped, then played. Now I am righting this. Soon I will get reedy for bed.

  673 Hits

Journal - Day 4

Got up this morning and got ready for school. Normal day at school. Came home and had a snack. Went for a run. Got ready for Black Belt Class. We worked on self-defense, poomsaes, and kicks for solid color belts. We also worked on Bo Cho Dan / Koreo. Went out for dinner at Jason's Deli, and then came home. It has been a long day and ready to go to bed.

  676 Hits

Journal Day 3

Today was the first day back to school. Two of my friends are fighting and not hanging out. If I hang with one and not the other than I cannot win. I am struggling with what to do. Classes were normal. I got my recommendation letter from my PE teacher. Came home from school and went for a run with my dad. Had dinner and finished exercises. We also watched some TV. Now I am writing this journal. Going to head to bed soon. Tomorrow is another big Tae Kwon Do day.

  649 Hits

Journal Day 2

Woke up this morning and had breakfast at King Tiger. Did not get a lot of sleep. My dad picked me up from the lock in. I came home and laid in bed. I was tired. Then I went down stairs and played some Legos. We also watched the USC game today. They won. We also went for our run today. It was cold. Then I hung out with my family tonight. It was fun. One more day of vacation.

  689 Hits

Journal Day 1

I got up this morning and started thinking about what to do. Then I remembered I had the King Tiger New Years Lock In tonight. After that I did some things like working on my new Lego sets and then started making a S.W.A.T truck out of Legos as well. Then went for a run with my dad. Right after the run I got my five rounds of jump rope in. I came in watched some TV. Then I started making a Police station out of Legos. I have plans to have a garage, two prison sells, a weapons room, command center. Then on the roof, I will have a Helicopter Landing Pad and a big sodality dish. I am very excited about the Lock-In tonight. I now need to go do some additional exercises and start to get ready.      

  653 Hits