
Margaret Giusino

Member since: Saturday, 08 July 2017
Last Visit: Monday, 17 September 2018
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!
A busy mom with a passion for reading, mathematics, and just about anything sci-fi.

End of the Road

Well, tonight is the big night. Took the day off from work so that I could rest and review. At this point I either know it or I don't. Hoping that the evening goes smoothly and that we are not there too late. Fingers crossed!

  947 Hits

Getting Close

Days are turning into a big blur. Two more days before we test. Hoping I can keep my anxiety (and vertigo) in check and make it through the night of testing! 

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Winding Down

I cannot believe that we only have one week left in the cycle! Back in July it felt like this time would never come because of all of the requirements that had to be met. But now it's almost over! Now trying to finish up those last physical requirements and review review review! Got in my last mentor session last night with Master Dege and I have one more mentee session to go. The light is at the end of the tunnel!

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Somber Day

The past two days have been a roller-coaster of emotions. From celebrating my daughter's birthday yesterday, to keeping tabs on my family in Florida with hurricane Irma looming over them, to all of the 9-11 memorials and thinking of those first-responders that I knew who lost their lives as well as today being my youngest nephew's birthday. Celebrating life while remembering those that left us had me feeling like the rope in an emotional tug of war. 

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Eating the Elephant

We have a phrase in our house for when you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with a task: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."  Well, at the beginning of the cycle the physical requirements alone can feel quite overwhelming and with the challenges of the Black Belt web site, I was feeling discouraged as I could not enter in all o my requirements and watch those status bars go green. This morning I got up early to work on some of my physical requirements and enter in last night's data when I was pleasantly surprised to see that I could not enter in my jump rope rounds and sparring classes! YAY! Now I'm feeling better since I can see that there is not so much of the elephant left.  :-)

  912 Hits


The fifth of the Yamas (restraints) that we learn in yoga is called aparigraha, meaning non-possessiveness. It can also be interpreted as non-attachment, non-greed, non-clinging, non-grasping, and non-coveting. This subject came up when speaking to a friend of mine and our own attachments to things or ideas. This can be social media, exercise, food, drink, or anything that is getting in between you and your relationships. It got me thinking about some of the things I've become attached to that I am having trouble letting go, and how they are affecting me and weighing me down. I'm not going to list them here, but just throw this out there: What are you attached to and why? Are you able to let whatever it is go? Just something to think about.

  875 Hits

Little stronger

I was able to drop the counterweight on the assisted pull-up machine by 15 pounds. Didn't do as many reps but was able to do a respectable amount. Goals in mind. Baby steps will still get you there.

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Gym TIme

Renovations were completed at my gym and I was able to get in a quick workout at lunchtime today. Still working on those assisted pull-ups, though this time I didn't have to add weight to make it easier to finish the last set, so I'll take that as improvement. Still hoping to do better at the PFT at the end of September than the last one. I was also happy to see that they added four stair masters to the cardio lineup! YAY!

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Run, run as fast as you can

Started the day off by running the Yiasou Greek Festival 5K this morning with Catherine, who finished about 20 minutes before I did! LOL! Then I was able to make it to sparring class. I was stunned that I made in in time as I was afraid that I would miss it due to the run. I was so wiped out that I didn't stay for the Black Belt class, but instead worked with a young student who missed the family class as she was not aware of the time that the class started. All in all it was a good day.

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Dizzying Kicks

Tonight I got to work with Master Knight on my hurricane back kick. All I can say is that I understand the mechanics of it. Translating that into application, without the vertigo, is proving to be quite the challenge. Hopefully in time it will come together. Off to bed so that I can be rested for the Greek Festival 5K in the morning!

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Got to another good sparring class tonight at the Lake Norman school. I wish I had known it was Master Natasya's  birthday when I was there so that I could have wished her a Happy Birthday. It was nice to get to know her a bit better before class, though, and found out that we both love the same math professors at UNCC. Talk about a small world! 

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Busy busy busy

Long day at work and then came to King Tiger and jumped in to assist the Jr Tiger class and then the two Wang Ho classes after. Oye I'm tired. Going to finish up and hit the showers.

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Jump Rope!

I finally remembered to pack my jump rope in my bag that I bring with me to work every day. With two 15-minute breaks in the day I'm able to get in several rounds of jump rope. Just finished 10 rounds in the morning. Will pull it out again this afternoon. Sneaking in the requirements throughout the day so that I can catch up on some and stay ahead of the others!

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Eclipse Day

I went outside this afternoon at work and several of the guys were watching the eclipse, sharing a pair of glasses between them. They offered them to me so that I could view it as well. It was very fascinating. Then was able to get in another white-belt challenge day after helping in class and working with my mentee. Cannot believe we are almost two months into this cycle. Where does the time go???

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Long week

Long week comes to a close. Super proud of everyone who tested on Thursday and Friday! Sparring class was an adventure yesterday. Got kicked in the head, but that's why we wear helmets and mouth guards! LOL! No harm done. Will try to block or move faster next time. Got meal prep done today, so will be calling it a night.

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Busy Day

Another busy day at work but that helped make the time pass quickly. Junior Tiger testing was tonight. They are so cute! I wish I had started when I was their age. But I'm home before 20:00 and will be going to sleep early for a change! 

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Not A Morning Person

Well, so far this week I have only been able to get up early once to get to the gym. I am sooooo not a morning person! Need to get to bed earlier. Now to try to wake my sleeping dragon for her first day of school. Wish me luck!

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Gym Rat

I MADE IT!!! The gym rat awakens!!! Finally made it to the gym this morning and knocked out my assisted pull-ups as well as today's burpees and a portion of the push-ups and sit-ups. Now let's see how long I can keep this up!

  1029 Hits

Prep Day

Was able to get all of the laundry done as well as meal prep for the week. I also finished my first purple baby hat for the Clicks for Babies project. Got my workout clothes set ot for tomorrow and the plan is to get up early enough to get to the gym and work on my pull-ups. Fingers crossed!

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Knitting Ninja

I read on Facebook the other day about a group collecting knitted baby hats in any shade of purple to raise awareness of shaken baby syndrome. Since I enjoy knitting I thought I'd go ahead and do what I could do I pulled out my double-pointed needles and got to work.  

  752 Hits

Tired and sore

Today was a good day. Had to work on the other side of town all day which helped the day go by faster. Then had a great one-on-one session with Master Knight and was able to work on the things I missed from last night's Black Belt class (went to a sparring class at another school), as well as overcoming my fear of falls, rolls, and general take-downs. I learned a long time ago that gravity hurts, and I don't bounce back as quickly as I used to.  ;-)   After that I had a nice 2-mile run with my new running partner. Looking forward to the day when I can leave the intervals behind. One day at a time. One milestone at a time.

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New Surroundings

Took my first class in another dojang tonight. It felt awkward to be in a new place, but I have to start getting in more sparring classes and stepping outside of my comfort zone is the only way I'm going to be able to meet that requirement. I hate that I missed the Black Belt class, but the sparring class was very good and I enjoyed it. Loking forward to going back in a couple of weeks.

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Great Day

Today was another gorgeous day. I only wish I didn't have to work so that I could have spent the day outside. The rest of my books that I ordered arrived this afternoon so now I have even more reading material that I cannot wait to get started on!

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Surprise Tea

I was able to help in two classes this evening as well as get a mentee session in. I wasn't expecting to help in the Adult Class, but it all worked out in the end. My husband surprised me with hot water all ready to go (kettle shut off as I walked in the door) and I was able to make my evening cuppa chamomile. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh. G'night!

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Rest Day

Today was a sort of rest day as I've pushed it hard for several days this week. I say sort of because as we were planning or food prep for the week, my husband requested that we have more vegetarian-type meals. Well, I think he got more than he bargained for because I mage vegetarian chili, garden vegetable soup, and baked ziti with spinach. I had intended to also make sweet potato pancakes with the leftover mashed sweet potatoes, but ran out of time. Told hubby to be careful what he asks for and he just grinned at me.  :-D

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Super Tired

The day started early for me as I met my running buddy at 7:00 this morning for a 2.5 mile run, followed by sparring and black belt classes. My legs are definitely feeling it this evening and I do not think I will have any trouble sleeping! LOL! 

  823 Hits

Beautiful Evening

I don't know about y'all, but I AM LOVING THIS WEATHER!!!!!  I was able to get in 4 miles of running with my new running buddy and I pushed a little harder than I normally would have. Love having a running partner as it makes the time and distance go much faster and we challenge each other. Well, and early night tonight as tomorrow morning is going to be pretty full. L8R!

  741 Hits

Busy Night

Good Black Belt class tonight. I'm doing better with my rolling for Red/High Red self defense, but still terrifies me to have the ground rushing up at my face. :-)   Was happy to also get a request for a running partner! YAY! Now I don't have to go solo anymore since I had to give up my old Tues-Thurs run group! What's even better is that we have the same goal of being able to run a 5K by the end of the year WITHOUT the walk breaks. Looking forward to that!

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Another Good Evening

I got in another 2 miles tonight while the adult class was going on. Tonight's run felt better than Monday's as I wasn't as tired. It's amazing what a little extra sleep can do for you! I was a little bummed my mentee didn't come in as I was looking forward to working with him again.  :-(  I also enjoyed working with a new student tonight, though I wish I was more effective at explaining how to do basic kicks. Any advice anyone wishes to share would be most appreciated! Well, I've got my chamomile tea, and a pretty good book (so far). TTFN!

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Brain Fog

Today I felt like I was in a fog all day. Just couldn't shake it. I felt much better after helping with the Family Class and after "working it out" in the Black Belt Class. Hoping this passes. Off to bed in the hopes of getting some extra zzzz's.

  876 Hits

Great Monday!

This morning when I got to work one of my co-workers made a surprise request and asked me if he could work my weekend. Not trade, but work it for me, which doesn't change my position in the rotation. I was thrilled as I now do not have to go to work on Saturday after Black Belt Class! And once he realized that I was on the cycle he told me to let him know if there are any other weekends that I may need him to cover for me. These guys are great. I hate to ask for favors like that as I want to pull my weight and work weekends like everyone else, but it's nice to be able to have people you can turn to for help. The evening ended with me FINALLY getting a mentee to work with! Capped it off with a 2-mile run (that I...

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  878 Hits

Back on my mat

Got back on my yoga mat for the first time since the pre-cycle started. It told me real quick just how much I've been neglecting my flexibility training and highlighted areas I need to spend more time on. As I get older, this is the one aspect of my training that I need the most, but yet forget to do and one way or another I will pay for it in the end. However, it felt wonderful to get out there on my desk, with my dog wanting to "help" me. One thing I will be doing is scheduling more "me" time as flexibility training is something that we are supposed to be doing regularly anyway.  :-)

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