
jack lloyd

Member since: Saturday, 27 July 2013
Last Visit: Tuesday, 18 April 2023
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Candidate Journals

King Tiger Tae Kwon Do Black Belt candidates blog daily about their journey: their thoughts and feelings, their struggles and successes; their pain and their encouragement. Follow along on their journey; words of encouragement are always welcome!


Here it is! the day of testing! This cycle has been rough but the pride that I feel is greater. See you all tonight! Good luck to all of us haha!

  664 Hits

One day out

Tomorrow is the test. I am very excited and nervous! I haven't tested in 5 years. I am prepared though. Bring it on!

  781 Hits


Today was pretty chill. I worked this morning and had college classes. I have a a good amount of poomsaes and self defenses left, but I will be cranking them out over the next couple days. It is so close!

  589 Hits

Kicking Tueday

Today at sparring class we did latter drills with bonbons. We went 10>20>30>40>50 and then back down. Thank you Master Marcus for the opportunity to get so many kicks haha. 

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Midway through Monday

So far today has been nice. I had a college class this morning and went to the gym right after. I have my volunteer club soon and then 9round workout and then TKD classes tonight. I am beyond excited for the test this friday!!

  617 Hits

Feeling Satisfied

I finished my push ups and sit ups today! I am so close to being done with everything. Sparring classes is the only class I will need another credit for. I am annoyed about that but it is what it is. I plan on going the tuesday after testing to get it in. Other than that, I am pretty much done!

  571 Hits


Today was a fun class! We had to go outside because of the fire alarm which added some excitement. The weather was nice too which made it even better.

  545 Hits

Fun Friday

Had a great morning. I worked out at Anytime Fitness and got 135lbs on my OHP, which is my new personal best now. After that i went to 9round to work out. I am taking a break before blackbelt class tonight at LKN. Then I have my voice lessons. Jam packed day. 

  631 Hits

First day at 9round

Today I went in for my first shift at 9round! I had a blast and love it already! I can tell this is perfect for me.

  531 Hits


I finished my running requirement yesterday. I only have a few more things to finish. I got behind because of school and being sick. I am excited to test next friday!

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Tuesday Class

Today was a great day! I started by going to the gym much earlier than I usually do. I got a nice new haircut. It is also women's empowerment week at CPCC and we had a few police officers come in and speak about domestic violence. In the evening, i went to sparring class at lake norman.

  593 Hits

9 rounds

Today i went over to the 9 round that Master Hartle owns. Our group did 6 of the 9 rounds and talked about becoming trainers there. I am very excited about working there!

  588 Hits

Saturday classes

Today was very fun since we had the extra class. I very much enjoyed getting some extra training in.

  535 Hits

Fun Friday

Today has been a great day. I got my overhead press up to 125lbs. Next week I will try to get 135lbs. I am looking forward to tonights class at lakenorman. After that I have my voice lessons.

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A Nice Wednesday

The past couple days have been nice. One of my best friends since middle school came home after he was in texas for Army Officer school. He was home for 3 days and is now headed to Alabama to start flight school. It is always nice to see him.

  525 Hits

Saturday Class

This morning I got to take my written and physical test. I missed the scheduled one since I was sick last weekend. After class i went and had a great workout in the gym. Tonight I am going out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. 

  585 Hits

Chill Friday

Today has been a relaxing day. I did my requirements this morning and have just been laying around for the day. I have black belt class tonight and then my voice lessons. 

  580 Hits

Lake Norman Color Belt Testing

Tonight we had color belt testing at the Lake Norman Dojang. Everyone there did great and I am proud of them all. With the Black belt test closing in, I cant wait to test myself. I am feeling motivated!

  641 Hits

Finally feeling better

This past week has been very frustrating since i was sick. I did not get to go to the gym or to the dojang. I had to miss the written and physical test. Yesterday I was able to go to TKD thanks to dayQuil haha. 

  548 Hits

sick week

This week has been miserable. I have been bed ridden since instructors camp. I have used this time to study for the test but i hate not going to the gym or to the dojang.

  553 Hits

Sick after instructors camp

I have been sick since instructors camp. I woke up monday with a fever and extremely sore throat. I had to take these last two days off so i have been studying none stop for the test on saturday.

  592 Hits

Instructors Camp

I had a great time at instructors camp. The outdoor team building course was my favorite session because we had to trust each other and listen to ideas. The bonfire last night was also great since we had s'mores.

  577 Hits

Ready for Instructors camp

I am looking forward to instructors camp! I cant wait to experience this new location and everything it has to offer. I took today and yesterday off from the gym in preparation for camp, only doing the requirements for the cycle.

  539 Hits


These last couple of days have been rough emotionally. I have been doing my requirements and had a great evening yesterday at the Lake Norman location. I am excited for instructors camp since it is at a new place this year.

  587 Hits

Saturday Challenge

Yesterday our 16 year old cat died. I took it very hard because I was petting him as he died. We knew he was not going to last much longer, but did not expect it would be that soon. 

  548 Hits

Friday Afternoon

So far today i have done my physical requirements. I had a great workout at the gym doing shoulders and core. I am looking forward to class tonight and my voice lessons afterwards. 

  531 Hits

A Great Wednesday

Started the day off with a great morning class where i got to learn hopkido forms 3-5 and practice all 5 of them. After that I had class where we went over interviews and how to conduct them. Right after class i went straight to the gym where i worked on back/bi's and chest/tri's. I just got home from my night class and can finally relax.

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Morning exercise

This morning I tried fasted cardio by doing all my requirements before I ate breakfast. It was tough but I can feel the effects already. I think I will make fasted cardio a regular thing now in my workout routines.

  568 Hits

last sparring credit

I had my last sparring credit tonight. We were getting people ready for the competition. Coaching, how the competition will go and other fundamentals of competitions 

  3403 Hits

college applications

finalizing my apps for next year, i wont be able to go till spring semester so i have longer than most other kids but i dont want to fall behind

  1171 Hits


I got an email from Florida state today about AFROTC, i would love to go to the same college my dad went to!

  1202 Hits

no internet

We havent had internet for the last couple days so i havent been able to journal. I am about to go back to the recruiting office and if I like what i hear, i will be signing today

  1043 Hits

testing day

I am very excited for tonight! My dad looked at all my stuff last night and this morning before school and i had everything down. then again, there was no pressure then...and i wasnt tired..BUT! I know ill do great!

  441 Hits

Day Before

less than 24 hours left. i went to the doctor yesterday and they showed me how to take care of my knee so hopefully itll be ok tomorrow night. LETS GOOOO!!

  1081 Hits

one day closer

my knee is still bad and maybe even worse. i am going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully ill get a brace or something for Friday night

  1325 Hits

my knee

well after a week of ice and heat, my knee is still messed up. i am going to the doctor tomorrow to look at it. hopefully it wont be too bad at testing. i really dont want it to affect my performance.

  1034 Hits

a great saturday

today has been a great day! we had a great black belt class. then went over to Mint hill for kicks for kids festival and got to take my girlfriend tiffany along and she had a great time as well! we had popcorn, cotton candy, hotdogs and candy. we got a pumpkin and painted it. after that we went to her house and had dinner and went to michaels and bought some arts and crafts stuff for her project. now im relaxing in the recliner watching florida state pumble clemson! great saturday! GO NOLES!  

  18 Hits

one week left

Well there is one week left till testing. i am done with all physical requirements as of today. my ham string is feeling much better but now its my knee. we will see how it fairs during tomorrow. i hope it isnt too bad and i hope it will heal before testing. i am still behind on classes from when i didnt have a car, i am planning to make those up. I can not wait to be done and test! i am feeling great!

  1150 Hits

US Airforce recruiting

today i went to the Air Force recruitment office. i spoke with both active duty and reserve recruiters. i liked the reserves better. i am still going to look at the Air Guard and see what kind of programs they have to offer. i will most likely be joining before thanksgiving!

  1338 Hits

hurt knee

today in JROTC we had to run the mile. i was feeling great until the 800 meter mark. right after half way my knee started buckling and it hurt to run. i pushed through it and got a 6:35 mile. i know i couldve done way better. my knee still hurts when i walk. i talked to my cross country coach at practice and she said that i probably just tweeked a tendent. i hope thats it. i meet with the Air Force recruiter tomorrow at 3 oclock

  1128 Hits

mid monday

I went in during senior release today and went over all the poom saes i need to know for testing. we also did a workout and ran. it felt really good and i still have cross country this afternoon as well. im gana be tired tonight!

  970 Hits

physical and written test

yesterday we had the physical and written test. i ran a 10:24 mile and a half. i also did very well on the written test, i am still waiting on the results but i feel i did very well. i go Wednesday to the recruiting office so i hope that goes well.

  962 Hits

Study Study Study

i have about 4 questions that i am stuck on still!!!! ughh ive done all i can to memorize them! i feel really good about the physical part though. o and correction from last journal, it is October 16, next wedensday that i go to the Air Force recruiting office and hopefully sign up for the military!

  1236 Hits

essay day

i finished all the essays today. i got the book reading one done, finished the Kwans one, and did the mission in life essay. i finally have my appoint for the Air Force, it is november 13th. i can not wait to join the military! its going to be extremely hard but so rewarding in the end. God Bless america.

  1022 Hits

cross country meet

today i had a cross country meet. i ran a 23:12 5k. it is slower but everyone had slower times because of the course. there were hills, rocks, roots and pretty much everything you could think of. before my meet, i studied for the test this saturday. i also brought my flash cards on the bus to study on the way to and from. i have about 6 questions i am still trying to get down. the other ones i think i got down! feeling confident!

  45 Hits

getting ready for the written test

i am really starting to study for the test saturday. i have read over it maybe once a week the last couple but i am now making flash cards and quizzing my self on them. i am also highlighting the questions i need to study more one color and the ones i know in another color. i hope these study tools help those who read this! almost done!!

  1484 Hits

renaissance festival!!

I had a very relaxing day with the family! We went to the Renaissance festival. i took the day off of physical requirements. this week is all gana be studying for the written test. i have all essays done, i just have to edit to make sure they are good. Oh and if anyone has a scanner, could i use it? Our printer thing is broken so i cant upload the mentor mentee forms, that would be great! thank you! 

  1422 Hits

a great saturday

Had a great saturday! woke up at 5:30, had a cross country meet that lasted till about 2. then went downtown for dinner. now im about to go out to the amazing maize maze with some friends!

  37 Hits

cross country

Had a great practice today. ran 24 200 meter sprints which adds up to 3 miles. i am sore. but i feel great and i know it will benefit me. I took the 7:00 class at Master Hartles and we worked on poomsaes and self defenses

  545 Hits

poison ivy

well i have poison ivy now. i am very reactive to it so this isnt gana be fun. it took four weeks for it to go away last time so hopefully it wont last that long again. i went to the doctor today to be proactive about it. i have it on my stomach and arm. it gets really irritated when i am outside in the heat or do anything physical to sparring class was really funnnnnnnnnnn (sarcasm) o well hopefully itll go away fast 

  1056 Hits

class with Mr Auerbach

yesterdays empathy class was amazing and i loved it. We wrapped our hand in tape so we couldnt use it and had to learn blocks and strikes with one hand. We did OH-chong one handed and it was confusing and i really had to slow it down at points to think about what i was doing 

  1122 Hits

Cross country meet

Today we raced at Mcalpine. I believe that is located in south Charlotte but im not 100% sure. But anyway i ran a 22:30 5k which is a minute behind my personal record so im getting back down to it. i am still sore from mondays workout of sprinting 4 miles so i couldve shaved some time off possibly. anyway im really happy with my time!

  1419 Hits

A great tuesday

today was an amazing day. i got everything done today and had two tests today in school and over 100 on both. then i went home and relaxed an hour then got started on requirements. i then went to class at lake norman and got my leg stretched out, if you didnt know, i pulled my hamstring 2 days into the cycle  -_- so i havent been able to do a split or a good stretch kick since. but im not letting it get me down. gotta keep trucking

  875 Hits

cross country

we ran 16 400s today. for those who do not know what that means, it equals 4 miles on the track sprinting. i am very sore and tired haha. I am still behind on requirments because of the car issue but i am trying my best to get to classes. i am going Friday to talk to the coast guard recruiter so i will miss this saturday also:(. i am also talking to an air force recruiter and balancing AP classes.. i thought senior year was supposed to be easy haha. i am ready to graduate and go to basic training. 

  199 Hits

car trouble

well i had to miss classes today because my car is broken. we think its the alternator but who really knows. it is making life hard and ive only been with out for one day. i want my car back so i can go to classessss

  1223 Hits

a great relaxing tuesday

i took off of classes today to have a day of rest. i am feel well rested and am ready to go. i actually had my first bit of homework from school yesterday, i love being a senior. im about to start talking to a recruiter soon. Wish me luck!!

  3121 Hits
  1 Comment

the last couple days

I dont know if its my computer again or the website but i havnt been able to log journals. i have tried everyday but havent been able to

  965 Hits

US Airforce

im going to meet with a recruiter for the Air force soon. hopefully all goes well and smooth. I dont wanna grow up and ha responsibilities but o well. might as well use what god gave me for my country. i am ready to serve and excited 

  1089 Hits

trying to make some choices

I have recently made the decision to join the military. i am stuck between the air force and the  coast guard. i know ill make the right choice but its all confusing right now. I am leaning towards the Air force right now. 

  888 Hits


didnt really do much today. just all the basic stuff and worked on knife C for PMAA

  43 Hits

long day

so far ive ran 7 miles today...Cross country is brutal

  32 Hits


happy friday everyone! ive been super busy this week. ive missed a lot this week. i couldnt make it to any classes due to cross country. wednesday i had a meet and thursday we did hill combos. which is where you run up and down a hill that feels like 70 degree angle, for an hour and a half. i went home and fell asleep instantly. i have to catch up this week but i know i can do it. not too far behind!

  99 Hits

cross country meet 2

had my second xc meet today! i ran a 23:52 which was slower than my first but this course had three huge hills. well two but i had to go up one twice. they were huge. cant stress that enough. had to take it easy on requirements and stuff today. still got most in

  1017 Hits


took a trip down to florida for labor day! forgot my laptop so now im behind on jounals:( but it was great! i hate all fast food tho...10 hour car ride made me so stiff. it felt good to get out and do some tkd!

  954 Hits

Thursday 8-29-13

Had my first cross country meet last night. i ran a 23:10 5k. had a great time and it was at night, in the woods, i thank god i didnt twist my ankle. we started at 8. Oh! and im on varsity mens. 

  1111 Hits

Tuesday, august 27

got out of school at 10:30 today cause of senior release. i get out then everyday. i got all my requirements in then and then went back to school for cross country practice. ran for a straight hour. it was very hot today too...but its all good. loving it all

  940 Hits


i got up extra early today to get my requirements in. i woke up at 5:45am and started. i spent the rest of my day with my girlfriend, Tiffany Tran, who has been away all summer at Basic Training for the North Carolina National Guard. Hadn't seen her in over 10 weeks. today was an amazing day and wish it would never end. 

  96 Hits


had a great day today! in my mentor session, we were getting ready for the pretest Saturday, got to see what i need to perfect before then

  22 Hits

last three days

My computer has been messed up again but i finally fixed it today. as some of you may know i had another allergic reaction last night. so i had to take it easy today after all the medications and stress. ill be back on track tomorrow. im all good though so dont worry people haha

  832 Hits

Wang ho testing

helped out with wang ho testing tonight. Everyone did amazing! took the time between testings to get a great Mentor session in. Worked on Wang ho 1 and 2. 

  911 Hits


helped out with a great junior/senior tigers testing! they all did great and made us proud

  82 Hits

long day

these next few weeks are ganna be killer! cross country from 7-9 work from 10-4 then tkd from 6-8. monday through friday...gotta love the bb cycle! cant wait to get it done already haha

  225 Hits

saturday class

yesterdays class was great! my computer wasnt letting me save/upload credits yesterday so i had to do it today. But i had a great time in class and in black belt camp! good refresher on the staff attack/defend form. I also saw what i need to work on before the pretest

  1410 Hits

thursday 8-8-13

had an easy day only did 100 pushups and situps. took it a little easy

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tuesday class

had a great class at master evans tonight!

  901 Hits

cross country

started cross country practice this morning got 6 miles in 

  1216 Hits

first day of cycle

ive been doing all the physical stuff already so they dont feel any harder yet...still first day haha. last day of eating junk. about to go healthy the next couple weeks

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